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Baekeland and Hartmann report that the “short sleepers” had been more or less average in their sleep needs until the men were in their teens. But at about age 15 or so, the men voluntarily began cutting down their nightly sleep time because of pressures from school, work, and other activities. These men tended to view their nightly periods of unconsciousness as bothersome interruptions in their daily routines.

In general, these “short sleeps” appeared ambitious, active, energetic, cheerful, conformist(不动摇) in their opinions, and very sure about their career choices. They often held several jobs at once, or workers full-or part-time while going to school. And many of them had a strong urge to appear “normal” or “acceptable” to their friends and associa tes.来源:考试大

When asked to recall their dreams, the “short sleepers” did poorly. More than this, they seemed to prefer not remembering. In similar fashion, their usual way of dealing with psychological problems was to deny that the problem existed, and then to keep busy in the hope that the trouble would go away.

The sleep patterns of the “short sleepers” were similar to, but less extreme than, sleep patterns shown by many mental patients categorized as manic(疯人).

The “long sleepers” were quite differen t indeed. Baekeland and Hartmann report that these young men had been lengthy sleeps since childhood. They seemed to enjoy their sleep, protected it, and were quite concerned when they were occasionally deprived of their desired 9 hours of nightly bed rest. They tended to recall their dreams much better than did the “short sleepers.”

Many of the “long sleepers” were shy, anxious, introverted (内向), inhibited (压抑), passive, mildly depressed, and unsure of themselves (particularly in social situations). Several openly states that sleep was an escape from their daily problems.

1. According to the report,______.来源:考试大

A) many short sleepers need less sleep by nature

B) many short sleepers are obliged to reduce their nightly sleep time because they are busy with their work

C) long sleepers sleep a longer period of time during the day

D) many long sleepers preserve their sleeping habit formed during their childhood

2. Many “short sleepers” are likely to hold the vie w that _____.

A) sleep is a withdrawal from the reality

B) sleep interferes with their sound judgement

C) sleep is the least expensive item on their routine program

D) sleep is the best way to deal with psychological troubles

3. It is stated in the third paragraph that short sleepers _____.

A) are ideally vigorous even under the pressures of life

B) often neglect the consequences of inadequate sleep

C) do not know how to relax properly

D) are more unlikely to run into mental problems

4. When sometimes they cannot enjoy adequate sleep, the long sleepers might ____.

A) appear disturbed

B) become energetic

C) feel dissatisfied

D) be extremely depressed

5. Which of the following is Not included in the passage?

A) If one sleeps inadequately, his performance suffers and his memory is weakened

B) The sleep patterns of short sleepers are exactly the sane as those shown by many mental patients

C) Long and short sleepers differ in their attitudes towards sleep

D) Short sleepers would be better off with more rest







Upon reaching an appropriate age (usually between 18 and 21 years), children are encouraged, but not forced, to “leave the nest” and begin an independent life. After children leave home they often find social relationship and financial support outside the family. Parents do not arrange marriages for their children, nor do children usually ask permission of their parents to get married, Romantic love is most often the basis for marriage in the United States; young adults meet their future spouses (配偶) through other friends, at jobs, and in organizations and religious institutions, Although children choose their own spouses, they still hope their parents will approve of their choices.来源:https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5013111694.html,

In many families, parents feel that children should make major life decisions by themselves. A parent may try to influence a child to follow a particular profession

but the child is free to choose another career. Sometimes children do precisely the opposite of what their parents wish in order to assert their independence. A son may deliberately decide not to go into his fathe r’s business because of a fear that he will lose his autonomy in his father’s workplace. This independence from parents is not an indication that parents and children do not love each other. Strong love between parents and children is universal and this is no exception in the American family Coexisting with such love in the American family are cultural values of self – reliance and independence.

1. The writer discusses the marriage of young adults in order to show which of the following?

A) They enjoy the freedom of choosing their spouses.

B) They want to win the permission of their parents.

C) They have a strong desire to become independent.

D) They want to challenge the authority of their parents.

2. Most young adults in the U.S. get married for the sake of ____.

A) love

B) financial concern

C) their parents

D) family background

3. Based on the passage, it can be assumed that ______.

A) American young adults are likely to follow the suit of their parents

B) most American people never make major decisions for their children

C) American young adults possess cultural values of independence

D) once a young person steps into his twenties, he will leave his home permanently

4. A son is unwilling to work in his father’s business main ly because _____.

A) he wishes to make full use of what he has learnt in school

B) he wants to prove his independence

C) he wishes to do the opposite of what his parents approve of

D) he wants to show his love for his parents

5. The subject matter of this selection is _____.

A) family values

B) marriage arrangements

C) the pursuit of a career

D) decision making






Now let us look at how we read. When we read a printed text, our eyes move across a page in short, jerky movement. We recognize words usually when our eyes are still when they fixate. Each time they fixate, we see a group of words. This is known as the recognition span or the visual span. The length of time ofr which the eyes stop ---the duration of the fixation ----varies considerably from person to person. It also vaies within any one person according to his purpose in reading and his familiarity with the text. Furthermore, it can be affected by such factors as lighting and tiredness.

Unfortunately, in the past, many reading improvement courses have concentrated too much on how our eyes move across the printed page. As a result of this misleading emphasis on the purely visual aspects of reading, numerous exercises have been devised to train the eyes to see more words at one fixation. For instance, in some exercises, words are flashed on to a screen for, say, a tenth or a twentieth of a second. One of the exercises has required students to fix their eyes on some central point, taking in the words on either side. Such word patterns are often constructed in the shape of rather steep pyramids so the reader takes in more and more words at each successive fixation. All these exercises are very clever, but it’s one thing to improve a person’s ability to see words and quite another thing to improve his ability to read a text efficiently. Reading requires the ability to understand the relationship between words. Consequently, for these reasons, many experts have now begun to question the usefulness of eye training, especially since any approach which trains a person to read isolated words and phrases would seem unlikely to help him in reading a continuous text.


1. The time of the recognition span can be affected by the following facts except ________ .

A. one’s familiarity with the text

B. one’s purpose in reading

C. the length of a group of words

D. lighting and tiredness

2. The author may believe that reading ______.

A. requires a reader to take in more words at each fixation

B. requires a reader to see words more quickly

C. demands an deeply-participating mind

D. demands more mind than eyes

3 What does the a uthor mean by saying “but it’s one thing to improve a person’s ability to see words and quite another thing to improve his ability to read a text efficiently.” in the second parapraph?

