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2016----2017学年度第一学期月考初三数学试卷 班级 姓名 分数


1. 下列关系式中,属于二次函数(x 为自变量)的是 ( )

A.2y x π=

B.y 2x =

C.1y x =

D.1y x =-+

2. 与抛物线212y x =-的开口方向相同的抛物线是( )

A.214y x =

B.2y x x =--


y x =+ D.225y x x =+-

3. 抛物线2(2)3y x =-+的顶点是( )





4. 抛物线y=x 2向左平移3个单位,再向下平移2个单位后,所

得的抛物线表达式是( )

A.y=(x -3)2-2

B.y=(x -3)2+2



5. 在一定条件下,若物体运动的路程s (米)与时间t (秒)的

关系式为252s t t =+,则当t =4时,该物体所经过的路程为 ( )





6. 二次函数2(1)2y x =-+的最小值是( )





7. 抛物线122+--=m mx x y 的图象过原点,则m 为( )

A .0

B .1

C .-1

D .±1

8. 已知抛物线y=ax 2

+bx+c 如右图所示,

则关于x 的方程ax 2+bx+c=0的根的情况是( ) A .有两个相等的实数根 B.有两个不相等的正实根

C .有两个异号实数根 D.没有实数根

9. 下列二次函数中,图象与x 轴没有交点的是.( )

A .23y x =

B .224y x =-

C .235y x x =-+

D .22y x x =--

10. 二次函数2(0)y ax bx c a =++≠的大致图

象如图,下列说法错误的是( )

A .函数有最小值

B .当-1<x <2时,y >0

C .当12x <,y 随x 的增大而减小

D .对称轴是直线12

x =


11. 若抛物线y=x 2-2x-3与x 轴分别交于A 、B 两点,则AB 的长为_________.

12. 抛物线2ax y =经过点(3,5),则a = . 13. 二次函数221y x x =-+的对称轴是______________.

14. 将2y x =的向右平移3个单位,再向上平移5个单位后,所

得的解析式是 .

15. 222y x x =+-的开口方向是 ;最大值是 .

16. 试写出一个开口方向向上,对称轴为直线x=2,且与y 轴的

交点坐标为(0,3)的抛物线的解析式为______________. y x O 3


17. 用配方法求出抛物线221


y x x


18. 已知某函数的图象如图所示,求这个函数的解析式.

19. 已知抛物线顶点是(1,2)且经过点C(2,8).



20. 已知某二次函数的图像是由抛物线22y x =向右平移得到,

且当1x =时,1y =.


(2)当x 在什么范围内取值时,y 随x 增大而增大?

21. 如图,二次函数的图象与x 轴相交于A 、B 两点,与y 轴相交于C 点,点C 、D 是二次函数图象上的一对对称点,一次函数的图象过点B 、D .(1)求D 点的坐标;(2)求一次函数的表达式;

(3)根据图象写出使一次函数值大于二次函数值的x 的取值范围.


2017九年级第一次月考试卷(Module1---Module3) (检测时间:80分钟;满分100分) 一.单项选择(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) ( )1.. The company was founded in_______ nineteenth century. It has a long history. A.a B. an C.the D./ ( )2.David has a strong__________. We believe he can walk out of the forest. A. idea B. project C. suggestion D. will ( )3. Zhang Jie’s homework is excellent except_________ mistakes. A. a few B. few C. a little D. little ( )4. _________ tourists visit the Great Wall every summer. A.8 millions B. Millions of C. 8 million of D. Million of ( )5.The little girl________ when Mr. Green _________ into the room. A. is crying; went B. was crying;goes C.was crying; went D.cried;was going ( )6.—Have you found your pen? ---Yes. I found it________ those books. A.by B. for C.against D. among ( )7.New York is one of the___________ in the world. A. larger city B. larger cities https://www.wendangku.net/doc/696036269.html,rgest city D. largest cities ( )8.---Shall we go for a picnic in the People’s Park this weekend? ---Yes, _________it rains heavily. A. if B. unless C.until D. when ( )9.---What do you think of the book?---It’s________ wonderful. I have read it four times. A. simply B. hardly C. probably D.suddenly ( )10. Ben, you should work hard________ you can catch up with others. A.so B. because C. so that D. in order to ( )11.The students__________ more than 100 trees since last year. A.plant B.planted C.have planted D. will plant ( )12.---Miss Lee, how can I improve my spoken English? ---_________, you’d better open your mouth and try to speak English in and out of class. A.In my opinion B.As a result C.In fact D. In the end ( )13.We usually have a________ holiday once a week. A. two day B.two--day C. two days D. two day’s ( )14.---Alice, why are you so tired today? ---Well, you see, it_______ me three hours to finish my report last night. A. paid B.cost C. took D. spent



