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1. FLTRP “当代国外语言学与应用语言学文库”series

1) In a Iphabet i caI order:

A Course in Language Teaching Practice and Theory (语言教学教程:实践与理论)(ISBN: 7-5600-2050-X/:作者:Penny Ur 著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)

A Gu i de to Language Testing: DeveIopment, Eva Iuation and Re search (语言测试指南:发展、评估与研究)(ISBN: 7-5600-2520 -

X/;作者:杨慧中导读;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2001-12-01)

A History of the Engl ish Language (英语史)(ISBN: 7-5600-2 388-6/;作者:AI bert and Thomas Cab I e 著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2001-09-01)

A Short Hi story of Li nguist ics (语言学简史)(ISBN: 7-5600- 2383-5/;作者:R. H. Robins著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:200


About Language: A Reader for Wr iters (谈语言:写作读本)(I SBN: 7-5600-1986-2/;作者:Wi I I iam H. Roberts 等著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)

An Introduction to Child Language DeveIopment (儿童语言发展引论)(书号:2894-2/; ISBN: 7-5600-2894-2/;作者:Susan H.

Foster-Cohen 著;定价:¥ ;出版日期:2002-08-15)

An Introduction to Cognitive Linguistics (认知语言学入门)(ISBN: 7-5600-2377-0/;作者:F. Ungerer and H. J. Schmid 著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2001-09-01)

An Introduct ion to Corpus Linguist ics (语料库语言学)(ISBN: 7-5600-1991-9/;作者:顾曰国导读;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2 000-


An Introduction to Di scourse Ana Iys i s: Theory and Method (语篇分析入门:理论与方法)(ISBN: 7-5600-1990-0/;作者:James Paul Gee著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)

An I ntroduction to Foreign Language Learn i ng and Teach ing (外语学习与教学导论)(书号:2664-8/; ISBN: 7-5600-2664-8 /;作者:Keith Johnson 著;定价:¥;出版日期:2002-03-01)

An Introduction to FunctionaI Grammar (功能语法导论)(ISBN: 7-5600-1973-0/;作者:Halliday著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:


An Introduction to Linguistics (语言学入门)(ISBN: 7-5600- 1869-6/:作者:Stuart C. Poole著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2 000-06-01)

An Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology (语音学与音系学入门)(ISBN: 7-5600-1899-8/;作者:John Clark and Colin Ya I lop 著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)

An I ntroduction to Second Language Acqu i s i tion Research (第二语言习得研究概况)(ISBN: 7-5600-2010-0/;作者:蒋祖康导读;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)

An Introduction to Socio I ingui sties (社会语言学引论)(I SB N: 7-5600-1962-5/;作者:Ronald Wardhaugh 著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)

Ant hropo logical L i ngu i s ti cs: An Int roduc tion (人类语言学入

H)(ISBN: 7-5600-2191-3/;作者:Wi I I iam A. Foley 著;定价: ¥ 元;出版日期:2001-09-01)

Approaches and Methods in Language Teach i ng (语言教学的流

派)(ISBN: 7-5600-1925-0/:作者:Jack and Theodore 著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)

Assessment and Testing: A Survey of Research (评估与测试:研究综述)(ISBN: 7-5600-2440-8/:作者:Robert Wood 著;定价:

¥ 元;出版日期:2001-10-01)

Chomsky: Ideas and Idea I s (乔姆斯基:思想与理想)(ISBN: 7-

Chi Id Language (儿童语言)(ISBN: 7-5600-1904-8/;作者:李宇

明导读;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)

5600-2514-5/;作者:Neil Smity著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2 001-12-01)

Chomsky' s Uni versa I Grammar: An I ntroduct i on (乔姆斯基的普遍语法教程)(ISBN: 7-5600-1972-2/;作者:Vivian Cook and M ark Newson 著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)

Cohesion in Engl ish (ISBN: 7-5600-2385-1/;作者:Hall iday 等著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2001-10-01)

Communicat ion Between Cu I tures (跨文化交际)(ISBN: 7-5600- 1989-7/:作者:Larry A. Samovar等著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)

