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5,格哈德范德琳德. (关于理性形象的塑造) 歇洛克福尔摩斯眼中的世界(张小简译) 6,原芳莲.影视字幕汉译策略探析—以美国情景剧《六人行》为例






"人可以被毁灭,但不能被打败"—《老人与海》 《老人与海》这本书大多数人在学生时代都已经读过,其中的内容,现在也几乎成了”读书界“无人不知的民间故事。而对于我在春节假期里面再次读它,只因它”好欺负“,假期的读书计划原本是将《生存与命运》读完,当时我计算了一下一共900页,一天读100页假期过完也刚好读完,无奈在kindle上读到了8%的时候也还是会把已经出现过的长长的苏联人名混淆。索性就临时更改了读书计划。 是不是比较好“欺负” 书名就告诉了我们这本书描述的主要内容。老人、大海、小船、鱼。老人孤身一身,乘着小船去大海里捕鱼,在跟鱼斗智斗勇几天几夜之后终将大鱼擒住,然后在返回海岸的过程中又遇到了鲨鱼,再次几经搏斗,耗费了老人几乎所有的精力,到最后只剩下一副大大的鱼骨,大鱼的肉都被几波鲨鱼吃掉了。当老人拖着疲惫的身躯回到海岸,回到自己的家中的时候,他脑子里是否想到后悔过呢,因为结果对他来讲终是一无所获,毕竟老人在此之前已经连续八十四天未曾捕获到一只鱼了。 勇敢、顽强、智慧而且身体仍然健硕是老人的特点,这些特点也可以从文中的描述看出来“他所有的一切都是苍老的,只有他那双眼睛除外。他的眼睛蓝的像海水,欢快而不屈”。在一望无际的大海里漂泊在一条小船上,只身一人,面对复杂多变的大海环境,我们只是想想他即使不做任何事情也是需要具备无限勇气的。在捕捉大鱼的过程中从不轻言放弃而且目标明确,被这条大鱼拖着小船在大海里游走了几天几夜,老人用它的意志力战胜了大鱼。在闻到大鱼的腥味之后的鲨鱼轮番攻击这条小船,老人再一次展现了他的顽强与智慧,老人大声地说“保持这个航向,继续往前,老什么就对付什么吧”,一次又一次的将鲨鱼击退。 大海是环境,鲨鱼是威胁,大鱼是目标。这样组成了老人所处的“场”,海明威为什么要描述的主人公是老人呢,而不是其他年轻人,我们对此具体原因不得知。但是我们可以思考人到了老年,到了人生的后半场的末端,仍然要对生活抱有无限热情。因为老人始终坚信“人可不是为失败而生,人可以被毁灭,但不能被打败”。老人也告诉我们,面对困难,要“像个男人那样,懂得如何去受苦”。除了大海、鲨鱼、大鱼所组成的“场”,人还需要运气,想想看如果这几日几夜的搏斗过程中,老人并没有赶上恶劣的天气,比如暴风雨等等。同时运气固然重要,但也都是在我们准备好的情况下才能不至于浪费运气,实际上老人懂得观察风向,懂得看云识别天气,懂得如何在大海里辨识航向这些都是老人的储备。就像老人说的“有好运气当然好,可我宁愿做到准确无误。这样,当好运来临时,你已经准备好了。” 现在再回到开始的问题,老人一无所获的回到海岸的家中,他后悔吗。回答这个问题,我们可以看下王小波在《海明威的《老人与海》》中的描述,他提到,他自己不相信人有所谓的”命运“,但是他相信对于任何人来讲,”限度“总是存在的。《老人与海》中的老人圣地亚哥,是最好的渔夫,也确在连续八十四天里面不能让鱼上钩,”老人遇到了他的限度了,就好像最好的农民遇上了大旱,最好的猎手久久碰不到猎物一般“。但是老人并没有沮丧,更没有倦怠,而是向限度发起挑战到大海的更远处去寻找。有人说老人是一个失败的英雄,那么什么叫失败呢。老人不断的去尝试突破自己的限度,到更深的海洋中去,与自己的限度做斗争,他不能期望每一天都有鱼来咬他的钩,所以常常失败,他捕到了一条大鱼,返回途中又遇上鲨鱼,于是跟鲨鱼做搏斗,击退了一轮又一轮的鲨鱼的进攻,结果自己逮住的那条大鱼却被鲨鱼吞的只剩下鱼骨,所以有人认为他是失败的。“那么那些总是安于自己限度之内生活的人却总是”胜利“,而这种”胜利者“之所以不败,只是因为他的对手是早已降服了的,或者说他根本没有投入斗争。”因此对于老人来说就根本不会存在后悔这样的想法,他一再将手神往限度之外,这个限度也就一天天扩大了。 作家海明威被誉为美国历史上最耀眼的传奇作家。他出生于美国芝加哥的一座小镇,共有兄弟姐妹六人,他排行老二。海明威从小精力充沛,酷爱大自然,热衷打猎、捕鱼、在森林和湖泊中露营等。这也就不难理解海明威为什么能写出《老人与海》中的故事背景和老人的技能。《老人与海》这部中篇小说写于1951年古巴,并于1952年出版,于1954年获得诺贝尔文学奖。海明威先后参加过两次世界大战,还曾经在1941年和妻子一起来到中国报道日本的侵华战争。