巴蜀中学初2017届16-17学年(下)第二次月考 英语试题 第I卷(共98分) I听力测试:(共30分) 第一节:(每小题1.5分,共9分) 听一遍,根据你所听到的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的答语, 并把答题卡对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 1. A. It is March 8th. B. It was Sunday. C. It was March 8th. 2. A. No, I don’t. B. Yes, art. C. Art. 3. A. Never mind. B. I’m sorry to hear that. C. Look out! 4. A. Sorry, I won’t. B. Yes, I have. C. OK, I will. 5. A. Me, neither. B. Me, too. C. Neither was I. 6. A .A worker. B. She is 40 years old. C. She does some writing. 第二节:(每小题1.5分,共9分) 听一遍,根据你所听到的对话和问题,从A、B、C 三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡对应题目的答案 2

标号涂黑。 7. A. 8 years old B.30 years old. C. 21 years old. 8. A. Red. B. Black. C. Blue 9. A. Yes, she is. B. No, she isn’t. C. No, she isn’t at home. 10. A. By train B. By air C. By bike 11. A. One. B. Two. C. Three. 12. A. On Thursday. B. On Tuesday. C. On Friday. 第三节:(每小题1.5分,共6分) 听两遍,根据你所听到的长对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 听下面一段材料,回答第13和14小题。 13. When did the boy enter middle school? A. In 2017. B. In 2015. C. In 2014. 14. How has the boy changed? A. Shorter and thinner. B. Taller and stronger. 3


人教版九年级上学期数学10月月考试卷E卷 一、单选题 (共10题;共20分) 1. (2分)如图,地面上有不在同一直线上的A,B,C三点,一只青蛙位于地面异于A,B,C的P点,第一步青蛙从P跳到P关于A的对称点P1 ,第二步从P1跳到P1关于B 的对称点P2 ,第三步从P2跳到P2关于C的对称点P3 ,第四步从P3跳到P3关于A的对称点P4…以下跳法类推,青蛙至少跳几步回到原处P.() A . 4 B . 5 C . 6 D . 8 2. (2分)(2019九上·兰州期末) 已知是关于的方程 的一个实数根,并且这个方程的两个实数根恰好是等腰三角形 的两条边长,则的周长为() A . 6 B . 8 C . 10 D . 8或10 3. (2分) (2018九上·雅安期中) 甲、乙、丙、丁四位同学进行一次乒乓球单打比赛,要从中选出两位同学打第一场比赛,则恰好选中甲、乙两位同学打第一场比赛的概率是()

A . B . C . D . 4. (2分)(2019·孝感) 下列说法错误的是() A . 在一定条件下,可能发生也可能不发生的事件称为随机事件 B . 一组数据中出现次数最多的数据称为这组数据的众数 C . 方差可以刻画数据的波动程度,方差越大,波动越小;方差越小,波动越大 D . 全面调查和抽样调查是收集数据的两种方式 5. (2分) (2018八下·萧山期末) 已知关于x的一元二次方程2x2﹣mx﹣4=0的一个根为m,则m的值是() A . 2 B . ﹣2 C . 2或﹣2 D . 任意实数 6. (2分) (2019九上·镇原期末) 独山县开展关于精准扶贫、精准扶贫的决策部署以来,某贫困户2014年人均纯收入为2620元,经过帮扶到2016年人均纯收入为3850元,设该贫困户每年纯收入的平均增长率为x,则下面列出的方程中正确的是() A . 2620(1﹣x)2=3850 B . 2620(1+x)=3850 C . 2620(1+2x)=3850


