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Unit 5 Why do you like pandas 单元测试及答案

Unit 5 Why do you like pandas 单元测试及答案
Unit 5 Why do you like pandas 单元测试及答案

Uriit 5单元过关检测卷120分





1. __________

2. _________

3. _________ 4._________ 5.__________


( )6.A. Three. B.Bec,ause it's nice. C.Everywhere.

( )7.A.Yes,it is. B.It's yours, C.It's in the garden.

( )8 A.Quite good. B.About five. C.No, it's ugly.

( )9.A. Yes,it is. B.Yes,there is. C.A.ll right.

( )10.A. No,it isn't B.Because it's big. C.I iike it.


( )ll.What animals does Sue like? A.Penguins. B.Dolphins. C.Dogs and pandas. ( )12.Where are they going tomorrow?. The museum, B.The zoo. C.The park. ( )13.What's Bob's telephone number? A.6268-5298 B.6568-7268 C.6258-7298 ( )14.What are they talking about? A.Food. B.Animals. C.Buildings.

( )15.Wfuch bus will take the man to the zoo? A. No.4 bus. B.No.3 bus. C.No.2 bus. IV.听下面2段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,选出最佳选项。(5%)


( )16.What day is it today? A.Friday. B.Saturday. C.Thursday.

( )17.What are David and the girl going to do?

A.Have some classes.

B.Go to the zoo.

C.Go to the park to see a dolphin show. ( )18.Which is right?

A.Students have some classes on Friday afternoom

B.David and the girl are going to meet at l:30 0utside the school gate.

C.They are going there by bike.


( )19.Why does th8 girl want to see the elephants?

A.Because they are interesting and clever.

B.Because they are kind ofcute.

C.Because they are beautiful.

( )20.What are they going to see? A.The elephants, B.The pandas. C.the koalas. V.听短文,根据短文内容,选出问题的正确选项(l0%)。

( )21.What's in Katy's room? A.Animals. B.Toys. C.Toy animals.

( )22.Why do some anima!s stay in cages?

A. Because they are friendly.

B.Because they are dangerous.

C. Because we don't like them.

( )23. What does Katy think?

A.She thinks it's good for animals to stay in cages.

B.She thinks the animalsiq cages can be happy.

C.She thinks it's bad for &iimals to stay in cages.

( )24.Which animal does Katy like best? A. Dolphin. B.Tiger C.Monkey.

( )25.What can the dolphins do?

A.They can swim very fast,jump very high and play with a ball.

B.They can stand up and walk on water.

C.Both A and B.



( . )l.She doesn't know the word, she can't spellit out.

A. so



D. because

( )2. He is too________. He often sleeps _______the day.

A. small; on

B. lazy; during

C. shy; in

D.big; in

( )3. Both ______and _________ live in Africa

A.lions :pandas




( )4. Why do you _______the animals?

A. want see

B. wants see

C. wants to see

D. want to see

( )5.--- Why does Jenny eat a little every meal? ----Because she wants to be . ' . A.fat B.thin C.smart D.relaxing

( )6. ---Are the pandas very cute? ------No, ______

A.Yes,they do

B.Yes,they are

C.No, they don't

D.No,they aren't

( )7. _______ are from Africa. They are Iazy.They usually sleep and relax 20______every day.





( )8. ---________ ? -----Because they are smart.

A.What is it

B.How are they

C. Why do you like monkeys

D. Where are pandas from

( )9. She_______ from America. And so do I.

A. come

B. comes

C.is coming

D. to come

( )10.Why not_______to see the monkeys with us?

A. go

B. going

C.to go

D. goes

( )11.------ Is this your book? ----No,it's ______ .

A. me

B. her

C. his

D. him

( )12.The story is______scary. A.a kind B.kind of C.kinds of D.kind

( )13. ---_________animals do you like? ----I like pandas.





( )14. What _____animals does Wang like?

A. others

B. other

C. another

D.the others

( )15.Li Ming often plays______ her friends on Sunday. A.with B.for C.at D.of II. 完形填空(10%)

Animals live all around the world. There are lots of l in Africa. You can see 2 and giraffes in the grassland(草地),camels in the desert, and monkeys and snakes in the jungle(丛林). Lions are also African, and ____3___in countries like Tanzania .There are also elephants in 4 1ike Thailand and India, and there are monkeys in Asia and America, 5 There are also snakes in 6 South America, North America,and Europe. There 7 elephants in


Wolves live in forests in countries like 8 , Germany and Italy, but wolves are also 9 North America and parts of Asia. Pandas are Asian 10 you can see them in China.

( ) 1. A. people B. animals C. streets D.vegetables ( ) 2. A. elephants B. pandas C. dolphins D.penguins

( )3.A.live B.lives C.is D.do

( )4. A. cities B. zoos C. parks D. countries

( ) 5.A also B. too C. either D. as well as ( ) 6. Africa B.Ameirca C. Asia D, cities

( ) 7. A. aren't B. and C. have D.has

( )8. A. France B. Asia C. Paris

( )9. A. at B to C. but D. in

( )10. A.because B.and C. but D. or


( A ) Kangaroos(袋鼠)live in Australia. They can't run and they can't walk. But they can jump. They can jump very fast. Baby kangaroos are very small and only three cm long.They can't jump and they can't see. A young kangaroo is always in its mother's pouch(育儿袋)for the first six months. They can see when they are nine weeks old , They can jump when they are eight months old. Camels (骆驼) live in desert . They can close their long noses to keep out the sand. Camels have humps(驼峰)on their backs----some have one and some have two .Hurnps do not carry water.They carry food. If a camel is hungry, its hump will get smaller. If a camel is thirsty, it will drink a lot of water at one time . A thirsty camel can drink a lot of water. If it drinks a lot of water ,it won't drink again for over a week.