好书推荐《老人与海》同学们,上周我们为大家推荐了《小王子》,那么这一周,就让我们来为大家再来推荐一本好书,叫做《老人与海》。 《老人与海》是海明威于1951年在古巴写的一篇中篇小说,于1952年出版。是海明威最著名的作品之一。它围绕一位老年古巴渔夫,与一条巨大的马林鱼在离岸很远的湾流中搏斗而展开故事的讲述。它奠定了海明威在世界文学中的突出地位,这篇小说相继获得了1953年美国普利策奖和1954年诺贝尔文学奖。 《老人与海》写的是老渔夫圣地亚哥(桑地亚哥)在海上的捕鱼经历:老人制服大马林鱼后,在返航途中又同鲨鱼进行惊险的搏斗。作品中的形象具有很强的象征意蕴,他用大马林鱼象征人生的理想和人类作为生命本身所不可避免的所具有的欲望,用鲨鱼象征无法摆脱的悲剧命运,用大海象征变化无常的人类社会,而狮子则是勇武健壮、仇视邪恶、能创造奇迹的象征,圣地亚哥则是人类中的勇士与强大势力搏斗的“硬汉子”代表,他那捕鱼的不幸遭遇象征人类总是与厄运不断抗争却无论如何都无法试图去改变命运。“一艘船越过世界的尽头,驶向未知的大海,船头上悬挂着一面虽然饱经风雨剥蚀却依旧艳丽无比的旗帜,旗帜上,舞着云龙一般的四个字闪闪发光——超越极限!”作者海明威就是这样评价他的作品《老人与海》的。 《老人与海》这本小说是根据真人真事写的。第一次世界大战结束后,海明威移居古巴,认识了老渔民格雷戈里奥·富恩特斯。1930年,海明威乘的船在暴风雨中沉没,富恩特斯搭救了海明威。从此,海明威与富恩特斯结下了深厚的友谊,并经常一起出海捕鱼。 1936年,富恩特斯出海很远捕到了一条大鱼,但由于这条鱼太大,在海上拖了很长时间,结果在归程中被鲨鱼袭击,回来时只剩下了一副骨架。 1936年4月,海明威在《乡绅》杂志上发表了一篇名为“碧水之上:海湾来信”的散文,其中一段记叙了一位老人独自驾着小船出海捕鱼,捉到一条巨大的大马林鱼,但鱼的大部分被鲨鱼吃掉的故事。当时这件事就给了海明威很深的触动,并觉察到它是很好的小说素材,但却一直也没有机会动笔写它! 1950年圣诞节后不久,海明威产生了极强的创作欲,在古巴哈瓦那郊区的别墅“观景社”,他开始动笔写《老人与海》(起初名为《现有的海》)。到1951


向你推荐《老人与海》 读了《老人与海》,我迫不及待地想把它推荐给你。《老人与海》的作者是欧内斯特。海明威。海明威在文坛上,一直以硬汉形象著称。 这本书主要讲了老渔夫圣地亚哥已经连续84天没有打到鱼了,但他对生活充满希望,在第85天继续出海打鱼。圣地亚哥与一条大马林鱼搏斗了两天一夜终于杀死了它。在返航的途中,他又遇到了一群鲨鱼,最后圣地亚哥拖着一副鱼骨回到家中…… 读了这本书,我有以下几个感受: 第一、人可以被毁灭,但不能被打败。 在文中,时间的流逝让圣地亚哥日益衰老,让他84天打不到一条鱼;与大鱼搏斗时,圣地亚哥的手抽筋儿了,受伤了——这都是肉体上的毁灭。但是,圣地亚哥不服输,他永不言败的硬汉精神永存——这说明圣地亚和精神没有被击垮。 这让我我明白了,在生活中也应该像圣地亚哥那样:可以在与学习、自然、社会的抗争中经历失败,但是不甘失败的精神一定要屹立不倒。 第二,面对挫折,要全力以赴的拼搏。 在文中,圣地亚哥杀死了大马林鱼,一只鲨鱼循着血腥味儿尾随而来。这鲨鱼不就是个小挫折吗?老人杀死了它,克服了挫折,不料又遇到了一大群鲨鱼,这一大群鲨鱼不就是更大的挫折吗?老人仍然竭尽全力,最后用顽强的意志战胜了这群鲨鱼。战胜了困难。 圣地亚哥用行为告诉我们:人要敢于跟挫折和困难抗争。在学习

