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1.[2016·武邑中学期中]Don't use your mobile phone while charging,________you may be shocked by electricity.

答案or [句意:手机充电的时候不要使用它,要不然你可能会触电。此处连接两个并列分句,表示“否则,要不然”,故用or。]

2.[2016·衡水中学期中]You're well prepared for the job interview,________there's no need for you to get so nervous.

答案so [句意:你为工作面试做了充分的准备,因此你没必要这么紧张。空处前后两句在语意上为因果关系,表示“因此,所以”,故用so。]

3.[2016·枣强中学猜题]The little girl cried for several minutes________her mother came to comfort her.

答案before [句意:这个小女孩在她母亲来安慰她之前哭了好几分钟。根据句意可知,设空处引导时间状语从句,意为“在……之前”,故用before。]

4.[2016·衡水中学月考]Don't leave home ________you're fully prepared for your trip. 答案until [句意:直到你为旅行做好充分准备你才能离开家。not... until...表示“直到……才……”。]

5.[2016·武邑中学周测]I can remember my first day of school________it were yesterday.

答案as if/though [句意:我仍然记得我上学的第一天,就好像是发生在昨天一样。此处引导方式状语从句,意为“好像”,故用as if/though。]

6.[2016·冀州中学月考]—Did Jack come back early last night?

—Yes. It was not yet eight o'clock________he arrived home.

答案when [句意:——杰克昨晚回来的早吗?——是的,他昨天到家的时候还不到8点钟呢。根据结构可知,此处考查状语从句而不是强调句型,根据句意,此处表示时间。] 7.[2016·衡水中学周测]His plan was such a good one________we all agreed to accept it.

答案that [句意:他的计划如此之好以致于我们都接受。考查“such+a(n)+adj.+n.+that句式”。that从句为结果状语,故用that。]

8.[2016·枣强中学一轮检测]________difficult the task may be, we will try our best to complete it in time.

答案However/No matter how [句意:无论任务多么困难,我们都会尽力及时完成的。考查让步状语从句。however+adj.+主语+谓语,故用However/No matter how。] 9.[2016·武邑中学模拟] Talented________he is, he is not yet ready to turn professional.

答案as/though [句意:尽管他很有才,他仍然不乐意变成职业的。考查让步状语从句倒装的情况,只能用as/though来引导,才会把形容词或名词放在as/though之前。] 10.[2016·冀州中学预测]He hasn't got any hobbies—________ you call watching TV a hobby.

答案unless [句意:他没有任何爱好——除非你把看电视也叫做爱好。unless意为“除非”。]


1.[2016·枣强中学周测]Never lose heart so you'll make a quick advance in your project.



2.[2016·冀州中学热身]—What did he think of the trip to Beijing last month? —He had such a good time that he visited the Great Wall.



3.[2016·冀州中学周测]You can smoke here unless you leave a window open to let the smoke out.



4.[2016·衡水二中一轮检测]John thinks it won't be long after he is ready for his new job.


答案after→before[本题考查固定句式“It won't be long before...”表示“不久就会……”。]

5.[2016·衡水二中猜题]As a language grows, new words are introduced when many words fall out of use.


答案when→while[根据句意可知,此处表示“在……期间,与……同时”,故用while。] 能力组


1.[2016·枣强中学月考]Ten years later I still keep in touch with my classmates ________ I've never met them.

答案though/although [句意:十年后我仍然与同班同学保持联系,即使我从来没有见到他们。根据主从句的逻辑关系可知,设空处引导让步状语从句,故填although或though。] 2.[2016·衡水二中预测]Much ________ I am fond of her, I can't express myself in words.

答案as/though [句意:尽管我很喜欢她,但是我难以用语言表白。当much置于句首时,由though或as引导的让步状语从句要用倒装结构。]

3.[2016·武邑中学期末]Sorry to have kept you waiting so long, but it'll still be some time ________ Mr Smith is available.

答案before [句意:很抱歉让你等候那么久,不过还要过一段时间史密斯先生才能与你会谈。本题考查before的用法。“It will be+时间段+before从句”表示“要过……时间才……”。]

4.[2016·衡水二中热身]The rude man just went on staring at her ________ she began to feel uncomfortable and annoyed.

