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英语文体学Chapter 9 Implications of Stylistics for Teaching English Literature

英语文体学Chapter 9 Implications of Stylistics for Teaching English Literature
英语文体学Chapter 9 Implications of Stylistics for Teaching English Literature

Chapter 9 Implications of Stylistics for Teaching English Literature Our task in this chapter is to explore the implications of stylistics for teaching English literature to advanced Chinese EFL students. Stylisticians abroad, especially in Britain, have enthusiastically started to apply stylistics to the teaching of English literature to both home and foreign students. The works based on their teaching experience of such scholars as H. G. Widdowson, A. Rodger and R. Carter are indeed invaluable and insightful. Much of what is said in this chapter results from the inspiration received from reading these works.

To examine the implications of a particular theory for teaching, it makes sense to first find out as much as possible about the target students.

9.1 Brief Description of Students

According to the most recent "National Syllabus for University English Majors" (National Advisory Board on University Foreign Language Teaching, 2000), there are two required English literature courses: "British Literature" and "American Literature". These are one-year courses and designed to be taught to the third-year and fourth-year students. The students are mostly over twenty years of age, and are therefore physically and emotionally mature. When they graduate, most of them will work as "Foreign Language Workers" - an umbrella term for foreign language teachers, translators, interpreters and researchers. Some may go on to postgraduate studies. As we know, most of these professions ask for a basic literary competence.

Our students are usually highly motivated to study, though a small number of them are less motivated for one reason or another. Nevertheless, even the less motivated students are often interested in English literature for the pleasure it provides and out of love and respect for great literature in general. The English literature that the students have encountered by the third year of their study consists mostly of simplified or abridged short stories, novels and some short poems. Their reading is oriented to language study, not to thematic message. Students may have, however, read a fair amount of Chinese literature and the translated versions of some English literary works. As far as the students' English language proficiency is concerned, it is assumed that they have moved into the advanced stage of learning. In the first two years of their college work, according to the new national syllabus, they should have acquired a good mastery of basic English pronunciation and intonation and the essentials of English grammar. They should have covered 5,500 ~6,500 English words and be able to fluently and appropriately use 3,000 ~4,000 of them and their collocations. In short, they should have acquired a good grammatical competence and even a fairly good communicative competence.

With the above-mentioned characteristics of the target students in mind, we are now in a better position to start to explore the implications of stylistics which affect all aspects of literature teaching. In this chapter, we will be able to discuss only two aspects, namely, defining the aims of teaching literature and devising classroom literary exercises.

9.2 Implications of Stylistics for Defining the Aims of Teaching Literature

It is of paramount importance for the teacher to have a clear idea of the aims of the course he or she is teaching. It is even more important, however, for the aims to be defined appropriately on the basis of theory and practice. The failure to do so will necessarily lead to the failure of the course.

How might we define the aims of teaching English literature in the light of the theory and methods of stylistics? As discussed in Chapter One, an important assumption of a stylistic approach is that literature is made of language. The medium of the literary writer is very different from the medium of the sculptor or painter. It is already meaningfully structured and systematized. As the most complex mode of human communication, language already has its own built-in rules and conventions. This the literary writer may exploit and arrange in unusual ways to create a fictional world independent of any concrete situation. But the meaning of a piece of work unquestionably depends on the norms of that language even where it most deviates from them. Thus, the facts of a literary text are linguistic facts. Everything else in a work is only inference from these facts. In conventional discourse, concrete situations are given; we understand the text or conversation partly because we know what to expect in those situations. In Widdowson's (1983) words, we "count on schematic knowledge". For example, if we listen to the weatherman on a summer's day in Beijing, we will not be surprised to hear that there will be rain or a storm. But we will be surprised to hear of a heavy snow coming up. In literature, however, there are no established conventional schemata of this sort. Literature is contextually dislocated. The context of situation in literature is only created from the clues supplied by the language of the text. Therefore, our understanding of a piece of literary work relies heavily on a highly developed awareness of the workings of language in everyday communicative situations as well as in literary discourse.

Based on this analysis, we may now suggest that what is of primary concern for a literary course is the development of a keen awareness in the student of how language works in literary discourse. Widdowson has made the point explicitly, "literature as a subject has as its principal aim the development of the capacity for individual response to language use" (1975: 76).

The adoption of the above aim as the primary goal of a literary course would mean that the teacher should focus the students' attention mainly on the intrinsic facts of a text as opposed to extrinsic facts such as those about the lives and opinions of authors, about sources and influence, about genres, fashions, schools and movements. The teacher must realize that these extrinsic facts are only secondary to the intrinsic facts.

The adoption of such a primary aim would also mean that the chief criterion for selecting the teaching content should be different from that of a knowledge-oriented course. It should not be the classic status of the texts, "but has to do with whether the work can be used to develop sensitivity to language in the most effective way" (Widdowson, 1975: 85). A selection made chiefly according to this criterion may not contain as many classics as was usually the case, but is nevertheless suitable for preparing the way for a meaningful and enjoyable reading of them at a future date.

The adoption of such an aim does not mean the rejection of other teaching aims such as 'the acquisition of literary knowledge', 'the learning of cultural facts' and 'the cultivation of morality'. But it should be realized that these aims cannot be achieved if the student is unable to understand the language of the texts. Putting it in another way, the realization of the primary aim can facilitate the attainment of other aims.

9.3 Implications of Stylistics for Devising Classroom Literary Exercises

We briefly discussed the implications of stylistics for defining aims of teaching literature in the preceding section. In this section we will explore the implications of stylistics for devising literary exercises for classroom use.

We made the point in Section 1.5 that to ascertain the style or uniqueness of a text naturally involves comparisons of language of the text with that used in conventional types of discourse and concluded that stylistic analysis is an activity which is highly comparative in nature. In Section 1.3, we examined the assumption that literature is made of language. In the preceding section, we further pointed out that the facts of a literary text are linguistic facts and everything else in it is only inference from these. The understanding of a literary text thus relies heavily on a highly developed awareness of the workings of language in everyday communicative situations as well as in literary discourse. The points we made in these sections have many implications for devising classroom literary exercises. What we said chiefly implies that the exercises we devise for our students should be in some way comparative and should help the students make sense of literary discourse through utilizing the clues supplied by the language of the text.

One type of literary exercise that Widdowson advocates is the setting of examples of literary discourse alongside examples of conventional discourse in order to demonstrate the differences in the way the language system is realized for communicative purposes (1975). For example, for teaching Tennyson's poem The Eagle, we may select from an encyclopaedia the description of the eagle and then present it to the students together with the poem.

