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Lesson 31 Success Story成功者的故事 What was Frank's first job? Yesterday afternoon Frank Hawkins was telling me about his experiences as a young man. Before he retired, Frank was the head of a very large business company, but as a boy he used to work in a small shop. It was his job to repair bicycles and at that time he used to work fourteen hours a day. He saved money for years and in 1958 he bought a small workshop of his own. In his twenties Frank used to make spare parts for aeroplanes. At that time he had two helpers. In a few years the small workshop had become a large factory which employed seven hundred and twenty-eight people. Frank smiled when he remembered his hard early years and the long road to success. He was still smiling when the door opened and his wife came in. She wanted him to repair their grandson's bicycle! 参考译文 昨天下午弗兰克.霍金斯向我讲述了他年轻时的经历。在退休前,弗兰克是一家非常大的商业公司的经理,但他小时候却在一家小铺里做工。他那时的工作是修理自行车,并且通常是一天工作14个小时。他靠多年积蓄,于1958年买下了自己的一个小铺子。20多岁的时候,弗兰克曾生产飞机零配件。那时他有两个帮手。几年之后,小铺子已经发展成了一个雇有728人的大工厂。弗兰克回想着他早年的艰难经历和走过的漫长的成功之路,微笑了。他正笑着的时候门开了,他的妻子走了进来。她叫他去修理孙子的自行车。 【New words and expressions】(8)


Lesson 33 A day to remember 难忘的一天 New words and expression 生词和短语 prelude['prelju?d]n. 序幕,前奏 prelude与介词to搭配表示“……的前奏”key/ way/ answer的所有格用to a prelude to serious trouble 麻烦事的前奏 omen ['??m?n] n. 预兆;征兆什么的征兆the omen of 用的是of introduction n. 导言,绪论(连to)introduction to the book preface [?pref.?s] n. 序,前言(连to)foreword n. 序(连to) preface 指作者或编者为说明全书的目的、范围、编辑方法等在序言之前写的一段简短的序文。introduction 普通用词,指任何作品开头对读者或听众说明或介绍该作品,起引导作用的结论部分,和全书内容是一致的。 Unforeseen [?nf??'si?n] a. 意料之外的 foresee v. 预见,预知(主语是人) foresee = see before hand / in advance I foresee a bright future for you. foreseeable a. 可预见的unforeseeable 不可预见的 expected 意料之中的(生活中常用) foretell v. (普通用词)预言(主语可用人和物) predict v. 预言,预示(1、语气比foretell强2、主语是人) He predicts that it would happen in ten years. forecast v. 预测,预报Timely snow foretells bumper harvest. 瑞雪兆丰年。 Fore前缀表示1、前部的(空间),前面的(时间)2、预先 1、forehead forearm前臂forefinger食指foreword前言(写在〔书〕前面的话→前言) Forerunner 先驱,先兆forefather祖先foresight 远见 2、foresee forecast foretell forestall阻止(预先制止) series ['s??ri?z; -r?z] n. 系列 series 单复数同型常见搭配a serie s of We’ve got a series of good harvest. 我们取得了一连串的大丰收。 chain n. 连串连锁 a chain of 一系列 a chain of reaction a series of reaction chain store 连锁店chain reaction 连锁反应 succession [s?k'se?(?)n] 一连串,一系列侧重指时间的顺序,强调时间的连续没有间隔开 a succession of failures 一系列的失败We’ve got a succession of successes. Sequence 一系列; 一连串 series 指按照性质类似或基本相同的关系而安排的一系列事物。 Chain指像链条一样连接在一起的一连串事物,有时彼此间含因果关系。 succession 侧重一些类似的东西或事件一个接一个连续不断。 sequence 多指时间、空间或事件等有规律、合乎逻辑的连续(衔接的次序)。可以是发生的先后顺序,也可以是逻辑顺序。 string (本意是细绳、串)连续不断相似的事件(类似chain) a string of cars 一连串的汽车 catastrophe [k?'t?str?f?] n.. 大祸,灾难 这个词强调严重,波及范围广的灾难

