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Let's Talk Extending the Web to Support Collaboration

Let's Talk Extending the Web to Support Collaboration
Let's Talk Extending the Web to Support Collaboration

Let’s Talk:extending the Web to support collaboration

Matthew Fuchs

Walt Disney Imagineering

1401Flower Street

PO Box25020




The current Web architecture is insuf?cient to support

collaboration among independent human and computa-

tional https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5015193400.html,munication,other than between browser

and server,such as among servers,or between a browser

and local applications,requires exiting the Web’s suite of

technologies.HTML and Java are not particularly good

languages for communicating among agents.We propose

extending the Web to allow a variety of domain-speci?c lit-

tle languages.Messages would be in these languages,and

cognizant agents can manipulate them freely,such as dis-

play them to humans or otherwise process them.Semantics

for these languages can be retrieved dynamically over the

Web,providing scalable intelligence.SGML and IDL are

two current systems capable of providing such languages.

An SGML based Web would remain upwardly compatible

with the current one.


Collaboration,a process involving independent enti-

ties,requires communication,and communication implies

a common language,however rudimentary.Collaboration

on the Internet also requires a common language,but the

languages currently used or proposed(HTML and Java)

are insuf?cient for ad hoc collaboration among independent


of the mobility of information supported by the Web.Part 4will give an extended example of how this new architec-

ture works.Part5will examine some alternatives,and part 6will conclude.

2Failures of the Current System

The current Web,and it is not alone in this,makes ba-sic architectural distinctions between humans and comput-ers,clients and servers.As is often the case,these distinc-tions only complicate matters.As we will see,erasing these distinctions and considering the basic problem of commu-nicating agents,both human and computational,elminates a number of“impedance mismatch”problems.

Examples of this mismatch abound in the Web and result from basic design decisions in the original architecture,such as modeling Web access as a random walk among random blobs of URL-laden text.We start with the Web’s most fun-damental product,HTML[1].

HTML has two basic functions:

1.Describe a screen layout for human observation.

2.Embed hyperlinks for eventual selection by a human. The emphasis is on human,because HTML is a human only language;there is little a computer can do with it other than draw it on a screen.

An HTML page,such as a patient record,a purchase or-der,a calendar,etc.,contains a great deal of domain infor-mation.This is conveyed to a human in large part through the placement of information on the screen,creating a vi-sual syntax for the information not easily understood by a program.A text has many formatting tags whose sum has meaning to the knowledgeable human observer,but nothing in the tags conveys that meaning to an observing computa-tional agent.It would need tremendous expertise in under-standing Web pages,as well as signi?cant domain knowl-edge,to derive this meaning,which is encoded differently by different Web servers.

Because of this opacity of HTML,human and computa-tional agents cannot really use it to communicate.Sighted and blind humans(or humans momentarily lacking a bit-mapped display)cannot communicate with it;HTML con-tains no information on how to extract information for an Audio Response Unit.

For the same reasons,Java[5]and HTML do not coex-ist very well.Although an applet can generate HTML,and Java code can be written to verify the content of forms,etc., applets do not use HTML as a communication language.

Two more related problems are:

1.The asymmetry of browsers and servers;almost all

processing is performed at,or controlled by,the


2.The strictly hierarchical two-level structure,where all

“Web”communication(i.e.,using WWW protocols)

is between browser and server.

Because the Web was designed to deliver pictures to hu-mans,the browser is a sophisticated terminal,but nothing more.An observing human examines the information and can either select an URL from the document,or enter an-other URL of her choosing.If she wishes to anything more with the information,such as process it with tools from her local environment,she must leave the Web to do this.There is no easy way to transfer information from the Web to an-other application,although screen scraping(writing an ap-plication which grabs text strings from particular locations in a display and transfers them to another application)is a possibility.However,screen scraping can only work if all the screens containing interesting information have the same physical layout,unlikely if more than one server is involved.

The strict,two-level structure means servers do not com-municate with other servers or browsers with other browsers without somehow“escaping”the Web,just as the user must do in the previous case.Particular servers may have ex-tracurricular means of communication not available to the browser constrained user.In an intranet,a TCP/IP network within a single large organization,these other communica-tions channels can be developed,but the resulting system be-comes less the Web than a proprietary solution.

Because server to server communication is outside the Web,an ordinary browser cannot pass information,or re-quest it be passed,among two servers.For example,some-one receiving an offer from a particular server cannot pass that information to some other server for analysis.

These limitations result in an architecture excellent for displaying isolated gobs of text and graphics,but severely constraining the development of more sophisticated behav-ior.

3The little languages approach

All the agents in a collaboration need to communicate with each other,whether human or computational.Both use languages,but of different kinds.However,neither hu-man languages nor programming languages are ideal for the task at hand.Both are far too general purpose for support-ing particular collaborations and require large-scale devel-opment.In fact,we consider any attempt to develop a single

all-purpose collaboration language to be doomed to failure; the variety of activities is simply too large.

Instead we propose populating the Web with many small, domain(but not application)speci?c languages conforming to a small number of meta-grammars.There are a number of reasons for this:

1.Targeting a domain,rather than an application,re-

spects the independence of the different parties;a

purchase order may have a single abstract meaning,

but it has different operational meanings to the pur-

chaser,the seller,and the?nancial institution lending

the money for the purchase.

2.Among these operational meanings can be visual pre-

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5015193400.html,putational agents will apply other

meanings.This is especially true if the language is

primarily declarative,rather than procedural.

3.The smaller the language,and the better it maps to

the domain,the easier it will be to develop software

to manipulate it.Different participants will do more

or less processing with the same information;for ex-

ample,a consumer with a purchase order may simply

verify that the?elds sum correctly,while a large orga-

nization will verify discounts,check if the supplier is

on the preferred list,etc.The amount of work should

be proportional to the amount of processing required.

We call this the principle of scalable intelligence.

4.Restricting the set of metagrammar systems for gener-

ating languages will enable the development of stan-

dardized tools.Because the syntax of a domain spe-

ci?c language will map to the semantics of the do-

main,syntactic manipulations also change the seman-

tics of a https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5015193400.html,ers can exploit this with tools

to develop simple applications.This,again,supports

scalable intelligence.

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5015193400.html,nguage de?nitions can be publicly accessible over

the network.Faced with a new language,agents will

be at least able to understand its structure.Working

with humans or other computational agents they may

then gather enough information to at least display the


6.Given the public nature of these languages,anyone

can write software to manipulate statements in partic-

ular language.This creates the possibility of a market

in domain speci?c software for collaboration.Agents

can access this market for services when faced with

new domains.

7.By extending the Web to include all these languages,

the Web will cover the entirety of agent communica-

tion.Collaboration will no longer require“leaving”

the Web.

