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7、地铁站8、avenue 9、wardrobe 10、难怪11、根据……判断12典型的

13、vacation 14、except 15、hike 16、pick sb.up 17、茶几

18、be crazy about 19、职员20、体贴的


1、He is ___________(友好)to us.

2、He ____________(向......解释)me how to use the computer.

3、The sun ___________(直射)in our faces.

4、He faced the difficulty _____________(勇敢地).

5、We ___________(探望)our friends this evening.

6、His wift is _________(结账)the shoes at the counter.

7、Eggs are selling _____________(售价很低).

8、The tourists are ready to______________(绕城走一圈).

9、He is also going to____________(去野餐)there with his friends.

10、There is something mew________ (出售)in the shoping mall.

三、用介词at,in on to填空(本类题共10分,每题2分)

Janet was born ____Rochester____December 22nd____3 o’clock ____the morning.Rochester is ____the state of New York____the Unites States.Now,she goes_____classes_____the university.She usually arrives____the morning____8o’clock.____weekends,she likes driving___her friend’s house.Her friend lives_____Toronto.She usually arrives____9____the evening and leaves ____Sunday morning.___Saturday,they often meet friends____a restaurant.____night,they sometimes go____a disco____summer,____July for example,they often go____the countryside.













There are some people who say that the war against AIDS is being won. I, for one, wish it __1___ so. In truth, however, __2___ steps forward, we are losing the war agaisnt AIDS. For every piece of positive news that we __3___ powerful new drugs, there are more reports that are negative. One report, __4___, has made me feel very disappointed about the AIDS problem. HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, is __5___ at a growing rate. This information is from a report ___6__ yesterday.

The United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS and the World Health Organization __7___ the reprot. They said they expect the number of __8___ worldwide to grow. The growth is being __9___ by an increase in the use of improper drugs.

According to the report, 33.6 million people, including 1.2 million children, are _10____ HIV.

That c ompares to 33.4 million people who were HIV __11___ last year. But the organizations said this year’s increase was much _12____ than it appeared because last year’s figures in a few Latin American and Asian countries with high populations were underestimat ed. So maybe there aren’t _13____ people with HIV. Possibly, we are just becoming __14___ of the ture number, which

is larger than we had imagined. This should not _15____ us reason to be glad, however. This year _16____ , 5.6 million people will become infected with HIV, the organizations said.

Ninety-five percent of people with HIV live in the _17____ countries. This is a proportion that is __18___ to grow. Their numbers will become larger as infection rates continue to rise in countries _19____ poor status, poor health networks and limited resources fuel the spread of the virus. __20___, we must do something about the problem. However, there are no easy answers.

1. A. be B. is C. were

2. A. prior B. despite C. regardless

3. A. hear out B. hear about C. hear from

4. A. in particular B. in general C. in case

5. A. spreading B. expanding C. extending

6. A. provided B. offered C. given

7. A. put about B. put out C. put off

8. A. infections B. publications C. organizations

9. A. stressed B. extended C. fueled

10. A. taking B. acquiring C. carrying

11. A. positive B. negative C. effective

12. A. higher B. more C. larger

13. A. additional B. more C. further

14. A. aware B. conscious C. awakened

15. A. provide B. supply C. give

16. A. alone B. lonely C. only

17. A. growing B. developed C. developing

18. A . apparently B. likely C. initially

19. A. which B. that C. where

20. A. Clearly B. Possibly C. Probably

六、作文:我今后的打算My future plan


Dear Mum and Dad,

How are you doing?