新概念英语第二册第31课-Success story

新概念英语第二册第31课:Success story Lesson 31 Success story成功者的故事First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 What was Frank's first job? Yesterday afternoon Frank Hawkins was telling me about his experiences as a young man. 昨天下午弗兰克.霍金斯向我讲述了他年轻时的经历。 Before he retired, Frank was the head of a very large business company, but as a boy he used to work in a small shop. 在退休前,弗兰克是一家非常大的商业公司的经理,但他小时候却在一家小铺里做工。 It was his job to repair bicycles and at that time he used to work fourteen hours a day. 他那时的工作是修理自行车,并且通常是一天工作14个小时。 He saved money for years and in 1958 he bought a small workshop of his own. 他靠多年积蓄,于1958年买下了自己的一个小铺子。 In his twenties Frank used to make spare parts for aeroplanes. At that time he had two helpers. 20多岁的时候,弗兰克曾生产飞机零配件。那时他有两个帮手。 In a few years the small workshop had become a large factory which


新概念英语第二册:第31课课文详解及语法解析 课文详注 Further notes on the text 1.Before he retired, Frank was the head of a very large business company, but as a boy he used to work in a small shop. 在退休前,弗兰克是一家非常大的商业公司的经理,但他小时侯却在一家小铺里做工。 (1)head在此处的意思不是人或动物的“头部”,而是“首领”、“头目”,一般出现在“the head of +名词”结构中: John is the head of the family. 约翰是一家之主。 Frank is the head of that firm. 弗兰克是那家公司的总裁。 (2) as在这里为介词,表不“当……时”,as a boy相当于 as he was a boy。 2.It was his job to repair bicycles…他那时的工作是修理自行车…… it为“先行主语”,句子的真正主语为to repair bicycles。 3.He saved money for years and in 1958 he bought a small workshop of his own. 他靠多年积蓄,于1958年买下了自己的一个小铺子。 (1)for years表示“许多年”。 (2)of one's own为固定短语,表示“自己的”、“属于自己的”,own为代词: He wanted a room of his own. 他想要一个自己的房间。 Do you have a house of your own?


新概念(一)册 (35)课——(53)课测试卷 姓名; 第一部分:笔试 一、英汉互译(15) 1.butcher 9.刷油漆 2.meat 10.最喜欢的 3.either 11.摔下 4.climate 12.打开 5.summer 13.花 6.pleasant_______ 14.盘子_________ 7.February________ 15.花瓶________ 8.beaf________ 二、按要求写出正确形式(10) 1.cold (反义词) 6.they (宾格) 2. rise (对应词)7.wind (形容词) 3.Canada (形容词)8.run (现在分词) 4.peach (复数)9.eat (现在分词) 5.make (现在分词)10.empty (现在分词) 三、用所给动词的适当形式填空(10) 1.I’m(make)a bookcase. 2.what you (do)tomorrow? 3.Listen!Who (sing)in the next door? 4. (not,do)your homework now. 5. . (show) me your photo. 6.Iim (come) from England . 7.Does she (want) any meat? 8.He is (sit) on the grass. 9.Can you (make) biscuits? 10.--- (be) they going to the park this Sunday? ---Yes,they ________(be). 四、选择填空(30) 1.The children are jumping_______the wall. A.off B.at C.in D.for 2.They are wating________a bus. A.at B.in C.on D.for 3.He______bread,but he doesn’t want_______. A.likes,some B.likes,any C.like,some D.like,any 4.He doesn’t like chicken. I don’t like chicken,_____. A.too B.either C.also D.neither 5.Can you take these books______your teacher. A.in B.to C.of D.over

