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【2010甘肃?兰州】37. I think ______ of the materials I listened to at the beginning of the exam ______ easy.

A. three fourths, is

B. third four, are

C. three fourths, are

D. three fourth, are



【2010四川·达州】27. ____ trees have been planted near here, so the air is very fresh.

A. Two hundreds

B. Hundred of

C. Hundreds of

D. Hundreds


【解析】这里考查数词。Hundred, thousand, million前有数字时,用单数形式;前面无数字修饰时,用复数,并接of 短语来修饰名词。故此题答案应选C。

【2010四川·宜宾】I got a good present on my ____ birthday.

A. nine

B. ninth

C. the nine

D. the ninth


【解析】第九个生日用序数词,又因前面有物主代词my,不能用the., 故答案应选B

【2010湖北·咸宁】22. The World Table Tennis Championship began the morning of May 25, 2010 Moscow, Russia.

A. Fifty; in; in

B. Fiftieth; on; in

C. Fiftieth; in; on

D. Fifty; on; in


【解析】数词、介词用法。首先,第十五届世乒赛要用序数词the Fiftieth, 其次,在2010年5月25日具体一天的上午要用介词on;而在俄罗斯的莫斯科市要用给介词in。所以选择答案B.

【2010贵州·铜仁】30.The number of the students in our school is about nine ____. ____ of them are boys.

A. hundred; Two thirds

B. hundred; Two third

C. hundreds; Two thirds

D. hundreds; Two third


【解析】数词。表示确数时,记数单位如hundred, thousand不用加复数。表示分数时,分子用基数词,分母用序数词。如分子大于1,分母用序数词的复数形式。故选择A。

【2010江苏·苏州】9.________of the land in that district________ covered with trees and grass.A.Two fifths;is B.Two fifth;are C.Two fifth;is D.Two fifths;are



【2010重庆】30. I got a beautiful bike on ____ birthday. I like it very much.

A. fifteenth

B. fifteen

C. my fifteen

D. my fifteenth



【2010甘肃.定西】12. ______girls took part in the Happy Girl Competition but only few of them succeeded.

A. Million of

B. Many million of

C. One million of

D. Millions of



【2010甘肃.定西】16. —What would you like,sir?


A. Two pop

B. Two bottles pop

C. Two bottles of pop

D. Two bottle of pop



【2010江苏·无锡】1. Nearly ______ of the earth _______ covered by sea。

A. three fourth; is

B. three fourths; is

C. three forth; are

D. three fourths; are



【2011清远】37. Every year, _____ people go to visit their factory

A. a thousand of B thousands C. thousand of D. thousands of

答案D【解析】考查数词。数词hundred, thousand, million等后面跟of 时,要变复数。排除C。thousand前接具体数字时,后面不能跟of,排除A。thousands后要加of,排除B。(2011四川资阳)17. Tom has just finished writing a _________ article.

A. nine-hundred-words

B. nine-hundreds-word

C. nine-hundred-word

D. nine-hundreds-words



【2011江苏淮安】9._______ people lost their homes in Japan’s earthquake.

A. Two thousands

B. Thousand

C. Thousands of

D. Thousand of


【解析】考查hundred等词用法。hundred, thousand 如果有具体数字修饰,用单数形式,表示具体数目。表示约数时,用hundreds of , thousands of 的形式,表示“成百上千的”,“成千上万的”。语境为“在日本地震中上千人失去了家园。”。故选C.

【2011广西百色】https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5d12950330.html,st year, I visited a chemical factory in Baise, there are about _____ workers in it.

A. six thousands

B. six thousand

C. six thousands of

D. six thousand of


【解析】本题考查数词的用法,―六千名工人‖的正确表达是―six thousand workers‖。

【2011黑龙江绥化市】27. About_______of the students in our class were born in the_

A. two-thirds, 1990s

B. two-thirds, 1990

C. two-third, 1990s



【2011呼和浩特】4. Nowdays of business letters are written in English.

A. two third

B. two thirds

C. two three

D. second three



【2011四川达州】28. —If a=4, b=5, what’s the answer to the question ― a + 2ab +1 =?‖


A. Forty-fifth

B. Forty-five

C. Twenty-three

D. One hundred and twenty-one



【2011?四川广元】3. —How often do you exercise?


A. Two

B. Twice

C. Second



【2011乌鲁木齐】33. The teacher said that__ of the boys would take part in the talent show.

A. three five

B. three fives

C. thirds fifths

D. three fifths



【2011?广西柳州】Tomorrow is th e boy’s ________ birthday.

A. seventh

B. seven

C. seventeen



(2011贵州毕节)24.—Which is the biggest number of the four?


A.One-third B.Two-thirds C.A half D.A quarter


【2011福建莆田】26. —Excuse me, where can I buy a jacket?

—You can go to the Men's Wear Section on the_________ floor.

A. two

B. twice

C. second



(2011湖南岳阳中考)26. of the land is covered with trees and grass in Pingjiang, Yueyang.

A. Three fives

B. Three fifths

C. Three fifth


【2011雅安】8. September is _____ month of the year.

A. ninth

B. nine

C. the nine

D. the ninth



【2011凉山】—How was your day off yesterday?

—Perfect! It was my grandma’s ________ birthday. We had a big cake.

A. eighty

B. eightieth

C. the eightieth


解析:考查数词的用法。表示“某人多大生日”应该使用序数词,且不需要使用定冠词。【2011广西崇左】40.Look at the table .Han Fang wants to buy two pieces of bread ,a bottle of orange juice and an ice cream .How much will she pay?

A. Five yuan and eighteen fen

B. Six yuan and twenty fen

C. Seven yuan and twenty fen

D. Eight yuan and twelve fen

【解析】C 考查点:计算题。解题思路:根据图表可知:面包的价格是1.2元,果汁的价格是1.8每瓶,冰激凌的价格是2元。根据句意:韩方想买2片面包,一瓶果汁,与一个冰激凌。可知他要付6元2角。故选C。

【2011广西贺州】33. _people will visit Qinzhou during the 12th Games of Guangxi.

