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Module 1

academic [,?k?'demik] adj. 学术的province ['pr?vins] n. 省enthusiastic [in,θju:zi'?stik]adj.热心的, amazing [?'meizi?] adj.令人吃惊的;令人惊奇的

information [,inf?'mei??n] n. 消息website [ web’sait] n.网站;网址brilliant ['brilj?nt] adj.(口语)极好的comprehension [,k?mpri'hen??n] n. 理解,领悟

instruction [in'str?k??n] n.(常作复数)指示;说明

method ['meθ?d] n. 方法

bored ['b?: d] adj.厌烦的;厌倦的embarrassed [im'b?r?st] adj.尴尬的;难堪的;困窘的

attitude ['?titju:d] n. 态度

behaviour [bi'heivj?] n. 行为;举动previous ['pri:vi?s] adj.以前的;description [di'skrip??n] n.记述;描述amazed [?'meizd] adj. 吃惊的;惊奇的embarrassing [im'b?r?si?] adj.令人尴尬的;令人难堪的

technology [tek'n?l?d?i] n. 技术impress [im'pres] vt.使印象深刻correction [k?'rek??n] n. 改正;纠正encouragement [in'k?rid?m?nt]n.鼓励;激励

enjoyment [in'd??im?nt] n.享受;乐趣fluency ['flu:?nsi] n.流利;流畅misunderstanding [,mis?nd?'st?ndi?] n. 误解

disappointed [,dis?'p?intid] adj.失望的disappointing [,dis?'p?inti?] adj.令人失望的

system ['sist?m] n. 制度;体系;系统teenager ['ti:nid??] n.少年

disappear [,dis?'pi?] vi. 消失

move [mu:v] adj.搬家

assistant [?'sist?nt] n. 助手, 助理cover ['k?v?] vt.包含

diploma [di'pl?um?] n. 文凭, 毕业证书

Module 2

amusing [?'mju:zi?] adj.有趣的;可笑的

energetic [,en?'d?etik] adj. 精力充沛的

intelligent [in'telid??nt] adj. 聪明的nervous ['n?:v?s] adj.紧张的;焦虑的organized ['?:g?naizd] adj.有组织的;有系统的

patient ['pei??nt] adj.耐心的serious ['si?ri?s] adj. 严厉的

shy [?ai] adj.害羞的;羞怯的

strict [strikt] a. 严格的;严厉的

impression [im'pre??n] n. 印象

avoid [?'v?id] vt.(故意)避开

hate [heit] vt.讨厌;不喜欢

incorrectly [,ink?'rektli] adv.不正确地

completely [k?m'pli:tli] adv. 十分地;


immediately [i'mi:di?tli] adv.立即;即

appreciate [?'pri:?ieit] vt.感激

admit [?d'mit] vt. 承认

scientific [,sai?n'tifik] adj. 科学的

literature ['lit?r?t??] n. 文学

loudly ['laudli] adv. 大声地

wave [weiv] vt.挥(手);招(手)

joke [d??uk] n. 玩笑;笑话

summary ['s?m?ri] n.总结;摘要;提

respect [ri'spekt] vt.&n.尊敬;尊重

grade [greid] n.(美)成绩;分数

headmaster ['hed'mɑ:st?] n.校长

headmistress ['hed'mistris] n.女校长

period ['pi?ri?d] n.一段时间

revision [ri'vi??n] n.复习

translation [tr?ns'lei??n] n. 翻译

timetable ['taimteibl] n. 时间表

topic ['t?pik] n.话题;题目

vacation [vei'kei??n] n. 假期

revise [ri'vaiz] vt.温习(功课)

discipline ['disiplin] n.纪律

relationship [ri'lei??n?ip] n. 关系

formal ['f?:m?l] adj. 正式的

relaxed [ri'l?kst] adj.轻松的;松懈的;


similarly ['simil?li] adv.同样地,类似

Module 3

helicopter ['helik?pt?] n.直升飞机

motorbike ['m?ut?, baik] n.摩托车

tram [tr?m] n.电车

distance ['dist?ns] n. 距离

abandoned [?'b?nd?nd] adj.被遗弃的

camel ['k?ml] n. 骆驼

cassette [k?'set] n.录音带

desert ['dez?t] n. 沙漠

diamond ['dai?m?nd] n. 钻石

expert ['eksp?:t] n. 专家

midnight ['midnait] n. 半夜

product ['pr?d?kt] n. 产品

scenery ['si:n?ri] n. 风景; 景色

shoot [?u:t] vt.(shot,shot)射杀

soil [s?il] n. 土壤

journey ['d??:ni] n. 旅程

train [trein] vt. 练习

circus ['s?:k?s] n. 马戏团

seaside ['si:said] n. 海滨

stadium ['steidi?m] n. 运动场;体育场

eagle ['i:gl] n. 鹰

frighten ['fraitn] vt.是吃惊;惊吓

kindergarten ['kind?,gɑ:tn] n.幼儿园

apartment [?'pɑ:tm?nt] n.(美)公寓;


cartoon [kɑ:'tu:n] n. 卡通;漫画

interview ['int?vju:] n.面试;面谈

interviewer ['int?vju:?] n.(面试时的)


event [i'vent] n. 事件

exhausted [ig'z?:stid] adj.疲惫不堪的

downtown ['daun'taun] adj.商业区的;


vacuum [`'v?kju?m] n. 真空;空白

rail [reil] n.铁轨

ceremony ['serim?ni] n.仪式

track [tr?k] n. 轨道

souvenir [,su:v?'ni?] n. 纪念品

Module 4

survey [s?'vei] n. 调查

neighbourhood n.四邻

local ['l?uk?l] adj.地方的;局部的

suburb ['s?b?:b] n.城郊;郊区

hometown [h?um'taun] n.家乡

attractive [?'tr?ktiv] adj.有吸引力的;


fortunate ['f?:t??nit] adj.幸运的;吉祥

pretty ['priti] adv.很;相当

sound [saund] vi.听起来

tourist ['tu?rist]n.旅游者;观光客

bother ['b?e?] vt.打搅;烦扰;麻烦

nuisance ['nju:sns] n.令人讨厌的人或

rent [rent] n. 租金

district ['distrikt] n.地域;区域;行政

approach [?'pr?ut?] vt. 接近

harbour n.海港

gorgeous ['g?:d??s] adj.漂亮的;宜人

architecture ['ɑ:kitekt??] n. 建筑

starve [stɑ:v] vi.饿死

park [pɑ:k] vt. 停车

traffic ['tr?fik] n. 交通

committee [k?'miti] n. 委员会

organization ['?:g?nai'z??n] n.组织

unemployed [,?nim'pl?id] adj.失业的;


household ['haush?uld] n.家属;家人

occupation [,?kju'pei??n] n. 职业

professional [pr?'fe??nl] adj.专业的

manual ['m?nju?l] adj.用手的;手的

employment [im'pl?im?nt] n.就业;工



gallery ['g?l?ri] n.美术馆;画廊exchange [iks't?eind?] vt. 交换fascinating ['f?sineiti?] adj. 迷人的, 吸引人的

afford [?'f?:d] vt. 买得起;有能力支付survive [s?'vaiv] vi.死里逃生;大难不死

contact ['k?nt?kt] vt.联络;联系(某人)