新概念英语第一册课后练习题答案:Lesson 34

新概念英语第一册课后练习题答案:Lesson 34 Lesson 34 阅读理解 答案与解析 1. B。根据文章第一句可知。 2. C。根据文章第八句可知。 3. C。文中对年轻人的描述是倒数第三句He’s now talking about the Great Wall in English. 4. A。根据文章最后一句可知。 5. B。文中对莉莉、露西的描述并未谈及国籍,不过叙述车上的乘客时提到两名工作人员是中国人,故此排除她们是中国人的可能,所以由此推断她们不是中国人。 答案与解析 1. T。由He is twenty and he is a stammerer.可知。 2. T。文章最后Bill 讲It’s a st-tam-merer.中间的it 指代的是鹦鹉。 3. T。根据A few days later...和文章结尾时Bill 所说的话The p-parrot can’t sp-speak.... It’s a st-tam-mere.可知,因为他口吃,所以使得鹦鹉也口吃,所以他认为鹦鹉不聪明。 4. T。鹦鹉擅长学舌,而Bill 有口吃,鹦鹉学会了他的口吃,由此推知题干准确。 5. F。在文章第二段中提到Bill 去朋友家里Bill 穿着一件蓝色的新上衣,而朋友说Your coat’s colour

and my parrot’s colour are the same.所以推知鸟的颜色为蓝色而不是绿色,所以本题干错误。 英汉翻译 1. What are the cooks doing? 2. What are the men doing? They’re shaving. 3. What are the boys doing? They’re climbi ng the tree. 4. What are the women doing? They’re airing the room. 5. The birds are flying. 6. The dog is eating a bone. 7. I am waiting for a bus. 8. The plane is flying over the river.

新概念英语 第二册 第31课

新概念英语第二册第31课 部分单词的注释 1.retire v 退休 retire =stop working =stop doing this,即停止某项工作或不做这件事了。如: The singer is going to retire next year. 这位歌手明年将退出歌坛。 retire还可以解释为“就寝”,如: I'm so tired that I'm going to retire now. 我很累,现在要去睡觉了。 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/6511539037.html,pany n 公司 firm 商行,公司(小)corporation 责任公司,limited corporation 有限责任公司(Co. Ltd.) 3.save v 积蓄 save money 存钱。西方人不喜欢提钱,所以常用save up(存钱)。如: I have saved up for many years. 我已经存了好几年的钱。 save 还解释为“挽救,挽回”,如:save one's life,挽救生命;save one's face,挽回面子。 4.workshop n 车间 workhouse 囚犯工厂,救济院。 5.helper n 帮手,助手 assistant助理。 6.employ v 雇用 employee雇员,employer雇主。 部分课文的注释 1.Before he retired, Frank was the head of a very large business company, but as a boy he used to work in a small shop. 在退休前,弗兰克是一家非常大的商业公司的经理,但他小时侯却在一家小铺里做工。 (1)head在此处的意思不是人或动物的“头部”,而是“首领”、“头目”,一般出现在“the head of + 名词”结构中,如: John is the head of the family. 约翰是一家之主。 Frank is the head of that firm. 弗兰克是那家公司的总裁。 (2)as在这里为介词,表示“当……时”,as a boy相当于as he was a boy。 (3)used to do 表示“过去经常做、而现在已经停止、不再重复的动作”。 2.It was his job to repair bicycles… 他那时的工作是修理自行车…… It为“形式主语”,句子的真正主语为to repair bicycles。 3.He saved money for years and in 1958 he bought a small workshop of his own. 他靠多年积蓄,于1958年买下了自己的一个小铺子。 (1)for years表示“许多年”。 (2)of one's own为固定短语,表示“自己的”、“属于自己的”,own为代词。如: Do you have a house of your own? 你有自己的房子吗? 4.in one's twenties,(在某人)二十多岁的时候。 one's twenties/thirties/forties…,二十多岁/三十多岁/四十多岁……十的倍数的复数形式可用于表达近似的、非确定的数量,与所有格形容词(my、your等)连用时表示大约的年龄: My aunt Jennifer is in her thirties, but she often appears on the stage as a young girl. 我的姑妈詹妮弗已三十多岁,但她却常在舞台上扮演小姑娘。 5.Frank smiled when he remembered his hard early years and the long road to success. 弗兰克回想着他早年的艰难经历和走过的漫长的成功之路,微笑了。 (1)hard意思很多,在这里指“艰难的”、“困苦的”: She lived a hard life in those years. 那些年她的生活很艰难。 (2)one's early years指某人的早年(生活),意义相近的表达方式为early in one's life。 (3)the long road to success是一种比喻的说法,因为success是抽象名词。to在这里表示方向、目的地,意义为“朝”、“往”、“向”等,这个短语的字面意义为“通向成功的漫漫长路”。 关键句型 过去进行时与一般过去时 在第7课的语法中我们学习了过去进行时。它主要表示过去某个时刻或某段时间正在进行的动作,和一般过去时经常在一个句子里使用。与一般过去时相比,它更强调动作的持续性,一般过去时则表示比较短暂的动作或事件。在叙述故事时,过去进行时往往用来表示背景: Yesterday afternoon Frank Hawkins was telling me about his experiences as a young man. 昨天下午弗兰克·霍金斯向我讲述了他年轻时的经历。 He was still smiling when the door opened and his wife came in. 他正笑着的时候门开了,他的妻子走了进来。 Last Sunday, I went and sat on the river bank as usual. Some children were playing games on the bank and there were some people rowing on the river. 上星期天,我和往常一样,又去河边坐着。河岸上有些孩子正在玩耍,河面上有些人正在划船。(过去进行时描述背景) 比较典型的表示过去正在进行的动作的表达方式如:What were you doing at two o'clock? I was looking for you everywhere. 你两点钟在干什么?我到处找你。 I was fishing. 我在钓鱼。 我们用used to do表示过去有过但现在已不存在的习惯,以便将过去与现在形成对照。它后面经常用由but now…, 1


