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The End of the Civil War

The End of the Civil War

1 How wars end is every bit as important as why they start or how they're fought. Put differently, far too many civil wars throughout history end quite badly. Think of Northern Ireland. It's gone on for some 200 years. Thinks of Lebanon, Rwanda, Cambodia. Think of the horror s of the Middle East or the Balkans today. Our civil war could have ended just as badly, with the same terrible, tragic consequences, but didn't. Why? That's a question I wanted to answer and which I do answer in "April 1865."

2 In "April 1865," I strip away the inevitability of events, so that rather than seeing it with the comfort of 136 years or 140 years of hindsight, you see the events as they take place, you see the decisions as they see them, you see the turning points as they see them, and you see how easily events could have just as--just as easily gone one way or gone another way. And it's that kind of richness of history that I wanted to bring alive.



every bit as ... as

和 ...同样 ...

horror ['h?r?]

n. 惊骇;惨状;极端厌恶;令人恐怖的事物

strip away 除去;揭掉

hindsight ['haindsait]





1.kick(或knock) someone's hindsight off (或out) [美国口语] 把某人彻底打垮;把某人彻底干掉

3 Robert E. Lee was the moral conscience of the South, as General Wise, one of his top men, once said to him. Near the end of the war, they were talking about what will happen next. Wise had ridden through the lines. He dismount ed his horse, and he had actually fallen in Virginia quicksand, and he was caked with red mud, and he looked kind of ridiculous.

4 They joked a bit, but then they talked about the end of the war. Lee raised the dreaded concept of surrender, and he said, "What will the country think?"

5 And Wise looked over at Lee, and he said, "Country? My God, man, you are the country to these men." So, in other words, Lee was the country to the Southerners. Whether or not he would decide to deal with the Northerners with honor and dignity and to become good citizens again, or with rage and continued civil war and civil violence, he would be the determinant of that.




dismount ?[d?s'ma?nt]

vt. 下车;使下马;使掉下

vi. 下马;下车

n. 下马;下车

quicksand ['kwiks?nd]




be caked with


dreaded ['dr?d?d]

adj. 令人畏惧的,可怕的

v. 惧怕(dread的过去分词)

determinant [di't?:min?nt]

adj. 决定(性)的,确定(性)的,有决定力的,限定性的


1. 决定因素;决定物

2. 【语法学】限定成分(如复合词gatekeeper中的gate,rainbow中的rain)

3. 【数学】行列式;方阵

4. 【生物学】因子,定子;决定因素,决定簇

5. 【免疫学】抗原决定基[亦作antigonic determinant,epitope]

6. 【遗传学】基因

7. [废语]决定授予文学士学位的学生

6 City Point is in Virginia, and it's where Ulysses S. Grant, the commanding general of the Union armies, had his floating fortress. City Point was, in effect, an armed command post for the Northern Army as they were encircling Lee's army in Petersburg and in Richmond. They met on March 24 where Lincoln actually wanted to see the front lines and confer with his commanding generals.

7 It was from City Point that Lincoln, in that same meeting, spoke about his fears of guerrilla warfare and his fear that there would be a final

bloody Armageddon; he did something quite unique. Abraham Lincoln said, "When the war is over, there must be no hanging s, there must be no

bloody work." What was loom ing large in his mind was the specter of the French Revolution because it loomed large in the minds of all Americans. In the French Revolution, the revolutionariesstart ed outwith the best of intentions, and before everybody knew it, they were guillotining the opposition, and they were guillotining each other. Before everybody knew it, violence engulfed all of a continent.




floating fortress 流动堡垒

armed command post 武装指挥所

confer with 协商;交换意见

guerrilla [ɡ?'ril?]


1. 游击队员

2. [古语]游击战


1. 游击队员的

2. 游击(战)的,非正式的[亦作guerilla]

Armageddon [,a:m?'gedn]

n. 大决战;世界末日善恶决战的战场(源于《圣经》)


n. 悬挂;绞刑;帘子,幔帐

adj. 悬挂着的

v. 悬挂(hang的ing形式)

work n. 行为

loom [lu?m]

n. 织布机;若隐若现的景象

vt. 在织布机上织

vi. 可怕地出现;朦胧地出现;隐约可见

loom large


specter ['sp?kt?]

n. 幽灵;妖怪;恐怖之物

revolutionary [rev?'lu??(?)n(?)r?]?

n. 革命者

adj. 革命的;旋转的;大变革的

start out

1. 突然离开:

A mouse started out as I went into the cave, which startled me.


