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申请硕士学位审批表 申请人姓名 学号 所在院系经济与管理学院 学科门类 或职业型学位工程硕士 学科专业项目管理 指导教师教授 副指导教师(为校外导师) 同济大学研究生院制(2008年) 年月日填

填表及有关说明 一、认真填写本表内容,如不够填写,可另加附页。 二、用蓝黑色水笔填写或打印本表内容。 三、本表封面“学科门类”:申请学术型学位研究生填写此项。 学术型学位的学科门类,包括哲学、经济学、法学、教育学、文学、历史学、理学、工学、农学、医学、军事学、管理学等十二大门类。 本表封面“职业型学位”:申请职业型学位(专业学位)的研究生填写此项。 职业型学位(专业学位)的职业类型,包括法律硕士、翻译硕士、风景园林硕士、工程硕士、工商管理硕士、公共管理硕士、建筑学硕士、临床医学硕士、口腔医学硕士、高级管理人员工商管理硕士,等等。 四、本表封面“学科专业”,申请学术型学位研究生按照培养方案规定的一级或二级学科专业填写。 五、若指导教师或副指导教师为校外专家,在封面“指导教师”或“副指导教师”后注明“校外”。 六、本表第十一项“学位评定分委员会决议”栏中,按申请人学科专业所属的学科门类或专业领域对应的职业型学位(专业学位)名称填写。例如:在学术型学位工学学科门类内的学科专业获得硕士学位者,填写“同意授予工学硕士学位”;在职业型学位工程专业领域获得硕士学位者,填写“同意授予工程硕士学位”。 七、院系负责将本表、学位证书复印件、学位论文评阅书、学位论文一并送校档案馆存档。 八、院系负责将学位论文答辩委员会投票表、学位评定分委员会投票表在本院系存档。

一、个人简介 注:港、澳、台地区学生填写当地居民身份证号。


Unit 15 Aesthetics Word Bank abridge:to make sth. shorter删节,缩略 administer:to manage or direct管理 alienate:to make someone unwilling to give support使疏远 arbitrary:based on personal opinion rather than facts or reason任意的,随意的 assume:to believe sth. to be true without strong proof; to expect假设;假定 blemish:sth. that spoils perfection瑕疵,污点 complexion:the natural color or appearance of the skin, esp. of the face面色;肤色 conceive:to become pregnant with (a child) 孕育 confess:to admit (a fault, crime etc) 承认;坦白 demean:to cause to lose sense of personal pride贬损,降低身份 detriment:the condition of suffering harm or damage损害,伤害 disciple:a follower信徒 disparage:to speak about without respect贬低,轻视 dissect:to cut up so as to study the shape and relationship of the parts, as medical students do 解剖,切开 enchantment: a delightful influence or feeling of delight魅力,着迷 honorable:deserving honor值得尊敬的 inferior:not good or less good in quality or value次的,差的 lamentable:very unsatisfactory令人惋惜的,可叹的 masculine:of or having qualities suitable for a man男性的,阳刚的 narcissism:too great love for one's own abilities or physical appearance自恋,自我陶醉overtone:things that are suggested but not shown or stated clearly含义,弦外之音 pagan:of a person who is not a believer of any of the chief religions of the world异教徒的paradox:a statement that contradicts itself悖论 pedagogy:the practice of teaching or the study of teaching methods教学法,教育学 preen:to dress up打扮 privilege:a special advantage limited to a particular person or group特权,特殊待遇 renounce:to give up (a claim) 声明放弃 scrutiny:a close study or look仔细检查,详审 seductive:very desirable or attractive有魅力的 trivial:of little worth or importance琐碎的,没有价值的 vestige:a sign, mark, track, or other proof that sb. or sth. formerly existed痕迹,残余Phrases and Expressions attribute...to:to believe (sth.) to be the result or work of归因于,认为是…的结果 be wary of:to be careful of谨防,谨慎 deprive...of:to take sth. away from somebody剥夺 distinguish:between to make a difference between区分,区别 identify...with:to share feelings or ideas of others; to consider as similar to与…共鸣;视……为一体


