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What is Buddhism?

Buddhism is a religion to about 300 million people around the world. The word comes from 'budhi', means to' awaken'. It originated from 2,500 years ago .Siddhartha Gotama, known as the Buddha, was enlightened at the age of 35,he started the Buddhism.

Buddhism is a religion but it goes beyond religion and It is more of a philosophy .It is a more practice and experience religion .This is a bit hard for some to grasp. In our culture, "religion" is a belief system, and "faith" means accepting those beliefs. But the Buddha taught us to accept no teaching without testing it. It conveys the attitude and the way to life. It means to the wisdom of the life.

Who was the Buddha?

Siddhartha Gotama was born into a royal family in Lumbini, now located in Nepal, in 583 BC. He came to be called "the Buddha." At 29 years old, he realised that he did not guarantee happiness with wealth and luxury, so he explored the different teachings, religions and philosophies of the day, to find the key to human happiness. He experienced a profound realization of the nature of life, death and existence.About six years ,he enlightened that the principles of Buddhism and tought it all over the world untill his death at the age of 80.

Diverse Schools of Buddhism

About 2,000 years ago Buddhism divided into two major schools, called Theravada and Mahayana.

How much types of the Buddhism ?

From one country to another country, because different custom and culture ,so there are many different types of Buddhism.

Tibetan Buddhism

Engaged Buddhism

Shingon Buddhism

Esoteric Buddhism

Primitive Buddhism

Japanese Buddhism

Nepalese Buddhism

Thai Buddhism

What did the Buddha Teach?

The Buddha taught us many things, but the basic concepts in Buddhism can be summed up by the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path.

The first truth is that the truth of suffering (dukkha).It is translated as "Life is suffering."suffering life includes pain, getting old, disease, and death. Related to the nature of life is the nature of self. They cannot be avoided. Buddhism explains the how suffering can be avoided and how we can be truly happy.

The second truth is that the truth of the cause of suffering. It explain that the cause of suffering is craving or thirst (tanha).In other words, getting what you want does not means to gain the happiness. The Buddha taught that this thirst grows from ignorance of the self.

The third truth is that t he truth of the end of suffering .It explains we can overcome suffering and attain more happiness.It means that true happiness without substance are possible when we give up some appetite .The Buddha taught that through diligent practice, we can put an end to craving.

The fourth truth is that the truth of the path that frees us from suffering.It makes people believe there is a possible way to relief .So everyone can be "liberated" and can be a true Buddha.This way is the Eightfold Path.

The Eightfold Path is the path eight kinds of ways to enlight Buddhism.In summary, The Eightfold Path is:

Right View

Right Intention

Right Speech

Right Action

Right Livelihood

Right Effort

Right Mindfulness

Right Concentration

The Path is divided into three main sections: wisdom, ethical conduct and mental discipline.

Wisdom:Right View and Right Intention are the wisdom path. Right View is not about believing in doctrine, but in perceiving the true nature of ourselves and the world around us. Right Intention refers to the energy and commitment one needs to be fully engaged in Buddhist practice. Ethical Conduct: Right Speech, Right Action and Right Livelihood are the ethical conduct path. This calls us to take care in our speech, our actions, and our daily lives to do no harm to others and to cultivate wholesomeness in ourselves. This part of the path ties into the Precepts. Mental Discipline: Through Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, and Right Concentration we develop the mental discipline to cut through delusion. Many schools of Buddhism encourage seekers to meditate to achieve clarity and focus of mind .

Wisdom, Compassion, Ethics

It is said that wisdom and compassion are the two eyes of Buddhism. "Wisdom," particularly in Mahayana Buddhism, refers to realization of anatman or shunyata. There are two words translated as "compassion" -- metta and karuna. Metta(Pali) is a benevolence toward all beings, without discrimination, that is free of selfish attachment. Karuna refers to active sympathy and gentle affection, a willingness to bear the pain of others, and possibly pity. Metta, karuna, mudita(sympathetic joy) and upeksha(limitless equanimity) are considered four divine states or immeasurable virtues that Buddhists are to cultivate in themselves. Those who have perfected these virtues will respond to all circumstances correctly. For the rest of us, there are Precepts.

The Buddhist Precepts:

The most basic list of Precepts is called five precepts

Not killing

Not stealing

Not misusing sex

Not lying

Not abusing intoxicants

To fully understand how the Precepts are part of the Buddhist path, begin with the Four Noble Truths. The Fourth Truth is that liberation is possible through the Eightfold Path.The Precepts are connected to the "ethical conduct" part of the Path -- Right Speech, Right Action and Right Livelihood.

The Practice of Buddhism:

Buddhists often say that they practice Buddhism. What exactly does "practice Buddhism" mean?

First, "practice" most often refers to a specific activity include an image of the Buddha, candles, flowers, incense, and a small bowl for a water offering.

Second,Buddhist practice also includes practicing the Buddha's teachings, in particular the Eightfold Path. The eight elements of the path are organized into three sections -- wisdom, ethical conduct and mental discipline.

