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八下unit1 课本复习随堂练

八下unit1 课本复习随堂练
八下unit1 课本复习随堂练



将,会,机器人will not= they will=



1. 人们将有机器人吗?People

2.人们将有机器人在他们的家里。People have in



5.书将仅仅在电脑上,不在纸上。Books only be ,not


7.他们将在家里电脑上学习。They will at

8.将仅仅有一个国家。Only one country.

9.人们将活到二百岁。People 200 years.

10.人们在一百年后会使用钱吗?People money years? 三。语法


2.The students will have a class meeting this afternoon.







3.They will go to the dentist in three hours.

对they 提问:

对go to the dentist 提问:

对in 3 hours提问


Boy 1: Do you think people have in 100 years? Boy 2: Yes, I do.i a robot on TV, and it the kitchen.

1:well, I don’t think .

2: Do you think

1:yeah, probably.

2:I think there will be

1:only one country ? world peace?

2:I hope so.

1:I bet kids go to school. They will study


1:You do?

2:Yeah, always schools.



污染(名词)(动词)树she will=












There be 的将来时1.


More修饰意为less 意为fewer 意为


Women: OK,now I want to hear everyone’sprediction about the future.

Girl 1: well, I think more people.

Women: More people? OK. What else?

Boy1:I predict that free time.

Women: I hope not!

Girl2:well. I think cars.

Woman:you do?

Girl2:Yes. People will use the subways .

Woman:That’s a geeat idea.Let’s hear another prediction.

Boy2:There pollution.

Woman :That will the earth!

Girl1: I think there will . I think cities will be really and because there will be a lot more people.


























Take的过去式月亮I wil=


















1. 十年后,我认为我会成为一名记者。ten years,I think a


I Shanghai and I with it

3.我认为他真的是一个美丽的城市。I think it’s .

4.作为一个记者,我认为我将遇到很多有趣的人。 a , I think I lots of

5.我不喜欢独自居住。I don’t like .

6.我或许甚至养一个宠物鹦鹉。I even a .

7.在周末,我将能够穿的更随便。I will dress

8.纸上说,“我将在十年后成为一名工程师。”The paper , “I’ll be an 10 years”

9.我认为法国将赢下届世界杯。I think that will the next .

10.那个国家会赢下次世界杯?Will the next .

11.明天天气将会怎么样?what the weather tomorrow.

12.哪部电影明年会得奖?which will awards next year?

13.从现在起20年后青少年将会玩什么?what teenagers do 20 years ? 三。语法

alone 和lonely 的区别




Can 和be able to 的区别


















1. see watch hear listen to feel 的用法

2. 被动语态







In some fiction movies, people in the have their own .These robots are

just humans.They help the housework and do the most jobs.

Some believe that there will be in the future. However,they it may

take years. Scientist are now trying to robots people and do the same things us. Japanese companies have already made robots and .This kind of robot will also be to watch.

But robot scientist James White .He thinks that it will be difficult a robot the same things a person.For example, easy a child to and know they are.Mr White thinks that robots won’t do this.But other scientist disagree. They think that robots will be able to talk to people in 25 to 50 years.

Robot scientist are not just trying to mske robots people.For example. There are already robots working in factories. These robots look like huge arms. They do simple jobs .people would not such jobs and would But robots will never get bored.

In the future,there will be more robots ,and humans will have work to do.New robots will have

many . will look like humans, might look like snakes.After an ,a snake robot could help people under building.That may not seem now.but computers, space rockers and even electric toothbrushes seemed a hundred years ago.We never know in the future.


