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2018管理类联考大作文15大话题(预测向) 从近几年的管理类联考大作文可以看出,出题者偏爱社会经济热点与管理类题材。如17年的扩大生产或研发新产品,15年关于富与仁的辨析,13年的合作与竞争等。通过出题者的倾向,友课教育罗列出了15个写作主题。 潜能、远见、主次、灵活、创新、诚信 负责、义利、风险、忧患意识 竞争与合作、沟通、制度、用人、激励 这都是管理类联考极有可能会考到的话题。同学们在寻找素材的时候,可以按照上述的进行归纳,灵活运用。 除此之外,还有一些备选话题,如: 信心、耐心、决心、恒心 勇敢、乐观、专注、宽容 尊重、敬业、目标、希望 使命、追求、进取、求知、自制 其实,很多素材可以一篇多用。从不同的角度,可以总结出不一样的主题。如下面的一段材料: 以聪明的创意为基础的创新,也许比其他所有种类的创新总和还要多。每十项专利中,就有七八项属于这类创新。许多关于企业家与企业家精神的书籍中,所谈到的大部分新企业都属于这类“聪明的创意”:拉链、圆珠笔、喷雾器、软饮料和啤酒的易拉罐等都是聪明的创意。在许多企业中,“研究”的目的就是发现和利用聪明的创意:不论是为燕麦早餐或软饮料研制新口味,还是研制出更好的跑鞋,或是研制不会烫焦衣物的熨斗。然而,聪明的创意却是风险最大、成功几率最小的创新机遇来源。这种创新中,能够赚回研制成本和专利申请费用的仅有1%;能够做到赚钱的就更少,可能不到2%。 创新活动能够创造资源,赋予资源新的能力。我们现在用到的很多东西,都是创新的产物。然而,创新面临的是更大的风险。是否采纳创新事物,这就考验到企业家们的远见与忧患意识。再如: 100年前,从地下渗出的石油以及铝土矿(即铝的原材料)都还不是资源,当时,它们只是令人讨厌的东西,因为它们让土壤贫瘠。过去,青霉菌也是一种有害的细菌,而不是一种资源。当时的细菌学家在做细菌培养的时候,必须费很大功夫才能保护培养菌免受它的侵害。到了20世纪20年代,伦敦的一名医生——亚历山大·弗莱明(Alexander Fleming)(亚


Topic 1 网络对生活的影响 The Internet-A Blessing or Curse? Nowadays college students often use the Internet for study,shopping, entertainment, and many other things.Some people say that the Internet facilitates students' lives,but others worry that it might affect students' study.In my opinion,the Internet is good for college students when it is used appropriately. The Internet is good for college students.First, students can collect many kinds of information via the Internet.When students find something interesting in the book,but their teacher cannot give them more details or answer all their questions in class,they can search the Internet after class to find the details or answers by themselves.Second, the Internet keeps students updated with what is happening all over the world.Just by browsing the web-page,students can read a lot of news.They can also type on some key words to search and follow any affair on the Internet.They don't have to search piles of newspapers and thus save much time for study. In one word, the Internet facilitates students' lives when it is used reasonably.Now more and more college students are becoming aware of the convenience and the importance of using the Internet. Topic 2 电子词典VS 纸质词典 Will Electronic Dictionaries Kill Printed Dictionaries? Many people today prefer to use electronic dictionaries rather than printed ones, because electronic dictionaries are much lighter and smaller and easier to be taken everywhere. Some people worry that printed dictionaries may disappear one day. But I believe that electronic dictionaries will not kill printed ones. First, printed dictionaries are much cheaper than the electronic ones. Many students, who use dictionaries most often, can hardly afford an expensive electronic dictionary. Therefore, the printed ones are exactly what they need. Second, scholars prefer printed dictionaries to electronic ones. Holding a thick, heavy dictionary is what a teacher used to do,and I believe that they will like to keep this habit. Third, only the printed dictionaries can be collected into libraries or be put on our private bookshelves.We may use an electronic dictionary very often, but we will never collect it, since it's designed to be used, not to be collected. Of course electronic dictionaries will be more popular in the future, because they are really convenient. But the printed ones are still needed and will not be replaced. The two kinds of dictionaries are just complementary to each other. Topic 3 对工作应持何种态度? Work as a Part of Life Some people regard work as the goal of life and spare no pains to pursue a fulfilling career. Others regard work as a means to achieve the value of life, emphasizing the meaning and significance of life itself.I think work is just a part of one's life. To work means to live, and to live must involves work. First, when one works, he also lives. There is not a period of time when one is only working but not living. Therefore when one works hard and feels happy about his achievements, he is also living fruitfully. There is no need to say that he just "lives to work". Second, it is impossible to imagine a life without work. Marx once said that work is the basic need of the human race. Work