GET Cloze 2012/6 “ A better, richer and happier life for all our citizens.” That's the American 41. In practice, it means living in a spacious, air-conditioned house, owning a car or three and maybe a boat or a holiday home, not to mention flying off to 42 destinations. The trouble 43 this lifestyle is that it consumes a lot of power. If everyone in the world started living like wealthy Americans, we 44 need to generate more than 10 times45 energy each year. And 46, in a century or three, we all expect to be47 by an army of robots and zoom up into space on holidays, we are going to need a vast amount more. Where are we going to get so much power from? It is clear that continuing to rely on 48 fuels will have catastrophic results, because of the dramatic warming effect of carbon dioxide. But alternative power sources will affect the climate too. For now, the climatic effects of "clean energy" sources are trivial 49 those that spew out greenhouse gases, but if we keep on using ever more power over the coming centuries, they will become ever more 50. 41.A.constitution B.dream C.history D.character 42.A.exotic B.patriotic C.supersonic D.alcoholic 43.A.on B.for C.at D.with 44.A.shall B.will C.should D.would 45.A.much more B.more than C.as much D.of more 46.A.if B.though C.while D.so 47.A.taken to B.attended to C.attached to D.submitted to 48.A.rock B.stone C.fossil D.diamond 49.A.according to B.based on C.such as https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5517464852.html,pared with 50.A.signified B.imperative C.indispensable D.negligible


硕士学位申请书指南硕士学位申请书填写指南 随着社会对高层次人才需求的不断增加,申请硕士学位的在职人员日益增多。硕士学位申请书怎么写呢?下面是的硕士学位申请书指南资料,欢迎阅读。 学位申请报告是记录申请者申请硕士学位过程的重要材料。获得学位后,学位申请书和答辩材料都要归入本人人事档案和学校档案馆存档,因此院系、硕士学位申请者必需认真、如实、准确地填写和(或)签名、加盖公章。 一、封面(申请人填写) 1.申请者姓名 中国籍申请人,请填写身份证上的姓名。 对于非中国籍或非华裔的外国留学生,本栏请填写本人在读期 间所使用的汉字姓名(要与本人研究生证上姓名一致),同时还应标明护照上本人法定姓名的拉丁字母拼写形式,如留学生约翰·史密斯, 本栏应填写为“约翰·史密斯JohnSmith”;田中太郎,应填写为“田中太郎TarohTanaka”。 2.身份证号码 填写18位的身份证号码。 现役军人填写军官证号码,并在号码后加括号注明“军官证”;外国留学生,填写护照号码(如持马来西亚护照的留学生,填写“马来西亚EF2100345(护照)”;港澳台学生,填写“港澳居民来往内地通行

证”、“台湾居民来往大陆通行证”号码或护照号码、当地身份证号码(并用括号注明证件名称)。 3.“所在院系” 院和系都必须填写,且都必须填写全称。比如:物理系为“理工学院物理学系”;同时,申请书作为入档的材料,名称必须准确、详细,因此院系名称不能写简称,如中文系应为“人文社会科学学院中国语言文学系”。 院系名称过长时应尽量控制字体大小。不清楚院系全称的,请咨询本院系老师或查询学校主页4.指导教师 填写导师的姓名和职称(如:王学仁教授,张小山副教授)。 5.专业 “专业”即二级学科,必须填写规范的全称。如“科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动”专业,不可简写为“科社与国际共运”;也不可断章取义的填写专业,如“中国古代文学”专业写成“古典文学”或“古代文学”,“课程与教学论”,写成“语文教学论”、“物理教学论”,是不对的;另外,有些专业由原来的两个专业合在一起的,如“概率论与数理统计”、“发展与教育心理学”、“比较文学与世界文学”、“生物化学与分子生物学”,在填写专业时切勿写成“概率论”、“发展心理学”、“比较文学”、“生物化学”,应填写现在专业的全称。 “专业”和“研究方向”是不同的,切不可把方向当作专业。如“明清史”,是方向,其专业应该是“中国古代史”;“李代数”是方向,其专业是“基础数学”。