2016年10月浙江省普通高校招生选考科目试题(地理) 选择题部分 一、选择题(本大题共25小题,每小题2分,共50分。每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,不选、多选、错选均不得分) 1.下列产业部门中,最需要选择科技发达、信息富集区位的是 A.服装加工 B.有色冶金 C.汽车制造 D.软件开发 科学家最近发现,距太阳4.2光年的比邻星周围有一颗潜在的宜居行星。宜居行星与比邻星相距约700万千米,比邻星比太阳暗1000倍。完成第2题。 2.判断该行星宜居的主要依据是 A.具有与地表相近的温度 B.具有地月系一样的天体系统 C.距比邻星接近日地距离 D.获得与地面上相似的可见光 下图为城市风向频率与工业区、居住区的布局图。完成第3题。 3.图中布局合理的是 A.① B.② C.③ D.④ 近年来,我国某些区域的建设用地指标不能满足当地发展需要,需从其他区域购买建设用地指标(主要来自农村居民点整理后新增的耕地),这样可实现建设用地跨区域占补平衡。完成4、5题。 4.设定区域建设用地指标的根本目的是 A.保护有限的耕地资源 B.控制城市化增长速度 C.促进区域的协调发展 D.提高建设用地的成本 5.建设用地指标跨区域占补平衡可 ①改善城市的空间结构 ②优化土地资源的空间配置 ③提高农村土地利用率 ④促进土地资源区际流动 A.①② B.②③ C.③④ D.①④ 第3题图

下图为浙江省铁路分布示意图。完成第6题。 6.影响浙江省高速铁路选线最主要的因素是 A.农业发展水平 B.城镇分布 C.原有铁路走向 D.地形地貌 某中学地理研究小组对本地水库分布现状开展调查研究,其工作步骤如下图。完成第7题。 7.该研究小组工作过程中利用的地理信息技术是 A.地理信息系统、遥感技术 B.全球定位系统、地理信息系统 C.全球定位系统、虚拟现实 D.遥感技术、虚拟现实 下图为北太平洋主要“垃圾洲”(由大量塑料物品和碎屑物组成的漂浮物聚集区域)分布示意图。完成第8、9题。 8.“垃圾洲”的固体漂浮物主要来自 ①大气沉降 ②河流输入 ③海洋运输 ④海底上泛 A.①② B.③④ C.②③ D.①④ 9.2011年日本发生“3.11”大地震,震中位于图中甲地,附近海域产生大量的固体漂浮物,这些漂浮物在洋流作用下主要漂向 A.西北 B.东南 C.东北 D.西南 第7题图 第6题图 第8、9题图


九年级英语第一次月考试题 一、词形转换:(5分) 1.pronounce(名词)____________ 2.die(名词)________________ 3.decide(名词)__________ 4.he(反身代词)______________ 5.teach(过去式)____________ 6.success(动词)____________ 7.terrify(形容词)_____________ 8.remember(同义词)_____________ 9.solve(名词)____________ https://www.wendangku.net/doc/696036269.html,plete(副词)_____________ 二、根据首字母提示或汉语提示补全单词(5分) 1. He should be ___________(允许) to come into the room. 2. I want to be a _____________(志愿者) in the coming sports meeting. 3. __________(秘密) that cannot be spoken out. 4. He thinks studying g____________ is a great way to learn a language. 5.We don’t need any more at p_____________ 三、情景交际(10分) ()1.—The party is a great success. We’ve had a good time. --________. A.It doesn’t matter B.No,t hanks C.It’s not very good D.I’m glad to hear that ()2.—Would you mind my closing the window? --______. A.Certainly not B.Yes,please C.Sorry,I won’t ()3.—Sorry,sir.I made a mistake again. --________Practice more and you will do better. A.Never mind. B.I’m not sure. C.You’re welcome D.Don’t mention it ()4. —Sorry , I can’t go shopping with you tonight. —______. A. Why don’t you ask Bill ? B. Excuse me . Which is the way to the shop? C. It’s very kind of you . D. That’s OK. Maybe some other time . ()5.—I’m really sorry to have broken your coffee cup. --_________. A.Good idea. B.That’s all right. C.I don’t think so. D.You are welcome ()6.—How was your trip? --_______.I hope I can go there again. A.Just so-so B.Not very good C.Nothing special D.Wonderful ()7.–Thanks for your help. --_________. A. No, thanks B. Let me see C. It doesn’t matter D. That’s OK ()8.当你看到你的朋友脸色很不好看时,你会问___________来关心她。 A. How do you do? B. Are you OK? C. Are you sad ? ()9.就餐时,朋友问你要不要加点汤,而你已吃饱,你会说_____________来委婉拒绝. A. No, thanks. B. No, no, no . C. Why not? ()10.当你在公共汽车上不小心踩了他人的脚时,你应该说_____________以示道歉. A. Excuse me. B. Never mind. C. I’m sorry. 四、单项选择(25分) ()1、The runner from Class One fell, but he quickly got up and went on ____________ A.running B.run C.to run D.ran ()2、The Great Green Wall will stop the wind from _______the earth away. A.blowing B.blow C.blows D.to blow ()3、He is badly ill. He doesn’t feel like__________anything today. A.to eat B.eating C.eat D.eats ()4、--Do you enjoy ________ to tapes? --Oh, yes. It improves my listening skills. A.to listen B.listen C.listening D.listens ()5、--This book is hard , __________ read something easier? --all right. A.why don’t B.why not C.why you not D.why not you ()6、It takes me __________ hour to do my homework everyday. A.the, B.an C / D a ()7、September 10th is the _________ . A.Children’s Day B.Children Day C.Teachers’ Day D.Teacher’s Day ()8、___________ of the two new books are instresing. A.All B.Both C.Any D.Either ()9、--Can I get you a drink? --That’s very nice of you. I’ve already got___________. A.it B.one C.that D.this ()10、My mother often cooks ________ for us. A.something delicious B.delicious something C.anything delicious D.delicious anything ()11、It ___________ that Yu Mei has changed a lot. A.seems B.seem C.look D.seemed ()12、I used to have short hair but now I have _________ hair.