× 2018年高考作文预测:祖国在我心中 十月一日是国庆节,是伟大祖国的生日,小编整理了祖国在我心中手抄报,供参考。 同学们: 今天,我要演讲的题目是“祖国在我心中”。 曾几何时,我们的祖国饱经沧桑,历尽磨难,她成了帝国主义倾销鸦片的场所, 成了军阀混战的战场,成了帝国主义瓜分世界的赌场。她曾遍体鳞伤,千疮百孔。乌 云笼罩下的中国在艰难的行进。祖国的路在何方?民族的希望何在? 此时此刻,是一个又一个中华儿女,在这母亲生死存忘的危难关头,是他们用一 股股豪情,一片片忠心,发出了一声声震惊世界的呐喊,抒写了一首首悲壮的诗歌。 为挽救我沉沦的中华民族,他们求索奋斗、折戟沉沙、浴血疆场、马革尸还……林则 徐虎门销烟的熊熊大火,刘胡兰宁死不屈的回音,红军战士爬雪山、过草地、气吞山 河的壮举,狼牙山五壮士惊天地、泣鬼神的豪气,让我中华儿女呐喊、奋起。母亲呀,你曾凝结着多少代人的痛苦、辛酸和血泪。 数十年的期待,数十年的煎熬,数万万同胞的奋斗,终于换来了******城楼那一声惊天动地的声音——“中国人民从此站起来了”! 我看到了气势恢宏的三峡大坝,看到了奥运健儿手中那金光闪闪的奖牌。悠悠五 千年,泱泱大中华。伟大的中华民族这一东方巨龙,载着改革开放的旗帜,载着中华 民族的憧憬,正以惊人的速度向前飞奔! 同学们!沧桑的岁月已经留下痕迹,繁荣的祖 国正兴盛。当中国队踢进世界杯时,我们怎能不狂欢?当我们听到萨马兰奇老人说出“ Beijing”的时候,我们怎能不欢呼?当神州六号腾空而起,再次成为世人所关注的 焦点时,我们怎能不自豪?当中国加入WTO时我们怎能不激动?曾经的民不聊生,曾 经的满野战乱,曾经的东亚病夫,都已成往事……


英语考试作文 2018英语专四作文预测及范文:行动上的矮 子,思想上的巨人 2018英语专四作文预测及范文:行动上的矮子,思想上的巨人 4月21日上午2018年英语专四考试上午开考,考前新东方在线英语专四频道整理了2018英语专四作文预测及范文供考生们参考,希望专四考生们顺利通过英语专四考试。 2018英语专四作文预测及范文20篇 Recently,more and more people are inclined to think too much , but do so little.Some people always make firm decision while never take any action to move towards their goals.It is difficult to the point of impossibility to imagine that one could get what he wants simply by thinking rather than acting. There are two causes for this social phenomenon.To begin with , to dream takes little effort but to action is more tired.In addition , the problem correlates strongly with the

societal environment at large , with the stress from the society,many people seem to lack the confidence to face the difficulties , they always postpone their planes. You reap what you sow.Each of us should join in the tide of promoting actions.A person’s ability is finally recognized by his achievements instead of his ability of dream. ------------------------------


2018年中考作文预测题目:十大预测2017年中考作文题目十大预测 新课标对时下初中生的作文写作,提出了明确的要求。归纳起来,基本上有三部分,一是写字、卷面、标点符号的要求;二是文体的要求,就是记叙文,写的内容要具体。即使有说明文或议论文,也只能是"小作文";三是对题材的要求,就是表达对自然、社会、人生的真实体验和独特感受。 在此意义上讲,各位考生首先注意卷面的干净和行文的规范,根据记叙文的要求进行备考。接下来,就是素材的准备。大家一定要记住,如果你在考场上写字不端正,卷面脏,你的备考工作,效果几乎就是零了。没有哪个阅卷老师,愿意给一张很脏的卷子给高分。 不管中考作文怎么出题,万变不离其宗,就是让考生写自己身边的人、身边的事儿、身边的景。考生备考中考作文,必须准备好这几类素材:身边让你感动的人、身边让你感动的事儿、身边让你感动的情景或者风景。这里的"感动",可理解为"触动心灵"。如果孩子们对上述的素材,没有足够的积累,考场上写一篇高分作文可能性不大。 预测一:《我的中国梦》、《梦中的xxxx》。 推荐理由:十八大以后,中国梦成为一个热点名词。每个人都有自己的梦想,每个梦想都是中国梦的一部分。考生写中国梦,不要写得大而广,抓住自己梦想的一个内容,就行了。例如:住房、诚信、环保、平安、医疗等,围绕一个主题,写记叙文,感悟中国梦即可。

