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cleaning kit


中国百家姓中英文对照And香港拼音 首先应该明确一下,中文姓氏是不存在标准的英文拼写的,因为中文汉字名不论有没有内在含义,一旦转入英文就完全变作拼音名了。也就是说完全根据中文名的读音来进行拼写。那么,之所以外界的拼写和我们不同,很大程度上是受到了汉字方言的影响,即:这种情况普遍出现在没有确立“中国汉语普通话”概念的区域里。 由于我们中国大陆已经确立“普通话”概念,所以大陆范围内无论什么方言,都统统以普通话读音为汉语规范读音,于是拼音体系也自然以普通话为标准。而相比之下,香港地区的官方语言是粤语,于是香港地区的拼音体系也自然是粤语音的描述。 例如:姓氏“陈” 普通话读音为:“Chen” 香港粤语读音为:“残”,于是根据这个读音,再结合英文字母的搭配发音习惯便拼写为“Chan”。 再比如:姓氏“刘” 普通话读音为:“Liu” 香港粤语读音贴近于“劳”,于是香港的“刘”姓便拼写为“Lau”。 所以,由此可以得知英文对于中文汉字的语音翻译非常直白,并没有深层追究的成分。 另外,目前各非英文地区都有一套自定的拼音体系,确保本地区公民姓名翻译成英文后依然有法律认证功能,我们中国大陆自然以汉语拼音为默认准绳。而香港;台湾;乃至朝鲜韩国也都有一套自定的拼音体系,只是他们都是以本地区语音为拼读发音基础。所以同一个汉字在不同区域拼写也不同。 比如:姓氏“金” 中国普通话汉语拼音:“Jin” 中国香港粤语拼音:“Kam” 中国台湾所谓国语通用拼写:“Chin” 中国汉字朝鲜语音拼写:“Kim”

此外还存在拼写为“King”的情况。 由此可见,同一个字的拼写如此多样,而之间不能相互取代,所以并不存在标准的拼写。 虽然各地区似乎都有完善的文字转换英文拼写的体系,但似乎都不能完全符合传统英文发音习惯。这也是东西方习惯的不可调和的矛盾,相比之下东方这些汉字根源地区更注重的是“体系”,而纯粹的英文国家则更倾向于“习惯”,所以双方并不能做到彼此完全吻合。比如:姓氏“宋” 中国大陆汉语拼音拼写为“Song” 中国台湾拼写以及香港拼写均为“Sung” 虽然“宋”字在以上三地的读音基本相同,而且各地区都以自身提起确立了对它的拼写,但如果依照英文的传统发音频度习惯,“Song”和“Sung”均不会正确发出“宋”的音来。中国百家姓(Hundres of Surnames in China)中英文对照 A: 艾--Ai 安--Ann/An 敖--Ao B: 巴--Pa 白--Pai 包/鲍--Paul/Pao 班--Pan 贝--Pei 毕--Pih 卞--Bein 卜/薄--Po/Pu 步--Poo 百里--Pai-li

古今中外与莲、莲叶相关的诗词9首 中英文对照

古今中外与莲、莲叶相关的诗词9首 中英文对照 汉乐府:江南 Gathering Lotus 渡江采芙蓉 I Gather Lotus Blooms 杨万里:晓出净慈寺送林子方 Seeing Off Lin Zifang outside Jingci Temple at Dawn 杨果:采莲女The Lotus-picking Girl 周敦颐?《爱莲说》Love of Water-lily Hartidy coleridge:雪花莲 Snowdrop 林徽因:莲灯 Lotus Lantern 席慕容:我愿为莲 I’m willing to be a lotus 席慕容:莲的心事

汉乐府:江南Gathering Lotus Let’s gather lotus seed by southern rivershore! 江南可采莲, The lotus sways with teeming leaves we adore. 莲叶何田田, Among the leaves fish play and make love. 鱼戏莲叶间, In the east they make love below and we above; 鱼戏莲叶东, In the west they make love below and we above; 鱼戏莲叶西, In the south they make love below and we above; 鱼戏莲叶南, In the north they make love below and we above; 鱼戏莲叶北。 导读译文: 江南又到了可以采莲的季节了,叶子浮出水面紧密相连。鱼儿在莲叶间嬉戏,鱼儿在莲叶东面嬉戏,鱼儿在莲叶西面嬉戏,鱼儿在莲叶南面嬉戏,鱼儿在莲叶北面嬉戏。