班级: 姓名: 分数: 《发动机机械系统的检查与修理》期末理论试题 (2014年下学期) 一、 选择题(共30分,每题1分) 1、发动机润滑系中,润滑油的主要流向是 ( ) A.机油集滤器→机油泵→粗滤器→细滤器→主油道→油底壳 B.机油集滤器→机油泵→粗滤器→主油道→油底壳 C.机油集滤器→机油泵→细滤器→主油道→油底壳 D.机油集滤器→粗滤器→机油泵→主油道→油底壳 2、活塞的最大磨损部位一般是( ) A.头部 B.裙部 C.顶部 D.环槽 3、正常工作的发动机,其机油泵的限压阀应该是( ) A.经常处于关闭状态 B.热机时开,冷机时关 C.经常处于溢流状态 D.热机时关,冷机时开 4、水冷却系中,控制冷却水的大小循环路线的是( ) A.节温器 B.百叶窗 C.风扇 D.分水管 5、柴油机的供油提前角一般随发动机转速的升高而( ) A.增大 B.减小 C.不变 D.有时增大,有时减小 6、关于气缸磨损,下面说法正确的是( ) A.在正常情况下,气缸磨损很均匀 B.在活塞环运动区域内呈上大下小的不规则锥形磨损 C.磨损的最大部位在气缸的中间 D.气缸沿与曲轴轴线垂直的方向磨损形成不规则的椭圆形 7、以下发动机零件中不属于压力润滑的有( ) A.凸轮轴轴颈及其轴承之间 B.曲轴各轴颈及其轴承之间 C.气缸壁 D.活塞销 8、下面哪一项不是对燃油供给系统的剩余油压(残压)的检测目的( ) A.检测油压调节器的性能 B.检测系统有无漏油现象 C.检测喷油器的性能 D.检测燃油滤清器的性能 9、柴油机安装调速器是为了( ) A .维持柴油机转速稳定 B.维持供油量不变 C .自动改变汽车车速 D.自动调整供油提前角 10、气缸总容积等于气缸工作容积与燃烧室容积( ) A.之差 B.之和 C.乘机 D.之比 11、测量气缸直径时,当量缸表指示到( )时,即表示测杆垂直于气缸轴线。 A.最大读数 B.最小读数 C.中间值读数 D.任一读数 12、硅油风扇离合器转速的变化是依据( ) A.冷却水温 B.发动机机油温度 C.散热器后面的气流温度 D.继电器控制 13、润滑系中旁通阀的作用是( ) A.保证主油道中的最小机油压力 B.防止主油道过大的机油压力 C.防止机油粗滤器滤芯损坏 D.在机油粗滤器滤芯堵塞后仍能使机油进入主油道内 14、机油泵装配时主要应检查( ) A. B.齿轮和泵壳的齿顶间隙 C.主、被动齿轮和泵盖之间的端面间隙 D.无所谓 15、以下哪个不是冷却液的作用( ) A.防腐、防垢 B.减小冷却系压力 C.提高冷却介质沸点 D.降低冷却介质冰点 16、小循环中流经节温器的冷却水将流向( ) A.散热器 B.气缸体 C.水泵 D.补偿水桶 17、以下选项属于发动机空气供给装置的是( )。 A. 汽油箱 B. 汽油泵 C. 空气滤清器 D. 化油器 18、以下发动机零件中不属于压力润滑的有( ) A.凸轮轴轴颈及其轴承之间 B.曲轴各轴颈及其轴承之间 C.气缸壁 D.活塞销 19、四冲程柴油发动机在进行进气行程时,进入气缸的是( ) A.纯空气 B.氧气 C.可燃混合气 D.纯燃料 20、凸轮轴磨损不会引起( ) A.气门开度增大 B.充气系数降低


Read the text below and answer Questions 1-6 Questions 1-3 Look at the three holidays, A,B and C, on page 1. For which holiday are the following statements true? Write the correct letter,A, B or C, in boxes 1-3 on your answer sheet. HOLIDAY PLUS Need a break? Choose from these three wonderful holidays! Holiday location Price Number of nights Daily meals included in package Comments Transport to\from airport A Mountain Lodge A unique wilderness retreat on the edge of the World Heritage-listed National Park and only 5 km from the sea $330 1 Mountain buffet breakfast plus Free soft drinks always available Free canoeing Free talks in the evening Free open-air tennis courts Horse-riding optional extra Self-drive auto 1 hour 15 minutes or bus three times\week appro.2 hours B Pelican Resort A true coral island right on the Great Barrier Reef Swim straight from the beach $58 4 Hot breakfast plus Beach picnic lunch plus set 4-course dinner Refurbishment: Resort will close for May Free minibus trip around island Plane flights to Wilson Island only $50 1/2 hour by minibus C Cedar Lodge A blend of casual sophistication and rich rainforest ambience for those over 25 $740 4 Tropical breakfast Picnic lunch-optional extra Oldest living rainforest Free bikes and tennis courts; horse-riding extra 10 mins by taxi


2、The modern automatic transmission is by far the most complicated mechanical component in today’s automobile. 3、Torque that is produced at the end of the crankshaft by the engine must be transmitted to the driving wheels. 4、A double overhead cam engine has two cams per head. So in-line engines have two cams, and V-type engines have four. 5、所以冷却系统的另一个重要作用是让发动机尽快的升温,并保持在稳定的温度范围内。 .