需要注意的是,写这类东西,尽量不要做愤青,不要骂政府和国家,不要写"遍地贪官",以免走歪。 预测二:《触动心灵的风景》 推荐理由:该作文题是写人与写事的结合,甚至,你可以写成一篇单纯的写景作文。风景,既可以是看得到的景色,也可以是一类现象的象征。写出你身边的一种感人的场面或景象,抒发你内心的感悟和感慨,提炼出对成长有益的价值,是这篇作文的要求。如:毕业的离别场面、抢险救灾的感人场面、考场外父母陪考的辛苦场面、大雨中警察指挥交通的场面、扶贫济困的场面,都是值得你搜集和书写的素材。 预测三:"爱""正能量"话题作文 推荐理由:当前,"正能量"这个词,见报率很高。大家要做好准备。这类话题作文,不能讲大话,说大道理,必须从小见大。我们身边的每一种渴望,只要是健康的,与国家有观点,就是中国梦的组成部分。对正义的渴望、对环境的保护、对住房的期待、对健康的思考,都是中国梦的组成部分。如果是我,可以写写我家住房多么狭窄,然后期待宽敞明亮的居室——这就是我的中国梦。如果是民工,在劳累的夜晚,有一张容身的床,就这中国梦的组成部分。如果是农民,身边的河流不流淌着污染的脏水,就是中国梦的一部分。写一件事,放大,抒情,就是一篇中国梦的好作文。


童年傻事 童年的生活就像一道闪电,在眼前划过,可是,我童年的傻事却好象刻在我的脑海里,抹也抹不去,挥也挥不走,有时想起来还会忍不住哈哈大笑。 有一次,我来到了乡下外婆家,当时我才四岁,到了吃午饭的时间了,外婆要杀鸡,于是我发现了一个“秘密点”——鸡窝。吃完饭后,外婆把鸡放在楼上,让鸡活动活动,我蹑手蹑脚地来到了楼上,生怕让外婆发现。 来到楼上,我学着外婆的样子,也来轰鸡,轰着轰着,有一只鸡被我轰下了楼,我赶紧跑到它被迫“跳楼”的地方,一看,一点事没有,它的两个翅膀一扑腾,便安全地着了地,我一边蹦着一边着鸡说:“哎,鸡飞了,鸡飞了,飞鸡,飞鸡!”大人们都说飞机能飞上天,我一直不理解这个意思,正巧这鸡也能,于是,我就把飞机理解成了“飞鸡”。 第二天,我打着去给鸡喂食的“招牌”来到鸡窝,我看上了一只大雄鸡,那只雄鸡也看着我,好像它也知道它的“末日”到来了。我和鸡展开了“激烈的决斗”,终于我把鸡捉住了,我骑在它的身上,鸡的腿本来就断过,刚长好一点,可是,只听“啪”得一声,鸡的腿又断了。鸡一声惨叫,惊动了外婆,外婆一路小跑着过来,看着我呆呆地骑在鸡身上,又气又恨又想笑,她问我:“你在干什么?”我大约等了十来多秒才回答:“我要坐‘飞鸡’!”外婆刚开始还很困惑,最后终于明白了,外婆捧腹大笑,可我呢?嘴里还在喃喃自语:“我要坐‘飞鸡’,我要坐‘飞鸡’……” 直到现在我想起来还觉得很傻,还能笑出声呢!同学们,你们觉得这件事傻吗?

