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近义词同义词 误用

近义词同义词 误用
近义词同义词 误用

abject object

abjure adj ure



absolute, obsolete, obsolescent abuse, mi suse, di suse accelerate, exhilarate

accept, except

access, excess, assess accessary, accessory accidental, inci dental accumulative, cumulati ve

acti vate, actuate

actual, acute, adapt, adept, adopt adapter, adoptor addendum, addenda

adduce, deduce, deduct adhesion, adherence admittable, admi ssi ble admittance, admi ssion adopted, adoptive

adventiti ous, adventurous adverse, averse



affair, affaire

affect, effect

affection, affectation agenda, adendaum

alarum, alarm

albumen, al bumin

alien, alieni st, alienate

all-round, all-around

allude, del ude, elude, illude allusi on, del usion, elusi on, illusion alone, lonely

already, all ready,

altar, alter

alternate, al ternative, alternately, alternativel y altogther, all together alumnus, alumna, al umni

al ways, all ways

amen, omen

amend, emend

amiable, ami cable

amoral, immoral, unmoral amphibian, amphi bion amuse, bemuse nanlyst, annalist

anecdote, antidote

annal, annual, annular

annex, annexe

anonymous, anomal ous

antagonist, protagoni st

anti c, anti que

antimony, anti nomy

apatheti c, epitheti c

apposi te, opposi te

apprai se, appri se, apprize

appreciate, appreci able

apprehend, comprehend, reprehend

arbiter, arbitrator

arouse, rouse,

arrogate, arrogant

artful, arti sti c

arti st, artisan, arti sre

ascent, assent,

asceti c, aestheti c

ascri be, describe

assay, essay

assume, presume

assupti on, presumption

assure, ensure, i nsure

astray, estray

astronaut, cosmonaut

athleti c, athleti cs

aught, ought

autarchy, autarky

authoritarian, authoritative

avenge, revenge

avert, divert, advert

award, reward

awhile, while

backward backwards

baleful baneful

banquet banquette

barbari c barbarous

base basi s

basi c basal

bathos pathos

beach beech

benefi cent baenefi cial

beside bbesi des

beware aware

biannual biennial

becentenary bi centennial

bimonthl y semimonthly

biparti san parti san bi partite

birth date bi rthday

black biack blacke

black berry bl ackberry

black bi rd blackbird

black list bl ackli st

bloc block

blond bl onde

bloom bl ossom

bona fides bona fide

born borne

bravado bravery

breach breech

brunet brunette

bureau bureaux

burnt burned

bust burst


cabi net cabinet

calendar calender col ander

canon cannon

canvas canvass

capi tal capitol carrot karat

career careen

careless carefree

carton cartoon

casual causal

casualty causality

cataclasm cataclysm

Catholi c catholi c

cavalry cal vary

celebrant celebrator

celebrate celibate

cellar collar

censer censor censure

census consensus

centenary centennial

cereal seri al

ceremonious ceremonial

cereal seri al

ceremonious ceremonial

cession sessi on

champaign champagne Champagne

chase chaste

chef chief

childlike childi sh

choral dhorale

chord cord

ci te si te

classi c classi cal

ciean cleanse

climacti c climati c

cl ue clew

coarse course

ci gerebce cohesion

coherent cohesi ve

collaborate corrobrate elaborate collect collate

comi c comi cal

commence commerce

compass campus

compel i mpel

complacent compiaisant complement complinent composer composi tor

ci mprehensible comprehensive compress compri se

compul sive i mpul sive

concave convex

concede recede

concert concerto consort condemm contemn

conductive conduci ve

confer defer infer

confi dant confidante confiaent confi dentl y confidentially

confi rm conform

congenial genial genius genui ne connotati on denotation conscienti ous consci ous consequent subsequent conservatory conservatoire considerable considerate consistently constantly consortium consortia

consul council counsel contemporaneous contemporary contempti ble contemptuous contend content

continual conti nuous continuance continuation contradi ctory contradi ctious

co-respondent correspondent corporal corporeal

corps corpse

councillor counsellor

country man countryman coup coupé

covert overt

crash crush

credible creditable credulous

credi t accredit

crevasse crevi ce

cri ti c criti que

crochet crotchet

crumble crumple

currant current


cateline deadline

deadly deathly

debar di sbar

debutant debutante

decant descant

decent descent

decant descant

decent descent

deceptive decei tful

deci sive inci si ve

declai m di scl aim

decry descry

dedi cate deli cate

defective defi cient

defensible defensive

definite definiti ve

deflect reflect

defuse di ffuse

delusi ve el usive

denominate nomi nate

denote connote

denounce renounce

dent dint

dependant dependent

dependence dependency

deposi tary depository

deprecate depreci ate

derivation deviateon

desert dessert

desi rable desirous

despatch despatch

determinately determinedl y

detract di stract subtract

deviser devi sor divi sor

devote devotee

devoted devout

diary dai ry

dimini sh mi nimize

disarmed unarmed

disburse di sperse

disoomfort di scomfi t di scomfiture

discreet di screte

discus di scuss

disguise di sgust

dispersal di spersion

disposal desposi tion

dessemble di sassemble

dissi mulate si mulate

dessi mulation di ssemi nation

distinct di stinctive di stingui shed

distribute attribute

dominate domi neer

donkey work donkey,s work

dower dowry

downward downwards

draft draught

dragon dragoon

drunk druken

dual duel


earthy earthl y

economi c economi cal

educable educible

educational educative

effective affecti ve effi ci ent effectual

effemi nate femini ne

egoism egoti sm

egregious gregarious

elapse l apse

elder el dest ol der ol dest

electri c electri cal

elegant eloquent

elemental elementary

ellipse ellipsi s

emerge emerse i mmerge immerse

emergence emergency

eminent imminent immanent

emit remi t

empathy sympathy

emit remi t

empathy sympathy

encl ose incl ose

endorse i ndorse

endow endue

enervate i nnervate

enormity enormous

enqui re inquire

entomol ogy etymology enumerable i nnumerable envelop envelope

enviable envious

envisi on envi sage

eepi cal epochal

epidemi c endemi c

epitaph epigraph

equable equitable

erratum errata

eruption i rrupti on

escape escapade

especi al special

especi ally specially

ethi cal ethni cal

eulogi sti c euphemisti c everyday every day

everyone every on

everything every thing evocative provocati ve

xeceed excel

exceedingl y excessi vel y exceptionable exceptional executer executor executioner exerci se exorci se exhanusting exhaustive