汉语日常会话150句 中英双语 拼音标注

汉语日常会话150句 汉(hàn)语(yǔ)日(rì)常(cháng)会(huì)话(huà)150句(jù)150 Sentences for Chinese Daily Communication 你(nǐ)好(hǎo)!Hello 再(zài)见(jiàn)! Goodbye 谢(xiè)谢(xiè)! Thanks 不(bú)客(kè)气(qì)!You’re welcome! 对(duì)不(bu)起(qǐ)! I am sorry 没(méi)关(guān)系(xi)!Don’t mention it. 1.问(wèn)候(hòu)和(hé)自(zì)我(wǒ)介(jiè)绍(shào) Greetings and Self-Introduction (1)你好(nǐhǎo)!Hello! (2)我叫桑德兰(wǒjiàosāngdélán)。My name is Sandra. (3)你是哪国人(nǐshìnǎguórén)?What’s your nationality? (4)我是奥地利人(wǒshìàodìlìrén)。 I am Austrian. (5)我不是大学生(wǒbúshìdàxuéshēng)。I am not a university student. (6)我不会说汉语(wǒbúhuìshuōhànyǔ)。I don’t speak Chinese. (7)我会说英语(wǒhuìshuōyīngyǔ)。I can speak English. (8)我喜欢吃中国菜(wǒxǐhuanchīzhōngguócài)。 I like Chinese food. (9)你(nǐ)是(shì)第(dì)一(yī)次(cì)来(lái)重(chóng)庆(qìng)吗(ma)?Is this your first time in chongqing? (10)你(nǐ)去(qù)过(guò)广(guǎng)安(ān)吗(ma)? Have you been to Guang An? (11)你住哪儿(nǐzhùnǎer)?Where do you live?(12)可以告诉我你的电话号码吗(kěyǐgàosùwǒnǐdediànhuàhàomǎma)?Could you tell me your telephone


Don't Quit! When things go wrong as they sometimes will, When the road you're trudging seems all uphill, When the funds are low and the debts are high, And you want to smile, but you have to sigh, When care is pressing you down a bit, Rest if you must, but don't you quit. When…. Success is failure turned inside out, The silver tint in the clouds of doubt. And you never can tell how close you are. It may be near when it seems afar. So, stick to the fight when you are hardest hit. It's when things go wrong that you mustn't quit. 不要放弃! 当事情常常不如人意时, 当你跋涉前行的道路似乎总是上坎爬坡时, 当资金短缺而债台高筑时, 当你想笑但不得不叹息时, 当烦恼让你有些不堪重负时, 有必要的话,休息一下,但不要放弃。 成功就在失败的背面, 成功是疑云中透出一线银光。 你永远不能确定距离成功有多么近。 它可能近在咫尺,看上去却远在天边。 所以,当你遭遇最猛烈的打击时要坚持战斗。


古诗中英对照 关雎 关关雎鸠, 在河之洲 窈窕淑女, 君子好逑 参差荇菜, 左右流之 窈窕淑女, 寤寐求之 求之不得, 寤寐思服 悠哉悠哉, 辗转反侧 参差荇菜, 左右采之 窈窕淑女, 琴瑟友之 参差荇菜, 左右之 窈窕淑女, 钟鼓乐之 A Fair Maiden By riverside are cooing A pair of turtledoves; A good young man is wooing A maiden fair he loves. Water flows left and right Of cresses here and there; The youth yearns day and night For the good maiden fair. His yearning grows so strong He cannot fall asleep;

He tosses all night long, So deep in love, so deep! Now gather left and right The cresses sweet and tender; O lute, play music bright For the bride fair and slender! Feast friends at left and right On cresses cooked so tender; O bells and drums, delight The bride so fair and tender! 静女 静女其姝, 俟我于城隅 爱而不见, 搔首踟蹰 静女其娈, 贻我彤管 彤管有炜, 说怿女美 自牧归荑, 洵美且异 匪女之为美, 美人之贻 My Quiet Maiden My quiet maiden is fair and tall; She waits for me at the corner wall. vasive, she can be found nowhere; Scratching my head, I seek here and there. Beautiful is my quiet lass; She gives me a blade of crimson grass. The crimson grass spreads a rosy light; I love the grass so fair and bright.


