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新概念英语青少版 2A 词汇表


Arrivals [?'ra?v?lz] (机场的)进港处Baggage Hall ['b?g?d? h?:l] 行李领取厅

come round 来到附近

exit ['eks?t] n.出口,退场

next to ['nekst t?] prep.紧靠……旁边,挨着come out 出来

phone [f??n] n.电话vt.打电话

sit [s?t] vi.坐,就坐

stand [st?nd] vi.站立;坐落

suitcase ['sju:tke?s] n.小提箱,衣箱

wait for 等候,等待

armchair ['ɑ:m't?e?] n.扶手椅

read [ri:d] vt.读;写着vi.阅读, 朗读sandwich ['s?nw?d?] n.三明治

stand up 起立,站起来

TV ['ti:'vi:] n.电视

listen to 听,倾听


centre ['sent?] n.中心,中枢

city ['s?t?] n.城市

competitor [k?m'pet?t?] n.竞争对手;敌手exhibitor [?g'z?b?t?] 展出单位,参展者

laugh [lɑ:f] vi.笑n.笑

listener ['l?sn?] n.听者,听众

look forward to ['f?:w?d] 盼望,期待;预期luck [l?k] n.运气,好运

noisy ['n??z?] a.嘈杂的,喧闹的

reporter [r?'p?:t?] n.记者

say [se?] vt.说spirit ['sp?r?t] n.精神;本质

town [ta?n] n.市镇,城镇

trade fair ['tre?d fe?] 商展,贸易博览会visit ['v?z?t] vt.访问,参观n.访问,参观visitor ['v?z?t?] n.来访者;游客

hundreds of ['h?ndr?dz ?v] 数以百计的thousands of ['θa?z?ndz ?v] 数以千计的village ['v?l?d?] n.乡村,村庄

film [f?lm] n.影片,胶卷,电影

come home 回家

learn [l?:n] vt.学习

news [nju:z] n.新闻,消息

quiet ['kwa??t] a.安静的vt.使安静

radio ['re?d???] n.收音机

television ['tel?'v???n] n.电视,电视机


airport ['e?p?:t] n.机场,航空站

back [b?k] ad.回原处

belong to [b?'l?? t?] 属于;附属handwriting ['h?ndra?t??] n.笔迹,书法mine [ma?n] pron.我的

note [n??t] n.笔记;便条

Why on earth...? 究竟,到底

pick up ['p?k ?p] 接

pocket ['p?k?t] n.衣袋

strange [stre?nd?] a.陌生的;奇怪的training run ['tre?n?? r?n] 长跑训练yours [j?:z] pron.你们的(东西)

hers [h?:z] pron.她的

his [h?s] pron.他的,他的东西

ours ['a??z] pron.我们的

theirs [ee?z] pron.他(她,它)们的东西

'to-do'list [t?'du: l?st] 工作任务清单


Congratulations! [k?n gr?t??'le???nz] 祝贺!foil jacket [f??l'd??k?t] n.保暖夹克

hero ['h??r??] n.英雄,勇士

hour ['a??] n.小时

medal ['medl] n.奖章,纪念章

put on ['p?t ?n] 穿上

top three percent ['t?p 'θri: p?'sent] 最好的百分之三

volunteer ['v?l?n't??] n.志愿者

walk [w?:k] vi.走n.走,步行

this way 这边

Well done! 做得很好!

curtain ['k?:tn] n.帘,窗帘,幕(布)

letter ['let?] n.信

picture ['p?kt??] n.图片,照片

pleased [pli:zd] a.高兴的,满意的

put up 挂起

so [s??] ad.那么;非常, 十分

take down 取下;拿下

take off ['te?k ?f] 脱下(衣帽等)

throw away 扔掉,抛弃

turn off 关(水源等)

turn on 开,旋开(电灯等)

Best wishes 最美好的祝愿


arrive [?'ra?v] vi.到达

email ['i:me?l] n.电子邮件

prepare [pr?'pe?] vt.预备vi.准备

telephone call ['tel?f??n k?:l] n.电话vi.打电话

go for a walk 去散步

work [w?:k] n.工作,职业

write [ra?t] vt.写

also ['?:ls??] ad.亦,也,而且,还

ant [?nt] n.蚂蚁

arm [ɑ:m] n.手臂,武器

breathe [bri:e] vi.vt.呼吸

evening ['i:vn??] n.晚上

funnily enough ['f?n?l??'n?f] adv. 十分有趣地insect ['?nsekt] n.昆虫

joke [d???k] n.笑话 vi.开玩笑

leg [leg] n.腿

look up 查阅

place [ple?s] n.地点;住所

stretch [stret?] vt.伸展肢体

survive [s?'va?v] vt.幸免于vi.活下来

use [ju:z, ju:s] vt.用, 使用

webpage ['webpe?d?] 网页

website ['websa?t] 网站

week [wi:k] n.星期

yawn [j?:n] vi.打呵欠n.呵欠


by bus [ba? 'b?s] 乘公共汽车

clothes [kl??ez] n.服装

foot [f?t] n.脚

into ['?nt?, '?nt?] prep.进,入,进入到

a pair of [pe?] n.一双

perfect ['p?:f?kt, 'p?:fekt] a.完美的

size [sa?z] n.大小,尺寸

theatre ['θ??t?] n.戏院

wear [we?] vt.穿戴

bank manager ['b??k 'm?n?d??] n.银行经理exercise ['eks?sa?z] n.锻炼,训练 vi.练习

fly [fla?] vi.飞行

lie [la?] vi.躺

manager ['m?n?d??] n.经理

rest [rest] n.休息

soon [su:n] ad.不久,很快

stay [ste?] vi.停留;住;保持

swim [sw?m] vi.游泳n.游泳

work [w?:k] n.工作,职业


example [?g'zɑ:mpl] n.例子,实例

get up 起床

Goodness! ['g?dn?s] 天哪,哎呀!

