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所谓垂悬结构(The Dangling Construction)就是一个句子成分,逻辑上与它所修饰的成分分离,或找不到逻辑上被修饰的对象,因而看起来好像与句子的其它部分无关,不合逻辑,是种错误的句法。虽然传统语法将垂悬结构视为正式文体中的一大禁忌,但在现代英语中,这种结构却屡见不鲜,具有可接受性。由于垂悬结构具有两重性特征,在语言实践中,我们对垂悬结构的使用宜取宽容、慎重的公正态度:既承认它的可用性,不一概摒弃;亦不否认它的非可用性,避免盲目滥用。

1. 垂悬结构的种类


垂悬分词从起源上来说,是语言的错误使用(performance error),即将分词的主语与句子的主语错误联系,从而产生垂悬分词,所以有人又叫它错关联分词(misrelated participle)。

垂悬分词通常出现在句子开头或接近开头的位置,与句子中的其它成分不产生必要的句法关系,特别是它与句子主语无逻辑关系。鉴于这种特点,垂悬分词又叫独立分词(absolute participle)或孤立分词(isolated participle)。例如:

Walking or sleeping ,this subject was always in my mind .


本句中的分词Walking or sleeping的逻辑主语与句子主语就不一致,其逻辑主语是句中的my 。



Generally speaking ,boys are more interested in science than girls.


Judging from his accent,,he must come from Canada.


像上两句中的generally speaking 和judging from虽然具有分词的形式,但有介词或连词性质,它不需要逻辑主语,所以这种垂悬结构是可接受的。经常这样使用的分词有:admitting (that), assuming (that), barring, concerning, presuming, granting, supposing (that), touching, given, granted, provided(that)等。


某些不定式短语作状语,其逻辑主语虽然与句子的主语不一致,但已被广泛接受。如to be honest, to start with, to be fair等不定式短语。

To be honest, I had no idea that this would happen so soon.


To start with, you have no right to raise this question.



(误)To appreciate the English language, reading must be done.

(正)To appreciate the English language, we must read.


某些介词短语作状语,其逻辑主语和句子的主语不一致。如according to, as to等。According to the newspaper, the enemy has been defeated and driven back.


There is no doubt as to his honest .



(误)Instead of watching The Late Show, a novel was read.

(正)Instead of watching The Late Show, Nancy read a novel.

(误)After reading the letter, my heart was beating fast.

(正)After reading the letter, I found my heart beating fast.

2. 垂悬结构的两重性



While watching the parade,my wallet was stolen. (错误)

分词结构watching the parade前加上连词while或when,不能改变其垂悬修饰语(dangling modifier)的性质,因为其逻辑主语I未变,而与从句的主语my wallet仍然不一致。

Looking out of the window,the cow was seen eating grass in the fields.

按语法规则,分词短语looking out of the window的逻辑主语应是句中的主语,故句子的主语应是the cow 。此句的语病在于,即使the cow能发出looking这一动作,但因它在“田间吃草”而不可能再从“窗外望去”。由此可见,“looking”只能是人之所为了。但原句中我们看不到有任何表人称的词语出现,这样,“looking out of the window”就成了垂悬的修饰语,从而使句中的逻辑关系不清。


a. 改变修饰语,使其与主句相一致。

b. 改变主句,使其与修饰语相一致。


Given the general state of his health, it may take him a while to recover from the operation. 考虑到他一般的身体状况,手术后的恢复可能需要一段时间。

Such discontinuities invalidate old paradigms, including those that may have been the basis of a firm’s success, strategy and culture.

这些不连续变化,使得旧的范式,包括那些以前一直是公司赖以成功、作为公司战略和文化基础的那些范式失去了效用。(including = besides)

Seeing her health sinking rapidly, alarm clutched the father's heart.


分词seeing的逻辑主语当然不是alarm,但它包含在宾语heart的定语father's之中。alarm 是抽象名词,不会误解为seeing的逻辑主语。


3. 垂悬结构的语用意义


3.1引出话题,如:talking of,getting back to,coming to等,意思为“谈到…,关于…,回到…”等,例如:

Getting back to our story,the princess was killed.