exi st subsi st

exoti c esoteri c eroti c

explici t i mplici t

explosion implosion expostulate postulate extempore i mpromptu

extend extent extant xetended extensive i ntensi ve intense exterior external intemal extuact extri cat

extroert introvert


facet faucet

facility facul ty

facti ous facti tious fi cti tious

fai rly fai ry

fakir faker

fantasy phantasy

farther further

fatal fateful

fated fted

favourable favourite

ferment foment festal festi ve


final fi nale

finesse fineness

flalir flare

flammable i nflammable

flaunt flout

flea fell

fleshly fl eshy

flier fl yer

flounder founder

fogy foggy

forbear forebear

forceful forcible

forever for ever

foreword forward forwards

forgo forego

formally formerly

fortuitous fortunate

free thinker freethinkdr

freeman freedman

funereal funeral


gaff gaffe

gamble gambol

gantlet gauntlet gamut

gap gape

garni sh garni shee

genteel gentle gentile

gibe jibe

gild guild

gilt guitl

gold golden

gorilla guerrilla

gourmand gourmet

grand father grandfather

grateful gratified

green grocer greengrocer

green house greenhouse

gri sl y grizzly

guarantee guaranty


habitable i nhabi table

habitat habitant

hail hale

handi work handwork

hanger hangar

haply happily

hassle bustle hustle

haste hasten

hastefully hastily

heal thful healthy

hei r hi re

helpmate hel pmeet

heroi n heroine

hesitancy hesi tation

high way hi ghway

histori c hi stori cal

hoard horde

honourable honorary

horrible horri d

hospital hospitable

human humane

humori sti c humorous

hurdle hurtle

hydrometer hygrometer

hymenal hymenial hymeneal

hypercri ti cal hypocri ti cal

hypothecate hypotheti cal


ice water i ced water

identi s identi cal

idle i dol

ie(i.e.) eg(e.g.)

illegible illegal i neligible

illegitimate legiti mate

imitate i nti mate intimi date

immature premature

immuni ty i mpuni ty

immure inure

impassabl e i mpassible

imperati ve imperious i mperial

impersonate personate

impetus impetuous

impli cation i mpercati on

impostor imposture

impracti cal impracti cable

unpracti cal

inability di sability

inapt inept unapt

incident i nstance

incident i ncidental

incredi ble incredulous

incubus succubus

indi ct i ndite

indi screet i ndi screte

indoor i ndoors

inducti on deducti on

industrial industrious ineffective ineffectual infect i nfest

infli ct affli ct

informant informer ingenious ingenuous inhibit prohibi t

inqui si tion di squi sition inqui si tor inquirer

insi gnia i nsigen

insolate insulate insolent i nsol vent insoluble insolvable instantaneous si mul taneous institute insti tution instructional i nstructive intelligent i ntelligible intellect intelligence intension intention

inter- i ntar-

interpellate interpolate interred interned intolerable i ntolerant invade evade irrevocable i rreversi ble


jealous xealous

jest gest

jewellery jewel ry

judge adjudge judgement judgment

jusi cial j udi cious

judi ciary j usti ciary juncture junction

justi fy recti fy


kerb curb


last latest

later latter

latitude l ongi tude laudable laudatory

lay lie

lessee lessor

lessen lesson

libellant libellous lifelong livel ong lightening lightning

like alike limit deli mit

linage lineage

liniment lineament

liqueur liquor

literal li ttoral

literate illiterate alliterate

live alive living livel y

loath loathe

lose loose l oosen

louse l ousy

lovable lovely

lure allure

lustful l usty

luxurant luxuri ous

lyri st l yri ci st


macro mi cro

mdam msdsme

mgi c magi cal

mandatary mandatory

manni sh manlike manl y

mantle mantel

marital martial

masseur masseuse

masterly masterful

material materiel

maunder meander

maybe may be

mean time meanti me

mechani c mechani cal

medium media medias

melted mol ten

memorandum memoranda

memories memoirs

mendacity mendi ci ty

mensural menstrual

meritorious meretri cious

metal mettle

meter metre

meti cul ous scrupulous

mid mi d-

Middle Ages middle age

migrate emi gate i mmi grate

militate mi tigate

millenary millinery

minmal mi nimum

mistaken mi sunderstood

mistrust di strust

mobile movable

monentary monograph

moral morale

momentary momentous

monogram monograph

moral morale

mortgager mortgagee

moti f motive

mul titude alti tude attitude

musi cal musi cale

mystcal mythi cal

naturali st naturi st

nauseous nauseated

naval navel

navy navv y

necessities necessaries

negligent negligible neglectful

neo neo-

noble man nobleman

nocturnal nocturne

noi sy noi some

normal cy normality

notable noted noti ceable

nought naught

noxious obnoxious

oedience obei sance

objectional objecti onable

obligate oblige

obscure abstruse

observance observation

Occident acci dent

ocupant occupier

oculist opti cian optometri st

odious odorous mal odorous

offi cial offi ci ous

Olympi c Ol ympian

omnipotent omni scient

on time i n time

ogoing oncomi ng

oal aural

ordinance ordnance

ori ent orientate

ornate ornamental

oscillate osculate

ostensi ble ostentaious

outdoor outdoors

overlay overlie

ovrlook oversee


palate palette pallet

parameter peri meter

partly partially

passable passi ble

pastural pastora pastorale peaceful peaceable pendant pendent pennant perannua perennial

per cent percentage perceptible perci pient peremptory pre-emptory permissi ble permi ssi ve perpetrate perpetuate

perqui site prosecute persecute prosecute personal personnel personge tersonalty personality terspective prospective perspi caci ous perspocuous physi cal psychi cal

pigeon pidgin

pillar pillow

piteous pi tisble pi ti ful placable pl aceable

plaintiff plaintive

Platoni c Pl utoni c

plentiful plenteous

politi c poli ti cal

populace popul ous

pore pour

potential practi cable

pray prey

precede proceed precedence precedent precipi tate preci pitous premier premiere prescribe proscri be presentiment presentment presently at present president President presumptuous presumptive pretence preventi ve

pri ncipal princi ple peodigal prodigi ous prodigy prodigi ous

prodigy protégé

profit ptophet

pri pellant propellent prophecy prophesy proprietary propritey prostate prostrate

