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Renowned placid rant rave grievance glowing pearly beleaguered harangue browbeaten placidly solitaire take upon in all honest

1.Her supervisor gave her a _____reference for her years of hard work and great achievement.

2.Smith _____his fellow students and persuaded them to walk out.

3.I see the tabloids are all _____and ____about Forge’s skiing trip.

4.The locals are _____for their hospitality.

5.He has a ____nature, well-suited to teaching.

6.Anyone who has a legitimate _____against the company can take it to the committee.

7.The ____prime minister explained the difficult situation to an angry crowd.

8.The witness was being _____under cross-examination.

9._________, aren’t there already far too many pages of scientific research published every


10.He _____ himself the responsibility for protecting her.

The last straw at the expense of fall apart beyond one’s means of confine to on the grounds bear the brunt battle it out

1.The hotel was expensive, the food poor and the bad weather was_____.

2.I left Adrian and Jo _____. I can’t stand to hear such fighting anymore.

3.High production rates are often achieved _____quality of work.

4.These medical costs are _____most working people.

5.Colley refuses. This was _____and a row broke out.

6.When his wife left him his world just ________.

7.This disease is not just _____children.

8.She was prohibited from speaking _______that it would stir up trouble.

9.The southern part of the town ______of the attack.

10.He finished the job _____his health.

Keep track of ramble replenish clutter entail adhere to monogamy adherence

1.He often ______and said strange things.

2.We have to import an extra 4 million tons of wheat to _____our reserves.

3.The move _____radical changes in lifestyle.

4.To the surprise of many people, lifetime _______has some drawbacks.

5.What a mess! The desk ____with papers, books, and ashtrays.

6.It is important that the fire regulations are ______.

7.We would never be able to _____the luggage on such a long journey.

8.Mrs. Jones, the hostess, ______glasses for her guests whenever necessary.

9.How can they question our ______the treaty?

10.The work ______precision.

Impartial arbiter pendulum proportion dash off certify fed up revive pedantic in principle

1. A judge should be _______.

2.The ______of public opinion has swung back.

3.He was meticulous, but never_______.

4.They failed to fulfill their promises to ______the economy.

5.She ______a quick letter excusing him from school that day.

6.The ______of men to women in the population has changed in recent years.

7.I am getting _____with your stupid comments.

8.I agree with it ______but I doubt it will happen it practice.

Trump card hang on to at stake follow through at hand

set back settle down get by hold back

1.The country at last produced its ______and sent to the field of battle the most deadly weapon.

2.There is a great deal of money ______if the project fails. We must do something about it


3.We must ______the plan _____to the end.

4.You should _____that letter. You might need it later.

5.I picked up a book that happened to be ______.

6.He had managed to _____without much reading and writing.

7.Everybody ______, so we can hear the story.

8.Spending so much time playing sport is ____him ____at school.

9.Jake wanted to wake up, but sleep _____him ______.

Take its toll crux sacrosanct synchronize calibrate overhaul custodial hang out run out on fall through

1.The long walking was beginning to _____on all of us.

2.He seems to think there’s something _____about his annual fishing trip. He hasn’t missed a

single one for all these years.

3.No, no! The rhythm was not _____with the steps. We need to do it again.

4.Here we come to the ____of the matter.

5.They _____their responses to the urgings of public-relations men.

6.The study says there must be a complete ______of air traffic control systems.

7.That’s the corner where all the junkies______.

8.They wanted to turn the estate into a private golf course and offered $20 million, but the deal


Odds minimum potential profile chemistry compatible subscriber niche converse thorough undeniable invest

1.Don’t dismiss him just because he’s simply dressed – he could be a/an _____client.

2.I think she will get the job as she suits the _____of the kind of salespeople they are looking


3.In order to compete in this competitive market, you need to create a/an ___for your business

that differentiates your company from others.

4.I seldom buy lottery tickets as I think the _____of winning are small.

5.Have you done a/an _____check on his background to ensure his credentials are not fake?

6.His contribution towards making this project a success is _____.

7.I can’t marry her – there’s just no _____between us.

8.I was devastated when she suggested breaking up as I _____so much time, emotion and

energy into this relationship.

Stabbing moan in unison reel off hoax chide hunch icon mutter scrimp fool around log in

1.They were _____and scraping all winter so that they could have a good holiday this summer.

2.“I didn’t even want to come in the first place,” he ______.

3.To open a new file, click on the _____at the top of the screen.

4.Louise often ______her son for his idleness.

5.It wasn’t a/an _____; there really was a fire.

6.He could ______the names of all the capitals of Europe.

7.The sick child ______a little and then fell asleep.

8.“No way!” the twins replied_____.

9.I felt a/an _____pain behind one of my eyes.

10.“Have you been _____with something you shouldn’t?’’ the father asked sternly.

Squash fume retaliation bunk implore frantic kidnap tell on up and down

1.She ______me to come over the telephone, and I could hear her sobs.

