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仁爱版七年级英语上Unit2 Topic3 Whose cap is it section C教学设计

仁爱版七年级英语上Unit2 Topic3 Whose cap is it section C教学设计
仁爱版七年级英语上Unit2 Topic3 Whose cap is it section C教学设计

仁爱版七年级英语上Unit2 Topic3 Whose cap is it section C 琼山第二中学


1、对阅读部分的处理:采取“总-分-总”的方式,fast-reading及scanning 等阅读策略引导学生阅读。首先让学生整体感知短文的主要内容,然后引导学生深入细致阅读,让学生了解短文的主要意思和细节,帮助学生关注和提取信息。最后过渡到整体,呈现和总结如何描写人物的脉络结构。




这是一节读写课,选取的短文是仁爱版七年级英语上册Unit2 Topic3 section C 的一篇阅读短文。本课时以描述人物及他人的外貌特征为阅读主题,并以此为写作范例,进一步开展写作教学。




1、知识目标:(1)能正确拼读并运用以下单词:new, clothes, classmate

(2) 能理解并掌握以下句型:

He is in a purple shirt and my T-shirt is red.

His pants are blue and mine are white.









Step 1:Greetings

T: Nice to meet you , everyone!

Ss: Nice to meet you, too.

T: I’m very happy today ,I’m your new teacher, Miss Wang !



Step 2: warming-up

教学活动:播放音乐,“Let’s chant!”


Step 3: Pre-reading

Show the pictures and ask students to look them, guess the colors of the clothes they wear, teach the new words, then lead-in the topic.




Step 4:While-reading



(1) Who are the boys in the passage?

(2) Are they in the same clothes?






1 Kang kang’s new classmate comes from China. ( F )

2 They don’t have the same looks. ( F )

3 They are in different clothes. ( T )

4 Kang kang’s pants are yellow. (F )

5 Kang kang’s classmate’s shoes are brown. ( T )




Step 5 Post-reading



K: Hello, S1.

A: Hello, Kangkang.

K: I have a new _________ in my class.

A: Who is he?

K: ________, please.

A: Where is he from?

K: He is from _______.

A: What does he look ______?

K: He has _____ hair and _____ eyes. We look the same.

A: What color is his T-shirt?

K: It’s ______.

A: And what color are his pants and shoes?

K: His pants are ______ and his shoes are _______.

A: I know him. His name is …


My name is kang kang. I have _____ ____ ______.He is from ______.He has _____ _____ and ______ ______. We _____ _____ ______, but we are in ______ ______.He is in a ____ _____ _____ and my ____ _____is ______.


Step 6: Writing


1、小组讨论“How to describe people?”。


3、根据2中Tom 和Dick的图片及描写人物的思维导图,在小组中分工合作,进行单词收集、分要点、分步骤共同完成写作活动。



仁爱版七年级下册复习学案:Unit 5 Our School Life Topic1 I usually come to school by subway.

3. 主语为第三人称单数时,谓语行为动词的变化。 She (play) computer games on Sundays. He (study) English every morning. Mary (go) to school on weekdays. My mother (have) breakfast at 6:45. 4. 用法: (1) 表示现在的状况:I (be) a teacher. You (be) a student. (2) 表示经常的或习惯性的动作:I usually (go) to school on foot. She (play) tennis every morning. (3) 表示主语具备的性格和能力等:He likes (sing) songs. Topic 2 A few students are running on the playground. 一、重点词语 1.制作卡片画画写一封封信 举行足球比赛与...聊天擦黑板 2.在操场上在体育馆在图书馆 3. 准时及时 4.领某人参观……寻找 二、重点句型: 1.现在进行时态的问与答(一般疑问句和特殊疑问句) 1). ? 你正在做作业吗? . 不,我没有。 2). ? 你正在看电视吗? . 是的,我是。 3).? 她正在做什么? . 她正在图书馆看书。

4). ? 他们正在做什么? . 他们正在体育馆里跳舞。 2. 现在进行时态的肯定句:“某人在某地正做某事”表达法 表达法:主语+ be + Ving + 地点. 3. 有关借用东西的句子 1). Excuse me, may I borrow some English workbooks? ? Of course. = Sure.。 (从……借回某物……:) 2). How Long may I keep it/them ? ? Two weeks.。 (borrow/ keep 区别是。) 3).You must return them on time.。 三.语法学习 1. 现在进行时态: 表示正在进行或发生的动作。常与句末now /at the moment , 和句首look, listen 等连用。 如:Look! They (play)soccer on the playground now. 2. 谓语动词结构:be+Ving I (see) a movie with my classmates now. 3. Ving构成法: 1)一般情况加ing:go – play – 2)以不发音e结尾的动词去e加ing的动词有:


Unit 6 Our Local Area Topic 1 There is a study next to my bedroom. Section A I. Material analysis 本单元围绕Our Local Area主题展开,共包括三个话题,通过Kangkang, Jane, Maria, Michael等人谈论有关房间、居住环境和问路的对话以及短文,完成本单元三个话题的语音、词汇、语法和功能项目的学习。话题一将介绍屋内房间的名称与位置、常见的屋内摆设的名称和摆放位置等。本课是话题一的第一课时。本课的主要活动是1a, 2a和4a。将通过Maria去Jane家拜访的情景呈现本课的主要内容,学习用there be句型表达各房间及屋内基本摆设。此外,还将呈现并操练字母组合i+nd/ld, igh, -ing, l/ll, m/mn的读音及语音辨认。本课贴近学生的实际生活,因此,教师可引导学生结合自己家的房屋设计进行口头和笔头操练,提高学生学习的兴趣,调动他们的学习积极性。 II. Teaching aims 1.Knowledge aims 能根据已学语音、音标及发音规则,正确朗读下列词汇和短语并在实际的对话操练中加以应用: beautiful, garden, bedroom, second, floor, and so on, upstairs, kitchen, dining room, living room, bathroom, first 能够在小组合作活动中,掌握字母组合i+nd/ld, igh, -ing, l/ll, m/mn的发音规则并尝试辨音; 能够在情景对话中用there be句型描述屋内房间及基本摆设等; 能正确使用方位介词和介词短语on,next to等; 能够就“存在、建议”等交际功能的基本法进行交流与对话操练,如: (1)There is a study next to my bedroom. (2) There is a sofa, a desk, some books and so on. (3) There is/are … on the first/second floor. (4) —Why not go upstairs and have a look?


人教版(新目标)初中七上Starter Unit 1 Good morning!教案 Period One 教学目标: 1. 学会打招呼的用语:Hello! / Good morning! / Good afternoon! / Good evening! 2. 识别和掌握八个人名: Alice, Bob, Cindy, Dale, Eric, Frank, Grace, Helen 教学重点、难点: 1.词汇:Alice, Bob, Cindy, Dale, Eric, Frank, Grace, Helen 2.句型:Hello! Good morning! 教学过程: Step 1. Warming-up 1. 课前—上课铃响教师就播放Good morning歌曲。 2. 师生初次见面,教师通过自我介绍和问候学生,让学生放轻松,消除与教师间的陌生感,开始亲近教师。教师自我介绍并用Hello! / Good morning! 问候学生。帮助学生用Hello! / Good morning! 作回应。 Step 2. Play a game. 绝大多数学生都会背诵26个字母表,因此学生参与这个游戏会相当积极。通过这个游戏首先可以锻炼他们迅速反应的能力;以英语名字作为奖励(老师提前准备好很多的英文名字),也使学生较有新鲜感,让他们自己选择自己的名字,使他们会更容易记住自己的名字。Play the game like this: Teacher says a letter, for example C, then let the Students tell the letters which is before and after C. The one who says B, D first is the winner. The winner can get a chance to choose an English name first. Step 3. Presentation 1.用预先制作的图片或挂图介绍八个人物和姓名。 2.出示Bob的图片,帮学生说Hello, Bob! 或 Good morning, Bob! 然后利用其他图片介绍其他七位人物的名字。 Step 4. Game 在幻灯片上通过闪现头像来测试学生对这八个人物的特征和名字的记忆,然后出示7位人物的头像,让同学们看看少了哪一位人物的头像,有助于锻炼他们的反应力和注意力。获胜者也以英语名字作为奖励。Step 5. Presentation. 出示Bob头像和时钟(早上),让同学们猜Bob会对我们说什么。然后帮助同学们练习说Hello!或者 Good morning!通过图画上的场景让学生进行猜测,满足学生的好奇心,也让他们了解Good morning的使用。