Protestant protestant

prudent prudential

pnctual punctilious

Puri tan puritan

prposely purposefully purposively

prsue peruse

qualitative quantitative

quer query

quet qui te

quote unquote

raci al raci st

rack radi cle

rsdi cal radi cle

radius radii

rai se ri se ari se

rational rationale

reality realty

rebound redound

receipt reci pe

recollect re-cover

recover re-cover

recur reoccur

red bi rd redbi rd

red skin redskin

refectory refractory

referendum referenda

reflecti ve reflixive

reform re-form

refrai n restrain constrain

refuge refugee

refuse refute

refutable i rrefutable

regi ster registrar

regretufl regrettable

reulate relegate

reject deject

relation relative

reli c reli ct

remediabl e remedial

remi se remi ss

renumerate remunerate

repertoi re repertory

replace di splace mi splace

requecst bequest

research re-search

resemble assemble

reserve preserve

resi dence residency

respecti vely respectfully respectabl y

responsive responsibl e

restive restless

reverence revere

reverend reverent

rigor ri gour

rout route

sailer sail or

sal on saloon

sanatorum sanitarium

sanitary sanatory

sati re satyr saeter

scene scenery

scepti c septi c

scri p script

scull skull

sculptor scul pture

seasonal seasonable

secret secrete

seminar seminary

sensible sensitive

sensual sensuous

sew sow

sewage sewerage

shade shadow

shrunk shrunken

slack slake

sleepy sleeping asleep

so-called so called

social sociable

solidarity soli dity

some ti me sometime

specie species

spiri tual spi rituous

splutter sputter

spoiled spoilt

sprain strai n

stable staple

stanch staunch

stationary stationery

statue stature statute status

sti cker sti ckler

stimulant stimulus

stomp stamp

story storey

straight strait

strip stripe

sty stye

successfully successi vely

suffragist suffragette

suit suite

suitable suited summertime summer time sunlight sunshine

super- supra supplementary complentary supposi tious supposi titi ous surpli ce surplus

swat swot

synopsi s synopses

systemi c systemati c systemize systematize tactful tactile

tasteful tasty

temporal temporary temporal temporary temporize extemporize

tend to attend to

terminal terminus

terminal terminus

therefor therefore

thrash thresh

tidbit ti tbit

timber ti mbre

tingle ti nkle

titillate ti tivate

title tittle

tolerable tol erant

tortious tortuous torturous transecendent transcendental transitory transient

treble tri ple

triumphal tri umphant troupe troop

trout trouts

trustee trusty

tubercular tuberculous tumult turmoil

turbid turgid

unable di sable unadvisable i nadvi sable unaware unawares unbeliever di sbeliever uncoloured di scoloured uncomfortable di scomfortable uncomparable i ncomparable unconscious subconsci ous underlay underlie unequal inequal

unessential inessential

unexe\ceptional unexceptionable unfrequent infrequent

unhuman inhuman

unilateral bilateral

unintr\erested di si nterested unmanaged di smanaged unmeasurable i mmeasurable unorganized di sorganized unpleased di spleased unqualified di squalified

unsati sfied di ssati sfied unwanted unwonted

urban urbane

vacati on vocation avocation vague vogue

valuable valued

valueless invaluable

varied vari ous

venal venial

venture adventure

veraci ous voraci ous

vi cinage vi cini ty

vi cious vi scous

vigorous ri gorous

wait awai t

waive wave waver

wake waken awake awaken warshi p worshi p

waste wastage

wel come wel comed

whi skey whi sky

wi dow wi dower

womanish womanly

wooden woody

working-man workman

worth worth while worthwhile worthy

wrath wroth

wrest wrestle


常见同义词近义词 集团企业公司编码:(LL3698-KKI1269-TM2483-LUI12689-ITT289-

雅思写作常见同义词/近义词归纳总结解决(动词):Solve,dealwith,copewith,handle,settle,resolve,address,tackle 问题(名词): problem,matter,issue 事件(名词): incident,affair,event 教育(名词):education,schooling 经济上的(形容词):economic,financial? 释放(动词):relieve,emancipate? 压力(名词):stress,pressure,strain, 强调(动词):laystresson,layemphasison,emphasize,accentuate,puttheaccenton 忽略(有意)(动词): ignore,turnadeafearto 忽略(无意)(动词):neglect 意识(名词):awareness(外界信号所产生的),consciousness(自我的) 提高(动词):raise,facilitate,promote,boostup,enhance 完善(动词):better,improve 基本的(形容词):basic,fundamental, 损害(动词):Damage,hurt,injure,harm,undermine,spoil 给与(动词):Give,offer,render,impart,provide,supply,afford

培养(动词):Develop,cultivate,foster 优势(名词):Advantage,merit,virtue,benefit,strength,edge 缺陷(名词):Disadvantage,demerit,drawback,downside,weakness 大于,胜于(动词):outweigh,overshadow 利弊兼有(名词):prosandcons? 使迷惑(动词):Puzzle,bewilder,perplex,baffle 重要的(形容词): Key,crucial,critical,important,significant,vital,substantial,indispensable,imperat ive 认为(动词): believe,insist,maintain,hold,argue,beconvinced,befirmlyconvinced,befullyconvinced 保护(动词):Protect,conserve,preserve 确保(动词):Assure,ensure,guarantee 有害的(形容词):harmful,detrimental 有益的(形容词):Useful,helpful,beneficial,profitable,rewarding,advantageous 帮助(名词):help,assistance 要求(名词):Request,demand,needs,requisition 消除(动词):Eliminate,clear,remove,clearup,takeaway? 导致(动词):Leadto,bringabout,resultin,cause,generate,trigger,giveriseto? 因此(连词):therefore,thus,consequently,asaconsequence,accordingly,asaresult, 宣称(动词):Allege,assert,declare,claim 发生(动词):Happen,occur,takeplace 原因(名词):Reason,factor,cause