A. Thousand

B. Two thousands

C. Thousands of

D. Thousand of



【2011郴州】26. —Excuse me, how can I get to the museum?

-- Sorry. It's my______ time to he here.

A. one

B. first

C. once



【2011河源】42.You can see _______ if you go out at night.

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5d12950330.html,lion stars

B.thousand of stars

C.hundreds stars https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5d12950330.html,lion of stars


【2011遵义】28.—Is this your ________ visit to my hometown,Zunyi?

—No.I’ve been here for many times.


B.the first



【2011黑龙江齐齐哈尔】22. All the visitors live on floor.

A. two

B. second

C. the second


【2011重庆江津】29.More than nine students are doing sports now.

A .hundreds B. hundred of C. hundred D. hundreds of


【2011山东滨州】25. Now, everybody, please turn to Page ________ and look at the ________picture.

A. Fifth; five

B. Five; fifth

C. Fifth; fifth

D. Five; five


【解析】考查数词的用法。数词分为基数词和序数词。基数词前没有冠词,序数词前有定冠词the。本题句意为“请翻到第5页,看第5副图”,Page Five“第5页”,用基数词;the fifth picture“第5副图”,用序数词。故选B。

【2011浙江杭州】19. For breakfast, I usually have______ and two pieces of bread.

A. a cup of mild half

B. half a cup of milk

C. a half milk cup

D. half a milk cup


【解析】half的用法。表示―半……‖用― half a / an+名词of ...‖。

【2011重庆】29. The government of Chongqing is building_______ cheap and good houses for the people.

A. thousand

B. thousands

C. thousand of

D. thousands of


【解析】考查数词用法。表示不确切数目时,需在数词词尾加s,后跟of。thousands of意为“成千上万”。句意为“重庆政府部门正在建设为民众建设上万套质量好的廉价房”。故选D。【2011邵阳】29.______ trees were cut down. And many birds lost their home.

A. Two thousands

B. Thousands of D. Thousand of



【2011广安市】25.-How was your day off yesterday?

-Perfect! It was ____ birthday of my grandpa’s . We had a big family celebration.

A. seventy

B. seventieth

C. the seventieth



【2011湖北黄冈】32. —Jackie Chan has donated_________ dollars to charity.

—He is an example to us all.

A. thousand

B. thousands

C.thousand of

D. thousands of


【解析】考查数词用法。表示不确切的概念时,用thousands of,意为“数以千计的;成千上万的”。故选D。

【2011湖南怀化】25. July 1st of this year is ______ birthday of CPC (中国共产党).

A. ninety

B. the ninety

C. the ninetieth



【2011贵州安顺】21. —David, how old is your father this year?

—______. And we just had a special party for his _____ birthday last weekend.

A. Fortieth; forty

B. Forty; forty

C. Forty; fortieth

D. Fortieth; fortieth



(2011 湖南衡阳) 20.Kangkang is a school boy. He got a good gift on his birthday.

A. fourteenth

B. fortieth

C. the fortieth



【2011湖北黄石】30. My uncle bought me an iPhone for my _______birthday.

A. twelve

B. twelfth

C. the twelve

D. the twelfth


【解析】考查序数词用法。第几个生日,应用序数词,序数词前如果有形容词性物主代词时,省略the。句意:在我第十二个生日时,我的叔叔给我买了一个iphone手机。故选B。【2011广东】29. After the Asian Games, ______ people came to Guangzhou for a visit during holidays.

A. thousand

B. thousands of

C. five thousands

D. five thousands of


【解析】本题考查数词thousand的用法。当thousand与具体的数字连用时,习惯上用单数,而且其后也不接of; 当thousand不与具体数字连用,而是表示不确定的泛指数时,则不仅要用复数,而且要后接of,然后才能接名词。故选B。

【2011四川德阳】3. I don’t believe that this _____ boy can paint such a nice picture.

A. five years old

B. five-years-old

C. five-year-old


【解析】本题考查five-year-old作前置定语的用法。five-year-old 这类复合词可以用作形容词,意为“五岁的”,并且其中表示计量的名词(如year, month等)总是用单数形式。这类结构通常用作前置定语,不用作表语(作表语时可改用seven years old这样的形式)。排除B项,又因为five years old在句中做表语,也排除。修饰boy只能用five-year-old。故选C。【2011四川德阳】5. Football is so exciting that _____ people in the world play it.

A. million of

B. millions of

C. two millions of


【解析】本题考查数词millions的用法。当million与具体的数字连用时,习惯上用单数,而且其后也不接of; 当millions不与具体数字连用,而是表示不确定的泛指数时,则不仅要用复数,而且要后接of,然后才能接名词。故选B。

【泸州市2011】3. There are over ______ students in their school.

A. hundreds

B. nine hundreds

C. hundreds of

D. nine hundred



【2011.云南昆明】32. We are organizing a lot of activities to celebrate the _______ birthday of the Communist Party of China these months.

A. nineteen

B. ninety

C. nineteenth

D. ninetieth



33. 【2011?东营】—There are 60 students in my class and 44 of them use weibo very often. —44? That means about_______of your classmates are weibo users, right?

A. half

B. one third

C. two thirds

D. three quarters


【解析】考查数词的用法。Half“二分之一”;one third “三分之一”;two thirds“三分之二”;three quarters“四分之三”。根据句意“大约四分之三的学生在你们班用微博。”故选D。

(2011海南三亚)24. More than _____children took part in activities last month.

A. two thirds

B. thirds second

C. second three

D. two third


【2012山东济南】33. I'm 13 years old and my sister is 15 years old. So my sister is___ years older than me.

A. one

B. two

C. three

D. four

33. B【解析】考查数词用法。句意为―我13岁了,我姐姐15岁了,我姐姐比我大2岁。‖故选B。

【2012黔西南】18. ________ visitors come to Xingyi during May Day holidays every year.

