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Chem Eng. unit 17

Chem Eng. unit 17
Chem Eng. unit 17

Unit 17

Chemical reaction Engineering

Every industrial chemical process is designed to produce economically a desired product from different starting materials through a series of treatment steps.

Raw materials -→through physical treatment steps such as grinding, mixing, dissolving, heating, etc (called unit operations), then →pass through reactor for chemical treatment steps, then

→ undergo further physical treatment steps such as separation, purification, etc, then

→Final Product

Chemical treatment steps

?Chemical treatment step is the heart of the process; it makes or breaks the process economically.

?Chemical reaction engineering uses information, knowledge & experience from thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, heat & mass transfer, fluid mechanics & economics to design a proper chemical reactor.

?The design of chemical reactors is the one activity which is unique to chemical engineering.

Chemical reactors

?In chemical reactor design, two questions must be answered:

1-What change or changes we expect to happen?

This question concerns thermodynamics.

2- How fast will this happen?

It depends on the various factors, such as chemical kinetics, heat transfer, etc.

Important Chemical Reactions (CR)

?Thermodynamics– CR are accompanied by the liberation or absorption of heat. The magnitude of heat must be known for

proper reactor design.

?Chemical kinetics– searches for the factors that influence the rate of reaction & measures this rate.

?Homogeneous - this reaction forms one continuous phase: gaseous or liquid.

?Heterogeneou s – in this reaction, two or more phases exist: liquid-liquid, liquid-solid, liquid-solid-gas, gas-solid, gas-liquid.

Classification of Reactors into the following broad categories:?Stirred tank (agitated) Reactor, operated as batch reactors or continuously.

?Tubular Reactor, generally are used for gaseous reactions.

?Packed bed Reactor, are used for gas & gas-liquid reactions.

?Fluidized bed Reactor, transport large quantities of solids as part of the reaction process.

Batch & continuous processing

Batch process

–All the reagents added at start, the reaction is stopped & the product withdrawn.

–its suitable for small-scale production,

– it is flexible,

–Different products or different grades of same product can be produced.

–Example of the products: pigments, dyestuffs,

pharmaceuticals, polymers.

Continuous process

-The reactants are fed to the reactor and products withdrawn continuously.

-The reactor operates under steady-state conditions

(fully automated).

-Large scale production

-Lower production costs

-Lack of flexibility

-Example : ammonia

Continuous stirred tank reactor

简明英语语法 第二单元 句子成分

第二单元句子成分(Members of Sentences) 英语句子由词或词组构成。每一个词或词组在句中具有各自的功能。我们把词或词组在句中的功能称为“句子成分”。共有六种成分: (1)主语(2)谓语(3)宾语(4)表语(5)定语(6)状语 其含义简述如下: 1、主语(Subject): 主语是句子中需要加以说明和描述的对象,如: ●The plane has just taken off. 飞机刚起飞。 主语 ●Pride goes before a fall. 骄必败。 主语 ●May I ask you a question? 我可以问个问题吗? 主语 主语一般有名词或代词来充当。 2、谓语(Predicate): 谓语表示主语的动作,如: ●I played basketball yesterday afternoon. 昨天下午我打了篮球。 谓语 ●Everyone enjoy s the challenge of quizzes. 人人都喜欢猜谜语。 谓语 谓语一般由动词来充当。 3、宾语(object): 宾语是表示动作的对象或承受者,如: ●Peter bought a new dictionary. 彼德买了一本新词典。 宾语 ●I shall answer your question after class. 我课后再回答你的问题。 宾语 宾语通常由名词或代词来充当。 4、表语(Complement) 表语用来说明主语的身份、性质、状态和特征,如: ●He is a poet. 他是一位诗人。