( )l.Kangaroos_______very fast.

A. walk

B. run


D. go

( )2.A young kangaroo leaves its mother's pouch when it's_____ old. ' .

A. nine weeks

B. eight months

C. seven months

D. one year ( )3. Camels' can close and keep out the sand.

A.long noses B, bigbodies C. humps D. four feet

( )4. There is in a camel's hump.

A. water

B. food

C. sarv

D. mii

( )5.A camel drinks . .

A. little water

B. water very often

C. a little water when it's thirsty

D. a lot of water when it's thirsty

( B) The koala is one of Australia's most famous and best lovly animals. It looks like a toy bear. It is quiet. Few people outside Australia have the chance to see a live koala. It is sometimes called a native bear or koala bear. However. it is not related (与......有联系)to the bear family or any other animal. The koala spends most of its life in trees. It is sleeping in the branch of a tree and moving slowly to find food during the day. It is active at night. It is quiet and usually lives alone. The adult koala weighs(重)about 9 kilograms. It is 600 mm long. A koala's fur(皮)is thick and woolly,gray to brownish above the stomach and yellow to white below. It has long arms and a long ,black nose. An adult koala eats up to a kilogram or more of leaves a day. Sometimes it also eats a little soil(土)。The koafa doesn’t often drinks water .The water it needs is from the leaves it eats. There are three races of koalas. The first race is found in New South Wales. It is gray or

牛津译林版英语七上7A unit5 单元测试卷

7A unit5 单元测试卷 姓名__________ 一、找出每组单词划线部分读音和其余不同的一个。(5分) ( ) 1. A. paint B. play C. great D. bread ( ) 2.. A. light B. high C. eight D. right ( ) 3. A. town B.house C. borrow D. mouse ( ) 4. A. bear B.hear C. near D. dear ( ) 5. A.sing B.England C.morning D.drink 二、选择题。(15分) ( ) 1. -_________? --- He is tall and strong. A What does your father like? B What is your father look like? C. What is your father like? D. How does your father look like? ( ) 2. ______ this time of year, we can hear many Christmas songs ______ New York Radio. A. In; in B. At; on C. At; at D. On; on ( ) 3. --_______ is your coat, the green one or the red one? --The green one. A. Which B. What C. Where D. Whose ( ) 4. _______ it snows tomorrow, we can play with the snow and make snowmen. A. Or B. But C. If D. And ( ) 5. --What _______ books do we have in the library, Tommy? --Let’s go and have a look. A. else B. other C. some D. any ( ) 6. In today’s history lesson, our teacher _______ the history of the world. A. finds out B. talks to C. chats with D. tells us about ( ) 7. --Whose door shall we _______ first? --What about _______? A. knock; Simon B. knock on; me C. knock; my D. knock on; Simon’s ( ) 8. --Let’s enjoy the _______ in the garden. --Great. And we can listen to the story of Chang’e. A. full moon B. red packets C. lion dance D. Chinese New Year Gala ( ) 9. Daniel’s classmates often play tricks _______ him. This makes him feel unhappy. A. at B. for C. on D. of ( )10. The sports meeting in our school is usually in April _______ May. A. after B. between C. or D. to ( )11. --What time is it now? --_______. A. December 7 B. It’s at 7:10 C. It’s 8:45 D. It’s time to get up ( )12. --_______ everyone _______ very happy at the party? --Yes. A. Is; seems B. Are; seem C. Does; seem D. Do; seems ( )13. All my family _______ it is really a wonderful day. A. has B. have C. thinks D. think ( )14. We like _______ houses and chatting with each other in the evening. A. going B. coming C. travelling D. visiting ( )15. --Happy birthday, Amy! --_______. And I hope you can enjoy the party. A. The same to you B. You’re welcome C. That’s OK D. Thanks 三、完形填空。(10分) Five, four, three, two, one! Happy New Year! It is twelve o’clock at 1 . The year ends.