A. The ability to see words is not needed when an efficient reading is conducted.

B. The reading exercises mentioned can’t help to improve both the ability to see and to comprehend words.

C. The reading exercises mentioned can’t help to improve an efficient reading.

D. The reading exercises mentioned has done a great job to improve one’s ability to see words.

4. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. The visual span is a word or a group of words we see each time.

B. Many experts began to question the efficiency of eye training.

C. The emphasis on the purely visual aspects is misleading.

D.The eye training will help readers in reading a continuous text.

5. The tune of the author in writing this article is ________

A critical

B neutral

C prssimistic

D optimistic



1 C。事实细节题。第一段提到了影响视幅的因素:不同的人,不同的阅读目的,对材料的熟悉程度,光线,疲劳。C“一组词的长度”不是能影响视幅的因素,是本题的答案。

2 C。观点态度题。作者在第二段第二句提到,眼睛训练课程只注重了阅读的视觉因素。倒数第二句书哦,阅读要求具备理解单词间关系的能力。因此选项C“阅读需要大脑的深度参与”正确。作者没有否定阅读的视觉因素的必要性,但是也没有说读者应该练习拓宽视幅,加快阅读速度。所以AB两项都不正确。作者没有对大脑和眼睛在阅读过程中的重要性进行对比,所以不选D

3 C。作者在这句话中先是肯定了那些阅读练习提高看单词的能力,然后提出了有效阅读概念。后面句中还指出,有效阅读需要的是理解单词间的联系的能力。所以作者的意思应该是那些(训练眼睛的)阅读练习对与有效的阅读无益。B与文章相反。D句是蕴涵其中一个意思,却不是作者想表达的方向。

4 D。第二段最后一句说,眼睛训练对于帮助读者阅读连贯文章无益,所以D是错的,是本题答案。

5 A。参考前面的结构剖析,作者写本文的主要目的是对那些只关注阅读的视觉因素的阅读能力课程进行批判,所以答案应该是A。

Our quarrel with efficiency is not that it gets things done, but that it is a thief of time when it leaves us no leisure to enjoy ourselves, and that it strains our nerves when we try to get things done perfectly. In building bridges, American engineers calculate so finely and exactly as to make the two ends come together within one-tenth of an inch. But when two Chinese begin to dig a tunnel from both sides of a mountain both come out on the other side. --The Chinese’s firm belief is that it doesn’t m atter so long as a tunnel is dug through, and if we have two instead of one, why, we have a double track to boot.

The pace of modern industrial life forbids this kind of glorious and magnificent idling. But, worse than that, it imposes upon us a different conception of time as measured by the clock and eventually turns the human being into a clock himself. (This sort of thing is bound to come to China, as is evident, for instance, in the case of a factory of twenty thousand worker. The luxurious prospect of twenty thousand workers coming in at their own sweet pleasure at all hours is, of course, somewhat terrifying.)Nevertheless, such efficiency is what makes life so hard and full of excitement. A man who has to be punctually at a certain place at five o’c lock has the whole afternoon from one to five ruined for him already. Every American adult is arranging his time on the pattern of the schoolboy - three o’clock for this, five o’clock for that, six-thirty for change of dress, six-fifty for entering the tax i, and seven o’clock for arriving at the destination. It just makes life not worth living.

1. The writer objects to efficiency mainly on the grounds that it ____.

A) entitles us to too much leisure time

B) urges us to get things done punctually考试大论坛

C) deprives us of leisure time

D) imposes on us a perfect concept of time

2. In the eyes of the author, the introduction of industrial life gives rise to ____.

A) the excitement of life

B) magnificent idling of time

C) more emphasis on efficiency

D) terrifying schoolboy

3. The passage tells us ____.

A) Chinese workers come to work when it is convenient

B) all Americans are forced to be efficient against their will

C) Chinese engineers are on better terms with the management

D) Americans ought not to work so hard for efficiency

4. The author believes that relaxing the rule of punctuality in factories would lead to ____.

A) great confusion

B) increased production

C) a hard and exciting life

D) successful completion of a tunnel

5. What is implied but NOT stated by the author is that ____.

A) every American is arranging his time in the pattern of a schoolboy

B) every American is reluctant to be efficient

C) every one should have some time to spend as he pleases

D) being punctual is an undesirable habit which should not be formed


1.C)deprives us of leisure time对应原文第一句but that it is a thief of time when it leaves us no leisure to enjoy ourselves. 选项A是与作者想法完全相反的; 选项B虽有章可循, 但要注意原文是it strains our nerves when we try to get things done

perfectly, 而非it直接urges us to get things done punctually; 选项D要看清, 原文是a different conception of time而非a perfect concept of time.

2.C)more emphasis on efficiency对应原文第二段第一句The pace of modern industrial life forbids this kind of glorious and magnificent idling. 通过第一段可以看出, 与efficiency对立的是this kind of glorious and magnificent idling, 而industrial life又forbids, 自然说明industrial life gives rise to more emphasis on efficiency.

3.D)Americans ought not to work so hard for efficiency. 排除法: A)Chinese workers come to work when it is convenient不符合原文()中的内容; B)all Americans are forced to be efficient against their will语气太重, 不是被强迫讲求效率, 也不是违背自己意愿, 只是为了适应工业社会; C)Chinese engineers are on better terms with the management不属于本文讨论范畴。。。

4.A)great confusion对应原文(This sort of thing is bound to come to China, as is evident, for instance, in the case of a factory of twenty thousand worker. The luxurious prospect of twenty thousand workers coming in at their own sweet pleasure at all hours is, of course, somewhat terrifying.)

5.C)every on should have some time to spend as he pleases, 这是4个选项中唯一一个符合is implied but NOT stated两个条件的. A选项有被直接提及, B选项reluctant 是不愿的意思, 而本文并非讨论愿不愿的问题, D选项being punctual is an undesirable habit which should not be formed, 黑体部分分别为守时和不良习惯的意思, 显然不是作者本意.

总结一下, 今天这期比昨天讲小猫小狗的阅读要难一些- -, 是一篇既要求词汇量, 同时又要求答题技巧的典型的阅读理解. 所谓答题技巧, 就是首先要读懂文章的大概意思, 然后注意一些关键句子.