hard ['hɑ:d] a.努力地

late [le?t] a.迟的;晚(期)的

nearly ['n??l?] ad.差不多

rush [r??] vi.冲,奔

twice [twa?s] ad.两次,两倍

a waste of time [we?st] 浪费时间

Britain ['br?tn] n.英国

exactly [?g'z?ktl?, ?g'z?kl?] ad.确切地,精确地fortnight ['f?:tna?t] n.两星期,十四天grandmother ['gr?nd'm?e?] n.祖母,外祖母grandparent ['gr?ndper?nt] n.祖父母;外祖父母medicine ['med?s?n] n.药

once [w?ns] ad.一次

seaside ['si:sa?d] n.海边,海滨


alcohol ['?lk?h?l] n.酒精,乙醇

along [?'l??] prep.沿着 ad.向前carbohydrate ['kɑ:b??'ha?dre?t] n. 碳水化合物double ['d?bl] a.两倍的,双的

portion ['p?:??n] n.一部分

recommend ['rek?'mend] vt.推荐

run [r?n] vi.跑;运行

running ['r?n??] 跑

take it easy 不紧张;放松;松懈

through [θru:] prep.穿过,通过

Barnet ['bɑ:n?t] 巴尼((英国伦敦的一个自治区)) Canary Wharf [k?'ne?r? 'w?:f] 金丝雀码头

Indian ['?nd??n] a.印度的 n.印度人

bath [bɑ:θ] n.洗澡,浴缸

have a bath 洗澡

because [b?'k?z] conj.由于,因为

broken ['br??k?n] a.破碎(了)的

drink [dr??k] n.饮料

have [h?v, h?v] vt.有,吃,喝

right now 立刻,就在此刻

shower ['????, '?a??] n.阵雨;淋浴

swim [sw?m] vi.游泳n.游泳

have a swim 去游泳


about [?'ba?t] adv.大约

athletics [?θ'let?ks] n. 田径

bored [b?:d] a. 无趣的,烦人的,无聊的championship ['t??mpj?n??p] n.锦标赛

dream [dri:m] n.梦,梦想 vi.做梦

do you own thing 做你自己的事

leave [li:v] vi.离去vt.离开

obvious ['?bv??s] a.显而易见的ⅰiIphotograph ['f??t?grɑ:f] n.照片

stadium ['ste?dj?m] n. 露天大型运动场

team [ti:m] n.队,组

tomorrow [t?'m?r??] n.明天;未来ad.在明天zone [z??n] n.地区,区域

the barber's ['bɑ:b?] n.理发店

the dentist's ['dent?sts] n. 牙医诊所bookshop ['b?k??p] n. 书店

the butcher's ['b?t??] n. 肉店

the chemist's ['kem?st] n.药店

haircut ['he?k?t] n.理发;发型,发式

the hairdresser's ['he?dres?] n.理发店the doctor's ['d?kt?z] n.诊所

post office ['p??st ?f?s] n. 邮局shampoo [??m'pu:] n.洗发,洗头

stamp [st?mp] n.邮票


become [b?'k?m] vi.变成,成为,变得

central ['sentr?l] a.中心的,主要的decision [d?'s???n] n.决定,决心

fashion model ['f???n 'm?d?l] n.时装模特

glamorous ['gl?m?r?s] adj.


all over the world ['?:l '??v?e? 'w?:ld] 全世界hotel [h??'tel] n.旅馆

life [la?f] n.生活

lonely ['l??nl?] a.孤独的;荒凉的

model ['m?dl] n.模型;模式;模特儿;模范

only ['??nl?] ad.仅仅

seem [si:m] vi.好像,似乎

conference ['k?nf?r?ns] n.会议,讨论会

cycle ['sa?kl] v.骑自行车

IT (Information Technology) 信息技术

normal ['n?:m?l?] a.正常的,普通的Lesson11

set up ['set ?p] 安排

sir [s?:] n.先生

straight away [strek ?'we?] 马上

travel ['tr?vl] vi.旅行n.旅行

trouble ['tr?bl] n.烦恼;困难vi.烦恼

the day before yesterday 前天

the day after tomorrow 后天

last week 上星期

the week before last 上上星期

yesterday ['jest?d?] n.昨天ad.昨日

Paris ['p?r?s] n.巴黎(法国首都)

class [klɑ:s] n.(一节)课

hospital ['h?sp?tl] n.医院

kind [ka?nd] a.亲切的,乐于助人的

meeting [mi:t??] n.会合;会议

party ['pɑ:t?] n.聚会

traffic jam ['tr?f?k d??m] n. 塞车, 交通拥塞


ago [?'g??] ad.以前

around [?'ra?nd] prep.到处,各处

back [b?k] ad.在后,向后 n.背后

classic ['kl?s?k] n.名著,杰作 a.经典的,古典的design [d?'za?n] vt.设计 n.设计,图样

designer [d?'za?n?] n.设计师,设计者

driver ['dra?v?] n.驾驶员,驱动器

hard ['hɑ:d] a.硬的,困难的

journey ['d??:n?] n.旅行,旅程

modern ['m?d?n] a.现代的

official [?'f???l] a.官方的,正式的

passenger ['p?s?nd??] n.乘客,旅客

platform ['pl?tf?:m] n.平台

real [r??l] a.真正的;现实的

a hard time 困难的日子

road [r??d] n.路,道路

route [ru:t] n.路,路线

Londoner ['l?nd?n?] n.伦敦人

Routemaster ['ru:tmɑ:st?] 马路大师(伦敦双层红色公交车)