Unit 2 Men V.S. (against) Women男女有别 Word Bank (assist=help) assistance: n. aid帮助,协助; first aid急救 associate (~ A with B= relate A to B): 1) n.a companion (=company伙伴/ 公司; accompany sb. to somewhere); 1)n. a partner合伙人2)v. to connect in the mind or imagination联想; 3)a. 副~ professor副教授 disengage: v. to release (oneself) from an engagement, pledge, or obligation解脱,解放; be oblighed (#forced) to do sth.不得不做某事;be ~in sth.参与某事 (attract<->) distract (->distraction干扰): v. to cause to turn away from the original focus of attention or interest分散,转移 (move->motion/ motion picture=film/ movie) emotionally: adv. related to emotion情绪上地fade: v. to lose strength or vitality (energy)衰退 forgetful: adj. tending or likely (possible) to forget健忘; forgetable<->unforgetable (frict: vt.) friction: n. conflict, as between persons having dissimilar ideas or interests矛盾 Ignore (->ignorant->ignorance): v. to refuse to pay attention to不理睬,忽视 (instinct: n.-> instinctive; a.->) instinctively: adv. relating to, or resulting from instinct本能地 Mars: n. the fourth planet from the sun火星;~ Square战神广场 (mall购物广场#) mull: v. to go over extensively in the mind思虑; (neglegence->neglegeble) neglect: v. to pay little or no attention to忽视,疏忽overwhelm (overcome/ defeat): v. to overpower the thoughts, emotions, or senses (=reason) of 制服,控制 preoccupy: v. to engross the thoughts or mind of使全神贯注,迷住; enable; encourage鼓励(at random=) randomly: adv. of no specific order or pattern随意,任意地 (resent: vt.) resentment: n. anger, bitterness怨恨,愤恨 (lose one’s temper发火->temporary) temporarily: adv. of a short period of time暂时,临时地(tense->) tension: n. a situation or condition of (host<->hstess->hostile->) hostility suspense, or [easy#ease: 1. n./ 2. vt. to ease the pain;make you at ~=make you at home; feel/ be at ease很自在/ 很舒服) uneasiness (unconfortableness/ nervousness)紧张局势 (response: n. respond: vi. ->responsive->) unresponsive: adj. exhibiting a lack of responsiveness迟钝的 [wind: 1. n.->windy; 2. vt. to ~ the clock; 3. vi. ~ road] unwind: v. to make or become relaxed 放松,释放 Venus: n. the second planet from the sun金星 withdraw:v. to retire or retreat撤离,撤退 Phrases and Expressions be associated with: to be connected with与…有关 cope with: to deal with妥善处理,有效地对付 fade into: to disappear into消失于… focus on: to concentrate on聚焦


苏州科技学院 非英语专业硕士研究生英语学位课程考试大纲 《非英语专业硕士研究生英语学位课程考试大纲》(Non-English Major Graduate Student English Qualifying Test,简称GET)是根据《非英语专业研究生英语(第一外语)教学大纲(试行稿)》制定的。本大纲规定了硕士生英语学位课程通过考试的内容、形式、时间和计分。考试目的在于考核已修完研究生英语课程的学生是否达到教学大纲所规定的各项要求,以及实际掌握和运用英语的能力。 本考试共有四个部分:听力理解(占20%)、阅读理解(占30%) 、翻译(占20%) 、写作(占30%)。分两份试卷:试卷一(Paper l)包括前二个部分,共40题;试卷二(Paper 2)包括翻译和写作,共3题。全部题目按顺序统一编号。 第一部分听力理解(Part I Listening Comprehension):听力理解部分主要测试考生掌握听力材料中心思想和主要内容的能力;判断对话情景、场合、人物关系、身份和说话人的意图及话语含义的能力.共20题,考试时间为20分钟左右。主要测试考生能否一遍听懂语速为每分钟130个词的对话和短文。本部分共有二节: A节(Section A):共10题,每题为一段对话。问句后有12秒间隙,要求考生从所给出的四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案。 B节(Section B):共10题,题目或为问句或为未完成的句子,分别安排在3篇听力材料(含新闻英语)之后。要求考生在12秒的间隙中从所给出 的四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案。 第二部分阅读理解(Part II Reading Comprehension):这部分的目的是测试学生通过阅读获取信息的能力,既要求准确,也要求有一定速度。主要测试下述能力: 1、掌握所读材料的中心思想、主要内容和细节; 2、对所读材料的内容进行一定的判断和推理; 3、理解某些词和句子的意义及上下文之间的逻辑关系; 4、领会作者的观点和判断作者的态度。阅读材料的选择原则: 1)题材广泛:可以包括社会、文化、科普常识,史地、日常生活知识、 人物传记等。所涉及的背景知识应能为考生所了解。 2)体裁多样:可以包括叙事、议论、描述、说明、应用文等。 3)文章应有一定的难度。 5、考试共20题,时间为40分钟。 测试要求考生阅读4篇材料。每篇材料后有5个问题。考生应根据文章内容从每题所给的四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案。