Buddhism and Karma

The law of karma is a law of cause and effect.

What You Do Is What Happens to You

No Judge, No Justice

How can Buddhism help me?

Buddhism explains a purpose to life, it explains apparent injustice and inequality around the world, and it provides a code of practice or the way of life to gain true happiness.First ,guide people to get noble moral life. Second,to teach us to the proper thought and https://www.wendangku.net/doc/654636398.html,st to obtain wisdom with more buddhism practice.


佛教英语词汇对照总集(整理ing...) 究竟菩提心Absolute Bodhi Citta - 完全觉醒、见到现象之空性的心; 甘露Amrta (藏文dut tsi) :一种加持物,能帮助心理及生理疾病的复元。 阿罗汉Arhat (藏文Dra Chompa):已净除烦恼障的小乘修行者暨成就者。他们是完全了悟的声闻或独觉(或称缘觉)圣者。 观音菩萨AvalOkiteSVara (藏文ChenreZig):大悲心本尊,是西藏人最广为修持的本尊,因此被尊为西藏之怙佑者。观音菩萨的心咒是「嗡嘛呢贝美吽」,六字大明咒或六字明咒。 中阴(藏文Bardo):字义为「介于两者之间」。中阴总共有六种,一般指的是介于死亡及再度受生之间的状态。 菩提心Bodhi Citta (藏文Chang Chup Sem):义为「开悟或证悟之心」。 菩萨Bodhi SattVa (藏文Chang Chup Sem Pa):义为「展现证悟心者」,亦指为了救度一切众生脱离轮回苦海,而誓愿修持以菩提心为基础的大乘法门及六波罗蜜的修行者。 菩萨戒Bodhi SattVa Vow (藏文Chang Chup Sem Gyi Dong Pa):修行者为了引领一切众生皆成就佛果而誓愿修行并领受的戒。 佛性Buddha Nature (梵文tathagatagarbha,藏文deshin shekpe nying po),又称为「如来藏」:是一切众生皆具有之原始本性。开悟就是佛性的彰显,因此,佛性往往被称为佛的本质,或开悟的本质。 释迦牟尼佛Buddha Sakyamuni (藏文Shakya Tubpa):往往又称为瞿昙佛(Gautama Bu ddha),指贤劫千佛当中最近出世、住于公元前五百六十三年至四百八十三年间的佛。 法道Buddhist Path (藏文lam):得到正觉或证悟的过程,亦指修行的三种逻辑次第;根、道、果「」中的道。 圆满次第Completion Stage (藏文dzo rim):在金刚乘,禅修有两个阶段:生起次第及圆满次第。圆满次第是密续禅修的方法,在这个阶段,行者由于体内气脉及能量的变化而得到大乐、明性及无念的觉受。 缘起Conditioned Existence (梵文SamSara,藏文Kor Wa):即轮回的现象。


常见佛教英语 佛教Buddhism 三大语系佛教Three languages of Buddhism: 汉语系佛教Chinese Language Buddhism 藏语系佛教Tibetan Language Buddhism 巴利语系佛教Pali Language Buddhism 大乘佛教Mahayana Buddhism 上座部佛教Theravada Buddhism 金刚乘/密宗Vajrayana Buddhism(Lamaism) 中国佛教Chinese Buddhism 佛经Sutra 经、律、论Sutras, Vinaya, Sastra 大藏经Tripitaka Sutra 三宝(佛、法、僧)Triratna (Buddha, Dharma,Sangha) “三宝”加被May “Triratna”bless 法师Master/Venerable 长老Thero/Venerable 大长老Mahathero/ Most V enerable 方丈/主持Abbot 佛教宗派Buddhist School 佛教仪式:Buddhist Ceremony/Buddhist Service for 和平祈祷法会Buddhist Praying Ceremony for World Peace 礼佛pay respect for Buddha 颂经Sutra Chanting 香炉Incense burner 上香To offer incense to Buddha 因果Cause and effect 成道/成佛To obtain the Buddha-hood 觉悟To get enlightenment 三皈五戒The ceremony for lay Buddhists to go to the Buddha for refuge, go to the Dharma for refuge, go to the Sangha for refuge and to follow the five commandments of Buddhism(no killing,no stealing,no sexual misconduct,no lying,no intoxicant) 诸恶莫做,众善奉行,自净其意,既是佛教 “To do no evil, to do only good, to purify the will, is the doctrine of all Buddhas” 做功德To make contribution to 普渡终生To save all living beings from sufferings 四谛Four noble truths 八正道Eight noble paths 善哉Sadhu (good or excellent) 佛教寺院Monastery/Buddhist Temple 山门The Front Gate 大雄宝殿The Main Shrine Hall 圆通殿The Hall of Universal Understanding