仁爱版英语七年级下册Section C

Section C 学校班级姓名 完成时间(30分钟以内) 一、基础训练 I、翻译下列词组 1.对……很友好 2.一些其他的科目 3.在……和……之间 4.不同种类的邮票 II、选择填空 ( )1.There are apples at home. Let’s go and buy some. A. a few B. few C. a little ( )2.Some of go to school by bus. A. we B. they C. you ( )3.Please come to the playground and the game. A. watch B. see C. look ( )4.The math problem is very difficult. He is still now. A. working on it B. working it on C. work on it ( )5.请选出含有音标/ ?? / 的单词. A. chair B. clear C. wear 二、课时达标 I、根据所给提示,填入适当的单词,将下列句子补充完整 1.If you want to post(邮寄)a letter, you need a s . 2.We often have physics classes in the l . 3.I draw pictures ( two ) a week. 4.I don’t want to watch it. It’s too ( / 'b??r?? / ). 5.--Where is Meimei? --She’s ( fly ) a kite in the park. 三、能力提升 I、根据汉语意思,完成下列句子 1.--Can you English? --Yes, I can it in English.(说) 2.Jim Kate his school life now. (告诉某人有


Unit 8 The Seasons and the Weather Topic 1 What’s the weather like in summer? Section A Ⅰ. Material analysis 本话题通过对话询问和描述一年四季的气候引入学习,自然过渡到气温的表达,对比中西方国家天气的差异,同时谈论大量适合各种天气的日常活动。本节课是第八单元话题一的第一课时,主要活动是1a、2a和3a。学习询问和描述不同季节天气的表达以及描述不同季节适合的活动的表达方式;还将学习询问最喜欢的季节并阐述其原因的表达方式;另外,语音板块将学习字母s, x 及字母组合ur, wh的读音规则并复习字母z,w和字母组合ur,ir,er在单词中的发音。 Ⅱ. Teaching aims 1.Knowledge aims 能够快速辨认和正确朗读与天气及其活动相关的词汇: weather, spring, warm, season, summer, hot, climb等; 能够询问和描述不同季节的天气以及各季节适合的活动的表达方式,如:—What’s the weather like in spring?= —How is the weather like in spring? —It’s warm. It’s a good time to.../ It’s a good seas on for.../We can... 能够谈论最喜欢的季节并阐述其原因,如: Which season do you like best, spring, summer, fall or winter? — Why/Why do you like it? —Because... 能够应用一般现在时询问天气并作出回答,如: —What’s the weather like in spring?= —How is the weather in spring? —It’s warm. It’s a good time to.../ It’s a good season for ... /We can ... 了解字母s, x 及字母组合ur, wh在单词中的读音规则。 2. Skill aims 能够听懂谈论季节和天气状况的对话和短文; 能够熟练使用英语询问和描述季节及天气情况; 能够读懂一些简单的与季节和天气相关的课外阅读材料; 能够编写有关季节和天气的短文。


仁爱版英语七年级(下)教案 Unit 5 一、【教学目标】 (一)语言知识 语音/t/ /d/ /ts/ /dz/ /tr/ /dr/ /l/ /m/ /n/ 词汇掌握wake,early, first,day, term,must,still,by,on foot,the same to,usually,always,Ms.,boat,ship,sea,train,by plane/air/airplane, etc. 理解Subway Worm reporter,Net Bar,roller skating Measure dining hall,dormitory bookstore,etc. (二)语法 1.一般现在时(Simple present) 2.频度副词(Adverbs of frequency)never,seldom,sometimes,often,usually,always,once,twice 3.现在进行时(Present continuous) I’m looking for a book. Are you doing your homework?Yes,I am./No,I m not. Is he/she...?Yes,he/she is./No,he/she isn’t. What are you doing now?I’m playing computer games. What is he/she doing?He/She is... 4.谈论交通方式(Talking about means of transport) How do you usually go to school? I usually go to school by bike. (三)功能用语与话题 1.采访(Interviews)Our guest today is Michael from Class 2,Grade 1. 2.谈论日常生活(Talking about routines) 3.学校建筑(School buildings)swimming pool,playground,library,dormitory,lab,canteen,gym 4.谈论兴趣喜好(Talking about interests,likes and dislikes)I like the swimming pool best. Why do you like English? Because it’s interesting and easy. 5.借物(Borrowing things)How long can I keep it? Two weeks. 6.新闻(News)、海报(Poster)Attention,please! Here is the news. 7.谈论学校活动、科目和时间表(Talking about school activities,subjects and timetable) 8.谈论学校生活(Talking about school life) (四)能力培养 【听】能听懂谈论校园生活中比较熟悉的话题,识别主题,获取主要信息。 【说】1 能根据提示词说出意思连贯的校园生活的句子。 2 能用简单对话描述校园生活。 3 能根据图片或借助他人帮助描述自己或他人的校园生活。 4 能与他人合作进行角色扮演,表现校园生活。 【读】1 能理解简单的书面表达。 2 能准确地朗读课文。 3 能读懂表现校园生活方面的文章,包括校园新闻、海报、遗失声明、失物招领等。 写能写出表现校园生活方面的简单句子。能写出简单的校园新闻、海报、遗失声明、失物招领等。 情感态度培养学生积极向上的情感、活泼开朗的个性、浓厚的学习兴趣和大胆实践的精神,提高学习效率,培养学生热爱学校生活,乐于学校生活的意识。 学习策略积极探索适合自己的英语学习方法,利用现实生活中的学习资源,培养任务型学习方法与技巧。二、【教材分析】 本单元的交际用语主要是围绕学生的学校生活展开的,谈论学生的上学方式、作息时间、课程安排、业余生活等内容,这些内容为学生所熟悉,便于展开讨论。 本单元的语法内容主要是学习一般现在时、现在进行时以及表示频度的副词。


