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Unit 4 Earthquakes 参考教案1

Unit 4 Earthquakes 参考教案1
Unit 4 Earthquakes 参考教案1

Unit 4 Earthquakes



Warming Up 部分通过图片让学生展开讨论,地震之前城市的美丽整齐和地震之后城市的破败不堪,对比前后两个城市的样子可以看出地震的破坏性。同时通过多幅图片展示自然灾害,引起学生讨论的兴趣。







Learning about language部分是巩固文中的词汇,对单词的英英解释,和根据所给的词汇的适当形式填空。再者是学习数字的表达方式。

Discovering useful structures: grammar ----The attributive Clause

该部分涉及语法。主要通过句型练习帮助学生学习由that, which, who, whose 引导的定语从句,初步掌握有关定语从句的知识,培养学生自主学习的能力。

Using language 部分的“读、写、说”(Reading, Writing, and Speaking)部分提供了一封信,要求学生阅读后写一篇大地震纪念公园落成仪式上的演讲搞,接着说一说唐山大地震纪念邮票。这一部分主要是为了培养学生在生活中的实际运用英语的能力。也可以通过“听力”(Listening)部分来了解一位美国人以第一人称叙述他在1906年旧金山大地震中的可怕经历。以此扩大学生对地震的认识,让学生了解人们在自然灾害中的经历和感受。

Writing 部分训练学生如何写新闻报道,学会拟定协作提纲。

Summing up : 主要是归纳了被单元所学的重要知识——有关地震的知识,有用的动词,名词,其他的表达方式和新的语法项目。

Learning Tip 部分要求学生重视听的技能的训练。因为听是吸收信息的重要渠道,建议学生多听广播和电视里的英语节目,这样既能提高听力水平又能扩大视野和增加英语的词汇量。




(2)由that, which, who, whose引导的定语从句









第一课时:Warming up, Listening (Workbook), Speaking (workbook)

第二课时:Pre-reading, Reading, Comprehending

第三课时:Important language points, Learning about language

第四课时:Discovering useful structures

第五课时:Using Language

第六课时:Reading task, listening task, and speaking task


Period 1 Warming up, Listening (Workbook), Speaking (Workbook)

Teaching Goals:

1. To arouse Ss’ interest in learning about disasters in the world.

2. To develop Ss’ speaking ability.

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Leading-in

Purpose: To activate Ss to talk about earthquakes in the world.

show the two pictures and compare them with the two pictures of the book. Ask Ss to tell something about earthquakes. And see know if they know something about disasters.

Step 2. Warming Up

Purpose: To lead Ss to the topic of this unit by discussion.

Pair work

Get Ss to discuss the following questions.

(1) What would happen before an earthquake?

(2) What would happen during an earthquake?

(3) what are other natural disasters?

(4) What would happen if these natural disasters occur?

The above pictures can be used for Ss to talk about, and Ss can talk as much as they can.

Step 3. Listening (Workbook)

Purpose: 1. To help Ss learn more information about earthquakes.

2. To develop Ss’ listening ability

1. Get Ss to discuss the question and get information.

Why are there earthquakes in the world?

2. Listen to the tape for the first time, and then tell whether the following sentences are true or false.

(1) It is believed that on the surface of the earth are a number of plates.

(2) The plates are always moving.

(3) If the plates stop moving, there is an earthquake.

(4) If the plates move, there is an earthquake.

(5) Where you live, you are in an earthquake area.

(6) China has two plates pushing on her and they make mountains and earthquake.

Suggested Answers: (1) T (2) T (3) F (4) F (5) F (6) T

3. Listen to the tape again and do Ex 2 on Page 62.

Step 4 .Talking (Workbook)

Purpose: 1. To get Ss to talk about earthquakes.

2.To train Ss’ speaking ability

Pair work

Discuss the questions below with your desk mate and then present your views to all your classmates.

1.In pairs make up a story to explain how an earthquake happens.

2.Describe what happens in an interesting way like the story from India. Keep your story short.

3.Share your story with your classmates. Decide which one is the most interesting. Give a reason.

Period 2 Pre-reading, Reading and Comprehending

Teaching Goals:

1. To get Ss to learn about Tangshan earthquake.

2. To develop Ss’ some basic reading skills.

3. To arouse Ss’ interest in learning about other natural disasters in the world.

4. To train Ss’ ability to grasp key information.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Warming Up

Purpose:To arouse Ss’ interest in learning about Tangshan earthquake.

