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The interaction of corporate dividend policy and capital structure decisions under differential tax regimes

1、The interaction of capital structure and dividend policy

Firm values are normalized with respect to the firm with zero debt and zero dividend payout. The panels in the figure indicate that the combined net impact of corporate dividend and capital structure policies on firm value is directly affected by the pertinent tax rates at the time.

We next discuss the implications of the model for dividend and capital structure policies under several historical tax regimes. Three representative tax regimes (1979–1981, 1988–1990, 1993–2002) were chosen for analysis out of the ten that were in existence at some time during the three decades since 1979. The three representative tax regimes exhibit distinctly different set of tax rates both in terms of absolute values and relative to each other. For this reason, these three contrasting regimes provide a suitable setting to test the value implications of our model. If our model provides a reasonable representation of firms’ capital structure and dividend policy decisions, the three contrasting tax regimes would be the ideal environment to observe the fit between the model’s predictions and the empirical o bservations.

2、Years 1979–1981

The application of the model using the tax rates from the period 1979–1981 reveals a subtle effect. The table and the figure depict normalized firm value, VD,Π/V0,0, as a function of the leverage D and the dividend payout π. The gain from leverage is positive only when the firm is at a relatively high payout ratio (above approximately 40%), with the maximum gain occurring at full (100%) payout. Interestingly, at a dividend payout level lower than 40%, increasing leverage lowers firm value.

The reversal of the leverage effect at lower payout ratios is driven by the relative levels of tax rates. During the years 1979–1981, the top marginal tax rate for personal

income was very high in comparison to the tax rate for corporate income (70% and 46% respectively). In a tax rate environment such as this, high taxes paid by the bondholders for their interest income proceeds exceed the benefit from the tax deductibility of interest payments at the firm level. Since debt financing can be assumed to have zero NPV, this additional burden is borne by the shareholders. At high levels of dividend payout on the other hand, the taxation of the dividend income makes dividend payout even more disadvantageous compared to paying interest. In other words, now it would be more beneficial for the firm to borrow and pay interest rather than dividends. The benefit reaped from the tax deductibility of interest payments tilts the balance in favor of debt financing, and makes leverage more attractive.

Another noteworthy observation about the 1979–1981 tax rate environment is the steep loss in firm value at very low debt levels in response to increasing dividend payout. According to our model, it was possible for an all-equity firm to experience losses in value up to 58%. The firm could mitigate this loss by maintaining a higher debt level.

The tax regime that made the interesting features discussed above possible is not a short-term anomaly confined to the years 1979–1981. Indeed, the entire period between the Great Depression and the late 1970s was characterized by a similar tax rate environment. Our model indicates that optimal policies to maximize firm value under such tax regimes required zero debt and zero dividend payout. This prescription interestingly comports with the observed leverage policies of the time, when numerous prominent companies such as IBM and Coca Cola had little, if any, debt before the 1980s. However, if a firm would need to maintain high dividend payout levels, it would be better off by carrying a relatively high debt level at the same time. Traditional electric utility companies are examples that appear to fit this mold.

3、Years 1988–1990 (and 1991–1992)

The situation during the years 1988–1990 is unique because during that time the top marginal tax rates on ordinary income (thus on dividend and interest income) were nominally the same as the tax rate on capital gains at 28%. In the following 2 years

(1991–1992), the two tax rates remained very close (at 31.0% and 28.9% respectively). The result of the convergence in tax rates is visible in Fig. 2 for the1988–1990 and 1991–1992 panels. There is little if any moderating influence of the dividend payout on the leverage-firm value relation. The maximum theoretical gain from leverage is close to 50% regardless of the level of dividend payout. As discussed and anticipated on the comparative statics for our model, the influence of the dividend payout ratio vanishes due to the near-zero tax rate differential (τpd?τpg) during the years 1988–1992.

4、Years 1993–2002

In contrast to the reversal effect observed under the tax regime during 1979–1981, and similar to the situation during 1988–1992, the gain from leverage is always positive under the 1993–2002 tax regimes. The details of the gain from leverage relation and the effect of the dividend payout for the years 1993–1994 and the year 2002 are available. As a departure from the previous tax regimes discussed above, throughout this decade-long time interval, the gain from leverage is significantly more pronounced for high payout firms. Although at low or zero debt levels increased dividend payout reduces the firm value, the negative impact of the dividend payout weakens as the debt level increases.

In contrast to the maximum potential gain from leverage during 1988–1992 that reached up to 50%, the tax rate changes throughout the 1990s significantly reduced the maximum potential gain. the maximum potential gain was near 30% in 1993, and by 1998, approximately 20%,remaining at that level through 2002.

5、Summary and empirical implications

The nature of the combined impact of financial leverage and dividend policy on firm value over the years 1979–2002 is found to be wide ranging as a direct result of the tax rate changes. We discussed above three distinct tax regime environments in detail. In the first interval 1979–1981, low leverage and low dividend payout leads to higher firm value. However, given a high dividend payout, the firm is better off by carrying a high debt level. That suggests a simultaneous increase or decrease in leverage and payout for firms. It is less likely to find firms with low leverage and high

payout (which results in the minimum possible firm value). The empirical implication of the model for the 1979–1981 time interval is a positive association between leverage and payout.