A a branch of/a division of a quarter of/a fourth of abandon/give up/desert/cease/stop/quit abide by/ stick to/ adhere to abnormal/ unusual abrupt/ sudden/unexpected abundant/plentiful/adequate/sufficient/enoug h accelerate/ step up/quicken/speed up acclaim/hail acceptable/satisfactorily account for/ explain account/consideration/takeint accout/explain accumulate/ collect/gather/buildup accuse …of/ charge… with achieve/ attain/get/gain/abtain adhere/to follow/stick fast adverse/unfavorable advisable/wise aim /goal aircraft/plane/aeroplane alike/similer alleviate/ lessen/relieve allocate /assign/distribute/gaven allow/permit alternative/ choice almost/nearly/vcitually/practically although/while/though an improved/a better annoying/irritating/unpleasant annuallay/every year anyhow/anyway appalling/dreadful appear/be seen/come into view/ be in sight apply to/put into / use / action / operation /function appraisal/evaluation argue/contend arise/get up arouse/excite/wake assemble/gather assert/state firmly assume/postulate astonish/surprise at any price/for love or money at once/immediately at stake/in danger attend/go to attend to/wait on attraction/lure/temptation authentically/genuinely authority/government B ban/forbid,prohibit bare/barren barren/bare be bordering on/be close to be entitled to(do sth.)/have right to(do sth) be hailed as/be acclaimed as be realized/be fulfilled/come true bearing/influence impact effect because of/on account of/due to owing to/thanks to before/previously/formerly/prior to behaviour/conduct blend/mix branch/division brave/courageous break/beat broaden/widen C call/phone call … up/telephone call …off/cancel capability/ability care/remedy careful/conscientious/cautious cater for/meet/satisfy census/count certain/sure/inevitable change/alter/modify/vary/shift change into/turn into characteristic/typical cheerful/pleasant/happy childish/immature clever/intelligert close/near/intimate collaborate/cooperate collide with/run into come across/catch sight of/see sb/sth suddenly compactly/densely compel/force/oblige complain/feel unhappy complete/finish


雅思写作常见同义词/近义词归纳总结 解决(动词):Solve,dealwith,copewith,handle,settle,resolve,address,tackle 问题(名词):?problem,matter,issue 事件(名词):?incident,affair,event 教育(名词):education,schooling 经济上的(形容词):economic,financial??? 释放(动词):relieve,emancipate? 压力(名词):stress,pressure,strain, 重:认: 帮助( 消除(动词):Eliminate,clear,remove,clearup,takeaway? 导致(动词):Leadto,bringabout,resultin,cause,generate,trigger,giveriseto? 因此(连词):therefore,thus,consequently,asaconsequence,accordingly,asaresult, 宣称(动词):Allege,assert,declare,claim 发生(动词):Happen,occur,takeplace 原因(名词):Reason,factor,cause 发展(名词):Development,advance,progress 影响(名词):Influence,impact,effect 强加(动词):?impose…on,exert…on,put…on,place…on 明显的(形容词):Clear,obvious,evident,manifest,apparent? 仅供个人学习参考


同义词 编造:fabricate fiction spin(编造) weave 伪造(的):fake pattern forge mork bogus sham 一群:a galaxy of.....(talent) a pack of..... a multitude of.... a herd of+牛羊鹿 a host of a gangs of stacks of.... 发(射)出:emit radiate 共同的:joint mutual reciprocal 壮观的:magnificent grand stately majestic 治疗:treat cure heal therapy remedy 神圣的:sacred holly divine sainted 衰退:lag decline recession 强调:highlight stress emphasize underline 空的:empty

hollow blank 大:tremendous vast immerse huge massive 工资:wage salary pay bonus 健康的:wholesome healthy sound 倾向:tend incline apt to... lean towards... predispose be liable to 潜在的:potential latent underlying 优点:merit advantage edge (优势) 缺点:lame disadvantage drawback shortcoming defect 赤裸的:bare naked bald 合同:bargain contract pact bond (契约、债券)职业的:career professional vocational 名声(声望):celebrity fame reputation prestige(+ous)


同义词单词大全 引导语:同义词是指意义相同的一组词语,可以分为等义词和近义词两种。下面是小编为你带来的同义词单词大全,希望对你有所帮助。 1.important =crucial (extremely important),significant(amount or effect large enough to be important) 2. common=universal,ubiquitous(if something is ubiquitous, it seems to be everywhere) 3. abundant=ample(enough and usually extra),plentiful(enough for people's needs and wants) 4. stick=adhere, cling(hold on something tightly) 5. neglect=ignore.(difference: neglect means someone has not paid enough attention to something; ignore means no attention.) 6. near=adjacent(twothings next to each other),adjoin(the same as adjacent) 7. pursue=woo(man woos woman, old-fashioned), seek(if you seek sth, you try to obtain it. FORMAL) 8. accurate=precise(precise is exact and accurate in all details), exact(correct in every detail)


近义词或同义词 2009-03-26 15:44:45| 分类:语文| 标签:|字号大中小订阅 一、注意:基本上为成语类。 本表示另一成语出自于此成语。如:鞭辟近里本====>鞭辟入里。表示“鞭辟入里”本作“鞭辟近里”。 挨门挨户<====>挨家挨户<====>挨家按户。 爱不释手<====>爱不忍释。爱屋及乌<====>屋乌推爱。 碍手碍脚<====>绊手绊脚。安然无恙<====>安然无事。 黯然销魂<====>黯然魂消。白手起家<====>白手成家。 白首穷经<====>皓首穷经。白头偕老<====>白首偕老。 白云苍狗<====>白衣苍狗。百无一失<====>百不失一。 百废待兴<====>百废待举。百感交集<====>万感交集。 百口莫辩<====>百喙(huì)莫辩。百思不解<====>百思莫解。 百折不挠<====>百折不回。百花争艳<====>百花争妍(yán)。 百孔千疮<====>千疮百孔<====>百孔千创。 百依百顺<====>百顺百依<====>百依百随。 百闻不如一见<——>耳闻不如目见。 搬弄是非<====>搬唇递舌<====>搬口弄舌。 半途而废<====>中途而废。半新半旧<====>半新不旧。