烧螺壳 在漫长的暑假里,我经历了许许多多有趣的事,其中有一件事令我回味无穷,那就是我在外公家烧螺壳。 一天,我在外公家无事可做,便喊来表弟表姐,说:“咱们玩烧螺壳吧!”表姐表弟异口同声地说:“好!” 说干就干,我去准备砖头瓦片并在二楼阳台上摆支架,表弟去准备枯枝、麦秸,而表姐去河边找螺壳。过了一会儿,准备工作做好了,我们开始行动了,我把螺壳放在被砖块支撑着的瓦片上,抓了一大把麦秸塞到瓦片下,点燃麦秸,可麦秸的燃烧速度太快了,一眨眼就烧完了,火熄灭了,而螺壳还没有烧热,表弟说,应该把麦秸和枯枝平均地放进去一些,这样麦秸才能把枯枝引燃,才能使火燃烧的时间更长。我按照表弟说的去做,果然成功了。又烧了十几分钟,我用手轻轻地碰了碰瓦片上的螺壳,螺壳有点微微发烫,为了使螺壳更烫,我又往里面添了点干柴,表姐又下楼拿了把扇子,使劲对着火扇,扇得灰烬乱飞,我的眼都被迷住了,眼泪流了下来。我赶紧用手去擦,这一擦可不大紧,我变成了大花猫,表姐表弟都笑得直不起腰,我赶快到楼下去洗脸,突然听到有脚步声越来越近,我慌了神,也顾不上洗脸了,大声说:“外公回来了!”表弟表姐听了,赶快跑下楼和我接了几碗水把火熄灭了,七手八脚地把战场打扫干净,然后装做什么事都没有发生的样子,悠闲地玩起了游戏。外公推门进来见我们几个乖乖地玩耍,满意地笑了,我们几个也都在心里偷偷地笑。 烧螺壳虽然没烧成功,但我觉得十分有趣。


1. Farming online Recently farming online is becoming more and more popular among Internet-users, especially among the younger generation.Many websites provide their clients with this service. Different people hold different ideas towards this phenomenon. Some people believe that it is only a new way of entertainment. It can promote the relationship between friends and family members. Others argue that it will not only waste time but also distort the sense of value of the young. Theft, which has long been condemned, may be regarded as normal behavior. Besides, it will cause serious social problems if people are too obsessed with online farming. In my opinion, farming online should not be encouraged if not forbidden. There are a lot of more healthy ways of entertainment. What’s more, it is high time that the young should be taught how to use Internet properly. 2. Should Internet Slang Be Prohibited? With the popularity of the Internet, the slang words such as GG, MM are being widely used by the Internet- users. Some of them are being implanted into real life. Some people hold that the Internet slang words are vivid and humorous, which can be easily written and remembered. They believe that the use of


2020 年高中名校模拟高考作文预测题:以心 中大我筑青春辉煌 阅读下面的材料,根据要求写作。 60 多年前,数千名交通大学的师生告别上海,扎根古都西安,为建设大西北,发展西部教育事业奉献出宝贵年华。其中“中国电机之父”钟兆琳先生,以花甲之年赴陕,满怀豪情带着学生在一片空地上建起电机实验室;陈学俊教授和夫人西迁前将上海的房产捐出,扎根在西北大地,为一事,尽一生??”西“迁人”将民族和国家置于最高的地位,“舍小家为大家”心“有大我”,一个个闪光的名字永远镌刻在交大西迁的史册上,成为“西迁精神”不可磨灭的注脚。 2020 年4月22 日下午,在陕西调研的新时代领路人,专程前往西安交通大学,参观西迁博物馆,勉励广大师生大力弘扬“西迁精神”,抓住新时代新机遇,到祖国最需要的地方建功立业,在新征程上创造属于我们这代人的历史功绩。 热血青春,永不凋零。这些西迁背后的故事跨越时空,至今依然让人热血沸腾,激励着当代青年奋斗前行,在新时代建功立业。 阅读材料后,作为新的历史时期的青年人,我们该如何走好自己的人生之路, 相信“西迁人”已给出了最好的启示,某学校组织观看了“交大西迁”纪实片,并要求写一篇观后感,谈谈“年轻人如何扣好第一粒扣子

