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原子能科学技术Vol .49,No .1 2015年1月Atomic Energy Science and Technology Jan .2015


李华琪,江新标,陈立新,杨 宁,胡 攀,马腾跃,张 良

(西北核技术研究所,陕西西安 710024)

摘要:为保证空间堆的传热安全,空间堆热管必须工作在各种传热极限以下,并能满足避免单点失效的安全要求。本文建立了空间堆热管黏性极限、声速极限、携带极限、沸腾极限和毛细极限5种传热极限计算方法,并改进了毛细极限计算模型。利用建立的方法计算了分段式热电偶转换的热管冷却空间堆电源系统堆芯锂热管、辐射散热器钾热管和碱金属热电转换的空间堆电源系统堆芯钠热管的传热极限。结果表明,空间堆用锂热管和钠热管的毛细极限分别为25畅21kW 和14畅69kW ,钾热管的声速极限为7畅88kW ,其传热设计冗余量分别大于19畅4%、23畅6%和43畅2%。空间堆堆芯热管在正常运行时限制其热量输出的传热极限为毛细极限,而限制散热器钾热管正常运行时热量输出的传热极限为声速极限。关键词:空间堆;热管;传热极限;毛细极限;单点失效

中图分类号:TL 331 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000‐6931(2015)01‐0089‐07


作者简介:李华琪(1989—),男,陕西耀州人,硕士研究生,从事核反应堆热工水力与安全分析研究doi :10.7538/y zk .2015.49.01.0089

Heat Transfer Capability Analysis of Heat Pipe for Space Reactor

LI Hua ‐q i ,JIANG Xin ‐biao ,CHEN Li ‐xin ,YANG Ning ,HU Pan ,M A Teng ‐y ue ,ZHANG Liang (Institute o f Northwest N uclear Technolo gy ,X i ’an 710024,China )

Abstract : To insure the safety of space reactor power system with no single point fail ‐ures ,the reactor heat pipes must work below its heat transfer limits ,thus w hen some p ipes fail ,the reactor could still be adequately cooled by neighbor heat pipes .Methods to analyze the reactor heat pipe ’s heat transfer limits were presented ,and that for the p revailing capillary limit analysis was improved .T he calculation was made on the lithi ‐um heat pipe in core of heat pipes segmented thermoelectric module converter (HP ‐ST M C )space reactor power system (SRPS ),p otassium heat pipe as radiator of HP ‐ST M C SRPS ,and sodium heat pipe in core of scalable AM T EC integrated reactor space p ower system (SAIRS ).It is show n that the prevailing capillary limits of the reactor lithium heat pipe and sodium heat pipe is 25畅21kW and 14畅69kW ,p roviding a design margin >19畅4%and >23畅6%,respectively .T he sonic limit of the reactor radiator p otassium heat pipe is 7畅88kW ,p roviding a design margin >43畅2%.As the result of calculation ,it is concluded that the main heat transfer limit of HP ‐ST MC SRPS lithium