The same logic applies throughout the years following the 1979–1981 time interval up to 1987 and again after 1992. During the years 1979–1987, the tax rate were such that at low debt levels, firm value declined with increasing dividend payout ratios. Similarly, from 1993 until 2002, firms would suffer losses in value if they chose to increase dividend payout while maintaining low debt levels. In contrast, during the 1988–1992 time interval, there was no penalty for having a high dividend payout for a firm with a low debt level. Dividend payout was truly irrelevant during that time and would not be expected to systematically vary between firms that carry various levels of debt.

The breakdown in the interaction of dividend payout and capital structure during the 1988–1992 time period as implied by our model provides an opportunity to test the model empirically. If our model is a reasonable representation of the dividend payout-capital structure interaction under varying tax rate environments, we would expect a positive association between dividend payout and debt levels during the years 1979–1987 and 1993–2002 During the years 1988–1992, the association between dividend payout and leverage is expected to be weaker. We conduct several empirical tests in Section 5 to examine the validity of these predictions.

It is worth noting that, to the extent firms have shifted their distributions to their shareholders from dividends to stock repurchases over time, our empirical analysis, which only uses dividend payout data, will not be able to pick up this trend. Indeed, during the three decades under study there was a shift in firms’ attitudes toward share repurchases vis-à-vis dividend payout. We do not pursue stock repurchases empirically in this study due to data limitations. However, note that the model derived in this paper is implicitly capturing the valuation effect of repurchases via the capital gains term .Variable pay is an expanding field within compensation driven by the emerging trends of pay for performance and competitive advantage. Funding these new programs and developing the processes supporting long-term effectiveness is


In this paper we develop a valuation model that ties together capital structure and dividend payout polices while incorporating differential tax rates on dividend distributions and capital gains. As such it is an extension of the original Miller and Modigliani (1961) dividend policy model and of the Miller (1977) model. We numerically and graphically demonstrate the implications of this new model under ten different tax regimes in effect since 1979 and derive the implications of the model for firm value as a function of debt ratio and dividend payout ratio.

Our analysis indicates a wide range of firm values depending on the particular set of tax rates applicable at the time. In the first interval, 1979–1981, when the tax regime featured a high rate on dividend income in comparison to the rates on corporate income and personal capital gains, increasing financial leverage would lead to losses in firm value, if the dividend payout was relatively small. At dividend payout ratios below 40%, the loss in firm value in response to increased debt ratio could potentially reach 23%. During the same time period, if the firm maintained a dividend payout ratio in excess of 40%, the firm value could almost double, if an all equity firm decided to take on debt. During the 1988–1990 time period, when the tax rates on dividend income and capital gains were both 28%, an all-equity firm (without regard to its dividend payout level) could increase in value by as much as50% as it took on more debt. Under the tax regimes prevailing after 1998, the maximum potential gain for a non-dividend paying all-equity firm was roughly 20%, whereas a firm with a high dividend payout could be worth 50% more if it were to boost its debt financing.

Using the analysis of the valuation model under a diverse set of tax regimes, we develop several predictions for empirical testing. The results of the empirical tests are strongly supportive of the basic predictions of our analysis in a static setting. The interaction between dividend policy and financial leverage decisions is significantly influenced by the prevailing tax rates. The more dynamic predictions of the model remain for subsequent examination.

By design, our tax-based model abstracts from the well-known and important contributions of previous studies on bankruptcy/financial distress costs, agency

considerations, and signaling theories. However, the insights gained from our extended tax-based model could contribute in a significant way to the understanding of corporate financial policy in both research and policy dimensions. It is a well established notion within the trade-off theory of corporate capital structure that a range of debt levels exists, in which debt financing has a positive impact on firm value. Over this range, our model has the potential to provide a valuable insight into the effect of dividend policy on capital structure.

In the near future, another major change in the U.S. tax environment is possible, especially if the JGTRRA is allowed to expire by the Congress. The ability of the model in this paper to easily incorporate the new levels of marginal tax rates on four types of income makes it a useful tool for corporate decision makers in analyzing dividend and debt decisions. For purposes of research, the model can be used to gain insights into the evolution of dividend policy over the past three decades.

Source: Ufuk Ince and James E. Owers. 2003 “The interaction of corporate dividend policy and capital structure decisions under differential tax regimes”. Journal of Economics and Finance, August, pp. 29-32.
























(1961)的股利政策模型及米勒 (1977年)模型。我们用数值和图形证明这个自1979年以来的新模型含义在实际10种不同的税收制度,派生出该模型内涵对于企业价值根据股利支付率和负债比率的计算。

我们的分析表明大范围的公司价值计算依靠当时特定设立的税率。在第一个区间,1979-1981,当时税收制度上的一个特点在股利收入高税率相比与企业所得税和个人资本所得, 如果派利支付是相对较小,增加财政杠杆会导致企业价值损失。在股利支付率低于40%,企业价值的损失作为对响应增加负债比率可能达到23%。在同一时期,如果公司保持着股利支付率超过40%,如果一个股份公司决定担负债务,公司价值可以将近一半。在1988 - 1990时期,当税率在股利收入和资本收益上都是28%,一个独资股权公司(没有关于它的股利支付水平)可能提高价值通过差不多2倍的负债。在1998年之后盛行的税收制度,最大限度的潜在获利通过不支付股利股权公司大约20%,然而一个高股利支付率公司可能价值涨一倍如果增加其债务融资。




出处:[美]尤法克.恩斯,詹姆斯.E.欧文斯,《在分税制度下股利政策与资本结构决策的关系研究》, 经济金融期刊.2003(8):29-32.