This is a photograph of our village. Our village is in a valley. It is between two hills. The village is on a river. Here is another photograph of the village. My wife and I are walking along the banks of the river. We are on the left. There is a boy in the water. He is swimming across the river. Here is another photograph. This is the school building. It is beside a park. The park is on the right. Some children are coming out of the building. Some of them are going into the park. New Word and expressions 生词与短语 photograph n. 照片 village n. 村庄 valley n. 山谷 between prep.在……之间 hill n. 小山 another det. 另一个

wife n. 妻子 along prep.沿着 bank n. 河岸 water n. 水 swim v. 游泳 building n. 大楼,建筑物 park n. 公园 into prep.进入 本文参考译文 这是我们村庄的一张照片。 我们的村庄坐落在一个山谷之中。它们于两座小山之间。 它靠近一条小河。 这是我们村庄的另一张照片。 我和妻子沿河岸走着。 我们在河的左侧。 河里面有个男孩。 他正横渡小河。


新概念英语第二册31答案 【篇一:新概念英语第二册答案】>每课的选择题: lesson 1: bcbdc adbac cc lesson 2: cdcca bbadc db lesson 3: cacac bccba bb lesson 4: dbabb acbca cc lesson 5: cadbc dabcb bd lesson 6: dacdd adaba da lesson 7: bccda cdacb ab lesson 8: dbbac cbbad bb lesson 9: cbdaa bbdbb dc lesson 10: addcb cacac ca lesson 11: bbbab ccacc bd lesson 12: ccadd adacd aa lesson : 13 bdbca bbcaa ad lesson 14: bcacd bcbcb bb lesson 15: dbcbc dadcc cb lesson 16: aadab adadd da lesson 17: dbbdc cbaac ad lesson18 : bdbdb cdcac cb lesson 19: adccd bcbca cc lesson 20: bcbbc bcacc da lesson 21 : cdcda cbbad cc lesson 22: dbddb dacda bb lesson 23: aaacc addbb ad lesson 24: baaca acccb ab lesson 25: cbbab cdbaa da lesson 26: adcbc ddabd bd lesson 27: dcddd baddc cc lesson 28: cdbbc dbdcd ba lesson 29: bccbd babbb cb lesson 30: aadab cccda dd lesson 31: dbaca adabc ac lesson 32: cccbb cadad bc lesson 33: dbdac bbccc ac lesson 34: dabca dcbcb ca lesson 35: adadd adaba dd


