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1.The three main levels of courts of the federal judicial system in America are________________.

2.The Supreme Court is the only organ which has the power to interpret the ____. and it consists of a _____ and 8 ____.

3.The number of the Representatives from each American state depends on the _____.

A.contribution a state has made to the nation



D.none of the above

4.The U.S.congress has the power to make these laws except__.


B.citizenship and naturalization


D.the regulation of foreign trade

5.the theory of American politics and the American revolution originated mainly from___.

A.George Washington

B.Thomas Jefferson

C.john Adams

D.john Locke

6.The American government is divided into three branches with each having its own powers.this is called___.

A.absolute monarchy

B.balance of powers

C.checks and balances

D.separation of government

7.The seats in Senate are allocated to different states___

A.according to their population

B.According to their size

C.According to their tax paid to federal government


8.___is often used to refer to the U.S.Department of defence

A.Capitol Hill

B.The Pentagon

C.The White House

D.The Empire State Building

9.The Bill of Rights consists of ___.

A.10 very short paragraphs in an amendment

B.10 amendments adopted in 1787

C.10 amendments added to the Constitution in 1791

D.the amendments concerning the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press and the freedom of religion

10.__has the world's oldest written constitution and political party .





1.美国的联邦法院系统包括:the United States District Courts; the United States Courts

of Appeal ; the United States Supreme Court.

? 2.Constitution;Justice;Associate Justices.最高法院是美国最高等的法院,也是唯一有权解释宪法的机构。目前法院有一名首席法官和八名助理法官组成。

? 3.B 美国每个州派往众议院的代表人数应与本州人口成比例。

? 4.C.美国的立法机构是美国国会,婚姻不属于其立法范围。

? 5.D.美国的许多政治观念都是来源于哲学家约翰.洛克。

? 6.C.美国政府三权分立的权力制衡被称为checks and balances。





1.In America the judicial is headed by the Supreme Court.

2.Each of the fifty states of the USA elects 2senators.

3.Before being passed, a law is called a bill.

4.The three federal court levels are the district courts, the courts of appeal and the Supreme Court.

5.The three branches of government are legislative branch, executive branch and judicial branch.

6. The principles of federalism are separations of power and checks and balances

7. One-third of the senators are elected every two years for six-year terms of office.

8. The state has the primary functions of providing law and order, education, public health, and things which concern daily life.

9. Any policies proposed by the president must be approved by The House of Representatives and The Senate before they can become law.

10. The Supreme Court has direct jurisdiction in only two kinds of cases: foreign diplomats, a state in a party

1. Only the _____ _____ has the right to interpret the constitution.

2. There are _____ voting members in the House of Representatives.

3. Each of the fifty states of US elects _____ senators.

4. There are _____ judges in the Supreme Court of America.

5. The first ten amendments added to the constitution in 1791 was called the _____ __ ___ _____.

6. The Federal Constitution consists of _____ articles and _____ amendments.

7. The balance is always kept among the three branches of the power of the governme

nt and this is called the “System of _____ and _____”.

8. The _____ determines the government and divides the power of the government int o three branches.

9. The official presidential residence is the _____ _____.

10. _____ is the only way in which the president can legally be removed from office. 答案:Supreme Court43529Bill of Rights7,26Checks,Balance Constitution White House Impeachment

1. There are ____ members in the Senate in the U.S.





2. Which branch of the American government has the power to interpret the Constitution?

a. The President B. The House c. The Senate d. The Supreme Court

3The chief executive of the US is the president together with the ___-?

a. vice president

b. court

c. cabinet


4 According to the US constitution the legislative power is invested in _?

a. the federal government

b. the Supreme Court

c. the cabinet

d. the congress

5The power and duty of vice president in the US are as following except _

a. succession to the presidency

b. presiding officer of the Senate

c.to vote in the Senate only in the in event of a tie

d.to propose legislation to congress

6.Which party does Obama belong to ?

7.Generally,how many parts does the election have?

8..What are the rights does the president have ?






6.Democratic party

7.Main program:


determine the candidate

candidate race

voters elected the “electoral”

established the electoral college to vote

inaugurate a president

8.The president is the commander-in-chief of the military, can veto(否决) legislative bills before they become law, and appoints(任命) the Cabinet and other officers, who administer(执行) and enforce federal laws and policies.

1 The symbol for the Democratic Party in the United States is the_________. A bull B bear C donkey D elephant2. President Barack Obama , the 44th President of the United States, is a member of_________. A Whig Party B .the Democratic Party C Federalist Party D .the Republican Party3.__________ has the world’s

oldest written constitution and political party. A. America B . Canada C. England D. France4 .The Democrats are thought of as associated with the following except ____________. A labor B minority groups C the poor D business5. U.S. president normally serves a (n) __________ term.

A. two-year

B. four-year

C. six-year

D. eight-year

6. 1801,_________ became the first president to be inaugurated in Washington D.C.

A. Thomas Jefferson

B. George Washington

C. Lincoln

D. John Adams

7. As to roles of American president, which is NOT precisely defined in the U.S. Constitution?

A. He is the head of the state

B. He is the chief executive of the U.S.

C. He is the commander in chief of the armed forces.

D. He is the head of his political party.

8. The seats in the Senate are allocated to different states ________. A. according to their population B. according to their size C. according to their tax paid to federal government

D. equally

9. The American government is divided into three branches with each having its own powers. This is called ____________

A. absolute monarchy

B. balance of powers

C. checks and balances

D. separation of government

10. The U.S. Congress has the power to make these laws EXCEPT _________.

A. defense

B. citizenship and naturalization

C marriage D. the regulation of foreign trade

1-5 CBADB 6-10 BDDCC

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