事 秋 喜 霜 护 欢 小学语文一年级下册第一单元 一、看拼音写词语。(16分) zu ǒ y òu xi ǎo sh í q īn ɡ sh ān sh ēn ɡ q ì q ín ɡ ti ān sh én me ch ūn f ēn ɡ d ōn ɡ xu ě 二、按要求做一做。(12分) 1、比一比,再组词。(8分) 入( ) 东( ) 飞( ) 江( ) 人( ) 冬( ) 气( ) 红( ) 2、给下列的字加偏旁,组成新字再组词。(4分) ( ) ( ) 三 、把能组成词语的字连起来。(8分) 四、选字填空。 (6分) 睛 晴 情 请 清 请 保 情 青 生

眼()()问()水 ()天心()()坐 五、把下列词语补充完整。(9分) 春()()地百()齐放 ()()争鸣()物复苏 柳绿()()泉()叮咚 六、我会分类。(填序号)(12分) ①雷电②铅笔③转笔刀④苹果⑤阵雨⑥暴雨 ⑦香蕉⑧西瓜⑨冰雪⑩尺子⑾葡萄⑿橡皮 天气: 文具: 水果: 七、连一连。(8分) A q 春风降 R d 夏雨飘 D a 秋霜吹 Q r 冬雪落 八、我能把词语整理成一句话,并加上标点。(3分) 多么我们的广大祖国 九、读下面短文,按要求做题。(12分) 春天,阳光灿烂,田野里百花盛开。白的梨花,粉红的桃花,还有金黄的油菜花,散发出一阵阵浓浓的香味。 1.短文共有()句话,写的是()季的景象。(4分) 2.用“”画出文中表示颜色的词语。(3分) 3.春天,()、()、()都开花了。除了这些,还有许多春天 开的花,它们是()。(5分) 十、春天很美丽,请你画一画心中的春天,并用几句话写下来。(9分)


2020年高考备考方案 语文 2020一轮复习规划 高考语文考查考生识记、理解、分析综合、鉴赏评价、表达应用和探究六种能力,表现为六个层级。考试内容分为阅读和表达两个部分。阅读部分包括现代文阅读和古诗文阅读,表达部分包括语言文字应用和写作。考试的各部分内容均可有难易不同的考查。 针对以上内容,在2020年语文考试的第一轮复习中,主要需要注意以下几点: 1.理清知识系统。这有利于同学们明确复习的目标,从而形成知识网络,并在答题时更好的寻找解题依据。语文知识的大系统包括语音知识系统、词及短语系统、单复句知识系统、修辞知识系统、标点知识系统、现代文体知识系统、写作知识系统和文言文知识系统等。而小系统就是每一个语文知识点的性质、分类、意义或用法。第一轮复习时要有意地将所复习的知识点和其所属的知识系统联系起来。 2.要注重利用教材。因为教材是教学的依据,教材中的主干就是高考考查的核心。像一些文言文、诗歌、文学常识等就是完全考查教材中的内容。而对教材加以熟悉也有利于学生对知识的积累和能力的培养。 3.要明确语文学科的特点,调整心态。语文不同于其他学科,成绩的提高需要长时间的坚持。这就要求学生要调整好学习的心态,不能因

为短期内成绩没有提高而放弃。只要根据老师的要求,学习时多加些细心和耐心,成绩的提高就会指日可待。 4.语文考试内容分为阅读和表达两个部分。阅读部分包括现代文阅读和古诗文阅读,表达部分包括语言文字应用和写作。要根据不同的题型做专项训练,这种训练更加有针对性,可以通过一定时间的训练更牢固的掌握这一知识点的解题思路和方法,然后再进行整合练习,这样做会事半功倍。 总之,第一轮复习需要同学们投入大量的时间,不断积累基础知识和解题方法,相信同学们只有更加耐心、细心的了解教材,大量训练,勤于思考总结,才能更快的提高成绩,并为后面的几轮复习打好基础。 数学 2020一轮复习规划 1.拓实基础,强化通性通法 高考对基础知识的考查既全面又突出重点。抓基础就是要重视对教材的复习,尤其是要重视概念、公式、法则、定理的形成过程,运用时注意条件和结论的限制范围,理解教材中例题的典型作用,对教材中的练习题,不但要会做,还要深刻理解在解决问题时题目所体现的数学思维方法. 2.认真阅读考试说明,减少无用功 在平时练习或进行考试时,要注意培养考试心境,养成良好的习惯.首先认真对考试说明进行领会,并要按要求去做,对照说明后的题例,体会说明对知识点是如何考查的,了解说明对每个知识的要求,千万


6000毫升 =()升 8升=()毫升 2400毫升O 2升 7升O 708毫升 )杯。 四年级上册第一单元测试卷 班级姓名得分 一个单天已经学完了,相信同学们有彳艮争的收获,让我们 一起来挑战吧! 一、认真细致,正确填空。(14分) 1、4升=()毫升 3000毫升=()升 2、在O里填上、"v”或"=二 900毫升O 9升 5600毫升Q 6升 3、在()里填上合适的单位名称。 4、装有2升的酸奶,倒了一半后还剩()毫升,再倒一半后还剩()毫升。 二、请你做裁判。(8分) 1、计量水、油、饮料等液体的多少,通常用毫升作单位。() 2、一个洗脸盆能装水4升。() 3、爸爸发烧,医生给他挂了25毫升的药水。() 4、一听可乐的容量是250毫升,8听可乐的容量是2升。()三、对号入座。(8分) 1、一个太阳能热水器的容量大约是()。 A、8 升 B、10 升 C、80 升 2、1小瓶眼药水大约有()毫升。 A、1 B、10 C、100 3、把1升的水倒入容量为200毫升的纸杯中,可倒( 一个杯能盛水750 (一瓶可乐约2500 (一个热水器能盛水60 (一瓶椰子汁约有240 ()