一、用复数形式改写以下句子 01. This is my friend. 02. She is a good student. 03. That is her hat. 04. I am a new student. 二、用所给的词语组成句子 01.is, a, refrigerator, the, in, kitchen, there 02.picture, are, he, on, wall, the 03.boy, is, the, sitting, the, tree, under 04.his, mother, is, making, the, bed 三、翻译 我正在看书:______________________________________________________________ 桌子上有一本书:__________________________________________________________ 这是你的钢笔吗?_________________________________________________________ 四、句型转换(变一般疑问句) This is a new pen. ________________________________________________ There is a pen on the desk.________________________________________________ 五.阅读理解,判断正误,正确的打上(T),错误的打上(F). There is a picture of my bedroom. It is a nice room. It is big and bright(亮).The desk is near the window. You can see books and pens on it. An orange ball is under the chair in the corner. It is my brothers ball. My bed is brown. It is beside the chair. You can see the new shirts on my bed. They are in the bag. They are Mums presents. They are for me. I like my room very much. ( ) 1. This is a picture of my classroom. ( )2. The ball in the corner is orange. ( ) 3. My bed is near the window. ( ) 4. The presents are from my mum. ( ) 5. My bedroom is not good.


新概念英语第二册课后习题答案详解Lesson 31 习答案 Key to written exercises .关键句型练习答案 What was happening: was telling ;was still smiling at happened: retired;saved;bought;had;employed;smiled when he remembered ;opened…came in…wanted at used to happen: used to work;used to work;used to make …worked/was working…sat/was sitting…was looking…were passing…stopped…got…were/had been…used to come/came…us go/went…were…quarrelled…had never seen/saw…got/was getting…called…hurried .难点练习答案 experienced 2jobs 3job 4save .多项选择题答案 d 据课文第4-5行…he used to work fourteen hours a day. He saved money for years…可以看出,只有worked hard and saved his money 能概括他年轻时的所做所为,其他3个选择都不够完整。 b 据课文最后两 …when the door opened and his wife came in. She wanted him to repair their grand son’s bicycle!


Lesson31 JEAN: Where's Sally, Jack? JACK: She's in the garden, Jean. JEAN: What's she doing? JACK: She's sitting under the tree. JEAN: Is Tim in the garden, too? JACK: Yes, he is. He's climbing the tree. JEAN: I beg your pardon? Who's climbing the tree? JACK: Tim is. JEAN: What about the dog? JACK: The dog's in the garden, too. It's running across the grass. It's running after a cat. 琼:杰克,萨莉在哪儿? 杰克:她在花园里,琼。 琼:她在干什么? 杰克:她正在树荫下坐着。 琼:蒂姆也在花园里吗? 杰克:是的,他也在花园里。 他正在爬树。 琼:你说什么? 谁在爬树? 杰克:蒂姆在爬树。 琼:那么狗呢? 杰克:狗也在花园里。 它正在草地上跑, 在追一只猫。

【知识点讲解】 1. 今天要学习一个重要的语法点:现在进行时态。在英语中,要表达正在发生的动作或事件,需要用这个时态。这个时态的基本格式是: be动词现在时+动词的现在进行时态 简单一点说就是"am/are/is + 动词ing形式"。比如课文中的"She's sitting..." "He's climbing..." "It's running..." 动词变成现在进行时态基本格式就是在后面直接加ing,比如climb-climbing, walk-walking, catch-catching... 如果动词以e结尾,则去掉e加ing,比如give-giving, move-moving... 如果动词只有一个元音字母,并在其后跟一个辅音字母,则将辅音字母双写、再加ing。比如run这个字,它只有一个元音字母u,后面跟了一个辅音字母n,所以它的ing形式是running。同理还有sit-sitting, shop-shopping, swim-swimming. 最后一条规则看似复杂,但其实这样的动词并不多,尤其在初级阶段。大家只需要看到一个、记住一个就好。 2. What about...? 是一种省略的用法。一般用于提及已谈论过的事物,后面可以跟物品、也可以跟人。文中What about the dog? 实则是在询问What is the dog doing in the garden? 和前面两个问小孩的问题一样。所以为了避免重复,这里只问What about the dog? 3. I beg you pardon? 意思是“什么?再说一遍”——在口语中一般简单说成“pardon?”或者"sorry?"