Module 5

liquid ['likwid] n. 液体

expand [ik'sp?nd] vi.膨胀

contract ['k?ntr?kt] vi.收缩substance ['s?bst?ns] n. 物质

mixture ['mikst??] n.混合物

oxygen ['?ks?d??n] n. 氧气electricity [,ilek'trisiti] n. 电

stage [steid?] n. 阶段;时期conclusion [k?n'klu:??n] n. 结论

aim [eim] n. 目标;目的

reaction [ri'?k??n] n. 反应

electrical [i'lektrik?l] adj.与电有关的;用电的

equipment [i'kwipm?nt] n. 设备;装备react [ri'?kt] vi.(化学)反应potassium n. 钾

sodium ['s?udi?m] n. 钠

calcium ['k?lsi?m] n. 钙magnesium [m?g'ni:zi?m] n. 镁aluminium [,?lju'mini?m] n. 铝

zinc [zi?k] n. 锌partial ['pɑ:??l] adj.部分的;局部的

copper ['k?p?] n. 铜

oxide ['?ksaid] n. 氧化物

rust [r?st] vi. 生锈

boil [b?il] vt.生锈

ordinary ['?:din?ri] adj.普通的;平常的

steam [sti:m] n. 蒸汽;水气

float [fl?ut] vi.漂浮

form [f?:m] vi.形成

dissolve [di'z?lv] vt. 溶解;分解;分

balance ['b?l?ns] n.天平

crucible ['kru:sibl] n. 坩锅

tongs [t??z] (复)夹子;小钳子

flame [fleim] n. 火焰

facility [f?'siliti] n.(常作复数)设备;


lecture ['lekt??] n. 演讲

department [di'pɑ:tm?nt] n.(大学的)


astonished [?'st?ni?t] adj.吃惊的;惊愕

Module 6

contain [k?n'tein] vt. 包含;包括

access ['?kses] n.接近;通路

crash [kr??] vi.(计算机)崩溃

keyword ['ki: , w?:d] n.密码;口令

log [l?g] vt.记录;登录

software ['s?ftw??] n. 软件

breakdown ['breikdaun] n.故障

source [s?:s] n.来源;出处

accessible [?k'ses?bl] adj.可进入的;


data ['deit?] n.(复)数据

defence [di'fens] n.保护;防卫

create [kri:'eit] vt. 创造;发明

network ['netw?:k] n. 网络

via [vai?] prep.途径;经由

percentage [p?'sentid?] n.百分数;百


design [di'zain] vt. 设计

document ['d?kjum?nt] n. 文件

invention [in'ven??n] n. 发明

permission [p?'mi??n] n. 许可

military ['milit?ri] adj.军事的;军队的

concentrate ['k?ns?ntreit] vi.集中(注


definite ['definit] adj. 明确的

fantastic [f?n't?stik] adj.极好的;美妙

independent [,indi'pend?nt] adj.独立的

essay ['esei] n.文章

pass [p?s] vt.超过

frequently ['fri:kw?ntli] adv.时常;经

disadvantage [,dis?d'vɑ:ntid?] n.弊


average ['?v?rid?] adj.平均的

statistics [st?'tistiks] n.(复)统计数字

shorten ['??:tn] vt.缩短

sideways ['saidweiz] adv.横着地;斜着

Module 3 My First Ride on a Train我的首次火车之旅

My name is Alice Thompson. I come from Sydney, Austral ia and I’m 18 years old.Recently I had my first ride on a long-distance train. And what a ride! A friend and I traveled on the famous Ghan train. We got on in Sydney and we got off in Alice Springs, right in the middle of Australia, more than four thousand kilometers away.We spent two days and nights on the train.The train was wonderful and the food was great. We ate great meals cooked by experts! For the first few hundred kilometres of the journey, the scenery was very colourful. There were fields and the soil was dark red. After that, it was desert. The sun shone, there was no wind and there were no clouds in the sky. Suddenly, it looked like a place from another time.We saw abandoned farms which were built more than a hundred years ago.The train was comfortable and the people were nice.During the day, I sat and looked out of the window, and sometimes talked to other passengers.I read books and listened to my Chinese cassettes (I'm studying Chinese at school). One night,at about midnight, I watched the night sky for about an hour. The stars shone like diamonds.

Why is the train called the Ghan? A long time ago, Australians needed a way to travel to the middle of the country.They tried riding horses, but the horses didn't like the hot weather and sand. A hundred and fifty years ago, they brought some camels from Afghanistan. Ghan is short for Afghanistan. Camels were much better than horses for travelling a long distance.For many years, trained camels carried food and other supplies, and returned with wool and other products. The Afghans and their camels did this until the 1920s。Then the government built a new railway line, so they didn't need the camels any more. In 1925,they passed a law which allowed people to shoot the animals if they were a problem. In 1935, the police in a town shot 153 camels in one day.


Moudle 4 a social survey –my neighbourhood A lively city

It's great to see you again, John.It's great to see you! It's been six years since we last saw each other, you know.

And this is the first time I've visitedyour hometown. Yes, I'm so glad you could come.You know, I've seen quite a lot of China and I've visited some beautiful cities, but this is one of the most attractive places I've been to. It's so lively, and everyone seems so friendly. Yes, it's one of the most interesting cities on the coast,everyone says so. I feel very fortunate living here. And I love living by the seaside. You live in the northwest of Xiamen, is that right?Yes, that's right.What's the climate like?Pretty hot and wet in the summer, but it can be quite cold in the winter.Sounds OK to me. There are a lot of tourists around. Don't they bother you?Yes, they can be a nuisance in the summer because there are so many of them.Oh, look at that huge apartment block!Yes, they've just completed it. The rent for an apartment there is very high. I believe you! This area's so modern!!Yes, this is the business district. They've put up a lot of high-rise buildings recently. And there are some great shopping malls.See, we're just passing one now. My wife's just bought a beautiful dress from one of the shops there.Maybe I could buy a few presents there. I'll take you there tomorrow. Now we're leaving the business district and approaching the harbour.We're entering the western district, the most interesting part of the city. It's got some really pretty parks ...