硕士研究生的种类及区别 硕士研究生可分为普通硕士和专业硕士两类。考研和在职研的区别详细解答:【普通硕士】 根据我国的有关规定,普通硕士教育以培养教学和科研人才为主,授予学位的类型主要是学术型学位。 目前,我国学术型学位按招生学科门类分为哲学、经济学、法学、教育学、文学、历史学、理学、工学、农学、医学、军事学、管理学等12大类,12大类下面再分为88个一级学科,88个一级学科下面再细分为300多个二级学科,同时还有招生单位自行设立的760多个二级学科。 普通硕士的招生考试主要是年初的全国硕士研究生统一入学考试(简称”统考”),被录取后,获得研究生学籍。毕业时,若课程学习和论文答辩均符合学位条例的规定,可获毕业证书和学位证书。 【专业硕士】 专业硕士对大家来说或许很陌生,但说到MBA、MPA却是耳熟能详。其实,MBA、MPA正是专业学位中的两种类别。目前,我国经批准设置的专业硕士已达15类。 专业硕士学位主要包括:工商管理硕士专业学位(MBA)、公共管理硕士专业学位(MPA)、工程硕士(ME)、法律硕士(J.M)、会计硕士专业学位(MPACC)、公共卫生硕士专业学位(MPH)、农业推广硕士专业学位、兽医硕士专业学位、教育硕士专业学位等。今年年初,又新增了艺术硕士、体育硕士、风景园林硕士3 个专业学位。 专业硕士是我国研究生教育的一种形式。根据国务院学位委员会的定位,专业学位为具有职业背景的学位,培养特定职业高层次专门人才。

专业硕士教育的学习方式比较灵活,大致可分为在职攻读和全日制学习两类。比较简单的 区分办法是:招收在职人员、以业余时间学习为主的专业学位考试通常在每年的10月份进 行,名为“在职人员攻读硕士学位全国联考”,简称“联考”;招收全日制学生的专业学位考试与每年年初举行的“全国硕士研究生统一入学考试”(简称“统考”)一起举行。


中国地质大学专业学位 研究生培养工作的管理办法 中地大研发〔2017〕102号 第一章总则 第一条为规范我校专业学位研究生教育管理工作,保障和提升培养质量,根据教育部《关于做好全日制专业学位研究生培养工作的若干意见》(教研[2009]1号)、教育部人力资源社会保障部《关于深入推进专业学位研究生培养模式改革的意见》(教研[2013]3号)等文件精神,结合专业学位研究生教育特点与我校实际情况,特制定本办法。 第二条专业学位硕士研究生是一种突出应用性、职业化要求的研究生培养类型,其区别于侧重理论与学术研究的学术型学位研究生,旨在培养有特定职业背景的高级专门人才。“以职业需求为导向,以实践能力培养为重点,以产学结合为途径”,是专业学位教育改革发展的基本方向和目标。 第二章修业年限与学习形式 第三条专业学位研究生基本修业年限为三年,最长修业年限为五年。超过最长修业年限者且未达到结业要求的,将按照《中国地质大学研究生学籍管理办法》相关规定给予退学处理。