The Eagle

He clasps the crags with crooked hands,

Close to the sun in lonely lands,

Ring'd with the azure world, he stands.

The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls;

He watches from his mountain walls,

And like a thunderbolt he falls.

eagle (e'gel), the popular name for any of several large birds of prey that belong to the hawk family. Eagles are found throughout much of the world. Some live in open mountainous areas, others inhabit forests, and still others live near the sea.

Most eagles range in length from 2 to 3 feet (0.6 to 0.9 meters), and their broad wings may span more than 6 feet (1.8 meters). Like most of the hawks, the female

eagle is slightly larger than the male. All eagles have a heavy, sharply hooked bill and strong sharp claws, called talons, which they use to seize and kill prey. The eagle's plumage is usually brown, gray, or black, and it is sometimes marked with white.

Eagles hunt in the daytime. They have very sharp sight, and some eagles can spot a running rabbit at a distance of 3 miles (4.8 km). Several species of eagles prey on small game birds or animals, others eat fish, and some eat reptiles. One species, the monkey-eating eagle (Pithecophaga jefferyi), feeds almost exclusively on monkeys. The monkey-eating eagle is a native of the Philippines.

The eagle's nest, called an aerie, is usually built in an inaccessible place, such as a high treetop or rocky cliff ledge. The nest is a large, bulky structure, made of sticks and often lined with ferns and grass. Many eagles return to the same nest every year, repairing it and adding sticks before they lay their eggs. One of the largest known aeries was 20 feet (6 meters) deep and 9.5 feet (2.9 meters) across the top. It consisted of 2 tons of sticks and had been used for 36 years.

Eagles lay one to four white eggs, which may be speckled with brown. The male rarely incubates the eggs, but both parents care for the young until they are able to fly, usually about 11 weeks after hatching.

(Merit Student Encyclopedia, Vol. 6, p. 146, Macmillan, 1979)

Using the above-listed type of exercise implies that we should not ask students questions of a factual kind such as, 'Where does the eagle stand?' or 'How does the eagle fall?'. Instead, we should ask the kind of questions that direct students' attention to how the language of the text being discussed functions to produce its unique literary message. Thus, for the set of texts on the eagle the following questions might be asked.

1) In Tennyson's poem, eagle is modified by the definite article the, whereas in the encyclopedic version it is either in its plural form they or modified by the. How do you account for this? Can you perceive the multiple meanings in the title of the poem?

2) In Tennyson's poem, the masculine third-person pronoun he stands for the eagle, while in the encyclopedic version, the pronouns used are it and they. What special effect does Tennyson's use of he for the eagle create in the poem?

3) In line one of Tennyson's poem, there is a recurrence of plosives, e.g. /t/, /k/ and /g/. What effects do they produce?

4) The closing line of the first stanza and that of the last stanza structurally run parallel to each other. How do we interpret this?

This type of exercise is both interesting and helpful, and may be used as the major type of exercise in the classroom. It is also relatively easy to devise for there is a great variety of non-literary texts to choose from. However, there are other types of exercises which are useful and can be employed by the classroom teacher. In what follows, we will briefly introduce four of them.

1) Original text - Translation text


Original text:

Four Orders

I am a trembling leaf

I am a withered arm

I am a sunken reef

I am a trampled worm.

Leaf, be the caterpillar's joy

Arm, enfold the new-born boy

Reef, flower into a coral isle

Worm, fertilize the soil.

(Ronald Bottral)

Translation text:










This type of exercise is very effective in that it can help students to see how putting literary discourse into another code may alter or lose part of its original meaning. It thus enables students to appreciate the artistic value of the language of literature. The word order in the title of the poem for example is ambiguous. It may be interpreted in at least three ways: a) the condition in which laws and rules of nature are obeyed, b) a command or direction given by nature, c) the form of sentence which is commonly known as imperative. However, once it has undergone translation, only the first layer of meaning remains. Under such a circumstance, the teacher should perhaps inform the students that in translating literary works one should first achieve a good understanding of the original text and then try to find the expressions and structures that best keep the meaning of the original text.

2) Authentic text - Pseudo-text


Authentic text:

Thunder and Lightning

Blood punches through every vein

As lightning strips the windowpane,

Under its flashing whip, a white

Village leaps to light.

On tubs of thunder, fists of rain

Slog it out of sight again.

Blood punches the heart with fright

As the rain belts the village night.

(James Kircup)


The Tempest

When lightning lit my windowpanes,

My blood flowed fast through all my veins.

Underneath its flash so bright,

The white-washed village came to light.

While thunder rumbled, showers of rain

Concealed it from my sight again.

My blood filled all my heart with fright,

When rain poured down on us that night.

(A. Rodger)

This type of exercise is also a very interesting and useful exercise. The idea is again to show how the pseudo-text may lose or distort much of the poetic meaning of the authentic text.

The example of this type of exercise listed above is designed by Alex Rodger. It may be done by engaging the students in comparing the texts in several aspects. For example, we may guide the students to compare the tenses used in the two poems. Kircup in his poem has used the present tense, whereas Rodger has used the past tense. Stylistically, the present tense usually has the function of bringing immediacy to a text and may make the reader feel that what is described is actually happening before his eyes. The past tense on the other hand may produce a sense of detachment.

The second aspect that may be compared is the choice of verbs. The verbs used in Kircup's poem require the head word in the subject noun phrase to have the semantic feature /+animate/. However, those head words do not possess this feature and cannot normally perform the actions designated by the verbs. We made the point in Chapter Seven that a careful examination of these verbs reveals that there is cohesion among them. All these verbs except leaps denote punitive violent actions of human beings. The attribution of this quality to natural phenomena such as rain and lightning suggests that nature has a terrifying power and is able to punish the human world.

However, there is nothing unusual about the uses of verbs in Rodger's text. Thus,

the immediacy and the powerful and frightful image created of nature are totally lost.

The teacher may also draw students' attention to the fact that there is a recurrence of the first person possessive pronoun my in the pseudo-text whereas this pronoun is absent in Kircup's poem. The repeated use of my seems to be redundant and may thus make the text unpoetic. More significantly, the repeated occurrence of this pronoun may give an impression that this text describes a personal experience of the speaker Ⅰ. This together with the use of the past tense may create a strong spatial and temporal detachment.

3) Topic-related texts


Text One:

The Monuments of Hiroshima

The roughly estimated ones, who do not sort well with our common phrases,

Who are by no means eating roots of dandelion, or pushing up the daisies.