答案until [句意:那位粗鲁的男人持续地盯着她看,一直到她开始感觉不舒服、被惹恼


高三英语专题复习教案 ------读写任务话题作文 设计者:李映珠 【教学目标】学生进一步熟悉读写任务指定话题写作特点和要求,掌握常用的写作模式和句型。消除对写作的恐惧心理,培养写作兴趣。 【教学重点】怎样写好指定话题写作 【教学难点】如何利用句型结构组织语言 【教学方法】讲练结合,精讲多练,引导学生体会与模仿。 【教学步骤】 Step 1 Discussion (what to write). What aspects will we mention when talking about environmental protection? global warming, littering, water pollution, air pollution, CO2, sea level to rise, human activities, suggestions, environmental friendly, etc. Step 2 Classification. Help the students classify the aspects mentioned above about environmental protection: a problem/ phenomenon, reasons/ effects or measures. Step 3 Organizing the information into sentences for each classification (how to write). 1.Discussion: how to put forward a problem/ phenomenon 2.Summary: (句子模板) ◆Recently, _________________________ has always aroused the greatest concern. ◆In recent days, we have to face the problem that __________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 3.Practice: (仿写) 1)全球变暖。 Recently, global warming has always aroused the greatest concern. 2)作弊问题越来越严重。 In recent days, we have to face the problem that cheating is more and more serious. 4.Discussion: how to analyze the reasons/ effects 5.Summary: (句子模板) ◆The ____________ for / of ___________can be listed as follows. On one hand, ________________.On the other hand, __________________.


高三一轮基于整合话题的词汇复习 十九中高三英语组 高三一轮复习程中词汇复习起着至关重要的作用,但往往词汇复习也是问题最多的。最大的问题就是知识的讲解和训练与听、说、读、写综合语言运用能力的脱离.知识传授与语言技能培养严重分割开来,词汇学习效率低下,最终达不到需要的目的和要求。在词汇复习过程中,教师是“字典”和“题库,例句库”.脱离运用讲解语言知识点。学生辛辛苦苦地记笔记,最后还是不会实际运用。针对这个问题,武老师在本学期期初到我们学校视导时给我们提出了按话题复习的指导和建议,我们组全体同志经过认真集备和研讨,确定了话题复习的范围和方法。具体做法如下:一册书复习结束之后,按照写作的话题安排,确定需要整合的话题,然后围绕中心话题,通过同类归纳的方式,在1-8册书中把相同话题的模块整合起来,创设话题情境,总结复习同类词汇,归纳典型句式,训练类似的话题写作,然后再拓展该话题新材料的阅读,以提高词汇复习的效率。我们把高中阶段外研社的从第一册到第八册的教科书,归纳分类,选择了“学校生活,环境灾难,旅游,文化体育,人物介绍,饮食与健康”等几大类的话题材料,穿插进传统的复习过程中。每个话题所用课时不是固定的,一般是用三个课时。王老师的这一节课就是有关旅游这一话题的整合的第二课时。 第一课时的重点是词汇的整合拓展。以复习“环境灾难”为例,第一课时的课堂教学设计如下: Step I 教师创设话题情境,引导学生走入话题。 教师可以先展示一些有关于环境问题的图片或者录像片段,设计问题:What problems of environment are there on the earth? Step II 引导学生采用联想法,总结复习同类词汇 1.灾难发生 灾难的种类: natural disasters(自然灾难): earthquake 地震tsunami 海啸typhoon 台风sand storm 沙尘暴debris flow/ mudslide泥石流volcanic eruption 火山 爆发flood 洪水drought 干旱flooding 洪水tropical storm 热带风暴 hurricane 飓风a state of emergency 紧急状态dense fog 浓雾 发生时间: at…clock,on…day; in…year 发生地点: distaster/stricken area 受灾地区shelter 避难所 表示灾难发生的动词:hit strike break out occur take place happen 持续: last 发生方式: all of a sudden, suddenly, (突然)unexpectedly(出乎意料) 课文句子精选填空: 1) The worst earthquake ________________________(发生)the United States in 1906,________(导致)the worst fires in the nation’s history. 2) The fires _______ three days, which __________a total of 25,000 buildings. 3)The worst tornado of all time occurred in 1925,________ (影响)three US states. 4) In the past hundred years, there have heen frequent_____________, such as floods, droughts, mudslide, earthquakes, windstorms and sand storm 2. 受灾情况:


高三英语一轮复习建议 为什么我们明明知道高三一轮复习应该解决什么问题,而没有很好地解决呢?解决好以下三个问题有助于同学们提高高三一轮复习效率。 一、高三一轮复习的原则是什么 1.不留任何“死角” 一位高考“牛人”在总结自己一轮复习经验的时候这样说:复习要全面彻底,不能留下“尾巴”,否则考试时容易对未来得及复习的知识点产生畏惧心理,影 响考试发挥。若该做的都做了,自然胸有成竹上考场,考完也问心无愧,结果怎 么会坏?所以,一轮复习要采用“地毯式”的方式,把课本内容“个个过堂”。 例如,“What i s.like?”在交际英语中是一个很常见的句型。它除了能够描 述一个人的外表,还可以表达“人或者事物的性质或持久的特性”。所以,同学们知道这个常识,下面两道题目就迎刃而解了。 —“W hat is Ron like?’’ 一“Tall and dark(人的外表).Rather nice,hut a little shy(人持久的特性).” 2.不抱任何幻想 同学们在高三一轮复习的第一天就应明确地告诫自己:高考前基础知识的复习,基本技能的培养,一轮复习是高考前的第一次,也是高考前的最后一次,也 可能是高考前唯一的一次。只有全身心地投入到一轮复习中,才能做到心无旁骛,才有可能取得预期的效果。 3.不留任何遗憾 良好的心理素质是提高学习效率的前提和保证。如果能在一轮复习中不留任 何“死角”,不抱任何幻想,同学们就会有一颗平和的心对待一轮复习后更为紧 张的二轮复习和综合训练,著名的高考状元研究专家、中国社会科学院的心理学 专家王极盛认为高考主要考查学生的三个方面的素质:身体素质、心理素质、科学文化素质。其中,心理因素对高考成绩的影响是不容小觑的。 高三一轮复习的策略是什么有的学校在高二的暑假就让学生猛做当年的高 考题目。毋庸置疑,做高考题目本身没错,但关键是要把握好做高考题的恰当时机。


高三英语专题复习(二)时态语态 1.He doesn’t sing well but he ________________to sing happily. ( hear ) 虽然他的歌唱的并不好,但你会经常听见他快乐地唱歌。 2 We are glad that his plan ________________________.( turn ) .我们高兴地得知他的计划终于成功了。 3.Do you think that housing prices_____________________ in the years to come? (keep)你认为在未来几年中房价会持续上涨吗? 4.This book _______________________ on the desk for a week. (lie) 这本书已经在桌子上放了一个星期了。 5.It is the most instructive lecture that _________________since I came to this school. (attend) 自从我来了学校以后,这是我听过的最有教育意义的一场讲座。 6.We have been discussing the problem but we ________________yet. 即使我们一直在讨论这个问题,但到当前为止我们还没有达成结论。( draw ) 7.They said __________________ yesterday. (check) 他们说昨天他们全部检查过了 8.He _______________________ that he wouldn’t go with us. (make) 他已经说得很清楚了,他不会和我们一起去的。 9.Students ____________________ at any place. (allow) 任何地方都不允许学生抽烟。 10.He is said___________________ when he was in the United States. 据说在美国期间,他一直呆在纽约。(stay) 11. It seemed that they ___________________from the outside after they moved into the forest. (cut)看起来自他们搬进森林后就一直与外界隔离了。 12.They _____________________ what happened here, though they were abroad. (inform)即使在国外,但他们一直让自己了解这儿发生的一切。


