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Welcome to Venice, everybody! To start our tour today, I want to tell you about a challenge we face in our beautiful city: floods

You see, a large portion of Venice was built on a salt marsh. City planners had to find a way to maximize space and use every part of the marsh. Builders placed hundreds of wooden logs deep into the marsh. Then they placed building foundations on top of the logs. By doing this, they were able to convert the salt marsh into land for farming. But the salt marsh is like a giant sponge.



The weight of the city pushes down on the salt marsh and buildings slowly sink into the water. High tides, called acqua alta are also a problem. Now, Venice floods on a regular basis.Venetian residents are used to the floods, but our old and beautiful buildings suffer. Many structures are damaged by the water and the restoration of these buildings is very expensive.

城市自身的重量将自己压入盐沼里,建筑物也缓慢的陷入水中。高水位潮汐,我们称之为“acqua alta”同样也是一个问题。现在威尼斯的洪水有规律的发生着。威尼斯的居民习惯了这样的洪水,但是我们古老美丽的建筑却在遭殃。许多建筑物被谁损坏,而修复这些建筑物又是非常昂贵的。

The city is now building water barriers that will stop sea water from flooding the city. This innovative project is called MOSE,and it will be completed soon. The cost of this project is already more than seven billion dollars. Some people argue that the project violates government regulations and is illegal. Others believe that the water barriers will interfere with the beauty of the city and will cause tourists to leave. Let's hope this does not happen, because tourism generates business for shops,restaurants, and hotels. Financial support is necessary to help pay for the MOSE project. So thank you for coming to Venice!



Unit 1 Pirates of the Internet It’s no secret that online piracy has decimated the music industry as millions of people stopped buying CDs and started stealing their favorite songs by downloading them from the internet. Now the hign-tech thieves are coming after Hollywood. Illegal downloading of full-length feature films is a relatively new phenomenon, but it’s becoming easier and easier to do. The people running America’s movie studios know that if they don’t do something----and fast---they could be in the same boat as the record companies. Correspodent: “What’s really at stake for the movie industry with all this privacy?” Chernin: “Well, I think, you know, ultimately, our absolute features.” Peter Chernin runs 20th Century Fox, one of the biggest studios in Hollywood. He knows the pirates of the Internet are gaining on him. Correspont: “Do you know how many movies are being downloaded today, in one day, in the United States?” Chernin: “I think it’s probably in the hundreds of thousands, if not millions.” Correspondent: “And it’s only going to grow.” Chernin: “It’s only going to grow. √Somebody can put a perfect digital copy up on the internet. A perfect digital copy, all right. And with the click of mouse, send out a million copies all over the world, in an instant.”


商务英语视听说 Unit 1 Part I Listening and Speaking Task 1 Q1. I am graduating in June from ABC University and my major is hotel management. I am an outgoing, energetic person. I enjoy teamwork very much. As part of my degree program, I needed to finish different projects with my teammates. I possess excellent interpersonal skills and a very positive attitude. My career aspiration is to become a successful hotelier. During my internship at the Grand Hyatt, I worked as a receptionist. My duties included offering friendly and efficient check-in and check-out service to guests, answering phone calls, taking and passing on messages to guests, I find that if I can make the guests happy, I will be very happy, too. Q2. I received honors in several school-wide English and computer contests. I enjoy working with people from different backgrounds. I am good at communicating, organizing and coordinating. If something blocks my path, I will look for a solution. I never give up easily. Sometimes I receive comments that I need to improve in the area of filing. I am now trying to improve by learning from others. Q3. Interest and career development are two of my criteria in choosing a job. Interest is the best motivation. I love the hotel business, so I will definitely devote myself to it. Moreover, high job satisfaction can be attained when the job is what I am interested in. Career development is very important for me when choosing a job. From what I know, Shangri-La provides equal career advancement for all staff. The job rotation plan and individually tailored training program are really exciting and helpful for young people like me. Task 2 Is that your wife, Mr. Carter? She is so beautiful. Avoid asking interviewer personal questions or making personal comments. Could you tell me how much the new job pays? The interviewer might infer from these questions that you are only interested in your own needs and not those of their company. Wait until the employer raises these subjects to discuss them. What about the paid holidays, insurance, and things like that? How much time will it take for me to be promoted here? But in which cities do you have your branches? And where is your company based? It is also unwise to ask about things you should have already known. You are only telling the interviewer that you haven't done your homework. Part II Language Focus Name: CaiNing Personality: serious-minded; calm; humorous; easy-going Strengths: the ability to work with all types of people Weakness: perfectionist; impatient