八下语文教材分析 本册教材为2018年春季全新部编改版,共分为六个单元。 八年级下册六个单元的专题分别是: 部编人教版《义务教育教科书语文》八年级下册六个现代文单元分别以一习俗风尚、二科学探索、三自然美景、四演讲技巧、五人文胜迹、六哲思与情怀为专题 内容,其中以记叙类说明文章为主,第二单元与传统说明文单元相比,在语文与科学的链接上有突破性的进展,拓宽了语文学习和运用的领域,注重跨学科的学习和现代科技手段的运用。两个文言文单元课文的选编主要是从文章的难易程度以及课程目标这两个方面来考虑的。 本册文言课文的编排方式跟前两册显然不同;前两册是分散在各个单元里,每单元一篇;本册则是单独组元,编排在第三、六单元中。这个变化表明:过去一年里的文言文(含古代诗歌)教学只是“入门”的准备,而本册则是“入门”的正式启动。 写作、口语交际与综合性学习。本册教材中写作有六个单元安排,体现出新版教材对写作的重视,并结合本单元课文文体特点进行写作;使学生能做到学以致用。口语交际安排了两个单元,分别是第一、五单元;与以往教材相比显示出对口语交际的重视;综合性学习

安排了三个单元,分别是第二、四、六单元,活动注重中国传统美德 与文化的熏陶。 第一单元主题:民风民俗 单元目标 1、了解课文作者及相关写作背景,积累文中的生字词及民俗文 化知识。 2、学习多角度综合运用多种表达方式,品味精彩语句体味作者 情感。 3、感受我国各具特色的民俗和淳朴的人性美极平凡生活中蕴含 的无穷乐趣。 教材分析 本单元四篇文章分别为:鲁迅的小说《社戏》运用了人物和景物 描写详略得当的写了我十一二岁在平桥村河。伙伴们夜航去赵庄看戏的经历表达了作者对劳动人民的深厚感情和对美好自由生活的向往。 贺敬之的现代诗歌《回延安》,用陕北信天游的格式通过对回延安的所见所闻所想对延安巨变的描写歌颂了延安人民在战争年代的 巨大贡献和如今的建设成就。 刘成章的抒情散文,安塞腰鼓以好一个安塞腰鼓为线索,对安塞腰鼓的场面进行描写,这既是对高原生命的歌颂,也是对民族魂的礼

八年级英语上册 Unit 1 Me and My Class培优专项训练

Unit 1 Me and My Class I. 单项填空 1. Tom, now I introduce Mr. Wang _____ you. A. in B. to C. with D. about 2. The dress is ________ silk. It feels very soft. A. making from B. mak ing of C. made from D. made of 3.The doctor worked for________ after twelve o’clock. A.two more hours B.two another hour C.more two hours D.another two hour 4.Yesterday Li Lei invited me ______ dinner with him. A. had B. have C. to have D. having 5.I _____ one hour ______ my homework yesterday. A. cost; on B. spent; on C. take; to D. use; to 6.—Would you like to have a look at some pants? They may fit you well. —Well, I’d like to try those blue ________. A.pairs B.one C.pant D.pair 7.I like to play ______ ping-pong, but my brother likes playing _______ violin. A./; /B. the; the C. /; the D. the; / 8.To my ______, the news didn’t ______ him. A. surprise; surprise B. surprised; surprised C. surprise; surprised D. surprised; surprise 9. The children had fun ______ in the river last summer. A. swim B. swims