佛教英文导游词 短句翻译 1.佛教创立于约公元前6—5世纪的印度。 Buddhism was founded in India around the 6th to5th century B.C.2.据说佛教创始人为释迦牟尼。 It is said that the founder of Buddhism was Sakyamuni. 3.大约在2世纪,大乘佛教传人汉人居住的中原地区。 About the2th century,Mahayana Buddhism entered Central China,inhabited by the Han nationality. 4.“三宝”即“佛”、“法”、“僧”。 The Three Precious Treasures include the Buddha,the Dharma(Law 0r Way)and the Sangha(the Monastic Order). 5.佛教在中国一直与儒学、道教共存。 Buddhism has always co-existed with Confucianism and Daoism.6.佛像和菩萨雕塑供奉在寺院里,让人们拜祭。

Buddhism has and Bodhisattva statues have been placed for worship in monasteries. 长句翻译 7.直到现在,小乘佛教仍然流行于傣族地区。 Up to the present time.Hinayana Buddhism(Lesser Vehicle)is still prevalent as in the regions inhabited by Dai nationality.8.传统之间相互共存促进了有中国特色的宗教的形成。 Their mutual co-existence of the tradition has produced a religion with distinct Chinese characteristics. 9.同一个寺院里除释迦牟尼以外,还供奉了许多其他佛像和菩萨雕塑。 In addition to Sakyamuni, many other Buddhism has and Boddhisattvas statues have been placed in the same monasteries 10.佛教在中国传播时,僧人把“道场”中国化,为不同的菩萨安排了不同的“道场”。


佛教相关英语词汇: 佛教 Buddhism 三大语系佛教 Three languages of Buddhism: 汉语系佛教 Chinese LanguageBuddhism 藏语系佛教 Tibetan LanguageBuddhism 巴利语系佛教 Vajrayana Buddhism(Lamaism) 中国佛教 Chinese Buddhism 佛经 May “Triratna”bless 法师 Master/Venerable 长老 Thero/Venerable 大长老 Mahathero/ Most Venerable 方丈/主持 Abbot 佛教宗派 Buddhist School 佛教仪式: BuddhistCeremony/Buddhist Service for 和平祈祷法会 Buddhist Praying Ceremony for World Peace 礼佛 pay respect for Buddha 颂经 Sutra Chanting 香炉 Incense burner 上香 To offer incense to Buddha 因果 Cause and effect 成道/成佛 Toobtain the Buddha-hood 觉悟 To get enlightenment 三皈五戒

The ceremony for lay Buddhists to go to the Buddha for refuge, goto the Dharma for refuge, go to the Sangha forrefuge and to follow the five commandments of Buddhism(no killing,no stealing,no sexualmisconduct,no lying,no intoxicant) 诸恶莫做,众善奉行,自净其意,既是佛教 “To do no evil, to do only good, to purify the will, is thedoctrine of all Buddhas” 做功德 To make contribution to 普渡终生 To save all living beings from sufferings Amitabha 阿弥陀佛 Avalokiteshvara 观音 Bhodisattva 菩萨 释迦牟尼佛Buddha Sakyamuni 观音菩萨AvalOkiteSVar affinities 因缘* (with emphasis on good relationships) All living beings have the Buddha-nature; all can become Buddhas. 一切众生,皆有佛性,皆堪作佛。* almsgiver / giving host 施主** attain to wisdom 开智慧* attendant 侍者* blessing / blessedness 福(It depends on where to use.) (bring forth)Bodhi resolve, Bodhi-mind, Bodhichitta/Bodhicitta or resolve for enlightenment (发)菩提心* Bodhimanda 道场= Way-place * Buddhist Canon = Tripitaka 三藏* calligraphy 书法* cause and effect 因果* causes and conditions 因缘(with emphasis on the theory, eg. 12 causes and conditions)* couplet 对联* cycle of rebirth 轮回* cymbals 钹 draw straws 抽签* eight virtues of filiality, fraternity, loyalty, trustworthiness, propriety, righteousness, incorruptibility, a sense of shame 八德:孝,悌,忠,信,仁,义,廉,耻 Four-armed Gwan Yin (Avalokiteshvara)四臂观音 four-stage Arahat 四果罗汉* Kashaya 袈裟* left-home people 出家人* repent and reform 忏悔* Teaching Transmitter 教授和尚* turn on the wheel of rebirth 轮回*


嵩山少林寺英文介绍 Songshan Mountain and Shaolin Temple 嵩山—少林寺 Natural Features 自然概况 Located in Dengfeng City of Henan Province, Songshan Mountain is one of the five most famousand sacred mountains(kno wn as Wuyue)and iscalled "Zhongyue"(the Central Mountain)It has 36 peaks and stretches 60 kilometers, composed ofTaishi Mountain and Shaoshi Mountain. The highestpeak is 1 494meters above sea level. 位于河南省登封市的嵩山是举世闻名的中华五岳(山东的泰山,陕西的华山,山西的恒山,湖南的衡山)之一,被称为中岳。嵩山风景区有36座山峰,绵延60公里,主要由太室山和少室山两座大山组成,最高的山峰海拔1 494米。 There exists a total of 1()monasteries,5 temples,5 palaces,3 Taoist temples,4 nunneries,4caves, 3 altars and more than 270 pagodas and is the holy land gathering three maj orreligions:Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism. The world-famous Shaolin Temple lies hiddenjust i n Songshan Mountain. These plentiful scenes and sights of cultural interest a nd rare and precious geological heritages mingle and add radiance and beaut y to each other,forming thesolid,multi-level, multi-functional and enchanting landscape of the Songshan Geopark. 嵩山风景区人文景观众多,计有十寺,五庙,五宫,二观,四庵,四洞,三坛及宝塔270余座,是历史上佛、儒、道三教荟萃之地。闻名于世的少林寺便深藏于嵩山的怀抱。这些丰富的人文景观和珍稀的地质遗迹相互辉映,构成了嵩山地质公园立体的、多层次的、多功能的迷人景观。 Songshan Geopark covering 450kmr is situated in Dengfeng City, Henan Province. Its maintypes of geological heritages are geological(structura


