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八年级上册知识点复习 Mona整理

八年级上Module 2 My home town and my country

1 pretty good=very good 1非常好
2 on the coast 2在海边\在海岸线上
3 in the 1980s 3在二十世纪八十年代
4 as…(adj\adv)as…(sb/sth) 4和(某人\物)一样...(形容词\副词原级)
5 over ten million 5一千多万
6 the population of …(sp) is…(num)6(某地)的人口数是...(数字)
7 have a population of... 7拥有...(数字)的人口
8 in the east of... 8在...的东部
9 on the River Cam 9在康河上\康河河畔
10 be famous for sth/be famous as…10以某物而著称\作为...而著名
11 such as... 11比如...
12 seven and a half million 12七百五十万
13 be part of... 13是...的一部分
14 be popular for... 14受...欢迎
15 never/not A or B 15既不A也不B
16 any time of the year 16一年中的任何时候
17 most days 17多数时候\大多数时间
18 have a large population 18人口众多
19 in the northeast of China 19在中国东北部
20 Located on... 20位于\坐落于...
21 be best known for... 21以...而知名\闻名
22 millions of... 22数百万的...
23 show respect to... 23向...表示尊敬

1 How was your weekend? 1你周末过得如何?
2 So it's a newer city than HongKong? 2这么说它是比香港更新的城市了?
3 It's getting bigger and busier. 3它(指深圳)正变得更大、更繁华。
4 Some day it will become as busy as Hongkong, I'm sure. 4我确信总有一天它会变得跟香港一样繁华。
5 What's the population of Shenzhen? 5深圳的人口是多少?
6 That's larger than the population of m

any other cithies in China. 6那(指深圳的人口)比中国许多其他城市的人口都多。
7 Its streets are much wider and cleaner,too. 7它(指深圳)的街道也更宽、更干净了。
8 It's taller than many other buildings in Shenzhen 8他比深圳的许多其他建筑物都高。
9 The population of Shenzhen is larger than that of many other cities in China. 9深圳的人口比中国许多其他城市都多。
10 I come from Cambridge,a beautiful city in the east of England. 10我来自剑桥——一座位于英格兰东部的美丽城市。
11 It's on the River Cam and has a population of about 120,000. 11它位于康河河畔,拥有大约十二万人口。
12 There are lots of old buildings and churches to visit. 12有许多值得参观的古建筑和教堂。
13 Students and tourists enjoy trips along the river by boat. 13学生和游客们喜欢沿着河坐船游览。
14 Cambridge is 80 kilometres from London. 14剑桥距离伦敦八十公里远。
15 England itself is part of an island, and you are always near the sea. 15英格兰本身就是岛屿的一部分,所以你总会看到海。
16 The small villages and beaches on the coast are popular for holidays. 16在假日海边的小村庄和沙滩特别受欢迎。
17 Tourists like the areas of low mountains and beautiful lakes in the north. 17游客们喜欢北部低矮的山脉和美丽的湖泊。
18 Everywhere in England, you will notice how green the countryside is. 18在英格兰你处处可见翠绿的乡村(风景)。
19 It is never very hot in summer or every cold in winter. 19夏天不太热冬天也不太冷。

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