midnight ['m?dna?t] n.午夜

railway ['re?lwe?] n.铁路,铁道

station ['ste???n] n.站,局


a few [? 'fju:] 少数,几个

above [?'b?v] 在……之上

among [?'m??] prep.在…之中

athlete ['?θli:t] n.运动员

border ['b?:d?] n.边缘,边界

distance race ['d?st?ns re?s] 长跑

heart rate ['hɑ:t re?t] 心率

homeland ['h??ml?nd] n.祖国,家乡

honour ['?n?] n.荣誉,光荣

metre ['mi:t?] n.米,公尺

million ['m?lj?n] num.百万

natural ['n?t??r?l] a.天然的;自然的

North West ['n?:θ west] 西北部

plateau ['pl?t??] n.高原

race track [re?s 'tr?k] 跑道

record ['rek?:d, r?'k?:d] n.记录,档案

sea level 『测量』海平面,海拔

star [stɑ:] n.星星;明星

unusually [?n'ju:???l?] ad.特别地,不寻常的win [w?n] vi.获胜,赢vt.赢得winner ['w?n?] n.获胜者,成功者,优胜者African ['?fr?k?n] a.非洲的 n.非洲人Ethiopia ['i:θ?'??p??] n. 埃塞俄比亚Europe ['j??r?p] n.欧洲

Kalenjin ['k?l?nd??n] 卡兰津人

Kenya ['kenj?] n. 肯亚

North America [n?:θ?'mer?k?] 北美洲block [bl?k] n.街区 vt.堵塞,拦阻

block of flats [bl?k ?v fl?ts] n.一栋公寓hill [h?l] n.小山,山岗,丘陵

ice [a?s] n.冰

lake [le?k] n.湖

none [n?n] pron.没有人,没有任何东西programme ['pr??gr?m] n.节目

reservoir ['rez?vwɑ:] n.水库,蓄水池sheep [?i:p] n.绵羊

snow [sn??] n.雪vi.下雪


cocoa ['k??k??] n.可可粉(饮料)

contain [k?n'te?n] vt.包含,容纳

did [d?d] do 的过去式

everyone ['evr?w?n] pron.每人,人人

fancy ['f?ns?] adj. 精美的

fat [f?t] n.脂肪,肥肉

heaven ['hevn] n.天堂

mouth [ma?θ] n.嘴

non-cocoa [n?n-'k??ke?] 无可可粉的ordinary ['?:d?n?r?] a.普通的,平凡的

share [?e?] vt.分享,共享

Marconi's [mɑ:'k??n?s] 马可尼

at all 完全,根本;到底

baker ['be?k?] n.面包师

beef steak ['bi:f ste?k] 牛排

Rome [r??m]n.罗马chicken ['t??k?n] n.小鸡,鸡肉

complete [k?m'pli:t] a.绝对的,十足的

envelope ['env?l??p] n.信封,封套

greengrocer ['gri:n'gr??s?] n.蔬菜水果商,菜贩

grocer ['gr??s?] n.杂货商

stationer ['ste???n?] n. 文具商,文具店

writing paper 信纸,写字用纸


agree with [?'gri: w?e] 同意

attitude ['?t?tju:d] n.态度,看法,姿势

baby ['be?b?] n.婴儿

business ['b?zn?s] n.事情

civilised ['s?v?la?zd] adj. 舒适的

deputy ['depj?t?] n. 代理人,副手

each [i:t?] a.ad.每个,每一

efficient [?'f???nt] a.效率高的

happen ['h?p?n] vi.发生,碰巧,恰好

How long ...? 多长时间

have a baby 生小孩

instead [?n'sted] ad.代替,顶替

mystery ['m?st?r?] n.神秘,神秘的事物

off [?:f] ad.停止

serious ['s??r??s] a.重要的

trip [tr?p] n.旅行

understand ['?nd?'st?nd] vt.理解,明白

welcome ['welk?m] int.欢迎n.欢迎 vt.欢迎

a day out 外出一天

game [ge?m] n.游戏,比赛

holiday ['h?l?d?] n.假日,节日,假期

nap [n?p] n.小睡,打盹

ride [ra?d] n.(尤指为娱乐而骑着动物或乘车的)旅行


路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索- 百度文库 新概念英语青少版2A 单词表 Unit 1 Linda comes to London next to prep.紧靠...旁边,挨着Arrivals n. (机场的)进港处exit n. 出口 wait for v+prep 等待 Baggage Hall 行李领取厅 suitcase n. 手提箱,皮箱 come round v+prep 来到附近stand v. 站立 phone n. 电话 come out v+adv. 出来 sit n. 坐 sandwich n. 三明治 armchair n. 扶手椅 sand up v+prep 起立,站起来read v. 读 TV n. 电视 listen to v+prep 听 Unit 2 Good luck on Sunday luck 运气 reporter 记者 centre 中心 visit 参观,访问trade fair 贸易博览会noisy 嘈杂的,喧闹的hundreds of 数以百计exhibitor 参展者thousands of 数以千计visitor 参观者 village 村庄 laugh 笑 competitor 竞争者 listener 听众 look forward to 盼望 spirit 本质,精神 film 电影 say 说 town 市镇,城镇 city 城市radio 收音机 learn 学习 news 新闻 come home 回家 television 电视机 quiet 安静的 Unit 3 Is this yours? yours pron. 你(们)的(所有物)strange adj. 奇怪的 note n. 便条 pocket n. 口袋,衣袋 mine pron. 我的(所有物)belong to v. + prep. 属于handwriting n. 笔迹 his pron. 他的 to-do list n. 工作清单 airport n. 飞机场 pick up v.+ adv. 接 training run n. 长跑训练 back adv. 回原处 why on earth?究竟 hers pron. 她的 ours pron. 我们的 theirs 他(她它们)的所有物 Unit 4 The top three percent top three percent compound n. 最好的百分之三volunteer n. 志愿者 Congratulations! fixed phrase 祝贺 hour n. 小时 Well done! fixed phrase 做得很好 foil jacket n. 保暖夹克 put on v. + adv. 穿上 hero n. 英雄 walk v. 走 this way adv. 这边 medal n. 奖章 take off v. + adv. 脱下 turn on v. + adv. 打开