超过基本修业年限而未达到最长学习年限者不再享受各类奖、助学金。 第四条学习形式: (一)全日制专业学位研究生在学校规定的修业年限内全脱产在校学习。 (二)非全日制研究生在学校规定的修业年限内,在从事其他职业或者社会实践的同时,采取多种方式和灵活时间安排进行非脱产学习,具体授课方式及时间安排由各培养单位自行确定。 第三章培养方式与培养方案 第五条采用课程学习、实践环节和学位论文相结合的培养方式。 第六条培养方案是专业学位硕士生培养目标的具体实施方案,是培养专业学位硕士生的基本教学文件,也是进行培养工作、教学管理和质量检查的主要依据。 第七条专业学位研究生培养方案的制订应突出专业学位研究生教育的特色,充分体现“以职业需求为导向、以实践能力培养为重点、以产学结合为途径”的基本改革方向。在培养目标、课程设置、教学理念、培养模式、质量标准和师资队伍建设等方面,与学术型研究生有所不同,应突出专业学位研究生社会实践能力、应用能力、适应能力和实践创新能力的培养。 第八条培养方案应包括专业(领域)简介、培养目标、培养方式、学习年限与学分、课程设置及实践环节、开题报告、学位论文等部分。 第九条各专业学位点应依据本规定,结合本学位点实际,并



学科教学(英语)全日制教育硕士专业学位研究生 培养方案(2017年修订) 专业代码:(045108) 一、培养目标 培养高素质的基础教育学校和中等职业技术学校英语专任教师。具体要求为:1.热爱祖国,拥护中国共产党领导。热爱教育事业,教书育人,为人师表,积极进取,勇于创新。 2.掌握现代教育理论,具有良好的知识结构和扎实的专业基础,了解英语学科前沿和发展趋势。 3.具有较强的实践能力,胜任并创造性地开展教育教学工作。 4.具有发现和解决问题、终身学习与发展的意识与能力。 5.能较为熟练地运用一种外国语阅读本专业的外文文献资料。 二、招生对象 具有国民教育序列大学本科学历(或本科同等学力)人员。 三、学习年限 学习年限一般为2年。 四、课程设置 课程分为学位基础课、专业必修课、专业选修课和实践教学。总学分不少于38学分。 (一)学位基础课(12学分) 1.政治理论(含教师职业道德教育)(2学分) 2.教育原理(2学分) 3.课程与教学论(2学分) 4.汉语言文学基础(2学分) 5.心理发展与教育(2学分) 6.教育研究方法(2学分) (二)专业必修课(12学分)

1.英语课程与教材研究(2学分) 2.英语教学设计与实施(2学分) 3.外语教育心理学(2学分) 4.教育统计学(2学分) 5.英语教师行动研究与论文写作(2学分) 6.英语语音实践(2学分) (三)专业选修课(6学分) 1.专业理论知识类课程 (1)认知语言学与英语教学(2学分) (2)英语教师发展研究(2学分) (3)语用学与英语教学(2学分) (4)西方文化概况(2学分) (5)翻译理论与实践(2学分) (6)二语习得研究与英语教学(2学分) 2.教学专业技能类课程 (1)现代教育技术(2学分) (2)英语教师口语(2学分) (3)英语写作与教学(2学分) (4)英语阅读与教学(2学分) (5)语言测试学(2学分) (6)高级英语写作(2学分) 3.教育教学管理类课程 (1)英语教学专题研究(2学分) (2)教育政策与法规(1学分) (3)中外教育简史(2学分) (四)实践教学(8学分) 1.校内实训(2学分):包括教学技能训练、微格教学、课例分析等。 校内实训阶段,安排在第2学期进行,校内4周。 每位研究生备课教案和课堂教学各不少于2节,听课不少于10学时,且应作好听