Step 1. Leading-in

1. Group work:

Answer the questions below:

(1) What would happen before an earthquake?

(2) What happened in Tangshan in1976?

Step 2. Reading

1. Skimming

Purpose: T o get a brief understanding of the text.

(1)Ask Ss if they know something about Tangshan earthquake, and get them to check whether the following

statements are true or false. If it is false, try to correct it.

①People in Tangshan were warned of the earthquake and didn’t go to bed that night.

②People in Beijing also felt the earthquake.

③More than 400 000 people were killed in the quake.

④Many rescue workers and doctors were trapped under the ruins during the aftershock.

⑤People tried to get fresh water from under the ground in Tangshan.

Suggested Answers:

①False. People thought little of the unusual phenomena before the quake, and went to bed as usual that night.


③False. More than 400 000 people were killed or injured in the quake.


⑤False. Fresh water was taken to the city of Tangshan by train, tuck and plane.

(2) Read the passage again carefully and do this exercise. Join the correct parts of the sentences.

①The chickens didn’t eat because A. the army came to help them

②The people didn’t worry because B. the quake happened while they were sleeping

③Such a great number of people C. they were nervous.

died because

④Water was needed because D. dams and wells were useless.

⑤The people did not lose hope because E. they didn’t know what the strange

events meant.

Suggested Answers:①–C; ②–E; ③–B; ④–D; ⑤–A

(3) Try to divide the passage into three parts. Then try to write down the main idea of each part.

Part1. (Paragraph 1)________________________________

Part2. (Paragraph 2&3) __________________________________

Part3. (Paragraph 4)____________________________________

Suggested Answers:Part 1: Phenomena before the earthquake.

Part 2: What happened during the earthquake and the damage?

Part 3: The rescue work after the earthquake.

2. Scanning

Purpose: To get Ss to have some details in the text.

1.Read the text quickly and try to get some details from the text. Work in pairs and try to ask and answer

questions from the text. Questions can be like these.

Q1 What did people in Tangshan see in the sky before the earthquake?

Q2 What did people hear?

Q3 What did people notice in the wells?

Q4 Did people pay any attention to these abnormal phenomena?

Q5 When did the earthquake begin?

Q6 How many people were killed or injured in the earthquake?

Q7 Could the injured people go to hospital?

Suggested Answers:

A1 They saw bright lights in the sky.

A2 They heard the sound of planes outside Tangshan even when no planes were in the sky

A3 People noticed the well walls had deep cracks, and a smelly gas came out of the cracks.

A4 No. They went to the bed as usual that night.

A5 More than 400,000 people.

A6 At 3:42 in the morning of July 28.

A7 No, they couldn’t because all of the city’s hospitals were gone in the quake.

2. Listen to the tape and get more information

Purpose: To train Ss’ listening ability

Listen to the tape and follow it in a low voice.

Step 4. Discussion

Purpose: To train Ss’ speaking ability

Group work

one acts as a reporter from China Daily and another acts as a witness of the Tangshan Earthquake. They will have an interview.

One possible dialogue:

(Reporter =R witness=W)

R: hello, nice to meet you. I am a reporter from China Daily.

W: Nice to meet you.

R: I hear that you went through the Tangshan earthquake, didn’t you?

W: Yes, I was so lucky as to be one of the survivors.

R: Would you like to answer some questions about the earthquake?

W: OK.

R: When did you know that the earthquake was coming? Were you warned of the earthquake?

W: Although later people said there had been some signs that showed an earthquake was coming, we paid no attention to them. We just went to bed as usual that night.

R: Then do you still remember what happened during the earthquake?

W: Oh, at 3:42 everything began to shake. A huge crack that was about eight kilometers long and thirty meters wide cut across houses and roads. The terrible earthquake lasted for about 15 seconds. After that, everywhere,

everything was destroyed. Many buildings fell down. To make things worse, two dams and most of the bridges

also fell. The railway tracks became useless pieces of steel.

R: Although you had survived, you had to live a hard life in the next period of time?

W: That is true. Water, food and electricity were hard to get. Life was really hard for us.

R: And you had the army help you.

W: Yes, The army sent 150,000 soldiers to help the rescue workers. They organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and bury the dead.

R: I think you can rebuild your home city very well.