A、1 B、4 C、5

)o C 、一样多 B 、水多 40 X 2 = 50X6 = 23X30= 3000: 2 = 30X13 = 100+4= 48004-80= 750915 = 18X30= 904-5 = 130X20= 900930= 2、用竖式计算, 375X 16 题前带*的要验算。 109X42 560X47 3023 498: 5 *97699 4、小明喝一杯牛奶,第一次喝了一半后,加满水;第二次又喝了一半后,又加满 水,最后全部喝完。他喝的牛奶与水比 较( A 、牛奶多 四、计算题。 1、口算。(12 分) 3、列式计算。(6分) (1) 583的15倍是多少? (2) 164乘43的结果是多少?再减去599,结果是多少? (20 分)


2014-2015年南京市南化二中7Aunit2单元测试卷 一、词组翻译。(10’) 1. 喜欢踢足球_____________________ 2. 一天许多次______________________ 3. 擅长游泳_______________________ 4. 看上去年轻______________________ 5. 是…的一名成员_________________ 6. 放学后__________________________ 7. 成为现实_______________________ 8. 在周末__________________________ 9. 步行去学校_____________________ 10. 使我高兴_______________________ 二、根据句意和提示填写单词的正确形式。(15’) 1. Do you eat three _____________ (次数) a day? 2. There are five _____________ (碗) on the table. 3. ______________ (绘画) is my hobby. Do you like it? 4. There are two basketball_______________ (俱乐部) in Nanjing. 5. Who can play very __________(好)in the match? 6. The man is s __________ enough to carry that heavy box. 7. The book is f __________ . Don't pay money for it. 8. What e_________ do you want to say, Sandy? 9.—Are you a good student? – Yes, of c_________ . 10. My mother e___________ watching TV at home at night. 11. How many ___________ (play) are there in a football team? 12. Tom ___________(study) hard and he is a top student. 13. We usually have ___________[f?n] talking with each other. 14. Jay is one of my ___________(hero). Do you like him? 15. The young man likes watching NBA___________['m?t??z] on TV. 三、完成句子,每空一词。(15’) 1. 让我们来谈论我们的新学校吧。Let’s ________ ________ our new school. 2. 你想去购物吗?Do you want to ________ _______________? 3. 有许多学生在操场上。There are ________ ________ students in the playground. 4. Jack watches TV every day. (划线提问)________ ________ Jack ________ every day? 5. Simon is from America. (同义句)Simon ________ from America. 6. Which book do you like best? (同义句)Which is _____________ ____________ book? 7. Does he play tennis well?(同义句)Is he ________ ________ ________ tennis? 四、选择填空。(15’) ( )1. -- Can you play ________ table tennis, Simon? -- Yes, I often play it after class. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( )2. -- _______ your classmates all nice to you? – Yes, ________. A. Do, they do B. Are, they’re C. Are, they are D. Is, he is ( )3. _________ of the students in Class 2 looks happy. A. All B. Each C. Both D. Every ( )4. Is there______ in today’s newspaper? A. anything else B. something else C. else something D. else anything ( )5. She wants ______ the room. Would you like_______ her?


高中学生学科素质训练系列试题 高二化学上学期期中测试 [原人教版] 1-2章 本试题分为第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分,第Ⅰ卷为选择题,共45分;第Ⅱ卷为非选择题,共55分。满分100分,考试时间为90分钟。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共45分) 一、选择题(每题3分,共45分) 1.运动会上使用的发令枪,所用火药的成份是氯酸钾和红磷,经撞击发出响声并同时产生白色烟雾,此时发生的反应为:5KClO3 + 6P == 3P2O5 +5KCl,则下列有关叙述错误的是 ()A.上述反应中消耗3molP时,转移15mol电子 B.上述反应中氧化剂和还原剂的物质的量之比是5:6 C.产生白色烟雾的原因是生成的P2O5为白色小颗粒(烟)吸水性很强,吸收空气中水分,部分生成磷酸小液滴(雾) D.因红磷和白磷互为同素异形体,所以在此火药中可以用白磷代替红磷 2.德国科学家日前利用卫星数据和一种先进的仪器,绘制了一幅地球上空二氧化氮的分布图。从科学家绘制的二氧化氮分布图看,欧洲和北美洲的一些大城市上空二氧化氮浓度很高。近几年,珠江三角洲地区也有类似的情况,其原因是这些地区的:()A.硝酸工业发达B.雷雨天气较多 C.燃料以煤为主D.机动车辆过多 3.诺贝尔化学奖授予德国化学家Gerhard Ertl,以表彰他对固体表面化学研究过程中的重大发现。使CO、NO x等在铂表面发生化学反应转变成无毒气体,以减少汽车尾气中有毒气体的排放,正是此项研究的重要应用之一。下列有关说法不正确 ...的是()A.CO在铂表面被氧化生成CO2,铂起催化作用 B.汽车尾气中NO x在铂表面发生反应的产物是N2 C.CO在铂表面可能和O2、NO x反应 D.NO x、CO、CO2均能与人体中的血红蛋白结合 4 在热的浓硝酸中加入铜粉和过量铁粉,充分反应后,溶液中大量存在的金属阳离子是 ()A.Fe2+B.Fe3+C.Fe2+、Fe3+D.Fe3+、Cu2+ 5.实验室里常见到如图所示的仪器,该仪器为两头密封的玻璃管,中间带有一根玻璃短柄。