This list of reasons also represents a list of requirements for any system to ful?ll.There are only two such metagram-mar systems currently available promising a portion of the functionality we need.We expect they will both be part of the eventual solution.They are SGML and the Object Man-agement Group’s Interface De?nition Language(IDL)[7]. Both of these can be seen as systems for creating agent com-munication languages.Because our interest is in coopera-tion among all agents,our work has concentrated on SGML.

As SGML is not widely known,we will give a brief de-scription before giving an extended example of the“little languages”approach.


The Standard Generalized Markup Language(SGML)[4] is a metagrammar system developed from the late1960’s and standardized by the International Standards Organiza-tion in1986for specifying information markup languages.

Markup refers to character strings(or tags)inserted in a text to distinguishspeci?c portionsof that text.In traditional markup languages certain tags designate that some portion of text(such as a title)is to be centered on the line and others that some text should be underlined,or highlighted,etc.

SGML languages can be used to de?ne this kind of markup,called presentation markup.HTML is an exam-ple of such a language.SGML ideology,however,militates again this kind of markup.The originators of SGML real-ized information,even in the same document,might be put to more than one use,depending on context.For example,a memo has From:,To:,and CC:lists.On the printed memo, they are formatted in a particular fashion.However,the emailer also needs this information.Presentation markup gives no assistance to the mailer to locate and parse these lists.

Because SGML allows the creation of application spe-ci?c markup languages,a different approach,called logi-cal markup,can be taken.Tags are chosen to designate what something is,rather than how it should look.A memo markup language would include tags for identifying people, plus tags indicating various lists of people,including the To: list,the CC:list,and the From:list.A print or display rou-tine,seeing the appropriate tags,would format them for pre-sentation.A mailer,given the same document,would search for the To:and CC:lists,?nd the recipients,and mail them the complete document.Each recipient might in turn have other routines to handle incoming mail.

There are?ve important constituents to an SGML appli-cation.They are:

1.The Document Type De?nition(DTD)speci?es the

grammar for the markup language.Because our ex-

ample will be in the health care domain,?gure1pro-

vides an abbreviated DTD for a patient record.Each











Figure 1:DTD for Patient Records



1234bumpkin stfreemontwv26500

Figure 2:Example patient


Figure 3:Display of patient record

Element corresponds to a grammar rule.An ele-ment name corresponds to a tag,and the right hand side correspond to the tags that it contains.Certain tags can be inferred by the parser.

2.The document is a string conforming to the DTD’s language.Figure 2shows an abbreviated patient record document.

3.The SGML declaration precedes the document and states various resource requirements of the document.

4.The parser takes a document/DTD pair and parses the ?rst according to the latter.

5.The application processes the parsed document apply-ing some operational semantics.Although there may be several applications,an obvious one is display,and 3shows a display of some patient information.SGML’s split between the DTD,the document,and the application,is very congenial to collaboration on the Web.Suppose an agent receives a document.The agent may re-spond in different ways,depending on its level of knowl-edge:

If the agent already knows how to handle documents of this type,it simply parses and processes it.If the agent has seen such documents,but doesn’t have speci?c information on how to handle it,it might dis-play it to a human using some prede?ned,DTD spe-ci?c,display semantics.

If the agent has never seen such a document,it can retrieve the grammar through the Web.If the parsed document remains a mystery,the agent can use the Web to locate display semantics.Once a human sees the document,she can direct the agent on how to dis-play or handle such documents in the future.She can also choose to purchase the appropriate software over the Web.

The combination of SGML and mobile code supports a scal-able set of responses to incoming information.

SGML is also a logical path of evolution for the Web be-cause HTML is,itself,an SGML application.An SGML-based Web would include the current Web as a special case.It would also merge the Web with other standards efforts based on or using SGML,such as the Text Encoding Initia-tive (TEI)[2]or the U.S.Department of Defense’s Computer Acquisition and Life-cycle Support (CALS)effort[10].

5An example

Our scenario is based on the ARTEMIS rural health care project[9].The ARTEMIS architecture includes hospitals,

Figure4:Form for retrieving patient record clinics,and physicians in West Virginia,each with different information systems.With ARTEMIS,CERC has been ap-plying object oriented and Web technologies to health care. We will consider the paradigmatic event of an impromptu visit by a patient to a clinic.The participants are a reception-ist in charge of scheduling arriving patients with doctors,a doctor who needs to see the patient,one or more hospitals containing patient records.Our goal is to demonstrate how the use of shared languages support the development of scal-able intelligence in this environment.

When a patient enters the clinic,the receptionist must lo-cate the patient’s record,which may be scattered over sev-eral sites.In the current Web,each site displays a different form to enter the request and a different page for results.Ei-ther the nurse must repeatedly enter the same information,or an intermediate server must be developed to hide the others and present a uni?ed interface.In either case,no scalable in-telligence;the new intermediate server needs to understand all the others.Scheduling the patient to see the doctor re-quires accessing a local server for the clinic,and,in the ab-sence of an intermediary server,the doctor must in turn grab all the patient information from distributed sources.Each doctor’s display can be individually parameterized by vary-ing the display semantics for patient records.

We propose one or more common languages for agent interactions shared among the participants.The reception-ist clicks on a Retrieve Record button,and a form ap-pears(?gure4).The form is a GUI representation of a skele-tal patient record.A local agent generates the GUI based on the skeleton and the display semantics of the informa-tion.These semantics can come from any trusted source on the network;as with the current Web,the nurse display the screen on any Web device.

If the patient is already in a database,then only enough information is needed to uniquely identify the patient and retrieve other portions of the record.A partially completed skeleton can be sent to each hospital and matched against the local database;if there is a match then the?lled in skeleton is displayed.Although several records may return,the re-sponses can be dissected and a combined record displayed.

Once the record is retrieved,the patient must be sched-uled.Another agent can examine recent visits from the dis-played record,determine who is best and communicate with a local scheduling agent.This might be another little lan-guage,but the agent can communicate with scheduling soft-ware within the clinic or at another location in essentially the same fashion.The results are displayed to the receptionist.


The obvious contrast is between this approach and either an EDI approach,such as HL7,or a pure knowledge based approach,such as KIF/KQML.There is no necessary in-compatibility between the proposed approach and these two others.KIF is a reasonable way to extend the client until it becomes a truly intelligent agent.

EDI standards[3],such as HL7,are alternative means to SGML for specifying messages to be sent between agents. They concentrate heavily on the speci?c linear layout of each communication,but they also describe,in depth,the meaning of each communication in the context of an ex-change.EDI messages,however,make little sense as an in-ternal format for agents to use for manipulating the informa-tion in a message.From our perspective,a DTD covering a particular domain should at least cover the same amount of information as an EDI convention.By standardizing on a system such as SGML,standard tools can be used to develop and manipulate information across the whole spectrum of applications.

Converting to and from the EDI format represents an-other semantic mapping of the information for sending to re-mote agents who insist on that format.Within a particular site,or among agents who accept the DTD,communication can remain in SGML.EDI standards,based on the genera-tion of?xed-format strings,do not look likely to show the same degree of scalable intelligence as SGML.