2.She ______him with a sarcastic remark.

3.That is all ______-there can’t be equality.

4.That man was ______with rage.

5.They staged these attacks in ______for attacks on their own civilians.

6.They made a/an ______search for the lost child.

7.The famous reporter was _____by terrorists just over a month ago.

8.I strolled _____thoughtfully before making that telephone call.

9.Never mind, I won’t ______you, but you can’t do it again.

Querulous fumble sap brawny vice seductive flicker crusade siren hard line

1.The long climb _____the cyclists’ strength and slows them down to walking pace.

2.She _____about in the dark for the light switch.

3.They feel they have won another battle in their _____against nuclear power.

4.It’s a very _____offer, but I’m quite happy in my present job.

5.I could see the street lights _____through the trees.

6.His only ______is to get drunk on champagne after concluding a successful piece of


7.Her constant ______complaints distanced her friends from her.

8.Instead of a middle-aged, serious-looking man we had expected, Oscar turned out to be a

_____young man.

9.They’re taking a ______in the pay negotiation and have refused to improve on their original


Hang in the balance entrenched thanks to in part commit be tied up in partnership with stand up to revenue

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/612245310.html,munication between people from different countries has become increasingly easy

______modern communication technologies such as telephone, e-mail and instant messaging.

2.For a few seconds John let his future _____as he thought about his next move.

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/612245310.html,ernments at every level should _____more money to education in rural areas.

4.Don’t let her say things like that about your work-you should _____her a bit more.

5.Most of his income ______paying his children’s school fees.

6.Though smoking poses a great risk to people’s life, offering visitors cigarettes remains a

deeply _____practice in China.

7.To design a course that students really like, teachers need to work closely ______their


8.The government is short of money because of falling oil ______.

Abridge overboard overdo touchy holdup electorate sprout intrusive province underlie courtesy ballot accommodation boil down to

1.What do you think causes the police to go ______to use excessive violence?

2.He didn’t even have the _____to reply my email.

3.Election boards will count the _____by hand.

4.I was irritated by the _____interest they showed in our affairs.

5.New housing estates _____up all around the city.

6.The whole question of salaries is a/an _____one in this company.

7.The men involved in the ______had been caught on video and would be recognized again.

8.Try to figure out what feeling _____your anger.

9.I enjoyed the film but I think they _____the gruesome details.

10.The Scottish _____is more sophisticated than we care to admit.

11.The government will provide temporary _____for up to 3,000 homeless people in winter.

12.For Malcolm work could always _____one idea: being good in business.


(英语)英语阅读理解专项习题及答案解析 一、阅读理解 1.根据短文内容选择正确答案。 D If you could see a movie of your life before you lived it, would you want to live it? Probably not. The excitement of living is that you don’t know what’s coming. Sure, it’s hard to see uncertainty in such positive(积极的)light when you’re out of work, or when you feel like you’re failing. But uncertainty is really another word for chance. When Allison graduated from Harvard, she had chan ces all over the place but had no idea what she wanted to do. She took a job in consulting(咨询), but she knew she wouldn’t stay there. She took the GRE and scored so high that she was able to increase her income(收入)by teaching students. Still, she didn’t think she wanted to go to graduate school. Allison knew she w asn’t doing what she wanted, but she didn’t know what she wanted. She worried. All her friends were going to graduate school or starting their own businesses. She was lost and felt that she would never find anything out. After six years, Allison, by having a general(全面的)plan in mind, got married, moved to the Midwest, and used her consulting experience to get a great job. Allison realized that she spent her years finding her way: time well spent, and time we must all take if we’re being honest with ours elves. The only way to lead an interesting life is to face uncertainty and make a choice. Otherwise your life is not your own—it is a path someone else has chosen. Moments of uncertainty are when you create your life, when you become who you are. Uncertainty usually begins with a job hunt, but it doesn’t end there. Every new role we take on means another round of uncertainty. Instead of fearing it, you should find some ways to deal with uncertainty. (1)From the first two paragraphs, we can learn that . A. being out of work is a sad thing B. uncertainty is what makes life interesting C. life in a film is more exciting than real life. D. chance never appears when we need it (2)What troubles Allison after graduation? A. She couldn’t find a well-paid job. B. She had no money to start a business. C. She was not sure what to do. D. She didn’t score high enough for graduate school. (3)How did Allison feel about her six years’ working experience? A. Uncertain. B. Amazed . C. Sorry. D. Satisfied. (4)What may be discussed in the following paragraph?