表语 ●The soup is delicious. 这汤味道真好。 表语 ●My luggage is in the car. 我的行李在车里。 表语 表语一般有名词或形容词来充当。 5、定语(attributive) 定语用来修饰名词或代词,如: ●The family are fond of classical music. 这家人喜欢古典音乐。 定语 ● A happy person makes a better parent. 性格开朗的人更能成为一名好的家长。 定语 定语主要由形容词来充当。 6、状语(adverbial) 状语用来说明事件发生的地点、时间、条件、原因、结果、目的、让步、程度、比较和方式等。例如: (1)动词: ●He speaks French fluently. 她法语说得很流利。 状语 ●The match was put off because of rain. 比赛因天雨而推迟。 状语 (2)形容词:I’m very happy to see you all. 我很高兴见到大家。 状语 (3 ) 副词:The traffic is moving pretty slowly 交通很堵。 状语 (4)整个句子:Luckily, he wasn’t injured. 幸运得很,她没有受伤。 状语 状语主要由副词或短语来充当。 练习 2.1 指出下列句子中的划线部分做什么句子成分: 1.Experience is the best teacher. 2.I encourage you all work hard, help each other and build a better future. 3.Finally, I’d like to summarize the main points. 4.Was the bridge built last year? 5.Did you buy a gift for your father on Father’s Day ? 6. A company isn’t just a name and a building. 7.Probably, we’ll drop in on professor Jackson. 8.He called a moment ago.


简明英语语法表 词性 词性定义例句 名词指人,地点或事物 Noun This young driver turned her new car quickly into a busy street. Bang! She hit a huge 名词 yellow bus and came to a stop. 形容词描述名词所指得人或物 Adjective The young driver turned her new car quickly into a busy street. Bang! She hit a huge 形容词 yellow bus and came to a stop. 动词表示一种状态或一个动作 Verb The young driver turned her new car quickly into a busy street. Bang! She hit a huge 动词 yellow bus and came to a stop. 副词修饰动词,形容词和其他副词 Adverb The young driver turned her new car 副词 quickly into a busy street. Bang! She hit a huge yellow bus and came to a stop. 连词连接句子的两个部分 ConjunctThe young driver turned her new car ion 或短语 quickly into a busy street. Bang! She 连词 hit a huge yellow bus and came to a stop.


第十九章名词性从句 本章重点、难点:对名词性关系从句和名词性疑问从句的理解,名词性从句作宾语的 各种情况。 19.1 概述 名词性从句是指一个分句在句子中相当于名词充当主语、宾语、表语、同位语等。这种分句通常由从属连词that、whether(if)引导,也可由连接代词what, whatever, which, whichever, who, whoever, whom, whose等引导,还可以由连接副词where, when, how, why等引导。 19.2 主语从句 主语从句是指一个分句充当句子的主语,它可以由that, what, whatever, who, whoever, when, where, how, why, whether等引导。 19.2.1 由that引导的主语从句 主语从句是陈述事实的时候,从句用that引导。that在从句中没有作任何成分,只起连接作用。在大多数情况下,为了保持句子平衡,从句用形式主语it代替,把that从句放到句子后面,尤其句子是主系表结构的时候。如: It is impossible that he should come over himself. It’s strange that he should have left without saying“goodbye”. It’s a pity that he has missed the lecture. It occurred to me that he had left for Hong Kong. It was said that he was translating the book into Chinese. 主语从句的引导词that一般不能省略,但从句放到后面的时候间或也省略that。如:It’s good you gave me such help. It’s natural he should pass the exam. 在少数情况下,为了强调从句,或为了保持句中的平衡,可以不用形式主语it代替,而是直接把that从句放到主语的位置上,这时,不能省略that。如: That he hasn’t finished the task is a fact. That we need advanced equipment is obvious. That she became a teacher may have been due to her mother’s influence. That he is feeling better is the best news that we’re expecting. That he didn’t attend the meeting made the manager angry. 用it作形式主语的that从句有以下四种不同的搭配: 1. it be + 形容词+ that-从句,如: It is strange (surprising, possible, necessary, natural, obvious, true, important, good, unlikely, fortunate, quite clear, etc.) that... 2.it be + -ed分词+ that-从句,如: It is said (believed, thought, arranged, decided, expected, known, reported, etc.) that... 3.it be + 名词+ that-从句,如: It is a surprise (a pity, a shame, a fact, a wonder, a good thing, an honor, common knowledge, good news, etc.) that... 4. it be + 不及物动词+ that-从句,如: It appears (happens, seems, came about, turned out, occurred to me, etc.) that...