上,我们不能向困难低头。要像圣地亚哥那样,全力以赴,刻苦钻研,最后战胜困难,取得成功。 最后,我想把自己读《老人与海》的方法告诉你:那就是一遍又一遍反复读。读第一遍时,你可以想想这是一个怎样的故事,情节又是怎样发展的——这对后来的理解很有好处;读第二遍时,应该深入的理解小说中各个人物的象征意义,再根据这些意义联系生活想想自己要怎么做才好;读第三遍时,还可以了解海明威的写作背景,揣摩他的写作意图呢! 如果你读了《老人与海》,心灵一定会得到一次升华。


福尔摩斯英语读后感 Written in the first chapter of the book Pride and Prejudice is an extraordinary sentence of which even a person who has had only a brief look upon the book will not fail to receive a deep impression-It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. In terms of Sherlock Holmes, we’d better alter the sentence into “It is a fact universally accepted by readers throughout the world that an excellent book in possession of our famous detective Sherlock Holmes is undoubtedly a masterpiece of all times.” Perhaps this is one of the most obvious explanations for the unrivaled popularity of “Holmes series” in the field of detective stories. Overwhelmed by the recommendations provided by my friends, I decided to take a look on this Sherlock Holmes and the Duke’s Son originally published by Oxford University Press. As a whole, this book is about a case concerning the Duke’s missing son. Arthur, the Duke’s son, was found out in a certain morning to have disappeared, accompanied with which was also the disappearance of




Reading notes on Shylock Holmes Shylock Holmes is created by the novelist Conan Doyle's detective, GM has now become the world's best detectives were synonymous! He not only cool-headed Holmes, keen observation, reasoning ability and also no one can. (In addition, he's also very clever fencing) he usually leisurely pace in Baker Street, 211, the B room,Smoking Bucketawaiting commissioned by the door. But once received the case, he would immediately become a dog chasing a wolf, began locking the target and the entire incident boils, layers of filtration, until the final truth! Written in the first chapter of the book Pride and Prejudice is an extraordinary sentence of which even a person who has had only a brief look upon the book will not fail to receive a deep impression-It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. In terms of Sherlock Holmes, we’d better alter the sentence into “It is a fact universally accepted by readers throughout the world that an excellent book in possession of our famous detective Sherlock Holmes is undoubtedly a masterpiece of all times.” Perhaps this is one of the most obvious explanations for the unrivaled popularity of “Holmes series” in the field of detective stories.


Level 4 Sherlock Holmes < Answer Key > Silver Blaze Chapter 1 Preview questions 1.I have heard of Sherlock Holmes. He is famous for being an excellent detective. 2.I do not know any detectives in real life, but I read a book about a girl detective called Nancy Drew. 3.I think Silver Blaze is the name of a thoroughbred racing horse. Review questions 1.Colonel Ross, a rich man who owns King?s Pyland farm, owns Silver Blaze. 2.Dr. Watson found out that John Straker was murdered when he read it in the newspaper. 3.John Straker was responsible for looking after Silver Blaze. He also trained it and exercised it. Chapter 2 Preview questions 1.I think the curry dinner will be important because it will provide Sherlock Holmes with a clue toward solving the mystery. 2.At King?s Py land, I think Watson and Holmes will find some clues about what happened to Silver Blaze. 3.I think in this chapter, Holmes and Watson will talk to Colonel Ross and Edith Baxter, in order to find out what happened to Silver Blaze. Review questions 1.Edith did not like the look of the man who talked to her because his face was white and he was very nervous. Also he took an envelope from his pocket and offered her money if she would give it to Ned Hunter. 2.When Ned found out about the man, he shouted at the man and undid the rope that tied up his dog. He set the dog on the man. 3.John Straker couldn?t sleep because he was worried that something was going to happen to Silver Blaze. 1