关键句子很有可能出现在段落的连接部分, 比如开头和结尾. 一般情况下, 阅读理解的前面几道题是可以从原文的关键句子中直接找出答案的, 而后面几道题, 往往要求综合全文来分析. 最近几天的阅读, 大体分为两种: 一种是偏向主观论述的阅读, 比如倒数55天的癌症、倒数53天的空调和今天的效率; 另一种是偏向客观叙述的阅读, 比如倒数52天的家养宠物和倒数54天的无家可归的儿童. 前者往往要着重考虑作者的中心思想, 后者往往要着重考虑作者的整体内容.

Of the thousands of different kinds of animals that exist in the world man has learned to make friends with an enormous number. Some are pets, and offer him companionship; some give protection, and some do hard work which man cannot do for himself. Dogs, which serve man in all three capacities, are found in various breeds in all countries of the world. The Husky can live in the cold polar regions, and the Saluki is at home in the hottest parts of Central Africa. The inhabitants of certain countries are dependent for their very lives on the camel. In the West Indies the little donkey, strong and sure-footed, carrying heavy loads even in mountainous places, is a familiar sight.来源:考试大

Trained and tamed for many generations, domestic animals are not accustomed to roaming(到处走动) in search of food and shelter. They look to their masters to

provide for their needs, and as long as these are supplied, they are content to do what their masters require.

All domestic animals need proper food. It must be suitable for them, sufficient in quantity, fresh and clean. Some people feed a pet dog or cat on odds and ends of table scraps, and then wonder why the animal seems listless(倦怠的) and dull. The quantity of food depends on the size of the animal and the amount of exercise it takes. Overfeeding is as bad as underfeeding. Containers for food and water must be washed regularly if the animal is to maintain good health.

Even well cared for animals may sometimes fall ill. If this happens, the wise master seeks the best advice he can get. All sorts of medicines and treatments are available for sick animals, and in some countries organizations exist to provide them free or at a cheap price. Useful, friendly, hardworking animals deserve to have some time, money and attention spent on their health.

1. What main idea does the author want to convey in the first paragraph?

A) There exists thousands of species of animals in the world.

B) Man came to establish a close relationship with a number of animals.

C) In some regions a donkey seems to be a very useful beast.

D) An animal will be useless unless domesticated.

2. When an animal is underfed, it will probably ____.

A) refuse to obey its master

B) immediately fall ill

C) require its master to offer some food

D) seek for food on its own

3. Which of the following is NOT true of dogs according to the passage?

A) They can act as friends, guards, and servants to man.

B) They have great adaptation for the environment.

C) There live a great variety of breeds of dogs on the globe.

D) The Husky and the Saluki are the strongest breed ever known in the world.

4. To keep a domestic animal physically fit, its owner is advised ____.

A) not to hesitate to spend enormous amount of money on it

B) to pay attention to its proper feeding来源:https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5013111694.html,

C) not to allow it to take excessive amounts of exercise

D) to join some sort of pet-keeping organizations

5. Which of the following would be best TITLE for this passage?

A) Domesticated Animals - Man’s Best Friend

B) Proper Diet - the Road to Health

C) The Advantages of Raising Domestic Animals

D) Some Tips on Pet-keeping


1.B)Man came to establish a close relationship with a number of animals. 黑体部分为第一段两个要点,A只包含了一个要点,C只提到了一头驴。。。D则完全与第一段无关。这道选错了要面壁哦。

2.A)refuse to obey its master对应原文Some people feed a pet dog or cat on odds and ends of table scraps(即题干中的When an animal is underfed, 所以要在这句话中

找答案~), and then wonder why the animal seems listless(倦怠的) and dull. 由于答案比较隐晦, 先保留A, B(直接得病)、C(要求食物)和D(自己觅食)均未从此句中得到丝毫体现, 所以A为最接近答案. 因为我家养过狗, 所以比较清楚, refuse to obey its master的一个表现就是listless and dull, 简单的说, 就是你逗它它没反应。。。

3.D)The Husky and the Saluki are the strongest breed ever known in the world 完全无法对应原文。。。A)They can act as friends, guards, and servants to man对应原文Dogs, which serve man in all three capacities; B)They have great adaptation for the environment对应原文Husky存在于两极和Saluki存在于非洲的叙述, 两极和非洲都能适应, 说明它们有很强的适应环境的能力; C)There live a great variety of breeds of dogs on the globe对应原文的are found in various breeds in all countries of the world.

4.B)to pay attention to its proper feeding对应原文All domestic animals need proper food. 整个第3段都是围绕着how to keep a domestic animal physically fit展开的.

5.A)Domesticated Animals - Man’s Best Friend为最合适答案, 本文正是充满感情地围绕着这个话题展开. 虽然文章对驯养家养动物提出了很多宝贵建议, 但B选项没说是给人Proper Diet还是给狗Proper Diet; C选项是饲养家养动物的好处, 也不对; D选项是喂养宠物的建议, 但只有第三、四段包含了建议的内容, 不全面. 关于这一点, 如果不能理解, 请参考上一期关于空调(air conditioning)的阅读的最后一题的答案详解, 这种类型的阅读理解的最后一道题往往要综合全文篇幅来看, 看作者总体说了什么, 而非作者着重说了什么. 呵呵, 大概是这样吧.

The greatest contribution to civilization in the century may well be the

air-conditioning- and American leads just as amazing is the speed with which this situation came to be. Air-conditioning began to spread in industries as a production aid during World War Ⅱ. Today most Americans need to take air-conditioning for granted to homes, offices, factories, theatres, shops, studios, schools, hotels, and restaurants.

But not everybody is aware that high cost and easy comfort are merely two of the effects of the vast cooling of American. In fact, air conditioning has substantially altered the country’s character and customs.本文来源:考试大网Many of the byproducts are so conspicuous that they are scarcely noticed. To begin with, air-conditioning transformed the face of America by making possible those glassy, boxy, sealed-in skyscrapers. It has been indispensable, no less, to the functioning of sensitive advanced computers, whose high operating temperatures require that they be constantly cooled. . .

It has, at will, forced families into retreating into families with closed doors and shut windows, reducing the interactions of neighborhood life. It is really surprising that the public’s often noted withdrawal into self-pursuit and privacy has coincided with the historic spread of air-conditioning. Though science has little studied how habitual air-conditioning affects mind and body, some medical experts suggest that, like other technical avoidance of natural variations in

climate, air-conditioning may damage the human capacity to adapt to stress. If so, air-conditioning is only like many other greatly useful technical developments that liberate man from nature by increasing his productivity and power in some way - while indirectly weakening him in others.

1. According to this selection, which of the following constitutes the unique character of U.S.?

A)Its excessive use of air-conditioning.

