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哀悼仪式mourning ceremony

挨骂网店online anger-release "stores"

爱国统一战线Patriotic United Front

安检口security checkpoint

安居工程affordable,comfortable housing project

安乐死euthanasia,mercy killing

安全、有效、方便、价廉safe, effective, convenient and affordable

安全港法案safe haven law

安全生产workplace safety




按揭购房buy a house on mortgage

按揭拖欠mortgage delinquency

奥林匹克公园Olympic Green

奥林匹克公园中心区Olympic Common Domain

奥林匹克休战Olympic Truce

奥运概念股Olympics-related stocks

奥运媒体村Olympic Media Village

奥运人家Olympic Home-stay Families

奥运天气资讯Olympic Weather News

奥运支线the Olympic Extension

奥运专用车道Olympic traffic reserved lanes


八级地震 a magnitude 8 earthquake

巴厘路线图the Bali Road Map

把奥运会政治化to politicize the Olympics

把雇员的假期错开安排stagger employees' vacations

把潜在的优势变为现实的优势to translate the potential advantages into real advantages

白色收入legitimate income

拜金女material girl

拜金主义money worship

颁奖礼服costume for medal ceremony

板楼slab-type apartment building

伴舞演员backup dancer


包机charter flight

包容性增长inclusive growth

保安security staff, security guard, body guard

保八eight-percent protection

保持半岛的和平稳定to maintain peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula

保持社会稳定to maintain social stability

保持先进性preserve the vanguard nature

保密协议confidentiality agreements

保研postgraduate recommendation

保障性住房indemnificatory housing



暴力拆迁forced relocation

暴涨Shoot up


被动房passive house

本土电影homegrown film

逼供forced confessions

边际成本incremental cost

边境检查border inspection

边境检疫border quarantine


便携式游戏机PSP, PlayStation Portable

便衣undercover security guard

变废为宝turn waste into treasure

变轨orbit corrections,trajectory correction 变性人transgender

标题党sensational headline writers

标王top bidder



薄弱环节weak links

跛脚鸭Lame duck

跛脚鸭Lame duck

不法收入illegal income

不合作态度uncooperative attitude

不可回收垃圾non-recoverable waste

不良记录信息 a record of the transgression 不良资产non-performing assets

不配合安检skipping security checks

不文明行为negative behavior, wrongdoings 不正当市场行为market malpractice


才艺比赛talent competition

才艺展示Talent Show

财产性收入Property Income

财富效应wealth effect

财务欺诈Accounting fraud

财政转移支付to transfer payments



采取一系列有力措施to take a full range of effective measures

彩电colored television set

彩排dress rehearsal

彩信multimedia messaging service

踩高跷to walk on stilts

踩踏能量吸收地板footstep-absorbing floor space

菜篮子工程"vegetable basket" (non-staple food supply) program

菜篮子工程Non-Staple Food Project

餐补meal allowance

餐厨垃圾kitchen waste

舱外活动extra vehicular activity

草根Grass roots

测图卫星mapping satellite

层层筛选rounds of selection

查帐备忘录audit memorandum

差别电价differential power pricing

拆迁补偿机制relocation compensation scheme

产假maternity leave

产科医院、病房maternity hospital,ward

产品质量和安全责任制accountability system for product quality and safety 产前检查pre-natal examination

长期居住证local permanent residence permit

常住户口permanent residency


场内交易人Floor trader

超度亡魂release the souls from suffering

超短裙disproportionately short skirts

超级网银super online banking system


超女super girl (Super Girl Contest)

超生having more than one child

超生人口exrta birth



朝鲜半岛核问题Korean Peninsula nuclear issue

炒房者real estate speculator

炒股to speculate in the stock market

炒鱿鱼get fired

车船使用税vehicle and vessel tax

车展auto show

沉船sunken ship

闯红灯running red lights


成功跳板springboard to success

成片completed films

成品系列ready-to-wear lines

城管urban management officers

城际高铁intercity high-speed rail

城市固体废物municipal solid waste

城市竞争力urban competitiveness

城市贫困人口urban poor

城市热岛效应urban heat island effect

城市最佳实践展区best urban practice exhibition area 城乡二元经济结构urban-rural dual economic structure 城乡结合部rural-urban fringe zone

