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116101000035张义强机械工程学院C 116101000050王嵩杰机械工程学院C 116101000080费树波机械工程学院C 116101000105李作康机械工程学院C 116101000108盛娟红机械工程学院C 116101000142顾祖成机械工程学院C 116101000155王艺帆机械工程学院C 116101000160林琳机械工程学院C 116101000174董祥辰机械工程学院C 116101000177孙翌机械工程学院C 116101000184张永建机械工程学院C 116101000201江毕进机械工程学院C 116101000210王启凡机械工程学院C 116101000220王帅机械工程学院C 116101000223丁钰刚机械工程学院C 116101000229王广文机械工程学院C

116101000231韩松彤机械工程学院C 116101000233杜崇瑞机械工程学院C 116101000238王兵机械工程学院C 116101000245王江波机械工程学院C 116101000257张陈曦机械工程学院C 116101000268郭腾飞机械工程学院C



Overview of N anjing University of Science&Technology Located in Nanjing, Nanjing Universit y of Science and Technology is one of the national key universities under the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. The university was derived from the Ins titute of Milit ary Engineering of the PLA which was the highest institution of military technology in China was established in 1953. This institute was successively called Artillery Engineering Institute, Engineering Institut e of Eastern China, and East China Institut e of Technology. In 1993, the universit y was changed to its current name. The university has become a multi-disciplinary university incorporating science, engineering, liberal arts, economics, business, management, law and education for coordinat ed development. With Zijin Mount ain t o its north and t he Ming Dynast y Cit y Wall to its west, the university is integrated into the scenic area of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Mausoleum. With an area of 3,117 mu (15 mu equals one hect are ) and a tot al value of fixed assets equaling 1,400,000,000 Yuan (RMB), the university has various forms of infrastructure including: a complete logistics service syst em, 56 labs, various t eaching and research apparatuses and equipment valued at 499,000,000 Yuan (RMB), a library that contains 1,797,000 volumes of Chinese and foreign literature, 2 standard sports fields as well as an indoor gymnasium and the first student run college TV st ation among it s count erparts. NUST is composed of 9 schools and 2 depart ment s: School of Mechanical Engineering, School of Chemical Engineering, School of Electronic Engineering & Optoelectronic Technology, School of Information Science & Technology, School of Automation, School of Economics & Management, School of Power Engineering, School of Science, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Materials Science & Engineering, and Department of F oreign Languages. NUST also includes Graduate Schools, a Senior Vocational & Technical College, a School of Adult Education, a School of Internati onal Joint Education, Zijin College and Taizhou College of Technology. NUST boasts 2 Level 1 national key disciplines, 4 Level 2 national key disciplines (national key disciplines covering 9 level-2 disciplines), 26 key disciplines at provincial and ministerial levels, 36 key brands and characteristic specialties at provincial and ministerial levels, 1 national key lab, 3 national engineering centers and 1 national cent er of qualit y inspection. It offers 12 postdoctoral programs, 40 doctoral programs covering 16 Level 1 disciplines, 110 mast er’s programs covering 36 Level 1 disciplines, and 57 undergraduat e programs covering the 6 disciplines of technology, science, arts, economics, management, and law. In addition, the university has the right t o grant degrees of MBA, MPA and Engineering as well as the right to recruit international student s and students from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. Currently, the university has 27,520 regist ered students, including 7,902 graduat e student s, 14,772 undergraduate st udents and 323 foreign student s. The present number of faculty members is 3,099 including 1,508 full-time t eaching and research personnel, 1,164 senior teachers, 214 doctorial tut ors and 5 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. In recent years, over 800 teachers have won more than 500 teaching-related awards such as various teaching achievement awards at national, provincial or ministerial levels. In the past fifty-five years, the University has educat ed nearly 100,000 senior professional personnel of all kinds. Our universit y is a place for education as well as technology research. Currently, it has more than 30 research institutes, 1 national key laboratory, 3 national engineering technology research centers, 1 national qualit y inspection cent er, 1 national t esting and demonstration center, and 3 key laboratories at provincial and ministerial levels. NUST undertakes a great number of important national research assignments.