A. Thousands of

B. Two thousands

C. Thousand of

D. Thousand

【解析】A. 考查数词。当hundred,thousand,million和billion表示具体的数目时,用单数形式;当表示不具体的数目时,用复数形式,且跟介词of连用,故选A答案。

【2012广东】29.— How was your weekend?

—Great! It was my grandfather's _____birthday. We enjoyed ourselves.

A. seventy

B. seventieth

C. the seventieth

D. Seventeenth


【2012贵州铜仁】26 About ____of the students in Grade Nine this year were born in the_____.

A. three five; 1996.

B. three fifths; 1990s

C. third fifth; 1997.

D. third fifths; 1990s


【2011湖北恩施】32. He wrote his ______ novel when he was ______.

A. five; fifties

B. fifth; fifty

C. fifth; fiftieth


【2012 湖北黄石】29.Let me tell you ______news about cellphones(手机)—Apple asks Samsung to stop copying, and hundreds of people lined up to buy iPhone 4S.






2012湖北随州】23.May is the _____ month of a year.

A. fifty

B. fifteen


D. five

【2012甘肃鸡西市】22. A_____girl named Dong Xinyi looked after her disabled father.

A. three-year-old

B. three-years-old

C. three years old


【2012湖北宜昌】36. —Our school is going to hold the Culture Festival.

—I see. And we can take part in activities.

A. tenth; tenth

B. ten; tenth

C. tenth; ten

D. ten; ten




【2012江苏连云港】14.—The volunteers sent books to a mountain village school on Children’s Day.

A. two hundreds of

B. two hundred of

C. two hundreds

D. two hundred


【2012江苏苏州】8. The chairperson received about three ______ applications to join the Bird watching Club.

A. hundred

B. hundreds of

C. hundred of

D. hundreds


【2012江苏无锡】1. The action film has attracted millions of young people to the cinema.

A. 130-minute

B. 130-minutes

C. 130 minute

D.130 minutes


【2012江苏宿迁】7. Our school is so famous that people come and visit it every term. A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundred of D. hundreds of


【2012江苏宿迁】6. —There is milk in the fridge. Please buy some on your way home.

—All right.

A. much

B. many

C. little

D. few


【2012江苏镇江】14. Some word puzzles in this book are ____ difficult that _____ students can solve them.

A.such; few B. such; little C. so; few D. so; little


【广东省】29. --- how was your weekend?

---- Great! It was my grandfather’s _______ birthday. We enjoyed ourselves.

A. seventy

B. seventieth

C. the seventieth

D. seventeenth


【2012湖北黄冈】36. —Do you know that there are many different _____ animals in the zoo?

—Yes, I do. And I also know that some of them are _____ scaring.

A. kinds of; kind of

B. kinds of; kinds of

C. kind of; kinds of

D. kind of; kind of


【2012 山东滨州】22. I am very thirsty. Could you please give me ______ water?

A. some

B. little

C. many

D. other


【2012山东聊城】34. Please turn to page __________ and look at the ____________ picture in this unit.

A. twentieth; one

B. twenty; one

C. twentieth; first

D. twenty; first


【2012 山东临沂】22. Did you know that the earth is home to _____animals?

A million B. millions C. million of D. millions of


【2012 烟台中考】22. Between the two hills _____a deep river.

A. are

B. have

C. has

D. is


【2012四川成都】41. Some scientists think it will take of years to make robots do most work for humans.

A. hundreds

B. hundred

C. thousand


【2012四川达州】25. — Is there in today’s magazine?

—Yes. Premier Wen Jiabao saw ―stay-home children‖May,25th.

A. anything special; hundreds of; on

B. something special; hundred of; at

C. special anything; hundreds; on

D. anything special; hundreds of; in


【2012四川广安】26. —Guang’an is a beautiful city, isn’t it?

—Yes. There are about two ______ visitors here every week.

A. thousands of

B. thousands

C. thousand


【2012四川凉山】34. There are ___teachers in our school, _____of them are women teachers.

A. two hundreds; three fourth

B. two hundred; three fourths

C. two hundred; three forths


【2012四川南充】30. I think ______ should not be allowed to drive.

A. sixteen years old

B. sixteen –year-old

C. sixteen-year-olds


【2012四川自贡】23. -- I hear your friend is visiting San Ya again. Is it the second time for him? -- Yes, and he will come for time next spring.

A. a third

B. a second

C. the third


【2012四川自贡】33. -- How soon can you finish this job?

-- Two days enough for me to finish the work. I need a week.

A. isn't

B. aren't

C. is


【2012四川自贡】38. -- Jackie Chan has donated dollars to charity.

-- He is an example to us all.

A. thousand

B. thousands of

C. thousand of


【2012四川宜宾】24. If a = 3 and b = 4, what’s the answer to the problem: a + b + 1 = ? The answer is ______.

A. twelve

B. nine

C. eight

D. seven


【2012四川宜宾】28. —Would you like to have _____ apples?

—No, thank you.. I’ve had enough.

A. other two

B. another two

C. more two

D. two others


【2012浙江杭州】19.We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen________we speak.

A. as twice much as

B. twice an much as

C. as much as twice

D. as much twice as


【2012浙江温州】6. My cousins have collected stamps for two years." They have ______ stamps from different countries.

A. few

B. many

C. much

D. little


【2012贵州六盘水】27. There are _ days, in a week and Tuesday js - day of' the week.

A. seven ,third

B. seven ,the third

C. seventh ,three

D. the seventh, three


【2012贵州黔东南州】33. There _________________ twelve months in a year. September is the_______________ month.

A. are, ninth

B. is, ninth

C. are, nineth

D. is, nineth


【2012贵州铜仁】26 About ____of the students in Grade Nine this year were born in the_____.

A. three five; 1996.

B. three fifths; 1990s

C. third fifth; 1997.

D. third fifths; 1990s


【2012黑龙江黑河市】22. A_____girl named Dong Xinyi looked after her disabled father.

A. three-year-old

B. three-years-old

C. three years old


【2012四川省乐山市】30. In order to finish the project, we’ll have to work hours a day.