饱经风霜<====>饱经霜雪。报仇雪恨<====>报仇雪耻。 抱头痛哭<====>抱头大哭。卑躬屈膝<====>卑躬屈节。 悲喜交加<====>悲喜交集。 笨嘴笨舌<====>笨嘴拙舌<====>拙嘴笨舌<====>拙嘴钝舌<====>笨嘴笨腮 <====>笨嘴拙腮<====>拙口钝腮。 比手画脚<====>指手画脚。闭阁思过<====>闭门思过。 必恭必敬<====>毕恭毕敬。必经之路<====>必由之路。 变化无常<====>变幻无常。变化莫测<====>变幻莫测。 变化无穷<====>变幻无穷。便宜行事<====>便宜从事。 彪炳千秋<====>彪炳千古<====>彪炳日月。 别出心裁<====>独出心裁。别具匠心<====>独具匠心。 别树一帜<====>独树一帜。别开生面<====>另开生面。 别有用心<====>别有肺肠。别具风味<====>别有风味。 别具只眼<====>独具只眼<====>独具慧眼。兵不血刃<====>兵无血刃。 薄情无义<====>薄情寡义。博学多闻<====>博学恰闻。 捕风捉影<====>望风捕影。不分青红皂白<====>不分皂白。 草木丛生<====>草木怒生。茶饭不思<====>不茶不饭。 层见迭出<====>层见叠出<====>层出叠见(xiàn)。 插翅难飞<====>插翅难逃。成年累月<====>积年累月。 差以毫厘,失之千里<====>差之毫厘,谬以千里。


a branch of/a division of a quarter of/a fourth of abandon/give up/desert/cease/stop/quit abide by/ stick to/ adhere to abnormal/ unusual abrupt/ sudden/unexpected abundant/plentiful/adequate/suffi cient/enough accelerate/ step up/quicken/speed up acclaim/hail acceptable/satisfactorily account for/ explain account/consideration/takeint accout/explain accumulate/ collect/gather/buildup accuse …of/ charge… with achieve/ attain/get/gain/abtain adhere/to follow/stick fast adverse/unfavorable advisable/wise aim /goal aircraft/plane/aeroplane alike/similer alleviate/ lessen/relieve allocate /assign/distribute/gaven allow/permit alternative/ choice almost/nearly/vcitually/practicall y although/while/though an improved/a better annoying/irritating/unpleasant annuallay/every year anyhow/anyway appalling/dreadful appear/be seen/come into view/ be in sight apply to/put into / use / action / operation /function appraisal/evaluation argue/contend arise/get up arouse/excite/wake assemble/gather assert/state firmly assume/postulate astonish/surprise at any price/for love or money at once/immediately at stake/in danger attend/go to attend to/wait on attraction/lure/temptation authentically/genuinely authority/government


公文写作中常用同义词辨析 公文是处理公务的一种重要的文字工具,在制作过程中,对公文常用同义词语的选用是一件煞费苦心的事,下面从常用同义词中选取几组进行辨析。 截止与截至“截止”是指“到一定期限停止”,如“报名在昨天已经截止”,“截至”是截止到某个时候,如“报名日期截至本月底止”。在“截至”中“截”的意思就是“截止”,而“至”则是“到”的意思,所以“截至”就是“截止到”的意思,例如“北京市申办2000年夏季奥运会得到了北京市人大代表和政协委员的大力支持。截至今天18时,已有500多位人大代表和近300名政协委员在网上签名支持北京申办奥运会”(《人民日报》2000年2月18日),句中“截至”就不能用作“截止”。 布置与部署“布置”是指“在一个地方安排和陈列各种东西或人以使这个地方适合某种需要”,也指“对一些活动做出安排”;“部署”是指“安排、布置(人力、任务)”。比较起来,“布置”适用的范围要比“部署”宽泛一些。“部署”一般适用于较大规模的、比较正式的、带有较浓厚的书面色彩的或者与军事有关的场合,只能与人力、任务、工作等少数几个词语搭配,如“军事部署、战略部署、统一部署”等,如果我们把“布置房间”说成“部署房间”那就错了,如果把“部署”写成“布署”那就是写别字了。 其他与其它“其他”是指“别的”,可以指人,也可以指事物,如“抓住主要矛盾,其他问题也就迎刃而解了”,“其他”用在单音节词前要带“的”,用在双音节词前一般不带“的”;“其它”是从“其他”中分化出来的,仅用于事物。在公文写作过程中,将“其他”与“其它”混用的现象比较普遍,有些是选用不当,有些则是难于取舍造成的,实际上,在典范的现代白话文著作中,已逐步淘汰了“其它”而一律用“其他”,既指人,也指事物。 中心与重心“中心”是指“跟四周距离相等的位置;事物的主要部分;在某一个方面占主要地位的城市或地区;设备、技术力量等比较完备的机构和单位(多用作单位的名称)”等。“重心”是指“物体各部分所受的重力产生合力,这个合力的作用点就叫做这个物体的重心”,由此引申为事情的中心或主要部分。写作中不能把“中心工作”写成“重心工作”。 启用与起用“启用”是指“开始使用”,“启”有“开始”的意思,如“启用单位印信”、“新机场已经落成,即将启用”等;“起用”是指重新任用已退职或免职的官员”,在这里,“起”有“向上”的意思。两个词语的根本区别在于“起用”指人,而“启用”一般不指人。 称谓:我、本、该;你、您、贵;大家 时间:不日,不时,即日,即刻,当即,一度,几度,如期,限期,届时,定于,兹,行将,旋即,在即,如期,拟于,逾期,曾,前迄,自,嗣后,俟,径行,先期,迅即 发端:为了,根据,按照,遵照,顷据,顷奉,接,前接,近接,闻,近闻,悉,兹有,兹因,兹派,兹聘,兹定于,电悉,谨悉,欣闻,欣悉 收束:函告,函复,函达,盼复,盼示,见复,此令,此复,此致,此据,谨此,谨呈,谨贺,谨启,谨上,为要,为盼,为荷,为宜,请批复,请批示,请核示,请予审批 期请:期,以期,望,尚望,希,盼,切盼,请,务请,呈请,报请,提请,恳请,敬请,敬希拟请,烦请,切望,敬祈,尚祈