The other major alternative approach is KIF/KQML. KIF[8],or Knowledge Interchange Format,is a means for specifying ontologies.An ontology is a complete descrip-tion,in?rst-order predicate calculus,of a particular domain. KQML[6],the Knowledge Query and Manipulation Lan-guage,is a wrapper language for communicating among in-telligent agents.KQML designates characteristics of the communication,such as what kind of action it represents, but does not specify the language of the message contents, which can be SGML.

At the risk of inventing new terminology,we can con-sider an ontology as representing the abstract domain se-mantics of a document,and the treatment of a document by any particular agent represents the concrete operational se-

mantics of the document at a particular time and place.In an ideal world,a domain ontology will be completely worked out before agents start to communicate.In the real world this is probably not likely.With little languages,applica-tions can be developed before a full ontology is developed, with more sophisticated applications being based on the on-tology when it becomes available.

The other metagrammar speci?cally mentioned above was IDL.IDL is a language independent system for de?n-ing class interfaces in the Object Oriented paradigm.Given an Object Request Broker(ORB)and a network,objects in one location on a network can invoke methods on other ob-jects in the network in a location independent fashion.The target of the invocation may be in the next bytes of memory in the same machine or across the planet;the ORB will lo-cate the object and invoke the appropriate method.As such, IDL is basically a communication language among objects and is less useful for human agents,although a knowledge-able human could use IDL de?nitions to link local objects with remote ones on an ad hoc basis.


We have shown how the current information architecture of the WWW is insuf?cient to support collaboration among dispersed human and computation agents.Our proposal to expand this architecture to allow the creation of numerous little languages to address the different aspects of collabo-ration in a way that can be understood by both human and other agents provides a path to a solution.Nevertheless,we have still left open the question of how these languages will be developed and standardized.

As it is impossible to create a single language to address all the complexities of collaboration,it is impossible to fore-see the all problems they will address.The standardization process must be left to the open market where solutions will compete with one another if they are large enough,or just stand on their own,if the number of parties is small enough to agree on a single solution.

No solutions are possible to any collaboration problem if the technology is not available to implement them.Our ap-proach creates a means for participants on the Web,through collaboration,to develop the solutions which best?t their needs.


[1]Tim Berners-Lee and Daniel Connolly.Hypertext

Markup Language:A representation of textual infor-mation and metainformation for retrieval and inter-change.Technical report.

[2]Lou Burnard.An introduction to the text encoding ini-

tiative.Technical Report TEI EDW26,Text Encoding Initiative,1992.

[3]Edward Cannon.EDI Guide:a step by step approach.

V an Nostrand Reinhold,1993.

[4]Charles Goldfarb.The SGML Handbook.Oxford Uni-

versity Press,1990.

[5]James Gosling and Henry McGilton.The java lan-

guage environment:a white paper.Technical report, Sun Microsystems,Inc.,1995.

[6]KQML Advisory Group.An overview of kqml:A

knowledge query and manipulation language.Tech-nical report,University of Maryland,1992.

[7]Object Management Group.The common object re-

quest broker:Architecture and speci?cation.Techni-cal report,1994.

[8]Thomas Gruber.A translation approach to portable on-

tology speci?cations.Technical Report KSL92-71, Knowledge Systems Laboratory,1993.

[9]V.Jagannathan et al.An overview of the cerc

artemis project.Technical Report CERC-TR-RN-95-002,Concurrent Engineering Research Center,WVU, 1995.

[10]Of?ce of the Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and

Technology.Cals master plan.Technical report,US Department of Defense.


古诗寒食寄京师诸弟翻译赏析 《寒食寄京师诸弟》作者为宋朝文学家韦应物。其古诗全文如下:雨中禁火空斋冷,江上流莺独坐听。把酒看花想诸弟,杜陵寒食草青青。【前言】《寒食寄京师诸弟》是唐代诗人韦应物创作的一首七言绝句。这首诗从环境写起,言“雨中”、“禁火”、“空斋”,极力渲染孤寂凄冷的氛围,思乡念亲之情已寓其中。接下来写“听莺”、“把酒”、“看花”等活动,虽是赏心乐事,但思乡念亲之情始终无法排遣,以乐景写哀情。末句写家乡杜陵芳草萋萋,以景结情,含蓄隽永。【注释】⑴寒食:节令名,在清明前一天(一说前两天)。相传起于晋文公悼念介子推,以介子推抱木焚死,就定于这天禁火寒食。⑵空斋:空荡的书斋。⑶流莺:鸣声婉转的黄莺。⑷把酒:手执酒杯,谓饮酒。⑸杜陵:位于西安南郊杜陵塬上,内有帝陵、王皇后陵及其他陪葬陵墓。【翻译】雨中的寒食节更显得寒冷,我独自坐听江上黄莺的鸣叫。端着酒杯赏花时又想起了杜陵家几个弟弟,寒食时,杜陵这一带已是野草青青了。【鉴赏】韦应物诗集中收录寄诸弟诗近二十首,可以看出他是一个手足情深的诗人。而正由于出自性情,发自胸臆,所以这首诗虽只是即景拈来,就事写出,却令人感到蕴含深厚,情意悠长。就章法而言,这首诗看似平铺直叙,顺笔写来,而针线极其绵密。诗的首句从近处着笔,实写客中寒食的景色;末句从远方落想,遥念故园寒食的景色。这一起一收,首尾呼应,紧扣诗题。中间两句,一句暗示独坐异乡,一句



五年级下册Unit5BLetstalk教案Lesson plan of unit5bletstall

五年级下册Unit5BLetstalk教案 前言:小泰温馨提醒,英语作为在许多国际组织或者会议上都是必需语言,几乎所有学校 选择英语作为其主要或唯一的外语必修课。英语教学涉及多种专业理论知识,包括语言学、第二语言习得、词汇学、句法学、文体学、语料库理论、认知心理学等内容。本教案根据 英语课程标准的要求和针对教学对象是小学生群体的特点,将教学诸要素有序安排,确定 合适的教学方案的设想和计划、并以启迪发展学生智力为根本目的。便于学习和使用,本 文下载后内容可随意修改调整及打印。 教学内容:blet’s try let’s talk pair work c.good to know 教学目标: 1.能学习询问她/他/它/们在做什么及回答what are they doing?they are… 2.能够在实际情景中正确运用所学对话 3.能够运用what do you see?what are they doing?向他人获取信息进行交流 4.了解澳大利亚袋鼠和考拉的知识 教学重点:句型what are they doing?they are…的正确认识和使用 教学难点:在实际情景中正确的运用所学句型和对话 教学准备:录音机磁带课件 step1preparation 1.let’s chant

the tiger is walking. walking, walking. the kangaroo is jumping, jumping, jumping. the pandas are climbing, climbing, climbing. the lions are fighting, fighting, fighting. the monkeys are swinging, swinging, swinging (设计该环节的意图是复习动词现在进行时,同时为free talk做准备) 2.free talk. what is the tiger doing? what is the kangaroo doing? what are the pandas doing? what are the lions doing? what are the monkeys doing? (让学生根据上面的let’s chant 回答问题,让学生进一 步复习巩固what is \are the…doing?句型) 同时板书they are…(为下面学习学习新课做好准备) t: can you see the bears? ss: no, i can’t. t: let’s go to zoo to see the bears. ok? 1.呈现图片1:look at the picture.what do you see? (呈现出原文中的这一句子) ss: i see… 2.呈现图片2:t: can you see the elephants?