Vegetables蔬菜S hū Cài tomato番茄fān qié Eggplant茄子qiézi pepper辣椒làjiāo corn玉米yùmǐ radish白萝卜bái luó bo carrot胡萝卜hú luó bo cauliflower 菜花cài huā broccoli西兰花xī lán huā cabbage大白菜dàbái cài Cabbage甘蓝gān lán Chinese kale芥蓝gài lán pumpkin南瓜nán guā Bitter gourd苦瓜kǔguā Wax gourd 冬瓜dōngguā cucumber黄瓜huáng guā Loofah/luffa丝瓜sīguā summer squash西葫芦xīhúlú cowpea豇豆jiāng dòu Yard long bean豆角dòu jiǎo Pea豌豆wān dòu

Green bean四季豆sìjìdòu spinach菠菜bōcài celery西芹xīqín Chinese Celery芹菜qín cài Small Chinese cabbage小白菜xiǎobáicài Leaf lettuce油麦菜yóu mài cài Bunching onion大葱dàcōng Onion洋葱yángcōng Chinese chive韭菜jiǔcài Garlic大蒜dàsuàn Water convolvulus空心菜kōng xīn cài Potato土豆tǔdòu Fruits 水果ShuǐGuǒapple苹果pín guǒ peach桃子táo zi Lemon 柠檬níng méng Pear 梨lí Banana 香蕉xiāng jiāo Grape 葡萄pútáo plum 李子lǐzi honeydew(melon)哈密瓜hāmìguā orange 橙子chéng zi

中国古诗词美文欣赏 (中英文版)

中国古诗词美文欣赏(中英文版) 01、Thinking of You 《水调歌头》苏轼 明月几时有,把酒问青天。 不知天上宫阙,今夕是何年。 我欲乘风归去, 又恐琼楼玉宇, 高处不胜寒,起舞弄清影,何似在人间。 转朱阁,低绮户,照无眠。不应有恨,何事长向别时圆。 人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺,此事古难全。 但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。 When will the moon be clear and bright? With a cup of wine in my hand, I ask the blue sky. I don't know what season it would be in the heavens on this night. I'd like to ride the wind to fly home. Yet I fear the crystal and jade1 mansions are much too high and cold for me. Dancing with my moon-lit shadow,It does not seem like the human world. The moon rounds the red mansion Stoops to silk-pad doors, Shines upon the sleepless Bearing no grudge,Why does the moon tend to be full when people are apart? People may have sorrow or joy, be near or far apart,The moon may be dim or bright, wax or wane,This has been going on since the


xiǎo péng yǒu, nǐ shì fǒu yǒu hěn duō wèn hào, wèi shén me 小朋友,你是否有很多问号, 为什么Little children, do you have a lot of questions, why bié rén zài nà kàn màn huà,wǒ què zài xué huà huà 别人在那看漫画,我却在学画画 duì zhe gāng qín shuō huà 对着钢琴说话 When other kids are reading manga, I am learning to draw and learning to communicate with the piano bié rén zài wán yóu xì, wǒ què kào zài qiáng bì bèi wǒ de ABC 別人在玩游戏,我却靠在墙壁背我的 ABC When other kids are playing games, I am leaning on the wall memorizing my ABCs wǒ shuō wǒ yào yī tái dà dà de fēi jī 我说我要一台大大的飞机 dàn què dé dào yī tái jiù jiù lù yīn jī 但却得到一台旧旧录音机 I said that I wanted a large airplane, but I got an old recorder wèi shén me yào tīng mā mā de huà 为什么要听妈妈的话 zhǎng dà hòu nǐ jiù huì kāi shǐ dǒng de zhè duàn huà 长大后你就会开始懂得这段话 Why should I listen to mother's words? When you grow up you will understand what I am saying zhǎng dà hòu wǒ kāi shǐ míng bái 长大后我开始明白