---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------ 一直的同义词和近义词 一直指顺着一个方向。一直的同义词是什么呢?小编为大家整理了一直的同义词、近义词,反义词和造句,供大家学习参考。 一直的同义词和近义词 从来[注释]1.亦作"从徕"。来路;由来;来源。2.历来;向来。3.从前;原来。 向来[注释]①副词。一向;从来:向来如此|向来心直口快|向来不吸烟。②原来:失向来之烟霞。 一向[注释]①朝着一个方向:蓄力待时,并兵一向。②一味;一意:自是君恩薄如纸,不须一向恨丹青。 1 / 5

不断[注释]1.割不开。2.不绝;接连。3.不果决;不果断。 继续[注释]①(活动)连下去;延长下去;不间断:~不停ㄧ~工作ㄧ大雨~了三昼夜。②跟某一事有连续连续[注释]一个接一个:~不断│这个车间~创造了三次新记录。 平素[注释]①往日;平时;一向:平素之志|他平素对自己要求很严。②往事:促席延故老,挥觞道平素。 始终[注释]①自始至终:宠敬日隆,始终无衰|贯串始终。②副词。表示从头到尾持续不变:她始终不愿意 无间[注释]1.亦作"无闲"。2.没有空隙。指极微小处。3.指精微的义理。4.不断;不分一贯[注释]①语出《论语·里仁》“吾道一以贯之”。用一种道理贯穿:故能一贯万机,靡所疑惑。②相同 平昔[注释]1.往昔,往常。 一直的反义词 间断[注释](连续的事情)中间隔断不连接:试验不能~ㄧ他每天都去锻炼身体,从没有~过。 断续[注释]1.时而中断,时而接续。 中断[注释]计算机执行某程序时,发生了紧急事


同义词、近义词、易混淆词:从汉语到中介语的视角转移* 张 博 提要 在汉语作为第二语言教学需求的驱动下,对外汉语教学界超越对同义词意义关系的传统关注,将词语辨析的范围扩大到广义的近义词,并在近义词的框架下进行易混淆词的辨析。本文认为,这种做法难免冲犯近义词的界限,并使大量易混淆词受“近义”的规约而被悬搁。因此,对外汉语教学中的词语辨析不宜固守“同义”“近义”这类汉语本体研究提供的标尺,应当转换视角,基于中介语词语偏误的现实更有针对性地进行易混淆词辨析。易混淆词存在于第二语言学习者目的语使用和理解两个层面,既表现为口头表达和写作中的词语混用,也表现为阅读和听辨中的词语误解。本文根据词语混淆的影响因素归纳了汉语中介语易混淆词的主要类型,并提出研究易混淆词需要注意的几个问题。 关键词 同义词 近义词 易混淆词 词语辨析 词语辨析是对外汉语教学、学习词典编纂和教材词语注释及练习的重要内容。在什么范围内进行词语辨析?如何选定辨析的词对或词群?这是对外汉语教学界关注已久、但仍需认真探讨的重要问题。本文拟在考察对外汉语教学领域词语辨析研究进程的基础上,对此再作思考并提出一些建议。 一 “近义词”从“同义词”的笼罩下走出 在词汇学研究领域,许多论著和教材都将同义词区分为“等义词”和“近义词”①,或者区分为“绝对同义词(absolute synonym)”和“相对同义词(relative synonym)”②。等义词(或绝对同义词)意义完全相同,可在任何上下文中互相替换,因而没有辨析的必要。需要辨析的是“虽然意义相同,但并不完全相等,有种种细微的差别,应用上也不能任意替换”(胡裕树主编,1981:260)的近义词。近义词既是同义词的主体,又是“同义词”的次类,属于“广义上的同义词”( 兹古斯塔,1968/1983:121),因此,辨析词典一般都以同义词为名,例如张志毅主编《简明同义词典》(1981)、刘叔新主编《现代汉语同义词词典》(1987)、商务印书馆辞书研究中心《新华同义词词典》(2003)等。可是,1983年北京语言学院刘淑娥、佟慧君、常敬宇、梅立崇诸先生编著的词典却径自命名为《近义词辨析》(以下简称“刘本”),此后,又有邓守信《汉英汉语近义词用法词典》(1994)、马燕华、庄莹《汉 *本课题得到教育部人文社科重点研究基地2002-2003年度重大项目(项目批准号:02JAZJD740006)经费资助,部分语例取自北京语言大学“汉语中介语语料库”及博士研究生萧频、萨仁其其格采集的印尼和蒙古学习者的汉语中介语语料,谨致谢忱。


雅思阅读捷径:同义替换词和考点 雅思阅读题目出题的本质是三种替换:同义词/词组替换,句型替换,语法替换。以下是剑桥真题中的考点词,替换词,一次多义总结: 1.rigid /stiff /unchanged /little change 僵硬的,一成不变的 2.significant /enormous /dramatic /tremendous /appreciably /remarkable /crucial /substantial 巨大的,明显的,程度大的 3.approximately/ nearly / almost 将近 4.proportion / percentage 比例 5.be involved (in) /involve in /involvement [n.] 涉及,卷入,参与 6.given /considering , in regard to /despite /although 有鉴于,考虑到,尽管来源:考试大 7.induce [v] 引入,引导,引诱/inductive [n] 归纳(deduce/deductive推断) 8.fortune /destiny / chances 9.deplete开采完,耗尽 exhaust –exhaust emission (尾气)排放 exploit https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5913151886.html,plex 错综复杂的 Complicated / sophisticated 老奸巨滑的,复杂的 11.capacity能力,容量 competence (竞争)能力 ability 能力(笼统的) 12. Secure-security / ensure (insure) / guarantee 押金,确保,保障 13.solely /merely / only 14.a vast array of 系列 a great variety of 花样,品种 a great rang of系列 15.pesticide 杀虫 suicide 自杀