(一)阅读是获得更综合、更复杂、更精确信息的必要手段,考生在做阅读理解时,不仅要看懂文章的字面意思,还需要针对不同题材和体裁的篇目运用不同的方法作出正确的选择。一般来说,词汇、阅读速度和理解能力是阅读理解中三个最重要且有相互联系的因素。 阅读的方法可以使用以下几种: 1.跳读:就是快速的一步阅读法。实际上是有选择阅读,找关键词。用这种阅读方法回答who、what、when、where之类的问题最为有效。 2.略读:指比跳读慢些的二步阅读法。即泛泛地、粗略地快速阅读,目的是了解大意,对文章有个总的概念。此种阅读方法能回答why、how之类的问题。 3.精读:即最细致、最慢的深层阅读方法,目的是求得对所读文章的全部意义的理解与掌握。 在使用阅读技巧时尽量做到以下几点: 1.带着问题阅读短文。 2.找出主题句、确定中心思想。 3.推断单词、句子和文章的含义。 4.尽快选择答案。 (二)不同体裁文章的特点及解题技巧 1.记叙文 记叙文又可分传记类和故事类。传记类文章在阅读中时间是全文的关键,根据时间我们可以找到相关的事件,抓住文章的主要内容。故事类文章情节性较强,阅读时要注意故事中的时间、地点、人物和发生的事件,这些都是文章中的主要内容和信息,对于准确理解文章十分重要。 2.说明文 说明文是对事物的形状、性质、特征、成果或功用等进行介绍,解释或阐述的文章。把握所说明事物的特征和本质是理解说明文的关键。说明事物特征的方法很多,主要有定义法、解释法、比较法、比喻法、数字法、图表法、引用法和举例法等。 ●数字说明文 在阅读数字说明文时要特别注意文中数字的含义,从这些数字中可以找到文章的主要内容。 ●解释说明文


阅读理解(人生百味)选择题 一、九年级中考英语阅读理解(人生百味)(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读理解 A girl complained to her father about her hard life.She didn't know what she had to do and wanted to give up.She felt tired of fighting and fighting.One problem had been finished but another came over. Her father,a cook,took her into the kitchen.He poured water into three pans and boiled (煮沸) them.After boiling,in the first pan was put some carrots,the second was put some eggs and the last was put with coffee. The girl waited impatiently (不耐烦的),confused by what her father did.About 20 minutes later,her father took out the carrots and put them in a bowl.He took the eggs and put them in a bowl.After that the coffee was poured into a cup.“My sweet heart,what do you see?” he asked. “Carrots,eggs and coffee,” she replied. Her father told her to close her eyes and asked her to touch the carrots.She did so and felt that the carrots were soft.After that he asked her to take the eggs and break them.After peeling (剥开) them,she got the eggs,cooked and hard.The last,the father let her smell the coffee. She asked,“What did you do this for,Father?” He explained that each had the same unlucky experience—the boiling water,but each had a different result. The strong and hard carrots had become soft and weak.Thefragileeggs became hard after being cooked. The coffee was very special,they could change water.“Who are you?” asked her father.“When bad luck knocks at your door,what is your decision? Are you carrots,eggs or coffee?” (1)The girl complained about her hard life because she didn't ________. A. want to give up B. finish one problem C. know what to do D. get tired of fighting (2)The girl's father took her to the kitchen to ________. A. ask her how to boil eggs B. show her how to make coffee C. teach her how to be a cook D. tell her how to face difficulties (3)After about twenty minutes,the carrots became ________. A. soft B. hard C. salty D. sweet (4)The underlined word “fragile” in the passage means “________”. A. 美味的 B. 易碎的 C. 特别的 D. 可怜的(5)What can we learn from the passage? A. The girl's father liked to eat some kinds of food. B. Bad luck always knocks at strong people's doors. C. Boiled carrots,eggs and coffee had the same result. D. People should make right decisions when in trouble. 【答案】(1)C (2)D (3)A