The more or less anonymous, to whom no human idiom can apply

Who neither passed away, or on, nor went before, nor vanished on a sigh.

Little of peace for them to rest in, less of them to rest in peace,

Dust to dust a swift transition, ashes to ash with awful ease.

Their only monument will be of others' casting-

A Tower of Peace, a Hall of Peace, a Bridge of Peace-

who might have wished for something lasting,

Like a wooden box.

(D. J. Enright)

Text Two:


Noon, and hazy heat;

A single silver sliver and a dull drone;

The gloved finger poised, pressed,

A second's silence, and



The aim of this exercise is to demonstrate how the writers may exploit similar or different linguistic devices to express the same topic. What the above two texts have in common is that there are hardly any finite verbs in them. This phenomenon here functions to produce a mood of 'inaction'. It greatly reinforces the powerful impact of a single atom bomb depicted in both poems. However, the writers have also employed different linguistic devices. In Text One, Enright has used several idioms such as sort well with, pushing up the daisies, etc. These create a cynical tone, showing that the

writer is very much against the use of nuclear weapons. The second poem has exploited some phonological features such as semi-alliteration. In line two there are two groups of semi-alliteration which form a contrast in meaning: the plane is minute, but the noise it makes is enormous. This may suggest to the reader that the minute flying object, insignificant as it may seem to be, should be watched, for its action may cause instant destruction.

4) Feature-related texts


Text One:

Reflections on Ice-breaking


Is dandy

But liquor

Is quicker.

(Ogden Nash)

Text Two:

My heart leaps up when I behold

A rainbow in the sky,

So was it when my life began;

So is it now I am a man;

So be it when I shall grow old,

Or let me die!

The Child is father of the Man

And I could wish my days to be

Bound each to each by natural piety.

(William Wordsworth)

This type of exercise can be used to demonstrate how similar stylistic features may be employed to produce similar or different effects. We briefly discussed Text Two in Chapter Six. What the two texts have in common is that they both contain parallelism. The parallelism in Text One is a small-scale parallelism containing only two juxtaposed units. It functions to form a connection of both similarity and contrast. What Nash seems to say is that both candy and liquor can be used for socialization, but liquor works better.

The parallelism in Text Two is a large-scale parallelism consisting of three juxtaposed units. It chiefly functions to bring about a climax which fully expresses the speaker's strong wish to always retain his faith in nature.

9.4 The Advantages and Challenges of a Stylistic Approach to Teaching Literature

In the preceding sections of this chapter, we explored the implications of stylistics for defining the aims of teaching literature and for devising literary exercises for classroom use. In this concluding section, let us briefly discuss the advantages and challenges of a stylistic approach to the teaching of English literature to advanced EFL students.

One obvious advantage of a stylistic approach to the teaching of English literature to advanced Chinese EFL students can be identified from the arguments we advanced in Section 1.5 and the two preceding sections of this chapter. That is, the discovery of unique literary meaning requires the students to relate literary uses of English to their uses in conventional forms of discourse. By this comparison process, students can not only discover what it is that is peculiar to literary uses of language, but they can also find out more about the uses of English in non-literary discourse. In other words, this approach enables students both to understand and appreciate literary works, and to improve their competence in the English language. Short (1983) refers to such an approach as "a powerful double-edged tool" for the teacher. He explains that "By showing how meanings come about he increases enjoyment and sensitivity to good literature; at the same time he increases the students' explicit awareness of the general norms and conventions governing English usage" (1983: 73).

Another advantage of this approach is that it is particularly suitable to Chinese students. Chinese students have been learning English grammar carefully and systematically in such courses as 'Intensive Reading' and 'Practical Grammar' and they have courses in linguistics that run parallel to their literature courses. Their familiarity with linguistic terminology will enable them to cope with the detailed and fairly technical stylistic description with little difficulty.

This approach has a third advantage. Stylisticians believe that literary meanings can only be derived from intra-textual features and not from extrinsic facts of literature. Therefore, in stylistic analysis students are always asked to base their interpretation and comment on careful and systematic analysis of the language of the text so as to eliminate impressionistic remarks. This requirement will enable students to learn to substantiate argument with evidence. It also helps students to cultivate habits of logical thinking and objective analysis. Thus, it lays a good foundation for students to carry out research in a scientific way in the future.

The last advantage of the approach we want to mention here is that it emphasizes the training of 'the capacity for individual response'. This is only consistent with the general aim of most college courses to help students acquire the ability to analyze and solve problems for themselves so that when they leave college they can 'walk on their own without the support of the stick' (the teacher).

The stylistic approach to literature presents two challenges. Firstly, it demands much of the literature teacher. In order to apply this approach, the teacher should take re-orientation courses when possible. If such courses are unavailable, self-study is suggested. Although this does place added demands on limited time, the rewards of a fresh approach are worth it. Throwing away old lecture notes and replacing them with new materials may prove to be an exhilarating experience to both teachers and students.

Secondly, the approach requires students to actively participate in classroom discussion and to produce written assignments for which they cannot turn to received opinions about the work. Less motivated students may initially feel reluctant to take the challenge, but most students will acquire a feeling of achievement as a result of thinking for themselves.

Finally, we wish to point out that what we have said in this chapter does not suggest a total rejection of all the other approaches to literature and the teaching of literature, whether biographical, historical, psychological, or any other kind. We believe that each approach has some contribution to make to the understanding of literature and to the teaching of literature. For example, we feel that it is often helpful to provide the students with some background knowledge of the text they are studying. What we are really trying to show and voice in this chapter is that in order to improve the teaching of English literature in China, it is worth trying to incorporate the insights and methods of stylistics.


1. How do you define the aims of a literary course at the college level in China in the light of your knowledge about stylistics?

2. What is the chief implication of stylistics for devising classroom literary exercises?

3. Comment on the effectiveness of the types of exercises we proposed in this chapter and suggest some other types of exercises for use in the classroom.

4. Discuss the advantages and challenges of a stylistic approach to the teaching of English literature in the Chinese context.