同义词和近义词的区别有关雕塑的近义词同义词和造句【雕塑解释】:造型艺术的一种,用竹木、玉石、金属、石膏、泥土等材料雕刻或塑造各种艺术形象。下面就给大家雕塑的近义词,同义词和造句,供大家学习参考。 雕刻 [注释]①在金属、象牙、骨头或其他材料上刻出形象:精心~。②雕刻成的艺术作品:这套~已散失不 1. 在美术馆,我们兴趣盎然地欣赏这些独具匠心的绘画及雕塑。 2. 在美术馆,我们兴趣盎然地欣赏那些独具匠心的绘画及雕塑作品。 3. 一座座造型别致的桥,仿佛就是刻意创作的艺术雕塑。 4. 这位雕塑家工作时真的是运斤成风,不到一个月,一尊栩栩 如生的雕像就雕塑成功了。 5. 你看这件雕塑作品,入木三分,力道十足。 6. 容许在路面设置惹人注目的地标,例如以小规模具特色的入口雕塑或园景等作为瞩目的标志。

7. 他雕塑的这件作品真有万马奔腾的气势。 8. 我每次走进校门的时候都会瞻仰校门口那伟人的雕塑。 9. 我熟悉那大楼,熟悉那雕塑,熟悉那绿色的空气,混着青草香。 11. 时间是雕塑家的刀,会把我们刻老了;人生是画家的笔,会把我们的激情褪色了;生活是一口酒缸,酿出的却是情谊的陈香。祝你事事称心,一切大好! 12. 你在舞台上你自己的骄傲和美丽中舞蹈,我在你舞台外寂静的黑暗中沉默。我曾愿用尽我有限的时光,就如此凝视凝视凝视,直到我随着时间的流水化作雕塑或者尘埃。可是当我再也无法忍受这片黑暗中的孤独和寂寞时,我拾起那束经年尚未凋谢的百合放在惟一的灯旁。…… 13. 西夏的绘画雕塑书法建筑等艺术形式的成就,都与佛教结下了不解之缘,不少西夏的艺术珍品,西夏佛事活动的用品。

14. 他别具匠心地雕刻了一件雕塑,却与我的雕刻雷同,使他自出心裁的雕塑不能展示。 15. 我们喜欢这些小巧玲珑的中国雕塑品,把它们放在壁炉架上,真是再合适不过了。 16. 这座雕塑放在这里等于背山起楼,太煞风景了! 17. 工艺美术的发展,与绘画雕塑结下不解之缘。 18. 你的倩影,是美的建筑,神的雕塑,是一首流动的诗,是一曲飘扬的歌。 19. 公园南端,有寓意深长的五彩世界雕塑。 20. 街心公园里的石像雕塑给市容增添了一道亮丽的风景线。 21. 如果你知道这些作品不是真正的雕塑的话,你会发现他的作品是发人深省令人难以置信的。


控制的同义词和近义词 控制:意思是掌握住不使任意活动或越出范围;操纵。我为大家整理了控制的同义词,近义词和造句,供大家学习参考。 控制的同义词和近义词: 遏制 [注释]制止;控制:~对方的攻势ㄧ~不住的激情。 牵制 [注释]制约;控制:部刺史得自为治,无所牵制|从右翼牵制敌人。 限定 [注释]1.在数量﹑范围等方面加以规定。 抑制 [注释]压制;控制:抑制不住激动的心情|宜以时抑制,无使至于亡。 克制 [注释]抑制(多指情感):采取~的态度ㄧ他很能~自己的情感,冷静地对待一切问题。 统制 [注释]1.统领制约。 2.官名。北宋于出师作战时选拔一人为都统制,总辖诸将。 限制 [注释]①规定的范围:出入没有时间限制。②约束:旧的生产关系限制了生产力的发展。 左右 [注释]①左面和右面:左右手|前后左右|两幢房子左右相对。 ②两边;附近:他看看左右都没有人。 把持 [注释]谓揽权专断,不许他人参与:把持朝政。 操纵 [注释]控制;支配:操纵市场|远距离操纵|为他人所操纵。 把握 [注释]①掌握;控制:把握时代的脉搏|把握时间。②成功的

根据或信心。 掌握 [注释]①控制;主持:掌握主动|掌握政权|掌握分寸。②了解、熟习并加以运用:掌握知识。 支配 [注释]①调度;安排:我的时间不够支配|我们这些人都是听你支配的。②起控制或引导的作用。 负责 [注释]①担负责任:~后勤工作ㄧ这里的事由你~。②(工作)尽到应尽的责任;认真塌实。 担任 [注释]1.担当某种职位或工作。 2.承担责任。 管制 [注释]①强制管理:~灯火。②强制性的管理:军事~丨交通~。③对罪犯或坏分子施行强制管束。 节制 [注释]①指挥管辖:这三个团全归你~。②限制或控制:饮食有~,就不容易得病。 独揽 [注释]独自把持:~大权。 驾驭 [注释]同‘驾御 ’。 驾御 [注释]①驱使车马行进:这匹马不好~。②使服从自己的意志而行动:~自然。‖也作驾驭。 掌管 [注释]1.掌握管理。 局限 [注释]限制在某个范围内:~性ㄧ提倡艰苦朴素,不能只~在生活问题上。 职掌 [注释]1. 职务上掌管。如:职掌帅印。 限度 [注释]度、量范围的高低极限:最大限度|超过限度,则物极必反。