Coming to this question,I say no.

3.2表明说话者的说话方式,如:putting it mildly,frankly speaking,generally speaking,roughly speaking,broadly speaking等,例如:

Putting it mildly,you have caused us some inconvenience.

Generally speaking,dogs are more faithful to men than cats.

3.3 表明说话的依据或视角,如:judging from,according to,considering,viewing it from,seeing 等。例如:

Judging from his expression,he is in a bad mood.

According to Barthes,the author had died.


Provided that a film entertains,few people care about its other merits.

Supposing this to be true,he is certainly the murderer.

3.5 表示转折性,此类垂悬分词或词组有:admitting that,allowed that,allowing for,considering(that),assuming that,seeing that,granting that,granted that等,例如:Allowing for(=Considering)the deficiencies,the show is a success.

Granted(=Granting)that you are right,you should not get angry.

Admitting(=Assuming =Allowing)that he is drunk,that is no excuse.

3.6表明说话者所说内容有无例外情况,如:barring,bating, excepting,excepted,saving that,意为“除了…”;including,counting,setting aside,leaving...to one side,意为“包括;除了…,还有…”等,例如:

Barring(=bating)this point,I agree with you.

Setting aside the question of capital,this business has many other problems.



XX大学 毕业论文 论英语幽默的语用分析 院系名称: 专业:英语 学生姓名: 学号: 指导老师: XX大学制 年月日

Acknowledgements My sincere gratitude is first and foremost to my supervisor, the teacher Yuli in Yantai University Wenjing College. Her academic guidance and professionalism will always be a motivation for my own study. Her patient supervision, invaluable comments and constructive criticisms paved my way to the further study of my thesis and my life. I am equally grateful to my parents whose supports have been represented in my whole writing and gave the courage to face all the challenge, I have met. Finally, I would like to thank my friend, Hanlida, who is always a good partner for collecting materials and exchanging ideas during the thesis writing.


英语双关语的语用功能和修辞效果 The Pragmatic Functions and Rhetorical Effects of English Puns 摘要 双关语是用一个词表达两层不同的含义,它不仅能使语言简练、丰富、一箭双雕,而且可喻指很多道理。 双关语具有多重修辞效果, 大大增强了语言感染力和生动性,也可以使文字富有讽刺的效果。本文从双关语的定义出发,拓展到双关语的词的分类,透析它的语用功能和修辞效果,对激发读者的阅读兴趣,陶冶读者的思想情操,培养读者的鉴赏能力和审美能力有一定的借鉴意义。 关键词:双关语;修辞效果;语用功能 Abstract Pun uses a word to convey two different meanings,. It can not only make the language succinct, rich, and kill two birds with one stone, but also explain many truths. English pun bears multi-function rhetorical effects, which makes the language more vivid, humorous, ironic and implicit. This paper bases on the constitution on of puns, expands into classification of puns, and then reflects its pragmatic function and rhetorical effect. This paper can stimulate the reader's interest in the reading, and edify the readers' moral sentiments, which have a certain significance to improve readers? esthetic ability and appreciation levels. Key Words: Puns, Rhetorical effects, Pragmatic function 引言 作为一个常见的修辞格,双关语有着历史悠久的英语语言基础,并被广泛用于文学。双关语的关键在于它富有表现力的幽默,使得文章生动形象。 双关语通常被用来描述人们的内心感受和表达上下文的丰富内涵。本文分为三部分。第一部分是双关语的定义,第二部分是双关语的语用功能,第三部分描述了双关语的修辞效果,这是旨在激发读者的阅读兴趣,培养读者的鉴赏能力和审美能力。 第一章