The best of Sherlock Holmes I.Arthur Conan Doyle Arthur Conan Doyle was born on May 22, 1859, in Edinburgh, Scotland. The Doyles were a prosperous Irish-Catholic family, who had a prominent position in the world of Art. Charles Altam ont Doyle, Arthur's fat her, a chronic alcoholic, was the only member of his family, who apart from fathering a brilliant son, never accom plished anything of note. At the age of twenty-two, Charles had m arried Mary Foley, a vivacious and very well educated young wom an of seventeen. Family tradition would have dictated the pursuit of an artistic career, yet Arthur decided to follow a m edical one. This decision was influenced by Dr. Bryan Charles Waller, a young lodger his mother had taken-in to m ake ends m eet. Dr. Waller had trained in the University of Edinburgh and that is where Arthur was sent to carry out his m edical studies. A couple of years into his studies, Arthur decided to try his pen at writing a short story. Although the result called The Mystery of Sasassa Valley was very evocative of the works of Edgar Alan Poe and Bret Harte, his favorite authors at the tim e, it was accepted in an Edinburgh magazine called Chamber's Journal, which had published Thomas Hardy's first work. II.Inspiration for the character of Holmes Doyle said that the character of Sherlock Holmes was inspired by Dr. Joseph Bell, for whom Doyle had worked as a clerk at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. Like Holmes, Bell was noted for drawing large conclusions from the sm allest observations. All these qualities were later to be found in the persona of the celebrated detective Sherlock Holmes. However, som e years later Bell wrote in a letter to Conan Doyle: "you are yourself Sherlock Holmes and well you know it." III.Sherlock Holmes Sherlock Holmes is a fictional detective created by author and physician Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. A London-based "consulting detective" whose abilities border on the fantastic, Holmes is famous for his astute logical reasoning, his ability to adopt alm ost any disguise, and his use of forensic science skills to solve difficult cases.


福尔摩斯探案集英文读后感 sherlock holmes, does not need to say you knew.he is one world famous, the widely known famous spy.who then portrays him is? is f. conan doyle, (1859 ~ 1930), english outstanding spying writer of fiction, playwright.by four signs, return records, terrorist valley and so on is world famous. sherlock holmes detective case collection mainly says is - - sherlock holmes is a village gentleman's descendant, both understands the village the custom, how and understands in the city life.sherlock holmes through studied, unceasingly the study unceasingly and practices unceasingly only then enable oneself to have the astonishing spying ability.therefore, he carries on each kind of spy both logical, and gathers the reason; he to each kind of case explanation and the judgment only then can rationally, only then cause the question which one all hangs also hangs to be easily solved, only then causes an ancestor to confuse the document to restore justice. not only this book is fascinating by the inside vivid story, the structure falls extends the fluctuation intense, the plot winding, exciting, soul-stirring, causes me to be unable to put down, but also manifested a meaning famous saying - - “every is the diligent person, all had the spirit which never said die.” sherlock holmes is a such person. although he had become famous at that time in england the spying, but he in unceasingly assiduous study.he has specially rented between a small house nearby english fine arts museum, the use material and the opportunity research related spying aspect science and the experience, can cause him to melt all sorts to confuse the group case, finally lets the evil become known in the world. i thought that,sherlock holmes life all is studying, studies the spying aspect continuously the science and the experience, his this indomitable spirit, is worth