2016年10月浙江省普通高校招生选考科目考试 技术试题 第一部分信息技术(50分) 一、选择题(本大题共12小题,每小题2分,共24分,每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,不选、错选、多选均不得分。)1.下列软件中,用于视频文件编辑处理的是 A.WinRAR B. Internet Explorer C.会声会影 D.Wmdows附件中的“画图”程序 2.下列说法中不正确的是 A.搜索引擎可用于搜索因特网上的信息 B.保存网页内容,实际上就是保存该网页的URL C.从网上下载的软件,有必要进行查杀病毒后再使用 D.为了账户安全,应尽量避免用自己的生日作为电子邮箱的密码3.下列应用中,体现了人工智能技术的有 ①网站自动统计歌曲下载次数 ②在线中英文互译 ③Windows 自动运行屏幕保护程序 ④用语音方式输入文字 ⑤使用OCR软件从图像中识别汉字 A.①②④ B.②④⑤ C.②③⑤ D.③④⑤ 4.使用Access软件创建的“图书”数据表,其设计视图的部分界面如图所示。下列说法正确的是 A.该数据表创建完成后,不能添加字段 B.该数据表中,不会有两条记录的“编号” 字段值相同 C.该数据表添加记录后,就不能对数据表的字 段名进行修改 D.在该数据表中,“35.20元”可以是“价格” 字段的有效输入值 5.某算法的部分流程图如右图所示,执行这部分流程后, 变量a,b的值分别是 A.3,3 B.3,4 C.6,6 D.7,11 6.下列十六进制数中,与二进制数1010100101B值相等 的是 A.2A5H B.A25H C.A91H D.A94H

7.使用GoldWave软件打开某音频文件,选中其屮一段音频后的部分界面如图所示。 下列说法正确的是 A.当前选中的声道是右声道 B.量化位数为16 bit,采样频率为1411Hz C.仅将当前选中部分设为“静音”后直接保存,文件大小会变化 D.仅将当前选中部分“剪裁”操作后直接保存,音頻的时长仍为4秒 8.使用Photoshop软件制作“水上芭蕾”作品,部分界面如图所示。 下列说法正确的是 A.“文字”图层被设置了图层样式,因而不能再编辑其中的文字 B.将“演员”图层设置不可视,则“倒影”图层也会变为不可视 C.“倒影”图层中的图像可以通过将“演员”图层中的图像进行垂直翻转等操作后得到 D.将作品存储为JPEG格式文件,该JPEG格式文件保留原作品的图层信息


九年级英语第一次月考试卷 一、关键词语选择(共5 小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 你将听到五个句子,请在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出你所听到的单词或短语。每个句子读两遍。 ( )1. A. succeed B. secret C. spirit ( )2. A. speed B. spend C. seat ( )3. A. action B. activity C. active ( )4. A. lying B. lion C. tying ( )5. A. get on B. spend on C. put on 二、短对话理解(共10小题;每小发,满分10分) 你将听到十段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。请在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。 ( )6.Which pet does Mike want to keep? ( )7. What’s Annie’s mom doing now? ( )8. Where did the man spend his holiday? ( )9.Where is the library? ( )10.How does the boy go to school every day? ( )11. How does Lucy like English? A. It’s interesting B. It’s difficult. C. It’s boring. ( )12. How is the weather going to be tomorrow? A. Sunny B. Cloudy C. Rainy ( )13. What did Kate have for breakfast? A. Dumplings B. Hamburgers C. Noodles ( )14. How does the girl usually get to school? A. By bus B. By car C. On foot ( )15. Where did this conversation most probably happen? A. At school B. At home C. In the shop 三、长对话理解(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 你将听到两段对话,每段对话后有几个小题。请在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答对话读两遍。