小学必备80首古诗知识要点及相关达标测试 古诗原文:《寒食》____韩翃 春城无处不飞花,寒食东风御柳斜。日暮汉宫传蜡烛,轻烟散入五侯家。 《寒食》是唐代诗人韩翃创作的一首七言绝句。 此诗前两句写的是白昼风光,描写了整个长安柳絮飞舞,落红无数的迷人春景和皇宫园林中的风光;后两句则是写夜晚景象,生动地画出了一幅夜晚走马传烛图,使人如见蜡烛之光,如闻轻烟之味。全诗用白描手法写实,刻画皇室的气派,充溢着对皇都春色的陶醉和对盛世承平的歌咏。从当时皇帝到一般朝士,都偏爱该诗,历来评价也很高。 注释: ①春城:暮春时的长安城。 ②寒食:古代在清明节前两天的节日,焚火三天,只吃冷食,所以称寒食。御柳:御苑之柳,皇城中的柳树。 ③汉宫:这里指唐朝皇官。传蜡烛:寒食节普天下禁火,但权贵宠臣可得到皇帝恩赐而得到燃烛。《唐辇下岁时记》“清明日取榆柳之火以赐近臣”。 ④五侯:汉成帝时封王皇后的五个兄弟王谭、王商、王立、王根、王逢时皆为候,受到特别的恩宠。这里泛指天子近幸之臣。 作者简介: 韩翃(生卒年不详),唐代诗人。字君平,南阳(今河南南韩翃阳市)人。天宝十三载(754年)进士及第。宝应年间在淄青节度使侯希逸幕府中任从事,后随侯希逸回朝,闲居长安十年。大历(766—779)后期,先后入汴宋、宣武节度使幕府为从事。建中(780—783)初,德宗赏识其“春城无处不飞花”一诗,任驾部郎中,知制诰,官终中书舍人。为“大历十才子”之一。其诗多送行赠别之作,善写离人旅途景色,发调警拔,节奏琅然,但乏情思,亦无深致。笔法轻巧,写景别致,在当时传诵很广泛。明人有《韩君平集》。《全唐诗》仅存诗三卷。 译文: 暮春时节,长安城处处柳絮飞舞、落红无数,寒食节东风吹拂着皇家花园的柳枝。夜色降临,宫里忙着传蜡烛,袅袅炊烟散入王侯贵戚的家里。 创作背景: 寒食是中国古代一个传统节日,一般在冬至后一百零五天,清明前两天。古人很重视这个节日,按风俗家家禁火,只吃现成食物,故名寒食。唐代制度,到清明这天,皇帝宣旨取榆柳之火赏赐近臣,以示皇恩。这仪式用意有二:一是标志着寒食节已结束,可以用火了;二是藉此给臣子官吏们提个醒,让大家向有功也不受禄的介子推学习,勤政为民。唐代诗人窦叔向有《寒食日恩赐火》诗纪其实:“恩光及小臣,华烛忽惊春。电影随中使,星辉拂路人。幸因榆柳暖,一照草茅贫。”正可与韩翃这一首诗参照。 中唐以后,几任昏君都宠幸宦官,以致他们的权势很大,败坏朝政,排斥朝官,正直人士对此都极为愤慨。有意见认为此诗正是因此而发 达标测试: 1、默写古诗: 寒食 作者:_____


PEP六年级英语下册第一单元ALetsTalk教案 Lesson Two PartA: let’s try and let’s talk 一、教学目标与要求 1、能听懂、会说“How tall are you ?I’m 1.65metres. This dinosaur isn’t tall. I’m taller than one.并能在情景中运用。 2、会回答:Who is taller than you? Who is older than you ? 二、教学重点与难点 1、本课时的教学重点是;能听懂、会说“ How tall are you ?I’m 1.65metres. This dinosaur isn’t tall. I’m taller than one”.并能在情景中运用。 2.读音cm=centimeter 厘米M = metre=meter 米 kg=kilogram公斤千克T = ton 吨 三、课前准备 教学光盘和相关的PPT课件 四、教学过程[教学光盘展示] 1、 Warm-up (1)学生听并跟说Let’s chant. (2)指名读 taller stronger older younger shorter新学五个单词。 2、PartA: let’s try 3、 Presentation and practice Let’s talk [1]How tall are you ? I’m ----cm tall.引导学生回答。 [2]同样问;How heavy are you?…再请学生问。PPT展示“cm=centimeter 厘米M = metre=meter 米 kg=kilogram公斤千克T = ton 吨”教师带读多次到学生会读。[3]学生之间对话.巩固所学句子。 [4]先观察Let’s talk 理解大意.找出不理解的地方.老师帮助解决。PPT课件展示。 重点句子;How tall are you ?I’m 1.65metres. This dinosaur isn’t tall. I’m taller than one

初中语文 古诗文赏析 孟云卿《寒食》赏析(通用)

孟云卿《寒食》赏析 寒食 作者:盂云卿 二月江南花满枝,他乡寒食远堪悲。 贫居往往无烟火,不独明朝为子推。 重点字词解释: ①子推,重耳(献公子)徽臣。周晋(今山西介休)人。一作介之推(介推),亦称介子。另有姓王名光之说。生年不详,卒于晋文公元年(前636年)。县志云,文公返国,介子推“不言禄”,隐于绵山。晋文公求之不得,放火焚山,盂云卿抱树而死。晋文公于是下令每年的这一天,禁止生火,家家户户只能吃生冷的食物,这就是寒食节的来源。 鉴赏: 寒食节在冬至后一百零五天,当春二月。由于江南气候温暖,二月已花满枝头。诗的首句描写物候,兼点时令。一个“满”字,传达出江南之春给人的繁花竞丽的感觉。这样触景起情,颇觉自然。与这种良辰美景相配的本该是赏心乐事,第二句却出入意外地写出了“堪悲”。作者乃关西人,远游江南,独在他乡,身为异客,寒食佳节,倍思亲人,不由悲从中来。加之,这里的“寒食”二字,除了指节令之外,还暗含少食、无食之意,一语双关,因此“他乡寒食”也就更其可悲了。诗中常见的是以哀景写哀情,即陪衬的艺术手法。而此诗在写“他乡寒食远堪悲”前却描绘