译文: 零售企业的营销策略 Philip Kotlor 今天的零售商为了招徕和挽留顾客,急欲寻找新的营销策略。过去,他们挽留顾客的方法是销售特别的或独特的花色品种,提供比竞争对手更多更好的服务提供商店信用卡是顾客能赊购商品。可是,现在这一切都已变得面目全非了。现在,诸如卡尔文·克连,依佐和李维等全国性品牌,不仅在大多数百货公司及其专营店可以看到,并且也可以在大型综合商场和折扣商店可以买到。全国性品牌的生产商为全力扩大销售量,它们将贴有品牌的商品到处销售。结果是零售商店的面貌越来越相似。 在服务项目上的分工差异在逐渐缩小。许多百货公司削减了服务项目,而许多折扣商店却增加了服务项目。顾客变成了精明的采购员,对价格更加敏感。他们看不出有什么道理要为相同的品牌付出更多的钱,特别是当服务的差别不大或微不足道时。由于银行信用卡越来越被所有的商家接受,他们觉得不必从每个商店赊购商品。 百货商店面对着日益增加的价格的折扣店和专业商店的竞争,准备东山再起。历史上居于市中心的许多商店在郊区购物中心开设分店,那里有宽敞的停车场,购买者来自人口增长较快并且有较高收入的地区。其他一些则对其商店形式进行改变,有些则试用邮购盒电话订货的方法。超级市场面对的是超级商店的竞争,它们开始扩大店面,经营大量的品种繁多的商品和提高设备等级,超级市场还增加了它们的促销预算,大量转向私人品牌,从而增加盈利。 现在,我们讨论零售商在目标市场、产品品种和采办、服务以及商店气氛、定价、促销和销售地点等方面的营销策略。 一、目标市场 零售商最重要的决策时确定目标市场。当确定目标市场并且勾勒出轮廓时,零售商才能对产品分配、商店装饰、广告词和广告媒体、价格水平等作出一致的决定。如沃尔玛的目标市场相当明确:


股利分配政策是上市公司对盈利进行分配或留存用于再投资的决策问题,在公司经营中起着至关重要的作用,关系到公司未来的长远发展、股东对投资回报的要求和资本结构的合理性。合理的股利分配政策一方面可以为企业规模扩张提供资金来源,另一方面可以为企业树立良好形象,吸引潜在的投资者和债权人,实现公司价值即股东财富最大化。因此,上市公司非常重视股利分配政策的制定,通常会在综合考虑各种相关因素后,对各种不同的股利分配政策进行比较,最终选择一种符合本公司特点与需要的股利分配政策予以实施。 股利分配政策的发布也会对市场产生重要影响。既然股利分配政策与公司价值有很强的相关性,那么其中必然传递着某些价值信息。“信号传递”理论认为,公司股利分配政策不仅是一种分配方案,同时还是一种有效的信号传递工具。股利分配政策的变化往往是公司经营状况发生变化的信号,这些信号有积极的也有消极的市场影响。资本市场的效率性越强,这种传递方式越有效、成本越低。因为,投资者相信,作为内部人的管理层拥有公司目前最真实全面的经营发展信息,他们会通过发放股利向投资者证明其经营能力.投资者由于具有不同的股利偏好特性,会选择在适合自己股利偏好的上市公司群落周围积聚。因此,公司可能通过设计和修改股利分配政策、在股利分配政策中包含更丰富的信息来吸引投资者。 国外成熟资本市场上,上市公司股利政策一般可以分为现金股利、股票股利、财产股利、负债股利四种方式,其中现金股利方式运用最普遍。在中国股票市场上,公司常见的股利分配方式一般有三种:派发现金股利、送红股、公积金转增股。再考虑到上述几种方式混合使用,全部股利分配政策可分为八种:不分配、派现、送红、转增、派现加送红、派现加转增、送红加转增、派现加送红加转增。


中英文资料外文翻译 财务风险重要性分析 译文: 摘要:本文探讨了美国大型非金融企业从1964年至2008年股票价格风险的决定小性因素。我们通过相关结构以及简化模型,研究诸如债务总额,债务期限,现金持有量,及股利政策等公司财务特征,我们发现,股票价格风险主要通过经营和资产特点,如企业年龄,规模,有形资产,经营性现金流及其波动的水平来体现。与此相反,隐含的财务风险普遍偏低,且比产权比率稳定。在过去30年,我们对财务风险采取的措施有所减少,反而对股票波动(如独特性风险)采取的措施逐渐增加。因此,股票价格风险的记载趋势比公司的资产风险趋势更具代表性。综合二者,结果表明,典型的美国公司谨慎管理的财政政策大大降低了财务风险。因此,现在看来微不足道的剩余财务风险相对底层的非金融公司为一典型的经济风险。 关键词:资本结构;财务风险;风险管理;企业融资 1 绪论 2008年的金融危机对金融杠杆的作用产生重大影响。毫无疑问,向金融机构的巨额举债和内部融资均有风险。事实上,有证据表明,全球主要银行精心策划的杠杆(如通过抵押贷款和担保债务)和所谓的“影子银行系统”可能是最近的经济和金融混乱的根本原因。财务杠杆在非金融企业的作用不太明显。迄今为止,尽管资本市场已困在危机中,美国非金融部门的问题相比金融业的困境来说显得微不足道。例如,非金融企业破产机遇仅限于自20世纪30年代大萧条以来的最大经济衰退。事实上,非金融公司申请破产的事件大都发生在美国各行业(如汽车制造业,报纸,房地产)所面临的基本经济压力即金融危机之前。这令人惊讶的事实引出了一个问题“非金融公司的财务风险是如何重要?”。这个问题的核心是关于公司的总风险以及公司风险组成部分的各决定因素的不确定性。 最近在资产定价和企业融资再度引发的两个学术研究中分析了股票价格风险利