2. 起程,动身,出发:

The expedition started out before sunrise.


3. 开始从事;雇用:

I started out as a doctor in 1995.


The firm started him out as a salesman.


4. [口语]一开始打算,本来想要;起初,一开始:

He started out wanting a motorbicycle, and then bought a car.


You started out by saying that it's easy to get into a good seat at the theatre.


with the best of intention


guillotine ['ɡil?ti:n]


1. 断头台

2. 【机械装置】轧刀;截断机;裁切机;立式切纸机

3. 【医学】(摘除扁桃体等的)铡除刀,环状刀

4. [英国英语]截止辩论以付表决法


1. 在断头台上处决,把...送上断头台

2. 用裁切机切;切断

3. [英国英语]截止对议案的辩论而付表决

engulf [in'ɡ?lf]


1. 吞没,淹没,沉没;席卷;压倒;为洪水(或如同为洪水) 覆盖:

The overflowing river has engulfed many towns and villages along its banks.


2. [常用被动语态] 使陷入(深渊),使深深卷入,使沉浸在:

She engulfed herself in her studies.


3. 大口吞食;吞噬;狼吞虎咽:

The monkey engulfed the food whole.


8 In effect, what Lincoln said was, "There must be no French Revolution here." It was prescient, and it was visionary and it was one of Lincoln's finest acts and finest moments. And Grant would carry it out brilliantly at Appomattox during the surrender, where rather than treating Lee like a defeated, dishonored foe, he treated him with great dignity and grace. It was one of the most poignant scenes in our history.

9 Just think about it, the morning that Lee had made this fateful decision that he's going to surrender. At that point, he straightened himself up, and he said, “Now I must go meet General Grant, and I would rather die a thousand deaths than do that." History has, more often than not, telescope d and simplified what happened, said that Lee was vain and quixotic in retreat, and then said there was the dignity of Appomattox, the end of war, end of story.



prescient ['pr?s??nt]

adj. 预知的;有先见之明的

visionary ['vi??n?ri]


1. 幻想的;不实际的

2. 好幻想的

3. 幻觉的,想像的,幻想中所见的

4. 假想的,非真实的

5. 理想的;空中楼阁的

6. 有眼力的;有先见之明的


1. 好幻想的人,空想家;理想主义者

2. 有眼力的人;有预见的人

3. 专门认知映像的人工智能研究者

foe ['f?u]


1. 仇敌,敌人

2. (战争中的)敌兵;敌舰;敌军;敌国;敌国人

3. (竞赛、比赛中的)对手,敌手

4. (感情、原则性问题的)反对者

5. 危害物,有害物


1. foe worthy of someone's steel 劲敌,值得某人与之一斗的强敌

2. our (或arch) foe 【宗教】恶魔

3. sworn foe 死敌,不共戴天的敌人

poignant ['p?inj?nt; 'p?iɡn?nt]


1. 辛辣的;刺激嗅觉(或味觉)的

2. 尖锐得伤人感情的

3. 痛切的;深刻的;深深打动人心的

4. 锐利的;生动的;强烈的

5. 尖刻的;切中要害的,恰当的

straighten oneself up 挺直身子

more often than not 通常

telescope ['t?l?skop]

vt. 压缩;使套叠

vi. 套叠;变短

n. 望远镜;缩叠式旅行袋

vain [vein]


1. 没有真正意义的,没有真正价值的,无关紧要的

2. 自负的,自高自大的;爱虚荣的

3. 徒劳的,无益的,无效果的

4. [古语]愚蠢的


1. in vain 无效地,徒然,白费力,轻慢,不尊敬

quixotic [kwik's?tik]


1. [常作Q-](堂)吉诃德的;(堂)吉诃德式的;愚侠的

2. 空想的;不切实际的[亦作Quixotical]

retreat [r?'tri?t]

n. 撤退;休息寓所;撤退

vt. 退(棋);使后退

vi. 撤退;退避;向后倾

10 In truth, it's far richer. Let's ask the first question: How would Lee be treated when he went to meet U.S. Grant? He didn't know. What we do know is that Lee, that morning, was actually quite nervous, uncharacteristically so. He was speaking in mumbled half-sentences. And he should have been nervous because, throughout history, as he knew all too well, defeated generals and revolutionaries and traitor s were typically beheaded, or they were hanged, or they were imprisoned or, like General Napoleon, they

were exile d.