W:I believe so. We people in Tangshan will try our best to rebuild the city.

R: Thank you for answering my questions.

W: That’s all right.

Step 6. Homework

1.Try to remember the key information of the passage by heart

2.Write a short passage about Tangshan earthquake


高中英语必修一教案Unit 1 Friendship

1.Suggested teaching notes 1). Analyses of the teaching contents This unit is about friendship, and nearly all the teaching materials center on it. Warming up---The questionnaire leads students to think and talk about friendship, get to know the problems between friends and seek solutions, which makes preparations for the further teaching in topics, background and vocabulary. Pre-reading---The questions prompt students to think critically about friends and friendship in reality, alerting them to the fact that besides people, a diary can be a friend, too. Reading--- The diary by theJewish girl Anne gave a glimpse of her life during her family’s shelter in Amsterdam from the German Nazis’ killing in world war 2. she treats the diary as her best friend, and in it reveals her longing for a normal life and close contact with nature, which helps her get through the days. Comprehending---It helps students further understand the text by doing multiple choices, questions and answers, and matching. Learning about language---It teaches the important expressions and structures and grammar: direct and indirect speeches. Using language---The two letters, listening, questionnaire design, letter writing and fun writing prepares students to further talk about friendship, especially the problems with misunderstanding, and unfriendliness, thus strengthening students’ abilities to practice language, discover, and solve problems. Summing up---It summarizes the whole contents of this unit from the aspects of topics, vocabulary and grammar. Learning tip--- This part encourages students to form the habit of writing a diary. Integrating skills--- The text introduces the way Hawaiians express friendship, to get students to realize the cultural differences in the values of friendship in addition


五年级英语上册Unit1教案(译林版新教材) Unit 1 Goldilocks and the three bears 单元教材分析:本单元主要话题是谈论房屋、住所和居室及房屋内 物品的陈列。课文通过学生熟悉的中文版三只熊的趣味故事帮助学 生理解英文文本、学习方位介词以及帮助学生理解There be…句 型。教师可以充分利用书本材料进行教学与操练,也可以让学生们 用身边的物品进行对话交流,或在具体的情境下(例如自己的房 间、学校、自己熟悉的场所)谈论物品陈列。本单元中,教师可引 导学生结合以前学过的地点类词汇和方位介词进行表述。在教学过 程中,教师也可以提前渗透There be…句型的一般疑问句,为第二 单元做铺垫。在实际操练过程中可能会提及There be…句型的就近 原则,教师也可以适当讲解。五年级相对于三四年级的教材又增添 了2个新的学习版块:Grammar time 和 Culture time. 在第一单 元的教学中老师要继续注重培养学生的学习兴趣,重视激发和保护 学生学习英语的热情,培养学生运用所学英语进行交际的意识和勇气。单元教学目标:知识目标 1. 在课文情景中学生能够听懂、 会说、会读故事中出现的词汇:Goldilocks, bear, forest, house, soup, hard, soft, afraid, just right, in front of ; 2. 基 于三只熊的故事,在故事情景中反复使用、巩固there be句型; 3. 创设不同情境,让学生能够听懂、会说、会读、会写句型:There is 加名词单数或不可数名词, There are加名词复数,并理解句 型的意思; 4. 学生能够针对不同的情境活用日常用语:This … is too… 5. 能理解并掌握字母c 的发音规律,熟记例词。能力 目标 1. 学生能正确理解Story time, 并能小组合作表演故事、续 写故事; 2. 学生能熟练运用本单元所学的词句在不同的情境中谈 论物品的陈列; 3. 学生能正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故 事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,能在教师的指导下表演故事; 4. 通 过小组合作讲述故事内容,并能够添加文本内容进行文本扩充; 5. 学生能了解中西方传统的饮食,并能用英语作简单介绍。情感目标1. 让学生体会到阅读故事的乐趣,培养学生阅读的兴趣。 2. 让学 生体会到亲自设计家居的乐趣。 3. 培养学生有序表达的能力单元


高一年级英语必修一教案 人教版高一年级英语必修一教案 作为一名为他人授业解惑的教育工作者,总不可避免地需要编写教案,借助教案可以提高教学质量,收到预期的教学效果。那么应当如何写教案呢?下面是小编整理的人教版高一年级英语必修一教案,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。 人教版高一年级英语必修一教案1 Step I.Revision Check the homework with the whole class. Step II. Warming up Ask the students to read the instructions and make sure they know what to do, and then have a discussion about the two pictures. T: Today, before we begin our reading, I’d like to ask you a question, “What is the biggest sound you have heard in your life?” S1: The sound of wind that blew in a winter night when I was very young. It sounded like a ghost who was howling.