英语语用学教程 English Pragmatics: A Coursebook 1. Background and definitions Warming up activity What does the boy still need to learn about using language? A little boy comes in the front door. Mother: Wipe your feet, please. He removes his muddy shoes and socks and carefully wipes his clean feeton the doormat. 1.1Background of pragmatics 1.1Definitions of pragmatics Pragmatics is the study of how the speaker produces and how the hearerunderstands the peculiar uses of language. 1.2Component vs. perspective分相论与综观论 1.2.1Component view of pragmatics Davis points out in his book Pragmatics: A Reader(1991) that pragmatics,likephonetics,phonology,morphology,syntaxandsemantics,isacomponent of linguistics. 1.2.2Perspective view of pragmatics Verschueren(1999) proposes that pragmatics is not a component oflinguistics, but a new way of looking at language. Pragmaticsisspecifiedas“ageneralcognitive,social,andculturalperspective on linguistic phenomena in relation to their usage in forms ofbehavior”(Verschueren,1999)


DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1008-3499.2010.12.022 英语广告中双关语的种类及语用阐释 韩 焱 ( 河南工业职业技术学院,河南南阳473000) 摘要:广告英语作为一种重要的实用文体具有独特的语言风格。双关作为英语广告中常见的修辞 手段,既能使广告引人入胜又能丰富其精神内涵。通过实例分析,对英语广告中双关语的种类以及语用功能进行了详细的阐释。 关键词:广告英语;双关语;种类;分析;语用阐释中图分类号:H313 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008-3499(2010)12-0059-02 收稿日期:2010-10-21;修订日期:2010-11-17 作者简介:韩焱(1957-),男,河南南阳人,河南工业职业技术学院讲师,翻译,主要从事语言语用学方面的研究,(E-mail )wangdongjing@263. net 。 一、英语广告双关的种类 双关作为一种喜闻乐见的修辞手段被广泛地运用在广告创作之中,主要体现在语音、词汇及句法等诸多方面。英语广告中双关的常用种类如下。 (一)谐音双关 谐音双关是利用发音相同或相近且拼写相似但意义不同的词语,隐指或替代广告本身所要表达的真实内涵。例如: More sun and air for your son and heir.(二)语义双关 语义双关是通过利用某些词语或语句具有多义的特点,使其在特定环境下形成语义上的双关。语义双关言此而义彼,从而营造出委婉含蓄、耐人寻味的朦胧意境。例如: Money doesn ’t grow on trees.But it blossoms at our branches. (三)词性双关 英语中多数词汇通常都具有两种或两种以上的词性,而词汇的词性变化会引起它与其它词汇间的句法关系发生改变,从而产生双关的效果。例如: I ’m More Satisfied!More. (四)成语俗语双关 广告制作者以原有的社会与文化知识为基础,引用耳熟能详的成语或俗语,以其独特鲜明的语言表达方式形成双关。例如: No business too small,no problem too big. 二、英语广告双关语的语用功能 (一)呼唤感召,彰显博爱 当今世界处于动荡不安,各国人民憧憬并且需要生活在一个富有爱心和同情心的社会环境之中。因此,这种愿望就频繁地体现在广告中。例如: Dying to meat you ? 这是则呼吁人们保护动物的广告。 在广告黑体大字的上方是一只带血的黑鸟从空中坠下的画面。该广告中的“meat ”一词,既用做名词表示“肉”,又可用做动词,意为“让……吃肉”从而构成语义双关。同时与“meet ” 一词发音相同,构成谐音双关。(二)幽默诙谐,增添趣味 幽默可以赢得他人的喝彩,或者摆脱令人难堪的窘境。社会交往中,性格开朗、谈吐风趣、举止诙谐的人颇受大众欢迎,而且这种现象同样也渗透到广告之中。例如: PK chewing gum,penny for a packet.First you chew it,then you crack it. Then you stick it your jacket.PK chewing gum., Penny for a packet. 上例是PK 牌口香糖的促销广告,以押尾韵的顺口溜形式出现,节奏明快。前两行主要表示PK 牌口香糖的价格便宜,而其精彩之处则出现在第三行“Stick ” 一词的运用上,该词为多义词,其表层含义可理解为口香糖粘附在衣服上难以去除,而其深层内涵实际表达的是:PK 牌口香糖质优味美, 吃过之后令人Vol.8No.12 Dec.2010 Journal of Huaihai Institute of Technology (Humanities Forum ,Social Science Edition ) 淮海工学院学报( 社会科学版·人文纵横)第8卷第12期2010年12月