市场营销策略 1 市场细分和目标市场策略 具有需求,具有购买能力并愿意花销的个体或组织构成了市场。然而,在大多数市场中,购买者的需求不一致。因此,对整个市场采用单一的营销计划可能不会成功。一个合理的营销计划应以区分市场中存在的差异为起点,这一过程被称为市场细分,它还包括将何种细分市场作为目标市场。 市场细分使公司能更加有效地利用其营销资源。而且,也使得小公司可以通过集中在一两个细分上场上有效地参与竞争。市场细分的明显缺点是,其导致了比单一产品、单一大市场策略更高的生产和营销成本。但是,如果市场细分得当的话,更加符合消费者的需求,实际上将生产更高的效率。 确定目标市场有三种可供选择的策略,它们是统一市场、单一细分市场和多重细分市场。统一市场策略即采取一种营销组合用到一个整体的、无差异的市场中去。采取单一细分市场策略,公司仍然仅有一种营销组合,但它只用在整个市场的一个细分市场中。多重细分市场策略需要选择两个或更多的细分市场,并且每个细分市场分别采用一种单独的营销组合。 2 产品定位 管理者将注意力集中于一种品牌,并以恰当的方式将其与类似的品牌相区分,但这并不意味着该品牌就一定能够最后赢利。因此,管理者需要进行定位,即塑造与竞争品牌和竞争对手的其他品牌相关的自我品牌形象。 市场营销人员可以从各种定位策略中加以选择。有时,他们决定对某一特定产品采用一种以上的策略。以下是几种主要的定位策略: 2.1与竞争者相关的定位 对一些产品来说,最佳的定位是直接针对竞争对手。该策略特别适用于已经具有固定的差别优势或试图强化这种优势的厂商。为排挤微处理器的竞争对手,Intel公司开展了一项活动使用户确信它的产品优于竞争对手的产品。公司甚至为电脑制造商出钱,让它们在自己的广告中带上“Intel Inside”标志。作为市场领导者,可口可乐公司推出新产品并实施其市场营销策略。同时,它密切注视百事可乐公司,以确保对主要竞争对手的任何一次巧妙、有效的营销举措采取相应的对策。 2.2 与产品类别和属性相关的定位 有时候,公司的定位策略有必要将自己的产品与其类别和属性相联系(或相区别)。一些公司尽力将其产品定位在期望的类别中,如“美国制造”。用一句某顾问的话来说,“当你说‘美国制造’的时候,有一种强烈的感情因素在吸引着你”。因此,一家名为Boston Preparatory的规模不大的运动服制造商正在运用这种定位策略,以期胜过那些并非所有产品都在美国制造的势力强大的竞争对手如Calvin Kiein和Tommy Hilfiger。 2.3 通过价格和质量定位 某些生产者和零售商因其高质量和高价格而闻名。在零售行业,Saks Fifth Avenue和Neiman Marcus公司正是定位于该价格—质量策略的。折扣店Target Kmart则是定位于该策略的反面。我们不是说折扣商店忽视质量,而是说它们更加强调低廉的价格。Penny's公司努力—并且大多获得了成功—通过升级高级服装线和强调设计者的名字将其商店定位于价格—质量策略上。 “品牌”一词是个综合性的概念,它包含其他更狭义的理解。品牌即一个名称和(或)标志,用以识别一个销售者或销售集团的产品,并将之与竞争产品相区别。 品牌名称由能够发音的单词、字母和(或)数字组成。品牌标志是品牌的一部分,它以符号、图案或醒目的颜色、字体的形式出现。品牌标志通过视觉识别,但当人们仅仅读出品牌名称的时候,品牌标志并不能够被表达出来。Crest、Coors、Gillette都是品牌名称。AT&T由醒目的线条构成的地球以及Ralph Lauren's Polo的马和骑手是品牌标志,而Green Giant(罐装冷冻菜蔬产品)和Arm&Hammer(面包苏打)既是品牌名称又是品牌标志。 商标是销售者已经采用并且受到法律保护的品牌。商标不仅包括品牌标志,如许多人所认为的那样,也包括品牌名称。1946年的The Lanham Art法案允许厂商向联邦政府注册商标,以保护它们免受其他厂商的使用或误