B)Its advanced computerized civilization.

C)Its public’s retreating into self-pursuit.

D)Its greatest contribution to human civilization.

2. According to the author, the chief consequence brought about by the wide application of air-conditioning is ____.

A)the loss of human capacity to adapt to changes in climate

B)the reduction of social communications of neighborhood life

C)the active life style of all its users

D)the decreased human production and power

3. The tone of this selection reveals that air-conditioning ____.

A)has little effect on its users

B)has more effect on body than on mind

C)brings more benefits than damage to its users

D)does harm as well as good to its users

4. Who benefits the least from air-conditioning according to the author?

A)Medical experts.


C)Factory laborers.


5. What is the author’s overall attitude towards air-conditioning?






1.A)Its excessive use of air-conditiong对应原文Today most Americans need to take air-conditioning for granted to homes, offices, factories, theatres, shops, studios, schools, hotels, and restaurants.

take sth for granted认为某事理所当然

2.B)the reduction of social communications of neighborhood life对应原文forced families into retreating into families with closed doors and shut windows, reducing the interactions of neighborhood life

neighborhood life社区生活

选项A并未对应题干中的According to the author 而是对应原文中的some medical experts suggest that

3.标准答案是C)brings more benefits than damage to its users,但我认为应该选

D)does harm as well as good to its users,对应原文最后一句If so, air-conditioning

is only like many other greatly useful technical developments(positive words)that liberate man from nature by increasing his productivity and power in some way - while indirectly weakening him in others(negative words),于是does harm as well as good to its users.

4.D)Consumers是最精确的。原文直接批判空调的一句话是forced families into retreating into families with closed doors and shut windows, reducing the interactions of neighborhood life,显然according to the author,consumers为从空调中受益最少的。而ABC三个选项,BC可以作为by increasing his productivity的受益者,A的工作性质则完全与空调无关,ABC甚至也都可以成为D的一种。

5.C)Critical对应原文It has, at will, forced,听起来很像批判。

at will随意任意

Until the 1980s, the American homeless population comprised mainly older males. Today, homelessness strikes much younger part of society. In fact, a 25-city survey by the U. S. Conference of Mayors in 1987 found that families with children make up the fastest growing part of the homeless population. Many homeless children gather in inner cities; this transient(变化无常的) and frequently frightened student population creates additional problems —both legal and educational —for already overburdened urban school administrators and teachers.

Estimates of the number of homeless Americans range from 350,000 to three million. Likewise, estimates of the number of homeless school children vary radically. A U.S. Department of Education report, based on state estimates, states that there are 220,000 homeless school-age children, about a third of whom do not attend school on a regular basis, But the National Coalition for the Homeless estimates that there are at least two times as many homeless children, and that less than half of them attend school regularly. One part of the homeless population that is particularly difficult to count consists of the “throwaway” youths who have been cast of their homes. The Elementary School Center in New York City estimates that there are 1.5 million of them, many of whom are not counted as children because they do not stay in family shelters and tend to live by themselves on the streets. Federal law, the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act of 1987, includes a section that addresses the educational needs of homeless children. The educational provisions of the McKinney Act are based on the belief that all homeless children have the right to a free, appropriate education.

1. It is implied in the first paragraph that ____.来源:https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5013111694.html,

A) the writer himself is homeless, even in his eighties

B) many older homeless residents are going on strike in 25 cities

C) there is a serious shortage of academic facilities

D) homeless children are denied the opportunity of receiving free education

2. The National Coalition for the homeless believes that the number of homeless children is _____.

A) 350,000

B) 1,500,000

C) 440,000

D) 110,000

3. One part of the homeless population is difficult to estimate. The reason might well be ____.

A) the homeless children are too young to be counted as children

B) the homeless population is growing rapidly

C) the homeless children usually stay outside school

D) some homeless children are deserted by their families

4. The McKinney Act is mentioned in this passage in order to show that ___.

A) the educational problems of homeless children are being recognized

B) the estimates on homeless children are hard to determine

C) the address of grade-school children should be located

D) all homeless people are entitled to free education

5. The passage mainly deals with ____.

A) the legal problems of the homeless children

B) the educational problems of homeless children

C) the social status of older males

D) estimates on the homeless population

答案:C C D A B 考试大论坛




Cancer is feared by everyone. And this fear is reaching epidemic(流行性) proportions. Not the disease itself —there is no such thing as a cancer epidemic. Except for lung cancer, mostly caused by cigarette smoking ,the incidence rates are leveling off, and in the case of some kinds of cancer are decreasing. But the fear of cancer is catching, and the country stands at risk of an anxiety, The earth itself is coming to seem like a huge carcinogen(致癌物). The ordinary, more or less scientific statement that something between 80 and 90 percent of all cancers are

dun to things in the environment is taken to mean that none of us will be safe until the whole environment is “cleaned up.” This is not at all the meaning.www.Ehttps://www.wendangku.net/doc/5013111694.html,考试就到考试大

The 80-percent calculation is based on the unthinkable differences in the incidence of cancer in various societies around the world —for example, the high proportion of liver cancer in Africa and the Far East, stomach cancer in Japan, breast cancer in Western Europe and North America, and the relatively low figures for breast cancer in Japan and parts of Africa and for liver cancer in America. These data indicate there may be special and specific environmental influences, largely based on personal life-style, that determine the incidence of various forms of cancer in different communities — but that is all the data suggest. The overall incidence of cancer, counting up all the cases, is probable roughly the same everywhere.

1.Which of the following i s closest to meaning to the phrase “leveling off”?

A)Became very popular

B)Reached its lowest level in popularity

C)Stopped being popular

D)Stopped increasing its popularity

2.According to the passage, the incidence of cancer is generally believed _____.

A)to be based on inactive life style

B)to be due to anxiety

C)to result from environmental influences

D)to be caused by heavy smoking

3.It can be inferred from the passage that the writer’s opinion about the relationship between cancer and environment is_____.





4.According to the passage, the writer seems to feel that_____.

A)cancer risk is on the rise

B)the whole earth resembles a huge carcinogen

C)the risk of catching cancer is not so great as most people conceive

D)cancer can be cured sooner or later

5.Which of the following would be the best TITLE for the passage?