垂悬分词和独立主格结构 I.一般来讲,分词或分词短语在句子中充当状语时,其逻辑主语与句子主语一致 如Opening the drawer he took out a revolver.(其中opening的逻辑主语是句子主语he) II.当分词的逻辑主语与句子的主语不一致时,则应将分词的逻辑主语补出来 如George yawning,the conversation dropped.这种分词结构被称作独立主格结构(独立主格结构(Absolute Structure)是由名词或代词加上分词等构成的一种独立结构。独立主格结构中的名词或代词与其后的分词等构成逻辑上的主谓关系。这种结构的位置相当灵活,可置于主句前、主句末或主句中,常由逗号将其与主句分开。需特别注意的是,独立主格结构与主句之间不能使用任何连接词) §独立主格结构基本构成形式 【名词(代词)+现在分词(过去分词;形容词;副词;不定式;名词;介词短语)】,在句中一般作状语,表示时间、条件、原因、伴随状况等,还可以作定语 1. 名词(代词)+现在分词 There being no bus, we had to walk home.(原因) 由于没有公共汽车,我们只好走回家。 2.名词(代词)+过去分词 The workers worked still harder, their living conditions greatly improved. (原因) 由于工人们的生活条件大大提高,他们工作得更起劲了。 He was listening attentively in class, his eyes fixed on the blackboard.(伴随状况) 他上课专心听讲,眼睛紧盯着黑板。 3.名词(代词)+不定式 在“名词/代词+动词不定式”结构中,动词不定式和它前面的名词或代词如果存在着逻辑上的主谓关系,动词不定式则用主动的形式;如果是动宾关系,则用被动形式。 The four of us agreed on a division of labor, each to translate a quarter of the book. 我们四人同意分工干,每人翻译全书的四分之一。 Many trees, flowers, and grass to be planted, our newly-built school will look even more beautiful. 种上许多的树、花和草后,我们新建的学校看上去将更美。 4.名词(代词)+形容词 The Trojans asleep, the Greek soldiers crept out of the hollow wooden horse. 特洛伊人睡着了,于是希腊士兵从中空的木马里悄悄爬了出来。 Computers very small, we can use them widely. 电脑虽小,我们却能广泛地利用它们。 5.名词(代词)+副词 The meeting over, our headmaster soon left the meeting room. 散会了,校长很快就离开了会议室。 The lights off, we could not go on with the work. 灯熄了,我们不能继续工作了。 6.名词(代词)+名词 His first shot failure,he fired again. 他第一枪没击中,又打了一枪。 Two hundred people died in the accident, many of them children. 两百人死于事故,其中有许多儿童。

[幽默在英语课堂教学中的运用] 英语课堂小游戏

在英语教学过程中,作为教育者的我们经常会发现,在课堂中,我们已经将许多的教学知识点、语言点、语法规则详尽地教给了学生,但很难达到我们想要的效果。究其原因,是因为学生很难记住这些不是本族语言的东西。 我们如何才能让学生对所教授的知识点留下深刻的印象呢?在教学中,许多教师都试着用平时收集的英语幽默笑话、妙趣句子或者有趣的谜语来讲授英语中某些语言现象,这样不仅能让学生提高学习英语的兴趣,还能让他们对所涉及的语言点有比较透彻的了解和掌握,收到事半功倍的教学效果。笔者将从以下几方面进行分析。 一、一词多义在幽默中的体现 英语中,许多词有一词多义的现象,如果学生不记住单词的多种意思,在做词义猜测题的时候常常会卡壳,不清楚与上下文最贴切的意思。 如在教授saw这个词的时候,我们知道,saw是see的过去式和过去分词,但是它还有另外的意思。及物动词 vt. 锯;锯开;锯成。The dead branches were sawed off. 枯枝被锯掉了。拉锯般来回移动;拉(曲调)。不及物动词 vi.用锯,拉锯;锯开。名词 n. 锯子;锯条。锯齿状部。在教学中,如果我们只是一味地叫学生呆板地记忆这些意思,学生多半会忘记。其实我们使用一句幽默的话,就可以帮助学生掌握这个词了。让学生猜这句话的意思I saw a saw saw a saw.随后我们可以告知学生,这句话里面的几个saw有着不同的意思或词性。解释这句话的意思我看见一把锯子锯了另一把锯子。这样学生就可以很清楚地了解这个词的用法了。为了加深印象,可以让学生多次大声诵读这个句子。 还有,英语单词大都多“性”多“义”。让学生孤立地记忆,远不及让学生记住一些有趣味的英语句子。例如 “Would the person who took the step ladder yesterday kindly bring it back or further steps will be taken.” (昨天拿走梯子的人请速归还,否则主人将采取进一步措施。) 句中采用了step的不同意思,让学生们记忆深刻。 二、用幽默说明英美语言表达上的差异 在英语某些短语的教学中,可以用一些幽默笑话让学生在轻松搞笑中掌握短语的不同意思。比如向学生讲授英美两个国家对于“第一层楼”的表达的时候,我们可以选用这样的笑话 某饭店男厕所在第一层,女厕所在第二层。 American woman: Where is the toilet? Chinese clerk: On the second floor.