中国古诗中英文翻译对照 2009-12-16 19:57 来自《英译唐诗名作选》作者:龚景浩 爱国华侨龚景浩先生数年前曾在商务印书馆出版《英译中国古词精选》,受到读者的欣赏和欢迎。他虽超过古稀之年,体力渐衰,但仍坚持诗歌翻译的爱好。夜间常失眠,默诵唐诗,译成英文诗来消遣。 静夜思李白 Musings on a Quiet Night Li Bai 游子吟孟郊 For Her Son Who'll Be Away for a While Meng Jiao 春晓孟浩然 Spring Morn Meng Haoran 登鹳雀楼王之涣 Going up the Stork Tower Wang Zhihuan 相思王维 Love's Yearnings Wang Wei 悯农二首(一) 李绅 Sympathy for the Peasants ( I ) Li Shen 悯农二首(二) 李绅 Sympathy for the Peasants ( H ) Li Shen 竹里馆王维 A Cottage Among Bamboos Wang Wei 寻隐者不遇贾岛 Visiting a Recluse but Finding Him out Jia Dao 江雪柳宗元 Snow on the River Liu Zongyuan 回乡偶书(一) 贺知章 Random Homecoming Writings ( Ⅰ ) He Zhizhang 九月九日忆山东兄弟王维 Missing My Brothers on Double Ninth Day Wang Wei 乐游原李商隐 A Spin Round Ancient Plain Li Shangyin 赋得古原草送别白居易 Seeing off a Friend at Ancient Plain Bai Juyi 山中送别王维 Seeing off an Old Friend from These Mountains Wang Wei 淮上与友人别郑谷 Parting from a Friend at Yangzhou Zheng Gu 送杜少府之任蜀川王勃 Sending off a Friend Who Has Been Appointed a County-Level Official in Far-Away Sichuan Wang Bo 望月怀远张九龄 Gazing at the Moon and Thinking of Someone Faraway


古诗三首英汉双语 望洞庭 唐刘禹锡 湖光秋月两相和,潭面无风镜未磨。 遥望洞庭山水翠,白银盘里一青螺。 Lake Dongting Viewed from Afar Liu Yuxi The autumn moon dissolves in the soft light of the lake, Unruffled surface like an unpolished mirror bright. Afar, the isle amid water clear without a break Looks like a spiral shell in a plate silver-white. 释义: 秋夜,月亮高挂在洞庭湖上,水光辉映着月光,和谐安宁。没有一丝风经过,也没有桨声经过,沉静的湖面如一面未磨的铜镜。 洞庭湖的山水苍翠。远远的看,那山那水,宛如一个白银的盘子里托着一青螺。 江南春 唐杜牧 千里莺啼绿映红,水村山郭酒旗风。

南朝四百八十寺,多少楼台烟雨中。 Spring on the Southren Rivershore Du Mu Orioles sing for miles amid red blooms and green trees; By hills and rills wine shop streamers wave in the breeze. Four hundred eighty splendid temples still remain Of Southern Dynasties in the mist and rain. 释义: 千里江南,无处不莺歌燕舞,红花绿叶春色掩映,水乡山城酒旗缤纷,一缕春风可以酿酒。 拂去香烟缭绕,南朝留下的那么多古寺,如今都在朦胧烟雨中寂美伫立,静默如谜。 晚春 唐韩愈 草树知春不久归,百般红紫斗芳菲。 杨花榆荚无才思,惟解漫天作雪飞。 Late Spring


