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? 1 动机

? 2 边属性

? 3 一个简单的边缘模型

? 4 为什么边缘检测是一个不平凡的任务

? 5 至边缘检测方法

o 5.1 Canny边缘检测

o 5.2 其他第一顺序的方法

o 5.3 阈值和链接

o 5.4 边缘细化

o 5.5 二阶边缘检测方法

5.5.1 微分边缘检测

o 5.6 相位叠合的边缘检测

? 6 参见

?7 参考资料

[ 编辑 ] 动机


对检测图像的亮度急剧变化的目的是捕捉重要的事件和在世界性质的变化。可以证明,在图像形成模型,而一般假设为一,在图像亮度不连续性可能对应[1][2] :






边缘检测是计算机视觉技术之一的基本步骤,在图像处理,图像分析,图像模式识别。[4]近年来,然而,大量(成功)的研究也已经[就计算机视觉的方法有哪些? ]不明确依赖于边缘检测作为预处理步骤。

[ 编辑 ] 边属性



[ 编辑 ] 一个简单的边缘模型





一个研究人员已经使用了数步高斯平滑的边缘(一误差函数)为造型简单的边缘延伸的理想步模型边缘模糊的效果,在实际应用。[3][5]因此,一维图像F的恰有一条边放置在 x = 0可以建模为:


[ 编辑 ] 为什么边缘检测是一个不平凡的任务




[ 编辑 ] 方法的边缘检测




调查发现一个方法不同边的数字中可以找到(止呕和Tabbone 1998年); [6]又见百科全书数学边缘检测上的百科全书文章[2]和计算机科学与工程百科全书。[7]

[ 编辑 ] Canny边缘检测



精明的- Deriche探测器是来自Canny边缘检测器类似的数学标准为,虽然从离散的角度出发,然后领先的过滤器或过滤器指数,而不是高斯平滑滤波器的递归集的图像。[12]


[ 编辑 ] 其他第一顺序的方法






其他第一阶差分算子的图像梯度估计已提出在普里威特经营者和罗伯茨交叉。 [ 编辑 ] 阈值和链接




[ 编辑 ] 边缘细化


优点:1)夏普和薄边导致更大的物体识别的效率。 2)如果您使用的是霍夫变换来检测线和椭圆然后变薄可以给更好的结果。 3)如果边缘恰好是一个区域,然后边界,细化,很容易让没有太多的代数周长喜欢的图像参数。












6)否则保留了这一点。在方向的通行证的数量应该选择符合所需的精度水平。 [ 编辑 ] 二阶边缘检测方法



[ 编辑 ] 微分边缘检测


继林德伯格,微分几何方法提出了非最大抑制要求表达了[3][13]让我们在介绍每一个图像点的局部坐标系统(U和V)梯度,与 V方向平行方向。假设图像一直是由高斯平滑presmoothed和尺度空间表示的L(的x,y,t)的规模T一直计算,我们可以要求的空间表示梯度幅值的规模,这等于一阶方向导数在 V方向L 五,应该有它的一阶方向的方向导数在 V等于零

而第二,方向导数为 l v在 V方向应该是否定的,也就是说,

书面表达出作为一个明确不变的条款在不同地方的长x的偏导数,午? ? ? ?... L,这条边的定义过零曲线可以表示为


其中长x,午? ... L 是是Y表示从偏导数计算尺度空间表示L内核得到了高斯平滑原始图像。通过这种方式,边缘将自动获得亚像素精度,与连续曲线。滞后阈值也可以应用到这些差异和亚像素边缘部分。

在实践中,一阶导数逼近可以通过上述计算为中心的差异,而二阶导数为 L计算的尺度空间表示依据:



[ 编辑 ] 相叠合的边缘检测

一个检测技术的最新发展,需要一个边频域的方法来寻找边缘位置。相位叠合(也称为相一致)方法试图找到相图像中的位置,所有正弦波的频率在域中。这些位置通常会对应到一个感知的边缘位置,无论是由一个边缘的强度在空间域大的变化表示。 A此技术的关键好处是它的强烈反应马赫带,避免假典型阳性发现周围的屋顶边缘。屋顶边缘,是一个配置文件中的第一层不连续导数的灰。


[ 编辑 ] 参见
















?Rapidminer 5图像处理扩建工程-包括几个边缘检测算法

[ 编辑 ] 参考文献

1.^氢化巴罗和JM Tenenbaum(1981)智慧,第17页,问题1-3 75-116“解释


2. ^ 一b吨林德伯格(2001)“边缘检测”,载于M. Hazewinkel(编辑),Kluwer


3. ^ 一b?D吨林德伯格(1998)“边缘检测和规模脊检测与自动选择”,国际2

计算机视觉,30日,页117 - 154。


用。诉讼2008年教育技术国际研讨会,训练及2008国际研讨会地球科学与遥感 - 卷01(12月21号至22号,2008)。 ETTANDGRS。 IEEE计算机学会,华盛顿特区,332-335。分类号=


5.^瓦特张和F. Bergholm(1997)“多尺度模糊估计和场景分析边沿类型分类”,

国际计算机视觉,第3期,第24页杂志:219 - 250。

6.^四止呕和S. Tabbone(1998)“边缘检测技术:概览”,国际模式识别和图

像分析,8(4):537杂志 - 559,1998




8.^ j的精明的(1986)“计算方法的边缘检测”,IEEE期刊。模式分析与机


9.^河 Haralick,(1984)“数字从零台阶边缘交叉的第二方向导数”,IEEE

期刊。模式分析与机器智能,6(1):58 - 68。

10.^河金梅尔和AM Bruckstein(2003年)“关于正规化拉普拉斯零通道和其


11.^夏皮罗LG电子和施托克曼的GC(2001)计算机视觉。伦敦等:Prentice Hall


12.^河 Deriche(1987)利用Canny算的标准,以获得最佳的边缘检测递归执

行,诠释。 j的计算机视觉,第1卷,页167-187。


层次特征”)的J.数学影像与视觉,3(4,页349 - 376。

14.^吨 Pajdla和五Hlavac(1993)“范围内的图像表面缺陷,”在过程电机及

电子学工程师联合会第四诠释。 conf中。微机。视觉,第524-528。

Edge detection

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Edge detection is a fundamental tool in image processing and computer vision, particularly in the areas of feature detection and feature extraction, which aim at identifying points in a digital image at which the image brightness changes sharply or, more formally, has discontinuities.



? 1 Motivations

? 2 Edge properties

? 3 A simple edge model

? 4 Why edge detection is a non-trivial task

? 5 Approaches to edge detection

o 5.1 Canny edge detection

o 5.2 Other first-order methods

o 5.3 Thresholding and linking

o 5.4 Edge Thinning

o 5.5 Second-order approaches to edge detection

5.5.1 Differential edge detection

o 5.6 Phase congruency based edge detection

? 6 See also

?7 References

[edit] Motivations

Canny edge detection applied to a photograph

The purpose of detecting sharp changes in image brightness is to capture important events and changes in properties of the world. It can be shown that under rather general assumptions for an image formation model, discontinuities in image brightness are likely to correspond to[1][2]:

?discontinuities in depth,

?discontinuities in surface orientation,

?changes in material properties and

?variations in scene illumination.