出“二月扛南花满枝”的美丽景色,在悲苦的境遇中面对繁花似锦的春色,便与常情不同,正是“花近高楼伤客心”,乐景只能倍增其哀。恰当运用反村的艺术手法,表情也就越有力量。 《寒食》下联承上句“寒食”而写到断火。作者(盂云卿)发人所未发,由“堪悲”二字,引发出贫居寒食与众不同的感受来。寒食“无烟火”是为纪念子推相沿而成的风俗,而贫居“无烟火”却是为生活所迫的结果。对于富人来说,一朝“断炊”,意味着佳节的快乐;而对于贫家来说,“往往”断炊,包含着多少难堪的辛酸!作者巧妙地把二者联系起来,以“不独”二字轻轻一点,就揭示出当时的社会本质,寄寓着深切的不平。其艺术构思是别致的。将貌似相同而实具本质差异的事物对比写出,这也是一种反衬手法。 这首《寒食》借咏“寒食”写寒士的辛酸,却并不在“贫”字上大作文章。虽写一种悲痛的现实,语气却幽默诙谐。其三、四两句似乎是作者自嘲:世人都在为明朝寒食准备熄火,以纪念先贤;可象我这样清贫的寒士,天天过着“寒食”生涯,反倒不必格外费心呢。这种幽默诙谐,是一种苦笑,似轻描淡写,却涉笔成趣,传达出一种攫住人心的悲哀。这说明诗忌刻露过火,贵含蓄耐眯。而《寒食》也正由于命意新颖,构思巧妙,特别是恰当运用反衬手法,亦谐亦庄,耐人咀嚼,才使它成为难以数计的寒食诗中不可多得的佳作。


U1 A When do you get up? Zhang:At 6:00.What about you? Amy usually get up at 6:30.When do you eat breakfast? Zhang: At 6:20 Amy:When do you go to school? Zhang: At 7:00.And you? Amy: At 7:00 too. U1 B Chen:what do you do on weekend? John:I often play football.Sometimes I go hiking.What about you? Chen:Usually.I clear my room.I often go hiking too. John:Let’s go hiking together next Sunday. U2 A Zhang:Which season do you like best? Mike:Fall.it’s always sunny and cold.Which season do you like best? Zhang:Winter.I can play with snow. Mike:I don't likewinter.It's too cold~ U2 B Chen: What's your favourite season , Sarah?你喜欢什么季节?,莎拉?Sarah:spring Chen:Why do you like spring? 你为什么喜欢春天吗? Sarah:Because l can plant trees. Which season do you like best? 因为我可以种树,喜欢哪个季节 Chen:winter 冬天 Sarah:why do you like winter? 你为什么喜欢冬天? Chen:Because l can skate因为我可以滑冰 U3 A Mike:When is your birthday? Amy:My birthday is in February.Is your birthday in Feburary,too? Mike:No,my birthday is in December.What about you,Zhang Peng? Zhang:My birthday is in October.


寒食原文|翻译及赏析 创作背 孟云卿早年曾科场失意,流落于荆州一带,过着贫苦落魄的生活。无亲朋好友可投而又为失败之情所困扰,这样的生活对任何人来说大概都是对身心的双重折磨。久而久之,挣扎于重压之下的人或许会变得更加敏感和脆弱。《寒食》一即就在这样的飘泊流寓生活中的一个寒食节前夕。 原文鉴赏 寒食节在当春二月。由于江南气候温暖,二月已满枝头。诗的首句描写物候,兼点时令。一个满字,传达出江南之春给人的繁花竞丽的感觉。这样触景起情,颇觉自然。与这种良辰美景相配的本该是赏心乐事,第二句却出人意外地写出了堪悲。作者乃关西人,远游江南,独在他乡,身为异客;寒食佳节,倍思亲人,不由悲从中来。加之,这里的寒食二字,除了指节令之外,还暗含少食、无食之意,一语双关,因此他乡寒食也就更其可悲了。 诗中常见的是以乐景衬哀景,即反衬的艺术手法。而此诗在写他乡寒食远堪悲前却描绘出二月江南花满枝的美丽景色,在悲苦

的境遇中面对繁花似锦的春色,便与常情不同,正是花近高楼伤客心,乐景只能倍增其哀。恰当运用反衬的艺术手法,表情也就越有力量。 下联承上句寒食而写到断火。寒食禁火的习俗,相传为的是纪念春秋时贤者介子推。在这个节日里,人们多外出游春,吃现成食物。野外无烟,空气分外清新,景物尤为鲜丽可爱。这种特殊的节日物与气氛会给人以新鲜愉快的感受,而对于古代贤者的追思还会更使墨客逸兴遄飞,形于歌咏。历来咏寒食诗就很不少,而此诗作者却发人所未发,由堪悲二字,引发出贫居寒食与众不同的感受来。寒食无烟火是为纪念子推相沿而成的风俗,而贫居无烟火却是为生活所迫的结果。对于富人来说,一朝断炊,意味着佳节的快乐;而对于贫家来说,往往断炊,包含着难堪的辛酸。作者巧妙地把二者联系起来,以不独二字轻轻一点,就揭示出当时的社会本质,寄寓着深切的不平。其艺术构思是别致的。将貌似相同而实具本质差异的事物对比写出,这也是一种反衬手法。 此诗借咏《寒食》写寒士的辛酸,却并不在贫字上大作


五年级下册《Unit 2 My favourite season》 B Let’s talk教学设计 滦县第三实验小学史翠香 教学内容:PEP小学英语五年级下册《Unit2My favourite season B Let’s talk》教学目标: 知识与技能:1、能听懂、会说句型:What’s your favourite season? Spring .Why do you like spring? Because I can plant trees. 并能在情景中运 用。 2、能听懂Let’s try部分录音,完成听音选择正确图片的任务。过程与方法:1、通过创设情景来学习和操练新句型。 2、采用同桌合作、小组合作等方式增大学生的参与度和练习量。 3、设计形式多样的练习活动,拓展所学语言,引导在真实情景中 运用所学语言。 情感态度与价值观: 1、培养学生热爱季节、热爱生命,热爱大自然的美好情感,教育 学生多植树,增强学生的环保意识。 2、培养学生的合作意识,让学生体验合作的愉快,培养学生的创 造力和想象力。 教学重点:本课时需要重点掌握询问对方喜欢某个季节的原因及其应答的Why do you like..? Because I can… 教学难点:难点是because的理解与读音。灵活运用句型Why do you like..? Because I can… 教学准备:课件、单词卡片、点读机 教学过程: 一、Warm-up and review 1、Greeting. T:Good morning, boys and girls! S: Good morning, Miss Shi!