仁爱版七年级下英语短语归纳 Unit 5 Our School Life Topic 1 how do you usually go to school ? 1.at the school gate 在学校大门口 2.The same to you! 也同样祝你--- --- 3.look very nice! 看起来漂亮 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/626857368.html,e to school 来上学 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/626857368.html,e by bike= ride(s) a bike 骑自行车 6.go by subway=take(s) the subway= in a subway乘地铁 7.go by bus=take (s) a bus / in a bus / on a bus 乘公共汽车 8.by plane / by air /in a plane / on a plane 乘飞机 9.by car /in a car / take a car 坐小汽车 10.by train / in a train / on a train / take a train乘火车 11.by ship/by boat / on a ship/boat / take the ship 坐船 12.go on foot=walk to 步行 13.walk to school 走路上学 14.do one`s h omework 做家庭作业 15.see a movie 看电影 16.want to do sth 想要做某事 17.what time 什么时间 18.on weekdays 周末 19.at about six o’clock 在大约六点钟 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/626857368.html,e on 快点 21.It`s time for class 该上课了 22.It`s time to have class 该上课了 23.know about 了解--- --- 的情况 24.take a yellow school bus 乘一辆黄色的校车 25.have/has lunch 吃午餐 26.at school 在学校,在上学 27.eat out外出吃饭,上馆子 28.on school days 在校期间 29.have a short rest休息一会儿 30.after lunch午餐后 31.after supper/after dinner 晚饭后 32.after class下课后 33.after school放学后 34.listen to music 听音乐 35.in one`s free/spare time 在某人的业余时间里 36.how often 多久一次 37.have ball games 举行球赛 38.four times a year 每年四次 39.meet friends 见朋友 40.once a week 每周一次41.twice a week 每周两次 42.three times a week 每周三次 43.at twenty past six 在六点二十分 44.have / has dinner 吃晚餐 45.half past seven 七点半 46.a quarter past five 五点过十五分 47.get home 到家 48.go / goes to bed 上床睡觉 49.a quarter to ten 十点差十五分 Topic 2 He is playing soccer on the playground 1.teachers’ office 教师办公室 2.classroom building 教学楼 3.at the moment = now 此刻,现在 4.make cards 制作卡片 5.Good idea! 好主意 6.See you soon 一会儿见 7.play computer games 玩电脑游戏 8. a few 几个,一些 9.of course = sure = certainly 当然 10.on time 准时 11.in time 及时 12.many students 许多学生 13.do well in= be good at sth / doing sth 在--- ---做得好 14.do better in 在--- --- 做得更好 15.on the shelf 在书架上 16.return = give back 归还 17.It’s a pleasure 不用谢 18.lost and found 失物招领处 19.looking for 寻找 20.a picture o f my family 一张全家福照片 21.thank you all the same 还是要谢谢你 22.a pair of shoes 一双鞋 23.two pairs of shoes 两双鞋 24.show sb around 带领某人参观 25.in the center of= in the middle of 在--- --- 的中间,在--- --- 的中央 26.on the left 在左边 27.on the right 在右边 28.next to 在--- --- 隔壁,在--- --- 旁边,紧挨看,靠近 29.at the back of 在--- ---后部,在--- --- 后面 30.between --- --- and --- --- 在--- --- 和--- --- 之间 Topic 3 our school is very interesting 1.What day 用来提问“星期几” 2.have a music class 上一节音乐课 3.have a biology lesson 上一节生物课 4.outdoor activities 户外活动 5.how many lessons 多少节课 6.Work on math problems 做数学题 7.What do you think of it = How do you like it ?你觉得它怎 么样? 8.Be friendly to sb = be kind to sb 对某人友好 9.And so on 等等 10.Thank sb for doing sth 感谢某人做了某事 11.best wishes 致以美好的祝愿 Unit 6 Our Local Area Topic 1 Is there a sofa in your study? 1.On the second floor 在二楼 2.Why not =Why don`t you 为什么不--- --- ? 3.Go upstairs 上楼 4.Go downstairs 下楼 5.Have a look 看一看 6. A moment later 过了一会儿 7.So many books 这么多的书 8.On the shelf 在书架上 9.On the first floor 在一楼 10.In the front of the house 在房子前面 11.Play with his pet dog 和他的宠物狗玩耍 12.Talk about 谈论 13.Put them away 请把它们收起来放好 14.Look after = take care of 照看,照顾 15.How many pairs 多少 Next to 在--- --- 旁边 16.In the front of 在--- --- 前面(内部的前面) 17.Get a letter from sb= hear from sb 收到某人的来信 18.Tell sb about sth 告诉某人关于某事 19.Tell sb to do sth 告诉某人做某事 20.Tell sb sth 告诉某人某事 Topic 2 What`s your home like? 1.An apartment building 一座公寓 2.In the country 在农村 3.Look for 寻找 4.On the street corner 在街道拐角处 5.Keep money 存钱 6.Mail letters 邮寄信 7.Keep and show things 保存和陈列物品