I was very frightened at that time. S2: The biggest noise was the one that I heard when my neighbor was quarrelling with his wife. Perhaps, they broke their TV set. T: That’s too terrible. S3: The noise when planes take off. S4: The sound of trains. T: Good! I agree that all of them are big sound. But did you once heard the sound that the heaven falls and the earth cracks, in Chinese it is 天崩地裂? Ss: No, we have no chance to hear that. T: If there is a sound like this, what is it? S5: When someone hears something unexpected and terrible. For example, when one of his loved families dies, he will feel this sound. T: Terrific! You are using a literary way to express the sound. S6: When an earthquake happens. T: Great! I have waited for this answer for a long time. Today we’ll learn something about earthquakes. I think most of us have heard of earthquakes. Can you imagine how terrible it is ?

【人教pep版】小学英语四年级上册Unit 1 第二课时教案

Unit1 My classroom A. Let’s learn 教学目标: 1.知识目标:能够听、说、认读有关教室物品设施的词汇. classroom, window, light, picture, blackboard, door. 2.能力目标:能够正确运用所学词汇描述教室里的物品设施。 能听懂指示语,并按照指令做出相应的动作。 3.情感目标:培养学生热爱劳动,互相帮助的习惯。 教学重点: 1.掌握有关教室物品设施的词汇:classroom, window, light, picture, blackboard, door. 2.能够正确运用所学词汇描述教室里的物品设施。 教学难点: 1. 运用所学词汇描述教室里的物品设施。 2. 听指令,做动作。 教学准备: 自制课件、教学光盘 教学过程: Step1. Preparation 1.教师出示实物复习pencil, ruler, bag, book, pencil-case, eraser, crayon, pen等单词。 2.教师引导学生用以上单词做问答练习: 如:What’s in the bag? What’s in the pencil-case ? 3.在学生回答出问题后,教师再问:How many pencils/pens…?使学生能用复数进行回答。 如:What’s in the pencil-case? A ruler, two pencils… Step 2 Presentation

1.课件出示一幅教室的图片,教师介绍说:This is a classroom. . Ask: What’s the meaning of the classroom? Guess. Ss:教室。Then teach it.教师板书并领读,然后让学生由集体到个别轮流读单词 教师接着问:What’s in the classroom? 学生听懂后,教师可先试着让学生回答,能说出英文的学生给予表扬(desk, chair, picture都已学过),也可让学生用中文回答。 教师指着教室里的黑板教学blackboard,教师板书并领读,然后让学生由集体到个别轮流读单词。 How many blackboards can you see? Ss: Two. Yes, two boards.然后在board加S。然后教师做擦黑板的动作,边做动作边说clean the blackboard.教师边领读边做动作,并让学生跟着边说边做。 用同样的方法教学单词window, light, picture和door,同时融入动作。 Close the window. Turn on the light. Put up the picture. Open the door.同样教师先示范动作,然后让学生边说边做。 2.让学生观看本部分的教学课件2遍。 第一遍听,第二遍学生跟读并模仿Let’s learn部分的内容。 让学生看着画面回答: What’s in the classroom? One blackboard, one TV, many desks and chairs. 3.教师领读单词和句型。 4.让学生在小组内读单词,采用兵教兵的形式。 然后找部分学生读单词,检查掌握情况。