要求:自定立意,自拟标题,自选角度;不要套作,不得抄袭;不得泄露个人信息;不少于800 字。 【文题解析】 这是一道典型的任务驱动型作文,题目提供了不同时期的两则同质材料,要求考生结合交大西迁纪实片写观后感。考生须以真实情境为基点,针对材料中的相关内容进行联想和思考,思考自己的人生规划与国家建设需要之间的关系问题,关注自我发展,实现自我的人生规划和管理,在社会认同、国家责任等层面体现理性思维和反思意识,体现一定的思想深度和思维水平。 观后感应该突出西迁人的家国情怀、奉献意识、艰苦创业等品质,并结合新时期青年人的理想,弘扬传承这些优秀品质。要突出青年应有的人生追求与素养,弘扬社会核心价值观。 【参考立意】 切题立意: 1. 西迁精神砺我行 2. 发扬西迁精神,走好人生之路 3. 携西迁精神,走新长征路


2020年六级考试作文预测及满分范文(一) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Media and Shopping. You should write at least 150 words according to the outline given below in Chinese: 1. 当今,各种媒体非常发达,人们通过媒体购物相当普遍起来; 2. 媒体购物给人们带来很多方便,同时也暴露出其弊端; 3. 我的看法。 思路解析 提纲第1点指出一种新兴事物时下非常流行,提纲第2点针对比该事物的优势和缺陷,提纲第3点要求表明“我”的看法,由此可判断本文应为利弊对比型作文。根据所给提纲,本文应包含如下内容:描述时下媒体发展迅猛,媒体购物也逐渐流行;阐述其优点和弊端;最后谈谈自己的看法拟或是提出对策如何限度的减少其弊端的影响。网络课堂对传统课堂的挑战;提出关于网络课堂是否会取代传统课堂的两种不同观点并说明理由;表明“我”的态度并说明理由。 参考范文 Media and Shopping With numerous technological advances, various kinds of media have been well developed. As a result, an increasing number of people are fond of purchasing goods with the help of media, such as newspapers, radio stations, TV stations and the Internet. As we know, there are always two sides to everything and shopping via media is no exception. On the one hand, it saves


Should College Students do Part-time Jobs? In many countries it is common for teenagers to take part-time jobs while they are still in high school, while in other societies this is virtually unheard of. In the latter situation, students are expected to spend all of their time on their studies and consider schoolwork their "job". In my opinion, students benefit more from a more balanced lifestyle, which may include working at a part-time job. Therefore, I believe that it is a good idea for students to work while studying. While it is true that a student's most important goal must be to learn and to do well at his studies, it does not need to be the only goal. In fact, a life which consists of only study is not balanced and may cause the student to miss out on other valuable learning experiences. In addition to bringing more balance to a student's life, part-time work can broaden his range of experience. He will have the opportunity to meet people from all walks of life and will be faced with a wider variety of problems to solve. Furthermore, work helps a student to develop greater independence, and earning his own pocket money can teach him how to handle his finances. Finally, a part-time job can help a student to develop a greater sense of responsibility, both for his own work and for that of the team he works with. For all of these reasons, I firmly believe that most students would benefit from taking a part-time job while they are in high school. Of course, they must be careful not to let it take up too much of their time because study is still their primary responsibility. In sum, living a balanced life is the best way to be successful. How To Achieve Team Work Experience is the best teacher," people say. Indeed, the most important, and sometimes the hardest, lessons we learn in life come from our participation in situations. For my part, you can't learn everything from a book. And only practice makes you a successful person. To begin with, first-hand experience is important for a child. When we were children, we learned the fundamental lessons of life solely from experience. That is to say, parents teach us by experience such as how to walk steadily, how to cope with the adults, and so on and so forth. Secondly, first-hand experience is also important for an adolescent. At school, we do not learn everything from books, in that few books can teach us successfully how to meet new people and make more friends. Finally, as we leave adolescence behind and enter adult life, no book can teach us how to fall in love and get married. But experiencing our own triumphs and disasters is really the only way to learn how to live a successful life. To conclude, knowledge gained both from experience and from books have their respective roles to play in our life. However, in my view, I think the former one is more important than the latter one. The most important lessons can't be taught; they have to be experienced. Living in University Dormitories or Apartments in the Community? I think it is better for college students to live on campus during their first two years, and then