新概念英语青少版2A单词表汇总 lesson 1 挨着 ______________ 进港口___________ 出口__________ 等待_______________ 行李领取厅 ______________ 电影_________ 说___________ 城镇____________ 城市__________ lesson 4 收音机__________ 的______________ 百分之三_______________ 自愿者__________ 祝贺__________ 小时____________ 做得很好手提箱___________ 来到附近_______________ 站立___________ 电话 __________ 出来___________ 坐__________ lesson 2 三明治_________ 扶手椅________ 起立_________ 1 读_________ 电视____________ 听__________ lesson 3 运气__________ 记者_________ 中心_________ 参观__________ 贸易博览会_________ 喧闹的_________ 数以百计的 __________________ 参展者___________ 数以千计的 __________________ 参观者______________ 村庄____________ 大笑____________ 参赛者______________ 听众____________ 盼望 ________________ 本质,精神___________ 学习__________ 新闻____________ 回家___________ 电视机 ___________ 安静的___________ lesson 5


新概念英语青少版 1A 词汇表Lesson 1 meet [mi:t] vt、遇见;满足vi、相遇;集合the [e?, e?] art、这,那 family ['f?m?l?] n、家庭,家族 Hello ['h?'l??] int、喂 my [ma?] pron、我得 name ['ne?m] n、名字 is [?z] v、就是 this [e?s] a、这;这个 wife [wa?f] n、妻子 How do you do? 您好 daughter ['d?:t?] n、女儿 son [s?n] n、儿子 Hi! 您好,嘿,喂 and [?nd, ?nd] conj、与,又,并,则nephew ['nevju:] n、侄子,外甥 Nice to meet you、很高兴认识您。friend [frend] n、朋友 teacher ['ti:t??] n、教师 Mrs、 n、、、、夫人 Lesson2 your [j?:] pron、您得,您们得 pen [pen] n、钢笔 yes [jes] ad、就是,就是得 Whose [hu:z] pron、谁得 No [n??] ad、不,并不a、没有得 not [n?t] ad、不,没有 it [?t] pron、它 it's pn、它就是 isn't 不就是 pencil ['pensl] n、铅笔hat [h?t] n、帽子 coat [k??t] n、外套,上衣 mobile ['m??ba?l] 手机 ruler ['ru:l?] n、直尺 book [b?k] n、书籍 bag [b?g] n、袋,包 Lesson 3 what [w?t] pron、什么 Hey [he?] interj、嘿 good [g?d] a、好得 look [l?k] n、瞧 a [e?, ?] art、一(个),每一(个) wheel [wi:l] n、轮,车轮 green [gri:n] a、绿色得 n、绿色 OK ['??'ke?] int、行,好 now [na?] n、现在 flower ['fla??] n、花 red [red] a、红色得n、红色 umbrella [?m'brel?] n、伞,雨伞 that [e?t] a、那,那个 grey [gre?] n、/a、灰色(得) bird [b?:d] n、鸟,禽 key [ki:] n、钥匙 right [ra?t] a、正确得 silver ['s?lv?] n、银色得 chair [t?e?] n、椅子 table ['te?bl] n、桌子 Lesson 4 bicycle ['ba?s?kl] n、自行车 colour ['k?l?] n、颜色 what colour、、、? 、、、、、、什么颜色?an [?n, ?n] art、一(个,件、、、)


新概念英语青少版 2A 词汇表 Lesson1 Arrivals [?'ra?v?lz] (机场的)进港 处 Baggage Hall ['b?g?d? h?:l] 行李领 取厅 come round 来到附近 exit ['eks?t] n.出口,退场 next to ['nekst t?] prep.紧靠…… 旁边,挨着 come out 出来 phone [f??n] n.电话vt.打电话 sit [s?t] vi.坐,就坐 stand [st?nd] vi.站立;坐落suitcase ['sju:tke?s] n.小提箱,衣箱wait for 等候,等待 armchair ['ɑ:m't?e?] n.扶手椅read [ri:d] vt.读;写着vi.阅读, 朗 读 sandwich ['s?nw?d?] n.三明治 stand up 起立,站起来 TV ['ti:'vi:] n.电视 listen to 听,倾听 Lesson2 centre ['sent?] n.中心,中枢 city ['s?t?] n.城市competitor [k?m'pet?t?] n.竞争对手; 敌手 exhibitor [?g'z?b?t?] 展出单位,参展 者 laugh [lɑ:f] vi.笑n.笑 listener ['l?sn?] n.听者,听众look forward to ['f?:w?d] 盼望,期 待;预期 luck [l?k] n.运气,好运 noisy ['n??z?] a.嘈杂的,喧闹的 reporter [r?'p?:t?] n.记者 say [se?] vt.说 spirit ['sp?r?t] n.精神;本质 town [ta?n] n.市镇,城镇 trade fair ['tre?d fe?] 商展,贸易博 览会 visit ['v?z?t] vt.访问,参观n.访问,参 观 visitor ['v?z?t?] n.来访者;游客hundreds of ['h?ndr?dz ?v] 数以百计 的 thousands of ['θa?z?ndz ?v] 数以千 计的 village ['v?l?d?] n.乡村,村庄 film [f?lm] n.影片,胶卷,电影 come home 回家 learn [l?:n] vt.学习 news [nju:z] n.新闻,消息 quiet ['kwa??t] a.安静的vt.使安静radio ['re?d???] n.收音机television ['tel?'v???n] n.电视,电视 机 Lesson3 airport ['e?p?:t] n.机场,航空站 back [b?k] ad.回原处 belong to [b?'l?? t?] 属于;附属handwriting ['h?ndra?t??] n.笔迹,书 法 mine [ma?n] pron.我的 note [n??t] n.笔记;便条 Why on earth...? 究竟,到底 pick up ['p?k ?p] 接