A. more two

B. two more

C. two another


2018中考英语真题完型填空分类汇编含答案 全国各地真题大全

2018中考英语真题完型填空分类汇编 一、记叙文…………………………………………………1-100 二、议论、说明文……………………………………….100-124 (2018?湖北十堰)第二节.完形填空。(每小题1分,满分15分) 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从所给是A, B, C, D四个选项中选出一个可以填入短文空白处的最佳选项。 One day, I was in front of the mall cleaning my car. A man was coming my way from across the parking lot. From the 41 of him, he had no car, no home, no clean clothes, and no money. He sat down a front of the bus stop, but looked like that he had no money to 42 the bus. “That’s a very 43 car.” He said. He was ragged(衣衫褴褛的)but looked satisfied. I answered, “Thanks,” and then 44 cleaning my car. He sat there 45 when I worked. The expected beg(乞讨) 46 money never came. After a while, I said to 47 . “Ask him if he needs help.” I was 48 that he would say “yes”. “Do you need any help?” I asked. He answered in two 49 but meaningful words “And you?” I had been feeling high, successful and important 50 those two words 51 me. I did need help, and maybe it was not for a bus ticket or a place to sleep. I 52 my wallet and gave him not enough money for a bus ticket, but enough to get a warm meal and a place to sleep for the day. Later, I realized the man was not just a homeless stranger but a teacher who taught me that being comfortable with oneself is the best way to live better. How great and wise he is! And those two simple words still sound 53 . No matter how much you 54 . No matter how much you have achieved, you need help too. No matter how much little you have, no matter how you are filled with 55 , even without money or a place to sleep, you can give help. 41. A. words B. manners C. actions D. looks 42. A. buy B. take C. drive D. stop 43. A. old B. common C. expensive D. nice 44. A. finished B. stopped C. continued D. began 45. A. quietly B. slowly C. quickly D. loudly 46. A. in B. on C. for D. from 47. A. myself B. himself C. itself D. herself 48. A. afraid B. happy C. sure D. nervous 49. A. harmful B. strange C. new D. simple 50. A. until B. when C. after D. unless 51. A. examined B. shocked C. created D. believe 52. A. went out B. found out C. worked out D. took out 53. A. true B. honest C. difficult D. easy 54. A. eat B. have C. use D. think 【主旨大意】本短文主要讲述了作者看到一位没有车,没有家,没有干净的衣服,也没有钱的流浪汉,询问他是否需要帮助时,他却反问作者是否需要帮助。通过这位流浪汉简单的答语,让我们明白一个道理,不管你取得了多大的成就,你也需要帮助。无论你生活多么困难,即使没有钱或地方睡觉,你可以给予帮


【英语】中考英语一般过去时试题经典 一、初中英语一般过去时 1.He___________ his grandparents in the countryside last week. A. visits B. visit C. visited 【答案】C 【解析】【分析】句意:上周,他拜访了在农村的祖父母。A. visits 单数第三人称形式; B. visit 动词原形;C. visited一般过去式。因为句中有一般过去式的标志性短语:last week.,故答案选C。 【点评】考查动词的时态,注意句中的时间状语。 2.—Linda hasn't come to the party yet. —But she . I think I have to call her again. A. promises B. promised C. will promise 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:——琳达还没来参加聚会。——但她答应了。我想我得再给她打个电话。根据 I think I have to call her again. 我得再给她打个电话。可知她答应了,应用一般过去时,故选B。 【点评】考查动词一般过去时的用法。 3.The traffic was heavy this morning, but Dad________ to get to the office on time. A. manages B. managed C. would manage D. will manage 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:今天早上交通非常繁忙,但爸爸设法按时赶到了办公室。根据The traffic was heavy this morning.可知,本句时态为一般过去时,动词“设法”manage的过去式为managed。故选B。 【点评】考查一般过去时,注意判断句子的时态,选择正确答案。 4.The car suddenly _________ on the road and went out of control. Finally, it was seen _________ into the wall of the building. A. was broken down; crash B. broke down; crash C. was broken down; to crash D. broke down; to crash 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:汽车在路上突然加速,失去了控制。最后,人们看到它撞到了建筑物的墙壁上。break down和主语car是主动关系,故排除A和C,be seen to do,固定搭配,被看到做某事,故用不定式,故选D。 【点评】考查语态和固定搭配,注意be seen to do的用法。 5.-Have you ever been to Xiamen?


中考材料作文题目精选 以下是一些各地的中考材料作文精选,欢迎大家参考! 【?河北省仙桃等市】 三、写作(50分) 25.请以“在春光里奔跑”为题写一篇作文。 要求:文体不限;不少于600字(若写诗歌,不少于20行);文中不得出现真实的人名、校名和地名;不得抄袭。 【?浙江省湖州市】 四、写作(50分) 21.根据要求作文。 你认真地望过一朵云吗?认真地唱过一首歌吗?认真地品过一句话吗?认真地爱过一个人吗?认真地追过一个梦吗?……认真是一种态度,认真地去做每一件事吧! 请以“认真”为题目,写一篇文章。 要求: (1)文体不限。 (2)字数不少于600字(如写成诗歌,则要求不少于l6行)。 (3)错别字满三个扣1分,不满三个不扣分,重复错误不扣分,2分扣完为止。 (4)标点使用错三处扣l分,不满三处不扣分,2分扣完为止。 1 / 14

(5)文中不得出现真实的地名、校名、人名。 【?湖北省黄冈市】 五、写作展示(50分) 35.从下面两题中任选一题,按要求完成任务。 题一:温暖 要求:①结合个人生活经历,选取真实的生活片段,写一篇600字以上的记叙文;②文章叙事清楚,结构完整,内容充实;③恰当运用描写、抒情等表达方式,写出真情实感;④作文中不得出现真实的校名和姓名。 【?湖北省黄石市】 26.作文(50分) 请以“读你”为题写一篇600字左右的记叙文。文中不得出现真实的地名、校名、人名。 【?山东省济宁市】 四、写作(共40分) 19.成长是一个漫长的过程,在成长的过程中有烦恼也有快乐。请以“成长的快乐”为题目,写一篇不少于600字的文章。要写出真情实感,在内容和表达上有创意者,可获得1—5分的加分。 【?湖北省荆门市】 六、作文(50分) 25.请以“那不一样的美丽”为题,写一篇不少于600字的记叙2 / 14