It seems lovely. Is that Gulangyu Island, just across the water? Yes, it is. It's a gorgeous island with some really interesting architecture.

So they tell me. Do you think we could stop and walk around for a while? Yes, I was just going to do that. We can park over there.

A friend's told me about a nice little fish restaurant near here. Shall we go there for lunch? That sounds great. I'm starving! Moudle 5 a lesson in a Lab

Passage A

It is hard to think of a world without metals.

Different metals have different uses, for example, steel is used in cars, and iron is used in electrical equipment. When we use metals, it is important to know how they react with different substances, for example, water and oxygen. The reaction of metals with these substances can be put in order. Here is a table with the metals that react most at the top, and the metals that react least at the bottom.

an oxide = another substance + oxygen

Passage BA Simple Scientific Experiment

Below is a description of a simple scientific experiment. It shows us how iron reacts with air and with water.

* an oxide = another substance + oxygen

Aim: To find out if iron rusts (a) in dry air; (b) in water that has no air in it (air-free water); (c) in ordinary water. Apparatus: 3 clean iron nails; test tubes; test tube holder; cotton wool; oil; Bunsen burner.

Aim: To find out if iron rusts (a) in dry air; (b) in water that has no air in it (air-free water); (c) in ordinary water.


Apparatus: 3 clean iron nails; test tubes; test tube holder; cotton wool; oil; Bunsen burner.

Iron in dry air


Put some iron nails at the bottom of a test tube. Push some cotton wool down the tube.

Leave the tube for one week.

Result After one week, the nails have not rusted.

Conclusion Iron does not rust in dry air.

Iron in air-free water


1. Half-fill a test tube with water.

2. boil the water for three minutes. (This makes sure there is no air in the water.)

3. Put two or three clean nails in the water.

4. Add some oil to the water. This will keep air out of the water.

5. Leave the tube for one week.

Result:The nails do not rust in the tube with air-free water.

Conclusion :Iron does not rust in air-free water.

Iron in ordinary water


1. Half-fill a test tube with water and add two or three clean nails.

2. Leave the tube for one week.

Result:The nails rust in the tube with ordinary water.

Conclusion :Iron rusts in ordinary water.

Iron in dry air

Moudle 6 the internet and telecommunications

The Internet is the biggest source of information in the world, and it's accessible through a computer. It consists of millions of pages of data.

In 1969, DARPA, a U.S. defence organisation, developed a way for all their computers to "talk" to each other through the telephone. They created a network of computers called DARPANET. For fifteen years, only the U.S. army could use this system of communication. Then in 1984, the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) started the NSFNET network.It then became possible for universities to use the system as well.NSFNET became known as the Inter-Network, or "Internet".

The World Wide Web (the web) is a computer network that allows computer users to access information from millions of websites via the Internet. At the moment, about 80 percent of web traffic is in English, but this percentage is going down. By 2020, much web traffic could be in Chinese.The World Wide Web was invented in 1991 by an English scientist, Tim Berners-Lee. Berners-Lee built his first computer while he was at university using an old television! He came up with the idea of the World Wide Web in 1989 while he was working in Switzerland.Berners-Lee made it possible for everyone to use the Internet, not just universities and the army. He designed the first "web browser", which allowed computer users to access documents from other computers. From that moment on, the web and the Internet grew. Within five years, the number of Internet users rose from 600 000 to 40 million.The Internet has created thousands of millionaires, but Berners-Lee is not one of them. Everyone in the world can access the Internet using his World Wide Web system. He now works as a lecturer at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston.



必修一 1 △/'s???/n. 调查;测验 合计 . 心烦意乱的;不安的;不适的 . (, ) 使不安;使心烦 [iɡ?n?:] . 不理睬;忽视 [kɑ] . & . (使)平静;(使)镇定. 平静的;镇静的;沉着的 (…) (使)平静下来;(使)镇定下来 不得不;必须 [k?n?s?] . (使)担忧;涉及;关系到; n. 担心;关注;(利害)关系 关心;挂念 遛狗 [] . 松的;松开的 △ n. 兽医 经历;经受 △ n. 阿姆斯特丹(荷兰首都) n. 荷兰(西欧国家) △[?d?u:??] 犹太人的;犹太族的 [?d???n] . 德国的;德国人的;德语的; n.德国人;德语 △ n. 纳粹党人 . 纳粹党的 记下;放下;登记 [??] n. 连续;系列 a 一连串的;一系列;一套 △ n. 基蒂(女名) [??] . 在户外;在野外 △[???] . (, ) 迷住;迷惑 [?p??s]故意 为了…… [d?] n. 黄昏;傍晚 在黄昏时刻 [?θ??] . 打雷;雷鸣n.雷;雷声 [??] . 整个的;完全的;全部的 . 完全地;全然地;整个地 [??] n. 能力;力量;权力 面对面地 [?k?] n. 窗帘;门帘;幕布 [?d?:] . 积满灰尘的 … 不再…… [?pɑ?] n. 伙伴;合作者;合伙人 [?] . 安家;定居;停留 . 使定居;安排;解决 [ ?s?f?] . & . 遭受;忍受;经历 遭受;患病 △[?l???n?s] n. 孤单;寂寞 n. 公路;大路 [?k?v?] . & . 痊愈;恢复;重新获得 对……厌烦 [p?k] . & . 捆扎;包装;打行李 n. 小包;包裹 () 将(东西)装箱打包 n. 手提箱;衣箱[?] △ n. 玛戈(女名) n. 大衣;外套 n. 十几岁的青少年[???] 与……相处;进展 △ . & n. 闲话;闲谈[?ɡ?] 相爱;爱上 . 确实如此;正是;确切地 . 不同意 . 感激的;表示谢意的[?ɡ] n. & . 不喜欢;厌恶 参加;加入 n. 提示;技巧;尖;尖端;小费 . 倾斜;翻倒 △ . 第二;其次 . 交换[?p] n. 项目;条款[??m] 2 △ n. 地下人行道;<美>地铁 n. 电梯;升降机[??] n. <英>汽油(=<美>)[??l] n. 汽油;气体;煤气;毒气 . 官方的;正式的;公务的[????l] n. 航行;航海[?v??] △ . 征服;占领[?k??k?] 因为;由于 . 本国的;本地的n. 本地人;本国人[?]△ n. 艾米(女名) 走近;上来;提出 n. <美> 公寓住宅;单元住宅[??pɑ?] . 实际上;事实上[???u:?:] 公元 . 以……为根据n. 基部;基地;基础[]