四年级上册数学试题-第1单元《升与毫升》 单元测试|苏教版

单元测试 姓名:班级: 1、基础口算,20分。(看谁算得又快又准!) 4×2= 16×8= 40×20= 160÷80= 100÷4=480÷8= 18×30= 100×2= 90÷9= 20÷5= 2、填空:20分。 1升=()毫升 6000毫升=()升 5000亳升=()升 8000毫升=()升 60升 = ()毫升 17000毫升 = ()升 9升=()毫升 2升=()毫升 60升 = ()毫升 17000毫升 = ()升 3、竖式计算:20分。 (1)320÷40= (2)480÷80= (3)64÷4= (4)450÷90= (5)560÷70= (6)420÷61= (7)89÷8= (8)168÷8= 4、解决问题,40分。1—4题每题5分。2-6题每题10分。(相信你能行!) 1.义务献血者每次献血量一般为200毫升,照这样计算,如果有25人都参加一次献血。一共献了多少毫升血?合多少升?

2.一桶色拉油有4升,如果4桶装成 一箱,买这样的4箱色拉油一共有多 少升? 3.买5桶这样的酱油一共需要50元, 平均每升酱油多少元? 4.张大爷家养了60只鸡,一个星期共 生蛋360只,平均每只鸡一个星期可 生蛋多少只? 5.一个工程队要修一条长980米的公 路,已经修了15天还剩下50米没修, 平均每天修多少米? 6.妈妈买了10箱苹果,每箱10千克, 一共用了300元,平均每千克多少元?

四上升和毫升一、单元回顾 计算比较少的液体通常用 毫升作单位,用字母ml表 示;计量比较多的液体通常 用升作单位,用字母L表示。 1L=1000ml 二、题型 1、填单位 2、升与毫升的 转化3、升和毫升在应用题 中计算。 三、填单位 一瓶食用油2.5()一听椰子汁250()电热水器容量为60()一瓶矿泉水有400()一瓶眼药水有15()汽车油箱容量是55()一杯橘子汁200()一缸水20() 饮水机可装水19()一个病人一顿要喝15()药水一个平底锅能装水2()一瓶洗发水750()一个洗菜池大约可以装水15()义务献血每次献血量为200()一袋牛奶有220()一大瓶可乐容量为2500()一个洒水壶容量大约4() 一个人一天大约要喝3()水一个太阳能热水器的容量为80()电饭锅可盛水3() 四、升与毫升的转化 6000毫升=()升9升=()毫升2升=()毫升 5000毫升=()升7000毫升=()升10升=()毫升 8500毫升8升990毫升1升3升3500毫升5000毫升5升6000毫升5升8000毫升9升3000毫升2升6升5600毫升 7升708毫升1001毫升999升301毫升3001毫升14升1400毫升 五、升和毫升在应用题中计算。 1、食堂的王师傅把4升油平均装在8个油壶里,平均每个油壶装油多少毫升? 2、一瓶果汁容量是2升,明明一家三口人平均每人喝600毫升,够喝吗? 3、将2升的饮料全部倒入容量为400毫升的杯子里,能倒几杯? 4、一瓶洗手液共500毫升,已经用去260毫升。如果洗一次手需2毫升,这瓶洗手液

牛津译林版7A Unit5 单元测试卷(包含答案) 无听力

2019–2020学年秋-7A Unit5 单元测试卷 (满分:100分) 一、单项填空(每小题1分,共10分) ( )1.—Who is boy in a red cap?—He is Tom. He is on holiday in China. A. the;/ B. the;the C. a;a D. a;/ ( )2.If you don't give me a treat some candy, I will play a trick you. A. as;on B. of ; to C. of ; on D. as;to ( )3.This story seems ,All of the students want to listen to it again. A. bright B. sad C. happy D. interesting ( )4.My family always a party the evening my son's birthday. A. have;in; of B. has;in; in C. have; on; of D. has;at;at ( )5. the students are in the playground, and the others are in the library. A. Four hundreds B. Four hundred C. Hundreds of D. Four hundred of ( )6.Which festival comes last in the year? A. Halloween. B. Christmas. C. The Mid-Autumn Festival. D. The Dragon Boat Festival. ( )7.The Chinese people here always have a party the Chinese New Year. A. celebrate B. to celebrate C. celebrating D. celebrates ( )8.Thank you for me ready for the party. A. help; get B. helping;getting C. helping;get D. help;getting ( )9.—Would you like milk? —That's enough. I don't want to drink more. A. some;some B. any; some C. some;any D. any;any ( )10.—do you like Chinese New Year so much?—Because I can get red packets. A. Why B. What C. How D. Which 二、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) Do you like eating chocolate? Would you like to eat free chocolate and get 1 for it? A company(公司) wants to pay you to eat 2 all day. Mondelez International is 3 a chocolate taster(试吃者). The company needs someone to try the new chocolate and tell them if it's tasty. The taster is going to eat their new chocolate and 4 ideas and thoughts. So just saying "delicious" or "hmm,hmm" is not 5 . The job sounds too 6 to be true. This may be the best and 7 job in the world,but at the same time you may get 8 easily. The job needs seven and a half 9 a week between Tuesdays and Thursdays. To apply(申请)for the 10 ,visit the Mondelez website. Apply now and enjoy the delicious chocolate. ( )1.A. money B. food C. time D. meat ( )2.A. food B. chocolate C. drinks D. meat ( )3.A, looking for B. waiting for C. looking at D. asking for ( )4.A. get B. give C. buy D. hear ( )5. A. enough B. easy C. hard D. possible ( )6.A. bad B. good C. boring D. hard