教学设计 Unit?4?At?the?farm? A Let’s talk 滩沟小学孟晓颖 1.整体设计思路、指导依据说明 本单元的话题紧紧围绕“farm”这个主题展开的。本节课为第二课时对话教学.第 一课时已经学习了农场上的四种动物及其复数形式,所以这一课要学习复数形式的相 关句型,在此基础上再进行问答的练习。最后能组词成句,组句成段,串联起来,相 互交流、表演。这也是本课的最终所要达到的效果。关于水果的词汇,学生在三年级 下册第五单元的教学中也已经初步接触到。从句型功能上看,本单元是对三年级上册What?is?this??和It’s?a?dog.的拓展。 新课程强调从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和认识水平出发,倡导体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式和任务型的教学途径达到发展学生对语言的综合运用能力。在整个教学中,我注意师生的互动,从唱?-对话-游戏等活动完成了本课的教学任务。? 2.教学背景分析? 教学内容分析:本课的学习内容是在学生掌握了一些关于蔬菜、水果的问答和喜 好的语言后,综合所学习的知识进行相应的听力、对话、小组活动的一节课。本堂课 的目的在于通过文本内容的学习,让学生在真实的环境中运用所学知识询问某类复数 物品是什么并做肯否定回答,并对他人友善的给予表示感谢。从而真正做到英语的交 际性,英语的生活化。关注学生的学习过程,注重对学生进行激励性的评价,以此激 发和保持学生对学习英语的兴趣。 学生情况分析:四年级的学生活泼好动,纯真可爱,能够积极主动的发言,思想 比较单纯,善于提问。虽然他们有了一年英语学习的基础,也可以用简单的英语进行 交流,但是他们的理解能力相对较弱,注意力不易集中,不喜欢单调的重复和机械的 训练。若一味地要他们读单词、句子,学生的积极性很难被调动起来,教学效果势必 受到影响。因此,教师在课堂上,应从学生的心理和生理特点出发,充分利用小学生 模仿力强、求知欲强、记忆力好、表现欲和创造力强等特点,围绕教学中的难点、重点,设计生动活泼、有趣多样的学习活动,寓教于乐。要重视语音、语调和口语教学,注重模仿、朗读和熟记等实践练习,培养学生的语言习惯,为他们今后的学习打好基础。 3.教学目标分析 1.知识目标 (1)学生能够理解对话大意,能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话。 (2)能够用学过的单词来描述蔬菜的形状、颜色和特点。




Let’s talk about FAMILY Family: (1) relatives living together; (2) all your relatives (also: extended family) Fit into the family tree: 1 (you) 6 grandmother 2 aunt 7 mother 3 cousin 8 brother 4 father 9 sister 5 grandfather 10 uncle Me 1 How many people are there in your family (1)? Who are they? How many grandparents have you got? How often do you see them? Do you have any brothers or sisters? Talk about them. How do your parents earn a living? (= what are their jobs) Talk about it. Who’s the oldest in your family? Who’s the youngest? Talk about them. What does your family usually do on Sundays? Talk about it. How many cousins do you have? What do you do when you see them? Do you have any family living or working abroad? Talk about them. Do you have any great-grandparents? If so, how old are they? Pick a family member. Describe looks (= outside) and character (= inside). Who does the housework in your family? (e.g. cooking, cleaning, washing) Does your family eat meals together? What else do you do together? Talk about the relative you like most. Say why you like him or her. Are there any rules in your family? What are they? Do you think they are fair? Would you live with your parents after getting married? Why or why not? What do your parents look like? Do you take after them? (= look like them) Do you ever hold a family reunion? If so, what happens there? Is family important to you? Explain why. Match 1. family reunion a. son of your sister or brother 2. cousins b. daughter of your sister or brother 3. stepmother c. family that lived a very long time ago 4. in-laws d. children of your uncle and aunt 5. great-grandfather e. husband of your sister 6. niece f. daughter of your children 7. ancestors g. get-together of an extended family 8. brother-in-law h. father of your grandparents 9. nephew i. parents of your husband or wife 10. granddaughter j. your father’s new wife


六年级下册英语ALetstryLetstalk1 A Let’s try & Let’s talk 教学目标 1.能听、说、认读dinosaur, hall, metre, than, both等单词。 2.熟练掌握“It’s taller than both of us together. I’m taller than this one. How tall are you? I’m 1.65 metres.”等句子。 3.能听懂“Let’s try”版块的录音并选出正确的选项。 4.能调查同学的年龄、体重和身高,并就调查结果进行分析比较,做出汇报。 5.能启发学生关爱身边的人。 教学重点 学会询问身高及表达身高的句型: —How tall are you? —I’m 1.65 metres. 教学难点 1.能读准than等单词的发音。 2.能运用比较级的句型,并能根据某一情境运用形容词比较级进行问答。 教学准备 1.单词卡片 2.录音机及录音带或教学光盘 3.多媒体课件 4.卷心尺(或其他可测身高的仪器) 5.多张调查表 教学过程 Step 1:Warm-up 1.Oral practice. T: Good morning, boys and girls. How are you today?

Ss: We are fine. Thank you. And you? T:I’m fine, too. Thank you. 2.Free talk. —Who’s your art teacher? What’s he / she like? (PPT准备不同科目教师的照片) —He / She is thin and short. (复习形容词thin, short, tall, old, young, funny, strong, kind, active等。) Step 2: Presentation 1.教师提供听力背景:The students are in the museum.并引导学生看题,做出猜测。(Let’s try) 2.教师播放录音,学生独立完成练习。 3.师生共同核对答案并跟读。 4.教读本课时词汇和重点句型。(Let’s talk) 词汇:dinosaur, hall, metre, than, both。 句型:That’s the tallest dinosaur in this hall. It’s taller than both of us together. I’m taller than this one. —How tall are you? —I’m 1.65 metres. 5.课堂问答。 (1)教学句型:How tall are you? I’m … metres. ①教师指着身高测量仪或卷心尺,问一个比自己高的学生:I am 1.64 metres. How tall are you? ②教师板书:How tall are you?然后教读,接着学生齐问,教师回答并板书“I’m 1.64 metres.”。 ③指导学生书写句子,学生跟读几遍后做开火车问答练习。 (2)教学句型:I’m taller than this one. ①T:How tall are you?(教师问比自己高的学生)


韩翃《寒食》原文|译文|赏析 '《寒食》是唐代诗人韩翃创作的一首诗,整首诗充溢着对皇都春色的陶醉和对盛世承平的歌咏,从当时皇帝到一般朝士,都偏爱该诗,历来评价也很高。下面就和儿童网小编一起来欣赏这首唐诗吧。 唐代:韩翃 春城无处不飞花,寒食东风御柳斜。 日暮汉宫传蜡烛,轻烟散入五侯家。 译文 暮春时节,长安城处处柳絮飞舞、落红无数,寒食节东风吹拂着皇家花园的柳枝。 夜色降临,宫里忙着传蜡烛,袅袅炊烟散入王侯贵戚的家里。 注释 ①春城:暮春时的长安城。 ②寒食:古代在清明节前两天的节日,焚火三天,只吃冷食,所以称寒食。御柳:御苑之柳,皇城中的柳树。 ③汉宫:这里指唐朝皇官。传蜡烛:寒食节普天下禁火,但权贵宠臣可得到皇帝恩赐而得到燃烛。《唐辇下岁时记》“清明日取榆柳之火以赐近臣”。 ④五侯:汉成帝时封王皇后的五个兄弟王谭、王商、王立、王根、王逢时皆为候,受到特别的恩宠。这里泛指天子近幸之臣。