高一上英语单词 Unit 1 1.honest['?nist] adj 诚实的;正直的 2.brave[breiv] adj 勇敢的 3.Loyal['l?i?l] adj 忠诚的;忠心的 4.wise [waiz]adj 英明的;明智的;聪 明的 5.handsome['h?ns?m]adj 英俊的;大方 的;美观的 6.smart[smɑ:t] adj 聪明的;漂亮的;敏 捷的 7.argue['ɑɡju:] vt 争论;辩论 8.solution[s?'lju:??n] n 解答;解决办法; 解决方案 9.classical['kl?sik?l]adj 古典的;古典 文学的 10.fond[f?nd] adj 喜爱的;多情的;喜欢 的 11.fond of 喜欢;爱好 12.match[m?t?] n 火柴 13.mirror ['mir?] n 镜子 14.fry [frai] vt&vi 油煎;油炸 15.gun [ɡ?n] n 炮;枪 16.hammer ['h?m?] n 锤子;槌 17.saw [s?:] n&vt&vi 锯 18.rope [r?up] n 绳;索;绳索 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/608314354.html,pass ['k?mp?s] n 罗盘;指南针20.movie ['mu:vi] n 电影 21.cast [kɑ:s, k?st]vt&vi 投掷;投射; 抛 22.survive[s?'vaiv]vt 幸免于从中生还 vi 幸存 23.deserted [di'z?:tid adj 荒芜的;荒废的 24.hunt[h?nt]vt&vi&n 打猎;猎取; 搜寻 25.hunt for 搜索,追寻;寻找 26.in order to 为了 27.share [?ε?]vt&vi 分享共有分配n共 享份额 28.sorrow ['s?r?u, 's?:-] n 悲哀;悲痛 29.care about 担心;关心 30.feeling n.触觉;知觉;感觉;情绪 31.such as 例如 32.airplane n 飞机 33.parachute ['p?r?,?u:t] n 降落伞 34.lie [lai] n 谎话;谎言 35.speech [spi:t?] n 演说;讲话;语音 36.adventure[?d'vent??, ?d-]n&vt&vi 冒险冒险经历 37.notebook['n?utbuk]n 笔记本;笔记 本式电脑 38.scared [skε?d] adj 恐惧的 39.e-pal ['i'p?l n 网友 40.drop sb a line 给某人写信(通常指写 短信〉 41.formal ['f?:m?l] adj 正式的;正规的 42.error['er?] n 错误;差错 Unit 2 43.bathroom ['bɑ:θrum]n 浴室;盥洗室; 厕所 44.make oneself at home 别客气 45.towel ['tau?l] n 毛巾 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/608314354.html,ndlady['l?nd,leidi] n 女房东;老板 娘 47.closet['kl?zit] n 壁橱;储藏室 48.pronounce[pr?u'nauns] v 发音;宣告; 断言 49.broad [br?:d]adj 宽的 50.repeat[ri'pi:t]vt&vi 重做;重复;复 述 51.n 重复;反复 52.ketchup['ket??p] n 蕃茄酱;蕃茄沙司 53.majority [m?'d??riti] n 多数;大半 54.native ['neitiv]adj 本国的;本地的 55.n 本地人;本国人 56.total['t?ut?l] n 总数;合计 57.adj 总的;全部的;整个的 58.in total 总共 59.the United Kingdom 英国 60.tongu[t??]e n 舌头;语言;口语 61.mother tongue 母语 62.equal['i:kw?l]adj相等的胜任的vt 等 于比得上 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/608314354.html,ernment['ɡ?v?nm?nt]n 政府;内 阁 64.situation[,sitju'ei??n, -t?u-] n 情形; 1


必修一 Unit 1 △survey /'s??ve?/n. 调查;测验 add up 合计 upset adj. 心烦意乱的;不安的;不适的vt. (upset, upset) 使不安;使心烦 ignore [iɡ?n?:]vt. 不理睬;忽视 calm [kɑ:m]vt. & vi. (使)平静;(使)镇定 adj. 平静的;镇静的;沉着的 calm(…)down (使)平静下来;(使)镇定下来 have got to 不得不;必须 concern [k?n?s?:n] vt. (使)担忧;涉及;关系到; n. 担心;关注;(利害)关系 be concerned about 关心;挂念 walk the dog 遛狗 loose [lu:s] adj. 松的;松开的 △vet n. 兽医 go through 经历;经受 △Amsterdam n. 阿姆斯特丹(荷兰首都) Netherlands n. 荷兰(西欧国家) △Jewish [?d?u:??] 犹太人的;犹太族的 German [?d??:m?n] adj. 德国的;德国人的;德语的; n.德国人;德语 △Nazi n. 纳粹党人 adj. 纳粹党的 set down 记下;放下;登记 series [?si?ri:z] n. 连续;系列 a series of 一连串的;一系列;一套 △Kitty n. 基蒂(女名) outdoors [?autd?:z] adv. 在户外;在野外 △ spellbind [?spel?ba?nd] vt. (spellbound, spellbound) 迷住;迷惑 on purpos e [?p?:p?s]故意 in order to 为了…… dusk [d?sk] n. 黄昏;傍晚 at dusk 在黄昏时刻 thunder [?θ?nd?] vi. 打雷;雷鸣n.雷;雷声 entire [in?tai?] adj. 整个的;完全的;全部的 entirely adv. 完全地;全然地;整个地 power [?pau?] n. 能力;力量;权力 face to face 面对面地 curtain [?k?:tn] n. 窗帘;门帘;幕布 dusty [?d?sti:] adj. 积满灰尘的 no longer/not…any longer 不再…… partner [?pɑ:tn?] n. 伙伴;合作者;合伙人 settle [?setl]vi. 安家;定居;停留vt. 使定居;安排;解决 suffer [ ?s?f?] vt. & vi. 遭受;忍受;经历 suffer from 遭受;患病 △loneliness [?l??nl?n?s] n. 孤单;寂寞 highway n. 公路;大路 recover[ri?k?v?] vi. & vt. 痊愈;恢复;重新获得 get/be tired of 对……厌烦 pack [p?k] vi. & vt. 捆扎;包装;打行李 n. 小包;包裹 pack (sth) up 将(东西)装箱打包 suitcase n. 手提箱;衣箱[?sju:tkeis] △Margot n. 玛戈(女名) Overcoat n. 大衣;外套 teenager n. 十几岁的青少年[?ti:neid??] get along with 与……相处;进展 △gossip vi. & n. 闲话;闲谈[?ɡ?sip] fall in love 相爱;爱上 exactly adv. 确实如此;正是;确切地 disagree vi. 不同意 grateful adj. 感激的;表示谢意的[?ɡreitful] dislike n. & vt. 不喜欢;厌恶 join in 参加;加入 tip n. 提示;技巧;尖;尖端;小费 vt. 倾斜;翻倒 △secondly adv. 第二;其次 swap vt. 交换[sw?p] item n. 项目;条款[?ait?m] Unit 2 △subway n. 地下人行道;<美>地铁 elevator n. 电梯;升降机[?eliveit?] petrol n. <英>汽油(=<美>gasoline)[?petr?l] gas n. 汽油;气体;煤气;毒气 official adj. 官方的;正式的;公务的[??fi??l] voyage n. 航行;航海[?v?iid?] △conquer vt. 征服;占领[?k??k?] because of 因为;由于