新版简明英语语言学 Chapter 6 pragmatics 语用学

Chapter 6 pragmatics 语用学 知识点: 1.*Definition: pragmatics; context 2.*sentence meaning vs utterance meaning 3.*Austin’s model of speech act theory 4.Searle’s classification of speech acts 5.*Grice’s Cooperative Principle 考核目标: 识记:*Definition: pragmatics; context 领会:Searle’s classification of speech acts 综合应用:sentence meaning vs utterance meaning;Austin’s model of speech act theory;Grice’s Cooperative Principle 一、定义 1. Pragmatics语用学: Pragmatics: the study of how speakers of a language use sentences to effect successful communication. Pragmatic can also be regarded as a kind of meaning study.语用学研究的是语言使用者是如何使用句子成功进行交际的。语用学也可以看作是一中意义研究。(它不是孤立地去研究语义,而是把语义置于使用语境中去研究的一门学科。) 2. Context 语境:The notion of context is essential to the pragmatic study of language, it’s generally considered as constituted by the knowledge shared by the speaker and the hearer. 语境这个概念对语言的语用研究来说是必不可少的。一般认为他是由言者和听者的共享知识所构成的。 二、知识点 6.1.2 pragmatics vs. semantics语用学与语义学 二十世纪初,Saussure’s Course in General Linguistics 一书的出版标志着现代语言学研究的开始,同时也为现代语言学奠定了基础调,即语言应该作为一个独立的,内在的系统来加以研究。 语用学和语义学既有相关性又有相异性。两者都是对意义的研究。传统语义学把语义看成是抽象的,内在的,是语言本身的特性,不受语境的影响。因此传统语义学只研究语义的内在特征,不把语义研究置于语境中来考察。语用学研究的是交际过程中语言意义的表达和理解。语用学家认为不把意义放在语境中来考虑就不可能对语义进行充分的描述,因此在研究语义时是否考虑语境便成了传统语义学和语用学的根本区别所在。 Semantics 和Pragmatics的区分 Pragmatics studies how meaning is conveyed in the process of communication. The basic difference between them is that pragmatics considers meaning in context, traditional semantics studies meaning in isolation from the context of use.