?语言论丛? 主动形式表被动含义的探讨 唐国平 李 斐 (攀枝花学院外语系,攀枝花617000) 摘 要 本文采用了演泽法,检验了韩礼德的语态系统中主动形式表被动这一语法现象,并扩 大到词素、词汇层面,对语态系统中主动形式表被动含义进行了相关探讨 关键词 主动形式;被动含义;中动句;对象格主语;假不及物动词 对学习者来说,‘S +be +P.P ’的被动结构形成是再熟悉不过的了,但用主动形式表被动含义却是个难点。 因其在教科书中出现的频率之高,也不失为一重点。例如:在《实用英语综合教程》 (吴银庚等1995)第二册同一页就可找到2个例句: (1)Onc day a y oung female began to wash her sweet potato to get rid of the sand This practice s oon spread throughout the group.(v olume 2126para4) (2)Or even if they could learn ,they could not teach one another in the way people do.This too has proven to be untrue.(v olume 2126para4) 那么,怎样去识别主动形式表被动含义呢?其主语与动词之间有什么样的逻辑或语义关系呢?本文试图从词素、词、和句子三个层面对其进行探讨。 一、概述 韩礼德将英语的语态系统描绘如下: 语态(v oice )- 中动态(middle :a clause with no feature of agency ) 有效态(effective :a clause with agency )-主动态(active )被动态(passive ) 韩礼德认为,若将及物性分析中物质/心理/关系/行为/言语五大过程中的动作者(actor )/感受者(senser )/载体(carrier )/行为者(behaver )/言语者(sayer )置于主位且与主语重合,就表主动意义;若把该五大过程中和目标(g oal )/现象(phenomenon )/属性(attribute/value )/行为(behaviour )/受话者(receiver/verbiage )主位化且与主语重合,就有被动含义。如: (1)主动:(Eggins 1996:258)Married w omen are the real victims T oken Pr :intensive Value subject 被动:The real victims are married w omen Value Pr :intensive T oken subject 第20卷第3期V ol 1201N o 13 攀枝花学院学报Journal of Panzhihua University 2003年6月Jun 12003


第九章被动语态 本章难点、重点:含双宾语、复合宾语或短语动词的句子的被动式。 9.1 被动语态的概念与构成形式 语态(voice)是一种表示主语与谓语之间的主动或被动关系的动词形式,英语中分主动语态(active voice)和被动语态(passive voice)两种。前者表示主语是动作的执行者;后者表示主语是动作的接受者。英语动词的主动语态无语法标记,被动语态则有语法标记,一般是由助动词be的某一形式+及物动词的过去分词构成。试比较下列两组主被动句:Chicago Bulls beat Los Angles Lakers again. Los Angles Lakers was beaten again by Chicago Bulls. Millions of people play basketball in China. Basketball is played by Millions of people in China. 根据不同的时态,被动语态动词词组可以有相应的形式,其时态特征由助动词be体现出来。 1. 一般现在时,如: All the wild animals in this area are protected. Such matters are often discussed at our weekly meeting. 2. 一般过去时,如: The football match was played last Saturday. The bridge was built in 1950s. 3. 一般将来时,如: Y ou’ll be greeted at the airport. These questions won’t be answered at the press conference. 4. 过去将来时,如: In the letter he told us that his books would be published soon. 5. 现在完成时,如: So far the museum has been visited by millions of people. Y our proposal has been considered. 6. 过去完成时,如: It is reported that by the end of last year, most of the snakes in that area had been killed. When I saw him, he was busy repairing the type that had been taken down from the car. 7. 将来完成时,如: Don’t worry. By the time you need it again, the machine will have been repaired. 8. 现在进行时,如: The case is being investigated. The machine is being checked by some engineers. 9. 过去进行时,如: When you called, your proposal was being discussed. 10.“get+过去分词”结构,如: Hundreds of people got killed each day in the civil war. The boy got hurt in the leg. 11.“情态动词+be+过去分词”,如: The brake should be checked again.