新视野大学英语第三版第二册视听说答案 制作延安大学刘锟 Unit 1 Sharing Task 2 (1)n ew things (2)A t the moment (3)q uite difficult Task 3 1, 3, 7, 8 Task 4 1. (1) ever learned 2. (1) a combination 3.L earning to drive 4.(1) nine cases 5.F rench 6.h ated Activity 1 e-c-a-g-d-h-b-f Activity 2 (1)s peak (2)s aying the wrong (3)n ative speakers (4)p ronunciation (2)f ound (2) body movements (2) by most standards (5)t alking to himself

(6)m aking mistakes (7)l istening skills (8)l istening Activity 3 1. (1) embarrassed 2. anything you like 3. (1) voice 4. (1) how it sounds 5. on the Internet 6. sound like Viewing Task 2

Activity 1 BABA Activity 2 DABAD Role-play Task 2 Activity 1 1 Activity 2 G:1, 3, 5 (2) hear (2) pronunciation (2) the news (3) English television R : 2, 4, 6, 7 Activity 3 1.(1) 2.(1) 3.(1) 4.(1) you should eat should not spend Why don't it's a good (2) (2) (2) (2) a good You're am not sure that's suppose so Conversations (1)a lternative (2)n umerous (3)t raditional (4)a cademic (5)c ountryside (6)a thletes (7)t ake advantage of (8)S econdary (9)i n a collective effort (10)serve as Unit test


《英语高级视听说》 教学大纲 课程编码:3011104 课程性质:专业教育必修课 教学时数:96学时 学分数:6学分 开课学期:第五、六、七学期 授课单位:英语系视听说教研室 授课对象:英语专业本科学生 一、课程概述 1.性质与地位 英语高级视听说课程是为英语专业本科学生在专业学习提高阶段开设的专业教育必修课程。该课程以外语教学理论为指导,广泛应用多媒体教学,融课堂教学与自主学习为一体,以真实语境下的常速语料为基本教学材料,紧扣时代脉搏,是全面提升学生听说能力、使学生的目标语听力理解能力与口语产出能力满足高层次语言应用要求的重要课程。 2.基本理念 英语高级视听说课程以素质教育、创新教育思想为理论指导,以双主模式及Anderson的“听前-听时-听后”理论为理论支撑,着力发展学生的目标语高级实时应用能力。 课程在实施过程中,一方面坚持以人为本,关注学生的情感,另一方面注重营造自主学习的气氛,创造自主学习的条件和环境,培养学生的可持续自我发展能力。 本课程摒弃接受式、填鸭式的学习方式和教学方式,坚持以学生为中心,以方法为主导,强调启发式、引导式教学,同时利用该课程材料均以多媒体形式呈现于课堂、内容时效性强等独特优势,激发学生的学习兴趣与积极性,培养和增强学生探索知识的能力和欲望。 利用校园网、互联网等信息渠道,开展多媒体课堂教学与课后自主学习,着力提高教学效率与教学质量,同时努力提升听与说在认知学习中的地位,贯彻“听为学”、“说为学”的理念,使学生认识到视听是与阅读同等重要的语言输入途径,也是同样有效的认知途径。 3.设计思路