上市公司管理当局在制定股利分配政策时,要遵循一定的原则,并充分考虑影响股利分配政策的相关因素与市场反应,使公司的收益分配规范化。研究背景股利分配政策是上市公司对盈利进行分配或留存用于再投资的决策问题,在公司经营中起着至关重要的作用,关系到公司未来的长远发展、股东对投资回报的要求和资本结构的合理性。合理的股利分配政策一方面可以为企业规模扩张提供资金来源,另一方面可以为企业树立良好形象,吸引潜在的投资者和债权人,实现公司价值即股东财富最大化。因此,上市公司非常重视股利分配政策的制定,通常会在综合考虑各种相关因素后,对各种不同的股利分配政策进行比较,最终选择一种符合本公司特点与需要的股利分配政策予以实施。股利分配政策的发布也会对市场产生重要影响。既然股利分配政策与公司价值有很强的相关性,那么其中必然传递着某些价值信息。“信号传递”理论认为,公司股利分配政策不仅是一种分配方案,同时还是一种有效的信号传递工具。股利分配政策的变化往往是公司经营状况发生变化的信号,这些信号有积极的也有消极的市场影响。资本市场的效率性越强,这种传递方式越有效、成本越低。因为,投资者相信,作为内部人的管理层拥有公司目前最真实全面的经营发展信息,他们会通过发放股利向投资者证明其经营能力 .投资者由于具有不同的股利偏好特性,会选择在适合自己股利偏好的上市公司群落周围积聚。因此,公司可能通过设计和修改股利分配政策、在股利分配政策中包含更丰富的信息来吸引投资者。国外成熟资本市场上,上市公司股利政策一般可以分为现金股利、股票股利、财产股利、负债股利四种方式,其中现金股利方式运用最普遍。在中国股票市场上,公司常见的股利分配方式一般有三种:派发现金股利、送红股、公积金转增股。再考虑到上述几种方式混合使用,全部股利分配政策可分为八种:不分配、派现、送红、转增、派现加送红、派现加转增、送红加转增、派现加送红加转增。本文希望在国外研究方法与中国证券市场的具体情况相结合的基础上,通过2002年上市公司数据检验中国上市公司制定股利政策相关因素和市场反应。文献综述在国外类似研究中,经过验证的会对上市公司管理当局制定股利分配政策产生影响的因素有很多。julie ann elston在一项关于美国上市公司股利分配政策影响因素的研究——“dividend policy and investment:theory and evidence from us panel data”中,检验了股利分配政策与流动性约束、公司投资机会之间的关系。结果证实这种联系在不完善的资本市场上是很有可能的,当公司现金状况不佳或者投资机会较多时,通常会考虑停止或削减股利分配。michael 与anjan研究发展了股利政策选择与投资者偏好理论。尽管资本利得具有税收优惠,但是实证结果表明大多数个人投资者还是希望少发放现金股利,保留未来潜在的增长机会,或者通过资本市场回购实现大额回报。sudipto在研究中作出外部投资者关于公司盈利状况具有不充分信息、现金股利税负高于资本利得的假设,检验了股利函数的若干相关因素,结论显示股利函数受到预期现金流量的显著影响。股利分配政策作为上市公司期末分配收益的政策,在二级市场上也通常引起股票价格的波动。国外对股利分配政策与股价关系的研究较多。miller 和modigliani于1961年提出的mm定理认为,在完全资本市场条件下,公司股利增减引起股票股价的变动,原因在于股利分配政策所包含的有关企业未来运作的信息。lintner1956年对其进行实证研究,结论支持mm定理;而且证实公司管理当局不愿意因为利润的短期波动而改变每年的股利支付水平,而努力在未来相当长的时期内保持一个稳定增长的股利支付水平。aigbe与stephen针对保险公司样本的研究表明,保险公司通过调整股利分配政策来创造独特的信号机制。这项研究使用事件研究方法和对照样本组,检验了股利增加后股票价格相应的变动,结果表明价格显著正向变动,横断面分析表明股价变动与公司特性和主营业务无关。国内对这方面的研究较少,主要包括赵小华《不完全市场与我国上市公司的股利政策》(1997),廖志刚、华荣晖《我国上市公司的股利政策研究》(1997),陈晓、陈小悦《我国上市公司首次股利信号传递效应的实证研究》(1998)等,分别从证券市场成熟性、股权治理结构、盈利性等方面探讨了股利政策相关因素与市场反应。本文在


中文3757字 外文文献翻译译文 一、外文原文 原文: Dividend policy Profitable companies regularly face three important questions: (1) How much of its free cash flow should it pass on to shareholders? (2) Should it provide this cash to shareholders by raising the dividend or by repurchasing stock? (3) Should it maintain a stable, consistent payment policy, or should it let the payments vary as conditions change? When deciding how much cash to distribute to shareholders, finance manager must keep in mind that the firm’s objective i s to maximize shareholder value. Consequently, the target pay rate ratio —define as the percentage of net income to be paid out as cash dividends —should be based in large part on investors’ preference for dividends versus capital gains: do investors prefer (1) to have the firm distribute income as cash dividends or (2) to have it either repurchase stock or else plow the earnings back into the business, both of which should result in capital gains? This preference can be considered in terms of the constant growth stock valuation model:g D S -K =P 1^ If the company increases the payout ration, the raises 1D .This increase in the numerator, taken alone, would cause the stock price to rise. However, if 1D is raised, then less money will be available for reinvestment, that will cause the expected growth rate to decline, and that will tend to lower the stock ’s price. Thus, any change in payout policy will have two opposing effects. Therefore, t he firm’s optimal dividend policy must strike a balance between current dividends and future growth so


品牌营销战略参考文献和英文文献翻译 目录外文文献翻译..............................................................................................1 摘要..........................................................................................................1 1. 品牌战略内涵与其功能意义.......................................................................2 2. 我国企业品牌发展概况..............................................................................3 2.1 国内品牌与国外品牌相比存在着很大的差距............................................3 2.2 品牌发展缺乏整体规划. (4) 2.3 产品质量低下品牌个性不足缺乏创新和发展能力.....................................4 2.4 品牌发展策略存在误区. (4) 3. 企业品牌策略选择..................................................................................6 3.1 树立正确的品牌竞争意识着力提高品牌竞争能力......................................6 3.2 搞好品牌定位培养消费者品牌偏好与品牌忠诚.. (6) 3.3 遵循品牌设计规律注重品牌形