2013年全国各地市中考英语试卷分类解析汇编: 补全对话之选择类 【2013四川南充】第四部分:口语应用(补全对话)(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)从对话后的七个选项中选择五项适当的选项补全对话,并将字母代号填入下面相应的横线上。 A: Linda, are you free tomorrow evening? B: 61 A: Why not go to the movies? B: 62 I like seeing movies very much. A: 63 B: Well, I like comedies because they are funny. What about you? A: I like them, too. I hear Mr. Bean is on. 64 B: Sure. Let’s meet at six o’clock tomorrow evening. A: 65 A: OK. See you tomorrow evening. B: See you. A. What kind of movies do you like? B. I’m afraid I have no time. C. Yes, I am. D. How about half past six? E. That’s a good idea. F. Would you like to go to the movies with me? G. Where shall we meet? 【答案】61.C 62.E 63.A 64. F 65.D 【2013四川凉山】A A:You look unhappy._____73_______ B: Oh, just because of my parents. They are always arguing. A:For what? B: My weekend activity.___74___ My father thinks I should learn to do Chinese kung fu, but my mother wants me to learn to play the piano. A:How about yourself? B: I like painting.______75_____ A:_____76______ B: We can’t make a decision. Now they are fighting. A. My dream is to be an artist. B. What’s the trouble with you? C. So what’s the solution? D. They can’t agree with each other. 【答案】73-76:BDAC 【2013四川凉山】B A:Hello! KFC Fast-Food Restaurant. Can I help you?


(英语)中考英语代词试题经典及解析 一、初中英语代词 1.The beach was heavily polluted. _______________ he _______________ his wife enjoyed the holiday. A. Neither; nor B. Both; and C. Either; or 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:海滩被严重污染了。他和他妻子都不喜欢这个假期。 A.既不……也不;B.两者都;C.要么……要么,表示二者择一。由于海滩被污染了,所以夫妻二人都不不喜欢这个假期,故选A。 【点评】考查连词辨析。注意识记neither…nor的词义和用法。 2.—Do you know where the last two pictures went? —A millionaire bought ____ of them. He thought they were worthwhile. A. either B. each C. none D. both 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:——你知道最后两张照片放哪儿了吗?——一个百万富翁买了他们。他认为他们是值得买的。either两者中的如何一个,each两个或多个中的每一个,none没有,多个的否定,both两者都,根据the last two pictures 可知指的是两者,用both,故答案为D。 【点评】考查不定代词的用法。注意区别这几个不定代词的用法。 3.—What are you looking for? —I' m looking for the pen ______ I bought yesterday. A. which B. who C. when D. what 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:——你正在找什么?——我正在找我昨天买的那支笔。A、哪个; B、谁; C、什么时候; D、什么。由分析句子成分可知这是一个定语从句,pen是先行词,指物,那么就要用关系代词that或者which,故选A。 【点评】考查关系代词,注意先行词是指人还是物。 4.—Do you like communicating with your friends on QQ or MSN? — I'd rather the mobile phone. A. Either; use B. Neither; use C. Both; not to use D. None; not use 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:——你喜欢跟你的朋友用QQ或者MSN交流吗?——,哪一个也不用,我更喜欢用手机。either或者,neither两者都不,both两者都,none没有,would rather更喜欢,后跟动词原形,故排除CD。由I'd rather the mobile phone.可知,说话者更喜欢使用手机交流,说明他不喜欢使用QQ和MSN与朋友交流,故答案是B。 【点评】考查不定代词辨析和动词的基本形式,注意区分either,neither,both和none


最新五年2007-2011全国各地中考英语试题解析版汇编 之一单项选择——形容词与副词 2011年全国各地中考英语试题解析版汇编 之一单项选择——形容词与副词 2011年全国各地市110份中考英语试题解析版汇编之一单项选择 【2011哈尔滨】32. English people can't give up hamburgers or fried chicken because they’re delicious. However, the French are changing. They aren't interested in food like before. A. fast B. healthy C. natural 答案:A 【解析】考查形容词辨析根据句意:英国人依然留恋汉堡和炸鸡,而法国人在改变。他们不再像从前,对快餐感兴趣了。 【2011呼和浩特】12. ----Wha t do you think of Tom’s speaking? ----No one does in our class. A. good B. better C. well D. best 【答案】B 【解析】形容词比较级此题是隐藏性的比较级。“你认为汤姆的口语怎样” “在我们班没人比他说得好”。 【2011四川达州】26.—Up to now the Chinese Communist Party(中国共产党)has nearly history. —Yes, it was founded July 23rd, 1921. A. 90 years; at B. 90-year; in C. 90-years; of D. 90-year; on 答案:D 【解析】本题考查复合形容词和介词的用法。90-year表示90年的,在句中作定语。on表示在某个具体的时间,in表示在模糊的时间。根据题意:-到现在中国共产党已经有接近90年的历史了。-是的,它是1921年7月23日建立的。故本题选择D。 11. The bag of rice is ___heavy for Tom to carry. Let’s go and help him. A. too B. so C. very 答案:A 【解析】固定搭配。句意:对汤姆来说,这袋大米太重,他搬不动,让我们去帮帮他。too...to...为固定搭配,意为“太……而不能……”。 【2011?广西柳州】I am glad to see you. A. happy B. sad C. old 答案A 【解析】考查形容词的用法。见到你很高兴。glad=happy.故选A。