Unit 1随堂练

必修3第一单元随堂练 Section 1 V ocabulary Building ●一、根据句子意思和所给中文或首字母提示,写出单词的正确形式。 1. She was considered a great _________ (美人) when she was young. 2. There is a general __________ (信念) that things will soon get better. 3. The story about the hero has attracted __________ (世界性的) attention. 4. Shortly after the _________ (到达) of the police, the thieves were caught. 5. Every village would hold a great _____ (盛宴), with food and games for everyone. 6. One of a reporter’s jobs is to g______ information at the scene of an event. 7. You must ask for p_________ before taking pictures inside the church. 8. You should follow the local c_______ when you visit a different place. 9. I don’t agree with her, but I a_______ her for sticking to her principles. 10. As the saying goes, a timely (及时的) snow promises a good h_______. ●二、根据句子意思,从方框中选出合适的单词或短语,并用其正确形式填空(其中有两个为多余项)。 ancestor, drown, religious, energetic, agriculture, gain, take place, turn up, look forward to, in memory of, have fun with, hold one’s breath 1. Were there any major events that_____________ on July 9 in history? 2. When children _____________, it is a scary thing for parents to deal with. 3. After _______ independence in 1957, the country was renamed "Ghana". 4. The government held an exhibition ____________ those who died in the war. 5. New research shows that people with blue eyes have a single, common ___________. 6. ___________ means the production of foods and goods through farming and forestry. 7. Mike is a(n) __________ person —he is very active and seldom feels tired. 8. I’m really _____________ the end of the month and the Cambridge Folk Festival. 9. Many people ____________ when the boat turned over during their trip over-seas. 10. I expect the missing watch will one day ___________ somewhere in my house. ●三、根据释义写出单词,并选词填空。 a. a special event that people organize in order to celebrate sth. _____________ b. the point from which sth. starts ______ c. to say that you are sorry for doing sth. wrong or causing a problem ________ d. easy to see or understand __________ e. to suffer or die because you do not have enough food to eat _____________ f. a prize such as money, etc. for sth. that sb. has done _____________ g. to stop feeling angry with sb. who has done sth. to harm, annoy or upset you ____________ 1. To ________ from the heart we need to face the hurt and the hate. 2. Rose went to London to receive her ___________ as Mum of the Year. 3. Thousands of people will _________ if food doesn’t reach the city on time. 4. I think you should __________ to your brother for you have done him wrong.


部编本八年级语文下册: 第一单元教材分析 一、单元目标 1.感知课文内容,理解其中民俗的价值和意义。 2.分析课文的写作方法,体会多种表达方式的综合运用。 3.品味课文中富于表现力的语言,培养语感,积累语言材料。 二、编写意图 本单元是一个多文体的单元,课文包含一篇小说、一首诗歌和两篇散文。《社戏》是一篇经典课文,通过外来少年“我”的新奇眼光,体察水乡平桥村的村民生活、自然风光,感受水乡的敦厚和睦的民风。教学时要把教学重点放在领会文学形象、思想内容和艺术手法上。《回延安》是当代一首著名的抒情诗,教学时要在进行革命传统教育的同时,引导学生感受诗人饱满的情感,感知诗作的明亮、瑰丽而带有乡土气息的意象,并体会诗作模仿陕北民歌旧形式以表现新时代内容的特点。《安塞腰鼓》是一篇新时期的经典课文,它写陕北高原,写高原腰鼓,写打腰鼓的人,展示高原的民俗民风,以及高原人弃放雄健的精神气质。它在语言运用和修辞方法方面尤其值得认真学习。《灯笼》写于20世纪30年代,是一篇抒情散文。它以“灯笼”为话题,申联起早年乡村生活的诸多记忆,表现旧时的乡村民风民俗,表达了对故乡的怀念之情;同时还以小见大,借“灯笼”这一形象表达了作者以天下为己任、愿为保卫国家充当“马前率”的意志和热情。 选取这四篇课文,主要是考虑它们所具有的“民俗文化”的元素(同时也考虑这些课文的不同时代、不同生活场景和不同体裁的多样性特点),以便于学生开阔眼界,见识多样的、多元的民俗现象,增进学生对社会生活、社会文化的理解。但这些课文的主题并不局限于民俗文化,而有着多方面的意义和价值,例如《社戏》还表达了作者对未受现代文明污染的淳朴人性的期盼,《(回延安》还表现了延安精神和社会主义建设热情,《安塞腰鼓》还表现了陕北高原人民蓬勃的生命力,《灯笼》还表达了保家卫国的意志和热情。因此在教学时还应开放视野,尽力还原作品本身所具有的意蕴,而不局限于民俗文化的探究。 另外,选取这几篇现当代文学名作,还着意于进行文学鉴赏教学。可以分析《社戏)中的人物形象、故事情节、自然环境和社会环境等;可以品味(回延安》的一系列意象,分析其修辞手法,并训练现代诗歌的朗读方法;可以通过学习《安塞腰鼓》和《灯笼》理解抒情散文写作的切入点(“腰鼓”“灯笼”),理解散文的构思章法,体会作者表达的思想感情,品味散文优美而精巧的语言等。