In the ideal case, the result of applying an edge detector to an image may lead to a set of connected curves that indicate the boundaries of objects, the boundaries of surface markings as well as curves that correspond to discontinuities in surface orientation. Thus, applying an edge detection algorithm to an image may significantly reduce the amount of data to be processed and may therefore filter out information that may be regarded as less relevant, while preserving the important structural properties of an image. If the edge detection step is successful, the subsequent task of interpreting the information contents in the original image may therefore be substantially simplified. However, it is not always possible to obtain such ideal edges from real life images of moderate complexity. Edges extracted from non-trivial images are often hampered by fragmentation, meaning that the edge curves are not connected, missing edge segments as well as false edges not corresponding to interesting phenomena in the image – thus complicating the subsequent task of interpreting the image data.[3]

Edge detection is one of the fundamental steps in image processing, image analysis, image pattern recognition, and computer vision techniques.[4] During recent years, however, substantial (and successful) research has also been made on computer vision methods[which?]that do not explicitly rely on edge detection as a pre-processing step.

[edit] Edge properties

The edges extracted from a two-dimensional image of a three-dimensional scene can be classified as either viewpoint dependent or viewpoint independent. A viewpoint independent edge typically reflects inherent properties of the three-dimensional objects, such as surface markings and surface shape. A viewpoint dependent edge may change as the viewpoint changes, and typically reflects the geometry of the scene, such as objects occluding one another.

A typical edge might for instance be the border between a block of red color and a block of yellow. In contrast a line (as can be extracted by a ridge detector) can be a small number of pixels of a different color on an otherwise unchanging background. For a line, there may therefore usually be one edge on each side of the line.

[edit] A simple edge model

Although certain literature has considered the detection of ideal step edges, the edges obtained from natural images are usually not at all ideal step edges. Instead they are normally affected by one or several of the following effects:

?focal blur caused by a finite depth-of-field and finite point spread function.

?penumbral blur caused by shadows created by light sources of non-zero radius.

?shading at a smooth object

A number of researchers have used a Gaussian smoothed step edge (an error function) as the simplest extension of the ideal step edge model for modeling the effects of edge blur in practical applications.[3][5] Thus, a

one-dimensional image f which has exactly one edge placed at x = 0 may be modeled as:

At the left side of the edge, the intensity is , and right of the edge it is . The scale parameter σ is called the blur scale of the edge. [edit] Why edge detection is a non-trivial task

To illustrate why edge detection is not a trivial task, let us consider the problem of detecting edges in the following one-dimensional signal. Here, we may intuitively say that there should be an edge between the 4th and 5th pixels.

If the intensity difference were smaller between the 4th and the 5th pixels and if the intensity differences between the adjacent neighboring pixels were higher, it would not be as easy to say that there should be an edge

in the corresponding region. Moreover, one could argue that this case is one in which there are several edges.

Hence, to firmly state a specific threshold on how large the intensity change between two neighbouring pixels must be for us to say that there should be an edge between these pixels is not always simple.[3] Indeed, this is one of the reasons why edge detection may be a non-trivial problem unless the objects in the scene are particularly simple and the illumination conditions can be well controlled (see for example, the edges extracted from the image with the girl above).

[edit] Approaches to edge detection

There are many methods for edge detection, but most of them can be grouped into two categories, search-based and zero-crossing based. The

search-based methods detect edges by first computing a measure of edge strength, usually a first-order derivative expression such as the gradient magnitude, and then searching for local directional maxima of the gradient magnitude using a computed estimate of the local orientation of the edge, usually the gradient direction. The zero-crossing based methods search for zero crossings in a second-order derivative expression computed from the image in order to find edges, usually the zero-crossings of the Laplacian or the zero-crossings of a non-linear differential expression. As a pre-processing step to edge detection, a smoothing stage, typically Gaussian smoothing, is almost always applied (see also noise reduction).

The edge detection methods that have been published mainly differ in the types of smoothing filters that are applied and the way the measures of edge strength are computed. As many edge detection methods rely on the computation of image gradients, they also differ in the types of filters used for computing gradient estimates in the x- and y-directions.

A survey of a number of different edge detection methods can be found in (Ziou and Tabbone 1998);[6] see also the encyclopedia articles on edge detection in Encyclopedia of Mathematics[2] and Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering.[7]

[edit] Canny edge detection

John Canny considered the mathematical problem of deriving an optimal smoothing filter given the criteria of detection, localization and minimizing multiple responses to a single edge.[8] He showed that the optimal filter given these assumptions is a sum of four exponential terms. He also showed that this filter can be well approximated by first-order derivatives of Gaussians. Canny also introduced the notion of non-maximum suppression, which means that given the presmoothing filters, edge points are defined as points where the gradient magnitude assumes a local maximum in the gradient direction. Looking for the zero crossing of the 2nd derivative along the gradient direction was first proposed by Haralick .[9] It took less than two decades to find a modern geometric variational meaning for that operator that links it to the Marr-Hildreth (zero crossing of the Laplacian) edge detector. That observation was presented by Ron Kimmel and Alfred Bruckstein.[10]

Although his work was done in the early days of computer vision, the Canny edge detector(including its variations) is still a state-of-the-art edge detector.[11] Unless the preconditions are particularly suitable, it is hard to find an edge detector that performs significantly better than the Canny edge detector.

The Canny-Deriche detector was derived from similar mathematical criteria as the Canny edge detector, although starting from a discrete viewpoint and then leading to a set of recursive filters for image smoothing instead of exponential filters or Gaussian filters.[12]

The differential edge detector described below can be seen as a reformulation of Canny's method from the viewpoint of differential invariants computed from a scale-space representation leading to a number of advantages in terms of both theoretical analysis and sub-pixel implementation.

[edit] Other first-order methods

For estimating image gradients from the input image or a smoothed version of it, different gradient operators can be applied. The simplest approach is to use central differences:

corresponding to the application of the following filter masks to the image data:

The well-known and earlier Sobel operator is based on the following filters:

Given such estimates of first- order derivatives, the gradient magnitude is then computed as:

while the gradient orientation can be estimated as

Other first-order difference operators for estimating image gradient have been proposed in the Prewitt operator and Roberts cross.

[edit] Thresholding and linking

Once we have computed a measure of edge strength (typically the gradient magnitude), the next stage is to apply a threshold, to decide whether edges are present or not at an image point. The lower the threshold, the more edges will be detected, and the result will be increasingly susceptible to noise and detecting edges of irrelevant features in the image. Conversely a high threshold may miss subtle edges, or result in fragmented edges.

If the edge thresholding is applied to just the gradient magnitude image, the resulting edges will in general be thick and some type of edge thinning post-processing is necessary. For edges detected with non-maximum suppression however, the edge curves are thin by definition and the edge pixels can be linked into edge polygon by an edge linking (edge tracking) procedure. On a discrete grid, the non-maximum suppression stage can be implemented by estimating the gradient direction using first-order derivatives, then rounding off the gradient direction to multiples of 45

degrees, and finally comparing the values of the gradient magnitude in the estimated gradient direction.