A)Cancer and Environment

B)The Fear Caused by Cancers

C)Data on Cancer Incidence

D)Cancer and its Investigation

D,C,B,C,A 来源:https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5013111694.html,




Upon reaching an appropriate age (usually between 18 and 21 years), children are encouraged, but not forced,to “leave the nest” and begin an independent life. After children leave home they often find social relationship and financial support outside the family. Parents do not arrange marriages for their children, nor do children usually ask permission of their parents to get married, Romantic love is most often the basis for marriage in the United States; young adults meet their future spouses (配偶) through other friends, at jobs, and in organizations and religious institutions, Although children choose their own spouses, they still hope their parents will approve of their choices.

In many families, parents feel that children should make major life decisions by themselves. A parent may try to influence a child to follow a particular profession but the child is free to choose another career. Sometimes children do precisely the opposite of what their parents wish in order to assert their independence. A son may deliberately decide not to go into his father’s business because of a fear that he will lose his autonomy in his father’s workplace. This independence from parents is not an indication that parents and children do not love each other. Strong love between parents and children is universal and this is no exception in the American family Coexisting with such love in the American family are cultural values of self – reliance and independence.

1. The writer discusses the marriage of young adults in order to show which of the following?

A) They enjoy the freedom of choosing their spouses.

B) They want to win the permission of their parents.

C) They have a strong desire to become independent.

D) They want to challenge the authority of their parents.

2. Most young adults in the U.S. get married for the sake of ____.

A) love

B) financial concern

C) their parents

D) family background

3. Based on the passage, it can be assumed that ______.

A) American young adults are likely to follow the suit of their parents

B) most American people never make major decisions for their children

C) American young adults possess cultural values of independence

D) once a young person steps into his twenties, he will leave his home permanently 4. A son is unwillin g to work in his father’s business mainly because _____. A) he wishes to make full use of what he has learnt in school

B) he wants to prove his independence

C) he wishes to do the opposite of what his parents approve of

D) he wants to show his love for his parents

5. The subject matter of this selection is _____.

A) family values

B) marriage arrangements

C) the pursuit of a career

D) decision making






Questions 52 to 56 are based on the following passage.

What makes Americans spend nearly half their food dollars on meals away from hom e? The answers lie in the way Americans live today. During the first few decades of the twentieth century, canned and other convenience foods freed the family cook from full-tim e duty at the kitchen range.

Then, in the 1940s, work in the wartime defense plants took more women out of the home that ever before, setting the pattern of the working wife and mother. Unless family members pitch in with food preparation, women are not fully liberated from that chore.

It's easier to pick up a bucket of fried chicken on the way home from work or take the family out for pizzas or burgers than to start opening cans or heating up frozen dinn ers after a long, hard day. Also nowadays, the rising divorce rate means that there are m ore single working parents with children to feed. And many young adults and elderly peo ple, as well as unmarried and divorced mature people, live alone rather than as a part of a family unit and don't want to bother cooking for one. Fast food is appealing because it is fast, it doesn't require any dressing up, it offers a "fun" break in the daily routine, an d the outlay of money seems small. It can be eaten in the car-sometimes picked up at a drive-in window without even getting out-or on the run. Even if it is brought home to eat, there will never be any dirty dishes to wash because of the handy disposable wrappings. Children, especially, love fast food because it's finger food, no struggling with knives an d forks, no annoying instructions from adults about table manners.

52. Americans enjoy fast food mainly because ________.

[A] it can be eaten in the car

[B] it is much more tasty than home-made food

[C] one only uses his fingers while eating it

[D] it is time-saving and convenient

53. It can be inferred that children ________.

[A] want to have freedom at table

[B] wash dishes after each meal

[C] are not good at using forks and knives while eating

[D] take eating time as a fun break

54. Many Americans are eating out and not cooking at home nowadays because ____ ____.

[A] they want to make a change after eating the same food for years at home

[B] the food made outside home tastes better than food cooked at home

[C] many of them live alone or don't like taking trouble to cook

[D] American women refuse to cook at home due to women's liberation movement

55. According to the text, a drive-in window is a ________.

[A] car window from which you can see the driver

[B] window in the restaurant from which you get your meal in the car

[C] place where you check the mechanic condition of your car

[D] entrance where you return the used plates after eating

56. The expression "pitch in with" (Line 2, Para. 2) probably means________.

[A] complain

[B] enjoy

[C] help

[D] deny

Passage Two

Questions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage.

InfraGard is a grass-roots effort to respond to the need for cooperation and collaborat ion in countering the threat of cyber crime and terrorism to private businesses and the go vernment. By the end of September, there will be InfraGard chapters in all 50 states, Call oway said. With advice from the FBI, each local chapter will be run by a board of direct ors that includes members of private industry, the academic community and public agencie s. Bands, utilities, and other businesses and government agencies will use a secure Web si te to share information about attempts to hack into their computer networks. Members can join the system free. A key feature of the system is a two-pronged method of reporting attacks.

A "sanitized" description of a hacking attempt or other incident-one that doesn't revea l the name or information about the victim-can be shared with the other members to spot trends. Then a more detailed description also can be sent to the FBI's computer crimes u nit to interfere if there are grounds for an investigation. Cyber crime has jumped in recen t years across the nation, particularly in hotbeds of financial commerce and technology lik e Charlotte. "Ten years ago, all you needed to protect yourself was a safe, a fence and s ecurity officers," said Chris Swecker, who is in charge of the FBI's Charlotte office. "No w any business with a modem is subject to attack." FBI agents investigate computer hacki ng that disrupted popular Web sites including Amazon. com, CNN and Yahoo!

several North Carolina victims have been identified this year. The investigation has al so identified computer systems in North Carolina used by hackers to commit such attacks. Prosecutions of hackers have been hampered by the reluctance of companies to report se curity intrusions for fear of bad publicity and lost business. Meanwhile, too many corporat ions have made it too easy for criminals by sacrificing security for speed and accessibility. Jack Wiles, who will lead the local InfraGard chapter's board, said a recent report estima ted 97 percent of all cyber crime goes undetected. Wiles, a computer security expert, has a firewall on his personal computer to prevent hackers from getting into his files. "I get a t least one report a day that somebody was trying to get into my computer," he said, "th e Net is a wonderful place, but it's also a dangerous one."