城乡一体化urban-rural integration

城镇登记失业率registered urban unemployment rate 城中村urban village, village in the downtown

橙色预警orange alert

赤脚医生barefoot doctor

宠物狗pet dog

抽签draw lots,cast lots,to choose by lot

抽签方式via lottery, lottery system

出厂价格factory-gate price

出场费appearance fees


出境游outbound travel

出境游目的国Approved Destination Status

出口补贴Export subsidy

出口管制export control

出入境管理局entry and exit administration bureau

出入境手续exit and entry procedures

初步协议preliminary deal,agreement

初始发行价initial offer price

初选primary election


处理和回收treatment and recycling

处女作maiden work

传销pyramid selling

创纪录set a new record

创刊号inaugural issue

创业板块市场market for growth enterprises

创业板市场growth enterprise market

创业培训training in how to start a business

创造新的就业generate new employment

春晚Spring Festival evening gala

辞职、下台Step down

次贷危机subprime crisis

次贷危机subprime mortgage crisis

次生地质灾害secondary geological hazards

刺激消费stimulate consumer spending

从紧的货币政策tight monetary policy

从紧货币政策tight monetary policy

促进结构调整和协调发展to promote structural adjustment and balanced development 促进两岸和平to promote cross-Straits peace

促进两岸经济文化交流to promote cross-Straits economic and cultural exchanges

促进中国经济社会发展to promote China's economic and social development

存款准备金率required reserve ratio

错时上下班staggered rush hour plan

错时上下班staggered rush hour plan

错时上下班staggered rush hour plan

搭桥手术bypass operation,bypass surgery

达标up to standard

达成共识to reach consensus on an issue

达到活动的高潮Full swing

达赖企图分裂中国的图谋the Dalai Lama's conspiracy to split Tibet from China

达赖问题The Dalai Lama issue

打得青一块紫一块的beat someone black and blue

打捞出水r aise from…,hoist

打破世界纪录to break a world record

打折扣at a discount

大部门体制super-ministries system

大部制Super-Ministry System

大采购shopping spree

大哥大GSM mobile telephone

大规模移民为mass relocation

大礼包gift packs

大人物big wig

大雾笼罩路段fog-shrouded freeway

大厦的玻璃幕墙glass walls of skyscrapers

大型机场jumbo airport

代金卡gift card

代课教师substitute teacher

代孕surrogate births

代孕母亲surrogate mothers

带妆彩排full dress rehearsal

待完成销量pending sales

贷款记录credit registry

单独会面 a one-on-one rendezvous

单独授课face-to-face lessons

单口相声standup comedy

单双号限行odd-and-even license plate rule

单位行贿corporate bribery

党务公开Open Management of Party Affairs

导盲犬guide dog


倒计时一周年one-year countdown to

倒爷profiteer; wheeler-dealer

盗版书pirated books

登录log in

低保制度subsistence allowance system


低烧slight fever

低收入城市居民的住房困难housing difficulties of low-income urban residents 低收入家庭lower-income household