A commonly used approach to handle the problem of appropriate thresholds for thresholding is by using thresholding with hysteresis. This method uses multiple thresholds to find edges. We begin by using the upper threshold to find the start of an edge. Once we have a start point, we then trace the path of the edge through the image pixel by pixel, marking an edge whenever we are above the lower threshold. We stop marking our edge only when the value falls below our lower threshold. This approach makes the assumption that edges are likely to be in continuous curves, and allows us to follow a faint section of an edge we have previously seen, without meaning that every noisy pixel in the image is marked down as an edge. Still, however, we have the problem of choosing appropriate thresholding parameters, and suitable thresholding values may vary over the image.

[edit] Edge Thinning

Edge thinning is a technique used to remove the unwanted spurious points on the edge of an image. This technique is employed after the image has been filtered for noise (using median, Gaussian filter etc.), the edge operator has been applied (like the ones described above) to detect the edges and after the edges have been smoothed using an appropriate threshold value. This removes all the unwanted points and if applied carefully, results in one pixel thick edge elements.

Advantages: 1) Sharp and thin edges lead to greater efficiency in object recognition. 2) If you are using Hough transforms to detect lines and ellipses then thinning could give much better results. 3) If the edge happens to be boundary of a region then, thinning could easily give the image parameters like perimeter without much algebra.

There are many popular algorithms used to do this, one such is described below:

1) Choose a type of connectivity, like 8, 6 or 4.

2) 8 connectivity is preferred, where all the immediate pixels surrounding

a particular pixel are considered.

3) Remove points from North, south, east and west.

4) Do this in multiple passes, i.e. after the north pass, use the same semi processed image in the other passes and so on.

5) Remove a point if:

The point has no neighbors in the North (if you are in the north pass, and

respective directions for other passes.)

The point is not the end of a line.

The point is isolated.

Removing the points will not cause to disconnect its neighbors in any way.

6) Else keep the point. The number of passes across direction should be chosen according to the level of accuracy desired.

[edit] Second-order approaches to edge detection

Some edge-detection operators are instead based upon second-order derivatives of the intensity. This essentially captures the rate of change in the intensity gradient. Thus, in the ideal continuous case, detection of zero-crossings in the second derivative captures local maxima in the gradient.

The early Marr-Hildreth operator is based on the detection of

zero-crossings of the Laplacian operator applied to a Gaussian-smoothed image. It can be shown, however, that this operator will also return false edges corresponding to local minima of the gradient magnitude. Moreover, this operator will give poor localization at curved edges. Hence, this operator is today mainly of historical interest.

[edit] Differential edge detection

A more refined second-order edge detection approach which automatically detects edges with sub-pixel accuracy, uses the following differential approach of detecting zero-crossings of the second-order directional derivative in the gradient direction:

Following the differential geometric way of expressing the requirement of non-maximum suppression proposed by Lindeberg,[3][13] let us introduce

at every image point a local coordinate system (u,v), with the v-direction

parallel to the gradient direction. Assuming that the image has been presmoothed by Gaussian smoothing and a scale-space representation

L(x,y;t) at scale t has been computed, we can require that the gradient magnitude of the scale-space representation, which is equal to the first-order directional derivative in the v-direction L v, should have its first order directional derivative in the v-direction equal to zero

while the second-order directional derivative in the v-direction of L v should be negative, i.e.,

Written out as an explicit expression in terms of local partial derivatives L x, L y... L yyy, this edge definition can be expressed as the zero-crossing curves of the differential invariant

that satisfy a sign-condition on the following differential invariant

where L x, L y ... L yyy denote partial derivatives computed from a

scale-space representation L obtained by smoothing the original image

with a Gaussian kernel. In this way, the edges will be automatically obtained as continuous curves with subpixel accuracy. Hysteresis thresholding can also be applied to these differential and subpixel edge segments.

In practice, first-order derivative approximations can be computed by central differences as described above, while second-order derivatives

can be computed from the scale-space representation L according to:

corresponding to the following filter masks:

Higher-order derivatives for the third-order sign condition can be obtained in an analogous fashion.

[edit] Phase congruency based edge detection

A recent development in edge detection techniques takes a frequency domain approach to finding edge locations. Phase congruency(also known as phase coherence) methods attempt to find locations in an image where all sinusoids in the frequency domain are in phase. These locations will generally correspond to the location of a perceived edge, regardless of whether the edge is represented by a large change in intensity in the spatial domain. A key benefit of this technique is that it responds strongly to Mach bands, and avoids false positives typically found around roof edges. A roof edge, is a discontinuity in the first order derivative of a grey-level profile.[14]

[edit] See also

?Canny edge detector

?Hough transform for detecting straight lines, circles or ellipses from edge points

?Feature detection (computer vision) for other low-level feature detectors

?Image noise reduction


?Ridge detection for relations between edge detectors and ridge detectors

?Scale-space for theory of Gaussian image smoothing and multi-scale feature detection

?Sobel operator


?Entry on edge detection in Encyclopedia of Mathematics.

?Entry on edge detection in Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering

?Edge Detection using FPGA

?2D gradient operators with isotropic noise suppression

?A-contrario line segment detection with code and on-line demonstration

?CCV - A Community Developed Vision Framework

?Rapidminer 5 Image Processing Extension - includes several edge detection algorithms

[edit] References

1.^ H.G. Barrow and J.M. Tenenbaum (1981) "Interpreting line drawings as

three-dimensional surfaces", Artificial Intelligence, vol 17, issues 1-3, pages 75-116.

2.^ a b T. Lindeberg (2001) "Edge detection", in M. Hazewinkel (editor),

Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Kluwer/Springer, ISBN 1402006098.

3.^ a b c d T. Lindeberg (1998) "Edge detection and ridge detection with

automatic scale selection", International Journal of Computer Vision, 30, 2, pages 117--154.

4.^ Zhai, L., Dong, S., and Ma, H. 2008. Recent Methods and Applications

on Image Edge Detection. In Proceedings of the 2008 international

Workshop on Education Technology and Training & 2008 international

Workshop on Geoscience and Remote Sensing - Volume 01 (December 21–22, 2008). ETTANDGRS. IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, 332-335. DOI= https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5614757824.html,/10.1109/ETTandGRS.2008.39

5.^ W. Zhang and F. Bergholm (1997) "Multi-scale blur estimation and edge

type classification for scene analysis", International Journal of

Computer Vision, vol 24, issue 3, Pages: 219 - 250.

6.^D. Ziou and S. Tabbone (1998) "Edge detection techniques: An overview",

International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis,

8(4):537--559, 1998

7.^J. M. Park and Y. Lu (2008) "Edge detection in grayscale, color, and

range images", in B. W. Wah (editor) Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering, doi 10.1002/9780470050118.ecse603

8.^J. Canny (1986) "A computational approach to edge detection", IEEE Trans.

Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol 8, pages 679-714.

9.^ R. Haralick, (1984) "Digital step edges from zero crossing of second

directional derivatives", IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 6(1):58–68.