浅析英语双关语在广告中的运用及作用 摘要:广告是以最简单的语言表达最复杂的意义,语言的魅力在广告中得到最充分的展示,广告的目的在于打动人心,激发人们的购买欲望,一字一句都要能充分发挥它的“魅力”和产品想要达到的商业目的。因此,广告制作者挖空心思地追求新的创意,使得双关语在广告中的运用技巧更加纷繁复杂。巧妙的双关能使语言含蓄、幽默、生动、机智,起到旁敲侧击,借题发挥的作用,能够很好地突出广告的特点,因而在广告中得到大量应用。而双关作为一种修辞手法,常用于广告中,它存在于语言、词汇、句法等方面。本文从双关语的定义、表现形式、语用分析以及如何理解双关语来阐述双关语在广告中运用的作用。 关键字广告双关语作用 Abstract Advertising is the most simple language to express the meaning of the most complex, language charm in advertising get most reveal adequately. Advertising aims to impress people, stimulates people's desire to buy, make every word can utilize its "charm" and product want to achieve business purpose. Therefore, advertising makers pursue new creations which makes the application in advertising pun skills more complicated. Cleverly use of pun can make the language implicative, humor, lively, witty.It is able to highlight the characteristics of advertising, and in advertising get massive applications. And as a kind of rhetorical tactics latter, used for advertising, it exists in language, vocabulary, syntax, etc.This article from the definition , form of expression ,pragmatic analysis and how to understand pun to elaborate the fiction of using pun in advertisement . Key Words Advertisement Pun Fiction 一、双关语的定义 双关语为各国语言中共有的修辞格,它利用语言文字上的同音、同形但不同义的关系使一句话拥有一表一里、一明一暗、一真一假两层含义。英语双关语Pun,又叫paronomasia 或play-on words,源自拉丁语Paronomazein 一词,意为call by a different name (以不


1.Pragmatics is the study of language in use. Pragmatics is concerned with the study of meaning as communicated by a speaker (or writer) and interpreted by a listener (or reader). Pragmatics is the study of speaker meaning Pragmatics is the study of contextual meaning Pragmatics is the study of the expression of relative distance. Pragmatics is the study of the relationships between linguistic forms and the users of those forms. 2.Syntax is the study of the relationships between linguistic forms, how they are arranged in sequence, and which sequences are well-formed. 3.Semantics is the study of the relationships between linguistic forms and entities in the world; that is, how words literally connect to things. 4.Deixis 指示语is a technical term (from Greek) for one of the most basic things we do with utterances. It means ‘pointing’ via language.Any linguistic form used to accomplish this ‘pointing’ is called a deictic expression. Deictic expressions are also sometimes called indexicals. They are among the first forms to be spoken by very young children and can be used to indicate people via person deixis(such as, ‘me’, ‘you’), or location via spatial deixis(such as ‘here’, ‘there’), or time via temporal deixi s (such as ‘now’, ‘then’). 5.Proximal terms近指are typically interpreted in terms of the speaker’s location, or the deictic center指示中心.‘this’, ‘there’, ‘now’, ‘then’near speaker 6.Distal terms远指can simply indicate ‘away’ from speaker’, but, in some languages, can be used to distinguish between ‘near addres see’ and ‘away from both speaker and addressee’. 7.Person deixis人称指示语clearly operates on a basic three-part division, exemplified例证by the pronouns for first person, second person, and third person./ forms used to point to people, “me””you” 8.Expressions which indicate addressee higher status are described as honorifics敬语. 9.The discussion of the circumstances which lead to the choice of one of these forms rather than another is sometimes described as social deixis./forms used to indicate relative social status 10.A distinction between forms used for familiar versus a non-familiar addressee in some languages. This is known as the T/V distinction. 用复数形态来表示单数敬语,在语言中叫T-V distinction。此概念由1960 年的学者Brown 和Gilman 提出,他们将第二人称单数分为两种形态:T 形态(T-form)和V 形态(V-form),前者在非正式场合、尊称呼卑、关系亲密的人之间使用,后者在正式场合、下级称呼上级、称呼陌生人的时候使用 11.exclusive ‘we’ (speaker plus other(s), excluding addressee); inclusive ‘we’ (speaker and addressee included). 12.spatial deixis空间指示语- the relative location of people and things is being indicated. Eg, here, there/ forms used to point to location. 13.‘Yonder’那边(more distant from speaker) ‘hither’这边(to this place) ‘thence’从那里(from that place) 14.deictic projection指示投射manipulate speaker’s location eg: I am not here now./speakers acting as if they are somewhere else. 15.psychological distance心理距离I don’t like that. it is ‘invested’ with meaning in a context by a speaker./speaker’s marking of how close or distant something is perceived感知to be. 16.temporal deixis时间指示Back in an hour. the coming week./ forms used to point to location in time 17.It is clear that the present tense is the proximal form近端形式and the past tense is the distal form远端形式. if-clauses 18.In temporal deixis, the remote or distal form can be used to communicate not only distant from current time, but also distant from current reality or facts. 19.Discourse deixis/ textual deixis语篇指示语“the use of expressions within some utterance to refer to some portion 部分of the discourse that contains that utterance (i ncluding the utterance itself)”This is what he did to me. He ripped 撕扯my shirt and hit me on the nose