【部编语文】阅读理解练习题(含答案)经典 一、二年级语文下册阅读理解练习 1.阅读下文,回答问题 拔萝卜 一天,小兔子来拔萝卜,它拔啊拔,就剩下一个大大的萝卜没有拔完,它就去拔那根大 萝卜。可是它怎么拔也拔不上来,它急得转圈跑。小狗看见了,对它说:“我来帮你拔萝卜吧。”它们俩一起拔呀拔,还是拔不上来,这时候小熊来了,它们俩一起说:“小熊的力气大,你来帮我们拔萝卜吧。”小熊说:“好吧。”它们又一起拔啊拔,还是拔不出来,,最后 小象来了,对它们说:“我来帮你们拔萝卜吧”。于是,小象就用长鼻子把一些萝卜叶子卷 上,使劲拔。终于把大萝卜拔上来了。小兔高兴地说:“小狗,小熊,小象,谢谢你们帮我 拔萝卜,我们晚上一起吃蜜汁大萝卜吧!” 到了晚上,小狗,小象,还有小熊都来了,小象先把大萝卜用鼻子卷到了桌子上,小狗 负责把皮刮掉,小兔把大萝卜切开,小熊往上边抹了很多很多的蜜汁。这下,大萝卜成了 又香又脆的蜜汁大萝卜。它们每人都咬一口,呀!这个蜜汁大萝卜实在是太甜了! (1)这篇短文共________个自然段。 (2)小兔子在拔萝卜,最后一个大萝卜拔不动,________、________、________来帮小兔子拔萝卜。 (3)这个故事告诉我们什么道理?________ A. 团结的力量大。 B. 小象的力气最大了。 C. 蜜汁大萝卜真好吃。 【答案】(1)2 (2)小狗 ;熊 ;小象 (3)A 【解析】 2.读短文,完成练习。 两只小鸟 雨,哗哗哗地下着,树叶、树干全被淋湿了。飞禽走兽都在寻找避雨的地方。 有两只聪明的小鸟,飞到草地上,躲进蘑菇伞下。蘑菇伞摇晃晃地支撑着。 一只小鸟说:“我的左边淋雨了,你往右边靠一靠!” 另一只小鸟说:“我的右边淋湿了,你往左边靠一靠!” 你争我吵,你拥我挤,谁也不往外边靠一靠。挤着,挤着,“咔嚓”一声,蘑菇伞断了……两只小鸟红着脸蛋儿,你看看我,我看看你,不知说什么好! 雨,仍在哗哗哗地下着…… (1)这篇短文共有________个自然段。 (2)在文中找出下列词语的近义词或反义词。 ①近义词:争——________


阅读理解题型分析 1.阅读理解题型的特点 (1)所选材料来源与实际生活,而且使用语言地道。 (2)体裁常见的有记叙文,说明文;议论文和应用文等。 (3)题材广泛包括了政治、经济、文化、科普、人物、故事、社会现象、地理风情,新闻报道等内容。 (4)阅读理解文章的体裁主要有三类:叙述文、说明文和议论文。1)、叙述文叙述文一般以讲述个人生活经历为主,对于经历的陈述通常由一定的时间概念贯穿其中,或顺序或倒序。但是在考试中一般不出现单纯的叙述文,因为单纯的叙述文比较简单、易懂。 所以中考中的叙述文大多是夹叙夹议的文章。这类文章的基本结构模式是: ①一段概括性的话引入要叙述的经历(话题) ②叙述先前的经历及其感悟或发现 ③叙述接下来的经历及其感悟或发现 ④做出总结或结论 2)、说明文(描述文)说明文的一般结构模式和叙述文的结构模式有相通之处即:提出问题(或以一个事例引出问题)---- 发现直接原因----- 分析深层原因-----得出结论或找到出路。知道了类似的文章结构特点,就可以据此来进行考题预测。比如,我们看出了该篇文章属于这种结构类型,就能判断出几个问题中肯定有一个要问原因,还有可能要出现推断题。

3)、议论文我们大家最容易辨认出来的议论文模式是主张---反主张模式。在这一模式中,作者首先提出一种普遍认可的观点或某些人认可的主张或观点,然后进行澄清,说明自己的主张或观点,或者说提出反主张或真实情况。议论文的这种结构特点决定了它的主要题型是作者观点态度题,文章主旨题以及推理判断题。 只要发现了这种结构特点,解答问题的主要任务就变成了到段落内找答案,基本上不存在任何困难。 2.题型 2.1 细节判断题 以原文中某一句话或某一个短语为入手点,考查学生对细节的理解。很多同学在做这种题目时比较喜欢在选项中寻找原文中的句子,但往往照抄原文的句子并不一定是正确选项。做这类题目时,应关注选项和原句的细微差别,选择与原文意思和所问问题都相符的答案。 2.2 单词释义或句意解释题 要求考生以上下文内容为参考,尝试理解文中出现的生词、短语或句子。这类题目的解题关键在于其上下文,因为在考查点前后出现的内容往往是对这个词的解释、说明、举例等。 2.3主旨大意题 如果是考查整篇文章的主旨大意,可以把文中每段的首句串起来考虑。若是仅考查某一段落的中心思想,则可将该段的首、尾句综合起来考虑。 2.4标题选择题