近年汉译英试题 2004年1月 考研的人在英语上花的时间远远多于其它学科,希望英语分数越高越好。许多人坚信成功地秘诀是参加短训班和多背范文,结果却发现此招不灵。他们为提高英语水平做出的努力很难得到回报。 参考译文: Those who take the entrance examination for graduate schools spend much (/far) more time on English than on other subjects, hoping for the highest possible scores of English. Many people are convinced that the secret to success is to attend training courses (/classes) and learn many sample writings by heart, only to find that doesn’t work. Their efforts to improving their English can’t pay off easily. 2004年6月 计算机被认为是有史以来对人类生活影响最大的发明。它的神奇之处在于其运算速度和准确性优于人类。计算机能在几秒钟内完成几十年前可能需要数天才能完成的事。这是人类第一次感到自己作为最高级物种的地位受到了挑战。 参考译文: The computer is believed (/regarded /considered) to be the invention that has exerted the greatest influence on human lives in history. What is remarkable about it is that it can calculate with better speed and accuracy than man. The computer can finish in seconds what might have taken days decades ago. This is the first time that man has felt that his position (/status) as the highest species has been challenged. 2005年1月 人们越来越意识到开发环保型产品的重要性。为实现长期可持续发展,发达国家不惜代价减少温室气体的排放。如果目前全球变暖的速度保持不变,东京和伦敦等大城市从地球上消失的可能性将是20前的10倍。 参考译文: People have become increasingly aware of the importance of developing environmentally friendly (pollution-free) products. For the sake of longstanding sustainable development, developed countries are to reduce


Part VI Translation (10 points) Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese. Write your answer on the Answ et Sheet. Being unhappy is like an infectious disease. It causes people to shrink away from the suff erer. He soon finds himself alone and miserable. There is, however, a cure so simple as t o seem, at first glance, ridiculous: if you don't feel happy, pretend to be! It works. Befor e long you will find that instead of pushing people away, you attract them. You discover h ow deeply rewarding it is to be the center of wider and wider circles of good will. Then the make-believe becomes a reality. Being happy, once it is realized as a duty and established as a habit, opens doors into unimaginable gardens filled with grateful friends. Part VII Writing (15 points) Directions: Write a composition of at least 150 words about the topic: The possibility of us ing the mobile phone to study English (or any other subject). You should write according t o the outline given below: 1.我认为手机(不)可以用来学习英语或其他知识。 2.理由是…… 3.结论


在职研究生发展历史 根据国家规定的相关政策,在职人员攻读硕士专业学位(俗称十月在职研究生)的全国联考全面取消,对于取消在职研究生联考规定了2年的过渡期、统一录取,仍继续组织在职人员攻读硕士专业学位全国联考,也就是说将其作为非全日制学生纳入到国家研究生招生计划中。 在职研究生发展背景 1998年国务院学位委员会办公室组织实施在职人员攻读硕士专业学位工作。国生教育觉得最主要还是 抓住在职研究生的低门槛机会 虽然即将取消在职研究生联考、2015年参加在职研究生联考,难度相对低一些,参加全国硕士研究生统一入学考试,其一是入学的质量,门槛也将远远高于以前。这将意味着举行了14年的在职研究生联考正式画上句号。 取消在职研究生联考的背景 为什么取消掉这一发展了10余年的入学方式呢。 当然,统一考试,自2016年起,在职人员攻读硕士专业学位由各招生院校联合组织考试发展为全国联考。而在2016年之后,这个政策在一定程度上会刺激部分学员提前选择攻读在职研究生,所有攻读在职研究生的学员均须参加全国硕士研究生统一入学考试、2015年的在职研究生的选拔依然会采用联考,在