三、Answer the following questions in English. (3×5’) 1、Why do we need the cooling system in an IEC (内燃机)? 2、What is the function of the braking system? 3、What ’s the displacement of an engine? 四、 Choose the right answer. (5×2’) 1、What do almost all cars use to convert gasoline into motion? A. one-stroke combustion cycle B. two-stroke combustion cycle C. three-stroke combustion cycle D. four-stroke combustion cycle 2、A car uses a four-stroke engine. The four strokes are . A. intake, compression, ignition and exhaust B. injection, rotation, ignition and exhaust C. injection, carburetion, rotation and exhaust 3、What is the core of a car ’s engine?


船舶动力装置原理与设计复习思考题 第1章 1、如何理解船舶动力装置的含义?它有哪些部分组成? 答:船舶动力装置的含义:保证船舶正常航行、作业、停泊以及船员、旅客正常工作和生活所 必需的机械设备的综合体。 组成部分:推进装置:包括主机、推进器、轴系、传动设备。 辅助装置:发电机组、辅助锅炉、压缩空气系统。 甲板机械 船舶管路系统 机舱自动化设备。 特种设备 2、简述柴油机动力装置的特点。 ?优点: a)有较高的经济性,耗油率比蒸汽、燃气动力装置低得多; b)重量轻(单位重量的指标小); c)具有良好的机动性,操作简单,启动方便,正倒车迅速; d)功率范围广。 ?缺点: a)柴油机尺寸和重量按功率比例增长快; b)柴油机工作中的噪声、振动较大; c)中、高速柴油机的运动部件磨损较厉害; d)柴油机低速稳定性差; e)柴油机的过载能力相当差 3、船舶动力装置的技术特征包括哪些技术指标? a)技术指标标志动力装置的技术性能和结构特征的参数。包括功率指标﹑质量指标和 尺寸指标。 b)经济指标代表燃料在该动力装置中的热能转换率。有燃料消耗率﹑装置总效率﹑推 进装置热效率﹑每海里航程燃料耗量及动力装置的运转-维修经济性。 c)性能指标代表动力装置在接受命令,执行任务中的服从性﹑坚固性和对外界条件、 工作人员的依赖性。因此它包括机动性﹑可靠性﹑自动远操作性能﹑牵曳性能以及噪声振动的控制等指标

4、说明推进装置功率传递过程,并解释各个效率的含义。 BHP、主机输出有效功率;DHP、螺旋桨收到功率;EHP、螺旋桨发出 指示功率→主机额定功率→最大持续功率→轴功率→收到功率→推力功率→船舶有效功率 ?指示功率:表示柴油机气缸中气体作功的能力; ?最大持续功率(额定功率)MCR:在规定的环境状况(不同航区有不同的规定,如无限航 区环境条件:绝对大气压为0.1Mpa;环境温度为45℃;相对湿度为60%;海水温度“中冷器进口处”为32 ℃和转速下),柴油机可以安全持续运转的最大有效功率; ?轴功率:指在扣除传动设备、推力轴承和中间轴承等传动设备后的输出功率; ?螺旋桨收到功率:扣除尾轴承及密封填料损失后所输出的功率。 ?推力功率:是螺旋桨产生使船航行的功率。 ?船舶有效功率:P e=R×V s×10-3 7、如何理解经济航速的含义? ? 1.节能航速:节能航速是指每小时燃油消耗量最低时的静水航速,它常由主机按推进特性运行时能维持正常工作的最低稳定转速所决定。营运船舶在实现减速航行时,主机所输出的功率大大减少,其每海里燃油消耗率大幅度降低。但航速降低后,营运时间被延长,运输的周转量也少,故当船舶需实现减速航行时,应结合企业的货源、运力及完成运输周转量的情况综合考虑后再决策。 ? 2.最低营运费用航速:船舶航行一天的费用,主要由其固定费用(折旧费、修理费、船员工资、港口驶费、管理费、利息、税金,以及船舶停泊期间的燃、润油费等)和船舶航行时燃、润油费用构成。 最低营运费用航速是指船舶每航行1海里上述固定费用及航行费用最低时的航速,可供船舶及其动力装置的性能评价及选型用。在满足完成运输周转量的前提下,船舶按最低营运费用航速航行,其成本费用最省,但它并未考虑停港时间及营运收入的影响,故不够全面。 ? 3.最大盈利航速:最大盈利航速是指每天(或船舶在营运期间)能获得最大利益的航速。此航速的大小,往往与每海里(或公里)运费收入、停港天数及船舶每天付出的固定费用有关。一般在运费收入低、停港时间长、运距短、油价高的情况下,其最大盈利航速相对较小。 (图在下一页)