新概念英语青少版2A期末测试卷Unit1-Unit15 姓名_____________成绩_____________ 一、听单词,从A、B、C三个选项中找出画线部分发音不同的选项。(10%) 第一部分听力 ()1.A.fifty B.village C.driver ()2.A.teacher B.real C.theatre ()3.A.picks B.waits C.Jack’s ()4.A.dogs B.Paul’s C.desks ()5.A.now B.town C.craw ()6.A.sea B.heaven C.cheap ()7.A.understand B.rush C.business ()8.A.bread B.bean C.heaven () () () () () () () A. C. ()2.Theyoungmanis_______. B.painful () () 四、听短文填空。(10%) Mr.Fordhasas_________shopnearthestation.TheshopisopenfromMondaytoF______,butnotatw_______.Hearr ivesateighto’clockinthemorning,andhes________theshopathalfp______si xintheevening.Peoplecomeandgo intheshopallday.Mr.Fordknowsthemall.He’sveryfriendly.Hes_______andlistens.Peopletellhimt______.H elistensandt_______.Hedoesn’tt_____much.Mr.Patelisani_________man. 笔试部分(70分) 五、根据本学期所学词汇,将下列单词或词组补充完整。(10%) 1.fashion_____时装模特 2.___pital医院 3._______station火车站 4.makea________做决定 5.sea_____海平面 6.beef_____牛排 7.aday___外出一天8.ath______田径9._______paper书写纸 10.the_______食品杂货店


新概念英语青少版2A 单词表 Unit 1 Linda comes to London next to prep. 紧靠...旁边,挨着Arrivals n. (机场的)进港处exit n. 出口 wait for v+prep 等待 Baggage Hall 行李领取厅suitcase n. 手提箱,皮箱come round v+prep 来到附近stand v. 站立 phone n. 电话 come out v+adv. 出来 sit n. 坐 sandwich n. 三明治 armchair n. 扶手椅 sand up v+prep 起立,站起来read v. 读 TV n. 电视 listen to v+prep 听 Unit 2 Good luck on Sunday luck 运气 reporter 记者 centre 中心 visit 参观,访问 trade fair 贸易博览会 noisy 嘈杂的,喧闹的hundreds of 数以百计 exhibitor 参展者 thousands of 数以千计 visitor 参观者 village 村庄 laugh 笑 competitor 竞争者 listener 听众 look forward to 盼望 spirit 本质,精神 film 电影 say 说 town 市镇,城镇 city 城市radio 收音机 learn 学习 news 新闻 come home 回家 television 电视机 quiet 安静的 Unit 3 Is this yours? yours pron. 你(们)的(所有物)strange adj. 奇怪的 note n. 便条 pocket n. 口袋,衣袋 mine pron. 我的(所有物) belong to v. + prep. 属于 handwriting n. 笔迹 his pron. 他的 to-do list n. 工作清单 airport n. 飞机场 pick up v.+ adv. 接 training run n. 长跑训练 back adv. 回原处 why on earth?究竟 hers pron. 她的 ours pron. 我们的 theirs pron. 他(她它们)的所有物 Unit 4 The top three percent top three percent compound n. 最好的百分之三 volunteer n. 志愿者 Congratulations! fixed phrase 祝贺hour n. 小时 Well done! fixed phrase 做得很好 foil jacket n. 保暖夹克 put on v. + adv. 穿上 hero n. 英雄 walk v. 走 this way adv. 这边 medal n. 奖章 take off v. + adv. 脱下


新概念2A总复习 Part 1 时态 1、基本结构:be+doing (do代指所有动词原形) 肯定句:主语+am/is/are+doing...... My mother is talking with the dentist. 否定句:主语+am/is/are not+doing... They aren’t playing games. 一般疑问句:Is/Are+主语+doing... Yes,主语+am/is/are... Is she waiting for a bus No,主语+am/is/are not. 特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+is/are+主语+doing.... Where are they doing their homework 2、动词现在分词变化规则: 1)一般情况下,直接在动词后加-ing work ---- working sleep ----- sleeping study ----- studying 2) 动词以不发音的-e结尾,要去-e加-ing take ----- taking make ----- making dance ----- dancing 3) 重读闭音节的动词,要双写词尾字母,再加-ing cut ----- cutting put ----- putting begin ------ beginning 4) 以-ie结尾的动词,把变成y再加-ing lie ----- lying tie ----- tying die ----- dying 二、一般现在时:表示客观事实、真理经常发生、有规律的事情 1、基本结构: 带有be动词: 主语+am/is/are+ 肯定句:主语+am/is/are+n./adj./prep.短语... The sky is blue. My music book is in the bag.