同义词辨析 以上五个角度远非全面的概括,就是说并非所有的同义词都可以纳入这五个方面,比如“连忙——赶紧”这对同义词就很难从以上五个角度的任何一个角度进行辨析。辨析同义词也不能依靠词典,比如“情景——景象”这对同义词,《现代汉语词典》的解释分别是: 【情景】(具体场合的)情形;景象:比起广州来,北京的冬天是另一番情景(应该是“景象”)。 【景象】现象;状况:太平景象。一派欣欣向荣的景象。 从词典的解释上看不出二者到底有什么差别,特别是对“情景”的解释还用到了“景象”,似乎二者无差别。已经出版过几部同义词词典,可是经常的情况是,你想查的词偏偏没有。要从根本上解决这一问题,就要自己学会辨析。 辨析同义词操作程序: (一)用辨析对象各造10个句子,通过

语料库检索更好。这10个句子要覆盖过去、现在、将来三个时(tense),要包括祈使句。 (二)观察例句,重点是与辨析对象经常共现的词语。共现的词语不同,可能是辨析对象差异的关键点,至少这些词语会指引一个辨析的线索。 (三)分析这些词语并进行概括,将概括结果与辨析对象相联系就完成了辨析过程。下面我们通过几个例子来说明这个过程。 例1. 辨析“常常、往往”的差异。 常常:他常常看电影。 他以前常常看电影。 我以后要常常看电影。 记着以后要常常给父母打电话。 …… 往往:*他往往看电影。 *他以前往往看电影。 *我以后要往往看电影。 *记着以后要往往给父母打电话。 他往往在周末看电影。 他往往去三道口那个电影院看电影。

他往往和他爱人一起看电影。 他往往在睡觉前看一会儿书。 *我希望你往往和你爱人一起看电影。 …… 总结: (1)“常常”可用于过去和将来,而“往往”只能用于过去。 (2)“常常”“往往”都可以用于过去,但与“往往”相联系的事情实在一定条件下发生,因而要与另外一个状语共现,这个状语可以是时间、处所、方式中的任何一种;常常”没有这个要求。 例2. “连忙——赶紧” 连忙:听说要开会,他连忙准备发言稿。 家里来了客人,他连忙准备茶水。 *孩子要开学了,你明天连忙到大姐家借点儿钱。 *你连忙走。 …… 赶紧:听说要开会,他赶紧准备发言稿。 家里来了客人,他赶紧准备茶水。


A A band of= a herd of=a flock of 一群 A range of=an array of= a list of= a collection of=a series of= a set of一系列 Accelerate=speed up加速 Accomplishment=achievement 成就,完成Accomplish=achieve (V)完成,达成,成就Attend=participate in 参加 Achieve=obtain=gain=access to sth 得到、获得Adapt to=integrate into使适应、融为一体Aim.n=objective=goal 目的 Aim at=focus on=concentrate on=emphasize on 集中、强调 An array of=a list of =a set of=a series of 一系列 Attempt to do=try to do=intend to do尝试作,

想要作 Approximately=roughly=about=some=aroun d 大约 Appreciation=interest 欣赏 As a result=consequently=as a consequence=hence因此、从而 As well as=and和 As well=too也 Associate with=connect with=link with=relate to=involve in与……相关联 Attach to=connect to=link to=serve与……相连接、附着在……上 At will=at random=by chance=by accident=accidentally随意地 Automatically ensure=guarantee确保 B


:姓名班级学号: 《同义词,近义词与对完汉语词汇教学》综述 一.前言 目前,在同义词,近义词的分合,定义分类等方面学界还存在不少争论,而对同义词,近义词的辨析也缺乏一种比较系统和操作性强的方法。 这对于对外汉语同义词、近义词的教学的开展是不利的。因此,本文针对这一现象,对这篇《同义词,近义词与对完汉语词汇教学》的论文进行综述。 二.正文 这篇论文的关键词有:同义词,近义词,辨析,以及最外汉语。 (一)作者做了一份关于“将对外汉语作为第二语言的学习者的同义词、近义词学习情况”的调查。她选择了二十二名来自不同国家,对汉语有 着不同掌握程度的学习者来进行调查,调查结果显示1 学习者在同义 词、近义词的掌握方面,总体上不乐观。2 学习者对不含相同语素的 同义词、近义词掌握得最好,而对同素逆序的同义词。近义词掌握最 差。3 学习者对同义词、近义词的掌握程度和其自身的母语情况,汉 语学习时间没有必然联系。从以上三点可以看出,由于在对外汉语教 学方面缺乏专门针对同义词和近义词的学习的词典,甚至在在同义 词、近义词本体的研究上还存在分歧,因此有必要针对这个问题进行 研究探讨。 (二)研究一开始针对同义词与近义词的本体,对于二者是否等同,至今仍存在争议,本文从三个方面问题谈作者的看法。 1 二者的差别在于,两物完全相同无差别,叫“同”,两物有重合也有差别,叫“近”。判断是否有同义词,可从意义上,看二者是否属于同一概念,但由于词义与概念并不完全等同,概念还具有不同的层次,所以又有了以是否为同一事物为标准的说法,但又由于虚词无法囊括其中而且存在一物多词的现象,因此不得不发现,最重要的其实是联系词与事物之间的桥梁——思维 2 面对这些,出现了一些判断标准,。有人提出了“义位标准”,但由于主观性太强,缺乏客观标志,难以成立。又有人提出了意义形式标准,并随之而产生了“替换法”和“同形结合法”。前者若是替换之后是同一事物则是同义词,否则是近义词。但有时会出现特定情境下课互换但并不明显不同义的情况,因此替换法的判别只能充当辅助手段。后者则是指,当不同词指同样的事物对象,它们各与指另一相同事物对象联合,其联合体也必然是同一对象。也就是A+C=B+C,则A=B。 3 作者认为,不同词性的词不是同义词,因为语法意义总是通过一定的语汇意义或依附于一定的语汇意义实现的,词汇意义与语法意义有密切联系。 (三)同义词,近义词的分类 1 意义角度分类 作者认为葛本仪所说的同义词分为完全同义词、不完全同义词、义项交叉同义词和言语同义词。