简明英语语法表 词性

句子结构 主语+动词 一个句子可以由一个主语(名词或代词)和一个谓语(动词)构成。 主语动词 Fernando arrived. Alex left. 主语+动词+直接宾语 一个句子可以由一个主语,一个动词和一个直接宾语构成。一个直接宾语回答“什么”的问题。(He had what? He had a letter. Julio wanted what? Julio wanted ice cream.)一些动词像have常常跟一个直接宾语. 主语动词直接宾语 Veronique threw the ball. Evan liked Susan. He had a suitcase. 主语+动词+间接宾语 句子也可以有间接宾语。间接宾语回答“给谁”的问题。(He wrote to whom? He wrote to Junko. Junko gave the letter to whom? Junko gave Aoko the letter.) 如果间接宾语出现在直接宾语之后,你一定要用“to”。如果间接宾语出现在动词之后,但在直接宾语之前,你不必加“to”。 简单句,并列句和复合句 简单句

简单句只有一个从句。(从句是由一个主语和一个动词组成的。)但是简单句可以有一 个以上的主语,动词,直接宾语和间接宾语。 这些被称作复和宾语,复合动词和复合宾语。 并列句 并列句是由并列连词连接的两个或多个从句。一些常见的并列连词由and, but,so 和or. 复合句 复杂句是由从属连 词连接的两个或多个从句。一些常见的从属连词有:when, because 和 that 。 名词和冠词 普通名词和专有名词 普通名词是用来特指任何人,地点和事 物。


《英语语法》教学大 纲

《英语语法》教学大纲 执笔人:王燕 一、课程性质、地位和作用: 英语语法是英语教育专业的一门基础课,属A类(理论)课,为专业必修课程。 课程的地位和作用:该课程作为英语教育专业的主干课程之一,让学生通过系统地学习英语语法知识,并将其和大量的语言素材结合达到能举一反三,触类旁通的效果,从而提高综合运用英语的能力,为英语水平的整体提高打下坚实的基础。 二、课程教学对象、目的和要求: 本课程的教学对象是三年制“英语教育”专业的学生。入学时,学生已有一定的语音、语法知识,领会式掌握了约1600单词,并在听、说、读、写几方面受过初步的训练。学生通过对比较系统和完整的英语语法知识的学习,对教材中所讲授的英语语法的基本结构与规律有一个明确完整的概念;能较熟练地运用这些语法的基本规则分析解释各种语法现象,从而学会运用语法规则指导语言实践,提高实际运用英语的能力。 在课程教学中要求坚持贯彻“以学生为中心”的自主学习模式,充分发挥学生的主观能动性,调动学生积极地参与到教师的教学辅导、并投身于自学过程中。在教学过程中处理好语言(语法)知识和语言运用之间的关系,前者是后者的基础;组织各项基本技能活动,使学生更好地开展语言实践活动,培养运用英语进行交际的能力。

本课程侧重于英语语法各个知识板块系统全面的讲解,重视理论与实际运用的结合。充分体现精讲多练的原则,采用教师讲解理论,学生练习习题和师生共同分析理解的巩固模式。 三、课程的相关课程及其关系: 学习本课程前的相关课程包括:英语精读、英语泛读、英语听力、英语口语。通过学习这些课程,学生可以掌握一定的语法知识,积累一定的词汇,并能运用一定的语法知识进行听说读写译等实践。 学好本课程,也为以后相关课程的学习奠定基础,促进学生学习专业的其他课程。这些后续相关课程包括:英语翻译基础、英语写作基础、英语泛读等。 四、课程内容及学时分配: 本课程教学总时数为64学时,全部为理论课时。 第一章语法概论 教学时数:4学时。 教学重点:词类;句子。 教学难点:各类句子的结构。 教学内容:1.语法的内容 2.词类 3.句子 4.单词、短语和从句。 第二章名词 教学时数:4学时 教学重点:了解名词由单数变复数的规则和一些特殊的变法。 教学难点:特殊的名词单复数变形。 教学内容:1.名词的种类 2.名词所有格 3.名次的性


浅谈so与such的用法 看句子:He made such rapid progress that before long he began to write articles min English for an American newspaper. In fact , his English in one of these articles was so good that English wrote him a letter and praised him for it. So与such是英语中两个常用词。这两个词的用法很多,且易混淆,初学英语者往往搞不清楚,因而使用是经常出错。文本就它的一些用法作一粗浅讨论。讨论主要以分析实例进行。 首先,我们应该弄清so是副词,修饰形容词和副词,在句中充当状语。Such为形容词修饰名词,在句中作定语,请看下面几个句子。 ①The fish is so long. ②Don’t drive so fast, it’s dangerous. ③Fred is so good a man. ④It was such interesting meeting. ⑤There were such a lot of people. 以上句子中,①、②句比较简单,so为副词,分别修饰形容词long和副词fast。③句中的so修饰good,可用形容词such改为: Fred is such a good man。 这句话和原句的意义不变,但用so要用so+adj+a/an+n.的结构来表达。用such需用such+a/an+adj+n.的结构来表达。④句中仍可按③的形式表达,但也可写成: The meeting was so interesting. 其句意不变.⑤句中的such也可换为so,但更据习惯搭配,应将a lot of 变为many为宜,如其后所修析的名词为不可数名词,还需将a lot of改为much。如: With such a lot of time,they should have finished their homework 用so则为: With so much time, they so have finished their homework. 因此遇到这种情况,我们可将such+a lot of+n.结构变为so+many/much+n.结构