《西游记》练习题 一、下面一段文字节选自《西游记》第四十二回,读后回答问题。 话说那六健将出洞门.径往西南上,依路而走。行者暗想道:“他要请老大王吃我师父,老大王断是牛魔王。我老孙当年与他相会,真个意合情投,……虽则久别,还记得他模样,且等老孙变作牛魔王,哄他一哄,看是何如。”问:①孙悟空变作牛魔王后是如何引起红孩儿的怀疑并最终被识破的?②后来孙悟空又是怎样救出师父的? ① ② 二、阅读下列名著选段,完成1—3题。 行者笑道:“老人家,茶饭倒不必赐。我问你:铁扇仙在那里住?”老者道:“你问他怎的?”行者道:“适才那卖糕人说,此仙有柄‘芭蕉扇’。求将来,一扇息火,二扇生风,三扇下雨,你这方布种收割,才得五谷养生。我欲寻他讨来扇息火焰山过去,且使这方依时收种,得安生也。”老者道:“固有此说;你们却无礼物,恐那圣贤不肯来也。”三藏道:“他要甚礼物?”老者道:“我这里人家,十年拜求一度。四猪四羊,花红表里,异香时果,鸡鹅美酒,沐浴虔诚,拜到那仙山,请他出洞,至此施为。”行者道:“那山坐落何处?唤甚地名?有几多里数?等我问他要扇子去。”老者道:“那山在西南方,名唤翠云山。山中有一仙洞,名唤芭蕉洞。我这里众信人等去拜仙山,往回要走一月,计有一千四百五六十里。”行者笑道:“不打紧,就去就来。”那老者道:“且住,吃些茶饭,办些干粮,须得两人做伴。那路上没有人家,又多狼虎,非一日可到。莫当耍子。”行者笑道:“不用,不用!我去也!”说一声,忽然不见。那老者慌张道:“爷爷呀!原来是腾云驾雾的神人也!”1.选文中孙悟空想借“芭焦扇”的目的是: (1); (2) 。(用原文回答) 2.结合选文中的语言描写,分析孙悟空这一人物形象。 答: 3.联系原著,概述孙悟空第二、第三次借“芭蕉扇”的经过。 第二次: 第三次: 三、在《西游记》中,孙悟空还有以下几个名号。请任选一个,结合具体情节说说得名缘由。 ①美猴王②弼马温③齐天大圣④孙行者⑤斗战胜佛


(三年经典)2018-2019全国各地中考英语试题精选:情境交际【2018福建?晋江】42. --Tomorrow will be sunny. How about having a picnic in the park? --_________________ But I have to prepare for tomorrow’s exam. A. I’d love. B. I’d love to. C. That’s right. 答案:B 【解析】交际用语。根据对话内容可知,“乐意去,但是我必须为明天考试做准备”,故选择B。 【2018福建?晋江】43. --Excuse me, which is the way to the post office? --Sorry, I don’t know .You can ask the policeman over there. --________________ A. How lucky! B. It’s a pity. C. Thank you all the same. 答案:C 【解析】交际用语。根据对话内容可知“尽管不知道,我同样也会谢谢您!”,故选择:C。【2018福建?晋江】44.-- Shall we see the movie today or tomorrow? --_____________ It’s all the same to me. A. I hope so. B. I’m sure. C. It’s up to you. 答案:C 【解析】交际用语。根据答语中“It’s all the same to me.”可知,“对于我来说都一样”,故选择C。 【2018安徽省卷】49. -- Excuse me. May I use your eraser, please? -- Sure. ______ A. Watch out! B. Well done! C. Go ahead. D. Follow me. 答案:C 【解析】交际用语和习惯用法。上句是“我可以用你的橡皮吗?”;下句是:当然可以,拿吧go ahead,而不是watch out小心;well done做的好;follow me跟我学。 【2018安徽省卷】42. -- Please bring little Tom next time you come to Anhui. --______, thank you. A. I will B. I hope so C. That's right D. My pleasure 答案:A


【英语】中考英语语法填空试题集经典 一、初三中考语法填空(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读下面短文,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。 Strangely enough, some inventions are lost ________ people can't imagine their ________ (valuable). A use may need to be "invented" along with the invention. An example is the fax machine. The technology for faxing ________ (invent)in the 1800s. It took more than one hundred years, however, for the fax to be seen as useful. In 1843 Alexander Bain invented a machine to ________ (electrical)transmit(传输)writing. At first, it was considered ________ (use)since few people thought there was ________ need for transmitting writing over ________ (wire). Eventually the value of the invention was realized, and it was improved ________ office use. By the 1980s, the fax machine became a piece of standard ________ (equip)in offices. The reason is ________it can very quickly transmit written documents. Who knows how many other inventions just need to be recognized as valuable? 【答案】because;value;was invented;electrically;useless;a/any;wires;for;equipment;that 【解析】【分析】主要讲了一些发明因为人们不能想象它们的价值而失去,列举传真机器的发明来说明这点。 (1)句意:足够奇怪的是,因为人们不能想象它们的价值,所以一些发明消失了。后句表示原因,所以用because;形容词修物主代词修饰名词,their它们的,形容词修物主代词,所以后面用形容词valuable的名词value,不可数名词,故填because,value。 (2)句意:传真的科技在19世纪被发明。invent发明,实义动词,主语technology是动作invent的承受者,时态是一般过去时,所以用一般过去时的被动语态,结构是was/were+动词过去分词,主语technology是不可数名词,所以用was,invent的过去分词是invented,故填was invented。 (3)句意:1843年,亚历山大贝恩发明了一种电子传输文字的机器。electrical电子的,形容词,副词修饰实义动词,transmit传输,实义动词,所以用副词electrically,电子地,故填electrically。 (4)句意:起初,它被认为是无用的,因为很少有人认为有必要通过电线传输文字。be considere形容词,表示被认为怎么样,固定搭配,根据后文可知传真的作用后来才被认可,所以起初被认为是无用的,use使用,实义动词,其形容词是useless,无用的;原因是很少人认为有必要,few表示否定,所以用a/any;wire,电线,可数名词,前面没有表示单数的a或者one,所以用复数wires,故填useless;a/any;wires。 (5)句意:最终,这项发明的价值得以实现,并被改进为办公用途。为了办公用途才被改进,所以用for,为了,故填for。 (6)句意:到了20世纪80年代,传真机已成为办公室的标准设备。equip,装备,实义动词,形容词修饰名词,standard,标准的,形容词,所以用equip的名词equipment,设备,不可数名词,故填equipment。 (7)句意:原因是它能很快地传送书面文件。the reason is that...,原因是……,固定搭