七年级下英语知识点总结 Unit 5 Topic1 ㈠短语总结 1.在学校大门口at the school gate 2.来学校come to school 3.去学校go to school 4.上课have class / have classes 5.步行on foot 6.骑自行车ride a bike/ ride bikes/ by bike / on a bike 7.坐公交by bus / take a bus 8.坐地铁by subway / take the subway / on the subway 9.坐飞机by plane/ take the plane / on the plane 10.坐小汽车by car / in a car/ take a car/ drive a car 11.坐轮船by ship 12.坐小船by boat 13.坐火车by train / on the train 14.在我们组in our group 15.一群学生 a group of students 16.我们中的三个人three of us 17.在平日on weekdays 18.在周末on the weekends / at weekends 19.起床get up 20.睡觉go to bed 21.早起get up early 22.回家go home 23.到家get home 24.去动物园go to the zoo 25.去公园go to the park 26.看电影see a movie / film 27.看电视watch TV 28.在晚上in the evening / at night 29.帮助父母help parents 30.做某人的家庭作业do one’s ( my/ her/ his/ your/ their)homework 31.在学校at school 32.知道,了解know about / learn about 33.校园生活school life 34.一个美国学生an American student 35.在美国in America / in the U.S.A. 36.许多学生many students/ a lot of students/ lots of students 37.很少very few 38.吃午饭have lunch 39.出去吃饭eat out