九年级 英语第二次月考 (完整版)

和田市第三中学2019-2020学年九年级英语第二次月考试卷 考试时间:100分钟总分:100分 第一部分:选择题 一、听力部分(20分) I.听对话,选择与对话内容相符的图片,将代表图片的字母填写在相应的序号后(5分) 1.__________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.__________ 5.__________ II.听对话,根据对话内容判断1~5小题所给句子的正误。正确的写T,错误的写F (5分) ( )6. Paul has some trouble in learning English. ( )7.The girl used to worry about her tests. ( )8. The boy used to study all the time after school. ( )9. Anna went to school by bus. ( )10. Anna was late for class today. III.听短文,选择最佳选项(10分) ( )11. When was the computer invented? A. In the 2lst century. B. In the 20th century. C. In the 19th century. ( )12. How was the computer in the 1960's? A. Small and light. B. Heavy but cheap. C. large and expensive. ( )13. How many people use the Internet today? A. Millions of. B. Thousands of. C. Hundreds of. ( )14. What is more and more popular among students? A. Shopping online. B. Sending e mails. C. Using the Internet. ( )15. Why do some people like reading paper books? A. Because they don't know how to use the computers. B. Because they can't read or write online with friends. C. Because they think paper books are better for reading. 二、单项选择(15分) ( ) 16. 1. Steve often plays _______ basketball, but Amy often plays _____ piano. A. the: the B the:/ C/: the D./;/ ( )17. _____your father take you to concerts? -Yes, he did A Did: used to B. Did: used for C. Did; use for D. Did: use to ( )18. Our home is far from the school. We have to____to school every day. A. walk B take the bus C on foot D by bike ( ) 19. Lucy is only ______ ,but she looks like a _______ woman. A. 20 years old; 3o years old B. 20-year-old; 30-year-old C. 20 years old; 30-year-old D. 20-year-old; 30 years old ( )20. ---Bob used to ________ late for school.4 ---Yes, but now he is used ________ to up early. A. be; get B. being; getting C. be; getting D. being ; get ( )21. Joe is good at ________ basketball. A. playing B. plays C. to play D. play ( )22. He is afraid ________ alone in the street at night. A. of walk B. to walk C. walking D. walk ( )23. I spend little time ________ playing. Instead, I spend much time ________my study. A. in; on B. on; in C. in; with D. on ; with ( )24. I am very busy these days, so I ________ watch TV. A. often B. seldom C. always D. never ( )25. )2. The chopsticks ______ of wood. A. made B. is made C. making D. are made ( )26. Hangzhou and Yangzhou are widely _______ for the silk. A. know B. knew C. known D. knows ( )27. Tea ______ in many areas in China. A. produce B. produced C. is produce D. produces ( )28. Many people _____ English and German ______ in Germany. A. speak: is spoken B. are spoken: is spoken C. speak: speaks D. are spoken; speaks ( )29. ()13. My grandfather lives ____ and he often feels _____ So my parents and I often go to see him on weekends. A. alone: lonely B. lonely; alone C. alone: alone D. lonely: lonely ( )30. Paula used to be really quiet. -I know. ____________________ A. She never stopped talking B. She liked singing very much C. She often chatted with us D. She was always silent in class 三、阅读理解(30分) A 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F) The Chinese Traditional Dress--Qipao


2020版九年级上学期数学10月月考试卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 一、单选题 (共10题;共20分) 1. (2分) (2019九上·大连期末) 将一元二次方程化成一般式后,二次项系数和一次项系数分别为() A . 4,3 B . 4,7 C . 4, D . , 2. (2分)用配方法解方程,下列配方正确的是() A . B . C . D . 3. (2分) (2016九上·黑龙江月考) 二次函数化为的形式,下列正确的是() A . B . C . D . 4. (2分)关于x的方程的两根互为相反数,则k的值是() A . 2 B . ±2 C . -2 D . -3 5. (2分) (2017八下·宝丰期末) 如图所示,在平面直角坐标系中,点A、B的坐标分别为(﹣2,0)和(2,0).月牙①绕点B顺时针旋转90°得到月牙②,则点A的对应点A′的坐标为()