本课程教学以解放军外国语学院生长干部学历教育本科人才培养方案(英语)为依据,参照《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》(以下简称《大纲》)的要求实施。教学安排在3个学期内完成,第八学期举行3次有关英语区域变体的讲座,第五、六、七学期每学期32学时,第八学期6学时,总时数为102学时。 教学实施分为课堂教学与自主学习,教学内容分为音频和视频两部分:音频教材方面主要包括《英语专业三年级听力教程》、《英语中级听力》、《英语专业四年级听力教程》,以及带前方记者报道的最新VOA、BBC、NPR新闻等;视频教材包括《高级英语视听说教程》、《英语高级视听说》、片长10分钟左右的多主题短片,BBC/CNN 视频新闻以及部分精选的记录片、影视剧片段等。授课教师在教材既定的总体框架下,可根据学生的实际水平和国际国内形势的发展情况,灵活组合、添加部分最新音、视频材料用于课堂教学,以保证教学内容时时更新,反映最新形势。 英语区域变体讲座内容涉及澳大利亚英语、新西兰英语、南亚英语、东南亚英语的特点,重点解决学生在听辨这些英语变体时所遇到的苦难。 二、课程目标 1.总体目标 系统讲授听力理解过程中各环节所需的语言知识和理解判断要素;利用新闻、对话、讲座、电影等语料训练学生对声像信息的辨读能力;通过“视”、“听”、“说”的结合,综合多种训练手段,提高学生的听力理解和口头表达能力,加深其对英语国家政治、军事、经济、社会、文化等方面的认识和了解,全面提升真实语境下的实时语言运用能力,并使之具备较强的自主学习能力。 2.分类目标 (1) 通过本课程的学习,学生应具备独立解决辨音难点的能力,掌握运用字典等工具书逆向查词、独立解决疑难问题的能力。 (2) 通过本课程的学习,学生应掌握政治、军事、经济、科技、文化等方面的听力理解词汇及口语产出词汇,并最终达到《大纲》八级水平。 (3) 通过本课程的学习,学生应充分理解“听为学”、“说为学”的理念,并积极通过这两种渠道进行目标语认知。 (4) 通过本课程的学习,学生应充分理解自主学习的重要性,充分利用教师提供的自主学习资源或自主开发新资源,养成良好的自主学习习惯,开展有效的 自主学习。 (5) 通过视频材料的广泛使用,使学生有效掌握大量非语言性对象国知识。 (6) 通过讲座,使学生了解英语区域变体的语音、语法特点,并能够准确把握视、音频材料的大意及细节内容。 三、内容标准 1.授课内容 第五、六学期,教学内容主要为《英语专业三年级听力教程》、《英语中级听力》、《英语高级视听说》(上)中的材料,辅以带有前方记者报道的VOA、BBC、NPR新


国际交流英语视听说答案 【篇一:国际交流英语视听说4 u2 听力原文及翻译】ss=txt>tour guide: ok, everyone, here’s our next exhibit. do you see the body of the little bird in that bottle? that is a dusky seaside sparrow. it was an old male that died on june 16, 1987. it’s kind of sad because he was the very last dusky seaside sparrow i n the world. they’re now extinct. yes, you have a question? male: do you know why they became extinct? tour guide: basically, they lost their habitat. see, the dusky seaside sparrow lived only in one place—on merritt island in florida. the island had a lot of mosquitoes and wetlands. the people on merritt island used chemicals to kill the mosquitoes. tour guide: those chemicals were also very harmful to the sparrows, and many died. in addition, the people on merritt island tried to control and exploit the wetlands. as they altered them, the wetlands were no longer a good habitat for the sparrows. the birds died one by one until there weren’t any left. female: so, if people were to blame, can’t we make sure something like that never happens again? tour g uide: we’re trying. the situation with the dusky seaside sparrow makes one thing very clear. we need to protect endangered animals. however, it’s a better strategy to protect the animals and their habitats, too. after all, if an animal’s habitat is destr oyed, the animal will likely become extinct. tour guide: we’re trying. the situation with the dusky seaside sparrow makes one thing very clear. we need to protect endangered animals. however, it’s a better strategy to protect the animals and their habita ts, too. after all, if an animal’s habitat is destroyed, the animal will likely become extinct. that’s why the endangered species act, which was passed in the united states in 1973, protects both endangered animals and their habitats. for example, the steelhead trout lives in rivers and streams on the west coast of the united states—the columbia river in washington state for instance. recently, both the fish and the river came under the protection of the endangered species act.