Module 1 brick [br?k] n.砖 concrete ['k??kri:t] n.混凝土 mud [m?d] n.泥,泥浆 alternative [?:l't?:n?t?v] a.替换的,供选择的crime [kra?m] n.罪,罪行,犯罪 for sure [f?: ???] 肯定地 prediction [pr?'d?k?n] n.预测;预言;预报risky ['r?sk?] a.危险的;冒险的;有风险的resource [r?'s?:s] n.(常作复数)资源 run out [r?n a?t] 用完;不多;没有了material [m?'t??r??l] n.材料,原料;素材rely [r?'la?] vi.依赖,依靠 solar ['s??l?(r)] a.太阳的,日光的 urban ['?:b?n] a.都市的;城市的 get rid of [get r?d ?v] 除掉;处理掉 load [l??d] vt.装,装载 landfill ['l?ndf?l] n. 垃圾填埋场 arrest [?'rest] vt.逮捕,拘留 criminal ['kr?m?nl] n.罪犯;犯人 fire ['fa??(r)] vt.开火;启动 limit ['l?m?t] n.(常作复数)范围 outdoors [?a?t'd?:z] ad.户外 online [??n'la?n] adv.联机地 catalogue ['k?t?l?g] n.目录 command [k?'mɑ:nd] n.命令,指令 recreation [?ri:kr?'e??n] n.娱乐;消遣bowling ['b??l??] n.保龄球游戏 softball ['s?ftb?:l] n. 垒球(运动) charge [t?ɑ:d?] n.费用;价钱 free of charge [fri: ?v t?ɑ:d?] n. 免费power ['pa??(r)] vt. 供给动力 flick [fl?k] n.轻打;轻弹 switch [sw?t?] vi.交换;调换 surgery ['s?:d??r?] n.外科手术 telesurgery ['tel?z?:d??r?] n. 远距离手术outpatient ['a?tpe??nt] n.门诊病人 clinic ['kl?n?k] n.诊所 disability [?d?s?'b?l?t?] n.失去能力;伤残attach [?'t?t?] vt.系,贴,连接


初中英语词汇表 注:n 名词v 动词adj形容词 adv 副词prep介词conj连词 phr.短语num数词pron 代名词 第一册1----833 1 what [hw?t] pron 什么 2 is [iz] v 是 3 what's [hw?ts]what is 的缩写形式 4 your [ju?]pron 你的,你们的 5 name [neim]n 名字 6 my [mai] pron 我的 7 I [ai] pron 我 8 am [?m] v 是 9 I'm [aim]I am 的缩写形式 10 in [in] prep 在...里(内,上) 11 row [r?u] n (一)排,(一)行 12 one [w?n] num 一 13 number ['n?mb?] n 数字,号码 14 two [tu:] num 二 15 too [tu:] adv 也 16 three[θri:] num 三 17 are [ɑ:] v 是 18 you [ju:] pron 你,你们 19 yes [jes] adv 是 20 four [f?:] num 四 21 five [faiv] num 五 22 no [n?u] adv & adj 不,不是 23 not [n?t] adv 不 24 hi [hai] int 喂(问候或唤起注意) 25 class [klɑ:s] n (学校里的)班级,年级 26 grade [greid] n 年级 27 six [siks] num 六 28 seven ['sevn] num 七 29 eight [eit] num 八 30 nine [nain] num 九 31 ten [ten] num 十 32 zero ['zi?r?u] num & n 零 33 plus [pl?s]prep 加,加上 34 it [it] pron 它 35 It's [its] it is 的缩写形式 36 how [hau]adv (指程度)多少,怎样 37 old [?uld] adj ...岁的,老的 38 eleven [i'levn] num 十一 39 twelve [twelv] num 十二 40 minus ['main?s] prep减,减去 41 thirteen ['θ?:ti:n] num 十三 42fourteen ['f?:'ti:n] num 十四43 fifteen ['fif'ti:n] num 十五 44 hello [h?'l?u]int喂(问候或唤起 注意) 45 please [pli:z] int 请 46 can [k?n] v.aux 能,可以,会 47 spell [spel] v 拼写 48 that [e?t] pron 那,那个 49 secret ['si:krit] n 秘密 50 this [eis] pron 这,这个 51 in [in] prep 用...(表达) 52 English['i?gli?] n & adj 英语,英 国人 53 in English[in'i?gli?]phr. 用英 语(表达) 54 a [ei] art 一(个,件...) 55 clock [kl?k] n 钟 56 and [?nd] conj 和,又,而 57 pencil-box['penslb?ks]n 铅 笔盒 58 an [?n] art 一(个;件.) 59 pencil ['pensl] n 铅笔 60 ruler ['ru:l?] n 尺子 61 pen [pen] n 钢笔 62 sharpener ['?ɑ:p?n?] n 卷笔刀 63 eraser [i'reis?] n 橡皮擦 64 room [ru:m] n 房间 65 book [buk] n 书 66 map [m?p] n 地图 67 desk [desk] n 书桌 68 cup [k?p] n 杯子 69 bag [b?g] n 书包 70 compute r[k?m'pju:t?]n电脑,电 子计算机 71 mouse [maus]n 鼠,耗子,鼠标 72 bed [bed] n 床 73 keyboard ['ki:b?:d] n 键盘 74 isn't ['iznt]isnot 的缩写形式 75 pear [p??] n 梨 76 cake [keik] n 蛋糕,饼,糕 77 banana [b?'nɑ:n?] n 香蕉 78apple ['?pl] n 苹果 79 orange ['?:rind?] n 橙子,橘子 80 egg [eg] n 蛋 81 bike [baik] n 自行车 82 bus [b?s] n 公共汽车 83 car [kɑ:] n 汽车,小汽车 84 jeep [d?i:p] n 吉普车 85 Chinese['t?ai'ni:z]adj中国的,中 国人的;n 中国人,汉语 n 中国人,汉语 86Japanese[,d??p?'ni:z]adj日本的, 日本人 n日本人,日语 87look [luk] v 瞧,看 88 who [hu:] pron 谁 89 she [?i:] pron 她 90 he [hi:] pron 他 91 bird [b?:d] n 鸟 92 Its [its] pron 它的 93 do[du:]v.aux(构成否定句,疑问句 的助动词) 94 don't [d?unt]do not 的缩写形 式 95 know [n?u] v 知道,懂得 96 think [θi?k] v 想,认为 97 Mr=mister ['mist?] n 先生(用于 姓名前) 98 very ['veri] adv 很,非常 99 picture ['pikt??] n 图画,照片 100 Mrs ['m?s?z] n 夫人 101 boy [b?i] n 男孩 102 girl [g?:l] n 女孩 103 woman ['wum?n] n 妇女,女人 104 man [m?n] n 男人,人 105 cat [k?t] n 猫 106 his [hiz] pron 他的 107 teacher ['ti:t??] n 教师 108 her [h?:] pron 她的 109 everyone ['evriw?n] pron 每人, 人人 110 here [hi?] adv 这里,这儿 111 today [t?'dei] adv & n 今天 112 at [?t] prep 在 113 school [sku:l] n 学校 114 at school phr. 在学校 115 sorry ['s?ri] adj 对不起,抱歉的 116 where [hw??] adv 在哪里 117 home [h?um] n 家 118 at home phr. 在家 119 How are you?你(身体)好 吗? 120 fine [fain] adj (身体)好的 121 thanks[θ??ks] n 谢谢(只用复 数) 122 OK adv (口语)好,对,不错,可 以 123 thank[θ??k] v 谢谢 124 goodbye [,gud'bai] int 再见,再 会 125 bye [bai] int 再见 126 parrot ['p?r?t] n 鹦鹉 127 sister ['sist?] n 姐,妹 128 father ['fɑ:e?] n 父亲 129 mother ['m?e?] n 母亲 130 box [b?ks] n 盒子,箱子 131 excuse [iks'kju:z] v 原谅 132 me [mi:] pron 我 133Here you are 给你 134 but [b?t] conj 但是 - 1 - / 69