读《老人与海》有感 蛰伏《老人与海》,这是一本可以让人陷入沉思的好书。通过这本书的阅读,可以让读者深刻理解什么的人生才有意义,什么样的生活才有乐趣,什么样的精神值得人们的尊重。 在这部作品中,刻画出了一个,在困难重重,奋力执着于自我目标追求的老渔夫。书中提到过,老人的渔船上那破旧的帆布,就像是一面失败的旗帜,仿佛在宣告着老人永远都捕不到鱼的倒霉运气。但是,他没有放下,仍然出海捕鱼。出海捕鱼后,他遇到了一条大鱼,经过数天的搏斗,老人才发现,这是一条比自我渔船体积大数倍的大马林鱼。面对这条比他的船大数倍的大马林鱼,老人并没有退却,而是迎难而上,通过自己的智慧和努力,最终战胜了大马林鱼。随后,其就拖着自己的战斗成果返回岸边,然而在返回岸边的道路中,并不是一帆风顺。大马林鱼的血,流落与水中,血的血腥味吸引了一些捕食者的光临。鲨鱼,面对这个已经死亡的大马林鱼,纷纷前来分享老人的战利品,在此众多捕食者的侵犯之下,老人拼尽自我的全身力气,尽力去护住自我的战果。无奈,捕食者过多,最终老人的战利品还是被鲨鱼夺走的很多。在与鲨鱼进行搏斗的过程中,老人的一只手由于生理原因,而暂时不能使用,在此状态下,老人还很风趣的对那只病手说,怎么能在关键时候掉链子呢。故事的结束部分,老人将自我的战利品拖回了岸边,赢得了人们的尊重。老渔夫的那种不言败的精神,勇敢去付出的那种行为,是值得我们学习的。最令我钦佩的是老人与大马林鱼进行搏斗并战胜对手这一场景。 在老人与大马林鱼进行殊死搏斗的场景中。老渔夫同鱼周旋了几天后,才发现这是一条大马林鱼且这条鱼的大小超过老人自我渔船的数倍,重量级非同等状况下的搏斗,可想体积弱小的地方,要想战胜体积庞大的对手,可谓是困难重重,难上加难。面对如此困难,老人并没有屈服和放弃,他与这条比他的船大数倍的大马林鱼斗智斗勇,最后制服了这条大鱼并将它杀死。十分钦佩老人的那种顽强拼搏、斗智斗勇的精神。虽然,对手很强大,但是老人并没有屈服和放弃,而是通过自我的努力,将大马林鱼制服。生活中的我们,也应不拒任何困难,迎难而上,努力拼搏,终将取到我们想要的成就。 故事中的主人公说:“一个人并不是生来就要被打垮的,你能够消灭一个人,可也是打不垮他。”作为我国社会主义现代化事业建设的接班人,作为即将成为我国核电事业发展的一个普通劳动者,我们可谓是人轻责重。在今天这个,科技以及经济飞速发展的情景下,我们更要学习作品中主人公顽强拼搏,永不言败,永不服输的精神。彩虹总在风雨后,不经历风雨,如何享受雨后彩虹的绚丽。因此,今日的我们,定要奋力拼搏,绝不向困难低头,迎难而上,追逐更美好的目标和创造属于自我更好的风采,谱写更美好的华章。

作文体裁-好书推荐—《老人与海》 精品

好书推荐—《老人与海》 大家好,今天我给大家推荐的书是海明威的《老人与海》。 我最喜欢的文中的一处细节描写是这样写的:他身上的一切都显得古老,除了那双眼睛,它们像海水一般蓝,是愉快而不肯认输的。 这处描写是全文的点睛之笔,眼睛是心灵的窗户,可见,老人的心是愉快而不肯认输的。 确实,老人不会认输,因为无论最后是捕到一条完整的马林鱼还是一副空骨架,这都已经无所谓了,因为老人的生命价值已在那追捕马林鱼的过程中充分地体现了。 因为他曾经为自己的理想努力追求过、奋斗过,那他就是一位胜利者!一个人可以被毁灭,但不能被打败老人最后说的这句话富含哲理。 就如音乐大师贝多芬所说我可以被摧毁,但我不能被征服。 做人也应该这样,人生本来就是无止境的。 它的道路漫长、艰难,而且充满坎坷,但只要自己有信心与勇气去迎接挑战,就将永远是一个真正的胜利者。 这本书讲了这么一个故事:一位老渔夫圣地亚哥连续八十四天没捕到鱼,被别的渔夫看做失败者,可是他坚持不懈,终于钓到了一条大马林鱼,大马林鱼将他的小船在海上拖了三天才筋疲力尽,被他杀死了绑在小船的一边,在归程中一再遭到鲨鱼的袭击,他用尽了一切手段来反击。 回港时只剩鱼头鱼尾和一条脊骨。 尽管鱼肉都被咬去了,但什么也无法摧残他的英勇意志。 书中老人的经历,使我想到了年的阿里巴巴创办者马云,他对梦想也从不放弃。 他曾经想考重点小学,但却失败了;考重点中学也失败了;考大学更是考了三年才考上。 但他通过自已的努力,最终成功了。 梵高在他生前,他的作品没有受到是人的欣赏,但在那种世人漠视、穷困潦倒的环境下,仍坚持着自己的梦想,画自己想画的画。 爱迪生曾花了整整十年去研制蓄电池,其间不断遭受失败的他一直咬牙坚持,