(完整版)仁爱版七年级英语下册知识点总结 -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

Unit 5 Our school life 1.The same to you.也祝你......用于别人向你祝福时对对方的回应,相当于 you,too! 2.By +交通工具名称,表示使用某种交通方式,中间不加限定词。 By bus/ train/ car/ plane/ air/ bike/ ship(轮船)/ sea/ boat(小舟)/ subway/underground乘公共汽车/火车/小汽车/飞机/飞机/自行车/船/船/船/地铁/地铁 on foot 步行= walk to 如果交通工具前有the,one’s等限定词,介词不能用by,而需用in或 on。 On the train, in his car, on his/ the bike等。 By引导的短语不能在句子中作谓语,只能用作方式状语,与动词go, come,get连用。 3.How do you usually come to school?是由how引导的特殊疑问句,对交通方 式进行提问,通常用by+交通工具来回答 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/626857368.html,e on 快点儿,快 5.on weekdays 在工作日 on weekends 在周末 6.The early bird catches the worm 捷足先登;笨鸟先飞 7.take the subway home= go home by subway 乘地铁回家 get home到家 on one’s way home 在......回家的路上 8.ride 动词,意为“骑(车、马等);搭乘,乘车” ride bikes ride horses 9.do one’s homework做家庭作业 do housework 做家务 10.watch TV/ football game 观看电视/足球赛 11.as always= as usual 像往常一样 12.few 修饰或代替可数名词复数,意为“很少,几乎没有”,表示否定含义 a few 修饰或代替可数名词复数,意为“一些,少许”,表示肯定含义little 修饰或代替不可数名词复数,意为“很少,几乎没有”,表示否定含义 a little 修饰或代替不可数名词复数,意为“一些,少许”,表示肯定含义 a few apples 几个苹果 few apples 几乎没有苹果 a little water一点儿水 little water 几乎没有水 a little+ adj. 表示“有点儿......” a little easy 有点容易 a little+不可数名词,表示“一点儿......”表示肯定,有点...... a little water 一点儿水 13.eat out外出吃饭 have a short rest 稍作休息 be over 结束(class is over 下课了) 14.in one’s free time 在某人的业余时间里 15.play 动词,意为“击球,打球,玩,玩耍,弹(演)奏” Play ping-pong打乒乓球 play the game 玩游戏 play the piano弹钢琴 与球类名词连用时,不加冠词;与大多数乐趣名词连用时,乐器前必须加定冠词the。


This is a __________1 of Obama's family.This man __________2 Mr.Obama.__________3 is the two girls' father.__________4 woman is Mrs.Obama.__________5 is the two girls' mother.Who __________6 this girl and __________7 girl? This __________8 is Malia Obama, Mr.Obama's _________9 daughter.That girl is Natasha Obama, Mr.Obama's second daughter.Malia is __________10 elder sister.Natasha is the younger sister.They are beautiful. 1.A.map B.book C.photo D.room 2.A.am B.is C.are D.be 3.A.Her B.She C.His D.He 4.A.This B.These C.A D.An 5.A.Her B.She C.His D.He 6.A.am B.is C.are D.be 7.A.a B.an C.that D.these 8.A.boy B.boys C.girl D.girls 9.A.one B.first C.No.One D.firstly 10.A.the B.a C.an D./

答案 1.C点拨:a photo of 一张……的照片。 2.B点拨:用主谓一致法。主语This man是第三人称单数,故be 动词用is。 3.D点拨:用常识法。代指Mr.Obama用人称代词He。 4.A点拨:用句意理解法。句意:这个女人是奥巴马夫人。This 用于指代或修饰单数名词,故选A。25.B 6.C点拨:用主谓一致法。and连接前后两个并列的主语,故be 动词用are。7.C 8.C 9.B点拨:用前后关联法。此处first与下句中的second相对应,first daughter意为“第一个女儿”。 10.A点拨:用前后关联法。由下句中的the younger sister可知,此处要用the elder sister表示“姐姐”。