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24 企业跨国并购中的文化整合研究有案例 25 语用预设在英语听力教学中的应用 26 浅析献给艾米丽的玫瑰艾米丽的悲惨人生 27 AIDA原则在广告语翻译中的运用 28 目的论视角下公益广告的翻译 29 从目的论看旅游景点公示语的翻译 30 委婉语在国际商务谈判中的应用 31 中英颜色词的文化内涵差异 32 从句法模式论英语公益广告语气系统的人际意义 33 图式理论在初中英语阅读教学中的运用 34 合作性学习在初中英语教学中应用的探索 35 初中英语口语教学的课堂活动设计 36 紫色中的妇女主义 37 分析宠儿中塞丝的创伤与愈合 38 对全球化背景下英语霸权的思考 39 浅析60年代美国嬉皮士文化---“逍遥骑士” 40 解读爱玛中的女性主体意识 41 外资银行进入中国带来的机遇与挑战 42 浅析中美婚礼习俗差异 43 中美恐怖电影中折射出的文化差异 44 浅析莱辛老妇与猫中的生态女性主义 45 吉姆爷的生态女性主义解读 46 艾米丽?狄金森诗与李清照词之对比研究 47 大学校园语码转换的原因分析 48 从“目的论”看国外汽车商标的翻译 49 英汉禁忌语差异研究 50 中美家居教育差异 51 时尚杂志广告对女性消费者的影响 52 商务谈判中中英恭维语对比研究 53 初中英语课堂教师提问分析


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一)倒装句 谓语动词放在主语之前的这种语法现象称为倒装。从倒装的形式来看,可分为全部倒装(full inversion)和部分倒装(partial inversion)两种,前者是指整个谓语置于主语之前,而后者仅是指助动词、情态动词或be动词等功能置于主语之前。 一、全部倒装 1、句首为there be , stand ,lie, exist,remain, appear, seem,come 等时,引出全部倒装。 There stands a stone bridge across the river. There stands an old pine tree on the summit of the mountain. 2、句首为状语方位词或表示地点的介词短语: Then from the portable radio in the corner came the announcer's voice. 从角落里的便携式收音机里传来了播音员的声音。 At his side lay Eva Brown. 在他的身旁躺着的是爱娃、布劳恩。 3.以here ,there, now, then 等开关的句子,位于常用be ,come,go, begin, follow 等,引出倒装: There goes the bell. 铃响了。 Here comes the bus. 汽车来了。 Now come your turn. 现在轮到你了。 但是,如主语是代词而不是名词时则不发生倒装。 Here it is. 4.在表示动作的简短句子里,为了生动,可把副词放于句首引出倒装。 Out rushed the dog from the gate. 一条狗从大门里嗖地一声窜了出来。 Up went the rocket into the sky. 火箭嗖地一声飞上了天空。 但:Away they went. 5.在表达祝愿的句子里: Long live the friendship between American and Chinese people!中美人民的友谊万岁! May you succeed !祝你成功! 6.在强调表语时: Worst of all were the humiliations .最令人难以忍受的是羞辱。 Such is the case. 情况就是这样。