电学中考试题精选 一.选择题 1.如图所示电路,要使灯泡L 1和 L2 组成串联电路,应该() A .只闭合 S3 B.只闭合 S2 C.同时闭合 S1和 S2 D.同时闭合 S1和 S3 2.高铁每节车厢都有两间洗手间,只有当两间洗手间的门都关上时 (每扇门的插销都相当于一个开关),车厢中指示牌内的指示灯才会发光提示旅客“洗手间有 人”.下列所示电路图能实现上述目标的是() A .B.C. D . 3.新交通法规于 2013 年 1 月 1 日施行,驾驶员不系安全带记 3 分,罚 100 元.汽车上设置了“安全带指示灯”,提醒驾驶员系好安全带.当安全带系好时,相当于闭合开关,指示灯不亮;安全 带未系好时,相当于断开开关,指示灯发光.图中符合上述要求的电路图是() A . B .C. D . 4.如图 9 所示,为保证司乘人员的安全,轿车上设有安全带未系提示系统.当乘客坐在座椅上 时,座椅下的开关S1闭合.若未系安全带,则开关S2断开,仪表盘上的指示灯亮起;若系上 安全带,则开关S2闭合,指示灯熄灭.下列设计比较合理的电路图是()新课标 xk b1. c om A B图9C D 5.从 2013 年 4 月 9 日起,交管部门将依法严管行人无视交规闯红灯行为。根据你对指挥行人过 斑马线红绿交通信号灯的了解,下列控制红绿灯的电路图可行的是() 6.有一种电蚊拍,具有灭蚊和照明等功能.当开关S1闭合, S2断开时,只有灭蚊网通电起到灭

蚊作用;当开关S1和 S2都闭合时,灭蚊网与灯都通电同时起到灭蚊和照明的作用.下列电 路设计符合这种要求的是() A . B .C.D. 7.某种电吹风机可以吹出冷风或热风,使用时闭合“冷风”开关,吹出冷风;再闭合“热风” 开关吹出热风。但只闭合“热风”开关,电吹风机不会工作,以“”表示电热丝,“” 表示电动机,该电吹风机内部的电路连接可以是下图的() 8.由欧姆定律公式I=U / R 变形得 R=U / I ,对此,下列说法中正确的是() A.加在导体两端的电压越大,则导体的电阻越大 B.通过导体的电流越大,则导体的电阻越小 C.当导体两端的电压为零时,导体的电阻也为零 D.导体的电阻跟导体两端的电压和通过导体的电流无关 9.在图5中所示,电源两端电压保持不变,闭合开关S 后,电路正常工作,过了一会儿灯L 突然变亮,两表示数都变大,则该电路出现的故障可能是() A .灯 L 短路B.灯L断路C.电阻R断路D.电阻R短路 10.小明将酒精气体传感器,电阻R与电压表组成如图所示电路,闭合开关,将传感器逐渐靠近 装有酒精的杯口上方,发现电压表示数逐渐增大,此过程中() A. 通过传感器的电流逐渐减小 B.传感器两端的电压逐渐增大 C. 传感器的电阻逐渐减小 D.传感器的电阻逐渐增大 11. 在图 4 中所示,电源两端电压保持不变,闭合开关S 后,滑动变阻器的滑片P 向右移动的过 程中,下列说法正确的是( )


2019年北京市中考英语试卷 知识运用(共14分)一、单项填空(共6分,每小题0.5分)从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项. 1.(.5分)Mr.Wang is coming to our school.I can't wait to see .()A.her B.him C.it D.them 2.(.5分)We planted some flowers the garden yesterday.() A.on B.to C.in D.of 3.(.5分)﹣Excuse me,is this T﹣shirt? ﹣It's 88 yuan.() A.how much B.how many C.how long D.how old 4.(.5分)﹣Lily,_____ you finish the letter in ten minutes? ﹣Yes,I can.() A.must B.should C.need D.can 5.(.5分)This cap is nice,it doesn't look good on me.() A.for B.so C.but D.or 6.(.5分)Julie takes good care of the family dog.She is than her brother.()A.patient B.more patient C.most patient D.the most patient 7.(.5分)Sam with his friends every weekend.() A.skates B.is skating C.has skated D.was skating 8.(.5分)﹣Tom,what's your dad doing? ﹣He my bike.() A.repairs B.will repair C.has repaired D.is repairing 9.(.5分)Our school life a lot since 2017.We have more activities now.()A.changes B.changed C.will change D.has changed 10.(.5分)If you want to visit the Palace Museum,I tickets for you tomorrow.()