2014,除了特殊专业外,最显著的提高无外乎两点、2015年的在职研究生联考难度会提升一些,2014,有学位。 取消在职研究生联考的过渡阶段 作为一项重要决策,相信这是打算近期攻读在职研究生的学员朋友最愿意听到的消息、2015显然是抓住在职研究生入学低门槛的最后机会,能够带动在职研究生整体素质的提高, 从纳入到国家研究生招生计划这一举措来看,最主要的原因大概是在职研联考的难度要低于全国硕士研究生统一入学考试,其二是教学的质量,这样可以提高在职研究生的社会认可度。 附:在职研究生热门招生院校推荐表


南京理工大学 博士、硕士学位授予工作细则 (南京理工大学学位评定委员会第七届第十五次会议通过) 总则 第一条为贯彻执行《中华人民共和国学位条例》和《中华人民共和国学位条例暂行实施办法》,结合学校的具体情况,制定本细则。 第二条学校根据国务院学位委员会批准的学科分门类分别授予博士、硕士学位。少数暂无授予权的学科需授予学位的,可向有权授予学位的高等院校的有关学科申请相应的学位,并按该校的规定办理申请手续。 学位评定委员会 第三条学校成立校学位评定委员会,委员会一般由十九至二十五人组成,设主席一人,副主席一至二人,委员会成员一般应具有高级职称,任期二至三年。委员会成员由学院提名,经遴选后由校长确定。 第四条校学位评定委员会下设若干个学位评定分委员会。分委员会由五至十五人组成,分委员会设主席一人,副主席一人,分委员会成员应具有副高级及其以上职称,任期二至三年。分委员会的组成名单由校学位评定委员会主席批准。 第五条学位评定委员会职责 校学位评定委员会履行以下职责:

1.审议并做出授予博士学位的决定; 2.审议并做出授予硕士学位的决定; 3.审议并做出授予名誉学位的决定; 4.审议并做出撤消学位的决定; 5. 审查申请增列或调整博士学位授权学科点; 6.审批增列或调整硕士学位授权学科点; 7. 审批新增博士生指导教师; 8.审查、批准博士、硕士学位培养方案; 9.研究、处理学位授予工作中的争议和其它事项。 各学位评定分委员会履行以下职责: 1.受理授予博士学位的申请,做出是否同意的决定; 2.受理授予硕士学位的申请,做出是否批准的决定; 3.负责推荐并初审本领域内申请增列或调整博士、硕士学位授权学科点事宜; 4.初审新增博士生指导教师; 5.初审博士、硕士学位培养方案; 6.协助校学位评定委员会工作,代行校学位评定委员会认定的某些职责。 第六条校学位评定委员会及其分委员会形成重要决议,以不记名投票方式,经全体成员半数以上同意,方为通过。校学位评定委员会的日常办事机构为学位办公室,各学位评定分委员会设兼职秘书一名。


考试须知 1、本次考试试卷有试题册(试卷一)和答题纸(Answer Sheet)两种,答题时间 为120分钟。 2、请考生用钢笔在Answer Sheet上写上姓名、学号、专业班级。 3、请考生在Answer Sheet上答题,写在试题册上的答案一律作废。 4、选择题每题只能选一个答案,多选作废。选定答案后,在Answer Sheet中找到相应题号,将答案对应字母(A\B\C\D)填写在题号后的括号里。注意保持字迹清晰工整,容易识别。由于字迹潦草、答案模棱两可甚至无法识别者,一律判为0分,责任由考生本人负责。 5、简答题、翻译和作文等主观题部分的答题请考生用钢笔书写在Answer Sheet 指定位置上。 6、考试结束,考生不得将试题册和答题纸带出考场。请把试题册和答题纸分别 上交监考老师。 Test 29 Part I Situational Conversations (10%) Directions:In this part, there are ten short incomplete dialogues between two speakers, each followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that most appropriately suits the conversational context and best completes the dialogue.Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center of the corresponding letter. 1. Robert: How annoying. I can’t figure out a solution to this problem. Can you help me? Anderson: __________. A. How stupid you are. The problem is too easy to disturb me. B. Well, I’m afraid I can’t at the moment. C. You shouldn’t feel annoyed. After all,it’s your own problem. D. OK. Though it’s beyond me, let me try. 2. Speaker A: Excuse me. Could you show me the way to the nearest post office? Speaker B: ________ A. OK. I’d like to go with you. B. Of course. Go down this street and turn le ft. C. Sorry. I’m busy now. Go away. D . No problem. It’s my pleasure to direct you. 3. Customer: I need some aspirin, please, and I'd also like to get this prescription filled.