A . (2,2) B . (2,4) C . (4,2) D . (1,2) 6. (2分)(2019·本溪) 下列图形中,既是轴对称图形又是中心对称图形的是() A . B . C . D . 7. (2分)已知二次函数y=ax2+bx+c(a≠0)的图象如图所示,则下列结论中正确的是() A . a>0 B . 当x>1时,y随x的增大而增大 C . c<0

D . 3是方程ax2+bx+c=0的一个根 8. (2分)如图,隧道的截面是抛物线,可以用y=表示,该隧道内设双行道,限高为3m,那么每条行道宽是() A . 不大于4m B . 恰好4m C . 不小于4m D . 大于4m,小于8m 9. (2分) (2016九上·鄂托克旗期末) 对于抛物线下列说法正确的是() A . 开口向下,顶点坐标 B . 开口向上,顶点坐标 C . 开口向下,顶点坐标 D . 开口向上,顶点坐标 10. (2分)(2017·吴忠模拟) 二次函数y=ax2+bx+c的图象如图所示,对称轴是直线x=﹣1,有以下结论: ①abc>0;②4ac<b2;③2a+b=0;④a﹣b+c>2.其中正确的结论的个数是() A . 1 B . 2 C . 3 D . 4 二、填空题 (共6题;共6分) 11. (1分) (2018九上·台州开学考) 关于的一元二次方程有实数根,则整数的


承德五中2010-2011学年上学期 命题人安雅欣命题时间2010年10月 学生姓名_________班级__________ 得分__________ 注:本试卷满分120分,考试用时120分钟 卷一(选择题共85分) 听力部分(第一节) Ⅰ.听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。(5分) ()1.A. flower B. power. C .tower ()2.A. 191. B. 119. C. 116 . ()3.A. this Tuesday. B. next Tuesday C. this Thursday . ()4.A.have a car . B. have a card . C. give a card . ()5.A.Most people agree that it’s healthy to eat fruit and vegetable.. B. Most people disagree that it’s healthy to eat fruit and vegetable. C. Most people agree that it’s unhealthy to eat fruit and vegetable.. Ⅱ.听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。(5分). ()6.A.To tom’s party B. With Sandy and Jim C.This Sundy . ()7.A. Good luck ! . B. Congradulations ! . C. That’s a good idea !. ()8.A. Yes,please . B. No thanks . C. Neither I want a cup of coffee . ()9.A. Yes , I have . B.On May 10th . C. Once a year . ()10.A. She was wrongr . B. She hurried to school . C. Last Monday. Ⅲ.听对话和问题,选择适当的选项。(5分) ()11. A. Because she overslept . B. Because she was ill . C. Because she didn’t catch the school bus . ()12.A. Tree-Planting Day B. Clean-Up Day . C. Teachers’ Day ()13.A.For almost three yearss. B. For thirteen years . C. For three years and a half. ()14.A.. B.. C. . ()15.A.. B.. C. Ⅳ.听语段、对话和问题,选择正确答案。(10分) ()16.What do English people often do on a bus ?


牛津译林版九年级上英语第二次月考易错题练习卷 1.We had better forget the _________(pleasant) past and keep on moving. 2.China will be one of the _______________(wealth) nations in the near future. 3.Do you know the organization ______________ (set) up to help more children in poor areas several days ago? 4.My sister’s dream is ________(enter) a famous university in America . 5.What fun your brother with his friends had ___________(offer) the blind their help last Sunday! 6. The teacher told us to remember the words ______________(mark) in bright red. 7.My friend was seen ________(clean) his office at about 2:30. 8. An elderly couple as well as a child _________ (notice) to enter the building just now. 9.It is said that the short man was charged with (murder) the young girl. 10.Those _________(Asia)performance attracts attention from the world. 11.The great actor’s (achieve)go beyond the film industry,he is also a great singer. 12.It’s his second time (take) to the police station. 13. (driving) at rush hour can be very dangerous, so you must be careful. 14.We (not allow) to bring our mobiles to school. It is not good for our studies. he school buses should be checked weekly . 15. Maybe,we will never find out the (true) about the disappearance of MH370. 16. Since we_________ (forget) the new words, why not open our books and review them? 17.These bags are those ______________ (direct). Please keep them in our office.