世界著名城市中英文(按拼音) [阿富汗] Kabul 喀布尔 [阿根廷] Buenos Aires 布宜诺斯艾利斯[阿拉伯联合酋长国] Abu Dhabi 阿布扎比[埃及] Cairo 开罗 [埃塞俄比亚] Addis Ababa 亚的斯亚贝巴[爱尔兰] Dublin 都柏林 [澳大利亚] Canberra 堪培拉 [澳大利亚] Melbourne 墨尔本 [澳大利亚] Sydney 悉尼 [巴基斯坦] Islamabad 伊斯兰堡 [巴基斯坦] Karachi 卡拉奇 [巴西] Brasilia 巴西利亚 [巴西] Rio de Janeiro 里约热内卢 [巴西] Sao Paulo 圣保罗 [白俄罗斯] Minsk 明斯克 [波兰] Warsaw 华沙 [丹麦] Copenhagen 哥本哈根 [德国] Berlin 柏林 [德国] Frankfurt 法兰克福 [俄罗斯] Moscow 莫斯科 [法国] Paris 巴黎[菲律宾] Manila 马尼拉 [韩国] Seoul 首尔(汉城) [荷兰] Amsterdam 阿姆斯特丹[加拿大] Ottawa 渥太华 [加拿大] Toronto 多伦多 [加拿大] Vancouver 温哥华[柬埔寨] Bogota 波哥大 [科威特] Kuwait City 科威特城[肯尼亚] Nairobi 内罗毕 [黎巴嫩] Beirut 贝鲁特 [马来西亚] Kuala Lumpur 吉隆坡[美国] Atlanta 亚特兰大 [美国] Boston 波士顿 [美国] Chicago 芝加哥 [美国] Denver 丹佛 [美国] Detroit 底特律 [美国] Honolulu 夏威夷檀香山[美国] Houston 休斯敦 [美国] Los Angeles 洛杉矶 [美国] New Orleans 新奥尔良[美国] New York 纽约

叶芝 中英诗词

When you are old When you are old and grey and full of sleep, And nodding by the fire, take down this book, And slowly read, and dream of the soft look Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep; How many loved your moments of glad grace, And loved your beauty with love false or true, But one man loved the pilgrim Soul in you, And loved the sorrows of your changing face; And bending down beside the glowing bars, Murmur, a little sadly, how Love fled And paced upon the mountains

overhead And hid his face amid a crowd of stars. 当你年老,鬓斑,睡意昏沉, 在炉旁打盹时,取下这本书, 慢慢诵读,梦忆从前你双眸 神色柔和,眼波中倒影深深; 多少人爱你风韵妩媚的时光, 爱你的美丽出自假意或真情, 但唯有一人爱你灵魂的至诚,

爱你渐衰的脸上愁苦的风霜; 弯下身子,在炽红的壁炉边, 忧伤地低诉,爱神如何逃走, 在头顶上的群山巅漫步闲游, 把他的面孔隐没在繁星中间。 A Dearm of Death W.B Yeats I dreamed that one had died in a strange place Near no accustomed hand And they had nailed the boards above her face,


中国古诗词英译 第一部分由许渊冲翻译 关雎 关关雎鸠,在河之洲.窈窕淑女,君子好逑.参差荇菜,左右流之.窈窕淑女,妩媚求之. 求之不得,妩媚思服.优哉游哉,辗转反侧.参差荇菜,左右采之.窈窕淑女,琴瑟友之. 参差荇菜,左右毛之.窈窕淑女,钟鼓乐之. Cooing And Wooing By riverside are cooing;A pair of turtledoves;A good young man is wooing A fair maiden he loves. Water flows left and right;Of cress long here, short there;The youth yearns day and night;For the good maiden fair. His yearning grows so strong,He can not fall asleep,But tosses all night long, So deep in love, so deep! Now gather left and right;Cress long or short and tender!O lute, play music bright For the bride sweet and slender! Feast friends at left and right;On cress cooked till tender!O bells and drums, delight The bride so sweet and slender! 大风歌刘邦 大风起兮云飞扬,威加海内兮归故乡。安得猛士兮守四方! SONG OF THE GREAT WIND A great wind rises, oh! The clouds are driven away. I come to my native land, oh! Now the world is under my sway. Where can I brave men, oh! To guard my four frontiers today! 垓下歌项羽 力拔山兮气盖世,时不力兮驹不逝。驹不逝兮可奈何,虞兮虞兮耐若何! XIANG YU‘S LAST SONG I could pull mountains down, oh! With main and might, But my good fortune wanes, oh! My steed won‘t fight. Whether my steed will fight, oh! I do not care. What can I do with you, oh! My lady fair! 龟虽寿曹操 神龟虽寿,尤有竟时。腾蛇乘雾,终为土灰。老骥伏枥,志在千里。 烈士暮年,壮心不已。盈缩之期,不但在天;养怡之福,可得永年。 幸甚至哉,歌以咏志。 INDOMITABLE SOUL Although long lives the tortoise wise, In the end he can not but die. The serpent in the mist may rise, But in the dust he too shall die. Although the stabled steed is old, He dreams to run for mile and mile. In life‘s December h eroes bold Won‘t change indomitable style. It‘s not up to Heaven alone To lengthen or shorten our day. To a great age we can live on, If we keep it fit, cheerful and gay. How happy I feel at this thought! I croon this poem as I ought. 七步诗曹植 煮豆燃豆萁,豆在釜中泣。本是同根生,相煎何太急。 WRITTEN WHILE TAKING SEVEN PACES Pods burned to cook peas, Peas weep in the pot:

我只在乎你 中英文歌词 带拼音

学习必备 欢迎下载 我w ǒ只zh ǐ在z ài 乎h ū你n ǐ I only care about you 如R ú果ɡu ǒ没m éi 有y ǒu 遇y ù见ji àn 你n ǐ, 我W ǒ将ji ān ɡ会hu ì是sh ì在z ài 哪n ǎ里li ? 日R ì子zi 过ɡu ò得de 怎z ěn 么me 样y àn ɡ, 人r én 生sh ēn ɡ是sh ì否f ǒu 要y ào 珍zh ēn 惜x ī? 也Y ě许x ǔ认r èn 识shi 某m ǒu 一y ì人r én , 过ɡu ò着zhe 平p ín ɡ凡f án 的de 日r ì子zi 。 不B ù知zh ī道d ào 会hu ì不b ú会hu ì 也y ě有y ǒu 爱ài 情q ín ɡ甜ti án 如r ú蜜m ì ? If I never meet you, where am I ? How is my everyday? How is my life ? Should I value it? Maybe I will meet another one and live every common day; but I don’t know if I will get sweet love . 任R èn 时sh í光ɡu ān ɡ匆c ōn ɡ匆c ōn ɡ流li ú去q ù, 我w ǒ只zh ǐ在z ài 乎h ū你n ǐ。 心X īn 甘ɡān 情q ín ɡ愿yu àn 感ɡǎn 染r ǎn 你n ǐ的de 气q ì息x ī。 人R én 生sh ēn ɡ几j ǐ何h é能n én ɡ够ɡòu 得d é到d ào 知zh ī己j ǐ? 失Sh ī去q ù生sh ēn ɡ命m ìn ɡ的de 力l ì量li àn ɡ也y ě不b ù可k ě惜x ī 。 所Su ǒ以y ǐ我w ǒ求qi ú求qi ú你n ǐ,别bi é让r àn ɡ我w ǒ离l í开k āi 你n ǐ。除Ch ú了le 你n ǐ,我w ǒ不b ù能n én ɡ感ɡǎn 到d ào 一y ì丝s ī丝s ī情q ín ɡ意y ì 。 As time goes by, I only care about you. I am eager to feel your breath.When will I get a bosom friend? I can give up the life for her(him) if I get the bosom friend. Please do not leave me. I can’t feel any love except you. 如R ú果ɡu ǒ有y ǒu 那n à么me 一y ì天ti ān ,你n ǐ说shu ō即j í将ji ān ɡ要y ào 离l í去q ù。 我W ǒ会hu ì迷m í失sh ī我w ǒ自z ì己j ǐ, 走z ǒu 入r ù无w ú边bi ān 人r én 海h ǎi 里l ǐ 。 不B ú要y ào 什sh én 么me 诺nu ò言y án , 只zh ǐ要y ào 天ti ān 天ti ān 在z ài 一y ì起q ǐ。 我W ǒ不b ù能n én ɡ只zh ǐ依y ī靠k ào ,片pi àn 片pi àn 回hu í忆y ì活hu ó下xi à去q ù 。 If one day that you will leave me,I will lose myself. I will go into the huge crowd. I don’t need any promises , what I want just to be with you everyday. I can not live with pieces of memory .