11 In fact, that very morning, the Chicago Tribune editorialize d: "Hang Lee." And just days earlier, in the Union capital of Washington, DC, Andrew Johnson, the vice president of the Union, went out with several senator s and before

a thronging crowd of hundreds, maybe over 1,000, gave a rousing speech in which he said,"We must hang Davis, we must hang Lee. We must hang them 20 times."So, in fact, Lee didn't know what to expect. Grant would treat him with such tenderness and dignity, and it's such a rich scene. Grant was carrying out

Lincoln's vision at City Point of no bloody work, no hangings. But it is really unique in the chain of history.



uncharacteristically [,?n,k?rikt?'ristikli]

adv. 不典型地;非同寻常地;反常地

mumble ['m?mb(?)l]

n. 含糊的话;咕噜

vi. 含糊地说话

vt. 含糊地说;抿着嘴嚼

all too



traitor ['treit?]


叛徒,叛逆者,背叛者;卖国贼—turn traitor 成为叛徒



exile ['eksa?l; 'egz-]

n. 流放,充军;放逐,被放逐者;流犯

vt. 放逐,流放;使背井离乡

Tribune ['tr?bjun]

n. 论坛报(报刊名)

editorialize ['?d?'t?r??'la?z]

vi. 发表社论;(在报纸等的文章中)加编者按语

vt. (就某事)发表社论;插入主观评论

senator ['sen?t?]


1. 议员,参议员;上议员

2. [S-] [用作称呼]参议员先生

3. 【罗马历史】元老院议员

4. (大学的)理事

thronging adj. 一大群的

rousing ['ra?z??]

adj. 活泼的;使奋起的;使感动的

v. 唤醒;激怒;唤起(rouse的ing形式)

12 Interestingly enough, when they first walked into Appomattox Court House, Lee was wearing his finest uniform because, as he said, "Now I must become General Grant's prisoner," and Grant, came in in a mud-spatter ed private's blouse. In fact, later on in history, he would apologize for how he was attire d.

13 Picture this scene for a second: this small, little home, Wilmer McLean's house, in Appomattox Court House, a little village of about eight structures or so, and rolling hills. Outside in those rolling hills were thousands of men, who were standing at rapt attention to watch this amazing piece of historical theater take place. In fact, when the surrender was over-I'm going to digress for a second--everything would be rip ped apart from the Wilmer McLean house: the desk, the pens, the floorboards, the wallpaper. Even a tree that Lee himself leaned against that morning would be ripped apart because everybody knew that history was taking place that day, and they wanted a piece of it.


spatter ['sp?t?]

n. 溅;洒;泼溅的污迹;少量

vt. 溅;洒;污蔑

vi. 洒落;溅出水滴

private ['pra?v?t]

adj. 私人的;私有的;私下的

n. 列兵;二等兵

attire [?'ta??]

n. 服装;盛装

vt. 打扮;使穿衣

rapt [r?pt]






standing at attention


digress [dai'ɡres]


1. 离题,(谈话或写作中)暂时离开主题:偏离,撇开,漫笔,漫谈,闲聊(from):

to digress from the point at issue


Let me digress for a moment and tell you a short story.


2. 背离,离开;转向,转到一边:

to digress to a new field


rip [r?p]

vt. 撕;锯

vi. 裂开,被撕裂

n. 裂口,裂缝

rip apart

1. 撕开;扯破:

Last night a bomb ripped apart the train in which we had been travelling.


2. 把(一个地方)搞得乱七八糟:

The thief ripped the room apart but found no jewels.


3. 伤害,使陷入极度痛苦

14 But inside this small, little home, rather than talk about the surrender, they talk about the old days …Grant said, "You know, I remember you from the

Mexican War, and what was it you did?" Lee looked at him and he said, "All these times in this battle, I've tried to recall your face. I could never quite do it." They continued to chat happily. They continued on and on, and it was eventually Lee who said, "I suppose we must discuss the object at hand, the surrender."

15 So though they didn't know each other, the bonds that were forge d and the closeness they had almost defied the fact that they were the greatest

of nemeses one could imagine.