最新人教版四年级英语下册Unit 1教案

Unit 1 My SCHOOL 第一课时 一、教学目标与要求 1.能听懂、会说:“Is this the teacher's office?” Where’s the library ? It’s on the first floor. Here’s my homework. The teacher's office is next to the library.并能在实际情景中进行运用。 2.能跟唱歌曲“Our School”。 3.了解英美国家关于楼层的不同表达方式。 二、教学重、难点分析 1.本课时教学重点:让学生熟练掌握“Is this the teacher's office?” Where’s the library ? It’s on the first floor. Here’s my homework.”的用法。 2.本课时教学难点:一般疑问句的用法以及在楼层的表达中序数词first, second的用法是教学中的难点。教师要通过创设情景让学生理解和掌握。 三、课前准备 1.教师准备该课时的教学挂图2.教师准备录音机、录音带或VCD。 四、教学步骤和建议 1.热身(Warm-up) (1)教师播放本课时A部分Let's do的录音带,学生听音做动作。 (2)教师慢慢出示生词的图卡,让学生猜出单词。 2.预习(Preview) 教师播放本单元歌曲“Our School”,先让学生听然后鼓励学生跟唱。 3.新课呈现(Presentation) Let's talk (1)教师首先和学生进行自由交谈,主题是“Is this the teacher's office?”鼓励学生用两种句子做出回答。 (2)教师与学生进行对话Where’s the library ? It’s on the second floor.教师借用平面图,使学生进一步理解second floor 的意思。教师利用课件呈现Look,ask and answer 部分平面图,师生进行交流。对话如下: T:Where’s the teacher's office? S: It’s on the first floor.T:Is it next to Classroom2 ?S:Yes,it is.在与学生交流中教师引出library及next to进行教学,使学生感知它们的意思。 (3)学生看Let's talk部分的插图,用动作引出句子Here’s my homework. (2)模仿跟说,(3)分角色朗读与表演 板书设计:


外研社高一英语必修一 教案 公司内部编号:(GOOD-TMMT-MMUT-UUPTY-UUYY-DTTI-

M o d u l e O n e M y f i r s t d a y a t S e n i o r h i g h Period One Teaching content a)Self-introduction b)Vocabulary and speaking c)Everyday English and function Teaching aims and demands a)have the students to introduce themselves b)have the students to know what you except from them c)have the students get familiar with some words of subjects d)have the students to learn the Everyday English and function Teaching methods a)speaking b)discussing c)pair-work& group-work Teaching steps Step1 Self-introduction (I) This is the first English class in Senior high, you are fresh to the students , so are the students. So it is necessary for you to introduce yourself to the students and get them to introduce them to you and other students , you must stress that the students must introduce them in English. If necessary, you can make an example first.


Unit 1 教学设计示例(4课时) 一、教学设计思路 本课时学习如何用What's your name?询问对方的姓名并就询问做相应回答。对于刚开始学习 英语的学生,彼此了解一下英文名字十分必要,符合学生认知规律。另一种道别表达"See you!"是生活常用语,同Goodbye 用法相同,且运用广泛。整个语言点简单,且实用性强。教学过程中强调 自然流畅,不要明知故问,使学生觉得是为了学习而学习,从而降低学习兴趣。趣味操练部分可以 发挥小学生好动好玩的特点,在做迎宾先生或小姐的游戏中进一步操练句型,巩固所学。扩展性活 动中猜猜我是谁的游戏将“My name's ...”扩展到His/Her name’s …的句型, 开拓学生英语思维,帮助学生灵活运用语言。 二、教学目标 (一)知识 掌握日常交际用语:What’s your name?, My name is…, See you! (二)能力 学会应用以上交际用语进行日常会话; (三)情感 通过会话,培养学生敢于开口、积极参与的学习态度,让学生体验学习英语的快乐,提高兴趣; 三、教学重难点 What’s your name? My name is…中name的发音和欢迎用语Welcome!的发音。 四、教学媒体 1.名字卡、本课主要人物的头饰; 2.要求学生准备一个面具,并制作一个写有本人姓名的头饰。 五、教学过程 1.热身、复习 (Warm-up/Revision) (1)唱“Hello”歌 (2)师生互相问候Hello! /Hi! (3)学生将胸卡戴在胸前,分别起立做自我介绍。如: a. Hello, I’m Mary. b. Hi! I’m Peter. 2.呈现新课 (Presentation) (1)老师指着自己的英文名卡说Hello! I’m Miss/Mr. …. 然后用My name’s…. 反复说三到四遍自己的名字,速度由慢到正常。接着教师对一名学生发问What’s your name?(用清晰、缓慢的语调问两遍)边问边指他/她的名卡,并可以用夸张的口型提示他/她回答My name’s….教师对第一个应答学生应重点表扬,并发给他/他小奖品,以次鼓励学生认真听别人的问答,努力模仿 教师说的新句型。用类似的方法在教室里与学生进行问答练习,注意引导学生用My name’s….回答问题。 (2)跟读、模仿What’s your name? 注意学生对name一词中a的发音。