第一单元提升练习 一、给加点的字选择正确的读音。 吹拂.(fúfó)堤.岸(tīdī)丝绦.(tiáo tāo) 茁.壮(chūzhuó)一堆.(duītuī)填.土(tiān tián) 二、读拼音,写字词。 三、加上部首组成新字,再组词。 卯—( )—( )( ) 直—( )—( )( ) 土—( )—( )( ) 永—( )—( )( ) 四、修饰词语我来填。 ( )的鲜花( )的礼物 ( )的日子( )的笑容 五、先把词语补充完整,再按要求填空。 A.五颜( )( ) B.碧空( )( ) C.引人( )( ) D.兴致( )( ) 1.像A组词语这样含有数字的词语还有、。 2.像B组词语这样描写天气的词语还有、。 3.像D组词语这样ABCC式结构的词语还有、。 六、按要求写句子。 1.把诗句补充完整,再写出诗句的诗意。 不知细叶谁裁出, 。 诗意:

2.发挥想象,把下面的句子补充完整。 春天来了!我们看到了她,她在小草嫩绿的叶片上微笑;我们听到了她, 她;我们闻到了她,她;我们触到了她, 她。 3.这是多么美好的礼物啊!(仿写感叹句) 多么啊! 4.邓爷爷精心地挑选 ....几锹土。(仿写..了一棵茁壮的柏树苗,小心地移入 ..树坑,又挥锹填了 句子,连续运用至少三个动词) 七、结合本单元课文知识填空。 1.古诗回放。 (1)《村居》的作者是,前两句是: , 。 (2)默写《赋得古草原送别》:离离原上 草, 。, 。 2.《找春天》一文中的孩子们找到了春天,发现她在上荡秋千,在风筝尾巴上;在喜鹊、杜鹃嘴里叫,在桃花、杏花…… 3.《开满鲜花的小路》中,鼹鼠先生收到邮寄来的包裹,里面 是。 4.《邓小平爷爷植树》一课中,邓小平爷爷在亲手栽种了一棵柏树。 八、阅读短文,完成练习。 (一)课内阅读。 春天像个害羞的小姑娘,遮遮掩掩,躲躲藏藏。我们(仔细细心)地找哇,找哇。 小草从地下探出头来,那是春天的眉毛吧? 早开的野花一朵两朵,那是春天的眼睛吧? 树木(露出吐出)点点嫩芽,那是春天的音符吧? 解冻的小溪叮叮咚咚,那是春天的琴声吧? 1.选择括号里恰当的词语。 2.仿照画横线的句子,续写句子。 ,那是春天的吗?


高二化学《氮族元素》单元测验试卷 姓名 班级 座号 成绩 第I 卷(60分) 一. 选择题(本题包括20小题,每小题3分,共60分。每小题只有一个选项符合题意) 1、造成光化学烟雾的有害气体主要是( ) A .CO 2、碳氢化合物 B .NO 和NO 2 C .SO 2 D.氟氯烃 2、下列关于氮族元素的说法中不正确的是( ) A 、原子的最外层均有5个电子,最高价均为+5价 B 、非金属性比同周期的氧族元素和卤族元素弱 C 、原子半径比同周期的氧族元素、卤族元素小 D 、稳定性:NH 3 > PH 3 3、氮气能大量存在于空气中,且能维持含量基本稳定的主要原因是( ) A .氮分子结构稳定 B .氮气难溶于水 C .氮分子是非极性分子 D .氮气比空气轻 4、下列互为同素异形体的是( ) A. H SO H SO 2423和 B. 红磷和白磷 C. H O D O 22和 D. O O 18 8168和 5、将氨气通过灼热的氧化铜后,发现氧化铜变红色,此外还收集到一种单质气体,这种气体估计应是( ) A. O 2 B. H O 2 C. NO D. N 2 6、在8363242NH Cl NH Cl N +=+反应中,若有1023.g NH 被氧化,则反应用去的氯气在标准状况下体积为( ) A. 5.04L B. 6.72L C. 20.16L D. 40.32L 7、有一种盐A 和KOH 反应,生成有刺激性气味的气体B ,B 经过一系列氧化再溶于水可得到 酸C ,B 和C 反应又可以生成A ,则A 是 ( ) A .NH 4Cl B .(NH 4)2SO 4 C .NH 4NO 3 D .NH 4HCO 3 8、用以下三种途径来制取相同质量的硝酸铜:○ 1铜与浓硝酸反应;○2铜与稀硝酸反应;○3铜与氧气反应生成CuO ,CuO 再与稀硝酸反应。下列有关叙述不正确的是( ) A . 所消耗的硝酸的量:①>②>③ B .对环境造成的危害,③最小 C .因铜与浓硝酸作用最快,故制取硝酸铜的最佳方案是① D .三种途径所消耗的铜的质量相等