新概念青少版2A单词表 中英文

新概念英语青少版2A单词表 Unit1Lindacomesto London Lesson 1 next to prep.紧靠.。。旁边,挨着Arrivals n。(机场的)进港处 exitn。出口 wait forv+prep 等待 Baggage Hall 行李领取厅 suitcase n。手提箱, 皮箱 come round来到附近 stand v。站立 phone n.电话 come outv+adv。出来 sit n。坐 Lesson 2 sandwichn。三明治 armchairn.扶手椅 sandup v+prep 起立, 站起来read v. 读 TV n. 电视 listen to v+prep听?Unit2Goodluck onS unday Lesson 3 luck运气 reporter 记者 centre 中心 visit 参观,访问 trade fair贸易博览会 noisy 嘈杂的, 喧闹的 hundreds of 数以百计exhibitor 参展者thousands of 数以千计visitor 参观者 village村庄 laugh笑 competitor 竞争者 listener 听众 lookforward to 盼望 spirit本质,精神 film 电影 say 说 town市镇,城镇

city 城市

why on earth?究竟Lesson 4 radio收音机 learn学习 news新闻 come home回家 television电视机 quiet安静的 Unit3 Isthis yours? Lesson 5 yours pron。你(们)的(所有物) strange adj. 奇怪的 note n.便条 pocket n. 口袋,衣袋 minepron。我的(所有物) belongtov。+ prep.属 于 handwritingn。笔迹 hispron.他的 to-dolist n。工作清单 airportn。飞机场 pick up v。+ adv。接 training run n。长跑训练 back adv。回原处


新概念英语青少版 2A 词汇表Lesson1 Arrivals [?'ra?v?lz] (机场的)进港处Baggage Hall ['b?g?d? h?:l] 行李领取厅come round 来到附近 exit ['eks?t] n.出口,退场 next to ['nekst t?] prep.紧靠……旁边,挨着come out 出来 phone [f??n] n.电话vt.打电话 sit [s?t] vi.坐,就坐 stand [st?nd] vi.站立;坐落 suitcase ['sju:tke?s] n.小提箱,衣箱 wait for 等候,等待 armchair ['ɑ:m't?e?] n.扶手椅 read [ri:d] vt.读;写着vi.阅读, 朗读sandwich ['s?nw?d?] n.三明治stand up 起立,站起来 TV ['ti:'vi:] n.电视 listen to 听,倾听 Lesson2 centre ['sent?] n.中心,中枢 city ['s?t?] n.城市 competitor [k?m'pet?t?] n.竞争对手;敌手exhibitor [?g'z?b?t?] 展出单位,参展者laugh [lɑ:f] vi.笑n.笑 listener ['l?sn?] n.听者,听众 look forward to ['f?:w?d] 盼望,期待;预期luck [l?k] n.运气,好运 noisy ['n??z?] a.嘈杂的,喧闹的 reporter [r?'p?:t?] n.记者 say [se?] vt.说 spirit ['sp?r?t] n.精神;本质 town [ta?n] n.市镇,城镇


新概念英语青少版2A单词表Unit 1 Linda comes to London listen to v+prep 听Lesson 1 next to prep.紧靠...旁边,挨着 Arrivals n. (机场的)进港处 exit n. 出口 wait for v+prep 等待 Baggage Hall 行李领取厅 suitcase n. 手提箱,皮箱 come round 来到附近 stand v. 站立 phone n. 电话 come outv+adv. 出来 sit n. 坐 Lesson 2 sandwichn. 三明治 armchairn. 扶手椅 sand up v+prep 起立,站起来 read v. 读 TV n. 电视

Unit 2 Good luck on Sunday Lesson 3 luck 运气 reporter 记者 centre 中心 visit 参观,访问 trade fair贸易博览会noisy 嘈杂的,喧闹的hundreds of 数以百计exhibitor 参展者thousands of 数以千计visitor 参观者 village 村庄 laugh 笑 competitor 竞争者listener 听众 look forward to 盼望spirit 本质,精神 film 电影 say 说 town 市镇,城镇 city 城市

Lesson 4 radio收音机 learn 学习 news 新闻 come home 回家 television 电视机 quiet安静的 Unit 3 Is this yours Lesson 5 yours pron.你(们)的(所有物)strange adj. 奇怪的 note n. 便条 pocket n. 口袋,衣袋minepron. 我的(所有物)belong to v. + prep. 属于handwriting n. 笔迹 his pron. 他的 to-do list n. 工作清单airportn. 飞机场 pick up v.+ adv. 接 training run n. 长跑训练back adv. 回原处why on earth究竟


meet [mi:t] vt.遇见;满足vi.相遇;集合 the [e?, e?] art.这,那 family ['f?m?l?] n.家庭,家族 Hello ['h?'l??] int.喂 my [ma?] pron.我的 name ['ne?m] n.名字 is [?z] v.是 this [e?s] a.这;这个 wife [wa?f] n.妻子 How do you do? [初次见面时打招呼的用语] 您好 daughter ['d?:t?] n.女儿 son [s?n] n.儿子 Hi! 你好,嘿,喂 and [?nd, ?nd] conj.和,又,并,则 nephew ['nevju:] n.侄子,外甥 Nice to meet you. 很高兴认识你. friend [frend] n.朋友 teacher ['ti:t??] n.教师 Mrs. n....夫人 your [j?:] pron.你的,你们的pen [pen] n.钢笔 yes [jes] ad.是,是的 Whose [hu:z] pron.谁的 No [n??] ad.不,并不a.没有的 not [n?t] ad.不,没有 it [?t] pron.它 it's pn. 它是 isn't 不是 pencil ['pensl] n.铅笔 hat [h?t] n.帽子coat [k??t] n.外套,上衣 mobile ['m??ba?l] 手机 ruler ['ru:l?] n.直尺book [b?k] n.书籍 bag [b?g] n.袋,包 what [w?t] pron.什么Hey [he?] interj. 嘿 good [g?d] a.好的 look [l?k] n.看a [e?, ?] art.一(个),每一(个) green [gri:n] a.绿色的 n.绿色 OK ['??'ke?] int.行,好now [na?] n.现在 flower ['fla??] n.花 red [red] a.红色的n.红色 umbrella [?m'brel?] n.伞,雨伞 that [e?t] a.那,那个 grey [gre?] n./a.灰色(的) bird [b?:d] n.鸟,禽 key [ki:] n.钥匙 right [ra?t] a.正确的 silver ['s?lv?] n.银色的chair [t?e?] n.椅子 table ['te?bl] n.桌子 bicycle ['ba?s?kl] n.自行车 colour ['k?l?] n.颜色 what colour...? ......什么颜色? an [?n, ?n] art.一(个,件...) white [wa?t] a.白的n.白色 black [bl?k] a.黑色的,黑暗的 dress [dres] n.连衣裙 camera ['k?m?r?] n.照相机,摄影机 blue [blu:] a.蓝色的 n.蓝色 desk [desk] n.书桌,办公桌