一、中考英语阅读理解汇编 1.阅读短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 Meiyu, born in 1995, is from Turkey (土耳其). She is the youngest child of her family. After high school, many people learned English or Japanese, but Meiyu decided to learn Chinese in university. She learned Chinese for four years in Ankara University in Turkey, and got her name Meiyu there. Meiyu fell in love with Chinese after going to university. She became more interested after she knew more about Chinese history. She graduated (毕业) from Ankara University in 2017. Since then, more Chinese have been visiting Turkey. The trade between the two countries also needs Chinese-speaking people. "Speaking Chinese means more job opportunities" said Meiyu. Now Meiyu has been in Wuhan, China for about two years.Besides going on studying Chinese, she shows great interest in Chinese kung fu as well, so she spends her free time on kung fu training with her coaches. Not only can kung fu help improve (改善) her health, but she is also interested in the history and culture behind it. Meiyu said, "The more I know about China, the luckier I feel to have been here. But the truth is that fun and pain go together in the process of learning." In the future, Meiyu decides to go back to Turkey to teach more students to learn Chinese.(1)Where did Meiyu learn Chinese at first? A. In China. B. In Turkey. C. In India. D. In Australia. (2)How old was Meuyu when she graduated from Ankara University in 2017? A. 22 B. 25 C. 27 D. 18 (3)What's probably the meaning of the word "opportunities" in this passage? A. decisions B. orders C. meanings D. chances (4)Why does Meiyu spend her free time on kung fu training with her coaches? A. Because she shows great interest in Chinese kung fu. B. Because she has to learn kung fu to graduate. C. Because she wants to teach kung fu in Turkey. D. Because she wants to take part in kung fu competitions. (5)What can you learn from the passage? A. Meiyu is the only child of her family. B. Meiyu is not interested in Chinese now. C. Chinese culture has greatly influenced Meiyu. D. Meiyu decides to stay in China in the future. 【答案】(1)B (2)A (3)D (4)A (5)C 【解析】【分析】大意:中国文化深深影响了了一位土耳其大学生,美玉。


2018全国各地中考试题精选之名著阅读及答案 1.【2018年中考江苏无锡卷】下列对名著有关内容的表述不正确的一项是() A.《汤姆·索亚历险记》“铁钳甲虫戏弄小狗”的故事中,汤姆觉得去教堂做礼拜若能碰到点新鲜事儿还是挺有趣的。 B.《范爱农》一文中的范爱农和鲁迅是同乡,都在日本留过学,但他们在对徐锡麟等人被杀要不要打电报到北京痛斥满政府的无人道时持不同意见。 C.《西游记》中唐僧师徒受阻于火焰山,土地交代了此山的来历,说是当年大圣“蹬倒丹炉,落了几个砖来,内有余火,到此处化为火焰山”。 D.《水浒传》塑造的被逼上梁山的众多好汉中,林冲的经历最为典型,他曾因误入白虎堂而被发配沧州,途中大闹野猪林,最终一步步被逼上梁山。 【答案】D 【解析】本题考查学生对名著的理解,本题的难度不大,主要考查考生对名著的理解和感悟能力。平时阅读文学作品,对作品的内容和相关信息要注意记忆,一方面丰富自己的知识,一方面积累写作的材料。D.大闹野猪林的是鲁智深,不是林冲。 2.【2018年中考江苏无锡卷】阅读下面的文字,回答问题。 当下宋江看视A.虽然不死,已成废人。A对宋江说道:“小弟今已残疾,不愿赴京朝觐,尽将身边金银赏赐,都纳此六和寺中陪堂公用,已作清闲道人,十分好了。哥哥造册,休写小弟进京。”宋江见说:“任从你心。”A自此只在六和寺中出家…… 选文中A是《水浒传》中哪位人物?选文表现了该人物哪些思想性格? 【答案】武松不爱钱财、不恋权贵、看破红尘。 【解析】此题考查学生对名著的阅读和理解。名著的考查越来越深入,因此名著的学习要注意积累的 3.【2018年中考安徽卷】运用课外阅读积累的知识,完成小题。 (1)“用苦痛换来欢乐”是他写给埃尔多迪伯爵夫人信中的话也是他的人生写照。他是(________)A.罗曼,罗兰 B.贝多芬 C.米开朗琪罗 D.托尔斯泰 (2)“却说那【甲】久坐林间,盼望行者不到,将行李搭在马上,一只手执着降妖宝杖,一只手牵着缰绳,出松林向南观看。” 上面文字中【甲】指的是《西游记》中的_____________,他忠心耿耿,任劳任怨,终成正果,受封为_____________。 【答案】(1)(1)B (2)(2)沙僧(沙和尚、沙悟净);(3)金身罗汉(八宝金身罗汉


2016年全国各地中考英语试题考点分类解析汇编:被动语态(2016?黄石)-Why does the earth look blue in space? -Because most of the earth's surface ______ by water.() A.covers B.is covered C.cover D.are covered 【考点】一般现在时的被动语态. 【分析】--为什么地球在太空中看上去是蓝色的? --因为地球的表面大部分是被水覆盖的. 【解答】答案:B. 首先根据设空处所在的句子表述的是客观事实,所以用一般现在时,主语 most of the earth's surface 是动作cover 的承受者,表示"被覆盖"所以用被动语态,一般现在时被动语态的构成是:主语+am/is/are+动词的过去分词,主语是不可数名词,be动词用is,故选B. 【点评】本题考查时态和语态.每个时态都有标志词,熟记这些标志词是做题的关键.在没有时间状语的情况下可以根据语境来对时态做出判断.判断语态的关键则是观察主语是谓语动词的执行者还是承受者. (2016?菏泽)When you go abroad,you'll find that so many products in local shops in China () A.make B.have made C.are made 【考点】一般现在时的被动语态. 【分析】当你出国的时候,你会发现当地商店里那么多的产品是中国制造的. 【解答】答案:C. 首先根据句意"当你出国的时候,你会发现当地商店里那么多的产品是中国制造的.",判断设空处所在的句子表述的是一般性的事实,所以用一般现在时,主语so many products 是动作make 的承受者,表示"被制造"所以用被动语态,一般现在时被动语态的构成是:主语+am/is/are+动词的过去分词,主语是复数名词,be动词用are,故选C. 【点评】本题考查时态和语态.每个时态都有标志词,熟记这些标志词是做题的关键.在没有时间状语的情况下可以根据语境来对时态做出判断.判断语态的关键则是观察主语是谓语动词的执行者还是承受者 (2016?鄂州)--As China grows stronger and stronger, Chinese _____ in more and more schools out of our country. --That's true.As a Chinese,I feel very proud.() A.teaches B.has taught C.is taught D.was taught 【考点】一般现在时的被动语态. 【分析】--随着中国越来越强大,国外越来越多的学校开设了汉语课. --确实这样,作为一个中国人,我感到非常自豪.

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