16 On April 9, Robert E. Lee surrendered to U.S. Grant—that dignified, honorable surrender. Yet he only surrendered his army. There were still

three Confederatearmies in the field. There were over 175,000 men,

their murderous gun barrels hot to the bitter end. There was Jefferson Davis, the Confederate president, calling for guerrilla warfare. Even Robert E. Lee's wife, Mary Lee---who was directly descended from Martha Washington, the great-granddaughter, and by marriage to George Washington---said, "Robert E. Lee is not the Confederacy. Richmond is not the Confederacy." That's

how volatile the situation still was.




at hand

1. 在手边,在附近

2. 即将发生,即将到来,迫近

3. 在考虑中

forge [f?rd?]

n. 熔炉,锻铁炉;铁工厂

vi. 伪造;做锻工;前进

vt. 伪造;锻造;前进

defy [di'fai; 'di:-]


1. (对权势的公然)违抗,反对,对抗;不服从;藐视,蔑视;对…满不在乎,不顾:

to defy parental authority 公然违抗家长的权威

They believe it is essential to defy convention. 他们认为对抗流俗是绝对必要的。

2. 顶得住,经受得起:

The plane defied the laws of gravity. 这架飞机经受住了引力定律。

3. 使成为不可能,使不能,使落空,把…难倒;足以抵御:

The puzzle defied solution. 这个谜无法解。

a fort that defies attack 一座难以攻破的堡垒

4. 挑,惹,激(某人)做(或证明)某事:

She defied him to prove her guilty. 她量他不敢证明她有罪。

She defied him to dive off the bridge. 她激他从桥上跳入水中。

5. [古语]激(人)战斗(或竞争)

6. [古语]向…挑战






1. defy someone to do something 激某人做某事

nemeses ['nemisi:z]



nemesis ['nemisis]


1. [N-]【希腊神话】涅墨西斯(报复女神)

2. 报复,惩罚行为,报复行动

3. 复仇者,报复者;给以报应者

4. 天谴,公正的惩罚,报应

5. 不可抗拒的事物,不可避免的结果

6. 不能战胜的对手,不能征服(或完成)的事

Confederate armies


murderous ['m?:d?r?s]


1. 杀人的;谋杀的;残酷的;残忍的

2. 凶恶的;杀气腾腾的

3. 犯谋杀罪的;蓄意谋杀的

4. 杀人用的

5. [美国口语]非常困难的;危险的;讨厌的;厉害的;势不可挡的;要命的

to the bitter end

1. 直到最后(无论多么困难或痛苦)

2. (拼命、战斗)到底,至死

3. 直到最后,拼到底;至死

be descended from


Confederacy [k?n'fed?r?si]


1. 联盟,同盟,邦联

2. 非法结社,私党;密谋,同谋


1. the Confederacy 【历史】(美国南北战争时的)南部邦联[正式名称为Confederate States of America 美国邦联]

volatile ['v?l?tail]


1. 迅速挥发的,易挥发的;易气化的

2. 易发作的;爆炸性的

3. 易变的,反复无常的;轻浮的

4. 短暂的;易逝的

5. (价格等)波动的;不稳定的

6. 【计算机】易失的

7. [古语](飞禽等)能飞的;惯于飞行的

17 How much longer would the war last? Three weeks? Three months? Six months? As Lincoln knew and feared, throughout history such time span s had been enough to start, fight, and win wars, to unseat great dynasties or to complicate the reconciliation to come. And five days later, Lincoln was dead. He was killed on April 14 at 10:14 at night. And William Seward, the Union's secretary of State, was stabbed five times. Only Andrew Johnson

escaped unscathed. Had he been assassinated that night, there would have been a complete decapitation of the Union government.

18 I figured that the transition mechanism was all very simple, the vice president would become the president. In fact the picture was

far murkier and far more complex in April 1865. Because, as it turned out, when I went to check this question, the founders did not intend for the vice president to become president. They only intended for him to temporarily act as president until there was an election. So on that fateful evening, Lincoln was

shot, and Seward was ailing with five wounds, and Johnston had never been expected to become a president. He was widely written off as a buffoon in Washington circles. In fact, Edwin Stanton was basically running things for the first day and a half. Temptations for a regency or Cabinet-style government were great, or for that matter, for a military-style intervention. After the assassination of Lincoln, there would be such turmoil,

such chaos and anarchy gripping the Union Capital.



span [sp?n]?