简明英语语法 2012.5.5 句子是表达思想、传递信息的基本单位,就像家庭是社会的基本单位一样。家庭对社会有多么重要,句子对学习语言就多么重要。英语语言的所有要点和基本功能都体现在句子中。在句子里,单词才会有确切的意义;通过句子,人们才总结出无数的语法规则;在句子里,英语才展现出连续和起伏的韵律;通过句子,口语才形成一个个完整的表意单元;在句子里,英语的语言思维和语言习惯才能得到体现。掌握英语就要学好句子。 怎样学好句子? 怎样解读翻译复杂的句子? 英语句子千变万化,归根结底都离不开五个英语动词句型。掌握好这些句型,就为灵活运用语言打下基础。句子的关键在谓语动词, 因此学习掌握这五个基本句型及其谓语动词的变化是我们学习英语语法的出发点, 也是《大学英语考试》课的重点, 是学习英语语言的核心。 1.主语+ 系动词+ 表语: “How are you?” “I am fine.” Every man is the master of his own fortune. Learning is your enterprise of a lifetime. Necessity is the mother of invention To know the disease is half the cure. The price remains constant The dish smells good. The medicine tastes awful. When she saw this, she turned red. He has fallen ill. This law holds good. Overpopulation could become a serious worldwide threat. A vegetarian diet proves physically beneficial. Tom’s dream has come true. Rose looks happy The weather is getting hot. The proposal seems quite convincing and constructive. 2. 主语+ 不及物动词: This machine works well. The sun is rising. The economic crisis broke out first in the United States. The boss and his secretary are flying to Paris. The price peaked in March. Notions about euthanasia differ widely Did you sleep well? The baby is coming on well. How did the accident come about? The bomb blew up. The engine broke down. 3. 主语+ 及物动词+ 宾语: I taught Chinese in London last year.


(1)表语从句 1.定义:用作表语的从句叫做表语从句。 2.构成:关联词+简单句 3.引导表语从句的关联词的种类: (1) 从属连词that。如: The trouble is that I have lost his address. 麻烦是我把他的地址丢了。 (2) 从属连词whether, as, as if。如: He looked just as he had looked ten years before. 他看起来还与十年前一样。 The question is whether they will be able to help us. 问题是他们是否能帮我们。 注:从属连词if一般不用来引导表语从句,但as if却可引导表语从句,如: All this was over twenty years ago, but it's as if it was only yesterday. 这都是20多年前的事了,但宛如昨天一样。 能跟表语从句的谓语动词一般为系动词be, seem, look等。如: It looked as if it was going to rain. 看起来天要下雨了。 (3)连接代词who, whom, whose, what, which, whoever, whatever, whichever 连接副词where, when, how, why。 如:The problem is who we can get to replace her. 问题是我们能找到谁去替换她呢。The question is how he did it. 问题是他是如何做此事的。 That was what she did this morning on reaching the attic. 那就是她今晨上了阁楼干的。 解释: 1.连词because可引导表语从句。如: I think it is because you are doing too much. 我想这是因为你做得太多。 2.在一些表示“建议、劝说、命令”的名词后面的表语从句中,谓语动词用虚拟语气。should+动词原形表示,should可省略。如: My suggestion is that we (should) start early tomorrow. 我的建议是我们明天一早就出发。(2)主语从句 1.定义:用作主语的从句叫做主语从句。 2.构成:关联词+简单句 3.引导主语从句的关联词有三类: (1) 从属连词that。如:That they were in truth sisters was clear from the facial resemblance between them. 很明显,她们确是亲姐妹,她们的脸型很相似。 (2) 从属连词whether。如: Whether he…ll come here isn…t clear. 他是否会来这里还不清楚。 (3) 连接代词who, whom, whose, what, which, whoever, whatever, whichever 连接副词where, when, how, why。如: What she did is not yet known. 她干了什么尚不清楚。 How this happened is not clear to anyone. 这事怎样发生的,谁也不清楚。 Whoever comes is welcome. 不论谁来都欢迎。 Wherever you are is my home ---- my only home. 你所在的任何地方就是我的家----我唯一的家。 解释: 1.主语从句能用it作形式上的主语。常以it作形式主语的句型有: A. It+be+形容词(obvious, true, natural, surprising, good, wonderful, funny, possible, likely, certain, probable, etc.)+that从句。如: It is certain that she will do well in her exam. 毫无疑问她考试成绩会很好。 It is probable that he told her everything. 很可能他把一切都告诉她了。 B. It+be+名词词组(no wonder, an honour, a good thing, a pity, no surprise, etc.)+that从句。如: It…s a pity that we can…t go. 很遗憾我们不能去。 It…s no surprise that our team should have won the game. 我们没赢这场比赛真意外。 C. It+be+过去分词(said, reported, thought, expected, decided, announced, arranged,