低收入人群low-income population

低俗作品vulgar productions

低碳low carbon

低碳交通卡low carbon transport cards

低碳经济low-carbon economy

低碳示范区low-carbon demonstration area

低腰裤low-slung trousers



抵押贷款欠额unpaid mortgage balance

地段等级location classification

地沟油cooked dirty oil from swill

地裂缝ground fissure,fracture

地面布局ground transport layouts

地面塌陷earth's surface sinking

地区事务regional affairs

地热ground-source heat

地铁安检subway security check

地下钱庄illegal bank

地下水位water table

地源热泵ground source heat pumps

地震灾区quake-stricken area

地质灾害geology disaster

第六次全国人口普查sixth nationwide population census

第七届亚欧首脑会议The Seventh Asia Europe Meeting

第三大贸易国the third largest trading nation

第三方支付平台third party payment platform

第一个吃螃蟹的人first mover

点钞费counting fee

点火仪式lighting of the cauldron

电话银行telephone banking

电视竞选辩论televised election debate

电视相亲节目matchmaking shows

电梯礼仪escalator etiquette

电信诈骗phone fraud

电影版权费movie royalties

电影初审preliminary censoring of films

电影分级制度film rating system


电影展映film panorama

电影制片厂movie studio

电子标签electronic identification tag

电子贺卡electronic greeting card



电子眼surveillance camera

电子阅读器e-book reader

电子阅读器electronic reader

电子转账electronic fund transfer

吊带上衣tops with narrow straps

吊桥suspension bridge

吊销执照to revoke license

调薪salary adjustment

调整和完善行业管理机构to adjust and improve bodies in charge of industrial management

掉头make a U-turn

叠人塔human tower

钉子户nail household

钉子户nail household

顶级域名Top-Level Domains

订单积压backlog of orders

定点医院designated hospital

定下基调set tone

东海问题the East China Sea issue

动车bullet train


动作片action movie

动作艺术Action Art

毒奶粉事件milk scandal

渎职duty dereliction

独立展馆stand-alone pavilion

独立罪名independent charge

肚皮舞Belly dance

度假村、度假营地oliday camp



短信投票text-message voting

对…不太重视Play down

对冲基金hedge fund


对口支援partner assistance

对垃圾的清晰分类clear classification of garbage

对外宣传international publicity

兑奖claim the prize

囤地land reserves

囤地land reserves

囤积和投机土地和房地产to hoard and speculate land and houses

囤积居奇hoarding and profiteering

多次门票multiple-use travel cards

多党合作和政治协商制度System of Multi-party Cooperation and Political Consultation

多渠道解决住房问题an integrated effort to solve housing problems

多日门票multi-day travel cards

夺回、费力收回Claw back

俄语年year of Russian language

遏制衰退containing declines


二板second board

二次探底double dip

二房东"middlemen" landlords


二手房resold apartment

二手房second-hand house

二手房pre-owned house

二套房贷款loan for a second house

发挥失常to play below par


发射lift off,blastoff,launch

发展大型粮食基地to develop large grain production bases

法定退休年龄mandatory retirement age

法庭初审first trial,




反补贴税countervailing duties

反恐演习anti-terrorist drill


反三俗anti-vulgarity campaign

反式脂肪酸trans fat


返航return voyage, return flight

返校购物季back-to-school shopping season



防暑降温补贴high temperature subsidy

防止房价过热to prevent overheating in housing prices 防止经济过热to prevent the economy from overheating 房补housing allowance

房产证property ownership certificate

房产中介real estate agent

房地产real estate

房地产泡沫property bubble

房地产市场real estate market,property market

房地产市场过热overheated property sector

房价property price,housing price

房奴mortgage slave

房奴Mortgage slave

房屋拆迁housing demolition

房屋空置率housing vacancy rate

房屋所有权house ownership

仿人机器人humanoid robot

非法入境illegal entry

非法小广告illegal advertisement

非法转播unauthorized transmissions

非居民用电non-residential electricity

非农产业nonagricultural sectors

非物质文化遗产intangible cultural heritage

非现金支付工具Non-cash payment instruments



废旧汽车报废scrapping of old cars

分期付款payment by installment


分税制Tax Sharing System



粉丝俱乐部fan club

风水师feng shui masters

封闭式管理closed-off management

封口费hush money

奉子成婚shotgun marriage

服务贸易顺差surplus in service trade

服务外包service outsourcing

服务型政府service-oriented government

符合两国人民根本利益in line with the fundamental interests of the two peoples 福利彩票welfare lottery

辅助生殖assisted reproduction

辅助自杀assisted suicide



复课resumed classes

复苏绿芽green shoots

富二代rich second generation

富豪榜rich list




改造营rehab camp


概念股concept stocks

干啤dry beer

感性城市Sensual City

刚性需求rigid demand

高端产品high-end product

高峰期peak season

高附加值商品high value-added commodities

高耗能老厂outdated energy-intensive factories


高考National College Entrance Exam

高考移民NCEE migrant

高龄津贴old age allowance

高浓缩铀highly enriched uranium

高清播放high-definition broadcasting

高僧eminent monks

高收入家庭high-income families

高速公路一侧的边缘freeway shoulder

高速铁路high-speed rail

高温死亡heat death

高效用水技术water efficient technologies

搞对抗to launch confrontation

搞双重标准to exercise double standards


个人访谈Personal Interview

个人所得税individual income tax

个人演唱会solo vocal concert

个性化车牌personalized license plate

跟风follow suit

跟踪报道follow-up2012 4 7

更加开放的经济体more open economy

更紧密经贸关系的安排CEPA, Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement 工厂停产to idle plant