几种常用边缘检测算法的比较摘要:边缘是图像最基本的特征,边缘检测是图像分析与识别的重要环节。基于微分算子的边缘检测是目前较为常用的边缘检测方法。通过对Roberts,Sobel,Prewitt,Canny 和Log 及一种改进Sobel等几个微分算子的算法分析以及MATLAB 仿真实验对比,结果表明,Roberts,Sobel 和Prewitt 算子的算法简单,但检测精度不高,Canny 和Log 算子的算法复杂,但检测精度较高,基于Sobel的改进方法具有较好的可调性,可针对不同的图像得到较好的效果,但是边缘较粗糙。在应用中应根据实际情况选择不同的算子。 0 引言 边缘检测是图像分析与识别的第一步,边缘检测在计算机视觉、图像分析等应用中起着重要作用,图像的其他特征都是由边缘和区域这些基本特征推导出来的,边缘检测的效果会直接影响图像的分割和识别性能。边缘检测法的种类很多,如微分算子法、样板匹配法、小波检测法、神经网络法等等,每一类检测法又有不同的具体方法。目前,微分算子法中有Roberts,Sobel,Prewitt,Canny,Laplacian,Log 以及二阶方向导数等算子检测法,本文仅将讨论微分算子法中的几个常用算子法及一个改进Sobel算法。 1 边缘检测

在图像中,边缘是图像局部强度变化最明显的地方,它主要存在于目标与目标、目标与背景、区域与区域( 包括不同色彩) 之间。边缘表明一个特征区域的终结和另一特征区域的开始。边缘所分开区域的内部特征或属性是一致的,而不同的区域内部特征或属性是不同的。边缘检测正是利用物体和背景在某种图像特征上的差异来实现检测,这些差异包括灰度、颜色或纹理特征,边缘检测实际上就是检测图像特征发生变化的位置。边缘的类型很多,常见的有以下三种: 第一种是阶梯形边缘,其灰度从低跳跃到高; 第二种是屋顶形边缘,其灰度从低逐渐到高然后慢慢减小; 第三种是线性边缘,其灰度呈脉冲跳跃变化。如图1 所示。 (a) 阶梯形边缘(b) 屋顶形边缘 (b) 线性边缘 图像中的边缘是由许多边缘元组成,边缘元可以看作是一个短的直线段,每一个边缘元都由一个位置和一个角度确定。边缘元对应着图像上灰度曲面N 阶导数的不连续性。如果灰度曲面在一个点的N 阶导数是一个Delta 函数,那么就


图像边缘检测算法体验步骤 图像边缘检测算法体验步骤(Photoshop,Matlab)1. 确定你的电脑上已经安装了Photoshop和Matlab2. 使用手机或其他任何方式,获得一张彩色图像(任何格式),建议图像颜色丰富,分辨率比较高,具有比较明显的图像边界(卡通图像,风景图像,桌面图像)3. 将图像保存到一个能够找到的目录中,例如img文件夹(路径上没有汉字)4. 启动Photoshop,打开img文件夹中的图像5. 在工具箱中选择“矩形选择”工具,到图面上选择一个区域(如果分辨率比较高,建议不要太大,否则计算过程比较长)6. 点击下拉菜单【文件】-【新建】,新建一个与矩形选择框同样尺寸的Photoshop图像,不要求保存该图像7. 将该彩色图像转换为亮度图像,即点击下拉菜单【图像】-【模式】-【灰度】,如提示是否合并,选择“Yes”8. 将该单色的亮度图像另存为Windows的BMP文件,点击下拉菜单【文件】-【存储为】,在“存储为”窗口中,为该文件起一个名字,例如test1(保存为test1.bmp)9. 启动Matlab,将当期路径(Current Directory)定位到图像文件夹,例如这里的img文件夹10. 使用imread命令读入该图像,在命令行输入:>> f = imread(test1.bmp);11. 在Matlab中显示该图像,在命令行输入:>> figure, imshow(f)12. 然后,分别使用Matlab图像工具箱中的Edge函数,分别使用Sobel算法,高斯-拉普拉斯(Log)算法和Canny算法得到的边缘图像:在命令行输入:>> g_sobel = edge(f, sobel, 0.05); >> g_log = edge(f, log, 0.003, 2.25); >> g_canny = edge(f, canny, [0.04 0.10], 1.5);13 得到边缘图像计算结果后,显示这些边缘图像: >> figure, imshow(g_sobel) >> figure, imshow(g_log) >> figure, imshow(g_canny)14 可以用不同的图像做对比,后续课程解释算法后,可以变换不同的阈值,得到不同的边缘图像


课程设计报告 设计题目:数字图像处理中的边缘检测技术学院: 专业: 班级:学号: 学生姓名: 电子邮件: 时间:年月 成绩: 指导教师:

数字图像处理中的边缘检测技术课程设计报告I 目录 1 前言:查阅相关文献资料,了解和掌握基本原理、方法和研究现状,以及实际应用的背景意义 (1) 1.1理论背景 (1) 1.2图像边缘检测技术研究的目的和意义 (1) 1.3国内外研究现状分析 (2) 1.4常用边缘检测方法的基本原理 (3) 2 小波变换和小波包的边缘检测、基于数学形态学的边缘检测法算法原理 (7) 2.1 小波边缘检测的原理 (7) 2.2 数学形态学的边缘检测方法的原理 (7) 3 算法实现部分:程序设计的流程图及其描述 (9) 3.1 小波变换的多尺度边缘检测程序设计算法流程图 (9) 3.2 数学形态学的边缘检测方法程序设计算法描述 (10) 4实验部分:对所给的原始图像进行对比实验,给出相应的实验数据和处理结果 (11) 5分析及结论:对实验结果进行分析比较,最后得出相应的结论 (15) 参考文献 (17) 附录:代码 (18)

1前言 查阅相关文献资料,了解和掌握基本原理、方法和研究现状,以及实际应用的背景意义 1.1 理论背景 图像处理就是对图像信息加工以满足人的视觉心理或应用需求的方法。图像处理方法有光学方法和电子学方法。从20世纪60年代起随着电子计算机和计算技术的不断提高和普及,数字图像处理进入了高速发展时期,而数字图像处理就是利用数字计算机或其它的硬件设备对图像信息转换而得到的电信号进行某些数学处理以提高图像的实用性。 图像处理在遥感技术,医学领域,安全领域,工业生产中有着广泛的应用,其中在医学应用中的超声、核磁共振和CT等技术,安全领域的模式识别技术,工业中的无损检测技术尤其引人注目。 计算机进行图像处理一般有两个目的:(1)产生更适合人观察和识别的图像。 (2)希望能由计算机自动识别和理解图像。数字图像的边缘检测是图像分割、目标区域的识别、区域形状提取等图像分析领域的重要基础,图像处理和分析的第一步往往就是边缘检测。 物体的边缘是以图像的局部特征不连续的形式出现的,也就是指图像局部亮度变化最显著的部分,例如灰度值的突变、颜色的突变、纹理结构的突变等,同时物体的边缘也是不同区域的分界处。图像边缘有方向和幅度两个特性,通常沿边缘的走向灰度变化平缓,垂直于边缘走向的像素灰度变化剧烈。根据灰度变化的特点,图像边缘可分为阶跃型、房顶型和凸缘型。 1.2 图像边缘检测技术研究的目的和意义 数字图像处理是伴随着计算机发展起来的一门新兴学科,随着计算机硬件、软件的高度发展,数字图像处理也在生活中的各个领域得到了广泛的应用。边缘检测技术是图像处理和计算机视觉等领域最基本的技术,如何快速、精确的提取图像边缘信息一直是国内外研究的热点,然而边缘检测也是图像处理中的一个难题。 首先要研究图像边缘检测,就要先研究图像去噪和图像锐化。前者是为了得到飞更真实的图像,排除外界的干扰,后者则是为我们的边缘检测提供图像特征更加明显的图片,即加大图像特征。两者虽然在图像处理中都有重要地位,但本次研究主要是针对图像边缘检测的研究,我们最终所要达到的目的是为了处理速