Corpus Linguistics (语料库语言学)(ISBN: 7-5600-1961-7/;作者:Douglas Biber等著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)

Course in Genera I Lingui sties (普通语言学教程)(ISBN: 7-56 00-2374-6/:作者:F. de Saussure著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:


D ict ionary of Lex i cography (词典学词典)(ISBN: 7-5600-2034

-8/:作者:R. R. K. Hartmann and Gregory James 著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)

Discourse Analysis (话语分析)(ISBN: 7-5600-2006-2/;作者:罗选民导读;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)

Eng I i sh as a GI oba I Language (英语:全球通用语)(ISBN: 7-5 600-2369-X/;作者:David Crystal著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2001-09-01)

En g I i sh Diction ar i es for Fore i g n Learners: A H i s tory (英语学

习词典史)(书号:3011-4/; ISBN: 7-5600-3011-4/;作者:


En g I i sh Diction ar i es for Fore i g n Learners: A H i s tory (英语学

习词典史)(书号:3011-4/; ISBN: 7-5600-3011-4/;作者:

En g I i sh Phone tics and Phono logy: A Prac ti ca I Course (英语语音学与音系学实用教程)(ISBN: 7-5600-1900-5/;作者:Peter R oach著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)

Expression and Meaning: Studies in the Theory of Speech Act s (表述与表义:言语行为研究)(ISBN: 7-5600-2459-9/;作者:J ohn R. Searle 著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2001-10-01)

Form and Style: Research Papers, Reports and Theses (如何写研究论文与学术报告)(ISBN: 7-5600-1963-3/;作者:Carole SI ade 著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)

From 01 d Eng I i sh to Standard Engl i sh (英语史:从古代英语到标准英语)(ISBN: 7-5600-1924-2/;作者:陈国华导读;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)

General Linguistics (普通语言学)(ISBN: 7-5600-1933-1/;作

者:李延福导读;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)

Grammatical ization (语法化学说)(ISBN: 7-5600-2372-X/;作者:Paul J. Hopper 著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2001-09-01)

Historical Linguistics (历史语言学)(ISBN: 7-5600-2041-0/; 作者:R. L. Trask著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)

H i stor i ca I Li ngu i s tics: An I ntroduct i on (历史语言学导论)(书号:2690-7/: ISBN: 7-5600-2690-7/;作者:Winfred P. Lehman n著;定价:¥;出版日期:2002-05-01)

How to Do Things with Words (如何以言行事)(书号:2581-1/: ISBN: 7-5600-2581-1/;作者:J. L. Austin 著;定价:¥;出版日期:2002-03-01)

How to Teach English (怎样教英语)(ISBN: 7-5600-1902-1/;作者:Jeremy Harmer 著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)

In Other Words: A Coursebook on Translation (换言之)(ISBN: 7-5600-1919-6/;作者:申雨平导读;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2 000-08-01)

IntercuItural Communication: A Discourse Approach (跨文化交际:语篇分析法)(ISBN: 7-5600-1934-X/;作者:Ron ScoI Ion a nd Suzanne Wong ScoI Ion 著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08 -01)

Interfaces Between Second Language Acquisition and Language Testing Research (第二语言习得与语言测试研究的接口)(书号:2579-X/; ISBN: 7-5600-2579-X/:作者:Lyle F. Bachman and A ndrew D. Cohen 主编;定价:¥;出版日期:2002-03-01)

International English (英语:国际普通语)(ISBN: 7-5600-19 01-3/:作者:Peter Trudgi I I and Jean Hannah 著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)

Introducing FunctionaI Grammar (功能语法入门)(ISBN: 7-560 0-1987-0/:作者:Geoff Thompson著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:


Kno w I edge of Language: Its Nat ure, Origin, and Use (语言知识:其性质、来源及使用)(书号:2516-1/; ISBN: 7-5600-2516-

1/;作者:Noam Chomsky 著;定价:¥;出版日期:2002-02-01)Language Acquisition: A Linguistic Introduction (从语言学的角