新概念英语第一册Lesson 33-34 自学导读 课文详注Further notes on the text 1.It is a fine day today. 今天天气好。 句中的it 是指天气。又如: Is it cold today? 今天冷吗? No, it isn't. 不,不冷。 2.some clouds ,几朵云。 some既可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词。如:some tables 一些椅子(可数名词),some milk 一些牛奶(不可数名词)。 3.There are some clouds in the sky, but the sun is shining. 天空中飘着几朵云,但阳光灿烂。 这句是并列句,由两个分句构成,连词but 表明分句之间存有着对比及转折关系。两分句之间大多要用逗号,有时可不用逗号。 4.Mr. Jones is with his family. 琼斯先生同他的家人在一起。 句中with是介词,表示”和........ 一起”。family是指”家里的人”或"家庭成员"。 5.They are walking over the bridge. 他们正在过桥。 句中的over 有"穿过"的意思。又如: The aeroplane is flying over the river. 飞机正在河上飞过。 The birds are flying over the house. 鸟儿在屋上飞过。 over还可表不”在..... 上方”(不接触表面),如:

The sky is over our heads. 天空在我们头顶上。 6.There are some boats on the river. 河上有几艘船。 句中on意为"在……上面"(接触表面)。又如: There is a book on the table. 桌上有一本书。 7.The ship is going under the bridge. 那船正从桥下驶过。 句中under意为”在……下面(或下方)" 。如: There is a dog under the tree. 树下有只狗。 ship 一般指海洋中行驶的大船。boat 一词指河中行驶的小船。另外:飞机(正式用语) aeroplane (英)/airplane (美);飞机(非正式用语)plane 。 语法Grammar in use 现在实行时(2) (请参见第31-32 课_Where's Sally? 语法部分。)现在实行时的形式是由be 的现在时形式+现在分词形式构成。当句中主语名词为复数或者人称代词为第2 人称或第3 人称复数时,be 的现在时形式应为are。 What are the cooks doing ? Are they washing dishes? 这些厨师在干 什么?在洗盘子吗? No,they aren 't washing dishes .They 're cooking. 没有,他们没在洗盘子。他们正在烹饪。 现在实行时的各种形式(包括缩略形式)列表如下:


新概念英语第二册课后练习题答案详解(第31课) 新概念英语第二册课后习题Lesson 31 1. d 根据课文第4-5行…he used to work fourteen hours a day. He saved money for years…能够看出,只有d. worked hard and saved his money 能概括他年轻时的所做所为,其他3个选择都不够 完整。 2. b 根据课文最后两句…when the door opened and his wife came in. She wanted him to repair their grandson’s bicycle! 只有b. but he might occasionally repair a bicycle(但是他有时修理自行车)最符合课文的实际情况,其他3个选择都与事实不符。 3. a 前一句Frank used to work in a small shop 的含义是“佛兰 克过去曾在一家小铺里工作,现在已经不在那儿工作了。”只有a. doesn't any more(不再做了)最合乎题目意思。 b. still does(仍然做), c. is now(现在), d. has never done anything else(从来没有做过别的)这3个选择都不对。 4. c 只有c. each(每)才与前一句中的a 意思相同。而其它3个选择 都不合题目意思。 5. a 只有选a. his own 最符合语法。其他3个选择都不是准确的表达方式。