高三一轮话题复习(8)-----学校生活(1) 【词汇梳理部分】 五级词汇 1.equip v. 配备,装备使…有所准备,使有能力pt. _________________ pp.______________短语:1) 用… 装备…__________________ 2)装备着______________________ 3)为了…而装备____________________ 派生词填空 1) There are three conference rooms, each of which _______ _________ ________a screen and audio visual ___________. In other words, they are well _________________(adj.) 2)__________ with new scientific farming methods, they have been able to use less farmland to produce more. 翻译句子: 1.思考一下“旨在”的表达方式? 此课程旨在使学生能够胜任未来的职业生涯。 1)______________________________________________________________________________ 2)______________________________________________________________________________ 3)______________________________________________________________________________ 2. graduate v. 使…毕业,授予…学位毕业 短语:毕业于_________________ 研究生院______________大学生_____________________ 派生词填空: 1)In three years you’ll _______ ________ senior High School, at which time, I can call you a high school___________. Do you welcome me to your ________________ ceremony? 3.major 短语:主修课目__________________________ 主修__________________________ 语法填空: 1.Many students in university take a course in English. In other words ,The ___________of them ________ _________ (主修)English. Besides,there are many students whose __________ _________ are Arts. 翻译句子: 1)他鼓励我在大学主修英语,成为中国和世界之间的桥梁。 ________________________________________________________________________________ 2)我来说,我学习过程中主要的挑战就是没有科学的方法来帮助我记忆英语单词。 ________________________________________________________________________________ 4.present adj. (反)______________ 短语:目前______________ 出席会议_______________ 缺席________________ 语法填空: 1.Yesterday,professor Wang delivered a lecture, one sentence of which touched all the students _____________ at the meeting, that is , your __________ is the best present for your parents. Those who were _______ from the meeting all expressed their regrets for not attending the lecture. 翻译句子: 1).我同学王伟目前正在医院里,是因为上周日打篮球的时候不小心把腿给摔折了。 ________________________________________________________________________________


状语从句 状语从句分类及常用连词:时间状语从句:when, whenever, while, as, before, after, since, till, once, as soon as, etc. 地点状语从句:where, wherever 原因状语从句:because, since, as, for, now that, etc. 目的状语从句:in order that, so that, that, etc. 结果状语从句:so…that, so that, such…that, that, etc. 条件状语从句:if, unless, as(so)long as, etc. 让步状语从句:though, although, even if, even though, however, whatever, as, etc. 比较状语从句:as…as, so…as, than, etc. 方式状语从句:as, as if, as though, etc. 相似连词的用法区别 1.when, while, as, while表时间,从句需用延续性动词,切不可用瞬间动词。 when表时间,从句既可以用延续性动词,又可以用瞬间动词。 as表时间,与when相似,但侧重强调主从句动作同点或同段进行。 when, while后可以接分词短语。 2.because, as, since, for 语气位置意义 because最强前或后“原因”;表客观因果关系;回答“why” as较强前“由于”;把众人所知的事实当作理由since较弱前“既然”;就对方陈述的事实作为理由for最弱后“理由”;对某一事实进行推断的理由注:上面所说的“前”,指从句在主句之前;“后”,指从句在主句之后。 3.so that, so…that, such…that so that “以便”、“结果”表目的和结果。注意:在从句中有情态动词表目的。无情态 动词表结果。 so…that“如此的…以致于”表结果。该结构常见于: 1.so+形/副+that 2.so+形+a(an)+单数名词+that 3.so+many/much+复数名词(不可数名词)+that such…that“如此的…以致于”表结果。该结构常见于: 1.such+a(an)+形+名词+that 2.such+形+复数名词/不可数名词+that 4.though, although, as, though, although在句首表“尽管”两者都可以用。但句后不能再用but。 下列情况只能用though: ▲as though (=as if);even if (=even though)


高三英语一轮复习方案 一、主要任务:认真研读高考评价体系,注重知识的横向联系,避免单一性,做到以点带面,点面结合,有效地突破重点、难点,由浅入深,循序渐进,把原来分散在各单元中的知识点加以梳理、归纳,构筑完整的英语知识体系。1、复习模块1-8,共24个单元的词和句子; 2、掌握基本的语法规则可以自然表达自己的意思。二、目标达成:夯实基础,梳理知识,查漏补缺,系统归纳与提高。1、模块复习目标:①能够将课标词汇音、形(含各种变形)、意烂熟于心,掌握其重要用法,并能在不同语境中灵活运用;②能够掌握教材中的重点句型,并能正确、灵活运用;③能够辨析易混词、短语、句型并且正确使用。2、语法复习目标:①掌握各项语法的基本概念及用法;②熟练掌握并能够在不同语境中灵活运用各项语法功能。 3、能力目标:①重视基础知识的正确、灵活运用;②重视并坚持听力、阅读、写作训练。三、复习进度:原则上每大周复习两个单元的重点词汇和句型;每大周复习一项语法(重点班及以上班级任务)。考纲3500词汇书复习同步进行。具体如下:周计划:周一:复习上周知识+习题讲解+ 词汇验收。周二:复习早读任务+单元重点知识点拨+习题讲评+词汇验收。周三:复习周二知识+单元重点知识点拨+习题讲评+词汇验收。周四:复习周三知识+语法+词汇验收。周五:复习周四知识+单元重点知识点拨+习题讲评+词汇验收。周六:复习周五知识+单元重点知识点拨+习题讲评+词汇验收。注:各班级结合各自情况做微调。四、每周作业安排:1.每单元英语测试卷一张,教