度看语言习得)(ISBN: 7-5600-2042-9/:作者:Helen Good I uc k 著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)

Language as Soc i a I Semi otic: The Soc i a I I nterpretat ion of L anguage and Meaning (作为社会符号的语言:从社会角度诠释语言与意义)(ISBN: 7-5600-2432-7/;作者:Halliday 著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2001-09-01)

Lan guage Tes t Const rue tion and Eva I ua tion (语言测试的设计与评估)(ISBN: 7-5600-1923-4/;作者:J. Charles Alderson 等著; 定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)

Language (语言论)(书号:2433-5/. 1146; ISBN: 7-5600-2433-5 /;作者:著;定价:¥;出版日期:2002-05-01)

Language: An I ntroduction to the study of Speech (语言论:言语研究导论)(书号:2378-9/; ISBN: 7-5600-2378-9/;作者:Edward Sapir 著;定价:¥;出版日期:2002-03-01)

Learn i ng Sty I es i n the ESL / EFL Classroom (ESL/EFL 英语课堂上的学习风格)(书号:2667-2/; ISBN: 7-5600-2667-2/:作者:

Joy M. Reid 主编;定价:¥;出版日期:2002-03-01)

Linguistic Semantics: An Introduction (语义学因论)(ISBN: 7 -5600-1970-6/;作者:汪榕培导读;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2 000-08-01)

Lingui stics and Second Language Acqui sition (语言学和第二语言习得)(ISBN: 7-5600-1975-7/;作者:王初明导读;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)

Lingui st ics: An Introduct ion (语言学教程)(ISBN: 7-5600-20 08~9/:作者:Andrew Radford著;定价:¥元;出版日期:200 0-08-01)

Longman Dietionary of Language Teaching and AppIied Linguis tics (朗文语言教学及应用语言学词典)(ISBN: 7-5600-2033-X/; 作者:菅燕红导读;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)

Longman Grammar of Spoken and Wr i tten Engl i sh (朗文英语口语和笔语语法一)(ISBN: 7-5600-2011-9/;作者:Douglas Biber 等著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)

Modern Lexicography: An I ntroduct i on (现代词典学入门)(I SB

N: 7-5600-2538-2/;作者:张伯然导读;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2002-02-01)

Morphology (形态学)(ISBN: 7-5600-1910-2/;作者:? Matthew

S著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)

New Hor izons in the Study of Language and Mind (语言与心智研究)(ISBN: 7-5600-2575-7/:作者:Noam Chomsky 著;定价:¥


课程设计原理)(ISBN: 7-5600-1971-4/;作者:Janie Ya I de n 著; 定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)

Optimal ity (优选论)(ISBN: 7-5600-2380-0/;作者:Rene Kag er 著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2001-10-01)

Patterns in Language: Stylistics for Students of Language a nd Literature (语言模式:文体学入门)(ISBN : 7-5600-1988-9/; 作者:Joanna Thornborrow 等著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000 -08-01) Pragmatics (语用学)(ISBN: 7-5600-1903-X/;作者:Jean Sti I we I I Pecce i 著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)

Pragmatics (语用学)(ISBN: 7-5600-2460-2/:作者:Stephen C. Levinson 著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2001-11-01)

Course Design for Language Teaching (语言教学Pr i nciples of

Pr i nciples of Language Learning and Teaching (语言学习和语言教学的原则)(书号:2539-0/; ISBN: 7-5600-2539-0/;作者:B rown吴一安导读;定价:¥;出版日期:2002-02-01)

Projects in Lingui stics: A PracticaI Guide to Researching L anguage (语言学课题:语言研究实用指南)(ISBN: 7-5600-2373- 8/;作者:Alison Wray等著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2001-09 -01)

Psychology of Language (语言心理学)(ISBN: 7-5600-1928-5/; 作者:桂诗春导读;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)

Re I evance: Commun i cat i on and Cogn i t i on (关联性:交际与认知)

(ISBN: 7-5600-2384-3/:作者:Dan Sperber and De i rdre Wi I so n著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2001-10-01)

