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Unit 3 Dragon Boat Festival



1. festival (n.) 节日the Spring Festival 春节

the Dragon Boat Festival 端午节the Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节2. race (n.) 比赛win the race 赢得比赛(win-won-won)

racing car 赛车horse race 赛马boat race 划船比赛

3. something (pron.) 某事,某物something/somebody/someone + adj.

know something sbout …知道,了解关于某事

4. celebrate (v.) 庆祝;举行仪式;纪念(节日)celebrate the New Year

celebration (n.) 庆祝会,典礼birthday celebrations 生日庆祝会

5. be born 出生(主语只能是表示被生下的人或动物) be born in + 时间/family

give birth to 生产,生下(宾语通常是表示幼畜或婴儿的词,主语只能是表示雌性的词)

6. ago (adv.) 以前时间+ago 表示多少时间之前

7. country (n.) (1) 国家复数countries

(2) 乡下,农村in the country

8. advice (n.) 劝告,忠告,建议advice 是不可数名词

a piece of advice 一条建议some advice 一点建议

give advice to 提出忠告take one’s advice 接受、采纳建议/忠告

advise (v.) 劝告,忠告,建议advise sb to do… = suggest ___________________

9. king (n.) 国王queen 王后

10. die (v.) 死—died —died dying (a.) 将死的

dead (a.) 死了的death (n.) 死亡deadly (a.) 致命的

He ____ last year. = He has _____ _______ _______ for a year.

He died two years ago. = He _______ ______ _______ _______ ________ ________.

He is sad about his grandmother’s ________.

Be careful! The poison is ________.

11. later (adv.) 以后eg. I will call you later. 我过会儿打给你。

late (adj.) (1)迟到的be late for school

(2)晚的Don’t be too late.

I will tell you _______.

Get up right now, or you will be ______ for school.

Dull always goes to school _______.

12. lose (v.) 失去,丢失,输lost-lost

lose memory 失去记忆lose one’s eyesight 失去视力lose one’s way 迷路

lose a chance 错过机会lose one’s train 没赶上火车lose a game 输了一局/场

lose a battle 打败仗lose one’s job 失业

13. battle (n.) 战斗

in battle 在战斗中battle plane 战机battleship战舰

14. lunar (adj.) 月(亮)的;农历的

lunar month 太阴月,农历月(约25.9日)lunar calendar 农历lunar year 闰年15. remember (v.) 纪念,记起remember sh./sb.

remember to do sth. 记得去做某事remember doing sth. 记得做了某事

Remember ____________ your parents. (greet)

Do you remember _________ Beijing in that hot summer? We were so happy together. (visit) (相同用法forget)

16. without (prep.) 没有

eg. I have posted the letter without a stamp. 我没贴邮票就把信投进邮箱了。

He had lunch without washing his hands. 他没有洗手就吃饭了。

17. pudding (n.) (餐后的)甜点,甜食,布丁

18. rather (adv.)


eg. I’d rather go to swim. = I prefer to go to swim.我宁愿去游泳。

(would rather do sth = prefer to do sth ; would rather not do sth)

would rather do A than do B = prefer to do A rather than do B


He is rather tired. 他有点疲倦了。

19. send (v.) 寄送—sent —sent send sth. to sb.


1. very much 很,非常

2. in danger 在危险中danger (n.) 危险

eg. Some animals are in danger. 一些动物处境危险。

dangerous (adj.) 危险的It is dangerous to do sth. (做)……很危险

3. moon cake 月饼

4. 春节(农历正月初一):the first day of the first lunar month

端午节(农历五月初五):the fifth day of the fifth lunar month

中秋节(农历八月十五):the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month

重阳节(农历九月初九):the ninth day of the ninth lunar month

元宵节(农历正月十五):the fifteenth day of the first lunar month


one nine

two ten

three twelve

four fourteen

five twenty

six thirty-one

seven forty

eight ninety

5. have dragon boat races 举行龙舟赛


eg. have breakfast 吃早饭

have a swim/walk/ride 游戏/散步/骑马

have a class 上课

have a meeting 开会

We have coffee at 11. 我们11点钟喝咖啡。


1. Today, people eat rice dumplings and have dragon boat races to remember him on that day every


(1) to remember him…此处to do sth.表示“为了……”

eg. Tom gets up early to catch the early bus. 汤姆起得早是为了赶上早班公交车。


eg. on Monday on July 8 on the night of May 25th on a sunny morning

(3) at + 时间点或较短的时期at 11:00 at half past five at noon at this time

in + 某年/季/月/天中的某段时间in 1998 in spring in October

in the morning/afternoon/evening

2. I like sweet rice dumplings without beans, but I don’t like salty ones with meat.

(1) one 是代词,ones是其复数形式,指代dumplings

(2) 介词with 意为“带有”;without 是其反义词,意为“没有”

(3)but 表示“但是”,为并列连词,表示转折

eg. I like this warm weather, but I don’t like hot weather.


3. Would you like sth = Do you want sth?

用于询问对方的意见,肯定回答用“Yes, please”,否定回答用“No, thanks.”

4. His job was ___________________ 他的工作是给国王出谋划策。

My dream is ___________ a teacher. 我的梦想是成为一名教师。

My task is _____________the homework. 我的任务是完成作业。


1.庆祝端午节celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival

2.赛龙舟have dragon boat races

3.想了解一些东西有关屈原would like to know something about Qu Yuan

4.采纳某人的建议take one's advice (take-took-taken)

5.输了一场战役lose a battle (lose-lost-lost)

6.跳河jump into the river

7.在农历五月初五on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month

8.写一份邮件给你的外国朋友write an e-mail to your foreign friend


9.寄给我们一些照片send us some photos (send-sent-sent)

= send some photos to us

10.画一个条形图draw a bar chart

11.大约2000年前他出生在中国。He was born about two thousand years ago in China.

12.然而,国王死了,国家处于危险中。 However, the king died and the country was in


13.他的工作是给国王提建议。His job is to give advice to the king.

14.后来,人们吃月饼来纪念她。Later, people eat moon cakes to remember her.


I like sweet rice dumplings with beans, but I don't

like salty ones without meat.

16.你想来些布丁吗?--Would you like some pudding?

好的。/不,谢谢。--Yes, please. / No, thanks.

17.他宁愿要一片匹萨。He would rather have a piece of pizza.


1.庆祝端午节_______________________ ____________________

2.赛龙舟_______________________ ____________________

3.想了解一些东西有关屈原_______________________ ____________________

4.采纳某人的建议_______________________ ____________________

5.输了一场战役_______________________ ____________________

6.跳河_______________________ ____________________

7.在农历五月初五_______________________ ____________________

8.写一份邮件给你的外国朋友_______________________ ____________________

9.寄给我们一些照片_______________________ ____________________

10.大约2000年前他出生在中国。_______________________ ____________________


_______________________ ____________________

_______________________ ____________________

12.他的工作是给国王提建议。_______________________ ____________________

13.后来,人们吃月饼来纪念她。_______________________ ____________________


_______________________ ____________________

_______________________ ____________________ 15.你想来些布丁吗?_______________________ ____________________

好的。/不,谢谢。_______________________ ____________________

16.他宁愿要一片匹萨。_______________________ ____________________