必修四第二单元单词考点(带音标) statistic [sttstk] n. (常用pl statisitcs)数据;统计;统计数字;统计资料sunburnt[snbnt] adj. 晒黑的 struggle [strɡ()l] vt. & vi. 斗争;拼搏;努力 decade [deked] n. 十年;十年期 super [sup(r), sjup(r)]adj. 特级的;超级的supermarket △hybrid [‘haibrid] adj. 混合的;杂种的n. 杂交种;混血儿 output n. 产量;输出 △strain [strein] n.(植物的)品种;种类 crop n. 庄稼;农作物;产量 hunger n. 饥饿;欲望vt. & vi. (使)饥饿 disturbing [dstb]adj. 引起烦恼的;令人不安的disturbed 感到不安的expand [kspnd] vt. & vi. 使变大;伸展 circulate [skjlet] vt. & vi. 循环;流传circulation n. Vietnam [,vjet’n m] n. 越南(东南亚国家) thanks to 幸亏;由于;因为owing to / due to / because of / as a result of battle n. 战役;战斗;较量;斗争vt. & vi. 搏斗;奋斗 rid vt. 摆脱;除去 rid…of 摆脱;除去get rid of sth be satisfied with 对……感到满意satisfying adj 令人满意的;令人满足的 satisfactory adj 令人满意的;符合要求的 satisfy sb v. 使某人满意 satistaction n. 满足;满意 freedom n. 自由;自主 would rather 宁愿;宁可would rather do … than do prefer to do … rather than do therefore adj. 因此;所以;因而thus equip [i’kwip] vt. & vi. 配备;装备 △sorghum [‘s:gm] n. 高粱 grain n. 谷物;粮食;颗粒 △peanut n. 花生 export [kspt] vt. & vi. 输出;出口 nationality [nnlt]n. 国籍 occupation [kjpe()n] n. 工作;职业;占领occupy v. △personality [ps’nlt] n. 性格;个性;人格personal adj


人教版高中英语单词表必修五 Unit 1 characteristic /krikt 'ristik/ n. 特征;特性 radium /'reidi m/ n. 镭 painter /'peint / n. 画家;油漆匠 put forward 提出 scientific /sai n'tifik/ adj. 科学的 conclude /k n'klu:d/ vt. & vi. 结束;推断出 conclusion /k n'klu: n/ n. 结论;结束 draw a conclusion 提出结论 analyse /'n laiz/ vt. 分析 △ infect/in'fekt/ vt. 传染;感染 △ infectious/in'fek s/ adj. 传染的 △ cholera/'k lr / n. 霍乱 defeat /di'fi:t/ vt. 打败;战胜;使受挫n. 失败expert /'eksp :t/ adj. 熟练的;经验或知识丰富的 n.专家;行家

attend / 'tend/ vt. 照顾;护理;出席;参加physician /fi'zi n/ n. 医生;内科医师 expose /ik'sp uz/ vt. 暴露;揭露;使曝光 expose ? to 使显露;暴露 △ deadly/'dedli/ adj. 致命的 cure /kju / n. 治愈;痊愈 vt. 治愈;治疗 △ outbreak/'autbreik/ n. 爆发;发作 (尤指疾病或战争) challenge /'t lind / n. 挑战vt. 向??挑战 victim /'viktim/ n. 受害者 absorb / b'z :b/ vt. 吸收;吸引;使专心 suspect /s 'spekt/ vt. 怀疑 /'s spekt/ n. 被怀疑者;嫌疑犯 enquiry /in'kwai ri/ n. 询问 neighbourhood /'neib hud/ n. 附近;邻近severe /si'vi / a dj. 严重的;剧烈的;严厉的 △ clue /klu:/ adj. 线索;提示 pump /p mp/ n. 泵;抽水机