工间操daily workout

工伤保险work injury insurance

工业机器人industrial robot

工业品出厂价格指数Producer Price Index

工业品展览会industrial fair

工业用水再利用reuse industrial water,illegal cab,unlicensed taxi

工资封顶have their pay capped

工资下滑salary,wage slide, slump

工资协商制度negotiation system on wages

工资形成机制wage formation mechanism

工作日错开staggered working days

公共场所禁烟令smoking ban in public places

公共就业服务体系public employment service system

公共危机预警warning system of public crisis

公共卫生服务health care

公共资源管理management of public resources

公积金上限threshold of housing fund

公交专用车道bus lane

公开募股Initial public offering

公开募股Initial public offering

公开选拔public election

公开预算publicize budget

公开征求意见to solicit opinions from the general public

公款旅游tourist junket,junket

公职人员public officials

公主系女孩sweet princess


供水安全water safety

拱桥arch bridge

共同基金Mutual fund

勾销债款write off


购房契税property deed tax

购物券shopping voucher


孤独症患儿autistic children

古董衫vintage clothing


股市低开open low

股市牛年bullish year


股指期货stock index futures

骨髓捐赠者bone marrow donor

鼓励创业to encourage business startups

固定资产投资fixed asset investment

固定资产投资反弹 a resurgence in fixed asset investment

故意逃避债务intentional debt evasion


拐点turning point

拐卖人口human trafficking

观望态度wait-and-watch attitude

官方接待酒店official reception hotels


官僚作风bureaucratic manner

管理浮动managed float

光伏发电PV power (photovoltaic)

光污染light pollution

光污染源light pollution sources

光照度light illuminance

广告牌advertisement boards


广告招标advertising bidding

贵宾车state car

国宾馆the State Guest House

国防预算defense budget

国际板international board

国际化城市 a city of global clout


国际劳工组织International Labor Organization

国际套利资本Hot money

国际原子能机构In ternational Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

国家馆日National Pavilion Day

国家开发银行China Development Bank

国家免检national inspection exemption

国家税收government revenue

国家形象national image

国家形象宣传片national publicity film

国家灾难应急响应体系national disaster emergency response system

国事访问state visit

国宴state dinner

国有经济布局与结构调整adjustment of the distribution and structure of the state sector 国有企业state owned enterprises (SOEs)

国有企业改革改组改造reforming, reorganizing and upgrading SOEs

国有企业股份制改革the reform to convert SOEs into stockholding corporations

国有企业资产总额the total value of assets of state owned enterprises (SOEs)

国有资本经营预算制度budget system for managing state capital

国有资产出资人investors of state assets

国有资产管理体制改革reform of the management system for state-owned assets

国有资产所有权转移transferring ownership of state-owned assets

国有资产转让transfer of state-owned assets

国葬state funeral

过度抽排地下水over-extraction of groundwater

过渡安置房temporary dwellings

过渡时期interim period

过于暴露的低领revealing décolletage

孩奴child's slave

海关检查站customs checkpoint

海关税收customs revenue


海平面上升sea level rises

海峡两岸经济合作框架协议ECFA(Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement) 汉语年year of Chinese language