佛教 Buddhism Buddhism is one of the world’s three major religions. It was founded by Siddhartha Gautama(悉达多乔达摩)who lived in the north-east region of the Indian subcontinent between 6BC and 5BC . Buddhism was widespread in many countries in Asia. During the Eastern Han Dynasty it was spread from the West to the East into China. Then as a result of the Buddhist influence on and mergence with Chinese culture, Buddhism came to be a natural part of Chinese civilization, albeit with a unique character. Buddhism has played an enormous role in shaping the mindset of the Chinese people,affecting our aesthetics , politics, literature, philosophy and medicine. Buddhist Immortals and Myths佛教形象和神话 阿罗汉Arhat It refers to those who have attained the goal of enlightenment or awakening and achieved nirvana (涅磐) without being reborn. The difference between an Arhat and a Buddha is that the Buddha attains enlightenment by himself, whereas the arhat does it by following the teachings of anther. 阿弥陀佛Amitabha “Amitabha”is a Sanskrit world literally meaning boundless light and boundless life. He is the Buddha in the Land of Ultimate Bliss(极乐世界),in which all beings enjoy unbound happiness. According to the scriptures, Amitabha possesses infinite merit resulting from good deeds over countless past lives. He has forty-eight great vows to establish and adorn his Pure Land. People also recite or call upon his name by the time of dying, in the hope of being born in the Land of Ultimate Bliss with the reception by Amitabha. Amitabha is one of the most popular and well-known Buddha in China. A introduction of Buddha: In a broad sense, Buddha is a kind of person whose sense, emotion and ability have been fulfilled to the upmost at the same time. They can lead the ordinary people to get rid of the sufferings in mortal world and to a new level of life. In a narrow sense, Buddha is Sakyamuni(释迦牟尼 ) who created Buddhism and who has fulfilled himself to be a Buddha. Features of Buddha NO.1: Buddha is a human being, not immortal. Buddhism is the only religion that has no gods or goddesses. When Sakyamuni was born, his first word was “I alone am honored in Heaven and on Earth ”(天上天下唯我独尊). Here, “I” doesn’t refer to himself but refers to all the individuals in the world. Sakyamuni believes that everyone’s life is determined by his own deeds and even Buddha can’t decide who should go to the Heaven and who to the Hell. Features of Buddha NO.2: Buddha is a equality supporter