师全批改。2.单元周周清一张,教师做好查缺补漏。3.听力训练每隔一天进行一次,时间是晚饭后。五、目标达成的保障:1、抓基础、重应用、强化词句的积累和运用。 要求学生重视并充分利用每单元学案、课本上的重点词汇、短语和句型,以及每单元的综合训练,认真对其辨析、总结和归纳,查漏补缺,坚持积累,最重要的是能够在合适的语境中正确、灵活地运用。保证课堂高效。2、抓课堂、重效率、要求学生紧跟老师的节奏。一轮复习是将重点知识提炼,容量大,速度快。所以,学生的思路必须时时刻刻跟随着老师的思路,要快速地用脑思,用心听、用嘴说,用手写,才能达到高效。课下及时、反复复习,巩固课上成果。同时,高三的每节课都进行习题讲评,除了听知识讲解,老师更需要传授解题思路和方法指导。总之,课堂是第一主阵地。只有抓住课堂,才能抓住高考!3、抓自习、重过程、增强得分的意识。学案都是在规定的时间内完成,重视规范的做题步骤,重视思考过程。更重要的是,做完题后要对做过的题目进行反思、整理。大量的、甚至可能是枯燥的训练是做题速度和准确度的保证。希望老师要保证所有同学从每套题中都获得最大收获。4、抓阅读、重反思、全面提高成绩。得阅读者得天下。阅读是强化英语思维的最佳途径之一。一轮复习中,重视基础知识的同时,要坚持阅读训练,促进英语成绩的整体提高。5、抓时间,重效果,扎实做好每个复习环节。一轮复习时间紧,任务重,需要同学们充分抢抓时间,利用时间,紧跟复习进度。同时,重视复习效果,做到做一件事,有一点收获。英语成绩的进步并非一蹴而就,


高三英语状语从句 北京四中毕勤 一、语法知识 1, 表示时间的状语从句可以由when, whenever, as, while, before, after, until, till, since, ever since, now (that), once, so/as long as, as soon as…引起. I will give you the information as soon as I get it. Once you start to smoke, it is hard to give it up. Let's stay here until the teacher comes. 有时也可以用every time, each time, immediately, the moment, soon after, shortly after, next time 等词引起状语从句. Every time I see him, I have a terrible feeling inside. None of them stopped talking the moment she came in. I will show you the movie the next time you come here. Shortly after Abraham Lincoln took office, the southern States rebelled. 主句动词是持续,用肯定句(直到--为止)。主句动词是瞬间动词,用否定形式。(直到--才) 2, 表示地点的状语从句用where或wherever引起. You can make a mark where you have a question. Wherever you go, I will be right here waiting for you. People at that time went to wherever they could find work. 3, 表示原因的状语从句用as, because, since, now that,(not that…but that)等等词引起. Since no one is against it, we'll have a test. Now that you are here, I will tell you the truth. 在一些形容词后的状语从句中同样表示原因, 这些词中常见的有sorry, annoyed, surprised, glad, ashamed, disappointed, afraid, hurt, satisfied, content… I am very happy that you have passed the exam. We feel proud that you beat that Japanese in public. 4, 表示结果的状语从句的连接词有that, so that, so…that, such…that… What's wrong that you lost your temper? He didn't sleep well last night, so that he is asleep. We left home in such a hurry that we forgot to lock the door. 5, 表示条件的状语从句用if, unless, suppose, in case, so/as long as, so far as, on condition that… As long as we stick to it, we will succeed. Call me in case you have any difficulty. He used to be an honest man, as far as I know.