扩展商务英语视听说1-8单元答案 Unit 1 Part I Listening and Speaking Task 1 Q1. I am graduating in June from ABC University and my major is hotel management. I am an outgoing, energetic person. I enjoy teamwork very much. As part of my degree program, I needed to finish different projects with my teammates. I possess excellent interpersonal skills and a very positive attitude. My career aspiration is to become a successful hotelier. During my internship at the Grand Hyatt, I worked as a receptionist. My duties included offering friendly and efficient check-in and check-out service to guests, answering phone calls, taking and passing on messages to guests, I find that if I can make the guests happy, I will be very happy, too. Q2. I received honors in several school-wide English and computer contests. I enjoy working with people from different backgrounds. I am good at communicating, organizing and coordinating. If something blocks my path, I will look for a solution. I never give up easily. Sometimes I receive comments that I need to improve in the area of filing. I am now trying to improve by learning from others. Q3. Interest and career development are two of my criteria in choosing a job. Interest is the best motivation. I love the hotel business, so I will definitely devote myself to it. Moreover, high job satisfaction can be attained when the job is what I am interested in. Career development is very important for me when choosing a job. From what I know, Shangri-La provides equal career advancement for all staff. The job rotation plan and individually tailored training program are really exciting and helpful for young people like me. Task 2 Is that your wife, Mr. Carter? She is so beautiful. Avoid asking interviewer personal questions or making personal comments. Could you tell me how much the new job pays? The interviewer might infer from these questions that you are only interested in your own needs and not those of their company. Wait until the employer raises these subjects to discuss them.


1,Music plays an important role in our daily life. For me,misic is almost like my friends.i like listening the music ,when I find some songs is pretty good ,I will learn to sing it.there are several different kinds of music .i like classical music most. though its not the most popular one,and there are not so many people have the same teste with me ,I still love it.since it can give me power and energy.some slow classical music can calm me down .of course,I also listen some pop songs.they can be singed . Love's Greeting is one of the song I like most. It gives me the sence of love .everytime I enjoy it ,I find all the pressures and sadness are disappear.yes good music have that power which can let people go out of bad mood and improve peoples happiness. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5e19252917.html,pared with watching movies in the theater ,I prefer watch it at home .in this way ,I can do what ever I want to do while I watched the movie.lying on the sofa and have something to eat is more comfortable than in the theater.as there are different kinds of movies .in terms of the contain ,I like comedy ,it always make me laugh and happy ,especially seeing it with my friends which is one of the fantastic thingi have ever experienced. some of books are made into a movie,I like read the book first ,since I can get more about the character of some people in the story first,and form my own thought of the story .and then enjoy the movie’s sounds and view.for most of people ,movies are just something of entertainment but for me it’s a good way to learn English ,I can hear the daily English and in this way ,I can improve my English. 3.Love is one of the happiest words in the world.finding his or her true love is very important for young boys and girls.for me ,I think love need time.some movies and books always descripe that a man and a woman in love at first sight ,but its not usually occurred in our daily life.when you are in love with someone ,don’t ignore you both are equal people ,boys shouldn’t pay for everything on a date. Maybe he feel it is his duty to pay for everything ,and if he doesn’t pay for it ,he will be ashamed.so ,girls can pay only a little of the bill.i believe that true love is no difference in age.if he or she have the same value and attitude to things,of course the most important love ,they c an be together.but pay more attention to marriage ,you must choose the most suitable one to get married ,because he is someone who accompany with you for the rest of your life.love is not an easy thing ,so be in love with someone more carefully. 4.In our daily life, ads can be found everywhere.but the quality of the ads is not good as everyone want it to be.there are always something unreal in ads.some sponsor even cheat the customer to make profits.because of this, I’m not fully believe in the ads.so, in my opinion, producers don’t need to pay more attention to ads.when they already be knowm by the customers ,its effective for them to put their emphases on the quality or something else.because customers buy the product, not the ads.as for the customer ,we should not always trust the ads,some of them are aggrandizement.they are not as good as they say.sometimes they maybe even bad for our health .so be careful. 5.nowadays,pets become a member of many families.dogs and cats are the most popular pets .peopl e thinks they are lovely .some of the pets can even help people to do things. Such as the dogs,they can protect their owner from being hurt .they can keep the house safety, the can also help the policeman find somebody.yet ,not everyone love to have a pet .so I never give a pet as a birthday present.unless I know she likes pets.more and more people in today have a pet .they keep them in the apartment and never let them out.in my opinion, pets have their freedom,people shouldn’t always kepp them in the room.they need frash air and beautiful sunshine.since they are our friends instead of only a pet . 6.fishion Nowadays,an increasing number of college students are pursuing fashion,which has aroused a great concern in the society. Some,even at the beginning of their college life,begin to make every effort to buy a variety of famous-brand products. Some take part in different kinds of popular entrainment activities. As a result,when it becomes a kind of luxury to pursue fashion,all these will bring about a burden to these young people financially and mentally.As far as I am concerned,college students should cherish ambitions rather than become slaves of fashion.