新概念青少版2A单词表 中英文教学内容


新概念英语青少版2A单词表 Unit 1 Linda comes to London Lesson 1 next to prep.紧靠...旁边,挨着Arrivals n. (机场的)进港处exit n. 出口 wait for v+prep 等待Baggage Hall 行李领取厅suitcase n. 手提箱,皮箱come round 来到附近 stand v. 站立 phone n. 电话 come outv+adv. 出来 sit n. 坐 Lesson 2 sandwichn. 三明治armchairn. 扶手椅 sand up v+prep 起立,站起来read v. 读 TV n. 电视 listen to v+prep 听Unit 2 Good luck on Sunday Lesson 3 luck 运气 reporter 记者 centre 中心 visit 参观,访问 trade fair贸易博览会 noisy 嘈杂的,喧闹的hundreds of 数以百计exhibitor 参展者thousands of 数以千计visitor 参观者 village 村庄 laugh 笑 competitor 竞争者 listener 听众 look forward to 盼望 spirit 本质,精神 film 电影 say 说 town 市镇,城镇 city 城市

Lesson 4 radio收音机 learn 学习 news 新闻 come home 回家 television 电视机 quiet安静的 Unit 3 Is this yours? Lesson 5 yours pron.你(们)的(所有物)strange adj. 奇怪的 note n. 便条 pocket n. 口袋,衣袋minepron. 我的(所有物)belong to v. + prep. 属于handwriting n. 笔迹 his pron. 他的 to-do list n. 工作清单airportn. 飞机场 pick up v.+ adv. 接 training run n. 长跑训练 back adv. 回原处 why on earth?究竟Lesson 6 hers pron. 她的 ours pron. 我们的 theirs 他(她它们)的所有物 Unit 4 The top three percent Lesson 7 top three percent compound n. 最好的百分之三 volunteer n. 志愿者Congratulations! fixed phrase 祝贺hour n. 小时 Well done! fixed phrase 做得很好 foil jacket n. 保暖夹克 put on v. + adv. 穿上 hero n. 英雄 walk v. 走 this way adv. 这边 medal n. 奖章


2A 1 next to Arrivals exit wait for Baggage Hall suitcase come round stand phone come out sit sandwich armchair stand up 2 luck reporter centre visit trade fair noisy hundreds of exhibitor thousands of visitor village laugh competitor listener look forward to spirit film town city radio learn news come home television quiet 3 strange note pocket belong to handwriting to- do list airport pick up training run back Why on earth… mine hers his yours ours theirs 4 top three percent volunteer Congratulations hour well done foil jacket put on hero walk this way medal take off turn on turn off letter throw away put up curtain take down picture so pleased Best wishes 5 ant webpage look up place survive week breathe stretch leg joke yawn funnily enough arm also insect use website work arrive prepare go for a walk telephone call write email 6 size by bus into perfect foot wear clothes a pair of theatre bank manager rest stay lie exercise soon 7 example a waste of time hard nearly get up late rush twice Goodness once exactly seaside medicine fortnight grandparent 8 take it easy recommend double portion carbohydrate alcohol along run through have drink because right now have a swim swim bath have a bath shower broken 9 do your own thing leave about stadium team zone bored obvious athletics championship dream photograph tomorrow the doctor’s post office stamp the dentist’s bookshop Coke Paper 可乐卷 1


最新新概念英语青少版2A2B单词表词汇 Lesson1 Arrivals [?'ra?v?lz] (机场的)进港处 Baggage Hall ['b?g?d? h?:l] 行李领取厅 来到附近 exit ['eks?t] n.出口,退场 next to ['nekst t?] prep.紧靠……旁边,挨着 出来 phone [f??n] n.电话vt.打电话 sit [s?t] vi.坐,就坐 stand [st?nd] vi.站立;坐落 suitcase ['sju:tke?s] n.小提箱,衣箱 wait for 等候,等待 armchair ['ɑ:m't?e?] n.扶手椅 read [ri:d] vt.读;写着vi.阅读,朗读 sandwich ['s?nw?d?] n.三明治 stand up 起立,站起来 TV ['ti:'vi:] n.电视 listen to 听,倾听 Lesson2 centre ['sent?] n.中心,中枢 city ['s?t?] n.城市 k?m'pet?t?] n.竞争对手;敌手 exhibitor [?g'z?b?t?] 展出单位,参展者 laugh [lɑ:f] vi.笑n.笑 listener ['l?sn?] n.听者,听众 look forward to ['f?:w?d] 盼望,期待;预期 luck [l?k] n.运气,好运 noisy ['n??z?] a.嘈杂的,喧闹的 reporter [r?'p?:t?] n.记者 say [se?] vt.说