A access/ ‘?kses/ n.接近;通道,入口 accidental/ ?ksi’dentl/ a.偶然的;非本质的accommodate/ ?’k?m?deit/ vt.容纳;供应,供给accommodation/ ?,k?m?’dei??n/ n.招待设备;预定铺位 accordance/ ?’k?r:d?ns/ n.一致;和谐;授予accordingly/ ?’k?r:di?li/ ad.因此,所以;照着account/ ?’kaunt/ n.记述;解释;帐目 address / ?’dres/ n.地址;演说;谈吐 adequate/ ‘?dikwit/ a.足够的;可以胜任的advisable/ ?d’vaiz?b l/ n.明智的;可取的 age/ eid?/ vt.变老 i, ?’l?i/ n.合金;(金属的)成色 alloy/‘?l? aluminium/ ?lju’minj?m/ n.铝 anchor/‘??k?/ n.锚 vi.抛锚,停泊 anticipate/ ?n’tisipeit/ vt.预料,预期,期望apparatus/ ,?p?’reit?s/ n.器械,仪器;器官appetite/‘?pitait/ n.食欲,胃口;欲望 appliance/ ?’plai?n s/ n.用具,器具,器械 bl/ a.能应用的;适当的applicable/‘?plik? article/‘a:tikl/ n.条款;物品

assemble/ ?’sembl/ vt.集合,召集;装配assembly/ ?’sembli/ n.集合;集会;装配 u?/ vt.使确信;向…保证assure/ ?’? atom/ ‘?t?m/ n.原子;微粒;微量attribute/ ‘?tribju:t/ vt.把…归因于n.属性 :t?m?bi:l/ n.汽车,机动车automobile/‘? auxiliary/ ?:g’zilj?ri/ a.辅助的;附属的 B bang/ b??/ n.巨响,枪声;猛击 barrel/‘b?r?l/ n.桶;圆筒;枪管 battery/‘b?t?ri/ n.电池;一套,一组 bay/ bei/ n.湾;山脉中的凹处 beam/ bi:m/ n.梁;横梁;束,柱 behalf/ bi’ha:f/ n.利益,维护,支持 bind/ baind/ vt.捆绑;包扎;装钉 biscuit/ ‘biskit/ n.(英)饼干;(美)软饼blade/ bleid/ n.刀刃,刀片;叶片 blend/ blend/ vt.&vi.&n.混和 bold/ b?uld/ a.大胆的;冒失的 bolt/ b?ult/ n.螺栓;插销vt.闩门 bond/ b?nd/ n.联结,联系;公债


brick [brik] n. 砖 concrete [?k?nkri:t] n. 混凝土 mud [m?d] n. 泥 alternative [?:l?t?:n?tiv] adj. 替换的;供选择的crime [kraim] n. 罪;罪行 for sure 肯定地 prediction [pri?dik??n] n. 预测 risky [?riski:] adj. 危险的;冒险的 resource [ri?s?:s] n.(常作复数)资源 run out (某物)用完;不多了;没有了material [m??ti?ri?l] n. 材料 rely [ri?lai] vi. 依赖;依靠 rely on 依靠 solar [?s?ul?] adj. 太阳的 urban [??:b?n] adj. 都市的;城市的 get rid of 除掉;处理掉 load [l?ud] vt. 装;装载 landfill [?l?nd?fil] n. 垃圾填埋地 arrest [??rest] vt. 逮捕;拘留 criminal [?krimin?l] n. 罪犯;犯人 f ire [?fai?] vt. 开火;启动 limit [?limit] n. (常作复数)范围

outdoors [?autd?:z] adv. 户外 online [??n?lain] adv. 联机地catalogue [?k?t?l?ɡ] n. 目录 command [k??mɑ:nd] n. 命令;指令place order 订购 recreation [?rekri?ei?n] n. 娱乐;消遣bowling [?b?uli?] n. 保龄球游戏softball [?s?ft?b?:l] n. 垒球(运动)charge [t?ɑ:d?] n. 费用;价钱 free of charge 免费 power [?pau?] vt. 供给动力 flick [flik] n. 轻打;轻弹 switch [swit?] n. 开关vi. 交换;调换36. surgery [?s?:d??ri] n. 外科手术telesurgery [?teli?s?:d??ri] n. 远距离手术outpatient [?a?t?pei?nt] n. 门诊病人clinic [?klinik] n. 诊所 disability [?dis??biliti] n. 失去能力;伤残attach [??t?t?] vt. 系;贴;连接spaceport [?speisp?:t] n. 宇航基地 use up 用完 look out 小心;当心


英文音标中文备注have …in common有相同的特点必修五M1 linguist ['li?ɡwist]n. 语言学家 make a difference 有影响,使不相同 accent ['?ks?nt, ?k'sent] n. 口音 obvious ['?bvi?s] adj. 显然的;显而易见的 motorway ['m?ut?wei] n. (英)高速公路 underground ['?nd?graund] n. (英)地铁 subway ['s?bwei] n. (美)地铁 get around 四处走动(旅行) flashlight ['fl??,lait] n. (美)手电筒;火把 queue [kju:] vi. (英)排队(等候) confusing [k?n'fju:zi?]adj. 令人困惑的;难懂的 preposition [,prep?'zi??n] n. 介词 ] vt.比较 compare [k?m'pε? omit [?u'mit] vt. 省略 variety [v?'rai?ti] n. 种类 differ ['dif?] vi. 不同;有区别 settler ['setl?] n. 移民;定居者 be similar to 与……相似 remark [ri'mɑ:k]n. 评论;讲话 variation [,vε? ri'ei??n] n. 变化 have difficulty (-in) doing sth 做某事有困难 steadily ['stedili] adv. 不断地;持续地 satellite ['s?t?lait] n. 卫星 flick ['flik] n. 轻打;轻弹;抖动 switch [swit?] n. 开关 lead to 引起;导致 structure ['str?kt??] n. 结构;体系 rapidly ['r?pidli] adv. 迅速地 announcement [?'naunsm?nt] n. 声明;宣告 linguistics [li?'gwistiks]n. 语言学 edition [i'di??n] n. (广播、电视节目的)期;版 cute [kju:t] adj. 逗人喜爱的 add [?d] vt. 加;增加 in favour of 同意;支持 present ['prez?nt, pri'zent] vt. 陈述;提出(观点、计划等) refer to ... as …称……为…… attempt [?'tempt] n. 努力;尝试 simplify ['simplifai] vt. 简化 combination [,k?mbi'nei??n] n. 组合;结合