外文翻译 原文 Optimal dividend policy and growth option Material Source:Springer-Verlag 2006 Author:Jean-Paul Decamps·Stephane Villeneuve Research on optimal dividend payouts for a cash constrained firm is based on the premise that the firm wants to pay some of its surplus to the shareholders as dividends and therefore follows a dividend policy that maximizes the expected present value of all payouts until bankruptcy. This approach has been used in particular to determine the market value of a firm which, in line with Modigliani and Miller [23], is defined as the present value of the sum of future dividends. In diffusion models, the optimal dividend policy can be determined as the solution of a singular stochastic control problem. In two influential papers, Jeanblanc and Shiryaev [18] and Radner and Shepp [26] assume that the firm exploits a technology defined by a cash generating process that follows a drifted Brownian motion. They show that the optimal dividend policy is characterized by a threshold so that whenever the cash reserve goes above this threshold, the excess is paid out as dividend. Models that involve singular stochastic controls or mixed singular/regular stochastic controls are now widely used in mathematical finance. Recent contributions have for instance emphasized restrictions imposed by a regulatory agency [25], the interplay between dividend and risk policies [1, 3, 14], or the analysis of hedging and insurance decisions [27]. A new class of models that combine features of both regular stochastic control and optimal stopping has recently emerged. Two recent papers in this line are Miao and Wang [22], who study the interactions between investment and consumption under incomplete markets, and Hugonnier et al. [16], who focus on irreversible investment for a representative agent in a general equilibrium framework. From a mathematical viewpoint, the problem we are interested in is different and combines features of both singular stochastic control and optimal stopping. Such models are less usual in corporate finance and, to the best of our knowledge, only Guo and Pham [13] dealt with such


1、一家完全权益企业正在考虑下列项目: 国库券利率是5%,市场的期望报酬率是12%。 a.哪个项目的期望报酬率高于企业12%的资本成本? b.应该接受哪个项目? c.如果以整个公司的资本成本为门槛率,哪些项目将被错误地接受或拒绝? 解: A.由表可知,项目X、Y、Z的期望报酬率高于12%的资本成本。 B.根据资本资产定价模型,投资W、X、Y、Z所要求的必要报酬率分别为: E(R W)=5%+0.6* (12%-5%)=9.2% E(R X)=5%+0.9* (12%-5%)=11.3% E(R Y)=5%+1.2* (12%-5%)=13.4% E(R Z)=5%+1.7* (12%-5%)=16.9% 当项目的报酬率高于投资所要求的必要报酬率时,项目被接受,因而,应该W、X、Y项目。C.如果以整个公司的资本成本为门槛率,W将被错误地拒绝,而Z则会被错误地接受。 2、Photochronograph公司(PC)生产时间系列图像设备。目前该公司正处于它的目标债务权益率1.3的水平上。公司正考虑兴建一个价值4 500万美元的制造厂。这个新厂预计可以永续地产生税后现金流量570万美元。公司有3个筹资选择: a.新发行普通股。新普通股的发行成本是筹集金额的8%。公司对新权益所要求的报酬是17%。 b.新发行20年期债券。新债券的发行成本是发售所得的4%,如果公司以9%的年票面利率发行这些新债券,这些债券将可以以面值出售。 c.通过增加应付账款来筹资。因为这种筹资是公司日常经营的一部分,因此并没有发行成本,而且公司认为它的成本和整个公司的WACC一样。管理层的目标应付账款对长期债务比率是0.20(假设税前和税后应付账款成本没有区别)。 这个新厂的NPV是多少?假定PC公司的税率是35%。 解:令公司的债务总额为D,权益总额为E,加权平均资本成本为r WACC。根据目标债务权益类和应付账款对长期债务的比例,可得筹集资金中股票、债券和应付账款占的权重分别为43.48%、47.10%和9.42%。因而有 r WACC=43.48%*17%+47.10%*9%*(1-35%)+9.42%* r WACC 解得r WACC=11.20% 加权平均的发行成本为: r f=43.48%*8%+47.10%*4%+9.42%*0=5.36% 当考虑发行成本时,期初现金流出=4500/(1-5.36%)=4754.86万元。 新厂的NPV=570/11.20%-4754.86=334.43万元。 因此,项目可行。


市场营销策略外文文献及翻译 Marketing Strategy Market Segmentation and Target Strategy A market consists of people or organizations with wants,money to spend,and the willingness to spend it.However,within most markets the buyer' needs are not identical.Therefore,a single marketing program starts with identifying the differences that exist within a market,a process called market segmentation, and deciding which segments will be pursued ads target markets. Marketing segmentation enables a company to make more efficient use of its marketing resources.Also,it allows a small company to compete effectively by concentrating on one or two segments.The apparent drawback of market segmentation is that it will result in higher production and marketing costs than a one-product,mass-market strategy.However, if the market is correctly segmented,the better fit with customers' needs will actually result in greater efficiency. The three alternative strategies for selecting a target market are market aggregation,single segment,and multiple segment.Market-aggregation strategy involves using one marketing mix to reach a mass,undifferentiated market.With a single-segment strategy, a company still uses only one marketing mix,but it is directed at only one segment of the total market.A multiple-segment strategy entails


营销策略外文翻译文献 (文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)