spirit ['sp?r?t] n.精神;本质 town [ta?n] n.市镇,城镇 trade fair ['tre?d fe?] 商展,贸易博览会 visit ['v?z?t] vt.访问,参观n.访问,参观 visitor ['v?z?t?] n.来访者;游客 hundreds of ['h?ndr?dz ?v] 数以百计的 thousands of ['θa?z?ndz ?v] 数以千计的 village ['v?l?d?] n.乡村,村庄 film [f?lm] n.影片,胶卷,电影 回家 learn [l?:n] vt.学习 news [nju:z] n.新闻,消息 quiet ['kwa??t] a.安静的vt.使安静 radio ['re?d???] n.收音机 television ['tel?'v???n] n.电视,电视机 Lesson3 airport ['e?p?:t] n.机场,航空站 back [b?k] ad.回原处 belong to [b?'l?? t?] 属于;附属 handwriting ['h?ndra?t??] n.笔迹,书法 mine [ma?n] pron.我的 note [n??t] n.笔记;便条 Why on earth...? 究竟,到底 pick up ['p?k ?p] 接 pocket ['p?k?t] n.衣袋 strange [stre?nd?] a.陌生的;奇怪的 training run ['tre?n?? r?n] 长跑训练 yours [j?:z] pron.你们的(东西) hers [h?:z] pron.她的 his [h?s] pron.他的,他的东西 ours ['a??z] pron.我们的


Unit 1 Linda comes to London Linda: Hi,Karen!Where are you? Karen: I’m in the coffee bar next to the Arrivals exit. I’m waiting for you,and I’m having a cup of coffee. Karen: Where are you,and what are you doing? Linda:I’m in the Baggage Hall. I’m waiting for my suitcase. Linda:Ah,I can see it! It’s coming round now! There it is! Linda:Oh,Karen! Is Paul with you? Karen:Yes,of course he is. He’s standing here beside me. I’m giving him my phone now. Karen:Here you are,Paul! Talk to your mother! Paul:Hello,Mum! Linda:Hello,Paul! I’v got my suitcase,and I’m coming out now! 琳达来到伦敦 琳达:嗨,卡伦!你在哪儿? 卡伦:我在进港口旁的咖啡馆。 我正在一边等你一边喝咖啡。 卡伦:你在哪儿?在做什么? 琳达:我在行李领取厅, 在等我的皮箱。 琳达:啊,我看到箱子了! 马上就转过来了! 到了! 琳达:哦,卡伦!保罗和你在一起吗? 卡伦:当然在。 他就站在我身旁。 我现在把电话给他。 卡伦:给,保罗! 和你妈妈说说话! 保罗:你好,妈妈! 琳达:你好,保罗! 我拿到皮箱了, 马上就出来! Lesson1 1.(机场的)进港处 Arrivals 2.出口exit 3.等待wait for 4.行李领取厅Baggage Hall 5.手提箱,皮箱suitcase 6.来到附近come round 7.电话phone 8.出来come out 9.坐sit Lesson2 1.三明治sandwich 2.扶手椅armchair 3.起立,站起来stand up 4.读read 5.听listen to


新概念英语青少版2A 单词表 Unit 1 Linda comes to London next to prep. 紧靠...旁边,挨着Arrivals n. (机场的)进港处exit n. 出口 wait for v+prep 等待 Baggage Hall 行李领取厅suitcase n. 手提箱,皮箱come round v+prep 来到附近stand v. 站立 phone n. 电话 come out v+adv. 出来 sit n. 坐 sandwich n. 三明治 armchair n. 扶手椅 sand up v+prep 起立,站起来read v. 读 TV n. 电视 listen to v+prep 听 Unit 2 Good luck on Sunday luck 运气 reporter 记者 centre 中心 visit 参观,访问 trade fair 贸易博览会 noisy 嘈杂的,喧闹的hundreds of 数以百计 exhibitor 参展者 thousands of 数以千计 visitor 参观者 village 村庄 laugh 笑 competitor 竞争者 listener 听众 look forward to 盼望 spirit 本质,精神 film 电影 say 说town 市镇,城镇 city 城市 radio 收音机 learn 学习 news 新闻 come home 回家 television 电视机 quiet 安静的 Unit 3 Is this yours? yours pron. 你(们)的(所有物)strange adj. 奇怪的 note n. 便条 pocket n. 口袋,衣袋 mine pron. 我的(所有物) belong to v. + prep. 属于 handwriting n. 笔迹 his pron. 他的 to-do list n. 工作清单 airport n. 飞机场 pick up v.+ adv. 接 training run n. 长跑训练 back adv. 回原处 why on earth?究竟 hers pron. 她的 ours pron. 我们的 theirs pron. 他(她它们)的所有物 Unit 4 The top three percent top three percent compound n. 最好的百分之三 volunteer n. 志愿者 Congratulations! fixed phrase 祝贺hour n. 小时 Well done! fixed phrase 做得很好 foil jacket n. 保暖夹克 put on v. + adv. 穿上 hero n. 英雄


新概念英语青少版2A 单词表汇总 lesson 1 挨着 ______________ 进港口 ___________ 出口 __________ 等待 _______________ 行李领取厅 ______________ 电影 _________ 说___________ 城镇 ____________ 城市 __________ lesson 4 收音机 __________ 的______________ 百分之三 _______________ 自愿者 __________ 祝贺 __________ 小时 ____________ 做得很好手提箱___________ 来到附近 _______________ 站立 ___________ 电话 __________ 出来 ___________ 坐__________ lesson 2 三明治 _________ 扶手椅 ________ 起立 _________ 1 读_________ 电视 ____________ 听__________ lesson 3 运气 __________ 记者 _________ 中心 _________ 参观 __________ 贸易博览会 _________ 喧闹的 _________ 数以百计的 __________________ 参展者 ___________ 数以千计的 __________________ 参观者 ______________ 村庄 ____________ 大笑____________ 参赛者 ______________ 听众 ____________ 盼望 ________________ 本质,精神 ___________ 学习 __________ 新闻 ____________ 回家 ___________ 电视机 ___________ 安静的 ___________ lesson 5

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