2010年高考作文:最新30篇题目预测 1、一个牧场主养了许多羊,他的猎户邻居养的凶猛的猎犬常常跳过栅栏袭击牧场里的小羊羔。牧场主几次让猎户把狗关好,但猎户都不以为然,猎狗咬伤了好几只羊羔。 忍无可忍的牧场主找到镇上的法官评理。法官说:“我可以处罚那个猎户,也可以发布法令让他把狗锁起来,但这么一来你就失去了一个朋友,多了一个敌人。我可以给你一个更好的主意。” 牧场主到家后,按法官说的,挑选了三只最可爱的小羊羔送给猎户的三个儿子,孩子们如获至宝,因为怕猎狗伤害到儿子的羊羔,猎户做了个大铁笼,把狗关了进去。从此两家相安无事,还成了好邻居。 请以“自利与利他”为话题,写一篇800字左右的作文,自定立意,自选文体,自拟文题。 [提示] 为自身考虑,维护自身的权益,近乎本能,不容回避,无可厚非,要做到为他人着想却不易。这两者看似矛盾,但材料中的那位法官却把它完美地统一起来了--这就给我们提供了一条新思路。 在社会生活中,你、我、他之间本来就密不可分。若心中只有自己而不顾及他人,也许最终反而会使个人利益受到损害;关心他人,保护他人,最终得益的还是自己,这样的事例在生活中并不鲜见,挖掘出来,可以作为观点例证,也可作为叙述主体。 不仅在个人利益与他人利益之间存在共同点,凡是矛盾的双方都存在同一性,都可以运用那位法官的思路去求得问题的解决--外交上的“求同存异”、军事中的“和谈”、商海中的“互惠互利”、谈判中的“双赢”遵循的都是既“自利”又“利他”的思路。 个人主义、大公无私曾经是使用频率很高的两个词语,两者水火不容,势不两立,一贬一褒,一抑一扬。其实人性的微妙并不是单一的思维所能解释,生活的复杂也并不是通过贬褒抑扬就能使之改变,用法官的思路来考察和处理今天这个转型社会的诸多矛盾,会使人有豁然开朗和柳暗花明之感。 2、请以“敬畏”为话题写一篇800字以上的作文,自定立意,自选文体,自拟文题。 [提示]


三级写作预测题目及范文 1. The Importance of Interpersonal Communication 提纲:1)人人都需要和他人交流 2)人际交流的重要性 3)结论 The 21st centuary is an age of information and knowledge. In such an age, interpersonal communication plays an increasing important role in the society. Why is interpersonal communication so important? There are some reasons contributing to this new trend. First, it helps people understand each other better. For example, in a family, communication makes the family members get closer because of mutual understanding. Second, it helps people get more information and knowledge. Student can learn effectively if they can communicate more with their teachers and classmates. Third, without interpersonal communication, our life would become a desert lack of emotion and friendship. Communication between people makes our life lively, interesting and lovely. In a word, human beings, as social animals, have to communicate with each other, the importance of which can never be overemphasized. 2. My View on Job-hopping (跳槽) 提纲:1)有些人喜欢从事一种工作,因为…… 2)有些人喜欢经常更换工作,因为…… 3)我的看法 Many people are inclined to do one job in their lives. In their opinion, people who change their jobs frequently are superficial and tactless. They believe that the only way to success is to stick to one job, because constant practice in a professional field helps make an expert. But there are still many people who don’t agree. They argue that change means progress. If you are not satisfied with your present job, of course, you have the right to replace it with a more challenging and better- paid one. Each change is a step to future success. This idea may be the reason why they change their jobs so often. For my part, I think it is reasonable to change your job if you have a better opportunity. But once you have found a position where you can fully display your ability, it is advisable to settle down to it and put all your efforts into it. Only in this way can you get the true joy of achieving your goal. 3. The Expansion of Enrollment 提纲:1)大学扩招的原因 2)扩招带来的问题 3)你如何看待…… The enrollment of colledge students has been expanded since 1998. The reasons for this expansion are as follows. Firstly, colledges and universities want to keep up with the need of the job market to produce more quallified employees. Secondly, the


阐述健康在生命中的重要性 [题目]Health and Life As the saying goes,you don’t know what happiness is until you lose it’ you don’t know what health is until you are ill. “Health is of vital importance to life” sounds like a cliche to everyone,but it is absolutely true. The negligence of the delicate balance of your body and soul,the harmful habits such as smoking,excessive drinking and burning mid-night oil will catch up with you someday. How many big plans are interrupted by bad health! Even a normal life is unimaginable without the guarantee of health. How to keep fit is an eternal topic of diversity and controversy. Regardless of all the different suggestions poured from all kinds of sources,one should do at least two things for him/herself. First,hold an active and optimistic attitude toward life and maintain a mental well-being. Second,live a regular life and keep a balanced diet. Anyway,a healthy life is within reach when you begin to adjust

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