(英语)英语阅读理解练习题及答案含解析 一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 Castle Dale is a small town in central Utah. My grandpa's farm is a few miles to the north. I grew up there. Milking a cow, feeding the chickens and cutting firewood were daily routines. Grandpa had me carrying a broom to do snow cleaning when it was actually taller than I was. This was the work kids like me learned to do at a young age. I was tall, very tall at a really young age. My unusual height caused people to look, ask questions, laugh, tease, and sometimes even challenge me to fight. I was teased cruelly as a kid. It wasn't fair, I knew, but that was just the way it was. Luckily, I was taught at a very young age a very important lesson. I am different and that's Okay—I'm unique and I matter. No one could ever take that away from me. I knew this then, and I know this now. That alone helped me through the frustrations and heartaches of normal life. When I was in junior high school, I realized something else that helped me cope. Most teasing came from one of two places—people who were either jealous or ignorant (愚昧). I couldn't change the way they were, but I could change the way I felt. I was not going to feel bad because of their ignorance or jealousy. It wasn't worth it. Realizing this didn't stop them, or change the fact that these comments hurt. It did, however, give me a way to understand these people and deal with their treatment in a way that was okay for me. These things still happen today. It will probably happen the rest of my life. I will always be 7 feet, 6 inches (2.29 meters) tall. I wouldn't change that for anything. People will always look because it is not every day that you see someone that tall. I learned that at a young age and I now try to teach my own children that they are unique and they matter. That is the message I give to you. Regardless of your race, religion, background, or circumstances ... Being different is okay. (1)The author mentioned his hometown to show us _______. A. he is from an ordinary family B. his grandpa is strict with him C. he loves this lovely small town D. he had to do a lot of labor work (2)The author was often teased because _______. A. he grew up in a small town B. he was much taller than others C. he fought with people easily D. he didn't want people to watch him (3)What was the author's attitude towards being teased? A. He accepted the fact of being different and let it go. B. He felt angry failing to change others' opinions. C. He felt hurt hearing people's negative comments. D. He hated people's ignorance and jealousy. (4)Which of the following may best describe the theme of the passage? A. Everything comes to the man who waits. B. It is the first step that is troublesome. C. Speech is silver, silence is gold. D. Keep your head up. 【答案】(1)A


阅读理解选择题的命题原则 1.总体原则 (1)问题必须是依托于文段的,不能具有过多的常识性,否则学生不需要阅读就可以回答问题。 (3)问题应当根据文章顺序分布,即根据阅读的顺序分布。 (4)问题尽量均匀分布在文段的各个部分。 (5)问题(含题干和选择)所使用的总词数不应多于阅读文段的词数。 2.题干设计 (1)措辞简洁,不含生词,句法结构难度与目标考生水平相当,或者稍微容易一些,避免给学生造成障碍。因为测试的学生对于阅读文段的理解而不是对题目的理解。 (2)即使是初级英语水平的考试,题干也不要照搬原文,应该要有所变化。 (3)题干最好是完整的问题,如what、when、how、who、where、which等类问题,因为这种问题最接近真实生活中的阅读理解过程。此外,使用完成式题干会使学生在答题时反复阅读题干,形成阅读负担或是记忆负担。 3.干扰项 (1)措辞简洁,不含生词,句法结构难度与目标考生相当,或者稍微容易一些,避免给学生造成障碍。 (2)不设置语法错误的选项,避免混淆所要考查的重点。 (3)必须使用短文中所给信息。 (4)虽不正确,但要有一定的道理,这样才具有干扰性。 (5)干扰项中不要用all of the above,none of the above,both A and B 等形式。要考虑到干扰项如果部分正确就不能说它是错的;如果一个正确选项都没有,题目就没有了意义。 (6)选项长度相当,都长或都短,或者是两长两短,也可以采取渐长或渐短的形式。如果某选项长度明显不同,就会给考生不必要的暗示。 4.答案 (1)必须只有一个答案。 (2)确实能够回答问题。 (3)在结构和用词上与其他选项相近,避免给考生以提示。 (4)看上去不要过长,或者过短,避免给考生以提示。 (5)一篇短文的几个问题的答案分布要合理,注意避免集中用某一项作为答案,例如五个答案中有三个或四个是A;也不要有明显的规则,例如ABCD、DCBA等。