类别1234 样本x 1x 2x 1x 2x 1x 2x 1x 2 10.1 1.17.1 4.2-3.0-2.9-2.0-8.4 2 6.87.1-1.4- 4.50.0 2.9 2.1-4.2-7.74 2.0 2.7 6. 3 1.6-0.1 5.2-8.5-3.25 4.1 2.8 4.2 1.9-4.0 2.2-6.7-4.06 3.1 5.0 1.4-3.2-1.3 3.7-0.5-9.27-0.8-1.3 2.4-4.0-3. 4 6.2-5.3-6.7 80.9 1.2 2.5-6.1-4.1 3.4-8.7-6.4 9 5.0 6.48.4 3.7-5.1 1.6-7.1-9.7 10 3.9 4.0 4.1-2.2 1.9 5.1-8.0-6.3 实验一 感知器准则算法实验 一、实验目的: 贝叶斯分类方法是基于后验概率的大小进行分类的方法,有时需要进行概率密度函数的估计,而概率密度函数的估计通常需要大量样本才能进行,随着特征空间维数的增加,这种估计所需要的样本数急剧增加,使计算量大增。 在实际问题中,人们可以不去估计概率密度,而直接通过与样本和类别标号有关的判别函数来直接将未知样本进行分类。这种思路就是判别函数法,最简单的判别函数是线性判别函数。采用判别函数法的关键在于利用样本找到判别函数的系数,模式识别课程中的感知器算法是一种求解判别函数系数的有效方法。本实验的目的是通过编制程序,实现感知器准则算法,并实现线性可分样本的分类。 二、实验内容: 实验所用样本数据如表2-1给出(其中每个样本空间(数据)为两维,x 1表示第一维的值、x 2表示第二维的值),编制程序实现1、 2类2、 3类的分类。分析分类器算法的性能。 2-1 感知器算法实验数据 具体要求 1、复习 感知器算法;2、写出实现批处理感 知器算法的程序1)从a=0开 始,将你的程序应用在和的训练数据上。记下收敛的步数。2)将你的程序应用在和类上,同样记下收敛的步数。3)试解释它们收敛步数的差别。 3、提高部分:和的前5个点不是线性可分的,请手工构造非线性映射,使这些点在映射后的特征空间中是线性可分的,并对它们训练一个感知


二、破产清算会计的一般核算程序见课本 (二)清算组接管破产企业后,应设置新的会计科目,建立新的帐户体系,对破产清算进行核算。 破产清算会计核算的一般程序是:见课本 三、破产清算的会计核算 (一)设置破产清算会计科目并建立新的帐户体系 1.资产类会计科目—— (1)核算内容与原企业相应科目的核算内容一致的资产类科目。如“现金”、“应收票据”、“在建工程”、“无形资产”等科目。 (2)对原企业核算内容相近科目进行合并而设置的资产类科目。如: A、“投资”科目是原“长期投资”科目和“短期投资”科目的合并; B、“银行存款”包括各种存款与汇票、本票存款等; C、“应收款”核算清算企业除应收票据之外的各种应收款项。 (4)将原科目与其备抵科目合并后设立的资产类科目,如:“固定资产”科目是原“固定资产”科目和“累计折旧”科目的合并(即净额); 2.负债类会计科目—— (1)与原企业相应科目的核算内容一致的负债类科目。如“应付票据”、“应付工资”、“应付福利费”、“应交税金”、“应付利润”、“其他应交款(应交的教育费附加)”、“应付债券”等科目。 (2)对原企业有关科目的合并而设立的负债类科目。如“借款”科目核算被清算企业需要偿还的各种借款,包括长期借款和短期借款;“其他应付款”科目核算被清算企业需要偿付的除应付票据之外的各种款项。 3.损益类会计科目 (1)破产企业原来的各损益类科目和“本年利润”科目不再设置。 (2)增设“清算费用”科目,核算被清算企业在清算期间发生的各项费用。支付各项清算费用时,记入该帐户的借方;清算结束时,应将该帐户余额从贷方转入“清算损益”帐户。

(3)增设“土地转让收益”科目,核算被清算企业转让土地使用权取得的收入和发生的有关成本、税费等。取得土地使用权转让收入时,记入该帐户的贷方;结转转让成本、用土地使用权所得支付职工安置费以及支付转让的有关税费时,记入该帐户的借方;清算终结时,应将本帐户的余额转入“清算损益”帐户。 (4)增设“清算损益”科目,核算被清算企业在破产清算期间处置资产、确认债务等发生的损益和被清算企业的所有者权益。其核算内容包括: ① 被清算企业在清算期间处置资产发生的损益。发生的收益记入该帐户的贷方,发生的损失记入该帐户的借方; ② 被清算企业在清算期间确认债务发生的损益。确认债务的减少数额,记入该帐户的贷方; ③ 结转的被清算企业的所有者权益,包括实收资本、资本公积、盈余公积,利润分配等。结转各项所有者权益帐户时,如为贷方余额,记入该帐户的贷方;如为借方余额,记入该帐户的借方。 ④ 结转的有关帐户的余额,包括清算费用、土地转让收益和有关资产负债帐户的余额。结转有关帐户的借方余额,记入该帐户的借方;结转的贷方余额,转入该帐户的贷方。 (二)结转各破产清算帐户的期初余额 开设新账后,清算组应按照破产企业移交的、截止至清算开始日的账户余额表中各账户的余额,根据各账户的相互对应关系,逐一转入新设的相应账户中,并编制新的科目余额表。结转时,均要编制结转分录,据以登录新帐户的期初余额,注销旧账。如 1)结转“投资”账户余额—— 2)结转“应收款”账户余额—— 借:投资(新帐户)借:应收款(新帐户) 贷:短期投资(旧帐户)贷:应收 / 预付账款(旧账户) 长期投资(旧帐户)其他应收款(旧账户) 3)结转“固定资产”账户余额—— 4)结转“借款”账户余额—— 借:固定资产(新帐户)借:短期借款(旧帐户) 累计折旧(旧帐户)长期借款(旧帐户) 贷:固定资产(旧帐户)贷:借款(新帐户) 5)结转“其他应付款”账户余额—— 6)结转“清算损益”账户余额—— 借:应付账款(新帐户)借:清算损益(新帐户)