印度佛教史 闽南佛学院 本科一年(2)班印度佛教史 ?时间:公元前531—1208 ?直接发展:南传佛教(公元前3世纪—当代); ?北传佛教可分为汉传佛教(公元前后—当代) ?与藏传佛教(7世纪—当代), ?北传佛教又影响到了日本、朝鲜半岛东亚佛教的形成与发展。 ?印度佛教之分期: ?初期佛教(公元前531年—前380年); ?部派佛教(前380—1208); ?大乘佛教(公元1世纪—1208); ?密教(7世纪—1208年) ?太虚法师对印度佛教史三期划分: ?1、印度佛教第一个五百年的第一期佛教,为小行大隐时期。 ?2、印度佛教第二个五百年的第二期佛教,为大主小从时期。 ?3、印度佛教第三个五百年的第三期佛教,为密主显从时期。 佛陀以前的印度 ?据各种文献和考古资料,在公元前2000年前后,印度出现了以哈拉帕为中心的印度河文明,出土的物品中,有不少与后世的印度教关系很深,然而,这个文明似乎在此之后突然消失。 ?公元前1500年左右,雅利安人越过兴都库什山进入印度,他们在印度河上游定居,成立了以《梨俱吠陀》为中心的宗教(公元前1200年左右),主要是以天空、雨、风、雷、及其它自然界力量为神而崇拜的多神教。之后向东推进,与印度土著文荼人以及达罗毗荼人融合。接着《梨俱吠陀》,在公元前1000年左右成立了《娑摩吠陀》、《夜柔吠陀》、《阿闼婆吠陀》,吠陀文献主要为祭祀服务。继而完成了《梵书》(公元前800年),主要为对祭祀方法加以说明。《奥义书》(公元前500年)在吠陀文献中出现最晚,也称为“吠檀多”,意为“吠陀的终结”,它所阐述的哲学道理为吠陀思想的顶峰。总体来讲,奥义书中的哲学思想最高命题是“梵我一如”,这才成为后世印度吠檀多学派的中心命题。 ?这一时代确立了四种性的差别。即主持祭神的婆罗门阶级;统率军队的刹帝利;从事农耕、畜牧、商业、手工业的吠舍;作为奴隶的首陀罗。在不同阶级之间,不能结婚及一起饮食。这成为种姓制度的根源。 佛陀时代的思想界 ?当时占主要地位的是婆罗门阶级,他们信奉吠陀,执行祭典,同时钻研梵我一如的哲学。以“吠陀天启”、“祭祀万能”、“婆罗门至上”为纲领。他们深信祭祀不仅有沟通人神的作用,而且有支配万物,从而达到自我完善的能力,因此他们一生要举行许多祭祀仪式,祭祀复杂。婆罗门所认为的理想生活方式为梵行期、家居期、林栖期和遁世期。 ?沙门思潮诞生:农业、手工业、商业等的发展,引起了社会环境和社会阶层的变化,婆罗门教已不适应新的情况,沙门思潮诞生。是指一批反对吠陀的权威、反对祭祀,反对婆罗门至上的出家修行人。他们提出了一系列的新观点、新理论,向传统思想挑战。 ?佛经中常常提到的“六师外道”,就是沙门思潮中六个有影响的沙门集团的领袖人物。按印度的传统观点,凡是承认吠陀权威的,都称为正统派,属婆罗门系统。凡是反对吠陀权威的,都是非正统派,属沙门系统。佛教反对吠陀权威,与六师外道同属沙门系统。但是由于六师经常与佛及佛弟子争辩,不信释迦牟尼所说,所以佛教称之为外道。 ?六师外道 ?不兰迦叶(道德的否定论);


原文地址:常用佛教名词英语翻译作者:禅咖一味 Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. 佛,法,僧。 释迦摩尼:Siddhartha Gautam 合十:Namaste 佛法:Dharma 佛教:Buddhism Four Heavenly Kings 四天王 karma 因果 Buddha Amitaba 阿弥陀佛 Buddha of Sunlight (法身佛)毗卢遮那佛 Buddha Sakyamuni 释迦牟尼佛 bodhi 菩提 dhyana 禅那 sangha 僧团 saha 娑婆 “Our body be a bodhi tree, Our mind be a mirror bright, Clean and polish frequently, Let no dust alight. 身是菩提树,心如明镜台, 时时勤拂拭,勿使惹尘埃。” “There is no bodhi tree, Nor stand of a mirror bright, Since all is void, Where can the dust alight? 菩提本无树,明镜亦非台, 本来无一物,何处惹尘埃?” 究竟菩提心Absolute Bodhi Citta - 完全觉醒、见到现象之空性的心; 甘露Amrta (藏文dut tsi) :一种加持物,能帮助心理及生理疾病的复元。

阿罗汉Arhat (藏文Dra Chompa):已净除烦恼障的小乘修行者暨成就者。他们是完全了悟的声闻或独觉(或称缘觉)圣者。 观音菩萨AvalOkiteSVara (藏文ChenreZig):大悲心本尊,是西藏人最广为修持的本尊,因此被尊为西藏之怙佑者。观音菩萨的心咒是「嗡嘛呢贝美吽」,六字大明咒或六字明咒。中阴(藏文Bardo):字义为「介于两者之间」。中阴总共有六种,一般指的是介于死亡及再度受生之间的状态。 菩提心BodhiCitta (藏文Chang Chup Sem):义为「开悟或证悟之心」。 菩萨Bodhi SattVa (藏文Chang Chup Sem Pa):义为「展现证悟心者」,亦指为了救度一切众生脱离轮回苦海,而誓愿修持以菩提心为基础的大乘法门及六波罗蜜的修行者。 菩萨戒Bodhi SattVa Vow (藏文Chang Chup Sem Gyi Dong Pa):修行者为了引领一切众生皆成就佛果而誓愿修行并领受的戒。 佛性Buddha Nature (梵文tathagatagarbha,藏文deshin shekpe nying po),又称为「如来藏」:是一切众生皆具有之原始本性。开悟就是佛性的彰显,因此,佛性往往被称为佛的本质,或开悟的本质。 释迦牟尼佛Buddha Sakyamuni (藏文Shakya Tubpa):往往又称为瞿昙佛(Gautama Buddha),指贤劫千佛当中最近出世、住于公元前五百六十三年至四百八十三年间的佛。 法道Buddhist Path (藏文lam):得到正觉或证悟的过程,亦指修行的三种逻辑次第;根、道、果「」中的道。 圆满次第Completion Stage (藏文dzo rim):在金刚乘,禅修有两个阶段:生起次第及圆满次第。圆满次第是密续禅修的方法,在这个阶段,行者由于体内气脉及能量的变化而得到大乐、明性及无念的觉受。 依因缘而存在Conditioned Existence (梵文SamSara,藏文Kor Wa):即轮回的现象。