数字图像处理实验报告 学生姓名王真颖 学生学号L0902150101 指导教师梁毅雄 专业班级计算机科学与技术1501 完成日期2017年11月06日


目录 实验一.................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 一、实验目的.................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 二、实验基本原理 ........................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 三、实验内容与要求....................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 四、实验结果与分析....................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。实验总结............................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。参考资料.. (3) 实验一图像分割与边缘检测 一.实验目的 1. 理解图像分割的基本概念; 2. 理解图像边缘提取的基本概念; 3. 掌握进行边缘提取的基本方法;



摘要 数字图像处理技术是信息科学中近几十年来发展最为迅速的学科之一。图像边缘是图像最基本的一种特征,边缘在图像的分析中起着重要的作用。边缘作为图像的一种基本特征,在图像识别、图像分割、图像增强以及图像压缩等的领域中有较为广泛的应用,其目的就是精确定位边缘,同时更好地抑制噪声。目前,数字图像处理技术被广泛应用于航空航天、通信、医学及工业生产等领域中。图像边缘提取的手段多种多样,本文主要通过MATLAB语言编程分别用不同的算子例如Roberts算子、Prewitt算子、Sobel算子、Kirsch 算子、Laplacian算子、Log算子和Canny算子等来实现静态图像的边缘检测,并且和检测加入高斯噪声的图像进行对比。阐述了不同算子在进行图像边缘提取的特点,并在此基础上提出利用小波变换来实现静态图像的边缘检测。 【关键字】图像边缘数字图像边缘检测小波变换 背景 图像处理就是对图像信息加工以满足人的视觉心理或应用需求的方法。图像处理方法有光学方法和电子学方法。从20世纪60年

代起随着电子计算机和计算技术的不断提高和普及,数字图像处理进入了高速发展时期,而数字图像处理就是利用数字计算机或其它的硬件设备对图像信息转换而得到的电信号进行某些数学处理以提高图像的实用性。 计算机进行图像处理一般有两个目的:(1)产生更适合人观察和识别的图像。(2)希望能由计算机自动识别和理解图像。数字图像的边缘检测是图像分割、目标区域的识别、区域形状提取等图像分析领域的重要基础,图像处理和分析的第一步往往就是边缘检测。 边缘是图象最基本的特征.边缘检测在计算机视觉、图象分析等应用中起着重要的作用,是图象分析与识别的重要环节,这是因为子图象的边缘包含了用于识别的有用信息.所以边缘检测是图像分析和模式识别的主要特征提取手段。 所谓边缘是指其周围像素灰度后阶变化或屋顶状变化的那些像素的集合,它存在于目标与背景、目标与目标、区域与区域,基元与基元之间。因此它是图象分割所依赖的重要的特征,也是纹理特征的重要信息源和形状特征的基础;而图象的纹理形状特征的提取又常常依赖于图象分割。图象的边缘提取也是图象匹配的基础,因为它是位置的标志,对灰度的变化不敏感,它可作为匹配的特征点。 图象的其他特征都是由边缘和区域这些基本特征推导出来 的.边缘具有方向和幅度两个特征.沿边缘走向,像素值变化比较平缓;而垂直与边缘走向,则像素值变化比较剧烈.而这种剧烈可能呈



青岛大学专业课程设计 院系: 自动化学院 专业: 电子信息工程 班级: 08级电子信息工程3班学生姓名: 刘法 指导教师: 王汉萍庄晓东 日期: 2011年12月23日

题目:图像边缘检测方法的研究与实现 一、边缘检测以及相关概念 1.1边缘,边缘检测的介绍 边缘(edge)是指图像局部强度变化最显著的部分.边缘主要存在于目标与目标、目标与背景、区域与区域(包括不同色彩)之间,是图像分割、纹理特征和形状特征等图像分析的重要基础.图像分析和理解的第一步常常是边缘检测(edge detection). 边缘检测是指使用数学方法提取图像像元中具有亮度值(灰度)空间方向梯度大的边、线特征的过程。 在讨论边缘算子之前,首先给出一些术语的定义: 边缘点:图像中具有坐标] ,[j i且处在强度显著变化的位置上的点.边缘段:对应于边缘点坐标] i及其方位 ,边缘的方位可能是梯度角. ,[j 边缘检测器:从图像中抽取边缘(边缘点和边缘段)集合的算法. 轮廓:边缘列表,或是一条表示边缘列表的拟合曲线. 边缘连接:从无序边缘表形成有序边缘表的过程.习惯上边缘的表示采用顺时针方向序. 边缘跟踪:一个用来确定轮廊的图像(指滤波后的图像)搜索过程. 边缘点的坐标可以是边缘位置像素点的行、列整数标号,也可以在子像素分辨率水平上表示.边缘坐标可以在原始图像坐标系上表示,但大多数情况下是在边缘检测滤波器的输出图像的坐标系上表示,因为滤波过程可能导致图像坐标平移或缩放.边缘段可以用像素点尺寸大小的小线段定义,或用具有方位属性的一个点定义.请注意,在实际中,边缘点和边缘段都被称为边缘.边缘连接和边缘跟踪之间的区别在于:边缘连接是把边缘检测器产生的无序边缘集作为输入,输出一个有序边缘集;边缘跟踪则是将一幅图像作为输入,输出一个有序边缘集.另外,边缘检测使用局部信息来决定边缘,而边缘跟踪使用整个图像信息来决定一个像素点是不是边缘. 1.2 边缘检测算子 边缘检测是图像特征提取的重要技术之一, 边缘常常意味着一个区域的终结和另一个区域的开始. 图像的边缘包含了物体形状的重要信息,它不仅在分析图像时大幅度地减少了要处理的信息量,而且还保护了目标的边界结构. 因此,边缘检测可以看做是处理许多复杂问题的关键. 边缘检测的实质是采用某种算法来提取出图像中对对象与背景间的交界线。图像灰度的变化情况可以用图像灰度分布的梯度来反映,因此可以用局部图像微分技术来获取边缘检测算子。经典的边缘检测方法是对原始图像中的像素的某个邻域来构造边缘检测算子。以下是对几种经典的边缘检测算子进行理论分析,并对各自的性能特点做出比较和评价。 边缘检测的原理是:由于微分算子具有突出灰度变化的作用,对图像进行微分运算,在图像边缘处其灰度变化较大,故该处微分计算值教高,可将这些微分值作为相应点的边缘强度,通过阈值判别来提取边缘点,即如果微分值大于阈值,则为边缘点。