实验一、基于感知函数准则线性分类器设计 1.1 实验类型: 设计型:线性分类器设计(感知函数准则) 1.2 实验目的: 本实验旨在让同学理解感知准则函数的原理,通过软件编程模拟线性分类器,理解感知函数准则的确定过程,掌握梯度下降算法求增广权向量,进一步深刻认识线性分类器。 1.3 实验条件: matlab 软件 1.4 实验原理: 感知准则函数是五十年代由Rosenblatt 提出的一种自学习判别函数生成方法,由于Rosenblatt 企图将其用于脑模型感知器,因此被称为感知准则函数。其特点是随意确定的判别函数初始值,在对样本分类训练过程中逐步修正直至最终确定。 感知准则函数利用梯度下降算法求增广权向量的做法,可简单叙述为: 任意给定一向量初始值)1(a ,第k+1次迭代时的权向量)1(+k a 等于第k 次的权向量)(k a 加上被错分类的所有样本之和与k ρ的乘积。可以证明,对于线性可分的样本集,经过有限次修正,一定可以找到一个解向量a ,即算法能在有限步内收敛。其收敛速度的快慢取决于初始权向量)1(a 和系数k ρ。 1.5 实验内容 已知有两个样本空间w1和w2,这些点对应的横纵坐标的分布情况是: x1=[1,2,4,1,5];y1=[2,1,-1,-3,-3]; x2=[-2.5,-2.5,-1.5,-4,-5,-3];y2=[1,-1,5,1,-4,0]; 在二维空间样本分布图形如下所示:(plot(x1,y1,x2,y2))

-6-4-20246 -6-4 -2 2 4 6w1 w2 1.6 实验任务: 1、 用matlab 完成感知准则函数确定程序的设计。 2、 请确定sample=[(0,-3),(1,3),(-1,5),(-1,1),(0.5,6),(-3,-1),(2,-1),(0,1), (1,1),(-0.5,-0.5),( 0.5,-0.5)];属于哪个样本空间,根据数据画出分类的结果。 3、 请分析一下k ρ和)1(a 对于感知函数准则确定的影响,并确定当k ρ=1/2/3时,相应 的k 的值,以及)1(a 不同时,k 值得变化情况。 4、 根据实验结果请说明感知准则函数是否是唯一的,为什么?


《文献检索》实验指导书 刘军安编写 适用专业:机械类各专业 总学时:24~32学时 实验学时:6~14 机械设计与制造教研室 2014. 3

一、课程总实验目的与任务 《文献检索》课程实验是机械学院机械类专业的选修课的实验。通过实验内容与过程,主要培养学生在信息数字化、网络化存储环境下信息组织与检索的原理、技术和方法,以及在数字图书馆系统和数字信息服务系统中检索专业知识的能力,辅助提高21世纪大学生人文素质。通过实验,使学生对信息检索的概念及发展、检索语言、检索策略、检索方法、检索算法、信息检索技术、网络信息检索原理、搜索引擎、信息检索系统的结构、信息检索系统的使用、信息检索系统评价以及所检索信息的分析等技术有一个全面熟悉和掌握。本实验主要培养和考核学生对信息检索基本原理、方法、技术的掌握和知识创新过程中对知识的检索与融合能力。实验主要侧重于培养学生对本专业技术原理和前言知识的信息检索能力,引导学生应理论联系实际,同时要了解本专业科技信息的最新进展和研究动态与走向。 二、实验内容 通过课程的学习,结合老师给出的检索主题,学生应该完成以下内容的实验: 实验一:图书馆专业图书检索(印刷版图书) 实验二:中文科技期刊信息检索 实验三:科技文献数据库信息检索 实验四:网络科技信息检索(含报纸和网络) 文献检索参考主题: 1.工业工程方向: 工业工程;工业工程师的素质、精神、修养、气质与能力;工业工程的本质;企业文化与工业工程;战略工程管理;工程哲学;创新管理;生产管理;品质管理;优化管理或管理的优化;零库存;敏捷制造;敏捷管理;(优秀的、现代的、或未来的)管理哲学;生产管理七大工具;质量管理;设备管理;基础管理;现场管理;六西格玛管理;生产线平衡;工程经济;系统哲学;系统管理;柔性制造;看板管理;工程心理学;管理心理学;激励管理;管理中的真、善、美(或假、恶、丑);工程哲学;工业工程中的责任;安全管理;优化调度;系统工程;系统管理与过程控制;设计哲学;智能管理;工业工程中的数学;智能工业工程,或工业工程的智能化;生态工程管理;绿色工业工程,或绿色管理;协同学与协同管理;工业工程中的协同;概念工程与概念管理;工业工程与蝴蝶效应;管理中的蝴蝶效应,等等…… 2.机械电子工程方向: CAD;CAM;CAE;CAPP;PDM;EPR;CIMS;VD;VM;FMS;PLC;协同设计;协同制造;概念设计;自底向上;自顶向下;智能设计;智能制造;智能材料;特种加工(线切割、电火花、激光加工、电化学加工、超声波加工、光刻技术、快速成型、反求工程);微机械;精密加工;精密制造;机电一体化;自动化;控制论;线性控制;非线性控制;混沌控制;模糊控制;人工智能;神经网络;纳米技术;纳米制造;机器人;智能机器人;传感器;智能传感器;自动化生产线;机械手;智能机械手;自动检测;数据采集;信号处理;信息识别、模式识别等等……


概念形成 简介: 概念是人脑反映事物本质属性的思维形式。个体掌握一类事物本质属性的过程,就是概念形成的过程。实验室中为了研究概念形成的过程,常使用人工概念。 制造人工概念时先确定一个或几个属性作为分类标准,但并不告诉被试,只是将材料交给被试,请其分类。在此过程中,反馈给被试是对还是错。通过这种方法,被试可以发现主试的分类标准,从而学会正确分类,即掌握了这个人工概念。通过人工概念的研究,可以了解概念形成的过程。一般来讲,被试都是经过概括-假设-验证的循环来达到概念形成的。 叶克斯复杂选择器可用来制造人工概念。本实验模拟叶克斯复杂选择器来研究简单空间位置关系概念的形成。 方法与程序: 本实验共有4个人工概念,难度顺次增加,被试可以任选其中1个。 实验时,屏幕上会出现十二个圆键,有空心和实心两种。其中只有一个实心圆与声音相联系,此键出现的相对位置是有规律的,被试要去发现其中的规律(概念),找到这个键。被试用鼠标点击相应的实心圆,如果没有发生任何变化,表明选择错误;如果有声音呈现,同时该圆变为红色,则表明选择正确。只有选择正确,才能继续下一试次。当连续三次第一遍点击就找对了位置时,就认为被试已形成了该人工概念,实验即结束。如果被试在60个试次内不能形成正确概念,实验自动终止。 结果与讨论: 结果文件第一行是被试达到标准所用的遍数(不包括连续第一次就对的三遍)。其后的结果分三列印出:第一列是遍数;第二列为每遍中反应错的次数,如为0则表示这一遍第一次就做对了;第三列表示这一遍所用的时间,以毫秒为单位。 根据结果试说明被试概念形成的过程。 交叉参考:思维策略 参考文献: 杨博民主编心理实验纲要北京大学出版社 319-321页