2016年学位课统考真题(A卷) Paper One Part I Listening Comprehension (25 minutes, 20 points) Section A ( 1 point each) 1. A Beauty has advantages and disadvantages. B. Beauty has different meanings to different people. C. Beauty brings attention and opportunities. D. Beauty comes from action and good qualities. 2. A. She is using the book now. B. She may give him a hand. C. She can’t lend him the book. D. She will keep the book for him. 3. A Rachel lives fairly close to her. B Rachel visits her quite often. C Rachel comes here once a month. D Rachel rarely gets to see her. 4. A She forgot about the time change. B She didn’t receive the text message

C Her roommate forgot to give her the message. D Her roommate was too nervous to tell her. 5. A He should have got better grades. B The test was based on lecture material. C She misplaced her textbook. D Small luck plays a big role. 6. A On the 16th of June. B. On the 18th of June. C On the 9th of June. D On the 8th of June. 7. A. Go to sleep. B. Watch the movie later. C Change the channel. D Set the alarm clock. 8. A Wear a formal suit. B Wear casual clothes. C Dress up for the party. D Dress in a costume. 9. A. She likes to drink coffee. B She rarely wakes up early. C She needs tea to feel alert.


(一)1.目前金融危机正深深地影响到社会的方方面面 2. 人们对如何应对金融危机的不同看法 3. 你的看法 The Impact of Financial Crisis Presently, international financial crisis is becoming more and more serious, which has been influencing every part of our daily life. Job hunting is increasingly becoming difficult; food is getting more expensive; and people’s everyday living is much harder than before etc. As to how to deal with the crisis, people have different opinions. Some people hold a more positive view, who believe that the present crisis is not very serious, and we can overcome it in just a few years with the micro-control policy of our government. With the help of the government, living expenses will soon slow down. Things will get better, and we needn’t worry too much. But some other people take an opposite side. They believe that things are the other way round, and the present crisis is getting worse and worse. This crisis is worldwide and cannot be solved in a few years. People’s everyday life will become much harder. As for me, I have strongly felt the full negative impact this crisis has brought on me. Food in the supermarket is more expensive than that in the last few months; everyday expenses are getting higher. However, I don’t think this crisis is beyond control. I firmly believe that with the right policy of our government this crisis cannot outdo us. we should face this crisis calmly and do things with a more practical mind. (2)1.刚参加工作时遇到了哪些困难。 2.产生这些困难的原因。 3.如何克服这些困难。 The Problems I Had When I First Started to Work When I first started my work in an electronic company, I did meet with many problems. Two main problems are: I did not know how to conduct business with clients and customers and I had no idea about how to deal with a bargain and persuade them to take my offer. The second problem was that there was no room for me and I had to find a room far away from the company. It took me more than one hour on the way to the office and then came back. The reason for the first problem was that I had no practical experience and I needed to learn and practice. As for the second problem the company could not take care of every employee’s housing. And it was our responsibility to look after ourselves. To overcome these problems, I worked hard and learne d from any one modestly. After half year’s work I became experienced and began to make money. So I was able to rent a single apartment near my company. Now everything is all right to me. (3)1.合作的意义。 2.合作在工作中的重要性(举例)。 3.怎样培养合作的能力? The cooperation Cooperation means that people should work together smoothly for the purpose of mutual benefit. In the work they should help each other and learn from each other. They should have mutual respect, too. Cooperation is important in our work. Without it, we will fail. For example, two years ago, our institute managed to get a joint research project with a university in the south of China. At first everything went on all right. Then there was a misunderstanding and argument. Finally, the cooperation could not continue and the project failed. This example can show the importance of cooperation. I believe there are more examples. I think people should start to cultivate their sense of cooperation when they are very young. For example, in primary schools, pupils should be taught how to play with others, and how to study together. At university, students should be told frequently that in today’s world, individual is impossible to make big achievements, and they have to work or conduct research with others. Besides, they should be given a chance for team work. Then I think that people will be able to cooperate well with others.