必修一unit1 My First Day at Senior High随堂练习题 一、单词拼写 1. He is also a manager, but (级别高的)to me. 2. When you are in senior high school, you will (探索)everything on campus with eagerness. 3. Your performance gave me a deep .(印象) 4. The school (组织)a collection exhibition and students presented their collections one by one. 5. When a person is panicked or embarrassed, he may have difficulty in (呼吸). 6. She got into a real (恐慌)when she didn't find her son in the supermarket. 7. Babies are (好奇的)about everything around them. 8. Working in such a famous firm is a (挑战)for graduates. 9. He listens to music as an escape from the (压力)of work. 10. Though surprised to meet her manager at the party, she pretended to be (镇静的). 11. There's a (传统)in our family that we have a party on New Year's Eve. 12. I feel much more (自信)about myself and my abilities these days. 二、短语填空


桃花源记陶渊明 东晋太元年间,武陵郡有个人以打鱼为生。有一天,他沿着溪水划船前行,忘记了路的远近。忽然遇到一片桃花林,紧靠着两岸生长,长达几百步。其中没有别的树,花草鲜嫩美丽,落花纷纷。渔人感到非常惊异。又往前走,想走到林子的尽头。 桃林在溪水的源头处就到尽头了,于是出现了一座小山,山上有一个小洞口,隐隐约约好像有点光亮。渔人于是下了船,从洞口进去。起初很狭窄,仅容一个人通过。又走了几十步,突然变得开阔明亮。这里土地平坦宽阔,房屋整整齐齐,有肥沃的田地,美丽的池塘和桑树竹子之类。田间小路交错相通,鸡鸣狗叫之声可以互相听到。在那里人们来来往往耕种劳作,男女的穿着打扮,完全都像桃花源外的世人,老人小孩,都安闲快乐。 桃花源里的人见到渔人,大吃一惊,问渔人从哪里来。渔人详细地回答了他的问题,有人便邀请渔人到自己家里去,摆酒杀鸡做饭来款待他。村中的人听说有这样一个人,都来打听消息。他们自己说他们的祖先为了躲避秦时的战乱,带领着自己的妻子儿女及乡邻们来到这与世隔绝的地方,不再出去了,于是就与外面的人断绝了来往。 桃花源里的人问现在是什么朝代,竟然不知道有过汉朝,更不必说魏朝和晋朝了。渔人把自己听到的事一一详细地告诉了他们,村中的人都感叹惋惜。其余的人又各自把渔人请到自己的家中,都拿出酒饭来款待他。渔人逗留了几天后,告辞离开了。这里的人对渔人说:“这里的情况不值得对外边的人说啊!” 渔人出来以后,找到了他的船,就顺着先前的路回去,处处都做了标记。到了郡城,拜见了太守,说了自己的这番经历。太守立即派人跟随他前往,寻找以前做的标记,竟然迷了路,再也找不到通往桃花源的路了。 南阳人刘子骥,是志向高洁的隐士,听说了这件事后,很高兴地计划前往。没有实现,不久就病死了。此后就再也没有人访求桃花源了。 小石潭记柳宗元 从小丘向西走一百二十多步,隔着竹林,可以听到水声,就像人身上佩带的佩环相互碰击发出的声音,(我)心里感到高兴。砍倒竹子,开辟出一条道路(走过去),沿路走下去看见一个小潭,潭水尤其清澈。小潭以整块石头为底,靠近岸边,石底有些部分翻卷过来露出水面。成为了坻. 屿. 堪. 岩等各种不同的形状。青翠的树木,碧绿的藤蔓,覆盖缠绕,摇动下垂,参差不齐,随风飘拂。 潭中的鱼大约有一百来条,都好像在空中游动,没有任何依靠。阳光直照到水底,鱼的影子映在水底的石上。鱼儿呆呆地一动不动,忽然向远处游去,来来往往,轻快敏捷的样子,好像在和游玩的人互相取乐。 向小石潭的西南方望去,看到溪水像北斗星那样曲折,像蛇那样蜿蜒前行,时隐时现。两岸的地势像狗的牙齿那样相互交错,不能知道溪水的源头。 我坐在潭边,四面环绕合抱着竹林和树林,寂静凄清很少有人来。使人心情凄凉,寒气入骨,寂静而且幽深,弥漫着忧伤的气息。因为这里的环境太凄清,不可长久停留,于是就把当时的情景记下来便离去了。 一起去游玩的人有吴武陵、龚古、我的弟弟宗玄。跟着同去的有姓崔的两个年轻人。一个叫做恕己,一个叫做奉壹。

初中英语八年级下册Unit 2培优试题

八年级英语(下)Unit 2培优试题 一、语法填空. (每空1分,满分15分) Most people today are only 1_________(worry) about getting good jobs 2 (make) lots of money. 3________ their free time, They think about what 4__ (do) for fun or relaxation. However, 5_______ people think about 6________ they can do 7 __ (help) others. There are many people who are 8_______ lucky than us. V olunteering our time 9_________(help) these people is a good way 10 ___ (spend) our free time. For example, we can make plans 11 (visit) sick children in the hospital 12________ raise money for homeless people. Some people even stop doing their jobs for a few months13______ a year 14 (move) to another country, like 15_________ (African), and help people there. 二、短文改错.(共20处错误,满分20分) Mario Green and Mary Brown from Riverside High School spend several hours each week help others. Mario love animals and he wants to be a animal doctor. He volunteers in an animal hospital every Saturday mo rning. Mario believes it help him to get his future dream job. “ It' s a hard work ,” he says , “but I want to learn more about how care for animals. I get such a strong feelings of satisfaction when I saw the animals getting better and the look of joy on their owners faces.” Mary is a book lover. She can read by himself at the age of four. Last year she decided to try out a volunteer after-school reading program. She still works there once a week help kids learn to read. The kids are sitting in the librar y, but you can see from their eyes that they’re going on a difficult journey with each new book. Volunteering here is a dream comes true for me. I can do that I love to do and help others at same time. 三、语法填空. (每空1分,满分35分) I’d like to thank you for 1________(send) money to Animal Helpers. I’m sure you know that this group 2________ (set) up3_________(help) disabled people like me. You helped to make 4_____ possible for me 5_________ (have) Lucky. Lucky makes a big 6______________(different) to my life. Let me tell you my story. What would it be like to be blind or deaf? Or imagine you 7____________(walk) or use your hands 8_________ (easy). Most people 9__________(will) never think about this, but many people have these 10____________(difficult). I can’t u se my arms or legs well, 11_____ normal things like 12_____________ (answer) the telephone, 13_________(open)and closing doors, or 14__________(carry) things 15_______difficult for me. Then one day last year, a friend of 16________(my) helped me 17 . She talked to Animal Helpers about 18_________(get) me a special 19__________(train) dog. She also 20________(think) a dog 21____________(cheer) me up. I love animals and I 22__________(excite) about the idea of having a dog. After six months of 23_________(train) with a dog at Animal Helpers, I 24_______able 25__________(bring) him home. My dog’s name is Lucky — a good name for him because I 26_________(feel)