57. From the first paragraph, we know ________.

[A] InfraGard is a protective measure against cyber crime

[B] InfraGard is a measure of cooperation and collaboration

[C] there will be 50 InfraGard chapters in all states

[D] private business and the government are now committing cyber crime

58. Each local chapter of InfraGard will be run by the following EXCEPT ________.

[A] academic communities

[B] public agencies


[D] private industry

59. By saying "too many corporations...speed and accessibility" (Lines 3~4, Para. 3), the author means ________.

[A] too many corporations take no notice of the security problem of computers

[B] criminals are sacrificing security for speed and accessibility

[C] it's very easy to sacrifice security for speed and accessibility

[D] many companies suffer from computer hacking because they value speed and acc essibility more than security

60. All the following are reasons for the rise in cyber crime EXCEPT ________.

[A] victims won't report intrusions by hackers

[B] victims have no firewalls

[C] the use of modem is increasing

[D] companies don't pay enough attention to security

61. It can be concluded from the passage that ________.

[A] not all hacking attempts are worthy of investigation

[B] information of the victims is inaccessible

[C] InfraGard chapters will be in effect by the end of September

[D] https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5013111694.html, was often disrupted by hacking

Section B

Passage One

52. D 细节题。由文章第三段第四句提到的fast food is appealing because it is fast, it doesn't require any dressing up...可知,D正确。

53.C 推断题。文章第三段最后一句提到no struggling with knives and forks,由strug gling一词可推断,孩子们不擅长使用刀叉吃饭,所以C正确。

54. C 推断题。文章第三段提到,现在很多人都独自居住,他们不愿意为自己一个人烹制食物,所以C正确。由于题目问的是nowadays的情况,所以可排除强干扰项D。

55. B 推断题。文章第三段倒数第三句提到sometimes picked up at a drive-in window without even getting out, 由句中的without even getting out 可以推断,drive-in window 是免下窗口,即司机可以不用下车就能拿到食物,所以B正确。

56. 语义题。文章第二段第二句意为“只要家庭成员不准备食物,妇女们就无法完全从家务杂事中解放出来。”由此推断,pitch in with应意为“帮助”,故选C。

Passage Two

58. C 细节题。由文章第一段第三句With advice from the FBI可知,FBI只是充当顾问,并无经营权,故选C。

59. D 语义题。被考查句原意为“很多公司为了保证网强的速度和可接入性而不顾及网络安全,这让网络犯罪变得非常容易。”言外之意是很多公司更重视网络速度和可接入性,从而遭到了电脑黑客的攻击,所以D正确。

60. B 推断题。虽然文章提到了firewall(防火墙),但并没有说公司不使用防火墙是网络犯罪率升高的原因,故选B。而文章第三段第三句(A项),第二段倒数第二句(C项)和第三段第四句(D项)则分别说明了网络犯罪率上升的原因。

61. A 推断题。文章第二段第二句指出,黑客攻击的详情会被送到FBI的电脑犯罪科,以确


No one knows when the first calendar was developed. But it seems possible that it was based on lunar months. When people started farming, the sages of the tribes became very important, they studied the sky and gathered enough information to be able to predict when the seasons would change, and were able to announce when it was time to plant crops.

The divisions of time we use today were developed in ancient Babylonia 4,000 years ago.Babylonian astronomers believed the sun moved around the Earth every 365 days.They divided the trip into 12 equal parts, each with 30 days. Then they divided each day into 24 equal parts, or hours, and divided each hour into 60 minutes, each minute into 60 seconds.

Humans have used many devices to measure time; the sundial (日晷) was one of the earliest and simplest. However, the sundial worked well only when


英语四级阅读理解练习题及解析 【阅读练习】 What is it about Americans and food? We love to eat,but we feel 1 about it afterward. We say we want only the bes t, but we strangely enjoy junkfood. We’re 2 with health an d weight loss but face an unprecedented epidemic of obes ity(肥胖). Perhaps the 3 to this ambivalence(矛盾情 结) lies in our history. The first Europeans cameto this con tinent searching for new spices but went in vain. The first cash crop(经济作 物)wasn’t eaten but smoked. Then there was Prohibition, i ntended to prohibit drinking butactually encouraging more 4 ways of doing it. The immigrant experience, too, has been one of inharmon y. Do as Romans do meanseating what “real Americans” e at, but our nation’s food has come to be 5 by imports—piz za,say, or hot dogs. And some of the country’s most treas ured cooking comes from people whoarrived here in shack les.



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3 大学英语四级阅读理解试题及答案(四) 十六 Trees should only be pruned when there is a good and clear reason for doing so and , fortunately,the number of such reasons is small. Pruning involves the cutting away of obergrown and unwanted branches, and the inexperienced gardener can be encouraged by the thought that more damage results from doing it unnecessarily than from leaving the tree to grow in its own way. First, pruning may be done to make sure that trees have a desired shape or size. The object may be to get a tree of the right height, and at the same time to help the growth of small side branches which will thicken its appearance or give it a special shape. Secondly, pruning may be done to make the tree healthier. You may cut diseaed or dead wood, or branches that are rubbing against each other and thus cause wounds. The health of a tree may be encouraged by removing branches that are blocking up the centre and so preventing the free movement of air. One result of pruning is that an open wound is left on the tree and this provides an easy entry for disease, but itis a wound that will heal. Often there is a race between the healing and the desease as to whether the tree will live or die, so that there is a period when the tree is at risk. It should be the aim of every gardener to reduce which has been pruned smooth and clean, for healing will be slowed down by roughness. You should allow the cut surface to dry for a few hurs and then paint it with one of the substances available from garden shops produced especially for this purpose. Pruning is usually without interference from the leaves and also it is very unlikely that the cuts yu make will bleed. If this does happen,it is, of course,impossible to paint them properly. 1.Pruning should be done to ______. a.make the tree grow taller