数学四年级上册第1单元《升和毫升》单元测试卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧! 一、选择题 1 . 用容量为500毫升的矿泉水瓶装5升的香油,至少需要()个这样的矿泉水瓶子。 A.10B.20C.25 2 . 一瓶墨水的容量大约有() A.5毫升B.50毫升C.5升 3 . 一根圆柱形的木料长2米,截成相等的3段,表面积增加24平方厘米,原来的木料的体积是()立方厘米。 A.480B.1600C.12D.1200 4 . 计量液体,可以用()作单位。 A.平方米或平方分米B.升或毫升C.千克或克 5 . 一个油箱能装汽油160升,我们说这个油箱的()是160升. A.表面积B.体积C.容积 6 . 鸡和鸭共15只,鸡有6只,鹅有8只。鸭有多少只?列式正确的是()。 A.15-6B.15-8C.14-8 7 . 一瓶可乐有3()。 A.升B.毫升 8 . 用体积是lcm3的小正方体摆成下面两个图形,这两个图形的体积相比较,()。

A.A大B.B大C.一样大 9 . 有甲、乙、丙三个容器.把甲容器装满水,倒入乙容器中,乙容器没有倒满;把丙容器的水倒入乙容器中,丙容器的水还有剩余.问:最大的容器是() A.甲容器B.乙容器C.丙容器 10 . 甲容器可盛水200毫升,比乙容器多盛水50毫升,丙容器的容量是乙容器的2倍,丙容器可盛水()毫升? A.500B.400C.300 11 . 一盆水的容量大约是()。 A.1升B.10升C.100毫升D.100升 12 . 一个矿泉水瓶的容积大约为350()。 A.毫升B.升C.立方米 二、填空题 13 . 在○里填上“>”“<”或“=”。 750毫升○1升 1001毫升○999升 2升○2500毫升 8升○7000毫升 5升○5000毫升 32升○3200毫升 14 . 在()里填“L”或“mL”。 一杯水大约有200(____) 病人一次大约要喝15(____)药水 一桶纯净水大约有18(____) 一辆小轿车的油箱大约可以装汽油50(____)

牛津译林版 英语 七年级上 7A Unit5 单元测试卷

7A Unit5单元测试 二.写单词的正确形式 1、National Day is one of my favourite _________(节日) 2、What ______(礼物) do you want from your parents? 3、I think there are too many________(秀) on TV nowadays. 4、What colour would your father like to ________(涂) the door of this room? 5、The twins go to school and back home ________ (在一起) every day. 6、It is really _______(重要的) for you to get ready for your match. 7、Mrs West always ________(穿衣) her son very fast in the morning. 8、Chinese people like eating ________(饺子) at the Spring Festival. 9、Halloween is a s________ (特殊的) day for American people. 10、How do you usually _________(庆祝)Halloween. 三.词形变化 1、The book isn’t very _____(interest),so I don’t like it. 2、The weather in China is quite_____(same) from your parents . 3、Can you see all kinds of _______ (radio) in the electrical shop(电器店) 4、Can you tell me Timmy’s __________ (grandparent) names? 5、If you want to know ________ (much),you can call us any time. 四.句型转换 1、We have a party in the evening on July 5th. We have a party ______ the evening ______ July 5th.. 2、She wears a beautiful dress .There are many flowers on it. She _____ a beautiful dress _______ many flowers on it. 3、The girl under the tree is my cousin. _______ _______ _______ your cousin?(对划线部分进行提问)


病 一年级语文下册全套单元测试卷附答案 时间:60分钟.满分100分 题号一二三四总分 得分 一、j基ch础zh知shi识.(54分) 1、kn看pn拼yn音xi写c词y语.(12分) xià xuě chūn fēng fēi jī dà guó qíng tiān shēng zì 2、gi给xi下li列de的z字xun选z择zhng正qu确de的yn音ji节d打shng上“√”.(8分) 3、d读y一d读.lin连y一lin连.(8分) 睛 jīnɡ qínɡ 害 护 hù fù

保护 入林 春风 落 爱护 禾苗 夏雨 吹 鱼 出水 秋霜 降 鸟 小青蛙 冬雪 飘 4、d 读j 句zi 子.kn 看pn 拼yn 音.xi 写z 字c 词.(8分) d ōn ɡ xu ě hu ā f ēi ①( )天的 ( )来了. ch ūn f ēn ɡ f ēi r ù ②( )天的( )很暖和.鸟儿又( )森林里了. 5、w 我nng 能bin 变hn 汉z 字xio 小m 魔sh 术.(6分) 加一加 例:人+人=( 从 ) 女+生=( ) 又+又=( ) 云+力=( ) 减一减 例:鲜-鱼=( 羊 ) 时-日=( ) 红-纟=( ) 晴-日=( ) 6、d 读y 一d 读.xun 选z 字tin 填kng 空.(12分) ①东( )升起了太阳. ②这里有一( )只蚂蚁. 万 方