2002年1月 Regrettably for many in Silicon Valley, the ability to make accurate forecasts can depend on how well-established a company’s products are. Young industries on steep growth curves are almost always surprised by how well their products do in the first few y ears, and then they’re at a loss when demand falls. Says a Stanford University business strategy professor, “In a highly dynamic and unpredictable market people are going to make mistakes. It’s inherent in the type of business.” In many corners of Silicon Valley----and elsewhere ----unpredictability is inevitable. One solution: keep innovating but develop sound service businesses to sell with products. Building a “very strong service business”, a company president says, smoothes out the rough spots between innovations. 对于一个公司产品的准确预测取决于该公司产品的知名度。对于许多硅谷人来说,这一点令人感到无可奈何。成长呈急剧上升趋势的新兴产业对其产品在最初几年的出色表现几乎总是惊讶不已,随后,当产品需求下降时他们又会感到手足无措。斯坦福大学的一位商业策略教授说:“在一个充满活力和变数的市场,人们是会犯错误的。这是由市场的内在本质所决定的。” 在硅谷的许多地方,以及在其他的地方,不可预测性是无法避免的。解决之道是:不断创新,但同时又要开发出优良的服务项目与产品一道出售。一位公司总裁说,“出色的服务”会抹平新产品换代过程中出现的不足。 2002年6月 The nations meeting here in Shanghai understand what is at stake. If we don’t stand against terrorism now, every civilized nation will at some point be its target. We will defeat the terrorists by destroying their network, wherever it is found. We will also defeat the terrorists by building an enduring prosperity that promises more opportunity and better lives for all the world’s people. The countries of the Pacific Rim made the decision to open themselves up to the world, and the result is one of the great development success stories of our time. The peoples of this region are more prosperous, healthier, and better educated than they were only two decades ago. And this progress has proved what openness can accomplish. 在上海的与会各国都意识到了目前的危机。如果现在不制止恐怖主义,每个文明国家在将来的某个时候都会成为恐怖主义者的袭击目标。我们将通过摧毁任何地方的恐怖主义网络来打败他们。同时,我们也将


2017年在职研究生考研英语二真题及答案解析 考研教育英语教研室 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) People have speculated for centuries about a future without work.Today is no different,with academics,writers,and activists once again 1 that technology is replacing human workers. Some imagine that the coming work-free world will be defined by 2 . A few wealthy people will own all the capital,and the masses will struggle in an impoverished wasteland.. A different and not mutually exclusive 3 holds that the future will be a wasteland of a different sort,one 4 by purposelessness:Without jobs to give their lives 5 ,people will simply become lazy and depressed. 6 today’s unemployed don’t seem to be having a great time. One Gallup poll found that 20 percent of Americans who have been unemployed for at least a year report having depression,double the rate for 7 Americans. Also,some research suggests that the 8 for rising rates of mortality,mental-health problems,and addicting9 poorly-educated middle-aged people is shortage of well-paid jobs. Perhaps this is why many 10 the agonizing dullness of a jobless future. But it doesn’t 11 follow from findings like these that a world without work would be filled with unease. Such visions are based on the 12 of being unemployed in a society built on the concept of employment. In the 13 of work,a society designed with other ends in mind could 14 strikingly different circumstances for the future of labor and leisure. Today,the 15 of work may be a bit overblown. “Many jobs are boring,degrading,unhealthy,and a waste of human potential,” says John Danaher,a lecturer at the National University of Ireland in Galway. These days,because leisure time is relatively 16 for most workers,people use their free time to counterbalance the intellectual and emotional 17 of their jobs. “When I come home from a hard day’s work,I often feel 18 ,” Danaher says,adding,“In a world in which I don’t have to work,I might feel rather different”—perhaps different enough to throw himself 19 a hobby or a passion project with the intensity usually reserved for 20 matters.

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