高中英语词汇3500词 A abandon [??b?nd?n] v.抛弃,舍弃,放弃ability [??b?l?t?] n. 能力;才能 able [?e?b(?)l] a. 能够;有能力的 abnormal [?b?n??m(?)l] a. 反常的,变态的aboard [??b??d] prep. 上(船,飞机,火车,汽车等) abolish [??b?l??] v. 废除,废止 abortion [??b???(?)n] v. 人工流产,堕胎 about [??ba?t] ad. 大约;到处;四处prep. 关于;在各处;四处 above [??b?v] prep. 在……上面a. 上面的ad. 在……之上 abroad [??br??d] ad. 到(在)国外 abrupt [??br?pt] a. 突然的,意外的,粗鲁absence [??bs?ns] n. 不在,缺席 absent [??bs?nt] a. 缺席,不在 absolute [??bs?lu?t] a. 完全,全部,绝对的absorb [?b?s??b] v. 吸收,使全神贯注abstract [??bstr?kt] a./ n. 抽象的(作品)absurd [?b?s??d] a.荒谬的,怪诞不经的abundant [??b?nd?nt] a.大量,丰盛的,充裕的abuse [??bju?z] v.(酗酒)滥用,虐待,恶语academic [?k??dem?k] a. / n. 学术的,教学的academy [??k?d?m?] n.专科学院,(美)私立学校accelerate [?k?sel?re?t] v.(使)加速,加快accent [??ks?nt] n. 口音,音调 accept [?k?sept] vt. 接受 access [??kses] n. / v. 通道,入径,存取(计算机文件) accessible [?k?ses?b(?)l] a. 可到达的,可接受的,易相处的) accident [??ks?d?nt] n. 事故,意外的事accommodation [?k?m??de??(?)n] n.住宿,膳宿accompany [??k?mp?n?] v. 陪同,陪伴,与…同时发生 accomplish [??k?mpl??] v. 完成 according to [??k??d?? t?] ad. 按照,根据account [??ka?nt] n. 账目;描述 accountant [??ka?nt(?)nt] n. 会计,会计师accumulate [??kju?mj?le?t] v. 积累,积聚accuracy [??kj?r?s?] n. 准确,精确 accuse [??kju?z] v. 正确无误的,精确的accustomed [??k?st?md] a. 习惯于,惯常的ache [e?k] vi.& n. 痛,疼痛 achieve [??t?i?v] vt. 达到,取得achievement [??t?i?vm?nt] n. 成就,成绩,功绩acid [??s?d] a. 酸的 acknowledge [?k?n?l?d?] v. 承认acquaintance [??kwe?nt?ns] n. 熟人,(与某人)认识 acquire [??kwa??(r)] v. 获得,得到acquisition [?kw??z??(?)n] n. 获得,得到 acre [?e?k?(r)] n. 英亩 across [??kr?s] prep. 横过,穿过 act [?kt] n. 法令,条例v. (戏)表演,扮演(角色),演出(戏);行动,做事 action [??k?(?)n] n. 行动 active [??kt?v] a. 积极的,主动的 activity [?k?t?v?t?] n. 活动 actor [??kt?(r)] n. 男演员 actress [??ktr?s] n. 女演员 actual [??kt???l] a. 实际的;现实的 acute a.十分严重的,(病)急性的 AD n. 公元 ad [?d] (缩) =advertisement n.广告 adapt [??d?pt] v. 使适应,适合,改编adaptation [?d?p?te??(?)n] n. 适应,改编本add [?d] vt.添加,增加 addicted [??d?kt?d] a. 上瘾,成瘾,入迷addition [??d??(?)n] n.增加;(算数用语)加address [??dres] n. 地址 adequate [??d?kw?t] a. 合适的,合乎需要的adjust [??d??st] v.调整,调节,适应,习惯adjustment [??d??stm?nt] n. 调整,适应administration [?dm?n??stre??(?)n] n.管理,行政部门 admirable [??dm?r?b(?)l] a.值得赞赏的,可钦佩的 admire [?d?ma??(r)] v. 钦佩;羡慕admission [?d?m??(?)n] n. 准入, 接纳 admit [?d?m?t] vt. 承认,准许(入场,入学,入会) adolescence [?d??'lesns] n. 青春,青春期adolescent [?d??les?nt] n. 青少年 adopt [??d?pt] v. 收养,领养 adore [??d??(r)] v. (不用于进行时)热爱,爱慕某人 adult [??d?lt] n. 成年人 advance [?d?vɑ?ns; (US) ?d?v?ns] v. 推进,促进;前进 advantage [?d?vɑ?nt?d?] n. 优点;好处adventure [?d?vent??(r)] n. 冒险;奇遇advertise [??dv?ta?z] vt. 为……做广告advertisement [?d?v??t?sm?nt] n. 广告advice [?d?va?s] n. 忠告,劝告,建议 advise [?d?va?z] vt. 忠告,劝告,建议advocate [??dv?k?t] v. 拥护,支持,提倡aeroplane [`er?,ple?n] n. (英)飞机 affair [??fe?(r)] n. 事,事情 affect [??fekt] vt. 影响 affection [??fek?(?)n] n. 喜爱,钟爱 afford [??f??d] vt. 负担得起(……的费用);抽得出(时间);提供 afraid [??fre?d] a. 害怕的;担心 Africa [??fr?k?]* n. 非洲 African [??fr?k?n] a. 非洲的,非洲人的n. 非洲人 afte [?ɑ?ft?(r)]r ad. 在后;后来prep. 在…之后;在后面conj. 在…以后 afternoon [ɑ?ft??nu?n] n. 下午,午后afterward(s) [?ɑ?ft?w?d(z)] ad. 后来 again [??ɡe?n] ad. 再一次;再,又 against [??ɡe?nst] prep. 对着,反对 age [e?d?] n. 年龄;时代 agency [?e?d??ns?] n. 代理机构 agenda [??d?end?] n. (会议)议程表,议事日程agent [?e?d??nt] n. 代理人,经济人aggression [??ɡre?(?)n] n. 侵略 aggressive [??ɡres?v] a. 侵略的;咄咄逼人 ago [??ɡ??] ad. 以前 agree [??ɡri?] v. 同意;应允 agreement [??ɡri?m?nt] n. 同意,一致;协定,协议 agricultural [?ɡr??k?lt??r(?)l] a. 农业的agriculture [??ɡr?k?lt??(r)] n. 农业,农学ahead [??hed] ad. 在前,向前 aid [e?d] n. 援助;救护;辅助器具 AIDS [e?dz] n. 艾滋病 aim [e?m] n.目的;目标v. 计划,打算;瞄准;针对 air [e?(r)] n. 空气;大气 aircraft [?e?krɑ?ft] n. 飞机(单复数同) airline n. 航空公司;航空系统 airmail [?e?me?l] n. 航空邮件 airplane [?e?ple?n] n. (美)飞机 airport [?e?p??t] n. 航空站,飞机场 airspace [?e?spe?s] n.领空,(某国的)空域alarm [??lɑ?m] n. 警报 album [??l b?m] n. 相册,影集,集邮簿alcohol [??lk?h?l] n. 含酒精饮料,酒alcoholic [?lk??h?l?k] a. / n. 含酒精的,酒鬼algebra [??ld??br?] n. 代数 alike [??la?k] ad. 很相似地,同样地 alive [??la?v] a. 活着的,存在的 all [??l] ad. 全部地a. 全(部);所有的;总;整pron.全部;全体人员 allergic [??l??d??k] a. 过敏的,厌恶 alley [??l?] n. 小巷,胡同 allocate [??l?ke?t] v. 拨给,划归,分配…给 allow [??la?] vt. 允许,准许 allowance [??la??ns] n. 津贴,补助

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