航空安全air safety

航空管制air control

耗水产业water-intensive industry

耗水产业部门water-intensive industrial sectors


合同违约contract violation

合作、协作Team up

和平发展两岸关系peaceful development of cross-Straits relations

和平共处五项原则Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence

和平统一peaceful reunification, reunify peacefully

和谐社会 A Harmonious society

核安全nuclear security

核按钮nuclear button

核保护伞nuclear umbrella

核爆炸云、放射云nuclear cloud

核裁军nuclear disarmament

核大国nuclear power

核弹头nuclear warhead

核讹诈nuclear blackmail

核讹诈nuclear blackmail

核废料nuclear waste

核俱乐部Nuclear Club

核军备进程nuclear armament process

核扩散nuclear proliferation

核设施去功能化disable nuclear reactor,facilities

核手提箱uclear briefcase

核威慑nuclear deterrence

核武器nuclear weapon

核泄漏nuclear leakage

核心利益core interests

核原料nuclear material

核战争nuclear war

贺电congratulatory message

贺岁大片New Year blockbuster

黑车black taxi

黑工illegal worker

黑名单black list


黑啤stout beer,dark beer

黑色星期五Black Friday

黑色幽默black humor

黑哨black whistle

黑市black market

黑市black market

黑匣子black box

桁架桥truss bridge

红包convert payment; bribe, kickback

红楼梦 A Dream of Red Mansions

红色遗迹red relics

宏观调控macroeconomic regulation

宏观经济调控macroeconomic regulation 后传sequel

后续服务follow-up service

呼拉圈hula hoop

户口household registration certificates

户口登记簿household register


划定界限draw the line

欢乐时光Happy Hour

还人清白clear someone's name

环幕电影circular-screen movie

缓速增长muted growth

换岗job reshuffle

换脸术face transplant

换装聚会cross-dressing party

荒地barren land

黄标车yellow label car

黄金广告时段prime-time advertising slots 黄金时间golden window

黄金周golden week

黄牛党ticket scalper 2012 4 .8

黄泉路road to hell

灰色收入off-the-books income

恢复revive, recovery, turnaround

徽章热pin craze

回帖reply to a post


绘制基因图谱sequence the genome



婚介所matchmaking agencies

婚奴marriage slave

婚前性行为premarital sex

婚纱照wedding photo

婚外生育give birth out of wedlock

婚宴wedding feast

婚宴转让wedding banquet resales

活动房pre-fab houses,pre-fabricated house

火炬传递torch relay

火山灰云volcanic ash cloud

货币操纵国currency manipulator

货币操纵国currency manipulator

货币供应量measure of money supply

货币互换Currency swap

货币经纪人money broker


货币信贷投放仍然偏多continued excessive supplies of money and credit 货存、库存量Inventory

货物贸易顺差surplus in commodity trade

机器人搬运工porter robot

机器人厨师robot chef

机器人模特robot model

机器人女演员robot actress

机器人套装robot suit

机组人员flight crew

积极的财政政策proactive fiscal policy

积压的工作backlog of work

积压航班flight backlog

基本生活必需品daily necessities

基本药物essential medicine

基本医疗保险basic medical insurance

基本医疗卫生服务basic medical and health services

基层公共文化设施建设construction of basic public culture facilities

基层群众自治制度System of Community Level Self-Governance

基础设施建设infrastructure construction


绩效工资merit pay

缉毒犬drug dog


集体合同collective contract

集体诉讼Class action

集约农业intensive farming

集中营concentration camp

几率低Chances are slim

计生委the family planning commission

记帐卡、签帐卡Charge card

记者招待会press conference

纪录片documentary film



技术错误technical error

技术密集型产业technology-intensive industry

季军second runner-up

加长版extended edition

加大货币发行量quantitative easing

加快发展债券市场to accelerate development of the bond market

加拿大皇家骑警Royal Canadian Mounted Police

加强公司化管理to improve corporate governance

加强劳动保障监察to improve oversight for worker protection measures

加强劳动争议处理to improve the handling of labor disputes

家具建材Household products and construction materials

家犬domestic dog

家庭暴力domestic violence,family violence

家庭联产承包责任制Household Contract Responsibility System

家庭旅馆Family Hotels, homestay accommodations


家政服务业home services industry

价格过度上涨excessive price hikes

价值观和家庭背景的查问be quizzed on their values and family background 驾驶执照driving license

假按揭fake mortgage loans


假钞fake note

假发wig, periwig

假结婚bogus marriage

假日出游holiday getaway

假日经济Holiday Economy



监管漏洞supervision loopholes

减肥lose weight

减缓衰退slow down declines

减免税收tax relief

减轻弱势群体负担ease the burden on the disadvantaged group 减弱downgrade,decrease

减少裁员refrain from laying off employees

减薪salary cut

减员cut the salaried work force

简易过渡房makeshift shelter