汉英对照古体诗词 一百四十五首 One Hundred and Forty-five Chinese-English Traditional Poems and Rhymes 贝碧. 艾尔德里习作集 Babee Elderly’s Practice Writings PROLOGUE All the poems and rhymes presented here are from a green born 's pads. One will not fail to find in them lots of blunders and trash. The author wishes to bid you for your frank criticisms. Your help will surely rid him off his errors of silly ignorance.

第一部 中国古体诗词英译 The First Part Chinese Traditional Poems and Rhymes in English Verse 白居易Bai Juyi 草 篱篱原上草,一岁一枯荣。 野火烧不尽,春风吹又生。 远芳侵古道,晴翠接荒城。 又送王孙去,萋萋满别情。 Grass The grass grows all over that vast land. Once a year it thrives and then wanes. No fire in the fields can burn it off once for all, When spring breezes come it will grow most lively once again. Its fragrant smells lead through the same old land.


The Gale Song 大风歌-------刘邦 Strong winds blow clouds fly widely, 大风起兮云飞扬, Power cover seas inside return native town, 威加海内兮归故乡, How can get brave warriors guard four directions. 安得猛士兮守四方. Notorious, rascal, Qin regime’s collapse, finght for the throne with Xiang Yu, warlord, Ascend the throne, military commander-in-chief, meritorious aid HanXin said a famous word before being executed:“No bird left, then bow and arrows be thrown away;No fox and hare left, then dog be slain。”飞鸟尽,良弓藏;狐兔死,走狗烹。 Make a triumphant homecoming 衣锦还乡 Ascending Guanque(Stork)Pavilion 登鹳雀楼-------王之涣White sun along mountain set, 白日依山尽, Yellow River toward sea run。黄河入海流。 Want through thousand miles view, 欲穷千里目, Further up one storey floor. 更上一层楼。 遗大夫种书------------范蠡 吾闻天有四时,春生冬伐;人有盛衰,泰终必否。知进退存亡而不失其正,惟贤人乎?蠡虽不才,明知进退。高鸟以散,良弓将藏;狡兔已尽,良犬就烹。 夫越王为人,长颈鸟喙,鹰视狼步,可与共患难,而不可共处乐;可与履危,不可与安。子若不去,将害于子,明矣! A letter to Minister Wen Zhong--------Fan Li I have learned that just as there are four seasons in a year, with summer brave and winter bare, there are also vicissitudes in man’s life. When good luck reaches its limit, misfortune is destined to follow. If there is one who knows well when to advance and when to withdraw and in the meanwhile always remains righteous and upright., he should be esteemed as a man of virtue and wisdom, shouldn’t he? Humble as I am, I have come to know this regular pattern of advance and withdrawal. When high-flying birds have all flown away, strong bows will be cast; and when cunning hares have all been hunted, fleeting hounds will be cooked as food. And now let us have a look at the King of Yue------longnecked and beak-mouthed, hawk-eyed and wolf-footed. He is a man with whom you can share trouble but not happiness; with whom you can weather danger together but not live in peace together. If you don’t leave him now, he will harm you s ooner or later. Isn’t it clear enough?