译文: 营销策略 内容提要:为了组织的销售能是成功的,它需要根据一个营销策略计划来帮助保证其努力的目标和宗旨与市场的需要想吻合。营销策略审查市场以确定潜在顾客的需要,竞争者的战略和市场地位,并且尝试制定出一套能使组织在市场上获取或维护竞争优势的相关战略。有一些因素会对营销策略计划的发展造成冲击性的影响,它包括内部因素例如组织的财产、技能和组织文化,外在因素例如各种各样的市场驱动者、市场或产业运作方式、战略窗口和竞争的本质。一个优选的营销策略计划也需具备一套意外情况防备策略以应对市场治理及组织生产能力的不确定性。 关键词:竞争优势竞争策略市场地位市场份额营销销售计划组织文化营销策略 营销策略简述 无论组织的产品或服务多么好,除非它们的价值能被传达给潜在的顾客,否则组织依然无法实现它的使命。这种传达和交流是组织内市场营销功能的职责。根据美国市场协会,营销是“一个组织效能和一套创造过程、交流和传达产品价值给顾客、处理与顾客关系的有益于组织和它的利益共享者的方式”。营销作用包括相辅相成的两方面。营销策略在市场上审查市场来确定潜在顾客和竞争者本质的需要,并且试图开发

出在市场上将使组织获取或维护竞争优势的战略。操作的营销被建立在营销策略作用和贯彻各种各样的计划和策略(包括适当的混合营销的发展)吸引顾客和促进顾客忠实的基础之上的。 产品和服务营销的方法 有很多的方式能用来销售你的产品或服务包括做广告,直接响应、推销活动和宣传。然而,除非你能了解顾客、市场和产业的需要并且竞争的优势和劣势,否则这些方法是不太可能成功的。营销策略帮助一个组织尖化它的焦点和在市场顺利地竞争。营销策略与二个组分有关:目标市场和用最佳的方式传达你的产品价值或服务到那个市场。一个可实行的销售方针的发展取决于几个关键维度。首先,与组织之内的所有全球性战略一样,一个成功的销售方针需要由在组织之内的最高管理层签名。销售方针本质上也具有政治性的色彩:在组织之内的强有力的单位在最佳的销售方针也许不同意,并且协议也许需要谈判达成。销售方针也许受组织文化的也影响,并且那得假定这发生。例如,如果组织总是销售它的装饰物给商业主管,它也许就看不到组织之内的低层人员甚至是成人或少年的个人消费潜力。 实施战略销售计划发展的因素 存在一些能冲击战略销售计划发展的因素,这些因素首先包括组织已经拥有或它可能欣然获取的财产和技能。例如,如果组织拥有一个重大编程的部门,就为它能做和销售应用软件提供了可行性的条件。然而,如果这些人员已经在其他工作介入并且不能自由研究一个新的软件项目,并且组织没能力聘用另外的程序员,起始一条新的软件线是不妥当


Marketing Strategy Market Segmentation and Target Strategy A market consists of people or organizations with wants,money to spend,and the willingness to spend it.However,within most markets the buyer' needs are not identical.Therefore,a single marketing program starts with identifying the differences that exist within a market,a process called market segmentation, and deciding which segments will be pursued ads target markets. Marketing segmentation enables a company to make more efficient use of its marketing resources.Also,it allows a small company to compete effectively by concentrating on one or two segments.The apparent drawback of market segmentation is that it will result in higher production and marketing costs than a one-product,mass-market strategy.However, if the market is correctly segmented,the better fit with customers' needs will actually result in greater efficiency. The three alternative strategies for selecting a target market are market aggregation,single segment,and multiple segment.Market-aggregation strategy involves using one marketing mix to reach a mass,undifferentiated market.With a single-segment strategy, a company still uses only one marketing mix,but it is directed at only one segment of the total market.A multiple-segment strategy entails selecting two or more segments and developing a separate marketing mix to reach segment. Positioning the Product Management's ability to bring attention to a product and to differentiate it in a favorable way from similar products goes a long way toward determining that product's revenues.Thus management needs to engage in positioning,which means developing the image that a product projects in relation to competitive products and to the firm's other products. Marketing executives can choose from a variety of positioning strategies.Sometimes they decide to use more than one for a particular product.Here are several major positioning strategies:


经营分析与估值 克雷沙·G.帕利普保罗·M.希利 摘自书籍“Business Analysis and Valuation”第五版第一章节 1.简介 本章的目的是勾勒出一个全面的财务报表分析框架。因为财务报表提供给公共企业经济活动最广泛使用的数据,投资者和其他利益相关者依靠财务报告评估计划企业和管理绩效率。 各种各样的问题可以通过财务状况及经营分析解决,如下面的示例所示: 一位证券分析师可能会对问:“我的公司有多好?这家公司是否符合我的期望?如果没有,为什么不呢?鉴于我对公司当前和未来业绩的评估,该公司的股票价值是多少?” 一位信贷员可能需要问:“这家公司贷款给这家公司有什么贷款?公司管理其流动性如何?公司的经营风险是什么?公司的融资和股利政策所产生的附加风险是什么?“ 一位管理顾问可能会问:“公司经营的行业结构是什么?该策略通过在工业各个企业追求的是什么?不同企业在行业中的相对表现是什么?” 公司经理可能会问:“我的公司是正确的估值的投资者吗?是我们在通信程序中有足够的投资者来促进这一过程?” 财务报表分析是一项有价值的活动,当管理者在一个公司的战略和各种体制因素完成后,他们不可能完全披露这些信息。在这一设置中,外部分析师试图通过分析财务报表数据来创建“中端信息”,从而获得有价值的关于该公司目前业绩和未来前景的展望。 了解财务报表分析所做的贡献,这是很重要的理解在资本市场的运作,财务报告的作用,形成财务报表制度的力量。因此,我们首先简要说明这些力量,然后我们讨论的步骤,分析师必须执行,以提取信息的财务报表,并提供有价值的预测。 2.从经营活动到财务报表 企业管理者负责从公司的环境中获取物理和财务资源,并利用它们为公司的投资者创造价值。当公司在资本成本的超额投资时,就创造了价值。管理者制定经营战略,实现这一目标,并通过业务活动实施。企业的经营活动受其经济环境和经营战略的影响。经济环境包括企业的产业、投入和产出的市场,以及公司经营的规章制度。公司的业务战略决定企业如何定位自己的环境中获得竞争优势。 2.1会计制度特点1:权责发生制会计 企业财务报告的基本特征之一是权责发生制,它们是以权责发生制而不是现金会计制备的。不像现金会计,权责发生制会计与经济交流活动和实际收付现金相关的成本和效益的记录之间的区别。净收益是应计制会计下的主要周期性业绩指标。计算净收入,生态影响的经济交易记录的基础上的预期,并不一定是