阅读练习《生命的礼物》 那年,在美国考得驾驶执照,同时发给一张淡红色的小卡,卡上写着:按照统一的人体捐献法规,当我死之时,我作如下选择: a捐献我的任一器官和部件。、 b捐献我的心脏起搏器(植入日期为某年某月某日) c捐献下列部件和器官—— d不捐献我的任一器官部件和心脏起搏器。以下是亲笔签名和日期。 真新鲜!要是我母亲见了,一定大惊失色。美国人简直是疯子!她虽然不相信“来生转世”之类的说法,但刚领到驾驶执照就谈死,她会认为“不作兴”,再说捐献器官,把尸体弄得支离破碎,她会认为太残酷。不过,我在a项上作了选择,就是说,一旦发生意外而死亡,我愿意捐献我的任何一个器官和部件。我签上自己的大名,把卡贴在驾驶执照后面,并把“捐献者”三个字的小红点贴在驾驶执照正面。我端详这张驾驶执照,想象万一我遭不测,警察和救护人员赶到现场,翻开驾驶执照一眼就能看见“捐献者”三个字的小红点,就会立即拿我的器官去解救另一个垂危的生命……这是一份生命的礼物,赐予和被赐予都是一种幸福。美国大多数人都愿意做这种选择,我非常赞成这种做法。只是当时,我不曾将此事告诉母亲,怕她整天提心吊胆。 不久前,在一份杂志上看到一篇文章:一美国青年在一场车祸中不幸丧生,根据他生前的愿望,医生摘取了他身上所有的可供利用的器官,两只肾脏分别移植给当地和欧洲的两名肾功能衰竭者,心脏和肝脏分别移植给两名濒(bīn pín)临死亡的患者,两只眼球给两个失明者作了角膜移植。这位青年捐献的生命礼物,使四个垂死者重获新生,两个盲人重见光明。当记者访问这个青年的母亲时,她说,她为儿子的行为感到骄傲,同时她还感谢那些接受她儿子器官的人,他们使她儿子的一部分在他们体内存活,她儿子的生命以另一种形式得以延续;看到他们,就像看到自己的儿子! 我把文章拿去读给我80岁的母亲听,她听了半晌(xiang shang)不说话,最后她缓缓地说这个母亲实在了不起只是我这样老的器官不知还能不能派上用场我激动得一把抱住她:“你真是我的好妈妈!” (1)给文章倒数第二自然段中缺标点的地方补上标点符号。 (2)在文中括号中选择字的正确读音。 (3)写出下列词语的反义词。 残酷()延续()激动() (4)文中画横线的句子“我把卡贴在驾驶执照后面,并把‘捐献者’三个字的小红点贴在驾驶执照正面。”的原因是什么? (5)文中画波浪线处“她儿子的生命以另一种形式得以延续”“另一种形式”是指 。 (6)倒数第二自然段中母亲的话“……只是我这样老的器官不知还能不能派上用场”的意思是什么?(3分) 经典阅读天天练2 《他要感谢那只手》 感恩节的前夕,美国芝加哥的一家报纸编辑部向一位小学女教师约稿,希望得到一些家境贫寒的孩子画的图画,图画的内容是:他想感谢的东西。


【部编语文】阅读理解考点+例题_全面解析 一、二年级语文下册阅读理解练习 1.阅读下文,回答问题 冬天来了,天空中下起了大雪,白茫茫的一片,整个森林都被大雪覆盖着。 一天,小羊和小猪要到城里去买菜,走着走着,“哎哟!”小羊重重地摔了一跤,小猪跟在后面,急忙去扶小羊,但他也差一点摔倒。它们都生气地说:“都是这个雪害得!一直下个不停,把所有的路都盖住了,叫我们怎么走呀!” 这时,小羊爬起来说:“别泄气,我有办法了!”说完小羊就用羊角当铲子,把雪铲开。小猪见了,也忙用大鼻子来拱。不一会儿,它们就开出了一条小路,可它们自己却累得満头大汗。树上的小鸟们见了,就赶快飞去叫来许多动物朋友,大家一起干。渐渐地,大家一起开出了一条放心路。 (1)这个故事发生的时间是() A. 春天 B. 夏天 C. 秋天 D. 冬天(2)按照课文内容填空。 小羊用________当铲子,把雪铲开。小猪见了,也忙用大鼻子来拱。不一会,它们就开出了一条________。 (3)这条放心路是()开出来的。 A. 小羊 B. 小猪 C. 小鸟 D. 许多小动物【答案】(1)D (2)羊角 ;小路 (3)D 【解析】 2.读一读,做一做。 今天______爸和我一起到大海边玩______我在沙滩上,身后留下一个个脚印。浪花打在脚上,我都快要站不住了。一朵朵浪花在海面上开放,美丽极了,我还看到一条条小鱼在水中游来游去。大海真有趣呀______ 爸爸说:“大海是船儿的路。” 我说:“大海是鱼儿的家。” (1)选择下列标点填到短文中的横线上。 !,。 (2)照样子,写一写。 游来游去 ________来________去 ________来________去 (3)细读短文,在括号里填上合适的词语。 一________脚印一________浪花一________小鱼不 (4)填一填。 大海是船儿的________。大海是鱼儿的________。


(英语)英语阅读理解练习题含答案含解析 一、阅读理解 1.根据短文内容理解选择正确答案。 C What is your favorite color? Ask famous persons like Cate Blanchett, Scarlett Johnson, and Bono (singer for the band U2), and maybe they will say “green.” That’s not because these artists like the color green best. Instead, they are interested in green fashion. Green fashion is about making (and wearing) clothes that are good for humans, animals, and the Earth. In the past, green fashion made people think of ugly clothes. But today, green fashion is different. It is about looking good and caring about the Earth and other people. You can have interesting clothes and be green. Around the world, green fashion is becoming popular. For example, the U.K. company People Tree sells men’s and women’s clothing and accessories(配搭物). They are made from natural fabrics(织物)like cotton and wool. Workers who make the clothes are from countries like Kenya(肯尼亚), and Bangladesh(孟加拉国). People Tree pays the men and women good money for the clothes they make. Singer Bono and his wife also started a clothing company called EDUN. When the clothes are sold, EDUN uses most of the money to help people around the world. (1)From this passage, we know that “green fashion” means________. A. putting green color on your face B. making clothes from green trees C. wearing the color green all the time D. wearing clothes that are good for the Earth (2)Today, green fashion is ___________. A. the same as it was in the past B. making people work harder C. more popular and interesting D. mostly popular with famous persons (3)Which sentence about green clothing companies is true? A. They are all in Africa. B. They do not pay their workers well. C. They make clothes only for women. D. They use natural fabrics to make clothes. (4)What does EDUN do? A. It teaches people to make clothes. B. It makes interesting clothes for teenagers. C. It sells clothes and uses the money to help people. D. It pays people good money for the clothes they make. 【答案】(1)D (2)C