2020年九年级上学期语文10月月考试卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 一、基础题 (共6题;共18分) 1. (2分)(2016·桂林) 下列词语书写有误的一项是() A . 笨拙悖谬不言而喻一劳永逸 B . 愤慨隘口痛心疾首稍纵即逝 C . 眷顾蹒跚兴致勃勃无动于衷 D . 鳞峋谩骂死心塌地水泄不通 2. (2分)(2011·无锡) 下列句子中划线的词语使用不正确的一项是() A . 我坐在观光直升机上,透过舷窗,俯瞰无锡的山山水水,景色显得格外秀美。 B . 专家一直强调,一个没有阅读的学校永远不会有真正的教育,所以,首先要做的就是拯救阅读,特别是学生的阅读。 C . 一味地照搬他人的经验来发展本地区经济,无异于守株待兔。 D . 城市绿化必须因地制宜,突出环境保护与人文景观和谐统一的发展理念。 3. (2分)结合语境,在下面语段中的横线处填写词语,正确的一是() 米芾是宋代著名书画家。他经常反复_____历代的书法名画,研究学习名家的笔墨技法。他吸收各派大家之长,以水墨挥洒点染表现烟雨掩映的江南山水, _________,创造了被后世称之为“米点山水”的绘画技法,开创了文人画山水的新局面。 A . 观赏自出心裁 B . 观摩自出心裁 C . 观赏惟妙惟肖 D . 观摩惟妙惟肖 4. (2分)下列句子中没有语病的一项是() A . 日照作为宜居城市,少了其他大城市的喧嚣和拥挤。合理的城市规划,给市民以舒适和便利,让人们内心感到由衷的喜悦和惬意。 B . 在教育部向社会公示的《通用规范汉字表》中,对44个汉字的字形进行了微调。这一改动在社会上引起了广泛的争议。 C . 随着《爸爸去哪儿》《爸爸回来了》等明星亲子节目的热播,童星越来越受到社会的追捧,但专家认为,孩子成长有其自身规律,不可急功近利. D . 互联网开放包容的特征决定了网络安全治理和网络违法犯罪之间的较量永远没有终点,网络安全意识的增强,很大程度上决定着这场对决的胜败。


绝密★考试结束前 2016年10月浙江省普通高校招生选考科目考试 技术试题 考生须知: 本试题卷分两部分,第一部分信息技术,第二部分通用技术。全卷共16页,第一部分1 至10页,第二部分11至16页。满分100分,考试时间90分钟。其中加试题部分为30分,用【加试题】标出。 1.考生答题前,务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔填写在答题纸上。 2.选择题的答案须用2B铅笔将答题纸上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如要改动,须将原填涂处用橡皮擦净。 3.非选择题的答案须用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔写在答题纸上相应区域内,作图时可先使用2B铅笔,确定后须用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔描黑,答案写在本试题卷上无效。 第一部分信息技术(共50分) 一、选择题(本大题共12小题,每小题2分,共24分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个符合题目要求) 1.下列软件中,用于视频文件编排处理的是() A.WinRAR B.Internet Explorer C.会声会影 D.Windows附件中的“画图”程序 2.下列说法中,不正确的是() A.搜索引擎可用于搜索因特网上的信息 B.保存网页内容,实际上就是保存该网页的URL C.从网上下载的软件,有必要进行查杀病毒后使用 D.为了账户安全,应尽量避免用自己的生日作为电子邮件的密码 3.下列应用中,体现了人工智能技术的有() ①网站自动统计歌曲下载次数②在线中英文互译 ③Windows自动运行屏幕保护程序④用语言方式输入文字 ⑤使用OCR软件从图像中识别汉字 A.①②⑤ B. ②④⑤ C.②③⑤ D.③④⑤ 4.使用Access软件创建的“图书”数据表,其设计视图的部分界面如 果所示,下列说法正确的是() A.该数据表创建完成后,不能增加字段 B.该数据表中,不会有两条记录的“编号”字段值相同 C.该数据表添加记录后,就不能对数据表的字段名进行修改 D.在该数据表中,“35.20元”可以是“价格”字段的有效输入值 5.某算法的部分流程图如右图所示,执行这部分流程后,变量a,b的值 分别是() A.3,3 B.3,4 C.6,6 D.7,11

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