仁爱版七年级英语下册知识点总结(全册)Unit 5 Topic1 重点短语 1.on foot go …on foot = walk ( to )…  2.at the school gate在学校大门口 3.on weekdays在平日 ,在工作日 4. on weekends=on the weekend在周末 5.after school 放学后 6.after class 下课后 7.after breakfast / lunch / supper 早餐/ 午餐/ 晚餐后 8.in ones free time在某人空闲时间 9.have a rest 休息一下 10.read books 读书 11.go swimming 去游泳 12.listen to music 听音乐 13.watch TV 看电视14.do(one’s )homework 做作业 15.go to the zoo / park 去动物园/ 公园 16.once a week 一周一次 17.every day 每天 18.have classes 上课 19.for a little while 一会儿 20.go to bed 上床睡觉 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/626857368.html,e on 快点,加油,来吧 22.get up 起床 23.talk with / to sb.与某人谈话 24.at school 在学校、在上课 25.go to school 去上学 26.and so on ……等等 重点句型 1.Happy New Year! The same to you. 2.Your new bike looks very nice. Thank you. 2.How do you usually come to school? —I usually come to school by subway. 3.How often do you go to the library? —Once/Twice/Three times a week/Very often/Every day/Sedom 4.The early bird catches the work. (谚语) 笨鸟先飞 5.Classes begin at eight. =Class begins at eight. What time does the class begin? / What time do the classes begin? 6.We have no more time. 我们没有更多的时间了。 7.I have four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. 我早上上四节课,下午上两节。 8.She goes to bed at about a quarter to ten. 她九点四十五分睡觉。 重点详解 1.by+交通工具,表示使用某种交通方式,中间不加限定词,如果交通工具前有a, the, my 等 限定词,就不能用by,而是用in或是on. by +动词ing形式,表示通过某种方式 乘坐交通工具:by +交通工具(by car/bus/train/ship)take the+交通工具(take the bus/car) on+大型封闭式工具(on the bus/ train/ship/plane)on the train=by train on his bike=by bike on a bike/motorbike in +小型封闭交通工具(in a car/taxi)in my car=by car I always come to school by bus. People show love to their mothers by giving cards. You can be a good student by working hard. 巧辩异同on foot 与walk on foot “ 走路”,是介词短语,不能作谓语,只作方式状语,位于句末。 walk “走路”, 是动词,可以作谓语。 take the bus = go …by bus ride a bike = go …by bike take the subway = go …by subway go to…on foot= walk to I often go to school on foot. =I often walk to school. go to….by bike = ride a bike go to…. by car = drive a car to go to … by plane = fly to go to… by bus = take a bus to 2. It’s time for sth. “该做某事了”=It’s time to do sth. It’s time for class. =It’s time to have class. =It’s time for having class. 3. look +adj (look感官动词,系动词) 看起来 His mother looks very young. They look very cute. Her dress looks very nice. You look very cool in this coat. look的短语look the same看起来一样look like看起来像……  look for寻找look after =take care of 照顾,照料look around/about四处看看,look back回头看;回顾; look out 当心,小心,留神; look through浏览,仔细查看;look up查寻,查阅;抬头看 4. do one’s homework 做家庭作业(注:one’s 要随主语的变化而变化,常用形容词性物主代词my, your, their, our, his, her等)。do my homework at school 在学校做作业 5. want to do sth.“想做某事”,want 后接动词不定式作宾语。 know about“了解,知道关于…”。we want to ...... know about ......... the school life of American students. 我们想了解一下美国学生的学校生活。


初中七年级(上)英语测试题 (笔试部分) 姓名_______ 班级_______ 分数_______ --------------------------------------------------------------------- 一、单项选择 ( )1. -Is that _____ apple? - No, it’s _____ orange. A.an; a B.an; an C.a; an D.a; a ( )2. I like your nice hats. _____ new. A.It’s B. It is C. They're D. They is ( )3. Can you stand _____ your feet? A.on B.up C.at D. in ( )4. Danny _____ a headache. A. do not have B. do not has C. does not have D. does not has ( )5. My favourite food is _____. A.Noodles B.rices C. water D. tea ( )6. There are many different kinds of _____ in the river A. fish B. meat C. rice D. monkey

( )7. _____ father is an English teacher. A. Jim and Kate's B. Jim's and Kate C. Jim's and Kate's D. Jim and Kate ( )8. - Why are you walking to school? - Because my _____ is broken. A. rad B. watch C. bike D.bag ( )9. - Would you like some rice? - _____. I’d like some soup. A. No I don't B. No, not like C. No, thanks D. Yes, please ( )10.- Would you like to come to my birthday party? - ______. A. Yes, I'd like B. Yes, I'd love to C. No, Id not like D. I don’t like to 二、完形填空 Hi ! 1 name is Lucy. I am a student. I’m 2 the U.K. (英国). You can 3 many chairs and desks in my classroom. The 4 are yellow And the chairs are yellow, 5 There are (有) four big 6 and two doors in the classroom. 7 are brown. Now I 8 a red hat and a red coat. Do you like 9 It's my favourite colour. I have 10 red shoes. They are from my mum. ( )1. A.I B My C Me D I’m ( )2. A with B. for C. to D. from ( )3. A say B reach C. see D. tell ( )4. A. students B desks C. chairs D windows ( )5. A.to B. two C. too D. or ( )6. A windows B. chairs C. desks D. doors ( )7. A. It B. This C. That D. They ( )8. A wear B. know C. look D do ( ) 9. A yellow B. blue C. red D. brown ( )10. A. a B. an C. a pair of D. two pair of 三、阅读理解

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