n. 跨度,跨距;范围

vt. 跨越;持续;以手指测量

unseat [,?n'si:t]


1. 使从座位上摔下,使离座;使自马背上摔下:

to unseat a rider 使骑马人落马

2. 使离职;使退位;罢免:

to unseat a member of Parliament 罢免议员

reconciliation [,rek?nsili'ei??n]


1. 和解;和好

2. 调解,调停

3. 和谐;一致

4. 顺从

5. 【会计学】调节

unscathed [,?n'skeied]



assassinate [?'s?sineit]


1. 对(尤指政治要人)行刺,暗杀,谋杀

2. 毁谤,诋毁;中伤;糟蹋或破坏(某人的名誉等) decapitation [di,k?pi'tei??n]



decapitate [di'k?piteit]


1. 杀(或砍下)…的头,将…斩首:

Some people were decapitated during the French Revolution.法国大革命期间,有些人被砍了头。

2. [美国英语](由于政治原因)把…强行解雇,把…强行免职

3. 【军事】摧毁;使无效

picture ['pikt??]


1. 人(或物的)像,尤指画像,图画,图片,照片

2. 相似的形象;化身;体现;典型

3. 生动的绘画;逼真的素描

4. 心像;情景;想象;概念;【哲学】思维形象

5. 生动的描写,写照

6. 局面;状况;事态

7. 对形势的理解

8. = tableau

9. = motion picture

10. 【无线电】图像

11. (舞台上的)场景,场面

12. 电影院


1. 画;用图表示:

The artist has pictured him as a young man in riding dress.画家把他画成一个身穿骑服的年轻人。

2. 用图说明;清楚地描述,描写:

The book pictured the world of the future.


3. 想象;设想:

Can't you picture how she must feel?


4. 把…(作为电影)拍摄

5. (镜子等)映出,照出


1. be high up in the pictures [美国俚语]居重要地位;成为要人;十分成功,很有成就[亦作be in the picture]

2. be in pictures 摄成电影

3. be in the picture







4. be(或look)the picture (或the very picture )of (despair, health 等)



5. big picture



6. close-up picture 特写镜头(或画面)

7. come (或step)into the picture




8. get the picture 了解概略情况

9. give a picture of 把…描绘一番

10. go pictures [美国英语]签订演戏合同,入电影界

11. go to the pictures 看电影

12. in the picture [口语]熟悉一切,知情,知底细

13. out of (或not in)the picture



14. pass from the picture 退出舞台;不再处于显要地位

15. picture something to oneself 设想(或想像)某事

16. pretty as a picture 非常漂亮

17. put (或keep)someone in the picture [口语]把最新(或基本)情况告诉某人

18. step into the picture = come into the picture

19. take a bad picture 照起相来不好看,不上相

20. take a good picture 照起相来好看,上相

21. take a picture 照相,摄影

22. take pictures [美国俚语、民用波段无线电通讯用语](警察)用雷达测车速

23. the King's (或Queen's)picture [英国英语]钱,钱币

24. the picture of 极其,非常;十足的样子

25. word picture 有声有色的描写,生动的文字描述

murky ['m?:ki]


1. 黑暗的;暗淡的;阴沉的

2. 朦胧的;模糊的;有雾的;有烟雾的

3. 含糊的;不明确的;晦涩难懂的,令人困惑的

4. 忧郁的,闷闷不乐的

5. 盖满灰尘的

6. 不可告人的[亦作mirky]

intend for

1. 打算供…使用;打算送给:

The book is intended for college student.


2. 打算使…成为:

The talented actor seems to have been intended for the the stage from an early age.这位才华出众的演员似乎早就预定要活跃在舞台上。

act as

1. 充当,用作,当作,起…的作用;做:

That sofa also acts as a bed.


2. 担当,充任;扮演…的角色:

He acted as chairman in my absence.




1. 患病的,生病的,病痛的,身体不舒服的;体衰的

2. 境况不佳的;面临困难的

近义词 sick

write off

1. 取消;注销(如债款等);认为…已无用处,认为…已被勾销:

He was written off as a has-been.


2. 认为…已无价值,看不起:

It is said that they wrote their marriage off.


3. = amortize

4. 写信寄出;写信订购,写信索取:

He wrote off for information on Internet.


5. 毫不费力地写成,流利地写下来,迅速地写出,很快写好;一口气写出:

He wrote off a paper in half an hour.