青岛大学 专业课程设计 院系: 自动化学院 专业: 电子信息工程 班级: 08级电子信息工程3班 学生姓名: 刘法 指导教师: 王汉萍庄晓东 日期: 2011年12月23日 题目:图像边缘检测方法的研究与实现 一、边缘检测以及相关概念 1.1边缘,边缘检测的介绍 边缘(edge)是指图像局部强度变化最显著的部分.边缘主要存在于目标与目标、目标与背景、区域与区域(包括不同色彩)之间,是图像分割、纹理特征和形状特征等图像分析的重要基础.图像分析和理解的第一步常常是边缘检测(edge detection). 边缘检测是指使用数学方法提取图像像元中具有亮度值(灰度)空间方向梯度大的边、线特征的过程。 在讨论边缘算子之前,首先给出一些术语的定义: 边缘点:图像中具有坐标] i且处在强度显著变化的位置上的点. ,[j 边缘段:对应于边缘点坐标] i及其方位 ,边缘的方位可能是梯度角. ,[j 边缘检测器:从图像中抽取边缘(边缘点和边缘段)集合的算法. 轮廓:边缘列表,或是一条表示边缘列表的拟合曲线. 边缘连接:从无序边缘表形成有序边缘表的过程.习惯上边缘的表示采用顺时针方向序. 边缘跟踪:一个用来确定轮廊的图像(指滤波后的图像)搜索过程. 边缘点的坐标可以是边缘位置像素点的行、列整数标号,也可以在子像素分辨率水平上表示.边缘坐标可以在原始图像坐标系上表示,但大多数情况下是在边缘检测滤波器的输出图像的坐标系上表示,因为滤波过程可能导致图像坐标平移或缩放.边缘段可以用像素点尺寸大小的小线段定义,或用具有方位属性的一个点定义.请注意,在实际中,边缘点和边缘段都被称为边缘.

边缘连接和边缘跟踪之间的区别在于:边缘连接是把边缘检测器产生的无序边缘集作为输入,输出一个有序边缘集;边缘跟踪则是将一幅图像作为输入,输出一个有序边缘集.另外,边缘检测使用局部信息来决定边缘,而边缘跟踪使用整个图像信息来决定一个像素点是不是边缘. 1.2 边缘检测算子 边缘检测是图像特征提取的重要技术之一, 边缘常常意味着一个区域的终结和另一个区域的开始. 图像的边缘包含了物体形状的重要信息,它不仅在分析图像时大幅度地减少了要处理的信息量,而且还保护了目标的边界结构. 因此,边缘检测可以看做是处理许多复杂问题的关键. 边缘检测的实质是采用某种算法来提取出图像中对对象与背景间的交界线。图像灰度的变化情况可以用图像灰度分布的梯度来反映,因此可以用局部图像微分技术来获取边缘检测算子。经典的边缘检测方法是对原始图像中的像素的某个邻域来构造边缘检测算子。以下是对几种经典的边缘检测算子进行理论分析,并对各自的性能特点做出比较和评价。 边缘检测的原理是:由于微分算子具有突出灰度变化的作用,对图像进行微分运算,在图像边缘处其灰度变化较大,故该处微分计算值教高,可将这些微分值作为相应点的边缘强度,通过阈值判别来提取边缘点,即如果微分值大于阈值,则为边缘点。 Roberts,Sobel,Prewwit是基于一阶导数的边缘检测算子,图像的边缘检测是通过2*2或者3*3模板作为核与该图像中的每个像素点做卷积和运算,然后选取合适的阈值以提取边缘。 Laplace边缘检测算子是基于二阶导数的边缘检测算子,该算子对噪声敏感。Laplace算子的改进方式是先对图像进行平滑处理,然后再应用二阶导数的边缘检测算子,其代表是拉普拉斯高斯(LOG)算子。前边介绍的边缘检测算法是基于微分方法的,其依据是图像的边缘对应一阶导数的极大值点和二阶导数过零点。Canny算子是另外一类边缘检测算子,它不是通过微分算子检测边缘,而是在满足一定约束条件下推导出的边缘检测最优化算子。 1.3 边缘检测算法 对于边缘的检测常常借助于空域微分算子进行,通过将其模板与图像卷积完成。两个具有不同灰度值的相邻区域之间总存在灰度边缘。灰度边缘是灰度值不连续(或突变) 的结果,这种不连续常可利用求一阶和二阶导数方便地检测到。已有的局部技术边缘检测方法,主要有一次微分(Sobel 算子、Robert s 算子等) 、二次微分(拉普拉斯算子等)。这些边缘检测器对边缘灰度值过渡比较尖锐且噪声较小等不太复杂的图像,大多数提取算法均可以取得较好的效果。但对于边缘复杂、采光不均匀的图像来说,则效果不太理想。主要表现为边缘模糊、边缘非单像素宽、弱边缘丢失和整体边缘的不连续等方面。 用算子检测图像边缘的方法是用小区域模板对图像进行处理,即采用卷积核作为掩模模板在图像中依次移动,完成图像中每个像素点同模板的卷积运算,最终输出的边缘幅度结果可以检测出图像的边缘。卷积运算是一种邻域运算。图像处理认为:某一点像素的结果不但和本像素灰度有关,而且和其邻域点值有关。运用模板在图像上依此对每一个像素进行卷积, 即模板上每一个点的值与其在图像上当前位置对应的像素点值相乘后再相加,得出的值就是该点处理后的新值。 边缘检测算法有如下四个步骤:

基于数字图像处理技术的边缘特征提取 翻译

Edge Feature Extraction Based on Digital Image Processing Techniques Abstract Edge detection is a basic and important subject in computer vision and image processing. In this paper we discuss several digital image processing techniques applied in edge feature extraction. Firstly, wavelet transform is used to remove noises from the image collected. Secondly, some edge detection operators such as Differential edge detection, Log edge detection, Canny edge detection and Binary morphology are analyzed. And then according to the simulation results, the advantages and disadvantages of these edge detection operators are compared. It is shown that the Binary morphology operator can obtain better edge feature. Finally, in order to gain clear and integral image profile, the method of bordering closed is given. After experimentation, edge detection method proposed in this paper is feasible. Index:Terms-Edge detection, digital image processing, operator, wavelet analvsis I. INTRODUCTION The edge is a set of those pixels whose grey have step change and rooftop change, and it exists between object and background, object and object, region and region, and between clement and clement. Edge always indwells in two neighboring areas having different grey level. It is the result of grey level being discontinuous. Edge detection is a kind of method of image segmentation based on range non-continuity. Image edge detection is one of the basal contents in the image processing and analysis, and also is a kind of issues which are unable to be resolved completely so far. When image is acquired, the factors such as the projection, mix, aberrance and noise are produced. These factors bring on image feature's blur and distortion, consequently it is very difficult to extract image feature. Moreover, due to such factors it is also difficult to detect edge. The method of image edge and outline characteristic's detection and extraction has been research hot in the domain of image processing and analysis technique. Edge feature extraction has been applied in many areas widely. This paper mainly discusses about advantages and disadvantages of several edge detection operators applied in the cable insulation parameter measurement. In order to gain more legible image outline, firstly the acquired image is filtered and denoised. In the process of denoising, wavelet transformation is used. And then different operators are applied to detect edge including Differential operator, Log operator, Canny operator and Binary morphology operator. Finally the edge pixels of image are connected using the method of bordering closed. Then a clear and complete image outline will be obtained.