完形填空 Words:293 难度系数:★★★ 建议用时:16分钟 One day,not too long ago ,the employees of a large company in St.Louis ,Missouri returned from their lunch break and were greeted with a sign on the front door. The sign said ,“ Yesterday the person who had been hindering(阻碍)your __1__ in this company passed away. We __2__ you to join the funeral in the room that has been __3 __ in the gym. ” At first everyone was sad to __4__ that one of their colleagues had died ,__5__ after a while they started getting __6__ about who this person might be. The excitement __7__ as the employees arrived at the gym to pay their last __8__.Everyone wondered,“ Who is this person that was hindering my growth? Well ,__9__ he 's no longer he!re” One by one the __10__ got closer to the coffin(棺材)and when they looked inside it ,they __11__ became speechless. They stood over the coffin ,__12__ into silence ,as if someone had __13__ the deepest part of their soul. There was a mirror inside the coffin —everyone who looked inside it could see himself. There was also a __14__ next to the mirror that __15__,“ Therei s only one person who is capable to__16__limits to your growth :it is YOU. ” You are the only person who can revolutionize your __17__.You are the only person who can__18__your happiness,realization and success. You are the only person who can help yourself. Your life does not change when your boss changes ,your friends change ,your parents change,your partner changes or your company changes. Your life changes when YOU change,when you go__19__your limiting beliefs and when you realize that you are the only one__20__for your life. 1. A.ability B.progress C .talent D.practice 2. A.beg B.allow C .invite D.advise 3. A.started B.prepared C .opened D.created 4. A.learn B.observe C .notice D.find 5. A.for B.or C .so D .but


Unit 3 of Book 2 Ⅲ.语法填空 Beth:I heard the boss shouting at Mike 1.for some reason earlier today.Do you know 2.what it was a bout? Sally:Steve says that Mike 3.made(make) a mistake and then tried to cover 4.it,but the boss found out. Beth:Why didn’t he just admit5.frankly(frank坦白的) and tell someone? Sally:He was too6.scared(scare) that he would be fired,I suppose. Beth:But when you have made a mistake,it is important to tell someone so 7.that it can be solved. Sally:I bet that Mike 8.wished(wish) you had told him that earlier. Beth:He won’t do that again.Mike is not 9.a fool,and only fools make the same mistake twice. Sally:You are the smart one with the good advice 10.as usual. Beth:But remember even the smartest person makes mistakes sometimes! Sally:Yeah,I can’t agree more. Ⅳ.短文改错 Last Saturday,mom and I went to buy a down jacket for my grandpa.When we got to a big store,we saw down jackets of vary colours and styles.There were so many of them that it spent us quite a while to decide which one to buy.Finally,under the help of the shop assistant,he selected a black thick jacket for grandpa.Immediately,we returned back home to show it to my grandpa.Seeing it,he was very happy and couldn’t wait to put on.But we were annoying to find something was wrong with the zipper.Hurriedly,I took it back to the store and explained the shop assistant the problem.To my satisfaction,she is very kind and helped me choose another one patiently.Stand in front of the mirror,my grandpa looked at himself in the new jacket,smiling contentedly.How delighted I was!


高三语法专题总结 序号课题课时教学要求 冠词 3 1.熟知冠词的基本用法、习语和固定搭配 2.掌握冠词的一些灵活用法和特殊用法 1.冠词的基本用法 1 冠词的泛指、特指、类指、专指 2.冠词的习惯用法 1 1.定冠词的习惯用法 2.不定冠词的习惯用法 3.零冠词的习惯用法 3.冠词的活用 1 1.被具体化的抽象名词前的冠词用法 2.被普通化的专有名词前的冠词用法 3.形容词比较级、最高级和序数词前的冠词活用 高考重点冠词的基本用法及冠词的习惯用法 高考难点冠词的活用 专题二代词 3 熟练掌握不定代词、反身代词、指示代词、人称代词 以及it的灵活运用 1、不定代词 1 1、both,all,either,any,neither,none的用法 2、one,ones, the one,that,those的用法 3、one,another, the other, some ,others, the others的用法 4、复合不定代词及其他不定代词 2、反身代词 1 1、反身代词的基本用法 2、与反身代词构成的介词短语 3、与反身代词构成的动词短语 3、指示代词、人称代词和it的用法1 1、指示代词、人称代词的基本用法 2、It的用法 高考难点语境的真实性和复杂性、语义较丰语法复杂的不定代词的考查 专题三形容词和副词 2 了解形容词、副词的比较级和最高级的用法及常用句 型 1、形容词、副词的基 1 1、形容词、副词比较等级的基本用法