6. a 本句应该用被动语态才合乎题目意思。b. employed 和 d. employ (雇用)都是主动语态,故不应该选b.和d. ; c. are employed 是被动语态,但时态不对,因为句子中的时间状语是In his twenties(他二十几岁时),所以应该用过去式;只有a. were employed 是被动语态,过去式,最合乎语法,所以只能选a. 7. d 从回答中能够看出,只有选d. Whose is 最合乎语法。其他3个选择都是错误的形式。 8. a a. director(工厂,公司的主任,指导者), b. headmaster(校长), c. superior(上级,上司), d. leader(领导,)。本句中只有选a.词意思最贴切。 9. b 只有b. economise(节省)同前面的saved money 意思一致,所 以应该选b. a. spare it(节省,爱惜)只能用于否定或疑问句中,故不能选; c. keep it(保留,保存它)不合题目意思; d. rescue it (解救,救出)也不合乎题目意思。 10. c 只有c. factory(工厂)最符合题目意思; a. industry(工业)词意思不对; b. fabric(织品, 织物, 布, 结构, 建筑物, 构造);也不合乎题目意思。


新概念英语第一册课文详解及英语语法33-34 1.It is a fine day today.今天天气好。 句中的it是指天气。又如:Is it cold today? 今天冷吗?No, it isn't. 不,不冷。 2.some clouds,几朵云。 some既可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词。如:some tables一些椅子(可数名词),some milk一些牛奶(不可数名词)。 3.There are some clouds in the sky, but the sun is shining.天空中飘着几朵云,但阳光灿烂。 这句是并列句,由两个分句构成,连词but表明分句之间存在着对比及转折关系。两分句之间大多要用逗号,有时可不用逗号。 4.Mr. Jones is with his family.琼斯先生同他的家人在一起。 句中with是介词,表示“和……一起”。family是指“家里的人”或“家庭成员”。 5.They are walking over the bridge.他们正在过桥。 句中的over有“穿过”的意思。又如:The aeroplane is flying over the river. 飞机正在河上飞过。 The birds are flying over the house. 鸟儿在屋上飞过。 over还可表不“在……上方”(不接触表面),如:The sky is over our heads. 天空在我们头顶上。 6.There are some boats on the river. 河上有几艘船。 句中on意为“在……上面”(接触表面)。又如:There is a book on the table. 桌上有一本书。 7.The ship is going under the bridge. 那船正从桥下驶过。 句中under意为“在……下面(或下方)”。如:There is a dog under the tree. 树下有只豿。 ship一般指海洋中行驶的大船。boat一词指河中行驶的小船。另外:aeroplane(英国英语),airplane(美国英语),飞机(正式用语);plane,飞机(非正式用语)。


课时授课计划 第2周编号1 班别13商英 日期星期二第3、4节 课题第三十一课(1) 课型复习课时 2 教具多媒体教学目标: 1. Enable the students to master the new words and expressions. 2. Make students understand and master the sentence structure. 3. Encourage students to summary the story. 教学重点: 1.Learn the language points. 2.Master the use of past tense and past continuous tense. 教学难点: Summary the story. 复习旧课要点: The structure of past tense 布置作业: Finish the exercise in the workbook 教学后记:

课时授课计划 教学内容与教学过程方法Teaching Procedures: Step I Lead in Discussion: What’s success? Step II Presentation 1.Enjoy the video 2.Answer the question: Why can Frank be said to be successful in business? What was Frank’s job in a small shop? What did Frank do in 1958? What did Frank’s wife want him to do? 3.Lead the new words A.Read the new words together B.Do some exercise C.Word study Step III. Reading and explanation Yesterday afternoon Frank Hawkins was telling me about his experiences as a young man. Before he retired, Frank was the head of a very large business company, but as a boy he used to work in a small shop. It was his job to repair bicycles and at that time he used to work fourteen hours a day. He saved money for years and in 1958 he bought a small workshop of his own. 1.Yesterday afternoon Frank Hawkins was telling me about his experiences as a young man 昨天下午弗兰克.霍金斯向我讲述了他年轻时的经历。 experience n.&v. Group discussi on Ask and answer Translat ing method

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