The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes福尔摩斯探案集英文读后感

《英语作品阅读与写作》学期论文题目:The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes

Abstract: Sherlock Holmes who is a smart,sharp and strange detective,face lots of amazing and fantastic cases,but he can find out the facts certainly. Keywords: detective, adventure ,spy Sherlock Holmes is one world famous, the widely known famous spy.Who then portrays him is? Is F. Conan doyle, (1859 ~ 1930), British outstanding spying writer of fiction and playwright. Due to understand the social surrounding,the author make Sherlock Holmes received the case all kinds, the most important is the great detective investigation methods and the end of the case is different, every story perfectly reflect the reality of British society. Sherlock Holmes is a village gentleman's descendant, understands the village custom, also the life in city. Sherlock Holmes who is angular, thin, torpor ,have sharp eyes and hawk-like nose made him added a kind of decisive wary expression.This iconic features cause a lot of detective fans crazy worship.Sherlock Holmes become to have the astonishing spying ability through unceasingly study and practice. When his heart have a problems doesn't solve, just a few days, or even a week,he would avid thinking about again, comb the situations that he had mastered, and review the question from every angle until the facts come to light or convinced the materials are not sufficient.Therefore, each kind of spy that he deal with is logical and reasonable.What's more,his explanation and judgment of all case are rational, cause the question to be easily solved, then causes the case to restore justice. "From a drop of water, a logic home can infer may have the Atlantic or Niagara Falls existence, and does not need to see with my own ears or heard of such. So, the whole life is a huge chain, as long as we see one of the ring, you can know its nature." And this is Sherlock Holmes's deduce analytics. Sherlock Holmes is a bit "strange", he is proficient in anatomy, also is the first-class pharmacist, but he never had systematic medical study. He diligently study some science, but the thing is very mixed and disorderly. And he take cocaine three times a day(taking cocaine, make the person feels pleasure, but loss their displayed energy). He also is so surreal, never easy to talk with somebody something in his heart, also happy, also a lot of things. When he met the dangerous calm, in a crisis, encounter any difficulty, seems as if nothing had happened, not at all, pack out. Maybe, just because the different features of Sherlock Holmes make his stories more attract readers! Sherlock Holmes is a such person. Although he had become famous for spying at that time in England, but he in unceasingly assiduous study.He has specially rented between a small house nearby English Fine arts Museum, the usage of material and


Sherlock (TV series) Sherlock is a British television crime drama that presents a contemporary update of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes detective stories. It stars Benedict Cumberbatch as Holmes and Martin Freeman as Doctor John Watson. Six episodes, broadcast since 2010, have been produced, with three more episodes scheduled to begin production in early 2013. The series has been sold to over 180 territories. The show was conceived by Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss during train journeys to and from the Doctor Who production base in Cardiff, where they were both writers. They aspired to produce a modern-day version of Conan Doyle's stories in which Sherlock uses the technologies that are available to him today in order to find things out and solve crime. Credited as co-creators, Moffat and Gatiss each write one episode per series, with the other written by Steve Thompson. Hartswood Films produced the series for the BBC and co-produced it with WGBH Boston for its Masterpiece anthology series. The series is primarily filmed in Cardiff, although the production also uses a variety of other locations. North Gower Street in London was used for exterior shots of Holmes and Watson's 221B Baker Street residence. Sherlock depicts "consulting detective" Holmes assisting the Metropolitan Police Service, primarily DI Greg Lestrade (Rupert Graves), in solving various crimes. Holmes is assisted by his flatmate, Dr John Watson, who has returned from military service in Afghanistan. Although the series depicts a variety of crimes and perpetrators, Holmes' conflict with his nemesis Jim Moriarty (Andrew Scott) is a recurring feature. Pathologist Molly Hooper (Louise Brealey) assists Holmes in her laboratory. Other recurring roles include Una Stubbs as Mrs. Hudson, Holmes and Watson's landlady, Vinette Robinson as Sgt. Sally Donovan, and Mark Gatiss as Sherlock's brother, Mycroft Holmes. After an unbroadcast pilot in 2009, the first series of three 90-minute episodes was transmitted on BBC One and BBC HD in 2010, with a second series of three episodes first broadcast in 2012. Critical reception was overwhelmingly positive, with many reviews commending the quality of the writing, performances and direction. Sherlock has been nominated for numerous awards, including BAFTAs and Emmys, winning several across a variety of categories. All six episodes have been released on DVD and Blu-ray Disc in the United Kingdom, alongside tie-in editions of some of Conan Doyle's original books. Soundtrack albums from each series have also been released. [edit] Conception and development Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss devised the concept of the series, both of whom had experience adapting or using Victorian literature for television and are both big Sherlock Holmes fans.[1][2]

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