Unit1 What’s he like Lesson One Teaching contents: A Let’s talk Let’s try Teaching aims: 1. Catch the new sentences: Who is he? He’s our music teacher. / Is he young/funny? Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t. 2. Know the meaning of the words :funny/young Important and difficult points: 1.Catch the new sentences and use them: Who is he? He’s our music teacher. / Is he young/funny? Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t. Teaching methods: TPR, the Situational Approach Teaching steps : Review the words: tall/short/fat/thin/strong/quiet/… Lead in :Free Talk and use the pictures to lead in the new sentences “ Who is he? He’s our music teacher?/ Is he young/funny? Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t. Presentation: Step one: Learn the new sentences and practice them. Step two: Use the pictures and ask the students to use the new sentences to describe the pictures.

PEP四年级下册Unit 1全英详细教案

Unit 1单元教材分析 Teaching Contents: Unit 1 Our School Teaching Aims: 1 Words: playground, garden,teacher’soffice, library,canteen, computer room,washroom, music room, gym, TV room 2 Sentences: Where is the canteen-It’s on the first floor The art room is on the first floor Is this the library Yes, it is. /No, it isn’t. Teaching Difficult: Four skill words Use the sentences Teaching Aids: Pictures, Cards, Tape. The 1stweek and 1st plan Unit 1 Our school The 1st period Teaching Contents: Part A: Let’s learn Let’s do Let’s sing

Teaching Aims 1.Have the students master the key words. 2.Have the students master the main sentences. 3.Double whether they have got the way of writing an English sentence.Ability Aims: 1. Introduce our school; .:The canteen is on the first floor. the function of different room,.:Go to the library.Read a story-book.s song“Our School”. Emotional Aims: To educate the students to love their school and to be a helpful student.Important points and difficult points: 1.Remind them to remember the rules of writing an English sentence. 2.Try to use the main sentences to make their own sentences. Teaching Aids: Computer, flash cards, VCD, pictures. Teaching Procedures: Step 1:Warm-up 1: Greetings. How is the weather Are you happy today 2: Let’s sing Let’s sing a song together ‘OurSchool’.


Unit 1 Friendship I.单元教学目标 II.目标语言

III. 教材分析和教材重组 1. 教材分析 本单元以Friend和Friendship为话题,旨在通过单元教学使学生通过讨论什么是好朋友,什么是真正的友谊,如何交友和保持友谊等问题,使学生树立正确的交友观。并针对日常交友过程中经常遇到的实际问题,指导学生发表自己的见解和看法,通过进一步讨论提供有效的解决方案。并能就此以编辑的身份写出指导信,对相关谚语写出观点明确、论证有力的短文。 1.1 Warming Up以调查问卷的形式,通过对学生在日常交友过程中所遇到的五个问题,展开调查,使学生对是否擅长交友做出评价,激发学生对本单元的中心话题产生兴趣;同时也使教师本单元的授课更具有针对性,从而有效地帮助学生树立正确的交友观。 1.2 Pre-Reading通过四个问题引导学生讨论交友的重要性以及自己心目中好朋友的概念和标准,并使学生认识到不仅人与人,人与物(如日记)也可以成为好朋友。继续探究并树立正确交友观,并为阅读作好了准备。 1.3 Reading讲述第二次世界大战的纳粹统治时期,犹太人Anne一家过着滇沛流漓,与世隔绝的生活。Anne在孤独中只能以日记Kitty 为友,倾诉衷肠,伴其渡过两年的逃亡生涯。控诉了纳粹党的残暴统治给犹太人民带来了深重的灾难,并以日记的形式表达了以主人公Anne为代表的全世界人民憎恨战争渴望和平的共同心愿。学生学习了新的词汇、句型,提高了阅读水平。文中选用了主人公的一篇日记,使学生进一步感受到了挚友的可贵,对主人公内心世界的描写有了更深刻的理解。 1.4 Comprehension 设计了三种题型。其中前两个是考查学生对READING文章细节内容的理解,最后一题是开放性问题,学生可以在更深入理解主人公内心世界的基础上各抒己见,使学生养成勤于思考勇于探究的良好的学习习惯,现时也培养了学生的想象力,进一步提高了阅读水平。 1.5 Learning About Language分词汇和语法两部分。其中,Word study是根据英文释意或在语境中掌握和运用词汇。Grammar是关于直接引语和间接引语的用法训练,包括单句的练习和情景语法练习。