6. [美国俚语]毁掉;杀死;结束;干掉:

The building was written off in the earthquake.


buffoon [b?'fu:n]


1. (马戏、喜剧等的)小丑,丑角,滑稽戏演员

2. 滑稽的人;爱讲粗俗笑话的人

3. 粗俗而愚笨的人,缺乏教养的人


1. 插科打诨,做滑稽动作

2. 讲粗俗笑话;开下流玩笑

regency ['ri:d??nsi]


1. 摄政;摄政权

2. 摄政府;摄政团

3. 摄政地区

4. 摄政时期(尤指[the R-]英国历史上1811~1820年间一段时期;法国历史上1715~1723年间一段时期)


1. 摄政的;摄政时期的

2. [1400 ~1450]

Cabinet ['k?binit]


1. (有抽屉或架子的)橱柜

2. (唱机、收音机、电视机等的)匣子,机壳

3. 壁橱

4. [常作C-]内阁

5. [英国英语]内阁会议

6. [美国英语]美国州长(或市长)的顾问团

7. (有特殊用途的)小房间

8. 展览艺术品的小陈列室

9. [古语]私人小房间;内室


1. 通常陈列于柜橱内的;供小房间用的;小巧玲珑的

2. 细木工制作的;家具制造的

3. 内阁的

4. 秘密的;私人的

intervention [,int?'ven??n]


1. 介入;插入

2. 干预;干涉;妨碍

3. 调停;斡旋

4. [美国英语](父母对子女进行指导的)介入教学,父母对孩子的教育(或辅导);家庭教育

turmoil ['t?:m?il]

n. 骚乱,骚动,动乱;混乱;喧嚣;喧嚷

vt.,vi. [古语](使) 骚乱,(使)骚动;(使)混乱

chaos ['kei?s]


1. 混沌(状态)

2. 混乱,纷乱;无秩序

3. [古语]深渊,峡谷

anarchy ['?n?ki]


1. 无政府(状态)

2. (因无政府而形成的)社会动乱(或政治混乱和暴力行为),无法无天

3. 混乱,无秩序

4. 无政府主义

5. (由享有完全自由的个人所组成的)无政府乌托邦社会,理想国

grip [gr?p]

n. 紧握;柄;支配;握拍方式;拍柄绷带

vt. 紧握;夹紧

vi. 抓住

19 In fact, The New York Times would editorialize: "If this were France, all the country would be in bloody revolution by twenty-four hours." They were in such turmoil that the Union Cabinet would soon be discussing whether or not, in effect, a Napoleonic coup was under way. Who did they think was behind it? None other than one of their greatest generals, Bill Sherman. That's why I think it's so important to go back and recreate the world, not as we see it with hindsight but as they saw it, so we can see the turning points that they confronted.

20 The Bennett House story is the story that we never hear about. Appomattox is usually viewed as the end of the war on April 9. But, of course, there was still three Confederate armies in the field, and Davis calling for guerrilla warfare. Five days later, there was a tripartite assassination attempt of Lincoln, Andrew Johnston and Seward. The Union was in total chaos. And what took place in the Bennett House in North Carolina is the final surrender of the other principal army of the Confederacy, which is commanded by Joe Johnston.




coup [k?]

n. 政变;妙计;出乎意料的行动;砰然的一击

vt. 使…颠倒;使…倾斜

vi. 推倒;倾斜;溢出

under way

1. [亦作underway] (船舶)行驶中,在航,不在码头

2. 启动,不停息;运动;旅行

3. 进行中

4. 已着手,在进行中,在前进

5. 【航海学】(船)在航行中,起锚

none other than


1.It was none other than Mr. Wang. 不是旁人而正是王先生。

2. It was none other than Professor Wu. ?那人正是吴教授。

3. He was none other than my nephew Satya. 他不是别人,正是我的侄子萨提亚。

tripartite [,trai'pɑ:tait]


1. 分成三部分的

2. 三重的

3. 一式三份的;三联的

4. (协定、条约等)三方缔结的;三方参加的;三方的

5. 【植物学】(叶子)三深裂的

21 It was ten days' worth of negotiations where Sherman first sat down with Johnston and John Breckinridge. At one point, the Confederates laid

down such terms, and Sherman moved his chair back and said, "Well, see here, who's surrendering to whom? " But in fact, Sherman gave very generous