基于消费者分析的企业市场营销策略 本文首先分析了消费者行为的特点,消费心理以及影响消费者购买商品的个人因素,在此基础上结合现代企业的市场营销,探讨了具体的营销策略,即目标市场定位,产品组合与品牌策略、销售服务策略、国际化策略等方面。 引言:随着经济的不断发展,人们的生活逐渐转变,消费者心理与购买行为发生了根本性改变,消费者的变化对企业的市场营销策略必然产生重大的影响,研究与了解消费者的购买行为并根据其需求及行为特点设计与开发产品,确定目标市场,并根据此采取有针对性的营销策略,对现代企业来讲显得尤为重要。 一、现代消费者呈现的新特点和成因 经济的发展,消费者的收入不断增加,生活质量的日益提高,促使消费者在心理和购买行为上都发生了重大变化,出现了新的特点: 1、追求个性化的消费。现代的消费者更多的追求消费过程的人性化和产品的独特化,出现了“我的地盘我做主”,“我就是我”之类的标语。人们通过自己购买的商品去寻找、表达、确认自己特殊的感觉。 2、消费过程的变化。体现在消费者主动参与消费过程。消费者不再满足被动的接受销售主体单方面所确定的商品感念,而是开始主动介入商品的生产和营销活动,依靠自身的消费行为和观点展示对企业的营销活动进行积极干预,引导企业重视起消费者,选择的新趋势。 3、品牌消费行为的趋势明显。由于消费水平的提高,中高收入消费群的扩大,消费者不仅考虑产品或服务的功能,还追求其附加价值,追求其知名度。但消费者也追求品牌的质量和档次,强调物有所值,不会盲目的追求。 4、消费方式的多样化,随着科技和互联网的普及,消费者购物的选择空间越来越广阔,网上购物具有便利性和经济性,受到越来越多的人欢迎;各种新的生活方式和消费群体的出现,消费多元化的发展趋势越来越显著;多种零售业态的出现,人们的消费行为也随之类型化。 二、消费者个人特征因素,包括年龄、性别、文化程度以及家庭月收入 (1) 年龄。从理论上说, 年龄对生态消费行为的影响的指向并不明确。消费者年龄越大, 信息接受能力较差, 对生态消费的认知程度可能较低, 因而其选择生态消费的意愿可能越低; 也有的消费者年龄越大, 积累的经验越丰富, 社会责任感更


附件1:外文资料翻译译文 营销策略 内容提要:为了组织的销售能是成功的,它需要根据一个营销策略计划来帮助保证其努力的目标和宗旨与市场的需要想吻合。营销策略审查市场以确定潜在顾客的需要,竞争者的战略和市场地位,并且尝试制定出一套能使组织在市场上获取或维护竞争优势的相关战略。有一些因素会对营销策略计划的发展造成冲击性的影响,它包括内部因素例如组织的财产、技能和组织文化,外在因素例如各种各样的市场驱动者、市场或产业运作方式、战略窗口和竞争的本质。一个优选的营销策略计划也需具备一套意外情况防备策略以应对市场治理及组织生产能力的不确定性。 关键词:竞争优势竞争策略市场地位市场份额营销销售计划组织文化营销策略 营销策略简述 无论组织的产品或服务多么好,除非它们的价值能被传达给潜在的顾客,否则组织依然无法实现它的使命。这种传达和交流是组织内市场营销功能的职责。根据美国市场协会,营销是“一个组织效能和一套创造过程、交流和传达产品价值给顾客、处理与顾客关系的有益于组织和它的利益共享者的方式”。营销作用包括相辅相成的两方面。营销策略在市场上审查市场来确定潜在顾客和竞争者本质的需要,并且试图开发出在市场上将使组织获取或维护竞争优势的战略。操作的营销被建立在营销策略作用和贯彻各种各样的计划和策略(包括适当的混合营销的发展)吸引顾客和促进顾客忠实的基础之上的。 产品和服务营销的方法 有很多的方式能用来销售你的产品或服务包括做广告,直接响应、推销活动和宣传。然而,除非你能了解顾客、市场和产业的需要并且竞争的优势和劣势,否则这些方法是不太可能成功的。营销策略帮助一个组织尖化它的焦点和在市场顺利地竞争。营销策略与二个组分有关:目标市场和用最佳的方式传达你的产品价值或服务到那个市场。一个可实行的销售方针的发展取决于几个关键维度。首先,与组织之内的所有全球性战略一样,一个成功的销售方针需要由在组织之内的最高管理层