建交establish ties with

健康带菌者healthy carrier

渐进的调整gradual adjustment



降半旗flags fly at half-mast

降半旗fly the flag at half-staff



交通高峰期Rush hour

交通协管员traffic warden

交通协管员traffic police assistants

交通协管员traffic warden

交通拥堵traffic jam

交通拥堵费congestion fee

交通拥堵费traffic jam fee

交通拥堵费traffic jam fee

交谊舞ballroom dancing

交友节目dating show

胶囊公寓capsule apartment


教会义卖会church fair

教育规划纲要national education plan

教育体制education bureaucracy

阶梯电价tiered pricing for electricity

阶梯计价differential pricing

接管take over

街头摊贩street vendor

节能灯energy-saving lamps

节能房zero-carbon house

节水water conversation

节水技术water-saving technologies

节奏、重点和力度pace, focus and intensity


结构调整structural adjustment

解除禁令lift a ban

解雇金severence pay

介助犬mobility dog,mobility assistance dog

借读费temporary, transient students fee

借记卡debit card

借款保函Loan guarantee

金球奖Golden Globe

金融服务区financial services park

金融诈骗financial fraud

金税工程Golden Tax Project

金猪年golden pig year

紧急救援人员emergency personnel


近尾声approaches its conclusion.

进入系统Log on

进一步加强高层交流机制to further boost high-level contacts and exchanges 进一步扩大合作to deepen cooperation

进一步扩大内需和消费to further expand domestic demand and consumption 进一步推进经贸合作to expand trade and economic cooperation

晋级make the cut

禁行区行驶running through restricted areas

经济不景气recession, bleeding economy, depression,sluggish economy

经济刺激方案stimulus package, stimulus plan

经济发展模式economic development model

经济复苏economic recovery

经济过热economic overheating

经济剧烈波动drastic fluctuations in the economy

经济赔偿economic compensation

经济全球化economic globalization

经济适用房affordable housing

经济适用房Economical Housing

经济适用房economically affordable house

经济危机economic crisis, financial crisis, financial turmoil,financial meltdown 经济危机的影响the crisis' fallout

经济增长模式mode of economic development



精密灌溉系统sophisticated irrigation systems

精神创伤mental trauma

精神家园spiritual home

精神损失费mental damage compensation

精神文明spiritual civilization

精装本hardback edition

警犬police dog

警犬police dog

净资本net capital

竞聘上岗compete for the post

竞业禁止协议non-compete agreement

敬酒topropose a toast

境外投资outbound investment

静脉输液intravenous drips

九三学社Jiu San (September 3) Society

旧模式old practice

旧区改造reconstruction of old area

救援小组rescue team

救灾和医疗设备rescue and medical equipment

就业促进法Employment Promotion Law

就业机会employment opportunities

就业预警机制job alert system

就业指导career guidance

就职典礼swearing-in ceremony 

居委会neighborhood committee

居住用地residential land


聚众淫乱罪group licentiousness

决堤breaching of the dyke

绝交break ties with,cut ties with

军犬military dog

卡奴credit card slave

开除党籍to be expelled from the Communist Party 开瓶费corkage fee

看门犬watch dog

看守政府caretaker government


抗风险能力anti-risk capability

考场examination room



烤鸡grilled chicken


科学发展观Scientific Outlook on Development

科学发展观Scientific Outlook on Development

科学考察scientific expedition

科学研究站scientific research station

可燃冰flammable ice

可再生资源回收renewable resource recycling

可再生资源回收renewable resource recycling

客串to guest star

客流量passenger flow

客流量大指定日门票Peak Day ticket

课外活动extra-curricular time

垦荒exploitation of virgin land

啃老族NEET group

空白支票blank check

空服人员flight attendant

空气树air tree

空气质量air quality

空头计划bubble scheme



恐怖片fright flick

恐怖片horror movie

口腔溃疡mouth ulcers

口腔溃疡sores in the mouth

口误 a lapse of the tongue

口误verbal misstep,slip,gaffe,blunder

扣押房产hold back their assets

夸耀性消费conspicuous consumption

跨国婚姻mixed marriages,interracial marriages

跨界车crossover vehicle

跨境结算cross-border settlement

跨行取款收费fees on withdrawing cash from other banks' ATMs 跨越式发展leapfrog development

快递公司courier firm

宽银幕电影wide-screen film

矿难mining mishaps

扩大内需propel, drive, expand domestic demand

扩大人文交流to enhance exchanges in humanistic sectors

扩招enrollment expansion

垃圾短信spam message

垃圾分类garbage sorting

垃圾股junk bond

垃圾桶trash can

拉拉队cheer squad


喇叭裤bell-bottomed pants; flare trousers

蓝筹股blue chips

劳城workers' town

劳动合同法Labor Contract Law

劳动力供给labor supply

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