五年级阅读理解练习题(附答案)2012.06.30 《》 小群是个双目失明、失去母亲的苦孩子。他非常热爱这个世界,这都因为父亲就是小群的眼睛。 很小的时候,父亲让小群触摸柔软的凉凉的东西,说:“这是水,可以流动,长江、黄河和大海都是这样的水组成的,水多了便浩荡奔腾,可以发出震耳欲聋的声音。”不久,小群真的由父亲和父亲的一位朋友带到海边去玩,父亲还教会了小群游泳。 难度最大的是向小群解说颜色。小群生下来就面对着一个黑暗的世界,怎么让他理解这个世界的五光十色呢?比方给他解释红色:太阳就是红色的,它发光,能把黑夜变成白昼;它发热,在寒冷的冬天也能把人晒暖和。“我懂了,”小群说,“红色就是让人感到光亮和温暖!”“不全对。”父亲细致地解析,“血也是红色的,但它不会发出什么光来;人血也是温热的,鱼血却是冷的,但鱼血也是红色的。红色并不总同光和热联系在一起。”小群困惑了起来。父亲再作耐心的解析:“发热发光的是太阳,而不是红色;只是太阳能发光发热,同时又是红色的。红色只不过是有视力的人看到的一种颜色。”经过这样的循循善诱,小群才逐渐有所领悟。 以后,( )父亲也这样反复地给小群讲解天空的蓝色,大地的黄色,作物的绿色,( )小群却对同光和热有点联系的红色情有独钟。 渐渐地,小群觉得世界( )陌生黑暗的,( )熟悉多彩的。他懂得世界上有许多用不着看便能感受的事情。可是有一次,小群真生父亲的气了。那次,小群让父亲买个红色的米老鼠书包,当书包买回来小群背着上学的时候,一位阿姨赞赏地对小群说:“小群这个绿色书包可真漂亮!”小群回家便对父亲喊:“爸爸,我让您给我买红书包,您怎么给我买绿色的呢?您知道我看不见便骗我!”说着,小群便哭了起来。 父亲听了,愣住了,半天没吱声,过了好一会儿才为小群擦眼泪,说:“爸爸对不起你,小群……那天买书包时售货员说只剩一个米老鼠的书包,所以绿的也买下了……小群,爸爸是爱你的。”小群感到爸爸用他那慈爱的大手抚摸着自己的脸庞和头发,小群就在那一刻理解了爱! 时光就这样慢慢地流过,小群读书的成绩越来越好,当小群学会了按摩、能够自食其力的时候,父亲却突发脑溢血去世了。父亲的匆匆离去让小群痛不欲生。小群想,今后谁还能做自己的眼睛呢? 然而,就在给父亲开追悼会的时候,小群听到了一句话,这句话犹如红太阳的光芒照亮了小群的一生。一位叔叔在追悼父亲时说:“他从来没有放弃过追求和奋斗,他对身边的人充满爱心,作为一位双目失明的人,他让我们每一个结识他的人都从他身上汲取了力量和勇气……” 就在这一刹那,父亲对生活、对自己的那份热爱和勇气仿佛一下子全贯注在了自己的身上。“父亲呀,”他默默地祈祷,“我会长出一双明亮的眼睛的,就在我的心上!”