Canny边缘检测 图象的边缘是指图象局部区域亮度变化显著的部分,该区域的灰度剖面一般可以看作是一个阶跃,既从一个灰度值在很小的缓冲区域内急剧变化到另一个灰度相差较大的灰度值。图象的边缘部分集中了图象的大部分信息,图象边缘的确定与提取对于整个图象场景的识别与理解是非常重要的,同时也是图象分割所依赖的重要特征,边缘检测主要是图象的灰度变化的度量、检测和定位,自从1959提出边缘检测以来,经过五十多年的发展,已有许多中不同的边缘检测方法。根据作者的理解和实践,本文对边缘检测的原理进行了描述,在此基础上着重对Canny检测算法的实现进行详述。 本文所述内容均由编程验证而来,在实现过程中,有任何错误或者不足之处大家共同讨论(本文不讲述枯燥的理论证明和数学推导,仅仅从算法的实现以及改进上进行原理性和工程化的描述)。 1、边缘检测原理及步骤 在之前的博文中,作者从一维函数的跃变检测开始,循序渐进的对二维图像边缘检测的基本原理进行了通俗化的描述。结论是:实现图像的边缘检测,就是要用离散化梯度逼近函数根据二维灰度矩阵梯度向量来寻找图像灰度矩阵的灰度跃变位置,然后在图像中将这些位置的点连起来就构成了所谓的图像边缘(图像边缘在这里是一个统称,包括了二维图像上的边缘、角点、纹理等基元图)。 在实际情况中理想的灰度阶跃及其线条边缘图像是很少见到的,同时大多数的传感器件具有低频滤波特性,这样会使得阶跃边缘变为斜坡性边缘,看起来其中的强度变化不是瞬间的,而是跨越了一定的距离。这就使得在边缘检测中首先要进行的工作是滤波。 1)滤波:边缘检测的算法主要是基于图像强度的一阶和二阶导数,但导数通常对噪声很敏感,因此必须采用滤波器来改善与噪声有关的边缘检测器的性能。常见的滤波方法主要有高斯滤波,即采用离散化的高斯函数产生一组归一化的高斯核(具体见“高斯滤波原理及其编程离散化实现方法”一文),然后基于高斯核函数对图像灰度矩阵的每一点进行加权求和(具体程序实现见下文)。 2)增强:增强边缘的基础是确定图像各点邻域强度的变化值。增强算法可以将图像灰度点邻域强度值有显著变化的点凸显出来。在具体编程实现时,可通过计算梯度幅值来确定。


Matlab做图像边缘检测的多种方法 1、用Prewitt算子检测图像的边缘 I = imread('bacteria.BMP'); BW1 = edge(I,'prewitt',0.04); % 0.04为梯度阈值 figure(1); imshow(I); figure(2); imshow(BW1); 2、用不同σ值的LoG算子检测图像的边缘 I = imread('bacteria.BMP'); BW1 = edge(I,'log',0.003); % σ=2 imshow(BW1);title('σ=2') BW1 = edge(I,'log',0.003,3); % σ=3 figure, imshow(BW1);title('σ=3') 3、用Canny算子检测图像的边缘 I = imread('bacteria.BMP'); imshow(I); BW1 = edge(I,'canny',0.2); figure,imshow(BW1); 4、图像的阈值分割 I=imread('blood1.tif'); imhist(I); % 观察灰度直方图,灰度140处有谷,确定阈值T=140 I1=im2bw(I,140/255); % im2bw函数需要将灰度值转换到[0,1]范围内 figure,imshow(I1); 5、用水线阈值法分割图像 afm = imread('afmsurf.tif');figure, imshow(afm); se = strel('disk', 15); Itop = imtophat(afm, se); % 高帽变换 Ibot = imbothat(afm, se); % 低帽变换 figure, imshow(Itop, []); % 高帽变换,体现原始图像的灰度峰值 figure, imshow(Ibot, []); % 低帽变换,体现原始图像的灰度谷值 Ienhance = imsubtract(imadd(Itop, afm), Ibot);% 高帽图像与低帽图像相减,增强图像figure, imshow(Ienhance); Iec = imcomplement(Ienhance); % 进一步增强图像


第 42 卷增刊 1 中南大学学报(自然科学版) V ol.42 Suppl. 1 2011 年 9 月 Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology) Sep. 2011 图像边缘检测技术综述 王敏杰 1 ,杨唐文 1, 3 ,韩建达 2 ,秦勇 3 (1. 北京交通大学 信息科学研究所,北京,100044; 2. 中国科学院沈阳自动化研究所 机器人学国家重点实验室,辽宁 沈阳,110016; 3. 北京交通大学 轨道交通控制与安全国家重点实验室,北京,100044) 摘要:边缘检测是图像处理与分析中最基础的内容之一。首先介绍了几种经典的边缘检测方法,并对其性能进行 比较分析;然后,综述了近几年来出现的一些新的边缘检测方法;最后,对边缘检测技术的发展趋势进行了展望。 关键词:数字图像;边缘检测;综述 中图分类号:TP391.4 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1672?7207(2011)S1?0811?06 Review on image edge detection technologies W ANG Min-jie 1 , Y ANG Tang-wen 1,3 , HAN Jian-da 2 ,QIN Y ong 3 (1.Institute of Information Science,Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China? 2.State Key Laboratory of Robotics, Shenyang Institute of Automation, Chinese Academic of Science,Shenyang 110016, China? 3.State Key Laboratory of Rail Traffic Control and Safety, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China) Abstract: Edge detection is one of the most fundamental topics in the research area of image processing and analysis. First, several classical edge detection methods were introduced, and the performance of these methods was compared? then, several edge detection methods developed in the latest years were reviewed? finally, the trend of the research of the image edge detection in the future was discussed. Key words:digital image?edge detection?review 图像是人们从客观世界获取信息的重要来源 [1?2] 。 图像信息最主要来自其边缘和轮廓。所谓边缘是指其 周围像素灰度急剧变化的那些象素的集合,它是图像 最基本的特征。边缘存在于目标、背景和区域之 间 [3?4] ,它是图像分割所依赖的最重要的依据。边缘检 测 [5?8] 是图像处理和计算机视觉中的基本问题, 图像边 缘检测是图像处理中的一个重要内容和步骤,是图像 分割、目标识别等众多图像处理的必要基础 [9?10] 。因 此,研究图像边缘检测算法具有极其重要的意义。 边缘检测是计算机视觉和图像处理领域的一项基 本内容。准确、高效地提取出边缘信息一直是该领域 研究的重点内容 [11] 。最初的经典算法可分为边缘算子 法、曲面拟合法、模板匹配法、门限化法等。近年来, 随着数学理论和人工智能的发展,又出现了一些新的 边缘检测的算法 [12?13] ,如基于数学形态学的边缘检 测 [14] 、小波变换和小波包变换的边缘检测法 [15] 、基于 模糊理论的边缘检测法 [16?17] 、基于神经网络的边缘检 测法 [18] 、基于分形几何的边缘检测算法 [19] 、基于遗传 算法的边缘检测法 [20?21] 、漫射边缘的检测方法 [22] 、多 尺度边缘检测技术 [23] 、亚像素边缘的定位技术 [24] 、 收稿日期:2011?04?15;修回日期:2011?06?15 基金项目:轨道交通控制与安全国家重点实验室开放基金资助项目(RCS2010K02);机器人学国家重点实验室开放基金资助项目(RLO200801);北 京交通大学基本科研业务费资助项目(2011JBM019) 通信作者:王敏杰(1988-), 女, 黑龙江五常人, 硕士研究生, 从事图像处理和计算机视觉研究; 电话: 010-51468132; E-mail: wangminjie1118@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5614757824.html,