2010年1月第29卷第1期黑龙江教育学院学报 Journa l o fH e ilong ji ang Coll ege o f Educati on Jan .2010V o.l 29N o .1 收稿日期:2009-11-06 作者简介:代晓丽(1981-),女,黑龙江伊春人,助教。 浅谈英语中双关语的应用及翻译 代晓丽 (伊春职业学院,黑龙江伊春153000) 摘 要:双关语是英语中较为常见的修辞手段,双关语在不同语境当中有不同的应用,应在考虑双关语双重含义的基础上从意译法、拆译法、侧重译法、套译法,翻译加注释等方面对其翻译进行初步的探讨。 关键词:双关语;修辞;翻译 中图分类号:H 319 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1001-7836(2010)01-0165-02 一、双关语的定义及作用 PUN (双关)运用一个词语来暗示两层或两层以上的意思或不同的联想,或者运用两个或两个以上同音异义或近音异义的词语。它巧妙地使词语和句子有了两种不同的含义,能收到滑稽幽默、冷嘲热讽甚至是悲剧的效果。 二、双关语在不同语境中的应用及修辞效果 (一)双关语在文学作品中的应用 R om eo .N o t I ,be li eve m e :you have danci ng shoes w ith n i m b l e so l es :I have a sou l of lead .So stakes m e to t he ground I cannot m ove . (W llia m Shakespeare R o m eo and Juli e t ) 译文:罗密欧,我实在不能跳动。你们都有轻快的舞鞋:我只有一个铅一样重的灵魂,我的身体紧紧地钉在地上,使我的脚步不能移动。 (选自莎士比亚的!罗密欧与朱丽叶?) 戏剧大师莎士比亚巧用了这对音异义词,生动地刻画出 罗密欧当时心头烦恼,无心跳舞的心境。 (二)双关语在新闻报道中的应用 1 C li m bers H o l d Su mm it T a l ks 登山运动员会师峰顶(Su mm it T a l ks 原义是 首脑会议 )。这一则新闻报道了有关中国、日本、尼泊尔三国运动员登上珠穆朗玛峰的情况。在此处所用的一语双关,增加了新闻标题的趣味性。 2 Egg T a l ks :A gr i cultural A dv isersM eet 蛋类谈判:农业顾问聚首。这则新闻究竟是要表达 蛋类谈判 ,还是 就蛋类进行谈判 ,关键在于 T a l k 。这则新闻标题巧妙地运用 T alk 的一词多义,实现了双关的修辞手法,吸引了读者的注意力。 (三)双关语在商品广告中的应用。1 I #m mo re satisfied .A sk for M ore . 这是摩尔香烟在广告语中树立的两个双关典范。它们巧妙地使用m ore 一词的双重意义:mo re 是一个副词,表示 更加,更多 ;大写之后,变成了品牌名称。译文为: 摩尔香烟,我更满意 ; 再来一支,还吸摩尔 。寥寥数语就使人们轻松记住了商品的品牌,同时又给人留下了一个印象,该产品优于同类产品,能使消费者满意。 2 Fresh up w ith 7-up . 译文:君饮七喜,提神醒脑。 这是美国七喜汽水的广告。 7 在西方国家是个吉祥的数字,赌博时掷色子的 7 者为赢。U p 指 co m e up w ith (突然想到)也有 活泼向上,使人清醒 的意思,同时7-up 又是饮料的商标,整个广告读起来铿锵有力,富有节奏性,且 具感召力让人一目了然。因此,代表积极向上的7-up 的饮料在西方市场极为畅销。 (四)双关语在日常生活中的应用 1 ? D o you ever draw p ict ure i n the nude ? ? N o ,I usuall y w ear a jacket . 对话中,提问的人是想问 你有没有画过裸体画 ,而回答的人却理解为 你曾经光着身子画过画吗? 这则对话中双关产生的原因是对i nthe nude 在句中不同功能的理解,即作定语或作状语,从而达到幽默的效果。 2 这是一个男孩子为了追求一个在银行窗口工作的女孩子在递交存折的同时附上了一张小纸条。 D earM: I have been SAV I NG t h is question i n t he hope t hat I m i ght ga i n so m e I NTETRST.If free F r i day ,wou l d you ca re to DE PO S T yourse lf beside m e at a m ov ie ?I have taken i nto AC COUNT t hat you m ay be prev i ous l y engaged ;if so I w illW I TH DRAW m y offer on Sa t urday .A t any RATE ,your co m pany w ou l d much enjoy ,and I hope you w ill no t A SSESS th i s as t oo for w ard .Check you late . ? 165?