英语ⅰ译林牛津版unit1第四课时教案Teachingcontent Reportingschoolactivities(1) Teachinggoals 1.Targetlanguage Understandingaprogram:date,day,time,venue,event/activit y 2.Abilitygoals Enablethestudentstounderstandaprogram. 3.Learningabilitygoals Helpthestudentslearnhowtocompleteatimetableforaschoolpr ogram. Teachingimportant&difficultpoints Howtocompleteatimetableforaschoolprogram. Teachingmethods Listening. Teachingaids Arecorderandablackboard. Teachingprocedures StepⅠRevisionandLead-in Checkthehomeworkandreviewtheusageofrelativepronouns. T:Inthelastperiodwelearnedtheusageofrelativepronouns.Ar

elativepronounisawordusedtoreplaceanounornounphraseandintro ducesarelativeclausereferringtosomeantecedent.Therelativepr onounsofEnglishare:who,whom,whose,which,andthat.Nowpleasefi nishthefollowingexercises. Showthefollowing. 1.Don'ttalkaboutsuchthingsof__youarenotsure. A.which B.what C.as D.those 2.Thewolveshidthemselvesintheplaces___couldn'tbefound. A.that B.where C.inwhich D.inthat 3.Thefreezingpointisthetemperature__waterchangesintoice . A.atWhich B.onthat C.inwhich D.ofwhat 4.I'lltellyou__hetoldmelastweek. A.allwhich B.that C.allthat D.which 5.We'retalkingaboutthepianoandthepianist__wereintheconc ertweattendedlastnight. A.which B.whom C.who D.that 6.Thegirl__anEnglishsonginthenextroomisTom'ssister. A.whoissinging B.issinging C.sang D.wassinging


Teaching Plan Unit1 Friendship 教材人教版高中英语必修一 试讲者李瑶单位新疆师范大学 适用年级高中一年级单元第一单元 课题Anne’s Best Friend 课时共五课时,第二课时 ( Reading) 一.教材分析 Analysis of the Teaching Materials This unit is the first unit of the senior English studying which talks about friendship.As for the students, at the beginning of senior school life, making new friends is one of important things for them now,so the topic of this unit is appropriate at the present time. It can easily stimulate students’interests in English learning and help students think how to choose friends and the meaning of the friendship. The reading passage is the center of the unit. It mainly talks about the Anna , a Jewish girl , during the world war II, regarded the diary as her best friend to express her happiness, sorrow and missing to her hometown. 二.学情分析 Analysis of the Students As the students, grade1of senior high school,they have the basic abilities of listening,speaking,reading and writing,but they still need more chances to practice what they have learnt and improve their ability of communicating with others and expressing their ideas fluently and accurately. Meanwhile,it is also necessary to develop their autonomous learning ability and cooperative learning ability, as well cultivate the awareness of cultural differences. 三. 教学目标 Teaching Aims 1.Knowledge Objectives 1.Get students to know the main content of this article. 2.Learn about the formats of a diary. 2.Ability Objectives 1.Develop their reading ability and learn to use some reading strategies such as guessing, key sentences, skimming and so on. 2.Summarize different paragraphs. 3.Emotion Objectives

Unit1 My classroom 第四课时教学设计

Unit1 My classroom 第四课时教学设计Teaching design of Unit1 my classroom

Unit1 My classroom 第四课时教学设计 前言:小泰温馨提醒,英语作为在许多国际组织或者会议上都是必需语言,几乎所有学校 选择英语作为其主要或唯一的外语必修课。英语教学涉及多种专业理论知识,包括语言学、第二语言习得、词汇学、句法学、文体学、语料库理论、认知心理学等内容。本教案根据 英语课程标准的要求和针对教学对象是小学生群体的特点,将教学诸要素有序安排,确定 合适的教学方案的设想和计划、并以启迪发展学生智力为根本目的。便于学习和使用,本 文下载后内容可随意修改调整及打印。 教学重点:学习This is my classroom The wall is white. The floor is green…;学习单词:computer, teacher’s desk, fan, wall, floor 教学难点:the 的发音与运用 表达复数时be动词的运用 教具准备: 1.教材相配套的教学课件[Unit 1 Let’s learn/B] 2.教材相配套的教学录音带 3.教师自制的单词卡 4.自制颜色转盘(形如第一册P28页Let’s learn部分的图片) 教学过程:

(一)热身、复习(Warm-up / Revision) 1.教师出示自制的颜色大转盘,一个学生拨动上面的指针,使转盘转动。当转盘停止后,让大家说出指针所指的颜色。再让另一个学生继续转动转盘,直到所学的有关颜色的单词(red, yellow, green, blue, purple, white, black, orange, pink, brown)都被复习过一遍。 (二)呈现新课(Presentation) 1.复习本单元A部分Let’s learn的内容。 T:Look!This is our classroom. What’s in the classroom? 学生利用所学知识回答问题。然后教师补充说:There is a floor, a teacher’s desk, a computer, two fans and four walls in the classroom, too.(教师一边说一边指着教室中的实物,有些教室的设施也许没有这么齐全,不能在实际的课堂中教学,建议使用教材相配套的教学课件或本单元的双面对开实景图) 2.教师分别指着教室中的讲台桌,地面,墙,风扇和计算机问学生:What’s this? 让学生试着回答问题。教师可做适当提示。


五年级上册Unit1复习课教案 My Teachers 一、教学内容与分析 My Super Teacher My English teacher is Steven. He’s from America. He is an old man. What's he like? He has short curly hair and green eyes. He’s very smart. He is good at English, Chinese, math and music. He's very friendly. He has 100 friends. Is he hard-working? Yes, he is. He often gets up at 5:30 a.m. and goes to bed at 11:00 p.m. He's very strong. He can do Chinese kung fu very well. This is my super teacher. I like him very much! 本语篇是根据PEP小学英语五年级上册Unit1创编的,围绕主题“My Teachers”展开。这是一节复习课,其主要内容为复习本单元描述人物的主要词汇和句型,以及新授单词friendly和hard-working。语篇以笔者自己的英语老师Steven为载体,将形象生动的“Steven自我情况描述”视频引入课堂,让学生乐“看”、乐“听”、乐“说”,帮助学生感知人物形象,自然交流人物体貌特征及性格特点,并在语篇阅读时将策略深入心灵,让学生乐“读”、乐“写”,帮助学生掌握学习语篇的方法和技巧。本节课的教学重点是帮助学生牢固掌握本单元四会单词和句子的书写;教学难点是单词friendly和hard-working的理解及运用,以及帮助学生在原有知识和经验的基础上,运用所学语言进行表达、交流的能力。 本语篇适合小学英语五年级学生学习。 二、学情分析 授课对象为小学五年级学生,他们通过近五年的英语学习,已经具备了一定的口语表达能力和阅读能力。教师需要不断创造机会,提高学生在阅读中输入和内化语言、重组并输出语言的能力,同时让学生体验学习语言和交流表达的快乐。 三、学习目标 1. 知识目标 a.复习本单元主要词汇:young, funny, tall, strong, kind, old, short, thin, strict, smart, active和quiet。 b.复习本单元主要句型 ①What’s he/ she like? He/ She is… . He/ She has… . ②Is he/ she …? Yes, he/she is. / No, he/ she isn’t. c.能听、说、认读新授词汇friendly和hard- working。 d.能通过阅读,学会用不同的方式描述自己的老师,并学会描述身边的人。 2. 能力目标 a.能用不同的形容词描述人物,培养学生用英语交际的能力。 b.能通过在语篇中完成不同的阅读任务,形成提取信息的能力。 c.能掌握简单、有效的阅读方法和技巧。 T: Is she tall? Yes, she is .


Unit 1 Friendship ? Warming up 1.be good to be good for=do good to be good at 2.following adj. 下面的,下列的 ) the following+n.=the+n.+below ( 形容词修饰名词放在名词之前,介词或者介词短语修饰名词置于其后 ) 3.add v. add...to... add to add up add up to : addition n.in addition=besides +句子 in addition to +n./doing 同类用法联想: because & because of instead & instead of additional adj. 附加的 additionally adv.“而且,其次” “附加给 ..., 除了 ...还有...” 4.分数 score grade point mark (full marks) 5.until 6.with 和...一起,附带着, 用 without 不... within在...内,不出 ... . write with a pen eat with hands/ spoon/chopsticks/knife and fork He left without saying goodbye.

He left with the water running. 分析: saying 前无名词,则是主语发出 saying 的动作; running 前有 water,因此是 water 发出 running 的动作,而不是句子的主语 he。

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