Research Met hods for En g I i sh Lan guage Teachers (英语教学科研方法)(ISBN: 7-5600-1976-5/;作者:Jo McDonough and Steven McDonough 著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)

Rout I edge Die tion ary of Lan guage and Lin gu i s tics (语言与语言学词典)(ISBN: 7-5600-1952-8/;作者:Hadumod Bussmann 著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)

Second Language Learn ing and Teachi ng (第二语言学习与教学)(ISBN: 7-5600-1974-9/;作者:高远导读;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)

Second Language Teachi ng and Learni ng (第二语言教与学)(I SBN: 7-5600-2376-2/;作者:David Nunan 著;定价:¥ 元;出


Semantics (语义学)(ISBN: 7-5600-2004-6/;作者:John I. Sa eed 著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)

Sociol inguistics (社会语言学教程)(ISBN: 7-5600-2007-0/;作者:.Hudson著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)

Statistics in Language Studies (语言研究中的统计学)(ISBN: 7-5600-1926-9/;作者:Anthony Woods 等著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)

Str at egi es in Lear ning and Using a Seco nd Lan guage (学习和运用第二语言的策略)(ISBN: 7-5600-1945-5/;作者:Andrew D.

C ohen著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)

Studies in the Way of Words (言辞用法研究)(书号:2580-3/; ISBN: 7-5600-2580-3/;作者:Paul Grice 著;定价:¥;出版日期:2002-03-01)

Style in Fiction: A Lingu i stic I ntroduction to EngIi sh Fict i ona I Prose (小说文体论:英语小说的语言学入门)(ISBN: 7-56 00-2382-7/:作者:Geoffrey N. Ieech and MichaeI H. Short 著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2001-10-01)

Sty I i st ics: A Pract ica I Coursebook (实用文体学教程)(ISBN: 7-5600-1897-1/:作者:Laura Wr ight and Jonathan Hope 著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)

Syntax: A Minimal is t Introduction (句法学:最简方案导论)(I SBN: 7-5600-1960-9/;作者:Andrew Radford 著;定价:¥ 元;


Teach i ng by Pr i nciples: An I ntegrative Approach to Language

Pedagogy ( ISBN: 7-5600-2461 -0/:作者:H. Doug I as Brown 著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2001-11-01)

The ArticuI ate Mamma I: An I ntroduction to Psycho I ingu i stics

(会说话的哺乳动物)(ISBN: 7-5600-1927-7/;作者:Jean Aitc hison著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)

The Cambr idge Encyclopedia of Language (剑桥语言百科全书)(I SBN: 7-5600-2513-7/;作者:王克非等导读;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2002-02-01)

The EIements of Language Curr icuIum: A Systemetic Approach in Language Development (语言教学大纲要素:课程设计系统法)

(ISBN: 7-5600-2517-X/;作者:周燕导读;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2001-12-01)

The Functional Ana Iys i s of EngIi sh: A Ha I Ii dayan



The Handbook of Contemporary Semant ic Theory (当代语义学理 论)(ISBN: 7-5600-2427-0/:作者:ShaIom Lappin 主编;定价: ¥ 元;出版日期:2001-10-01)

The Handbook of Contemporary Syntact ic Theory (当代句法理论 通览)(ISBN: 7-5600-2238-3/;作者:Mark Baltin and Chris C ol I ins 主编;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2001-08-01)

The Handbook of Linguistics (语言学综览)(ISBN : 7-5600-24 31-9/:作者:Mark Aronoff and Jan i e Rees-Mi I I er 主编;定价: ¥ 元;出版日期:2001-10-01)

The Handbook of Linguistics (语言学综览)(ISBN : 7-5600-243 1-9/:作者:Mark Aronoff and Janie; Rees-Mi I I er 主编;定价: ¥ 元;出版日期:2001-10-01) The Handbook of SocioI inguistics (英语的功能分析:韩里德模式) (ISBN : 7-5600-2371-1/;作者:

Thomas BI oor and Mer i e I BI oor 著; 定价

: 元;出版日期:2