化学元素周期表英文 01 : 氢 H, 读“轻”, Hydrogen 02 : 氦 He, 读“亥”,Helium 03 : 锂 Li, 读“里”, Lithium 04 : 铍 Be, 读“皮”, Beryllium 05 : 硼 B, 读“朋”, Boron 06 : 碳 C, 读“炭”, Carbon 07 : 氮 N, 读“淡”, Nitrogen 08 : 氧 O, 读“养”, Oxygen 09 : 氟 F, 读“弗”, Fluorine 10 : 氖 Ne, 读“乃”,Neon 11 : 钠 Na, 读“纳”, Sodium 12 : 镁 Mg, 读“美”,Magnesium 13 : 铝 Al, 读“吕”, Aluminum 14 : 硅 Si, 读“归”, Silicon 15 : 磷 P, 读“邻”, Phosphorus 16 : 硫 S, 读“流”, Sulfur 17 : 氯 Cl, 读“绿”, Chlorine 18 : 氩 Ar,A, 读“亚”, Argon 19 : 钾 K, 读“甲”, Potassium 20 : 钙 Ca, 读“丐”, Calcium 21 : 钪 Sc, 读“亢”, Scandium 22 : 钛 Ti, 读“太”, Titanium 23 : 钒 V, 读“凡”, Vanadium 24 : 铬 Cr, 读“各”, Chromium 25 : 锰 Mn, 读“猛”, Manganese 26 : 铁 Fe, 读“铁”, Iron 27 : 钴 Co, 读“古”,Cobalt 28 : 镍 Ni, 读“臬”, Nickel 29 : 铜 Cu, 读“同”, Copper 30 : 锌 Zn, 读“辛”,Zinc 31 : 镓 Ga, 读“家”,Gallium 32 : 锗 Ge, 读“者”, Germanium 33 : 砷 As, 读“申”, Arsenic 34 : 硒 Se, 读“西”, Selenium 35 : 溴 Br, 读“秀”, Bromine 36 : 氪 Kr, 读“克”, Krypton 37 : 铷 Rb, 读“如”, Rubidium 38 : 锶 Sr, 读“思”,Strontium 39 : 钇 Y, 读“乙”, Yttrium 40 : 锆 Zr, 读“告”,Zircon ium 41 : 铌 Nb, 读“尼”, Niobium 42 : 钼 Mo, 读“目”,Molybdenum 43 : 碍 Tc, 读“得”, Technetium 44 : 钌 Ru, 读“了”, Ruthenium 45 : 铑 Rh, 读“老”, Rhodium 46 : 钯 Pd, 读“巴”, [Palladium 47 : 银 Ag, 读“银”, Silver 48 : 镉 Cd, 读“隔”, Cadmium 49 : 铟 In, 读“因”, Indium 50 : 锡 [Sn, 读“西”,Ti n 51 : 锑 Sb, 读“梯”, Antimony 52 : 碲 Te, 读“帝”, Tellurium 53 : 碘 ]I, 读“典”, Iodine 54 : 氙 Xe, 读“仙”, Xenon 55 : 铯 Cs, 读“色”, Cesium 56 : 钡 Ba, 读“贝”, Barium 58 : 铈 Ce, 读“市”, Cerium 59 : 镨 Pr, 读“普” Praseodymiu m 60 : 钕 Nd, 读“女”, Neodymium 61 : 钷 Pm, 读“颇”, Promethiu m 62 : 钐 Sm, 读“衫”, Samarium 63 : 铕 Eu, 读“有”, Europium 64 : 钆 Gd, 读“轧”, Gadolinium 65 : 铽 Tb, 读“忒”, Terbium 66 : 镝 Dy, 读“滴”, Dysprosium 67 : 钬 Ho, 读“火”, Holmium 68 : 铒 Er, 读“耳”, ]Erbium 69 : 铥 Tm, 读“丢”, Thulium 70 : 镱 Yb, 读“意”, Ytterbium 71 : 镥 Lu, 读“鲁”, Lu tetium 72 : 铪 Hf, 读“哈”, Hafnium 73 : 钽 Ta, 读“坦”, Tantalum 74 : 钨 W, 读“乌”, Tungsten 75 : 镧 La, 读“兰”, Lanthanum 75 : 铼 Re, 读“来”, Rhenium 76 : 锇 Os, 读“鹅”, Osmium 77 :铱 Ir, 读“衣”, Iridium 78 : 铂 Pt, 读““,Platinum 79 : 金 Au, 读“今”, Gold 80 : 汞 Hg, 读“拱”, Mercury 81 : 铊 Tl, 读“他”, Thallium 82 : 铅 Pb, 读“千”, Lead 83 : 铋 Bi, 读“必”, Bismuth 84 : 钋 Po, 读“泼”, Polonium 85 : 砹 At, 读“艾”, Astatine