印度佛教史 ──§8. 後期「大乘佛法」── 釋祖蓮 編制2008/4/10 §8.1 後期大乘經: 一、時間:約從西元三世紀到西元五世紀末。 二、主要的經典: (一)《大般涅槃經》:曇無讖初譯的,僅十卷,與晉.法顯在華氏城所得的《方等 大般泥洹經》同本。後三十卷,是曇無讖再到西域,在于闐 求得而續譯的。 1. 初十卷,以佛入涅槃為緣起,說大般涅槃「常、樂、我、淨」。經上說:世 間所說的「我」,不免誤解,所以佛說無我;其實,我是有的,因「我」而 說到了「如來藏」。 2. 後三十卷,是經過般若學系的會通修正。 (二)《勝鬘經》:有兩種漢譯本,一、為劉宋求那跋陀羅譯於西元四三六年;二、 為菩提流支譯於西元五○三至五三五年之間。此經主要是在發揮 如來藏的思想,此說係根據《華嚴經》的三界唯心之「心」的系 統而發展成功。如來藏,即是佛性、自體、法身藏、法界藏、出 世間上上藏、自性清淨藏,這是如來的境界、是涅槃、是常樂我 淨。即所謂「如來藏中藏如來」,人人皆有如來之藏,藏有自體 清淨的如來,只因為客塵(外緣)的煩惱所染污而現出種種非清 淨的雜染相。這就是真空之中所顯的妙有;佛教本不主張有我, 此則在一切皆空之後,所顯的本體真常、唯心清淨的「我」。 ◎本經的三大意義: 1. 平等義 出家與在家的平等 男子與女人的平等 老年與少年的平等 2. 究竟義(約法而言): (1) 如來的功德究竟:不論從那方面看,唯如來的常住功德,才是究竟的。 (2) 如來的境智究竟:境是佛所證悟的諸法實相,智是佛陀用來證悟諸法 實相的平等大慧;從佛的無量無邊功德中,統攝為 境與智,均超越二乘而圓滿究竟。 約人而言


常用佛教名词英语翻译 究竟菩提心Absolute Bodhi Citta - 完全觉醒、见到现象之空性的心; 甘露Amrta (藏文dut tsi) :一种加持物,能帮助心理及生理疾病的复元。 阿罗汉Arhat (藏文Dra Chompa):已净除烦恼障的小乘修行者暨成就者。他们是完全了悟 的声闻或独觉(或称缘觉)圣者。 观音菩萨AvalOkiteSVara (藏文ChenreZig):大悲心本尊,是西藏人最广为修持的本尊,因此被尊为西藏之怙佑者。观音菩萨的心咒是「嗡嘛呢贝美吽」,六字大明咒或六字明咒。 中阴(藏文Bardo):字义为「介于两者之间」。中阴总共有六种,一般指的是介于死亡及 再度受生之间的状态。 菩提心Bodhi Citta (藏文Chang Chup Sem):义为「开悟或证悟之心」。 菩萨Bodhi SattVa (藏文Chang Chup Sem Pa):义为「展现证悟心者」,亦指为了救度一切众生脱离轮回苦海,而誓愿修持以菩提心为基础的大乘法门及六波罗蜜的修行者。 菩萨戒Bodhi SattVa Vow (藏文Chang Chup Sem Gyi Dong Pa):修行者为了引领一切众生 皆成就佛果而誓愿修行并领受的戒。 佛性Buddha Nature (梵文tathagatagarbha,藏文deshin shekpe nying po),又称为「如来藏」:是一切众生皆具有之原始本性。开悟就是佛性的彰显,因此,佛性往往被称为佛的 本质,或开悟的本质。 释迦牟尼佛Buddha Sakyamuni (藏文Shakya Tubpa):往往又称为瞿昙佛(Gautama Buddha),指贤劫千佛当中最近出世、住于公元前五百六十三年至四百八十三年间的佛。 法道Buddhist Path (藏文lam):得到正觉或证悟的过程,亦指修行的三种逻辑次第;根、 道、果「」中的道。 圆满次第Completion Stage (藏文dzo rim):在金刚乘,禅修有两个阶段:生起次第及圆满次第。圆满次第是密续禅修的方法,在这个阶段,行者由于体内气脉及能量的变化而得到大 乐、明性及无念的觉受。 依因缘而存在Conditioned Existence (梵文SamSara,藏文Kor Wa):即轮回的现象。 勇父Daka (藏文ba wo):相对于空行母之男性,已经全然开悟而且证量很高的瑜伽士。可能是已经得到此种成就的人,也可能是一位禅修本尊证悟心的非人道化身。