Unit 4 Brain Man Almost 25 years ago, 60 Minutes introduced viewers to George Finn, whose talent was immortalized in the movie "Rain Man." George has a condition known as savant syndrome, a mysterious disorder of the brain where someone has a spectacular skill, even genius, in a mind that is otherwise extremely limited. Morley Safer met another savant, Daniel Tammet, who is called "Brain Man" in Britain. But unlike most savants, he has no obvious mental disability, and most important to scientists, he can describe his own thought process. He may very well be a scientific Rosetta stone, a key to understanding the brain. ________________________________________ Back in 1983, George Finn, blessed or obsessed with calendar calculation, could give you the day if you gave him the date. "What day of the week was August 13th, 1911?" Safer quizzed Finn. "A Sunday," Finn replied. "What day of the week was May 20th, 1921?" Safer asked. "Friday," Finn answered. George Finn is a savant. In more politically incorrect times he would have been called an "idiot savant" - a mentally handicapped or autistic person whose brain somehow possesses an island of brilliance. Asked if he knew how he does it, Finn told Safer, "I don't know, but it's just that, that's fantastic I can do that." If this all seems familiar, there?s a reason: five years after the 60 Minutes broadcast, Dustin Hoffman immortalized savants like George in the movie "Rain Man." Which brings us to that other savant we mentioned: Daniel Tammet. He is an Englishman, who is a 27-year-old math and memory wizard. "I was born November 8th, 1931," Safer remarks. "Uh-huh. That's a prime number. 1931. And you were born on a Sunday. And this year, your birthday will be on a Wednesday. And you'll be 75," Tammet tells Safer. It is estimated there are only 50 true savants living in the world today, and yet none are like Daniel. He is articulate, self-sufficient, blessed with all of the spectacular ability of a savant, but with very little of the disability. Take his math skill, for example.

听力原文 国际交流英语视听说4 第八单元

Unit 6 Food Concerns Analytical Listening 1 Lecturer: Let me just get my first slide up. Great. OK, everyone, today we’re going to talk about genetically-modified foods—GM foods for short. These are foods with modified genes. Nowadays, scientists can modify the genes of any animal or plant to make them grow faster, grow bigger, or even produce their own pesticides. Genetic engineers can take a gene from virtually any animal or plant and insert it into virtually any other animal or plant. For example, they can put a rat gene into lettuce to make it produce vitamin C, or put moth genes into apple plants to help them resist diseases. Some GM plants produce chemicals that fight insects. This means that insects would not be able to destroy any crops. Lecturer: Scientists have modified the genes of Atlantic salmon to make them grow twice as fast. They’ve modified the genes of cattle and sheep so they produce medicines in their milk. Many scientists feel that GM foods could be the key to the next advances in agriculture and health. OK so far? OK. Onto the next slide. On the other hand, there’s another side to GM foods, too. Critics fear that these new foods are being rushed to market before their effects are fully understood. Scientists think that some weeds could pick up modified genes from other plants and become “superweeds”. Superweeds could spread over wide areas of land and be very hard to kill. Scientists are also worried about possible harmful effects of GM plants on insects and animals. Lecturer: In North America and Europe, the value and impact of GM foods has become the subject of intense debate. Are you following me? Yes, you have a question? Student 1: Yes, um, are any of these GM foods in restaurants today? Lecturer: Oh, sure. Most people don’t even realize that they’ve been eating genetically-modified foods. In the United States, for instance, genetically modified vegetables have been sold since the mid-1990s. More than 60 percent of all processed foods on U.S. supermarket shelves—including pizza, ice cream, salad dressing, and baking powder—contain ingredients from GM soybeans, corn, or canola. And the U.S. is certainly not alone. Lecturer: Argentina, Canada, China, South Africa, Australia, Germany, and Spain all plant plenty of genetically-modified vegetable crops. On the other hand, while scientists have created various GM animals, no GM animals have been approved for use as food yet. Any other questions? Student 2: I have a question. Genetically modifying plants and animals sounds dangerous to me. Is it? Lecturer: There are things to be concerned about, no question. But corporations try to offset risks by doing thorough testing—more than any other food we eat—that’s according to one of the leading developers of GM products.

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