《企业破产清算有关会计处理规定》解读 一、单项选择题(本类题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分。单项选择题(每小题备选答案中,只有一个符合题意的正确答案,请选择正确选项。) 1. 财会【2016】23号文的适用范围是()。 A. 经法院宣告破产处于破产清算期间的会计处理 B. 经法院裁定企业进入重整的会计处理 C. 经法院裁定企业进入和解程序的会计处理 D. 经法院宣告破产处于破产清算期间或进入重整或和解程序的会计处理 送A C B C C厂D Q 答案解析:财会【2016】23号文适用于企业自被经法院宣告破产处于破产清算期间的有关会计处理和报告,不包括法院裁定企业进入重整或和解程序的会计处理。 2. 下列各项中,破产企业一般增设的清算净值类会计科目有()。 A. 应付破产费用 B. 清算净值 C. 应付共益债务 D. 破产费用 C I A 「B C C厂丨 D Q 答案解析:破产企业一般增设的相关负债类会计科目有应付破产费用和应付共益债务。 3. 在编制破产清算期间的财务报表时,应当对所有资产项目按其于破产报表日的破产资产清算净值重新计量,借记或贷记相关资产科目,贷记或借记的科目有 ()° A. 资产处置净损益 B. 清算净值 C. 破产资产和负债净值变动净损益 D. 债务清偿净损益 厂| A c I B R c C I D Q 答案解析:在编制破产清算期间的财务报表时,应当对所有资产项目按其于破产报表日的破产资产清算净值重新计量,借记或贷记相关资产科目,贷记或借记 “破产资产和负债净值变动净损益”科目。 4. 下列各项中,财会【2016】23号文规定的破产会计期间的确定者是()° A. 企业的管理层 B. 企业的财会主管 C. 法院或债权人会议 D. 投资人 「| A 厂I B C IT|D Q 答案解析:财会【2016】23号文第四条明确,破产会计期间由法院或债权人会议确定。法院、债权人会议作为重要的破产清算会计信息使用者,可以根据


华南理工大学《模式识别》大作业报告 题目:模式识别导论实验 学院计算机科学与工程 专业计算机科学与技术(全英创新班) 学生姓名黄炜杰 学生学号201230590051 指导教师吴斯 课程编号145143 课程学分2分 起始日期2015年5月18日

实验概述 【实验目的及要求】 Purpose: Develop classifiers,which take input features and predict the labels. Requirement: ?Include explanations about why you choose the specific approaches. ?If your classifier includes any parameter that can be adjusted,please report the effectiveness of the parameter on the final classification result. ?In evaluating the results of your classifiers,please compute the precision and recall values of your classifier. ?Partition the dataset into2folds and conduct a cross-validation procedure in measuring the performance. ?Make sure to use figures and tables to summarize your results and clarify your presentation. 【实验环境】 Operating system:window8(64bit) IDE:Matlab R2012b Programming language:Matlab


桂诗春:新编心理语言学,上海:上海外语教育出版社,2000年6月第1版。 1 绪论 1·1 心理语言学的对象 心理语言学是研究语言和心理的。 我们可以归纳出心理语言学的几个特点: 1.它是研究语言的习得和使用的心理过程的。 2.这个过程是以认真为基础的。 3.它主要采用实验方法(包括心理测量的方法和统计的方法)来进行研究;在一些领域(如语言习得)还需要采用自然观察方法和语料库方法。 1·4 心理语言学的诞生和发展 1·5 心理语言学的研究方法 (1)自然观察 心理语言学所采用的第一种研究方法是自然观察。有些自然产生的行为(如语言习得和失言)是很难任意操纵的,只好在它出现时便进行观察;还有些行为一经操纵,就会收到影响,乃至失真,在实验室里的电话通话和日常的电话通话显然不同。 自然观察具有以下特点: 第一个特点是:不干预性。即不掺杂观察者的任何主观因素,如实地记录客观现象,但这有时不容易做到。因为语言活动既是心理活动,又是社会活动,所以有的观察又强调观察者参与语言活动。既要参与但又不干预,就要求观察者灵活掌握。 第二个特点是:强调事物的型式性。这是观察的根本目的,即从个别的、随机的行为中找出规律性的东西进行分析。 第三个特点是:直观性。这是自然观察的有点,直观的东西比臆断的东西要可靠,但是问题在于心理活动不能直观,必须根据表面观察到的行为去推断其心理过程,要推断就难以避免主观性。 第四个特点是:长时性。自然观察要花很多精力和时间才能找到事物的型式。 (2)实验法 心理语言学所采用的第二种研究方法是实验法。实验法是自然科学所采用的方法,这是一种有控制的观察。任何一种行为都是很多因素起作用的结果。为了

实用汉英翻译教程 参考答案

Beidaihe Seaside Resort The Beidaihe Seaside Resort, a famous summer resort in China, lies 15 kilometers southwest of Qinghuangdao. With the Bohai Sea to its south and the Lianfeng Mountains to its north, the resort enjoys a long coastline, fine beaches and a calm sea, ideal for bathing. Moreover, the weather at the seaside is mild all the year round with the temperature in the hottest month averaging only 23°C. The sea wind by day and the land breeze by night make the place a best summer vacationland. The natural charm of Beidaihe is breathtaking. The East and West Lianfeng Mountains with their luxurious pines and cypresses and grotesque rocks extend far into the distance. In front of the mountains lies a vast expense of ocean stretching to the horizon while beautiful villas and buildings dot the green landscape. On the East Lianfeng Mountain, a rock looks just like a lotus flower, and two other rocks on the West Lianfeng Mountain, standing face to face, resemble two persons having a conversation. Meng Jiangnu Temple Meng Jiangnu Temple, 6.5 kilometers to the east of Shanhaiguan Pass, was first built in 1594, the 22nd year of the reign of Emperor Wanli of the Ming Dynasty. Legend has it that the husband of a women named Meng Jiangnu was sent to work on the Great Wall. To bring him winter clothes, Meng Jiangnu came to Shanghaiguan Pass from thousands of miles away. When she was told that her husband had died at work, she cried her heart out. Her tears of anguish bust the Great Wall and she jumped into the sea and died. Later, a temple was built in memory of her. It stands on the top of a hill, with stone steps leading to it. There are two halls in the temple. In the front hall stands the clay statue of Meng Jiangnu in plain white clothes, facing the sea with a sorrow look. In the rear hall is the statue of the Goddess of Mercy. Behind the hall is the “Rock of Waiting for the Husband”, the marks on which are said to be Meng Jiangnu’s footp rints. Nearby stands her Dressing Pavilion. Beijing-Toronto Hotel/Jinglun Hotel Beijing-Toronto is located on Jiangguomenwai Avenue, downtown Beijing, in the vicinity of the embassy quarters, Friendship Store and a number of major commercial buildings, with the world-famous Tian An Men Square only ten minutes away. Beijing-Toronto has 659 spacious rooms and suites, with wide comfortable beds. They are all equipped with modern facilities such as central air-conditioning, color TV with satellite transmitted programs, IDD and DDD calls and mini-bars, meeting international standards. In our room, one cannot help but feel cozy, comfortable and satisfied.


锅炉温度定值控制系统模式识别及仿真专业:电气工程及其自动化姓名:郭光普指导教师:马安仁 摘要本文首先简要介绍了锅炉内胆温度控制系统的控制原理和参数辨识的概念及切线近似法模式识别的基本原理,然后对该系统的温控曲线进行模式识别,而后着重介绍了用串级控制和Smith预估器设计一个新的温度控制系统,并在MATLAB的Simulink中搭建仿真模型进行仿真。 关键词温度控制,模式识别,串级控制,Smith预测控制 ABSTRACT This article first briefly introduced in the boiler the gallbladder temperature control system's control principle and the parameter identification concept and the tangent approximate method pattern recognition basic principle, then controls the curve to this system to carry on the pattern recognition warm, then emphatically introduced designs a new temperature control system with the cascade control and the Smith estimator, and carries on the simulation in the Simulink of MATLAB build simulation model. Key Words:Temperature control, Pattern recognition, Cascade control, Smith predictive control


实用英汉翻译教程答案 【篇一:大学英语实用翻译教程练习答案】 s=txt>第二章第一节 练习一:p10 一、 1.保护人类基因健康是个比较严峻的问题,但这不过是问题的一 个方面而已。 2.这些是科学家和技术专家研制的机器和产品。 3.科学已成为力量的一种源泉,不只是适宜于幻想的题材了。 4.建造和装饰宫殿、教堂和寺院的款项都由经商的富户承担支付。 5.查理一世和下议院的争吵已到了紧要关头,后来内战爆发,并 在白厅把斯图尔特王朝的君主送上了断头台。 6.在开辟第二战场之前,美国步兵精神饱满,营养充足,还没有 在战斗中受过创伤。 练习二:p16 一、 1.已经拟就一张至今已教过的所有动词的表。 2.每天从全国各地传来各行各业取得伟大成就的消息。 3.城乡之间的差别依然存在。 4.那一年,建立了旨在促进研究和试验的英国航空学会。 5.这里出版的报纸谴责侵略者屠杀大批无辜人民。 6.凡是成功的科学家常常把注意力集中在他发现尚未得到满意解 答的问题上。 练习三:p19 1.所有植物组织和动物组织主要由碳化合物、水和少量的矿物质组成。 2.他们并不认为有必要提供学生经常使用的名词化规则和构造使役句的规则。 3.各种族集团的文化特性、民间传说、神话和信仰都是根据文化进化规律起源于每一个集团的内部。 4.个别国家的科学努力可能将由跨国机构来进行统一和协调。 5.解放前,这个城市的垃圾和苍蝇一向无人过问,结果经常发生地方性病疫。

6.他是美国印第安人作家、演讲家和争取印第安人权利运动的活动家。 第二章第二节 练习一:p26 一、 1.我原先以为这部机器不过是一种没有什么价值的玩具。 2.第二天一早,饱饱地吃了一顿早餐之后,他们便动身了。 3.你愿意别人如何待你,你就应该如何待别人。 4.这部打印机真是物美价廉。 5.我七岁时就会织毛衣。 6.钢铁制品常常涂上油漆以免生锈。 二、 1.he who makes no investigation and study has no right to speak. 2.before handing in your translation, you have to read it over and over again and see if there is anything in it to be corrected or improved. 3.the ear is the organ which is used for hearing. the nose is used for smelling. and the tongue is used for tasting. 4. modesty helps one to go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind. 5.as it was getting quite dark, we decided to stop at that temple for the night. 6.internet is so convenient that we can find any information with the click of the mouse. 练习二:p30 一、 1.勇敢过度,即成蛮勇;感情过度,即成溺爱;俭约过度,即成贪婪。 2.她苏醒过来,看见周围一张张笑脸。 3.柯达321a型微胶片阅读器操作简便,功能齐全,结构紧凑,造型美观。 4.海洋与其说是分隔了世界,不如说是连接了整个世界。 5.他这次旅行既有军事上的目的,又有政治上的目的。 6.我希望这次会议不要开得太久,太久了只会浪费时间。 二、


Chapter 3 Lexicon 3.1 What is Word? As different criteria may identity and define different phenomena, it is hard to define “word” scientifically. However, it is agreed that there are three ways of defining “word”, though they can’t cover everything .3.11 Three Senses of “WORD” reference:指称论(the relationship between symbols and the things in outside world that refers to) Sense:词与词的关系(use other words to explain a word, just as we look up the dictionary to find the meaning of a word) (1)A physical definable unit Language is produced as a continuous stretch of speech or writing, but one can still pauses and blanks every now and then. Thus, word maybe seen as a set of sound segments or writing letters between two pauses or blanks. For example: It is wonderful. Phonological: /it is wand?ful/ Orthographic: it’s wonderful (2) Word both as a general term and as a specific term Word may be used both as a general term (then boy and boys are just one word) and as specific terms ( boys and boy are two words). For example: Write/writes/wtote/writing/written


企业破产清算会计处理 一、单选题 1、“应付破产费用”科目,本科目核算()。 A、破产企业在破产清算期间发生的破产法规定的各类破产费用 B、破产企业在破产清算期间发生的破产法规定的各类共益债务 C、破产企业在破产清算期间发生的破产法规定的各类破产收益 D、破产企业在破产清算期间发生的破产法规定的各类破产损失 【正确答案】A 【您的答案】 2、“应付共益债务”科目,本科目核算()。 A、破产企业在破产清算期间发生的破产法规定的各类破产费用 B、破产企业在破产清算期间发生的破产法规定的各类共益债务 C、破产企业在破产清算期间发生的破产法规定的各类破产收益 D、破产企业在破产清算期间发生的破产法规定的各类破产损失 【正确答案】B 【您的答案】 3、下列有关《企业破产法》有关规定破产费用和共益债务的清偿的说法中,不正确的是()。 A、债务人财产不足以清偿所有破产费用和共益债务的,先行清偿破产费用 B、债务人财产不足以清偿所有破产费用或者共益债务的,按照比例清偿 C、债务人财产不足以清偿破产费用的,管理人应当提请人民法院“终结破产程序” D、破产费用和共益债务由债务人财产定时清偿 【正确答案】D 【您的答案】 4、法院宣告企业破产时,应当根据破产企业移交的科目余额表,将部分会计科目的相关余额转入以下新科目,并编制新的科目余额表。原“应付账款”、“其他应付款”等科目中属于破产法所规定的破产费用的余额,转入()。 A、资本公积 B、其他综合收益 C、应付破产费用 D、其他业务收入 【正确答案】C 【您的答案】 5、原“应付账款”、“其他应付款”等科目中属于破产法所规定的共益债务的余额,转入()。 A、应付共益债务 B、应付破产费用

心理语言学名词解释 注释版

1. Assimilation 同化A phonological process in which one speech sound replaced by another that is similar sounds elsewhere in the utterance. 2 Accommodation顺应A phonological process in which elements that are shifted or deleted are adapted to their error-induced environments. 3. Assemblage errors The correct choice or word has been made, but the utterance has been faultily assembled.Eg. writtening threat letters---writing threatening letters 4. Aphasia失语症A language or speech disorder caused by brain damage. 5. Anaphoric reference回指A form of reference cohesion in which one linguistic expression refers back to prior information in discourse. 6. .Behaviorism行为主义The doctrine that states that the proper concern of psychology should be the objective study of behavior rather than the study of the mind. 7. Critical period hypothesis临界期假设The view that there is a period early in life in which we are especially prepared to acquire a language. 8. Coalescence合并A phonological process in which phonemes from different syllables are combined into a single syllable. 9. Common ground共识The shared understanding of those involved in the conversation. 10. Core grammar核心语法is the grammar that rules the essence of syntax of a language (principles and parameters).It is an innate ability. 11. Categorical perception范畴听辨 The disablilty to discriminate sounds within a phonemic category. 12. Cohort Model群模型A model of auditory word recognition in which listeners are assumed to develop a group of candidates, a word initial cohort, and then determine which member of that cohort corresponds to the presented word. 13. Coherence连贯The degree to which different parts of a text are connected to one another. Coherence exits at both local and global levels of discourse. 14...Distinctive features显著特征The specification of the differences between speech sounds in terms of individual contrasts 15. Descriptive adequacy描写充分性The extent to which a grammar can provide a structural description of a sentence. 16. Explanatory adequacy解释充分性The extent to which a agrammar can explain the facts of language acquisition. See also descriptive adequacy and observational adequacy. 17. Episodic memory情景记忆 The division of permanent memmory in which personally experienced information is stored. 18 Holophrase 表句词A one-word utterance used by a child to express more than the meaning attributed to the word by adults.. 19. Idiomorph A sound or sound sequence used consistenly by a child to refer to someone or something even though it is not the sound sequence conventionally used in the language for that purpose. 20. Incremental processing增量处理The notion that we are planning one portion of our utterance as we articulate another portion. 21. Language bioprogram hypothesis语言生物程序假设The hypothesis that children whose environmental exposure to language is limited use a backup linguistic system. 22. Language transfer 语言迁移In second-language acquisition, the process in which the first language influences the acquisition of a subsequent language


破产会计理论结构标准管理 一、破产会计对象 就企业破产的程序而言,属于法律范畴;但就其内容而论,则主要是会计管理问题。从破产程序中不难看出,企业破产过程主要包括和解整顿与破产清算两个阶段,涉及债务人(即和解整顿企业或破产清算企业,下同)、债权人(体现为债权人会议)、清算人(体现为企业破产清算组)三方面主要关系人。在和解整顿期间,债务人仍在从事生产经营活动,照常进行资金循环和周转,定期编制会计报表。其次,在破产清算期初,清算人接管破产企业后,为了保护债权人合法权益,应对有利于债权人的在产品再加工、某些合同的继续履行等作出肯定的决策,其依据在于:在产品再加工或合同履行的净收益必须大于在产品立即出售的收入或因解除合同而付给合同另一方当事人的赔偿额。在产品的再加工与合同的履行中,自然会产生以货币资金购置原材料、支付工资、在产品形成产成品,从而形成资金形态之间的转化。第三、在产品继续加工,合同继续履行后,清算人应变现财产、清偿债务、分配剩余财产,实现实物向货币的转化。很显然,破产清算期间的资金运动是客观存在的,但这里的资金运动不能形成资金周转,而具有单纯的、一次性、终级化的特点。破产企业的这种独特的资金运动,构成了破产会计管理的研究对象,努力加速破产资金运动,最大限度地提高债权人的受债比例,是破产会计管理的重要任务之一,从而形成了其独特的会计目标。 二、破产会计目标 企业破产过程涉及到债务人、债权人、清算人三个方面。债务人会计的主要工作在于拟定和解协议草案与企业整顿方案,向人民法院编报债权债务清册和财务情况说明书,进行和解整顿期间的会计核算,向债权人会议定期提供企业整顿的会计信息,进行整顿期间的财务预测、财务决策、财务控制和财务分析,提高债权人债权受偿比例,促进和解协议的实现,摆脱破产宣告之厄运。清算人会计的主要工作在于进行破产企业延续加工业务的会计管理,界定、估价、变现破产财产,清偿各项债务,努力增大财产变现价值,及时向债权人会议和人民法院报告清算工作进展情况等。债权人会计的主要工作在于审查和解整顿企业的和解协议与整顿方案,监督其实施进展情况,提示和纠正债务人的不合理甚至有损债权人利益的经济行为;其次是审查清算人的清算计划,监督其清算计划的执行情况,审核破产费用开支的合理性与有效性,评判财产估价与变现的科学性、合理性,评价偿债顺序的合法性,切实维护全体债权人的合法权益。可见,破产会计由债务人会计、清算人会计和债权人会计三位一体所构成,尽管各自服务对象、服务内容不尽相同,但其目标集中体现在增大债权人的债权受偿比例、维护债权人与债务人的合法权益方面,这是与正常企业会计目标的根本区别所在,进而构成了其独特的会计目标: 1.及时、客观、真实地向有关方面提供破产会计信息; 2.科学进行破产会计预测、决策、计划、控制、考核与分析; 3.保护债务人财产的安全完整,提高财产的变现价值;

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