1. When I was growing up, the whole world was Jewish. The heroes were Jewish and the villains were Jewish. The landlord, the doctor, the grocer, your best friend, the village idiot, and the neighborhood bully: all Jewish. We were working class and immigrants as well, but that just come with the territory. Essentially we were Jews on the streets of New York. We learned to be kind, cruel, and smart and feeling in a mixture of language and gesture that was part street slang, part grade-school English, part kitchen Yiddish. One Sunday evening when I was eight years old my parents and I were riding in the back seat of my rich uncle's car. We had been out for a ride and now we were back in the Bronx, headed for home. Suddenly, another car sideswiped us. My mother and aunt shrieked. My uncle swore softly. My father, in whose lap I was sitting, said out the window at the speeding car, “That's all right. Nothing but a few Jews in here.” In an instant I knew everything. I knew there was a world beyond our streets, and in that world my father was a humiliated man, without power or standing. When I was sixteen a girl in the next building had her nose straightened; we all went together to see Selma Shapiro lying in state, wrapped in bandages from which would emerge a person fit for life beyond the block. Three buildings away a boy went downtown for a job, and on his application he wrote “Anold Brown”instead of “Anold Braunowiitz.”The news swept through the neighborhood like a wild fire. A name change? What was happening here? It was awful; it was wonderful. It was frightening; it was delicious. Whatever it was, it wasn't standstill.Thing felt lively and active. Self-confidence was on the rise, passivity on the wane. We were going to experience challenges. That's what it meant to be in the new world. For the first time we could imagine ourselves out there. But whom exactly do I mean when I say we? I mean Arinie, not Selma. I mean my brother, not me. I mean the boys, not the girls. My mother stood behind me, pushing me forward. “The girls goes to college, too,” she said. And I did. But my going to college would not mean the same thing as my brother's going to college, and we all knew it. For my brother, college meant going from the Bronx to Manhattan. But for me? From the time I was fourteen I yearned to get out of the Bronx, but get out into what? I did not actually imagine myself a working person alo ne in Manhattan and nobody else did either. What I did imagine was that I would marry, and that the man I married would get me downtown. He would break the perils of class and race, and some how I'd be there alongside him. 1.In the passage, we can find the author was____.


大学英语四级阅读理解试 题及答案一 It was last revised on January 2, 2021

大学英语四级阅读理解试题及答案(一) 一 There are three kinds of goals: short-term,medium-range and long-term goals. Short-range goals are those that usually deal with current activities,which we can apply on a daily goals can be achieved in a week or less,or two weeks,or possible should be remembered that just as a building is no stronger than its foundation ,out long-term goals cannot amount to very munch without the achievement of solid short-term completing our short-term goals,we should date the occasion and then add new short-term goals that will build on those that have been completed. The intermediate goals bukld on the foundation of the short-range might deal with just one term of school or the entire school year,or they could even extend for several time you move a step at a time,you should never allow yourself to become discouraged or overwhelmed. As you complete each step,you will enforce the belief in your ability to grow adn as your list of completion dates grow,your motivation and desire will increase. Long-range goals may be related to our dreams of the future. They might cover five years or more. Life is not a static should never allow a long-term goal to limit us or our course of action. long-term goals mean a lot__. we complete our short-range goals we cannot reach solid short-term goals we write down the dates we put forward some plans short-term goals are bulid upon__. years goals activities goals that have been completed we complete each step of our goals ,__. will win final success are overwhelmed should build up confidence of success should strong desire for setting new goals our goals are drawn up,__. should stick to them until we complete them may change our goals as we have new ideas and opportunities had better wait for the exciting news of success have made great decision is implied but not stated in the passage that ___. who habe long-term goals will succeed down the dates may discourage you


2洛基英语,中国在线英语教育领导品牌 阅读练习】 Nowadays, is it possible to tell a person’s class just by looking at him? Physical details __1__ tell us about health, diet and type of work done. A hundred years ago the working class very often lookd unhealthy, small and were either too thin or too fat. The upper classes were often __2__, sporting types who were used to a good diet and looked healthy. Today living and working conditions have improved, and such __3__ would no longer be so true.The clothes people choose to wear, however, do provide information about their __4__. The most obvious way in which is for the amount of money spent on them. Expensive clothes look expensive and show their wearer had money. Clothes can provide other __5__ as well. The upper classes __6__ to be less interested in fashion and wear good quality clothes in non-bright colours, made of natural material like wool, leather or cotton. Lower working class people often choose clothes in bright colours, made of man-made material. A sociological explanation for this would be that color and interest are mssing from their lives, and therefore any opportunity to introduce this is __7__.Clothes are __8__ at a price within most people’s reach. New clothes make the wearer feel good, and show some __9__ of wealth to the outside world. Today some new fashions are started by the lower working class people who want to look __10__ and feel important. They want people to look at them.A) available B) background C) different D) tallE) totally F) taken G) descriptions H) degreeI) clues J) alone K) appear L) considerM) full N) hobby O)fetched ANSWER: 1.选J)。此处应填副词。可选项有totally和alone,由前一句中just可推出,外表上的细节仅仅能告诉我们这个人的健康状况,平时的营养状况以及他所从事的工作而不能看出他所处的阶级,故排除totally而选alone“惟一”。 2.选D)。此处应填形容词。因此此句和前一句是在将以前的工人阶级和上层阶级的身体状况进行对比,故此处应填与small“矮的”意思相反的词,选项中只有tall符合题意。而full“丰满的”不能用来修饰sporting types,故排除。 3.选G)。此处应填名词。现在的生活和工作条件改善了,情况已经不同了。而such指代的是上文中对一百年以前工人阶级和上层阶级的身体状况的身体状况的描述,故descriptions“描述”符合题意。 4.选B)。此处应填名词。根据句意“衣服可以提供...方面的信息”,选项中有background和hobby,选background“人的背景,社会阶层”,符合文章主题。 5.选I)。由as well可知,此处应填名词且与本段首句中的informaiton的意思相近,选项中只有clues“线索”符合题意。 6.选K)。此处应填动词的原形。选项中有appear和consider,appear可直接接不定式;而consider带不定式的复合结构,用于主动语态时,consider后面得接宾语,故选appear。7选F)。这句中this指代bright colour,句子主干是any opportunity is...。可选项有taken和fetched,take“抓住”则可以与opportunity搭


大学英语四级阅读理解(1)We find that bright children are rarely held back by mixed-ability teaching. On the contrary, both their knowledge and experience are enriched. We feel that there are many disadvantages in streaming(把......按能力分班) pupils. It does not take into account the fact that children develop at different rates. It can have a bad effect on both the bright and the not-so-bright child. After all, it can be quite discouraging to be at the bottom of the top grade! Besides, it is rather unreal to grade people just according to their intellectual ability. This is only one aspect of their total personality. We are concerned to develop the abilities of all our pupils to the full, not just their academic ability. We also value personal qualities and social skills, and we find that mixed-ability teaching contributes to all these aspects of learning. In our classrooms, we work in various ways. The pupils often work in groups: this gives them the opportunity to learn to co-operate, to share, and to develop leadership skills. They also learn how to cope with personal problems as well as learning how to think, to make decisions, to analyse and evaluate, and to communicate effectively. The pupils learn from each other as well as from the teacher. Sometimes the pupils work in pairs; sometimes they work on individual tasks and assignments, and they can do this at their own speed. They also have some formal class teaching when this is appropriate. We encourage our pupils to use the library, and we teach them the skills they need in order to do this efficiently. An advanced pupil can do advanced work: it does not matter what age the child is. We expect our pupils to do their best, not their least, and we give them every