非限定性定语从句: 非限定性定语从句的作用是对所修饰的成分作进一步说明,通常和主句间用逗号隔开,将从句拿掉后其他部分仍可成立 1. which引导的非限定性定语从句来说明前面整个句子的情况或主句的某一部分 2. 在引导限定性定语从句时,that有时相当于in which, at which, for which或at which Attitudes towards daydreaming are changing in much the same way that(in which) attitudes towards night dreaming have changed. 人们对白日做梦的态度正在改变,这与人们对夜间做梦的看法的变化有非常相似之处。 I like the music for the very reason that(for which) he dislike it. 我出于某种原因喜欢这种音乐,而他恰恰与我相反。 We arrived the day that(on which) they left. 刚好我们到的那天他们走了。 3. 有时as也可用作关系代词 4. 在非限定性定语从句中,不能用that,而用who, whom代表人,用which代表事物 三、定语从句结构错误 1. 缺关系词 2. 从句中缺成分 摘自《简明英语语法》

在英文中,有两种定语从句:限定性定语从句与非限定性定语从句。这两种定语从句在其功能和形式方面都有明显的区别:限定性定语从句限定性定语从句与主句的关系很紧奏,对其先行词起限定、修饰的作用。如果将其去掉,会影响句子意思的完整性;有时甚至于引起费解、误解。例如: Rainforests are being cleared for valuable timber and other resources to speed up the economic growth of the nationsin which they are located . 为了加速他们各自所在国家的经济发展,热带雨林作为有价值的原木和其他资源正为人们所砍伐。 Ocean currents affect the climates of the lands near which they flow. 洋流影响其流经的附近地区的气候。 They explained the reason to us why they had hated us before. 他们向我们解释为什么他们不喜欢我们的原因。 非限定性定语从句非限定性定语从句在形式上就与主句很松散,它与主句之间有一个逗点","隔开;它对其先行词没有限定、修饰的作用,只起补充、说明的作用。有时也用它来对全句进行补充、说明。即使将其去掉,也不会影响句子意思。由于上述原因,非限定性定语从句在表达意思方面也有别于限定性定语从句。另外,非限定性定语从句在中文译文里,我们往往将其作为一个分句处理,而不把它作定语翻译。例如:


so与such的区别 答:两者都可以表示“这样”,“如此”的意思。 (1)so是副词,用来修饰形容词或副词。例如: I am so glad to hear from my friend. 收到我朋友的信我真高兴。 He writes so well. 他写得这么好。 (2)such是形容词,用来修饰名词(名词前面可以带形容词,也可以不带)。如果修饰单数可数名词,其后需加不定冠词a或an.例如: He told us such a funny story. 他给我们讲了一个这么有趣的故事。 You are interested in such things. 你对这种事感兴趣。 注意: 当单数可数名词前面有形容词修饰时,也可以用so,但要改变冠词的位置。例如: He told us so funny a story. 巧记so和such的用法: 名前such,形,副so,多多少少也用so. little属特殊,“小”用such,“少”用so. 说明:1.当名词前有many, much, few和little等词修饰时,要用so而不用such.如: I have had so many falls that I'm black and blue all over. 我摔了很多跤,以致全身青一块紫一块的。 There is so little time that we can't finish work on time. 只有这么少的时间,我们无法按时完成工作。 2.当little作“小的”讲,修饰名词时,其前面仍须用such,而不用so.如: They are such little children that they can't do anything. 这些孩子太小了,无法做任何事情。 So与such是英语中两个常用词.这两个词的用法很多,且易混淆,初学英语者往往搞不清楚,因而使用是经常出错.文本就它的一些用法作一粗浅讨论.讨论主要以分析实例进行. 首先,我们应该弄清so是副词,修饰形容词和副词,在句中充当状语.Such为形容词修饰名词,在句中作定语,请看下面几个句子. ① The fish is so long. ② Don't drive so fast, it's dangerous. ③ Fred is so good a man. ④ It was such interesting meeting. ⑤ There were such a lot of people. 以上句子中,①,②句比较简单,so为副词,分别修饰形容词long和副词fast.③句中的so修饰good,可用形容词such改为: Fred is such a good man. 这句话和原句的意义不变,但用so要用so+adj+a/an+n.的结构来表达.用such需用 such+a/an+adj+n.的结构来表达.④句中仍可按③的形式表达,但也可写成: The meeting was so interesting.


定语从句讲解 一、详细的定语从句讲解 定语从句是由关系代词和关系副词引导的从句,其作用是作定语修饰主句的某个成分,定语从句分为限定性和非限定性从句两种。状语从句分为时间状语从句,结果状语从句,让步状语从句,原因状语从句,条件状语从句以及行为方式状语从句。名词从句包括主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句和同位语从句及there be句型。 (一)限定性定语从句 1. that即可代表事物也可代表人,which代表事物;它们在从句中作主语或宾语,that在从句中作宾语时常可省略关系词,which在从句中作宾语则不能省略。而且,如果which在从句中作“不及物动词+介词”的介词的宾语,注意介词不要丢掉,而且介词总是放在关系代词which的前边,但有的则放在它原来的位置 2. which作宾语时,根据先行词与定语从句之间的语义关系,先行词与which之间的介词不能丢 3. 代表物时多用which,但在带有下列词的句子中用that而不用which,这些词包括all, anything, much等,这时的that常被省略 4. who和whom引导的从句用来修饰人,分别作从句中的主语和宾语,whom作宾语时,要注意它可以作动词的宾语也可以作介词的宾语 5. where是关系副词,用来表示地点的定语从句 6. when引导定语从句表示时间 〔注〕值得一提的是,表示时间“time"一词的定语从句只用when引导,有时不用任何关系代词,当然也不用that引导 By the time you arrive in London, we will have stayed there for two weeks. I still remember the first time I met her. Each time he goes to besiness trip, he brings a lot of living necessities, such as towers, soap, toothbrush etc. 7. whose是关系代词,修饰名词作定语,相当于所修饰成分的前置所有格 8. 当从句的逻辑主语是some, any, no, somebody, anybody, nobody, something, anything, everything或nothing时,常用there is来引导 (二)非限定性定语从句:


简明英语语法 第一单元词性(Parts of Speech) 英语中的词是构成句子的基本单位,根据其意义或在句中的作用,分为10种类型: (1)名词(2)代词(3)动词(4)形容词(5)副词 (6)数词(7)冠词(8)介词(9)连词(10)感叹词 其含义简述如下: 1. 名词n. (noun): 表示人、物的名称的词类,如: Tom 汤姆, table 桌子, river 河流, happiness 幸福, China中国 2. 代词pron. (pronoun): 代替名词的词类,如: I我, you你, this 这个, those那些, who谁, what 什么, some一些 3. 动词v. (verb): 表示动作的词类,如: walk 走, speak说, jump跳, feel 感到, prove 证实 4.形容词adj. (adjective): 用来修饰名词,表示人或事物的特征, 如: big —a big table 大桌子,small —a small river 小河, old —an old man 老人,clever —a clever boy 聪敏的男孩 5. 副词adv. (adverb): 用来修饰动词、形容词、副词的此类,如: quickly快—She walked quickly away.(修饰动词walk)她迅速走开了。 extremely 极度地—The meeting is extremely important.(修饰形容词important) 这次会议极其重要。 6.数词num. (numeral): 是表示数量和序数的词。分为基数词和序数词,如:
