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1.But most of all, he sunk his dishonest gains into this village that captured his heart with its fantastic view o

f rollin

g fields and pine forests disappearing into the distance like the men of an ancient army marching ove r the horizon.


2. He bought noble titles at auctions, spending £95,000 to become the Lord of Chirnside, and then adding o n 10 more Scottish titles.


3. He purchased the pub and made it into a fine place to have a glass of Glenlivet scotch whiskey, produced only 10 miles (16 kilometers) to the north.

4. He was caught because his bank deposits were so large that they were noticed by the bank's management.

5. In the only interview he has given since his arrest a year ago, Mr. Williams discussed his motives for the c rime with a London newspaper.

1.20世纪50年代中期,他开始设计一个大项目,名为“自由的火炬”。这是一座庆祝国家解放的纪念碑。 In the mid-1950s he began to work on an enormous project called Liberty of Torch, a monument celebrating the li beration of the country

2. 公司将美国型号改造成日本型号,并以想出这主意的工程师的名字命名它。

The company refashioned the American model into a Japanese version and named it after the engineer who came up with the idea.

3. It's probably no accident that one of Engelbreit's bolder cards shows a young girl in overalls, her bare fee t up on a desk, a farm field in the window behind her.


4. While attending secondary school, Engelbreit sold dozens of hand-drawn cards to a local shop for 25 cents

a piece --- her first venture into art and commerce.


5. With her work taking off in so many directions, it was perhaps inevitable that Engelbreit would eventuall y realize her dream of illustrating a children's book.


6.隔壁那位老人死于酒精中毒 (alcoholism),这应该是对那些酗酒者的一种警告。

The old man next door died of alcoholism, which should be a warning to those people who drink alcohol too m uch.

7. 当我看见那位可怜的老妇人躺在床上,奄奄一息时,我想起了一种腐烂的气味。

When I saw the poor old woman lying in bed, dying, I remembered a smell of decay.

8. 杰克在打篮球时摔断了手臂,现在只好用石膏绷带 (plaster bandage) 固定着,以免再次

伤。 When playing basketball, Jack broke his arm, which is now secured with plaster bandage in order to avoid b eing injured again.

9. 小时候母亲总是告诉我吃东西时要多嚼一嚼 (chew) 再咽。

When playing basketball, Jack broke his arm, which is now secured with plaster bandage in order to avoid being injured again.

10. 克拉克夫人好像能觉察我的心思,她用微弱的声音告诉我今晚是她打发她的家人回家了。

Mrs. Clark seems to sense my thoughts and tells me in a weak voice that she sent her family home tonight

11. 人们注意到在暴风雨来临之前,有些动物会改变它们惯常的行为,例如鸡夜晚不肯进

笼。 People have noticed that before a storm, some animals change their normal behavior. For example, hens refu se to enter their cages at night.

12. 实验数据表明一种新型的钢结构—I型结构,似乎是目前世界上最耐久的一种结构。

Experimental data indicate that a new type of steel joint — an I-joint, seems to be the most durable type of joint i n the present world

13. 为了防止财产损失,如今的建筑师们在设计大楼时,使大楼的柱子与横梁具有相同的力量,垂直的承重柱被深深地打进坚实的土地里。

In order to prevent property damage, architects now design buildings so that the building’s columns and horizonta l beams are of equal strength, and vertical support columns are inserted deep into solid soil.

14. 地震多发地区的人们应该定期检查和加固他们的房屋,将橱柜钉在墙上,并钉牢房门,以免它们在地震发生时意外打开。

People in areas where earthquakes are common should regularly check and reinforce their homes, attach cupboar ds and cabinets to walls, and fasten doors so that they will not open accidentally during an earthquake

15. 这些地区的人们还应该将一只灭火器放在手边,准备好合适的工具以备不时之需, 并且准备好一只便携式野营炉和几小罐煤气。

People in these regions should also keep a fire extinguisher handy, prepare some proper tools for emergency needs , and prepare a portable camp stove with small cans of gas.


1.While a _____C___ amount of stress can be beneficial, too much stress can exhaust you.

A. moderate

B. modern

C. large

D. striking

2. If you ______A_____ your demand, then maybe you will have more chance of getting what you want.

A. conduct

B. dismiss

C. grant

D. moderate

3. I don't think he is old ____C____ to do the job.

A. sufficient

B. Plentiful

C. Enough

D. adequate

4. The _____A___ year begins when school opens in September.

A. studying

B. learning

C. school

D. academic

5. The physicist needed more ___A_____ before his theory could be accepted.

A. Finance

B. publications

C. evidence

D. recognition

6. Students of ____C____ grades are those studying in the first three grades of elementary school.

A. elementary

B. basic

C. main

D. primary

7. The museum is _____B___ a rare collection of coins.

A. displaying

B. exhibiting

C. presenting

D. giving

8. Many cookbooks have very ____D____ directions.

A. complex

B. involved

C. complicated

D. compound

9. The ____B____ for speeding is a fine of one hundred and fifty dollars.

A. penalty

B. Punishment

C. criticism

D. remedy

10. The two brothers are very much ___A____, not only in walking but also in thinking.

A. like

B. likely

C. alike

D. alive

11. In theory every citizen in a democratic (民主的) country may ____B_____ to the protection of the law.

A. claim

B. appeal

C. pronounce

D. pray

12. Ideas _____A_____ from one's own experience are sometimes more valuable than those from books.

A. derived

B. deposited

C. retreated

D. restored

13. By ____D_____ computation, he estimated that the repairs on the house would cost him a thousand dollar


A. rail

B. rude

C. rack

D. rough

14. I could see that my wife was ____B______ having that fashionable coat, whether I approved of it or not.

A. determined to

B. intent on

C. short of

D. focused in

15. They have _____A____ for the car to pick them up at the station.

A. arranged

B. managed

C. appointed

D. borrowed

16. If you want to _____D_____ a pleasant visit, find out as much as possible about the manners and customs

of your host country.

A. secure

B. serve

C. sure

D. ensure

17. Mike had dropped in to __A____ how things were going on.

A. inquire

B. require

C. assign

D. acquire

18. She ___C___ the respect of everybody present.

A. achieved

B. secured

C. earned

D. collected

19. Both sides exchanged their views on a wide ____D__ of topics they were interested in at the meeting.

A. extent

B. expand

C. number

D. range

20. He could feel the __C____ of living in a warm, affectionate family setting.

A. pleasure

B. delight

C. joy

D. enjoyment



In the summer of 1978 an English farmer named Ian Stevens was driving his tractor through a field of wh eat when he discovered something strange. Some of his wheat was lying flat on the ground. The flattened (被压平

的) wheat formed a circle about six meters across. Around this circle were four smaller circles of flattened w heat. In the following years more and more similar circles were found in a field of wheat or corn. So people ca nnot help but ask the question: What causes the circles? At first, people suspected that the circles were a trick.

To prove that the circles were a trick, people tried to copy them: they tried to make circles exactly like the one s the farmers had found. They couldn’t do it. They couldn't enter a field of grain without leaving tracks, and th ey couldn’t flatten the grain without breaking it. The circles are apparently not a trick.

Many people believe that beings from outer space are making the circles. Some think that the beings are trying to communicate with us from far away and that the circles are messages from them. Others believe that the be ings have actually landed on earth and that the circles are marks left by their spaceships. Several times people reported seeing strange flying objects near fields where circles later appeared.

Scientists say they’re not sure what causes them. They have suggested several theories. For example, some sci entists say that “microbursts” of wind created the circles. A microburst is a downward rush of cool air ? the sa me downward rush of air that sometimes causes an airplane to crash. Others scientists say that forces within th

e earth cause the circles to appear. But circles often appear in forms. It is hard to believe that any natural force

could create those forms. And recently farmers have discovered not only circles but also other shapes such as t riangles in their fields. Could any natural force created a perfect triangle in a field of grain?

In the summer of 1990 some scientists spent three weeks in the part of England where many circles have appe ared. They had all the latest high-tech equipment. This equipment ? worth 1.8 million dollars ? recorded nothi

ng. But one night, as the scientists were watching a field, circles formed in the field behind them. These circle s are shown in the photograph. The scientists had neither seen nor heard anything. (396 words)

01. What causes the circles? B

A. Teenagers.

B. Farmers.

C. Flying objects.

D. None of the above.

02. The thing that proves that the circles were not a trick is that ______A___________.

A. two men said they made the circles themselves

B. farmers were making the circles to attract tourists

C. people cannot copy the circles without leaving marks or breaking the grain

D. scientists suggest theories that support the idea that circles were made by natural forces

03. The circles mean _________C___________.

A. that beings from outer space are trying to communicate with human beings

B. that beings from outer space have visited the earth

C. that there do exist strange flying objects

D. none of the above

04. The only thing for the scientists to be happy about in the summer of 1990 is possibly _D_. A. that they dis covered how the circles were made

B. that they saw the circles with the help of the latest high-tech equipment

C. that they were able to show the circles in a photograph

D. none of the above

05. A proper title for this passage is _______A__________.

A. An Unsolved Mystery

B. Strange Flying Objects

C. The Power of Natural Forces

D. The Discovery of Strange Circles


Yinlan looked at the people sitting around the table and smiled with satisfaction. Everyone in her famil y was there ? her children, her grandchildren, and her new great-grandson, just one month old. Her whole fami ly had come to celebrate the Harvest Moon Festival (节日).

Yinlan had grown up in China, but she and her family now lived in San Francisco, California. Although they li ved in the United States, Yinlan's family celebrated the Harvest Moon Festival just as Yinlan had in China. Th en, if the sky was clear, they always walked outside to admire the full moon.

Tonight there was not a cloud in the sky, and the full moon shone brightly. Yinlan suggested that they all go ou tside. Her grandson helped her up from her chair. As Yinlan and her grandson walked toward the door, she hel d on to his arm and leaned against him for support. Yinlan was 86 years old. She had not been well the past fe w months, and her family noticed that she seemed weak.

Two days after the Harvest Moon Festival, Yinlan died peacefully in her sleep. Her family was sad but at the s ame time grateful. They felt happy that they had been able to celebrate the Harvest Moon Festival with her on e last time. Everyone said it was remarkable that Yinlan had died just two days after the holiday. Actually, the timing of Yinlan's death was not remarkable at all. Recently sociologists(社会学家)

studied the death rate among elderly Chinese women in California. They discovered that the death rate drops 3 5 percent before the Harvest Moon Festival and then rises 35 percent. Sociologists believe that these changes i n death rate show the mind’s power over the body. The Harvest Moon Festival, when families gather, is import ant to elderly Chinese women. Apparently some women are able to postpone(推迟)

their deaths so that they can celebrate the festival one last time.

Sociologists also studied the death rate of elderly Jewish men around the time of Passover, a Jewish holiday. T hey discovered the same phenomenon. Passover is a Jewish religious holiday that is a family holiday as well. On the first two days of Passover, families gather in their homes for a ceremony(仪

式). It is an important event for elderly Jewish men ? so important that some men postpone their deaths until after Passover.

The idea that people can postpone the time of their deaths is not new. Many families tell stories of a relative w ho held on to life until after an important event. They tell of grandmother who died after the birth of a grandch ild, a grandfather who died after his 92nd birthday party. The stories people tell, however, are just that: stories. They are not proof that people can postpone their deaths. The sociologists’ work is important because the soci ologists studied facts, not stories. The facts ? the drop and rise in death rates ? prove that people really can pos tpone their deaths.

One famous person who may have postponed his death as Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson wrote the Decl aration of Independence, one of the most important U.S. documents. The Declaration of Independence was sig ned on July 4, 1776. Thomas Jefferson died exactly 50 years later, on July 4, 1826. He died after asking his do ctor, "Is it the Fourth?"

Historians have always thought that Jefferson's death on the Fourth of July was a remarkable coincidence(巧合). It now seems quite possible that the timing of Jefferson's death was no coincidence at all. (574 words)

06. The story of Yinlan and her family indicates that _______D__________.

A. the Chinese Harvest Moon Festival is good enough to postpone death

B. significant events can postpone death

C. the mind is stronger than the body

D. good mood can postpone death

07. The Jewish holiday Passover is similar to the Chinese Harvest Moon Festival in the sense that __________ C________.

A. both of them can postpone death

B. both of them take place at the same time

C. both of them are a religious holiday

D. both of them are a family holiday

08. Thomas Jefferson's death on July the 4th was probably timed by ______D_________.

A. his doctor

B. the Declaration of Independence

C. one famous person

D. himself

09. Which of the following is true? C

A. The Jewish holiday Passover can only postpone the deaths of elderly women.

B. The Chinese Harvest Moon Festival can only postpone the deaths of old men.

C. It is facts not stories that prove people can postpone their deaths.

D. Family holidays of all kinds can postpone the deaths of old people.

10. A proper title for this passage is _________A____________.

A. Saving the Old with a Family Holiday

B. Postponing Death

C. More Family Holidays, More Happiness

D. What a Coincidence


One day, when I was on my way to my high school, another young man who was walking past me decided to show off in front of his friends and show them how “manly” he really was. Without saying a word, he walked up to me and began punching me. Once I began fighting back, he pulled out a gun and pointed it straight at me . After seeing this, I ran as fast as I could towards my school, hearing the group of boys laughing badly behind me. While most people hold the belief that inner-city schools can only hinder the learning process, I would ar gue that these schools provide experiences which enrich one’s education simply because of their location (位

置) in the city.

To clarify this point, I must first describe the ways in which Saint Ignatius High School is different from the ty pical inner-city school. This private, Catholic (天主教

的) institution consists mostly of white students who come from wealthy families. Although Saint Ignatius is i n the city, it also gives its students one of the best education in the state.

Society usually tends to focus on the negative side of inner-city schools. Many people like to stereotype (模式化) these schools which, while these general statements may be true in some cases, tend to be worse most of t he time.

Take Mrs. Borroni, my Spanish teacher, for example. She would often take time out of her class to tell her stu dents about the numerous activities after class with which we should get involved. She loved her job so much that she stayed after school every day to moderate activities such as Amnesty International and the Spanish Cl ub. Her students, including me, joined all of the clubs which she moderated just because she made them so int eresting. Because of Mrs. Borroni, I got heavily involved in the school's activities and learned a lot in the proc ess. (313 words)

11. The author's argument that inner-city schools "provide experiences which enrich one's education simply b ecause of their location in the city" is based on ________.

A. consensus opinion

B. his personal experience

C. a film he saw

D. a story he read in a book

12. Saint Ignatius High School differs from the typical inner-city school in all the following except _________ _________.

A. minority students

B. poor students

C. location in a city

D. inferior education system

13 Many people tend to speak more of __________________.

A. the negative sides of inner-city school

B. teachers' lack of love for teaching at St. Ignuatius

C. students' lack of love for learning at St. Ignuatius

D. daily fights at St. Ignatius

14. All the following describes Mrs. Borroni except _______________.

A. hard-working

B. considerate

C. responsible

D. indifferent

15. It seems that the author's attitude toward inner-city school is _________________.

A. optimistic

B. defensive

C. critical

D. bitter


Throughout my childhood, I rarely ever heard about any kind of crime. Obviously I was going to have to beha ve (表

现) a little bit differently in this new environment. Because of St. Ignatius's view as an essential part of the co mmunity, people could not exactly be banned from walking around the campus during the day. This meant tha t I would sometimes see homeless people begging for money as I ran from class to class. One day I ran into so meone begging on the corner near school. I decided to give the homeless person a dollar. At the time I saw no reason in my teachers' warnings. For the next week straight, this man waited for me at the same place in the ho pes that I would give him more money. He hassled me every day until I finally told him that I was not going to give him anything else. Because this may have been an unusual case, I did not want to make any conclusions about homeless people. However, I did learn from this experience that I should probably listen to my teachers more often on issues such as this one.

Students' lives become enriched simply by attending an inner-city school. For someone who had lived in the s

uburbs all his life, such as myself, a new style of living can be experienced. If St. Ignatius High School were n ot in the middle of Cleveland, I would not have had so many opportunities to grow and mature as a person. Go ing to school in the city helped me to overcome the childish views I once had, and I am now better prepared to take on the challenges which await me in life. (282 words)

16. Why did people there walk around the campus during the day?

A. Because the local people came to learn here.

B. Because his school was viewed as an essential part of the community.

C. Because his school was opened to all people.

D. Because the local people wanted to take shortcuts.

17. In the sentence in Paragraph 1 "He hassled me every day until I finally told him that I was not going to giv

e him anything else.", the word "hassled" means __________________.

A. attacked

B. begged

C. troubled

D. asked

18. What lessons did the author learn from the beggar's case?

A. He realized how dangerous it was as a middle school student.

B. He learned from the experience that he should listen to his teachers on the issue.

C. He decided he would not help anyone anymore.

D. He thought all homeless people were bad.

19. Which of the following statements is not the evidence that students' lives became enriched by attending an inner-city school?

A. The religious aspect of one's life grew.

B. One was easily able to get involved in community.

C. One would never make mistakes.

D. One became much more aware of the dangers which exist in the city.

20. ______________ makes the author better prepared to take on the challenges which await him in life.

A. His teachers

B. The curriculum of St. Ignatius

C. His life experience at St. Ignatius

D. His religious belief


In France, enthusiasm for the American cause was high. In May 1776, France began providing aid to the colonies, sending 14 ships with war supplies to America. In fact, most of the gun powder(弹药)

used by the American armies came from France. After Britain’s defeat at Saratoga, France saw an opportunity to seriously weaken its ancient enemy and restore the balance of power that had been upset by the Seven Years ' War (the French and Indian War). On February 6, 1778, America and France signed a Treaty of Amity(和好)and Commerce, in which France recognized America and offered trade concessions (特

权). They also signed a Treaty of Alliance, which said that if France entered the war, neither country would l ay down its arms until America won its independence, that neither would conclude (推

论) peace with Britain without the agreement of the other, and that each guaranteed (保

证) the other's possessions in America. This was the only two-side defense treaty signed by the United States o r its forefathers (祖先)until 1949.

The Franco-American alliance soon broadened the conflict. In June 1778 British ships fired on French vessels, and the two countries went to war. In 1779 Spain, hoping to capture territories taken by Britain in the Seven Y ears' War, entered the conflict on the side of France, but not as an ally of the Americans. In 1780 Britain declar ed war on the Dutch, who had continued to trade with the Americans. The combination of these European pow

ers, with France in the lead, was a far greater threat (威

胁) to Britain than the American colonies standing alone. (261 words)

21. When did France begin to provide aid to the American colonies?

In May 1776

22. What did the Treaty of Amity and Commerce say about France?

France recognized America and offered trade concessions.

23. Which treaty said that neither France nor America would conclude peace with Britain without the agreeme nt of the other?

The Treaty of Alliance.

24. What was one of the results of the alliance between France and America?

The alliance soon broadened the conflict.

25. Why did Spain enter the conflict?

To capture the territories taken by Britain.

Part 8 Reading Comprehension


Time passed and my cards sold well. My enthusiasm for the greeting card business grew quickly. All alo ng, I had been drawing fantasy art: clowns (丑

角), dragons, castles, etc. With the birth of my first son in 1980, the content of my work underwent (经

历) a pretty dramatic change.

Fantasy went out of the window, and I began to illustrate reality.

In the spring of 1983, we, The Mary Engelbreit Greeting Card Company, took our 12 little designs to New Yor k to exhibit them at the National Stationery (文具) Show.

I remember how big the show was. I just couldn't get over it. I had no idea there were so many different card c ompanies. And it was exciting because our 12 little cards were getting a lot of attention in that huge place!

I've been told one of the reasons we had so much success at that show is because my card style was different t han anything else at the market. I typically draw complicated details and use deep colors and amusing or profo und (深刻的) quotations.

By 1985, many greeting card publishers started noticing my art, and two of them approached me with licensin g contracts.

I have always believed if you choose a job you love, you’ll never work a day in your life. If you ask about the

mystery of my success, all I can say is this: to imagine is everything! (229 words)

26. Before the birth of her first son, Mary Engelbreit's cards focused on ___C_____.

A. reality

B. daily life

C. fantasy

D. dragons

27. The New York show was so big that Engelbreit ___B_____.

A. couldn't walk through it

B. couldn't believe it

C. couldn't stay to the end of it

D. couldn't understand it

28. Engelbreit's cards were successful because ____A____.

A. they were distinctive in style

B. they had a thank-you sentence

C. they had complicated details

D. they were rich in color

29. The licensing contracts ____A____.

A. were exactly what Engelbreit was after

B. were exactly what Engelbreit was unprepared for

C. were exactly what Sunrise was after

D. were exactly what Sunrise was unprepared for

30. According to Mary Engelbreit, the key to success is ___D_____.

A. devotion

B. opportunity

C. good luck

D. imagination


It's 3 a.m. when the phone rings. A trembling voice asks, "Are you a psychic(通灵大

师) --- for real? I hope so because I really need some help." The caller then proceeds to relate that she's worrie d about her daughter. Just recently, she's been waking up from nightmares, like tonight. The Mother's wonderi ng if her daughter has been the victim of violence.

My next caller is a girl in her early teens, who is crying bitterly. I have to talk in a soft voice. Comfort falls on the child’s ear, decorated with, "You're a good girl," and "No, you did nothing wrong." Eventually the sobbing (抽

噎) stops altogether. Finally the child says "Thank you, lady". I never lose my temper at the caller. Never. But the air has been blue a few times after my hanging up from a difficult person. It still amazes me that people cal l us because they feel we are gifted and that we have information that can help them; for the most part that's tr ue.

My third caller is barely out of high school. She has a part time job at McDonald's, still lives at home, and wan ts to know how soon she's going to get pregnant. The fact she doesn't have a boyfriend seems more important t o her than how she could possibly be responsible for a child. When no babies are seen in the near future (Than k the Gods!) she hangs up, voicing her unhappiness at the outcome. She’ll call around until she finds someone who will tell her what she wants to hear.

Failing that as a solution, I sometimes take a long bath. There I set free all that I am holding too close, lie in th

e warm bath and listen to some relaxing music. As a last resort(最后一着)

I have a fun solution that has a few of my neighbors letting me stay at a safe distance. I go for a walk and take in all the nature and activity around me. And I usually don't feel any drive to explain what I am doing, except s ometimes to my friends, those who show concern for me. (368 words)

31. It seems that at the very beginning the first caller ____A____.

A. has doubt about whether she is speaking to a psychic

B. trusts the psychic very much

C. wants to cheat the psychic

D. intends to make fun of the psychic

32. The girl stops sobbing because _____B___.

A. she is a good girl

B. she is made to believe that she did nothing wrong

C. psychic speaks well

D. she is sent to call her mother

33. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the sentence in Paragraph 3: "But the air has been blue a fe w times after my hanging up from a difficult person."

A. But sometimes I feel sad after a talk with a difficult person on the phone.

B. But I feel sad when the talk with a difficult person on the phone is over.

C. But I always feel sad after a talk with a difficult person on the phone.

D. But the situation changes suddenly after I finish a talk with a difficult person on the phone.

34. The third caller will be happy if ___A_____.

A. the psychic doesn't tell her the truth

B. the psychic tells her the truth

C. the psychic tells her to call another psychic

D. the psychic asks her to call again

35. Which of the following is not true?

A. The psychic is always helpful.

B. The psychic does have her own problems.

C. The psychic often seeks help from her friends.

D. The psychic has to speak in a soft voice to comfort callers.


You must face the fact that in your inmost heart you hate the thought of moving. It is easiest not to leave the ro oms where your children passed through their wonderful childhood and annoying teens to a friendly but slight ly distant community.

Until, suddenly one day, the distance is absolute and they are grown up and gone. Then you find yourself livin g in too large a house, which consumes in its maintenance too much energy and money. When we found ourse lves in this situation a few years ago, we determined to move while we still had the strength and before the em otional tentacles (触

角) that the old house had wrapped around us became too powerful to be broken. Move while you can! But be sure you really want to, and do not move too often. It is an exhausting process.Your first task is to find a hous e that will suit you. It must be smaller, quieter, easier to run, and more conveniently placed for transport. Not s o small, though, that it will not elegantly accommodate (容

纳) your largest pieces of furniture, and located not too far from the neighborhood where so many friendships

have been built up.

At last we found one: a late Victorian cottage, in a street where the houses, all small, range from late 18th to m id 20th century. It was near enough to where we wanted to live. It had no basement(地下

室), which was a great convenience for aging legs; there were only two floors above ground level: one for o urselves and one where friends, children, and grandchildren could spread themselves when they came to stay. Each floor had two rooms. There was a kitchen on the ground floor, with the bathroom above it. (Words: 289)

36. The passage concerns ___D_____.

A. buying a house for a newly married couple

B. buying a large house for a growing family

D. buying a smaller house for older people whose children have left home

37. The passage implies that grown-up children are ___C____.

A. more friendly to their parents when they are grown up

B. distant from their parents

C. friendly but not very close

D. annoying

38. The author decided to move ____A____.

A. when their house gave them too much work and cost too much to run

B. when they grew tired of their house

C. when they suddenly got the strength to do so

D. before the house collapsed

39. The author advises people in his own situation __B______.

A. to move into a very small house

B. to move somewhere where the largest possible pieces of furniture will fit

C. not to move too far from the main road

D. to choose somewhere not so noisy

40. According to the passage, their new house had ____B_____.

A. two floors

B. three floors

C. four floors

D. two bathrooms


I sat down where the road passed over a hilltop to examine my position. I could see all round me for miles but there was no sign of human life. In the sky the birds sang — and then I heard that heated noise again.

I realized that my position that I had thought so well might in truth be a trap, for there was no shelter anywher e in these bare green patches (小块土

地). I sat quite still and hopeless while the airplane came I could see one of the two men looking at me throug h glasses.

Suddenly it began to rise, and then flew rapidly away till it was a mere dot in the distance.

That made me do some hard thinking. The airplane had seen my bicycle and would naturally think that I woul d try to escape by road. I walked with the machine a hundred yards from the road and threw it into a deep pool , where it sank out of sight. Then I climbed up to where I could see the road on both sides of the hill. Nothing was moving on it.

As I have said, there was nowhere to hide, and now these free moors seemed like prison walls. I went on and a fter a time came to another high piece of ground, from which I could see some men two miles away.

I thought I saw some men moving there in front of me. If you were surrounded like this, there is only one mea ns of escape. You must stay where you are, and let your enemies search the place and not find you. That was g ood sense, but how could I possibly avoid notice in that bare land?

Then in a bend of the road, beside a heap of stones, I found the roadman. (Words: 301)

41. In the author's opinion, his position was a ____D____.

A. good one because he could see his enemies when they were miles away

B. bad one because there was no shelter if it rained

C. good one because there was no one else around

D. bad one because there was nowhere to hide

42. The author threw his bicycle away because ____B______.

A. his enemies had found him

B. he hoped in this way to deceive his enemies

C. it was useless

D. he could no longer use it as his enemies had blocked the road

43. In the fifth paragraph, the free moors seemed like prison walls to the author because _____A_____.

A. this kind of countryside actually hindered him

B. he had to climb if he wanted to escape

C. the open countryside made him feel like a prisoner

D. he knew he was surrounded

44. In the sixth paragraph, the author says that in such a situation ___C_____.

A. you must stand still

B. you must try to look like your surrounding

C. you must not continue to run

D. you must not try to escape

45. The effect of the single sentence in the last paragraph is to show that ___A____.

A. here was a possible answer to his problem

B. he was not alone, as he had thought

C. here was someone who could answer his question

D. he was about to be caught


I was due to take my driving test at 11: 30 in the morning. It was a depressing rainy day with low clouds and a s I approached the driving school at 9:50 a.m., my heart sank. My driving instructor, Stan, tried to dismiss my fears with a wave of the hand, "On a day like this, you're bound to pass. Just watch your left-turn." I was not i mpressed.

We set off for the test center with an hour to go. I wanted a run around the test circuit, but we promptly got stu ck in a traffic jam, and I despaired of even arriving in time for a test drive, let alone the test itself. My heart wa s pounding.

We arrived at the test center at 11: 00. Stan, with a certain malicious (恶意

的) pleasure, made me watch a group of six learners emerging from the building with their respective (各自的) examiners. Their instructors were peering out from two windows. We watched them drive off. The weathe r became even gloomier. It seemed to deaden my nerves. I had developed a couldn't-care-less mood, and was a lmost calm. We returned to the test center in time to see the six unfortunates returning. Their nerves must have been in a terrible state.

I sat in the dingy (肮脏

的) waiting room until six examiners trooped in and called out our respective names. I showed no emotion as he asked me to proceed to my car. I showed none either, but the tension began mounting (增

加) again. Then somehow I was suddenly angry about what I was going through and decided to resign (顺从) myself to whatever was going to happen. As we got into the car at 11: 30 a.m. there was a downpour. (wor ds: 288)

46. In the writer's opinion, he felt most relaxed ___D___.

A. when he was through the traffic jam

B. when he arrived at the test center

C. when he drove around the test circuit

D. when he was proceeding to the car

47. According to the passage, he felt most nervous ___A____.

A. when he was stuck in the traffic jam

B. when he saw the six learners drive off

C. when he saw the six learners return from their test

D. when he was proceeding to the car

48. It can be inferred from this passage that he felt most confident __B___.

A. when he was through the traffic jam

B. when he drove round the test circuit

C. when Stan told him he was bound to pass

D. when he was proceeding to the car

49. From this passage, we can learn that the weather was at its worst ___D____.

A. when he arrived at the driving school

B. when he was through the traffic jam

C. when he drove round the test circuit

D. at 11: 30

50. How many people did they see leave the test center? B

A. Six.

B. Twelve.

C. Fourteen.

D. Eighteen.


The great river Nile(尼罗河)

flows gently in its course through the hot plains in the first half of the year but later on when the melting (融化) snows and the rains on the mountains far to the south swell its tributaries (支流), the Nile overflows (泛滥). It spreads rich, muddy (泥泞

的) soil from Ethiopia over its valley and forms deep stretches of green, fertile (肥沃

的) lands along its banks. The settlers found that in the soft rich earth wheat and other crops could be planted, even without the use of the plough, and they began to make many settlements of farmers.

In these early times they did not of course understand why the river overflowed each year. But they knew that their crops and, therefore, their lives, depended upon its magic (魔术似

的) floods, and they explained the miracle as the work of gods.

But there came some years when there was a "bad Nile". Sometimes the floods were not full and did not bring enough soil; the crops were poor and the people starved. At other times the waters were so great that they destr oyed houses and villages, and drowned men and beasts (牲

畜). It took perhaps many centuries before the farmers learned how to control the Nile waters.

Wise men among them watching the position of the stars year by year found that they could predict when the a nnual rising of the Nile would come. Thus they began to learn about the scientific study of the sun, earth, moo n, and stars and could make a calendar of the years. They also learnt how to measure out the land so that it cou ld be divided fairly again after the boundaries of the farms had been washed away by great floods. In this way, there came about ancient knowledge of engineering and of geometry. (words: 300)

51. We can learn from this passage that the Nile is __D____.

A. always a gentle flowing river

B. hot in the first half of the year but cold later on

C. likely to overflow at various times of the year

D. a life-giving river

52. The settlers began farming in the Nile valley because ___A___.

A. they discovered that their crops could grow well in the soil there

B. they did not realize that the river would overflow sometimes

C. it was not necessary for them to use the plough when cultivating the soil

D. they realized that their crops depended on the floods

53. The Nile was a "bad Nile" when ___C____.

A. the floods destroyed the crops

B. the floods were empty

C. the river did not flood enough or overflowed

D. the river overflowed all the people

54. The Egyptians of that time learned to be able to predict when the annual rising of the Nile would come by ___B____.

A. studying the flooding of the Nile year by year

B. observing the position of the stars year by year

C. inventing some maps of the Nile floods

D. digging canals and making reservoirs

55. According to the passage, the ancient Egyptians ____A____.

A. had studied the stars and made their own calendar of the years

B. watched the fall and rise of the Nile and learned how to control the flood

C. created their gods to protect the Nile when it was necessary

D. learned a lot about geometry and spread the knowledge all over the world


I. Practical Writing

Memo Writing

A memo is a useful note to convey messages. The following should be covered in your memo:

1. To whom it is addressed.

2. From whom it comes.

3. The subject of the memo.

4. The date.

5. Brief, simple and to-the-point instructions, inquiries, requests or information

Sample 1 A memo on a welcome luncheon

Date: September 28, 2005

To: Dr. David Clinton

From: Dr. Frank White

Re: Luncheon to Welcome Professor Wang

This is a reminder of the invitation to a luncheon to welcome Prof.Wang Xin from Peking University. During the luncheon Professor Wang will make apresentation to the university library.

The luncheon is scheduled for Thursday, September 16, 2005, at 12:00 noon, at the union Club, Rm.378.

Sample 2 A memo to students living in student dorms

To: All residents of Building 10

From: The Domestic Bursar

Date: September 5, 2005


Due to the repairs being completed in the bathrooms andtoilets in Building 9 it would be helpful if residents

did notuse them for a few days. Hopefully they should be ready by next Tuesday, but to have a completely satisfactoryjob done, the floors MUST NOT BE WALKED ON for 24hours at least.

If any residents would like to sleep in the main hallduring this period, will they please come andsee Mrs. Lewis on September 5?


Function: To inform the public

Features: Language—brief


Content—easy to understand


1. Introductive materials about certain activity by the host;

2. Explanatory direction or request on certain matter by the department concerned.

1.Introductive Notice


formal one: 常用“ … presents … ”的句式

informal one: 常用被动语态,如:“Notice is hereby given that … ”

2. Explanatory Notice

Sample 1 停水通知


Notice is hereby given that the water supply is not available from 7:00 am to 10:00 am tomorrow, owing to the repairs of the water pipes.

General Affairs Service

Sample 2 免职通知


It is hereby proclaimed that the Board of Directors has decided to dismiss Mr. Carl Joyce from the post of chief of the President’s Office.

The President’s Office

Your Job:Write a notice in English according to the following situation:


II. Practical Writing:

How to Write to a Pen-friend

1. One way of getting to know a foreign country is by writing to a pen-friend. A letter to a pen-friend does two things:

a) It gives a picture of what the writer is like—his/her interests, likes and dislikes; it also provides interesting information about the country where he or she lives.

b) However, a good letter to a pen-friend also expresses your interest in the person being

written to — so it will often include questions.

2. The style of writing is simple, direct, informal and friendly.

3. Notice the layout is the same as all informal letters.


An Letter to a Pen- friend

47 Woolwich High Road


London SE3 6DS

2nd March, 2000

Dear Li,

It was great hearing from you. As you can see frommy address, I live in Charlton, in Southeast London. My father is an architect, and my mother works …

My favorite sport is football. I play in the universityteam …

I study in … It is a university of …

Please write again soon. I am dying to hear what it islike to live in China — especially as, like me, you arestudying at college.

Yours sincerely,



Write a letter to your foreign pen-friend, telling your hobbies and especially introducing your university.

If you do not have a pen-friend, find one on the Internet.


The Style of Posters

1. Subject Line

2. Text

3. Signature of Sponsor

Poster Requirements

1. Subject line should be brief and clear, such as“Poster” or “Football Match”(content).

2. Text should be vivid, concise and attractive.

3. Signature of sponsor requires the name of sponsor and the date of poster.


Do you want to know how to understand and appreciate films and TVs? Please come to attend the lecture on

Aesthetics of Films and Televisions.

Lecturer: Professor Shang Zuoshu, a famous aesthete in our province

Time: April 10, 2005

Place: No. 101 lecture classroom, Library Building

The Dept. of Chinese

Language & Literature

April 7, 2005

English Speech Contest

Hosted by the Student Union of FLD (the Department of

Foreign Languages), the 2nd English Speech Contest

will be held in the classroom No. 210 of Shao Yifu

Building at 7:00 p.m., Thursday, May 4, 2005.

All are cordially welcome!

The Student Union

The Dept. of FLD

Guangxi University

May 4, 2005


1.Write a poster of a Badminton Match.

2. Write a poster of the New Year’s Eve Entertainment.

Certificate of Honor

Study the following certificates and try to write one for an English Speaking Contest!

Honor Certificate

This is to certify that Mr.Liu Jun from Class 1, Grade 5, Nanning No.2 Middle School, has been awarded the title of Three Excellence Student of Nanning city.

The Education Committee of Nanning

June 1, 2004

Honor Certificate

This is to certify that Mr. Liu Jun has won the first prize at the English Speech Contest sponsored by the Department of Study, the Students’ Unio n of GXU.

Department of Study, Students’ Union

Guangxi University

April, 2004