unit1 随堂练习

新目标八年级上学期随堂练习Unit 1 第一课时 Ⅰ. 将下列单词译为中文,并且根据词义按照“发生次数的多少”由多到少排列出来。 hardly ever; sometimes; always; often; usually; never 100%__________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ 0% Ⅱ. 翻译下列短语 1.多久(一次)________________________________ 2.在周末________________________________ 3.一周一次________________________________ 4.一月两次________________________________ 5.一年三次________________________________ 6.看电视________________________________ 7.去看电影________________________________ 8.上网________________________________ 9.看/读英文书籍________________________________ 10.去购物_________________________________ Ⅲ. 翻译句子 1._______ do you _______ do ________ _______? 周末你通常干什么? I usually _________ ___________. 我通常踢足球。 2. What _______ _______ ______ on weekends? 周末他们干什么? They_____ ______ ______ ______ ______. 他们经常去看电影。 3. What _________ ________ ________ on weekends? 周末他干什么? He__________ _________ TV. 他有时看电视。 4. ________ ________do you _________? 你多久购物一次? I shop _______ _______ ________. 我一月一次。 5. _______ _______ _______Cheng watch TV? 陈多久看一次电视? He ________ TV _______ ________ _______. 他一周看两次电视。 Ⅳ. 完成对话。 A: Do you like ______________________(看电视? B: Yes, I like it ______________________(非常). A: ____________________(多久一次)do you watch TV? B: I watch TV ___________________(每天). A: What’s your____________________(最喜欢的节目)? B: It’s ______________________(动物世界). A: How often do you watch it? B: I watch it ______________________________ (一周一次或者两次).


篇目《社戏》 作者:鲁迅体裁:小说出处《呐喊》 主题思想:《社戏》这篇小说并不是专门为了写看戏的,而是通过我与农村孩子看戏前后故事的叙述,赞美农民和农家孩子淳朴的品质和聪明的才干,表现作者热爱劳动人民的思想感情。作者以饱含深情的笔墨,刻画了一群农家少年朋友的形象,表现了劳动人民淳朴、善良、友爱、无私的好品德,表达了作者对少年时代生活的怀念,特别是对农家朋友诚挚情谊的眷念。主要事件:看社戏这是主要事件,所以夏夜行船、船头看戏、月下归航,这些充满江南水乡生活气息的画面 篇目《回延安》 作者:贺敬之体裁:民歌体形式写成的现代诗出处:《贺敬之诗选》 主题思想:《回延安》是一首采用民歌体形式写成的激情澎湃的诗篇、写诗人回到阔别十年的延安,看到亚南的巨大变化,激发了诗人的无限兴奋和喜悦之情,抒发了对革命圣地延安的深切怀念,诗人以赤子之心歌颂了养育一代革命者的延安精神,从中,可以感受到诗人跳动着的脉搏——对“母亲”延安的那份永不泯灭的真情。表达了诗人对党和人民的无限热爱之情.

篇目《安塞腰鼓》 作者:刘成章文体:散文出处《人民日报》 主题思想:安塞腰鼓是一种独特的民间大型舞蹈艺术形式,具有2000年以上的历史.独具魅力的安塞腰鼓掀起在黄土地上的狂飙。展示出西北黄土高原农民朴素而豪放的性格,张扬出独特的艺术个性.豪放粗犷的动作变化钢筋奔放的雄浑舞姿,充分体现着陕北高原民众憨厚朴实,悍勇威猛的个性,安塞腰鼓的内涵是生命的激昂和渲泻;是羁绊不住的力量;是原始力量的勃发、喷涌。写出了安塞腰鼓壮阔、豪放、火烈的特点。表达出作者赞美了安塞腰鼓强健的舞姿、沉重的响声、震撼人心的力量的强烈的思想感情赞美陕北高原人们粗矿、豪迈、开放的性格特征。 文章结构:按“鼓响前——腰鼓表演——鼓声止” 篇目《灯笼》 作者:吴伯箫体裁:散文出处《吴伯箫散文选》 主题思想:作者借灯笼表达自己浓烈的爱国主义情怀,表明自己与时代共呼吸的担当精神。文章书写了他关于灯笼的一些记忆,从不同方面表达了灯笼对于他乃至民族的重要意义。 文章结构手中灯笼点亮,指引人们返回温暖的家中----村口红灯高照,慰藉着孤-----行客“四面虚惊”的心-----宅第红灯高则显示着主人的地位和权势---- 愿作灯笼下的马前卒] 阿西莫夫短文两篇篇目:《恐龙无处不在》《被压扁的沙子》 作者:阿西莫夫体裁:说明文 作者在探索恐龙灭绝的原因时作者以科学发现和科学实验的成果为依据,层次清晰的说明了恐龙灭绝的原因是一个巨大的小行星或彗星对地球撞击的结果。 说明顺序:科学发现——观点产生——科研成果——印证观点追本求源,由因到果的逻辑说明顺序。 文章的题目是《被压扁的沙子》内容却是恐龙灭绝的原因,恐龙灭绝的撞击说和“被压扁的沙子”的科学发现和科学研究密不可分文题形象性强,容易引起好奇心。 篇目《大雁归来》 作者:美国利奥波德 主题思想:感受本文浓郁的抒情色彩,感受作者的爱鸟情怀,激发学生保护野生动物,保护环境的热情。保护野生动物,珍爱自然环境。告诫人类不应该凭借自己的优势而伤害处于弱势的野生动物,人与自然和睦相处,自然界才会更精彩更表达了作者对大雁的喜爱之情。字里行间都充满了作者对大雁的喜爱之情。徙飞翔由衷钦佩,即使不是直抒胸臆,笔墨