大学英语四级阅读理解试题 Many people believe the glare from snow causes snowblindnenss. Yet, dark glasses or not , they find themselves suffering from headaches and watering eyes,and even snowblindness,when exposed to several hours of "snow light" . The United States Army has now determined that glare from snow does not cause snowblindness in troops in a snow- covered , a man's eyes frequently find nothing to foucs on in a broad expanse of barren snow-covered terrain. So his gaze continually shifts and jumps back and forth over the entire landscape in search of tsomething to look at. Finding nothing, hour after hour, the eyes never sotp searching and the eyeballs become sore and the eye muscles ache. Nature offsets this irritation by producing more and fluid which covers the eyeball. The fluid coversthe eyeball in increasing quantity until vision blurs, then is obsured,and the result is total, even though temporary,snowblindness. Experiments led the Army to a simple method of overcoming this problem. Scouts ahead of a main body of troops are


Passage1 Reading leadership literature, you’d sometimes think that everyone has the potential to be an effective leader. 读领导文学,你有时会认为每个人都有可能成为一个有效的领导者。 I don’t believe that to be true. In fact, I see way fewer truly effective leaders than I see people stuck in positions of leadership who arc sadly incompetent and seriously misguided about their own abilities. 我不相信这是真的。事实上,我认为真正有效的领导者的方式比我看到的人都陷在领导的职位上,遗憾的是他们自己的能力不称职,严重误导了他们。 Part of the reason this happens is a lack of honest self-assessment by those who aspire to(追求)leadership in the first place. 对产生这种现象的原因一部分是由那些渴望缺乏诚实的自我评估(追求)放在首位的领导 We've all met the type of individual who simply must take charge. Whether it's a decision-making session, a basketball game, or a family outing, they can't help grabbing the lead dog position and clinging on to it for dear life. They believe they're natural born leaders. 我们都遇到了个人的类型,他们必须负责。无论是决策会议,篮球比赛,还是家庭外出,他们都不能不抓住领导的狗的地位,并紧紧抓住它,因为亲爱的生命。他们相信他们是天生的领袖。 Truth is, they're nothing of the sort. True leaders don't assume that it's their divine(神圣的)right to take charge every time two or more people get together. Quite the opposite. A great leader will assess each situation on its merits, and will only take charge when their position, the situation, and/or the needs of the moment demand it. 事实是,他们没有什么样的。真正的领导者不认为这是他们的神圣(神圣的)负责每次两个或两个以上的人在一起吧。恰恰相反。一个伟大的领导者会对每一个情况进行评估,并在他们的位置、情况和/或需要的情况下,只会负责。 Many business executives confuse leadership with action. They believe that constant motion somehow generates leadership as a byproduct. Faced with any situation that can’t be solved by the sheer force of activity, they generate a dust cloud of impatience. Their one leadership tool is


大学英语四级阅读理解试题40篇之一(含答案) There are three kinds of goals: short-term,medium-range and long-term goals. Short-range goals are those that usually deal with current activities,which we can apply on a daily basis.Such goals can be achieved in a week or less,or two weeks,or possible months.It should be remembered that just as a building is no stronger than its foundation ,out long-term goals cannot amount to very munch without the achievement of solid short-term goals.Upon completing our short-term goals,we should date the occasion and then add new short-term goals that will build on those that have been completed. The intermediate goals bukld on the foundation of the short-range goals.They might deal with just one term of school or the entire school year,or they could even extend for several years.Any time you move a step at a time,you should never allow yourself to become discouraged or overwhelmed. As you complete each step,you will enforce the belief in your ability to grow adn succeed.And as your list of completion dates grow,your motivation and desire will increase. Long-range goals may be related to our dreams of the future. They might cover five years or more. Life is not a static thing.We should never allow a long-term goal to limit us or our course of action. 1.Our long-term goals mean a lot______. A.if we complete our short-range goals B.if we cannot reach solid short-term goals C.if we write down the dates D.if we put forward some plans 2.New short-term goals are bulid upon______. A.two years B.long-term goals C.current activities D.the goals that have been completed 3.When we complete each step of our goals ,______. A.we will win final success B.we are overwhelmed C.we should build up confidence of success D.we should strong desire for setting new goals 4.Once our goals are drawn up,_______. A.we should stick to them until we complete them B.we may change our goals as we have new ideas and opportunities C.we had better wait for the exciting news of success D.we have made great decision 5.It is implied but not stated in the passage that ______. A.those who habe long-term goals will succeed B.writing down the dates may discourage you C.the goal is only a guide for us to reach our desination D.every should have a goal 答案:adcbc 大学英语四级阅读理解试题40篇之二(含答案) The economy of the United states after 1952 was the econnomy of a well-fed,almost fully employed people. Despit occasional alarms, the country escaped any postwar depression and lived in a state of boom. A n economic survey of the year 1955, a typical year of the 1950’s, may be


As the pace of life continues to increase ,we are fast losing the art of relaxation. Once you are in the habit of rushing through lift,being on the go from morning till night, it is hard to slow down. But relaxation is essential for a healthy mind and body. Stress is an natural part of everyday lift and there is no way to avoid it. In fact ,it is not the bad thing it is often supposed to be .A certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation adn give purpose to life. It is only when the stress gets out of control that it can lead to poor performance and ill health. The amount of stress a person can withstand depends very much on the individual. Some people are not afraid of stress,and such characters are obviously prime material for managerial responsibilities. Others lose heart at the first signs of unusual difficulties. When exposed to stress,in whatever form,we react both chemically and physically. In fact we make choice between "fight" or "flight" and in more primitive days the choice made the difference between life or death. The crises we meet today are unlikely to be so extreme,but however little the stress,it involves the same response. It is when such a reaction lasts long,through continued exposure to stress,that health becomes endangered.Such serious conditions as high blood pressure and heart disease have established links with stress.Since we cannot remove stress from our lives(it would be unwise to do so even if we could),we need to find ways to deal with it. 1.People are finding less and less time for relaxing themselves because_____. a.they do not know how to enjoy themselves b.they do not believe that relaxation is important for health c.they are travelling fast all the time d.they are becoming busier with their work 2.According to the writer ,the most important character for a good manager is his ________. a.not fearing stress b.knowing the art of relaxation c.high sense of responsibility d.having control over performance 3.Which of the follwing statements is ture? a.We can find some ways to avoid stress b.Stress is always harmful to people

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