最新阅读理解考点+例题_全面解析 一、一年级语文下册阅读理解练习 1.阅读下文,回答问题。 一________乌黑的羽毛,一________剪刀似的尾巴,一________轻快有力的翅膀,凑成了那样活泼可爱的小燕子。 二三月的春日里,轻风微微地吹拂着,如毛的细雨由天上洒落着,千万条的柔柳,红的黄的白的花,青的草,绿的叶,都像赶集似的聚拢来,形成了烂漫无比的春天。这时候,那些小燕子,那么伶俐可爱的小燕子,也由南方飞来,加入了这个光彩夺目的图画中,为春光平添了许多生趣。 (1)在横线上填入恰当的量词。 一________乌黑的羽毛,一________剪刀似的尾巴,一________轻快有力的翅膀,凑成了那样活泼可爱的小燕子。 (2)第二自然段中描写的景物有________、________、________、________、________、________。其中________这个成语写出了春天的特点。 (3)文中划线的句子把________、________、________当做人来写,显得多么生动、从中我们体会到这是________的春天。 (4)第二自然段中的“斜”字写出了燕子________的特点,不但写出了燕子飞行________,而且写出燕子飞行的________姿态。 【答案】(1)身;双;对 (2)轻风;细雨;柔柳;花;草;叶;灿烂无比 (3)花;草;叶;灿烂无比 (4)飞行;快;灵活 【解析】【分析】(1)本题主要考查学生对量词的掌握情况,这道题是让填量词,量词通常用来表示人、事物或动作的数量单位的词,填空时要按语言习惯合理搭配。 (2)寻找文句中的景物相对简单,将文句中写景的实物挑出来即可。 (3)本题的目的是引导学生明白拟人这一修辞手法以及其作用。所谓“拟人”,就是把“物”当作人来写,使“物”具有人的情感与行为,从而达到化抽象为具体的目的。 (4)体会划线词语,了解用词之美——动词精辟准确,把事物说得形象具体;为文章增色;关键词能为中心服务。 故答案为:(1)身、双、对(2)轻风、细雨、柔柳、花、草、叶、灿烂无比(3)花、草、叶、灿烂无比(4)飞行、快、灵活 【点评】(1)掌握量词的用法,学生做题就容易了,平时要注意积累和运用。 (2)本题考查学生赏析文句中景物描写的能力。 (3)考查学生对拟人修辞手法的掌握。要求学生能判断,会应用。 (4)结合具体语境进行分析,表述合理即可。 2.读短文,完成练习。 两只小鸟


部编版三年级下册语文课内外阅读理解专项练习题含答案1.阅读下文,回答问题。 最痛苦的是,老师傅习惯用一把老掉牙的推剪,它常常会咬住一绺头发不放,让小沙吃尽苦头。这还不算,老师傅眼神差了点儿,总把碎头发掉在小沙的脖子里,痒得小沙哧哧笑。你想想,这一会儿痛一会儿痒的,跟受刑一样。 最让小沙耿耿于怀的是,每次剃完头,姑父还要付双倍的钱给“害人精”。 (1)查字典填空。 “惯”用音序查字法,应查字母________,再查音节________。它在字典中的意思有:①纵容(子女等)养成不良习惯或作风;②习以为常,积久成性。“惯”在“习惯”一词中的意思是________,我能用它的另外一个意思组词:________。 (2)老师傅剃头时________让小沙吃尽苦头,小沙因为________而痛,又因________而痒。小沙剃头时的感受我们可以用“________”这个成语来概括。 (3)用画线的词语写一句话。 (4)文中“害人精”指的是谁?为什么这样称呼他? 【答案】(1)G;guan;②;娇惯 (2)推剪;常常咬住一绺头发不放;碎头发掉在脖子里;如坐针毡 (3)小弟弟喜怒无常,一会儿哇哇大哭,一会儿哈哈大笑。 (4)文中“害人精”指的是老剃头师傅。这样称呼他是因为老剃头师傅剃头时让小沙感到很痛苦,还收取双倍的钱。 【解析】【分析】(1)此题考查汉语拼音、音序、字义等方面的知识。因此,应全面扎实地掌握各方面的知识,同时在运用知识时,注意把握其不同的特点和要求。惯,音节 guàn ,音序为G,应先查字母G,再查音节guan。习惯的惯,应该是习以为常的意思。可以用纵容这个义项,组词为惯坏、娇惯等。 (2)本题主要考查对课文内容的理解记忆能力。解答本题,需要回顾课文的内容,然后结合前后句(题目提供的信息)进行补充填空即可。小沙的头发被推剪夹住,所以剃头让他吃尽了苦头,碎发落进脖子里,又让他感觉很痒,根据头发像针一样刺,可以用“如坐针毡”来形容小沙的剃头感受。 (3)一会儿……一会儿……,这个关联词表示并列关系,用于描述不定时地先后发生的两件事。可以写:小弟弟喜怒无常,一会儿哇哇大哭,一会儿哈哈大笑。 (4)考查对课文内容的理解能力。解答时要带着问题读课文整体感知文章内容,再用简洁的语言概括出来即可。 故答案为:(1)G、guan、②、娇惯(2)推剪、常常咬住一绺头发不放、碎头发掉在脖子里、如坐针毡(3)小弟弟喜怒无常,一会儿哇哇大哭,一会儿哈哈大笑。(4)文中“害人精”指的是老剃头师傅。这样称呼他是因为老剃头师傅剃头时让小沙感到很痛苦,还收取双倍的钱。 【点评】(1)本题考查用音序法查字典的能力。先根据所查字的音节的第一个大写字母,找到所在的音序,然后找到汉字的音节所在的页码,即可找到所查的字。根据字典正文对汉字的解释,可以得到字义、组词等帮助信息。 (2)这道题是按课文内容填空,一定要熟悉课文,边读边思考,才能填

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