开头一句“春城无处不飞花”。“春城”指春天里的都城长安。“飞花”即花瓣纷纷飘落,点明暮春季节。“无处不”,用双重否定构成肯定,进而写出整个长安柳絮飞舞,落红无数的迷人春景。第二句“寒食东风御柳斜”是写皇宫园林中的风光。“御柳”是指御苑里的柳树。当时风俗寒食日折柳插门,清明这天皇帝还要降旨取榆柳之火赏赐近臣,以示恩宠。所以诗人在无限的春光中特地剪取随东风飘拂的“御柳”。 诗的前两句写的是白昼,后两句则是写夜晚:“日暮汉宫传蜡烛,轻烟散入五侯家。”“日暮”就是傍晚。“汉宫”是借古讽今,实指唐朝的皇宫。“五侯”一般指东汉时,同日封侯的五个宦官。这里借汉喻唐,暗指中唐以来受皇帝宠幸、专权跋扈的宦官。这两句是说寒食节这天家家都不能生火点灯,但皇宫却例外,天还没黑,宫里就忙着分送蜡烛,除了皇宫,贵近宠臣也可得到这份恩典。诗中用“传”与“散”生动地画出了一幅夜晚走马传烛图,使人如见蜡烛之光,如闻轻烟之味。寒食禁火,是我国沿袭已久的习俗,但权贵大臣们却可以破例地点蜡烛。诗人对这种腐败的政治现象做出委婉的讽刺。 这首诗善于选取典型的题材,引用贴切的典故对宦官得宠专权的腐败现象进行讽刺。虽然写得很含蓄,但有了历史典故的暗示,和中唐社会情况的印证,读者还是能了解诗的主题的。'


小学英语三年级下册My Family教学设计 Part A Let’s talk Let’s pratise 宣恩县椒园镇中心小学刘凤碧 一、教学目标 1、知识与技能目标 ①能听、说、认读主要单词father(dad) mother(mom)man、woman . ②能听懂、会说Who’s that woman/man? She/He’s my mother/father. 并能在情境中运用;能够介绍自己和询问他人的家庭成员。 2、情感目标 ①激发学生学习英语的兴趣 ②教育学生热爱自己的家,热爱自己的家人。 二、教学的重点、难点 1、重点:能熟练使用句型Who’s that woman/man? She/He’s my mother/father. 教学生学会如何询问他人家庭成员。 2、难点:如何正确使用人称代词he和she。 学生分析 三年级学生才接触英语,对英语学习很感兴趣,充满好奇。他们活泼,喜欢开展英语活动,爱好游戏。 教学内容分析 从学生的学习实践出发,注重学生的能力培养,让学生在具体的语言情境中学习Who’s that woman/man? She/He’s my mother/father.的句型,充分考虑到学生的年龄特征和认知规律。 三、教学媒体资源的选择与运用

英语卡片,英语磁带和光盘,多媒体等。 四、课前准备 1、教师准备主要人物的图片,教师、明星和家庭成员照片及教学课件。 2、学生准备家人和朋友的照片。 五、教学过程 Step1:热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision) ①Sing an English song : boys and girls . ②日常用语练习 A:Good morning . I’m…I’m from… Where are you from ? B:I’m from… A:Nice to meet you . Hi ! This is…(名字). My new friend . …… Step2:呈现新词(Presentation) ①出示教师演示文稿,教师扮演这个新朋友,问一位学生:What’s your name ? 引导这个女生回答:My name’s Linda . 教师及时对其他学生说:She’s Linda . 并示意学生跟着重复这句话。 ②教师指着离自己稍远的女生问:“Who’s that girl ?”引导学生回答:She’s… 3、同样的方法,教师指着离自己稍远的男生问:Who’s that boy ?引导学生回答:He’s… 4、让学生指着班里的同学做回答:Who’s that girl ? She’s…Who’s that boy ? He’s… 5、教师拿出学生们所熟悉的教师的照片询问学生:Who’s that man ? Who’s that woman ?由此引出man和woman并引导学生回答:He’s Mr Black . She’s Miss White . 6、教师可向学生出示几张同学们喜欢的几张明星的图片,让学生做Who’s that man ? Who’s that woman ?的回答练习。


小学语文古诗词大全—寒食 41.寒食 韩翃 春城无处不飞花,寒食东风御柳斜。 日暮汉宫传蜡烛,轻烟散入五侯家。 [注释] 1.寒食:节名,在清明前两日。古人每逢这节日,前后三天不生火,只吃冷食物,故称“寒食”。 2.御柳:御苑中的杨柳。 3.“日暮”两句:据说汉时寒食禁火,朝廷特赐侯家蜡烛。“传”,挨家传赐。“五侯”,一说指东汉外戚梁冀一族的五侯。另一说指东汉桓帝时宦官单超等同日封侯的五人。 4.斜:读(xi),与“花”“家”押韵。 [简析] 这首诗描写宫廷寒食节的情况。诗人以汉喻唐,揭露了封建统治阶级的特权及宦官得宠专权的腐败现象。 开头一句“春城无处不飞花”。“春城”指春天里的都城长安。“飞花”即花瓣纷纷飘落,点明暮春季节。“无处不”,用双重否定构成肯定,进而写出整个长安柳絮飞舞,落红无数的迷人春景。第二句“寒食东风御柳斜”是写皇宫园林中的风光。“御柳”是指御苑里的柳树。当时风俗寒食日折柳插门,清明这天皇帝还要降旨取榆柳之火赏赐近臣,以示恩宠。所以诗人在无限的春光中特地剪取随东风飘拂的“御柳”。

诗的前两句写的是白昼,后两句则是写夜晚:“日暮汉宫传蜡烛,轻 烟散入五侯家。”“日暮”就是傍晚。“汉宫”是借古讽今,实指唐 朝的皇宫。“五侯”一般指东汉时,同日封侯的五个宦官。这里借汉 喻唐,暗指中唐以来受皇帝宠幸、专权跋扈的宦官。这两句是说寒食 节这天家家都不能生火点灯,但皇宫却例外,天还没黑,宫里就忙着 分送蜡烛,除了皇宫,贵近宠臣也可得到这份恩典。诗中用“传”与“散”生动地画出了一幅夜晚走马传烛图,使人如见蜡烛之光,如闻 轻烟之味。读到这里我们就会联想到“只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯”这句俗语,从而更好地领会诗歌的主题。 这首诗善于选择典型的题材,引用贴切的典故对宦官得宠专权的腐败 现象实行讽刺。虽然写得很含蓄,但有了历史典故的暗示,和中唐社 会情况的印证,读者还是能了解诗的主题的。