2015年1月研究生英语学位课统考(GET)真题试卷 1. LISTENING COMPREHENSION 2. VOCABULARY 3. CLOZE 4. READING COMPREHENSION 5. TRANSLATION 6. WRITING LISTENING COMPREHENSION Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear nine short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be read only once. Choose the best answer from the four choices given by marking the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring Answer Sheet. 听力原文:W: What are you doing, Sam? M: I'm looking for a job through the classified ads in the paper. W: Have you tried networking? Q: What does the woman suggest the man do? 1. A.Try job agencies. B.Read newspaper ads. C.Receive extra training. D.Contact other people. 正确答案:D 解析:女士说:你在做什么,Sam?男士说:我正在看报纸的分类广告找工作。女士说:你没试试你的人脉圈?networking的意思是“通过社交活动获得的人际关系网”,所以女士的 建议是找认识的朋友帮助推荐工作。 听力原文:M: How much sleep do you usually get? W: About seven hours a night. But last night, I slept an extra half hour. Q: How much sleep did the woman get last night? 2. A.About six and a half hours. B.About seven and a half hours. C.About seven hours. D.About eight hours. 正确答案:B解析:男士说:你通常睡多长时间?女士说:每天晚上大概7小时。但是昨天晚上我多睡了半小时。an extra half hour指的是在每天7小时的基础上多睡了半小时,就是7个半小时。听力原文:W: The house price this year is so high. I cannot even afford to rent a one-bedroom flat. M: Now I know how to become a millionaire. Purchase a three-bedroom flat in 1984 and wait patiently for 30 years. It's simple. Q: According to the man, how can one become a millionaire? 3. A.Live a simple life for 30 years. B.Rent a three-bedroom flat in 1984. C.Buy a three-bedroom flat in 1984. D.Save money for 30 years. 正确答案:C解析:女士说:今年的房价太高了。我甚至连一居室的公寓都租不起了。男士说:现 在我知道怎么成为百万富翁了。1984年买一套三居室的公寓,耐心等30年。就这么简单。男士的 意思是,在1984年买一套三居室公寓,然后等房价上涨,等上30年就能成为百万富翁了。 听力原文:W: Hey, Joe. Did you read this chart? M: No, what is it about?