2020-2021学年 江苏省牛津译林英语八年级下第一单元拔高练习(带答案)

江苏牛津英语八年级下第一单元拔高练习 精英班培优系列 一、单项选择 ()1. Diana used to to work, but now she is used to because the road is crowded and she wants to keep fit. A. drive; walking B. drive; walk C. driving; walk D. driving; walking ()2.2000, this company has seen much new development. It has become one of the biggest companies in the country. A. For B. In C. By D. Since ()3.It is a good way to spend as much time as you can English every day. A.to read B.read C.reading D.reads ()4.—The film is wonderful. — , it is. The actors are OK, but the story itself isn’t so interesting. A.In some ways B.By the way C.Nearly D.Exactly ()5. We must try our best to stop the pollution _______ a happy life. A.from live B. from living C. living D. to live ()6. fun we had in the park last Sunday. Everyone was tired but excited.


鲁科版三年级下册Lesson3 随堂练 一、为图片选择对应的单词 (1) orange A. (2) coffee B. (3) drink C. (4) apple D. 二、情景交际 ( ) 1.对方问你想喝点什么,你回答: A. Coffee, please. B. Chicken and rice. ( ) 2.你上完课回家想对妈妈说你很饿,你应该说: A. I’d like some milk. B. I’m hungry. ( ) 3.妈妈把晚饭准备好了,会对你说: A. Let’s have dinner. B. Let’s have lunch. ( ) 4. Li Ming 问你吃不吃苹果.如果你想吃,你会说: A. Yes, please B. Yes, I am ( ) 5.你想问问朋友要不要喝点橘子汁,应该说: A. Do you like orange? B. Would you like some orange juice?

三、连词成句 1. you, like, Would, a, drink (?) ______________________________ 2. I’d, some, juice, apple, like (.) ______________________________ 3. dinner, What’s, for (?) ______________________________ 四、选词填空,只写序号. A. like B. have C. Would D. am Let’s _____ breakfast. I ______ hungry. I’d _____ a drink. ______ you like some coffee? Yes, please.


题一:翻译: 1.爸爸在花园浇花时,我正在做家庭作业。 2.我妈妈整天忙于工作。(workaholic) 3.我最近忙于我的学业。 题二:翻译: 1.你愿意坐下来喝杯咖啡吗? 2.---Peter,我能问你一个问题吗? ---可以。 3.跟我一起走好吗 ? 4.这个星期天我将去买一台电脑。 5.明天我们去游泳好吗? 题三:翻译: 1.我相信我能自己解出这道题。 2.我每天锻炼为了保持身材。

3.---你确定你能自己搞定吗? ---放心,我能解决。 题四:翻译: 1.我们学校大约占地五千平方米。 2.她双手掩面。 3.大雪覆盖了大地。 题五:翻译: 这架飞机可容纳大约300 人。 题六:翻译: 他迫不及待地想打开那个盒子。 题七:翻译: 1.她进来时,我停止了吃饭。 2.我太太读报纸的时候我正在看电视。