Taoism is the native religion of China, it also be called Daoism or Taochiao. Taoism is China’s traditional philosophy Representative The primary religious figures in Taoism are Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu, two scholars who dedicated their lives two balancing their inner spirits. 道教最初的代表是老子和庄子,两位学者献身于平衡内在精神。 T otem The most common graphic representation of Taoist theology is the circular Yin Yang figure. It represents the balance of opposites in the universe. When they are equally present, all is calm. When one is outweighed by the other, there is confusion and disarray. The Yin and Yang are a model that the faithful follow, an aid that allows each person to contemplate the state of his or her lives. 道教理论的最普遍图形表示就是阴和阳循环的圆形图像。它代表了宇宙中相反事物的平衡关系。当它们都平等地呈现出来,所有一切都会平静。当其中一个超过另一个的时候,就会出现混淆和混乱。阴和阳是信徒追随的原型,有助于让一个人去凝视他或她的生命状态。 More a mode of living than an actual theology, Taoism asks that each person focuses on the world around him or her in order to understand the inner harmonies of the universe. It is a kind of religious system heavily focused on meditation and contemplation. The Tao surrounds everyone and one must listen to find enlightenment. 这更加像是一种生命模式,而不是真实的理论,道教要求每一个人都把注意力集中于他或她周围的世界,以致明白宇宙的内在协调。这是一种信仰体系,重重地集中于冥想和注视上。道围绕关每一个人,人必须倾听和发现启迪。


早期佛教对印度社会的影响 “宗教是一种社会现象,它与构成社会的其他社会单位有相互作用的关系。”①当今世界上,在许多国家和地区,宗教对人们的政治生活和精神生活仍然具有相当大的影响,可以说,只要人类社会存在,宗教就会伴随着人类。如何正确认识宗教的发生发展的规律,这是宗教研究的一个十分重要的内容。本文就早期佛教的产生、早期佛教的活动以及其教义的有关情况,探讨一下早期佛教对印度社会的影响。 一 佛教起源于公元前6—5世纪的古代印度,距今约有两千五百年的历史。公元前六世纪的印度有许多大小不等而且发展程度不同的国家,相传当时印度有十六国,所以这一时期的印度又被称为“列国时代”。从社会生产力发展来看,当时印度很多地区经济已经有了相当程度的提高,人民已经普遍使用铁器,很多木制农具被铁犁、铁镰代替了。大片土地得到了开发,手工业进一步从农业中分化出来,产生了很多工艺部门。随着商业的发展,一批批城市也建立起来了。 从社会上层建筑来看,由于各种商业活动,商品经济发达,王权的壮大与商品经济的发达相辅而行,给以种姓制度为支柱的等级关系以猛烈的冲击。王权的壮大使军事贵族刹地利的财富和势力急剧增强,更不能容忍婆罗门以第一等级凌驾于其上;城市经济的发展使吠舍中的工商业者日趋富有,他们有的也成为腰缠万贯的奴隶主,自然也不满婆罗门的特权。另一方面,处于下层的劳动人民,生活状况却日趋下降,饥寒交迫、倍受歧视,在暴虐的国王的统治下,更是朝不保夕。因此列国时代也是各种矛盾尖锐集中的苦难之世,人民的反抗此起彼伏。 纵观佛陀出世前后的印度思想界,基本上可以分为两大潮流,即正统的婆罗门思潮和新兴的反婆罗门的“沙门”思潮。列国时代社会动荡不安,各阶层的新思想、新宗教如雨后春笋,勃兴而发。新兴的反婆罗门的“沙门”思潮的代表是“六师外道”,即以六位宗教家或思想家为中心的学派。除“六师外道”以外,还有所谓的“六十二见”,即六十二种见解。于此可见当时思想界的纷纭之状。“百家争鸣”是印度历史的转折在思想方面的反映。这一切说明旧观念、旧制度非来一个变革不行了,早期佛教的产生,就是适应了此时社会向前发展的要求。 佛教的创始人为释迦牟尼,有人把他当作佛陀,“佛陀父亲净饭王是尘世的一个人,矜持的释迦牟尼是释迦部落瞿昙系里的一员,也是释迦国王的王子”②释迦牟尼活了八十岁,大致可以定为公元前565—485年。③他出生的年代正值北印度各国间连年征战、自由民破产和广大劳动人民破产。释迦牟尼就是在这种情况下感受到生、老、病、死之苦,又深受婆罗门厌世哲学的影响,因此日夜苦想求得解脱之道。他一生从事教化,自己并无文字著述。关于佛陀的生平,虽然中间有些传说乃至神话,但其基本轮廓是可信的。 二 所谓早期佛教,就是指从佛陀创教到佛陀逝世后一百年左右佛教的一些经典得以创制时期的佛教。“早期佛教对当时流行的旧宗教只注重祭祀的形式以及大量搜