1专业学位硕士研究生英语教程 -翻译答案合计-Unit2-Unit5

Unit 2 Translation Put the following paragraphs into Chinese. When a woman is stressed she instinctively feels a need to talk about her feelings and all the possible problems that are associated with her feelings. When she begins talking she does not prioritize the significance of any problem. If she is upset, then she is upset about it all, (no mater it is) big and small. She is not immediately concerned with finding solutions to her problems but rather seeks relief by expressing herself and being understood. By randomly talking about her problems, she becomes less upset. 参考译文:女人有压力时,会直觉地需要找人谈自己的感受以及所有可能与之相关的问题。她一旦开始谈论,就不会顾虑到问题的优先顺序。而她一难过,不论大大小小的事都让她沮丧不已。她并不急于马上寻求解答,而宁可通过倾诉自我,获得理解来取得纾解。通过随意倾诉自己的问题,她会感觉好受一点。 Exercise Turn the following sentences into Chinese. 1. The improbable (pregnant) pregnancy was (some/ a pieces of) big news for the woman's family. 2. In reality, I am a great (admire) admirer of Maya. 3. Carlisle Street runs westward, across a great black bridge, down a hill and up again, by little shops and meat-markets, past single-storied homes, until suddenly it stops against a wide green lawn. 4. The fact that she was able to send a message was a hint. But I had to be cautious. 5. That day he was up before sunrise (sunrise: n./ vi.<-> sunset: n./ vi.). 参考译文: 1. 她竟然能怀孕,对她的家庭来说可是一条特大消息。 2. 事实上我对玛雅人佩服得五体投地。 3. 卡列斯尔大街往西伸展,越过一座黑色的大桥,爬下山岗又爬了上去,经过许多小铺和肉市,又经过一些平房,然后突然冲着一大片绿色草地中止了。 4. 她能够给我带个信儿这件事就是一个暗示。但是我必须小心谨慎。 5. 那天他在日出以前就起来了Unit 3 Part II Translation Put the following paragraphs into Chinese. Paris is enrolled in a "dual immersion" program at the Glenwood Elementary School here in which the pupils-half native Chinese, half English speakers—do their lessons in two languages. The program is indicative of one of the fastest-growing curriculum trends in U.S. schools: the study of Chinese. "Americans are used to hearing about people in other countries learning English. Now we're seeing the opposite trend," said Michael Levine, executive director of the Asia Society, which promotes international content in U.S. schools. "Parents and students are deciding that, since more people speak Mandarin than any other language, it might be a useful skill to have." 参考译文: 帕里斯参加了格兰乌德小学的“双语浸入式”项目,这个项目里的学生有一半的母语是汉语,有一半是英语,他们用两种语言上课。从这个项目可以看出美国学校里发展最迅速的一门课程:汉语学习。 “美国人习惯听到西他国家的人学习英语,现在我们看到了相反的趋势。”亚洲协会的执行会长迈克尔. 莱温说,该组织在美国学校里推行国际教学内容,“父母和学生们认为既然说汉语的人比任何其它语言多,那掌握汉语可能是一项有用的技能。” Exercise Turn the following sentences into Chinese. 1. Robin Hood (罗宾汉) often looted (robbed) the rich and helped the poor. 2. Ice (->icy) is not as dense (密度高的) as water and it therefore floats. 3. They have not done so well (idea->ideology->) ideologically (意识形态方面, 缺少新意), however, as (organ-> organize-> organization-> organizational) organizationally (组织方面). 4. It was a clear and unemotional (objective<->subjective) (expose->be exposed to sth.接触)exposition (说明) of the President's reasons for willing (愿意) to begin a


2017年研究生英语学位课统考真题 Part II. Vocabulary ( 10minutes, 10 points) Section A ( 0.5point each) 21. If innovators are not financially rewarded for their innovation, the incentive for path-breaking innovation will eventually dry up. A investment B resource C inspiration D stimulus 22. These illegal immigrants have to work long hours a day despite the appalling working conditions. A bewildering B exasperating C dismaying D upsetting. 23. Many critics agreed that by and large, this movie was a success in terms of acting and photography. A all at once B by and by C to some extent D on the whole 24. The country carried on nuclear tests without feeling apprehensive about the consequences. A optimistic B anxious C uncertain D scared. 25. There is the fear that babies might be genetically altered to suit the parents’ wishes. A enhanced B revised C alternated D modified 26. The American Civil War is believed to have stemmed from differences over slavery. A arisen from B contributed to C patched up D participated in 27. Experts said the amount of compensation for sick smokers would be reduced if cooler jurors prevailed. A resigned B compromised C persisted D dominated 28. Hamilton hoped for a nation of cities while Jefferson contended that the country should remain chiefly agricultural. A inclined B struggled C argued D competed. 29. There have been some speculations at times as to who will take over the company. A on occasion B at present C by now D for sure 30. TWA was criticized for trying to cover up the truth rather than promptly notifying victims’families. A briefly B quickly C accurately D earnestly Section B (0.5point each) 31. New York probably has the largest number of different language ___in the world. A neighborhoods B communities C clusters D assemblies 32. Nuclear waste are considered to ___ a threat to human health and marine life. A compose B impose C expose D pose 33. Some states in the US have set ___ standards concerning math and science. A energetic B vigorous C rigorous D grave 34. This school promised to make classes smaller and offer more individualized ___. A presentation B instruction C conviction D obligation 35. Because of ___ ways of life, the couple has some difficulty getting along with each other. A incomprehensible B incomparable C inconceivable D incompatible 36. As ___China and other emerging export powers, efforts to strengthen anti-corruption activities are gaining momentum. A in the light of B in the event of C in the case of D in the course of 37. According to an Australian research , moderate drinkers ___ better thinkers than heavy drinkers or those who never drink.

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