小学英语letstalk教案 【篇一:小学英语《what time is it?a lets talk 1》教案】人教版pep小学英语四年级下册 unit 2 what time is it? 共四课时 一、教材分析: 本课的话题是“时间”,要求学生掌握整点时间的表达,并能在实际 情景灵活运用句型“what time is it? it’s … o’clock.”。12个数字是 三年级已经学过的知识,为本课的教学做了很好的铺垫。但学生初 次接触“时间”话题,且问句的发音比较难,在教学中要巧妙地突破 难点。另外,时间与学生的学习、生活息息相关,因此本课的教学 易激发学生兴趣,教师可引导、鼓励学生在生活运用新语言,使语 言回归生活,真正做到“学以致用”。 二、教学内容let’s learnlet’s talklet’s do let’s play 三、教学目标 1、认读a、b部分let’s learn let’s talk中的单词和句子。 2、能够询问时间并做出正确的回答。 3、能够听懂并发出一些指令。 四、教学重点 教学难点单词认读、拼写,句型的掌握和运用 教学准备本课时的五张单词卡、录音机、朗读磁带 五、具体教学步骤 第一课时教学设计 教学内容:part a let’s learn let’s do 一、教学目标: 1、知识目标: a.能够听懂、会说与学习生活相关的单词:breakfast, lunch, dinner, music class, pe class, english class. b.能够听懂会说日常交际用语,并能熟练回答: what time is it? it’s …o’clock. it’s time for… c.能够听懂并发出一些指令,如:time for breakfast.drink some milk. 2、能力目标: (1)能运用新知识并结合实际情境中运用句型it’s ____ o’clock. it’s time for _________.


寒食翻译及赏析 寒食 唐韩翃 春城无处不飞花,寒食东风御柳斜。 日暮汉宫传蜡烛,轻烟散入五侯家。 [作者简介] 韩翃(生卒年不详),字君平,唐代诗人。南阳(今河南南阳)人。一直在军队里做文书工作,擅长写送别题材的诗歌,与钱起等诗人齐名,时称“大历十才子”。后来皇帝选拔他担任起草诏令的中书舍人,当时有两个韩翃,大臣问选谁,皇帝说要写“春城无处不飞花”的那个韩翃,可见这首诗在当时是多么有名。 [注释] 春城:暮春时的长安城。 寒食:古代在清明节前两天的节日,焚火三天,只吃冷食,所以称寒食。 御柳:皇城中的柳树。 斜:为了押韵,此处可以按古音读作xi。 汉宫:这里指唐朝皇官。 传:赐给。 五侯:汉成帝时封王皇后的五个兄弟王谭、王商、王立、王极、王逢时五人为侯,受到特别的恩宠。这里泛指天子近

幸之臣。 [译文] 春天,长安城处处飘飞着落花; 寒食节,东风把御园柳枝斜。 黄昏时,宫中传出御赐的烛火, 轻烟散入了,新封的王侯之家。 [赏析] 寒食是我国古代一个传统节日,一般在冬至后一百零五天,清明前两天。古人很重视这个节日,按风俗家家禁火,只吃现成食物,故名寒食。由于节当暮春,景物宜人,自唐至宋,寒食便成为游玩的好日子,宋人就说过:“人间佳节唯寒食。”(邵雍)唐代制度,到清明这天,皇帝宣旨取榆柳之火赏赐近臣,以示皇恩。唐代诗人窦叔向有《寒食日恩赐火》诗纪其实:“恩光及小臣,华烛忽惊春。电影随中使,星辉拂路人。幸因榆柳暖,一照草茅贫。”正可与韩翃这一首诗参照。 此诗只注重寒食景象的描绘,并无一字涉及评议。第一句就展示出寒食节长安的迷人风光。把春日的长安称为“春城”,不但造语新颖,富于美感;而且两字有阴平阳平的`音调变化,谐和悦耳。处处“飞花”,不但写出春天的万紫千红、五彩缤纷,而且确切地表现出寒食的暮春景象。暮春时节,袅袅东风中柳絮飞舞,落红无数。不说“处处”而说“无处不”,以双重否定构成肯定,形成强调的语气,表达效果更强烈。


人教版小学英语四年级下册U n i t A L e t s t a l k 教学设计 TTA standardization office【TTA 5AB- TTAK 08- TTA 2C】

教学设计 Unit4Atthefarm A Let’s talk 滩沟小学孟晓颖 1.整体设计思路、指导依据说明 本单元的话题紧紧围绕“farm”这个主题展开的。本节课为第二课时对话教学.第一课时已经学习了农场上的四种动物及其复数形式,所以这一课要学习复数形式的相关句型,在此基础上再进行问答的练习。最后能组词成句,组句成段,串联起来,相互交流、表演。这也是本课的最终所要达到的效果。关于水果的词汇,学生在三年级下册第五单元的教学中也已经初步接触到。从句型功能上看,本单元是对三年级上册Whatisthis?和It’sadog.的拓展。 新课程强调从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和认识水平出发,倡导体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式和任务型的教学途径达到发展学生对语言的综合运用能力。在整个教学中,我注意师生的互动,从唱-对话-游戏等活动完成了本课的教学任务。 2.教学背景分析 教学内容分析:本课的学习内容是在学生掌握了一些关于蔬菜、水果的问答和喜好的语言后,综合所学习的知识进行相应的听力、对话、小组活动的一节课。本堂课的目的在于通过文本内容的学习,让学生在真实的环境中运用所学知识询问某类复数物品是什么并做肯否定回答,并对他人友善的给予表示感谢。从而真正做到英语的交际性,英语的生活化。关注学生的学习过程,注重对学生进行激励性的评价,以此激发和保持学生对学习英语的兴趣。 学生情况分析:四年级的学生活泼好动,纯真可爱,能够积极主动的发言,思想比较单纯,善于提问。虽然他们有了一年英语学习的基础,也可以用简单的英语进行交流,但是他们的理解能力相对较弱,注意力不易集中,不喜欢单调的重复和机械的训练。若一味地要他们读单词、句子,学生的积极性很难被调动起来,教学效果势必受到影响。因此,教师在课堂上,应从学生的心理和生理特点出发,充分利用小学生模仿力强、求知欲强、记忆力好、表现欲和创造力强等特点,围绕教学中的难点、重点,设计生动活泼、有趣多样的学习活动,寓教于乐。要重视语音、语调和口语教学,注重模仿、朗读和熟记等实践练习,培养学生的语言习惯,为他们今后的学习打好基础。 3.教学目标分析 1.知识目标

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