本用法2、对形容词、副词顺序的考查 2、形容词、副词的辨 析 1 在语境中学会形容词副词的用法 高考难点对于形容词副词比较等级的考查倾向于“淡化语法,注重深层语义的特点” 专题四语义辨析(名词、介词 及介词短语)3 1、在真实语境中能恰当的使用意义相近的介词,掌 握表示时间及空间的介词的用法 2、在语境中能恰当的使用介词的一些习惯用法和 介词与名词的固定搭配 1、名词辨析 1 1、名词的数和名词所有格的用法 2、名词的句法功能,尤其是名词作定语的用法 2、介词辨析 1 1、表示方位的介词 2、表示时间的介词 3、表示工具、手段、方式的介词 4、表原因、目的的介词 5、易混介词辨析 3.介词短语解析 1 1、与名词构成的介词短语 2、与某些形容词固定搭配的介词 高考难点介词短语的辨析,题干结构复杂 专题五动词和动词词组 2 1、掌握动词的及物和不及物性 2、掌握被动形式中英汉表达的不同 3、掌握感官动词作系动词:feel/look/sound 1、动词辨析 1 考纲中出现的动词及动词辨析 2、动词词组辨析 1 考纲中动词词组及辨析 高考难点同义词及词组辨析 专题六动词的时态及语态 2 1.建立“时”和“体”的概念 2.掌握一般将来时的各种形式及区别 3.掌握易混时态的用法:一般过去时和现在完成时 的区别 4.掌握各种时态的被动语态形式


高三英语第一轮复习:能力训练专题:完型填空(二) 【本讲主要内容】 能力训练专题:完型填空(二) 【知识总结归纳】 完形填空解题指导: (一)充分利用文章的上下文和前后句,找出相关的信息词。 (1)This book is not about empty words and false promises, rather about cooperation needed by deaf people from those who speak to them. Any person who is ______1____ to give his cooperation by practicing the following points will not only make conversation ____2____ for deaf people, but also for ____3______. 1. A. allowed B. willing C. welcome D. shy 2. A. funny B. inspiring C. helpful D. easier 3. A. himself B. ourselves C. every one D. others 答案:B C B (2)Education is not only the teaching and learning of knowledge, but also the development of a person’s _____________. A. politeness B. habit C. interests D. character 答案:D (3)At first I couldn’t believe it ! There were no ______1______ in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to _____2______. 1. A. desks B. lights C. students D. buildings 2. A. home B. bed C. class D. work 答案:A C 注意固定搭配,包括动词与介词、动词与名词、形容词与名词的搭配等,同时也要注意到根据内容选择正确词语。 (4)The other day I was sitting in a small restaurant ___1____ a quiet drink and a talk with a few friends when it suddenly _____2_____ me that almost everyone in the restaurant was smoking. It wasn’t long____3_____ the whole room was filled with smoke. 1. A. have B. had C. having D. have had 2. A. seemed B. struck C. sank D. showed 3. A. ago B. after C. before D. now 答案:C B C (5)She ______1____ how nervous he was and _____2____ he should stand near the stage ______3______ he could watch and follow the play. 1. A. wondered B. imagined C. noticed D. examined 2. A. agreed B. suggested C. persuaded D. encouraged 3. A. where B. when C. that D. there 答案:C B A (6)When it was ready, he made a copy of it which looked ________1______ like the first one but worth only $ 2,000. This he took to the shop, which ____2______

2021届新高考版英语主题一轮复习讲义:主题1 生活课堂互动

1 suppose vt.认为;猜想;假设 ◆单句填空 ①...my life is very stressful, I suppose(suppose). ②I arrived early at Byron Bay where we were supposed to meet(meet).(2018课标全国Ⅱ完形填空) ③The construction work of the theatre is supposed to be completed(complete) within the year. ◆句式升级 ④You are late. You were supposed to arrive half an hour ago. →You are late. You are supposed to have arrived half an hour ago.(改为同义句) ◆写作微练 ⑤我想我能取得使我能进入理想大学的好成绩。 I suppose I can get a good mark which will enable me to enter my ideal college. 点拨 (1)be supposed to do sth.应该做某事 be supposed to have done sth.(=should have done sth.)本应该做某事(实际未做) be supposed to be...被认为是…… suppose sb./sth.(to be)...认为某人/某事…… (2)I suppose so. 我想是这样的。 I suppose not.(=I don't suppose so.)我认为不是这样。 I suppose...(=I think...)我认为……(常用作插入语) (3)supposing(that)假设;假定(可作为从属连词,用于引导条件状语从句) 2 prefer v.(preferred,preferred)更喜欢 ◆单句填空

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