③我们要()田里的青蛙. ④同学们要()学校里的花草树木. 二、kuyǔjiāojì口语交际.(6分) tngle听了《loshǔjiànǚ老鼠嫁女》zhgegùshihòu这个故事后.nxiǎngduìlǎoshǔshuōshénme你想对老鼠说什么?bnǐxiǎngshuōdehuàxiěxiàlái把你想说的话写下来.bhuìdezìkěyǐyòngpīnyīndàitì不会的字可以用拼音代替. 三、yu阅d读tin天d地.(22分) rnyǒuliǎngjiànbǎo人有两件宝 rnyǒuliǎngjiànbǎo人有两件宝.shungshǒuhédànǎo双手和大脑.shungshǒuhuìzuògōng双手会做工.dnǎohuìsīkǎo大脑会思考. yngshǒubúyòngnǎo用手不用脑.shqingzuòbùhǎo事情做不好.yngnǎobùyòngshǒu用脑不用手.shyězuòbùhǎo啥也做不好. yngshǒuyòuyòngnǎo用手又用脑.cinéngyǒuchuàngzào才能有创造.yqièchuàngzàokàoláodòng一切创造靠劳动.lodòngyàoyòngshǒuhénǎo劳动要用手和脑. 1、rnyǒuliǎngjiànbǎoshìzhǐ人有两件宝是指( )h和( ).zugōngkào做工靠( ).skǎokào思考靠( ).


四年级上册第一单元测试卷 班级姓名得分 一个单元已经学完了,相信同学们有很多的收获,让我们一起来挑战吧! 一、认真细致,正确填空。(14分) 1、4升=()毫升6000毫升=()升 3000毫升=()升8 升=()毫升 2、在里填上“>”、“<”或“=”。 900毫升9升2400毫升2升 5600毫升6升7升708毫升 3、在()里填上合适的单位名称。 4、装有2升的酸奶,倒了一半后还剩()毫升,再倒一半后还剩()毫升。 二、请你做裁判。(8分) 1、计量水、油、饮料等液体的多少,通常用毫升作单位。() 2、一个洗脸盆能装水4升。() 3、爸爸发烧,医生给他挂了25毫升的药水。() 4、一听可乐的容量是250毫升,8听可乐的容量是2升。() 三、对号入座。(8分) 1、一个太阳能热水器的容量大约是()。 A、8升 B、10升 C、80升 2、1小瓶眼药水大约有()毫升。 A、1 B、10 C、100 3、把1升的水倒入容量为200毫升的纸杯中,可倒()杯。 A、1 B、4 C、5

4、小明喝一杯牛奶,第一次喝了一半后,加满水;第二次又喝了一半后,又加满 水,最后全部喝完。他喝的牛奶与水比较()。 A、牛奶多 B、水多 C、一样多 四、计算题。 1、口算。(12分) 40×2=50×6=23×30=3000÷2= 30×13=100÷4=4800÷80=750÷15= 18×30=90÷5=130×20=900÷30= 2、用竖式计算,题前带*的要验算。(20分) 375×16 109×42 560×47 302÷3 498÷5 *976÷9 3、列式计算。(6分) (1)583的15倍是多少? (2)164乘43的结果是多少?再减去599,结果是多少?

(英语试卷)7A Unit5单元测试题

7A Unit 5 单元测试(二) 听力部分(20分) 一、听句子,选择最佳答案。(听一遍,5分) ( )1.I want to . A.go shopping B.go swimming C.buy some drinks D.go skating ( )2.The shopping Mall opens at . A.7:40 B.7:20 C.8:20 D.9:00 ( )3.The tennis racket is . A.15 dollars B.25 dollars C.35 dollars D.40 dollars ( )4.You can buy in Hong Xing shop. A.apples and pears B.books and pencils C.musical CD D.meat and ship ( )5. are the favorite birthday present for boys. A.Sports B.School things C.Fast food D.CDs 二、听对话,帮助Sandy完成购物清单。(听两遍,5分) Shopping List 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 三、听短文,判断正误。(听两遍,5分) ( )1.Father,Mother and Lin Tao aren't at home. ( )2.Lin Tao is doing homework.

( )3.Lin Tao's father is cleaning a bike. ( )4.Mother can make a cake. ( )5.There is a cat in Lin Tao's house. 四、听对话填空。(听两遍,5分) Shopkeeper: Hello. Can I help you? Mother: Oh,I want to buy some1) presents for my daughter and son. Shopkeeper: I see. What do they like? Mother: My son is a2) fan. And his favourite teams is AC Milan. Shopkeeper: Then how about a football? Mother: He already has3) footballs. Shopkeeper: We also have many football4) of AC Milan.Do you want to 5) a look at them? Mother: OK. Eh,I will take them. Now as for my daughter, she likes6) books. Do you have some good ones? Shopkeeper: Yes. Many children like to read books7) Harry Potter. We have all of them. Mother: Fine. How much do they cost? Shopkeeper:8) dollars for each card and9) dollars one book. Mother: Then I will take10) cards and one book. 笔试部分(80分) 一、根据句意或括号中提示在空白处填入一个恰当的词。(10分) 1.He 1 yuan on stickers every week. 2.This coat is too . I don't have enough money to buy it. 3.She wants to buy some presents her mother. 4.Suguo Supermarker is a good to buy things. 5.There are60 inan hour.

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