普陀山的英文介绍 普陀山是我国四大佛教名山之一,同时也是着名的海岛风景旅游胜地。如此美丽,又有如此众多文物古迹的小岛,在我国可以说是绝无仅有。普陀山位于浙江省杭州湾以东约100海里,是舟山群岛中的一个小岛。全岛面积12.5平方公里,呈狭长形,南北最长处为8.6里,东西最 宽外3.5公里。最高处佛顶山,海拔约300米。 普陀山的海天景色,不论在哪一个景区、景点,都使人感到海阔天空。虽有海风怒号,浊浪排空,却并不使人有惊涛骇浪之感,只觉得这些异景厅观使人振奋。 Putuo Mountain, one of the Four Holy Buddhist Mountains, covers an area of 12.5 square kilometers. The highest peak, the Fudingshan Mountain is 300 meters high above the sea level. Temples, monasteries, nunneries are spread all over the mountain. According to the annals of Putuo Mountain, after the construction of "Unwilling-to-go" Guanyin Temple, people began to build up temples in large scales. The remained ten ancient architecture complex and historical sights were built in Song, Yuan, Ming, Qing. Putuo Mountain once had 82 temples, 128 huts, accommodating 4,000 monk and nuns at its heyday. When you walk on the paths, you probably can come across monks in kasaya. The glorious sceneries as well as the glamour concerned with


(1)新石器时代 在中国陶瓷的历史上,瓷器起源于陶器,出现得要晚一些。在早期,人们已经在陶瓷领域取得了辉煌的成就,尤其是在黄河和长江流域,在那里,大量新石器时代的陶器和陶器碎片在历史遗迹中被发掘出来。其中的一些不仅是日用品,还是珍稀的艺术品,比如有古代的彩陶和陶制的小雕像。随着制陶业的发展,先前的泥条盘筑成形法逐渐演变为拉坯法。当时,先进的侧烧窑和竖窑取代了地窑。同时人们也在如何控制温度方面掌握了一些经验。最高的烧制温度已经达到了1100℃,这十分接近陶器和瓷器之间的烧成温度。 The Neolithic age In the history of Chinese ceramics,porcelain derived from pottery and appeared later.In the early years,people have made splendid achievements in ceramic field especially in Yellow River and Changjiang River drainage areas where a lot of potteries and pottery fragments belonging to the Neolithic age have been excavated at historical sites.Some of them were not only commodities,but also rare artworks,such as ancient painted potteries and pottery figurines. With the development of pottery industry, the previous clay-strip forming technique gradually evolved into clay-throwing method.At that time,advanced side-fired kiln and shaft kiln substituted for ground-firing kiln.


略述印度佛教史 许楚群 佛教在印度兴起的契机 一?印度地域二?风土特色三?人种复杂性四?吠陀时代的社会 五?婆罗门教六?业报轮回七?沙门思潮八?六师外道 九?悉达多创教 原始佛教 一?佛陀的生平二?出家修行三?转法轮四?晚年的不幸 五?佛入涅盘六?佛陀在世的思想七?佛在世的教义 部派佛教的分裂及主要学说 一?教团的成立二?比丘生活方式三?戒律体系与僧伽 四?第一次结集五?第二次结集六?分裂传说七?统一国家出现 八?第三次结集九?部派的发展十?三藏的成立十一?部派主要学说 十二?主要部派的主张 南传上座部佛教 一?南传上座部二?南传上座部佛教的主要文献 大乘佛教的兴起及主要早期大乘经典 一?婆罗门势力二?印度教的形成三?大乘佛教的兴起四?初期的大乘经典 大乘佛教的思想体系 一?南印度的情势二?龙树三?空的论证法与中道四?大乘佛教的总合 五?龙树的后继者六?佛典的梵语化七?有部与经量八?大乘经典的新倾向九?如来藏思想(1)十?瑜伽师与唯识思想十一?唯识说的体系化

印度中期佛教及晚期佛教 一?如来藏思想(2)二?中观自续派中观经量派三?有相唯识与无相唯识 四?瑜伽行派与中观派五?大乘学说二派的命运 密教的形成 一?密教的特点二?真言乘三?金刚乘四?时轮乘五?初期的论师 回教徒入侵印度与佛教的灭亡 佛教在印度兴起的契机 一印度地域 印度的地形,位于亚洲大陆的南部,突出于印度洋的半岛,面积有四百十五万平方公里。印度北部被称为世界屋脊的喜马拉雅山和兴都库什山等山脉把它与大陆的其它部分隔开,东临孟加拉国湾,西濒阿拉伯海,南以科摩林海与印度洋相对。这样的地理条件对印度独立的文化体系形成很大作用,这一文化体系表现印度的孤立性,与西洋对立的东方文化圈内,它与波斯、中国是有区别的。 从印度半岛自身的构成,地理特色有三个部份: (1)印度河流域:北部、西部以克什米尔及巴基斯坦的山岭,南部包括拉贾斯坦沙漠地带。 (2)恒河流域:由恒河和朱木拿河、恒河和布拉马普特拉河互交会而成,形成不等四边的印度斯坦平原。 (3)温德亚山脉以南的地区:横断半岛中央部的温德亚山脉以南的地区,为三角形的德干高原。 二风土特色 印度地形从热带到温带过渡地带,一般说属于热带地域。它与亚洲大陆和印度洋的特殊关系,在一年的一半时间东北风向海洋吹,这季风相应,印度季节大体分为暑季(三月至五月),雨季(六月至九月)、