3.我喜欢踢足球,而你喜欢打篮球。 4.直到我父亲回来,我才上床睡觉。 5.自从你离开以来,我一直在北京了。 6.他一到加拿大,就给你来电话。 典型例题: 1.I ’m sure he will jump up when he ____ the good news. A. know B. will know C. knows D. knowing 2.I don’knowt when he ____ next week. When he____, please let me know. A. comes, comes C. will come, comes B. will come, will come D. comes, will come 题八: 能力提升与拓展 Do you want to make friends with others? Please remember to keep your words all the time. In this way, people around you will get along well with you. To make friends and keep them, you have to keep your words. If you agree to meet someone at a certain time, you should arrive at the place on time or a little earlier. If you agree to help others, you must

人教版新目标七年级英语下册unit1 随堂练习

Unit1 随堂练习 一、单项选择 1,It’s a (an) ______ movie and we all like it. A. difficult B. interesting C. tidy D. boring 2,—Can you help kids with ______? —Yes,I can. A. swimming B.to swim C.swims D.swim 3,—Mary, I need you _______ me do the housework. I am very busy today. —No problem, Mom. A .help B .to help C .helping D .helps 4,_____ are good friends. We often help each other. A. I and Tom B. You and she C. She and I D. He and she 5,—_________? —Yes, he can. A. What can Victor do B. Can I join the club C. What can I do D. Can Victor join the club 6,Here ________. A.is some informations B.are some informations C.are some information D.is some information 7, — Can you speak English? — Yes, but only ___________. A. a little B. a few C. not many D. little 8,Your body __________ terrible, so you should take a shower. A. tastes B. feels C. sounds D. smells 9,She likes to play with the children. She often ______ stories to them. A. says B. speaks C. tells D. talks" 10,—Must I go to medical school and be a doctor like you, dad? —No, you _______,son. You’re free to make your own decision.


培优专项训练(五) Ⅰ.单项填空 ( )1. This morning I had hardly got to my school when it ________ to rain. A.had begun B.was beginning C.began D.begins ( )2. He ________ when the UFO arrived. He didn't wake until the UFO disappeared. A.slept B.was sleeping C.was doing homew ork D.was singing ( )3. —Where were you at 7:00 last night? —I ________ to my mom at home. A.write B.was writing C.wrote D.am writing ( )4. —Did you see Mr Black just now? —Yes. He ________ his car when I met him. A.parked B.was parking C.parks D.will park ( )5. Eddie was sleeping ________ Millie was reading a magazine. A.until B.while C.before D.after ( )6. I got up so late this morning because my clock didn't________. A.go on B.go out C.go up D.go off ( )7. His sister couldn't fall ________ before the big exam. A.sleep B.sleepy C.asleep D.sleeping ( )8. Paul went home ________ his parents ________ silence. A.with, in B.in, with C.at, at D.at, in ( )9. To tell the ________, I didn't go to the party. A.true B.truth C.cloud D.light ( )10. My mother remembered ________ some vegetables, but sh e couldn't find them now. A.buy B.to b uy C.bought D.buying Ⅱ.完形填空 I had a very unusual experience(经历)on Sunday. At ten in the morning, I was 1. ________ down the street when a UFO landed right 2. ________ of me. You can imagine 3. ________ strange it was! An alien(外星人) 4. ________ and walked down Center Street. I followed it to see 5. ________ it was going, and I was very surprised when it went 6. ________ a souvenir shop. While it was 7. ________ at the souvenirs(纪念品), the shop assistant called the 8. ________. Before the police arrived, the alien left the 9.________ and then visited the Museum of Flight. 10. ________ the alien was in the museum, I called the TV station. Isn't that amazing? ( )1. A.arriving B.walking C.looking ( )2. A.in front B.before C.at

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