边缘检测对于灰度级间断的检测是最为普遍的检测方法。 当我们沿着剖面线从左到右经过时,在进入和离开斜面的变化点,一阶导数为正。在灰度级不变的区域一阶导数为0.在边缘与黑色一边相关的跃变点二阶导数为正,在边缘与亮色一边相关的跃变点二阶导数为负,沿着斜坡和灰度为常数的区域为0. 结论:一阶导数可以用于检测图像中的一个点是否是边缘的点(也就是判断一个点是否在斜坡上)。同样,二阶导数的符号可以用于判断一个边缘像素是在边缘亮的一边还是暗的一边。暗的为正,亮的为负。 二阶导数的两条附加性质(1)对图像中的每条边缘二阶导数生成两个值(一个不希望得到的特点);(2)一条连接二阶导数正极值和负极值的虚构直线将在边缘中点附近穿过零点。二阶导数的这个过零点的性质对于确定粗边线的中心非常有用。 浅黑色和白色的线是如图所描述的正和负的分量。 灰色描绘了由于比例缩放而生成的零点。 结论:为了对有意义的边缘点进行分类,与这个点相联系的灰度级变换必须比在这一点的背景上的变换更为有效。由于我们用局部计算进行处理,决定一个值是否有效的选择方法就是使用门限。图像中的一阶导数用梯度计算,二阶导数使用拉普拉斯算子得到。 一幅数字图像的一阶导数是基于各种二维梯度的近似值。 边缘在(x,y)处的方向与此点的梯度向量的方向垂直。 所有模版中的系数总和为零,表示正如导数算子中所预示的,此时在灰度级不变的区域,模版响应为0. 拉普拉斯算子一般不以其原始形式用于边缘检测是由于存在下列原因:作为一个二阶导数,拉普拉斯算子对噪声具有无法接受的敏感性;拉普拉斯算子的幅值产生双边缘,这是复杂的分割不希望有的结果;最后,拉普拉斯算子不能检测边缘的方向。 拉普拉斯算子在分割中所起的作用:(1)利用它的零交叉的性质进行边缘定位(2)确定一个像素是在一条边缘暗的一边还是亮的一边。 函数edge()是专门提取图像边缘的,输入原图像,输出是二值图像、边缘为1,其它像素为0。B=edge(A,F,T) A为输入灰度图像,F是算子,T是阈值,决定检测边缘的强度,T值小检出的边缘多,T值大检测出的边缘少。 图像病灶边缘检测。分别选用Roberts算子、Prewitt算子、Sobel算子、Laplacian算子和Canny算子对图像进行边缘提取发现病灶。 使用数学方法提取图像像元中具有亮度值(灰度)空间方向梯度大的边、线特征的过程。


华南师范大学实验报告 一、实验目的 1、.掌握边缘检测的Matlab实现方法 2、了解Matlab区域操作函数的使用方法 3、了解图像分析和理解的基本方法 4、了解纹理特征提取的matlab实现方法 二、实验平台 计算机和Matlab软件环境 三、实验内容 1、图像边缘检测 2、图像纹理特征提取 四、实验原理 1、图像边缘检测 图像理解是图像处理的一个重要分支,它研究的是为完成某一任务需要从图像中提取哪些有用的信息,以及如何利用这些信息解释图像。边缘检测技术对于处理数字图像非常重要,因为边缘是所要提取目标和背景的分界线,提取出边缘才能将目标和背景区分开来。在图像中,边界表明一个特征区域的终结和另一个特征区域的开始,边界所分开区域的内部特征或属性是一致的,而不同的区域内部的特征或属性是不同的,边缘检测正是利用物体和背景在某种图像特性上的差异来实现的,这些差异包括灰度,颜色或者纹理特征。边缘检测实际上就是检测图像特征发生变化的位置。 由于噪声和模糊的存在,检测到的边界可能会变宽或在某些点处发生间断,因此,边界检测包括两个基本内容:首先抽取出反映灰度变化的边缘点,然后剔除某些边界点或填补边界间断点,并将这些边缘连接成完整的线。边缘检测的方法大多数是基于方向导数掩模求卷积的方法。 导数算子具有突出灰度变化的作用,对图像运用导数算子,灰度变化较大的点处算得的值比较高,因此可将这些导数值作为相应点的边界强度,通过设置门限的方法,提取边界点集。 一阶导数 f x ? ? 与 f y ? ? 是最简单的导数算子,它们分别求出了灰度在x和y方向上的变化率, 而方向α上的灰度变化率可以用下面式子计算:


图像边缘检测方法比较研究 作者:关琳琳孙媛 来源:《现代电子技术》2008年第22期 摘要:边缘检测在数字图像处理中有着重要的作用。系统分析目前具有代表性的边缘检测方法,并用IDL6.3软件实现各种算法。实验结果表明,各种方法均有各自的优缺点和适用条件,在做图像边缘检测之前,应对图像进行分析,针对图像的特点和应用需求选用合适的方法。 关键词:边缘检测;检测算子;高通滤波;小波变换 中图分类号:TP391文献标识码:A 文章编号:1004-373X(2008)22-096-03 Comparison of Image Edge Detection Methods GUAN Linlin1,SUN Yuan2 (1.Department of Resource Science and Technology,Beijing Normal University,Beijing,100875,China; 2.96656 Unit of Second Artillery F orces,Chinese People′s Liberation Army,Beijing,100820,China) Abstract:Edge detection plays an important role in digital image processing.This paper comprehensively analyze the representative methods of edge detection at present,and realizes each algorithm with the IDL6.3 software.Results indicate that each method has some advantages and limitations.It should be carefully selected according to the characteristics of the image as well as application needs before conducting edge detection. Keywords:edge detection;detective operators;high-pass filtering;wavelet transform 1 引言 边缘检测技术是图像特征提取中的重要技术之一,也是图像分割、目标区域识别、区域形状提取等图像分析方法的基础。近年来,边缘检测技术被广泛地应用在各个领域,例如工程技术中零件检查[1]、医学中器官病变状况观察[2]、遥感图像处理中道路等典型地物的提取[3]以及估算遥感平台的稳定精度[4]等。这使得如何快速、准确地获得边缘信息成为国内外研究的热点。边缘检测方法在空间域和频域中均可以实现,而且不断涌现出新技术新方法。这些方法

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