2016— 2017 学年第学期 高一 《汽车构造与维修》 期末考试试题 本试卷共 2 页,满分100 分;考试时间: 90 分钟; 一、名词解释 (每题3分 共15分) 1、配气相位:以曲轴转角表示的进气门开闭时刻及其开启的持续时间叫做配气相位 2、气门间隙:应在凸轮基园面到气门杆端面之间留有供机件热膨胀用的间隙,以确保气门关闭严密,为此间隙为气门间隙 3、进气提前角: 排气冲程接近终了,活塞到达上止点以前,即曲拐转到离上止点位置还差一个角度时,进气门开始开启,该角度称为进气提前角 4、排气迟后角:在排气冲程曲拐转到活塞到达上止点的位置时,排气门并未关闭,而是在曲拐转过上止点后一个角度,活塞进入进气冲程时,排气门才关闭,该角度称为排气迟后角 5、气门重叠角:气门重叠过程所对应的曲轴转角叫气门重叠角 二、填空题 (每空1分 共25分) -密-----------------封-----------------线-------------------内-------------------不---------------------要-----------------------答-------------------题------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 学生姓名:___________________ 学号 :_________________ 班级 :_________________ 考试教室:____________


2011-2012 八年级英语上期期末试卷 一、单项选择。 1. My little brother works very hard and hopes to go to ____ university in the USA. A. a B. an C. the D. / 2. Mum, it’s so hot and I’m so thirsty. Go and get some ______ in the fridge. A. biscuits B. chips C. ice cream D. cakes 3. Take some tomato sauce and add _______ to the bread , please. A. it B. them C. they D. one 4. The old sick lady is weak and eats __________ than before. A. better B. more C. fewer D. less 5. I _________ watch football matches because I’m not interested in them at all . A. always B. usually C. often D. hardly ever 6. I didn’t know Lisa came from Australia until she began to ________. A. say B. tell C. speak D. talk 7. The sweater is not comfortable. Please give me __________ one. A. the other B. another C. both D. every 8. Why not _________ to my house if you are free this Sunday? A. come in B. come over C. come down D. come back 9. In my class, most students go to school ______ bike and few students go to school _______ foot. A. with,on B. on, by C. on, with D. by, on 10. The movie about Mr Bean made all of us ________. A. laugh B. to laugh C. laughed D. laughing 11. Li lin ________ some foreigners to her 14th birthday party last night. A. invite B. invites C. invited D. is inviting 12. _______ are you doing for vacation? I’m visiting my uncle. A. When B. What C. Where D. Which 13. ______ help me post the letter ? I’d love to, but I’m too busy. A. Must B. Could C. Should D. Need 14. I’m going _________ with my parents. Where shall we go? Maybe Hangzhou. A. somewhere beautiful B. beautiful somewhere C. anywhere beautiful D. beautiful anywhere 15. We went to Hong Kong for shopping last month. A. That sounds wonderful B. You’re welcome C. I’m sorry to hear that. D. It doesn’t matter. 二、完形填空。 Dear editor, Both parents and children have busy days. The parents’ job is to go to 1 to make money. The children’s job is to go to school. After a day’s work, both parents and children get 2 . We have to cook the meals and wash the dishes. We 3 clothes every day and they get dirty easily. We have to wash them


期期末测试题 Ⅰ、Translate The Following Terms Into Chinese . 1. entity concept 主题概念 2.depreciation折旧 3. double entry system 4.inventories 5. stable monetary unit 6.opening balance 7.current asset 8.financial report 9.prepaid expense 10.internal control 11.cash flow statement 12.cash basis 13.tangible fixed asset 14.managerial accounting 15. current liability 16.internal control 17.sales return and allowance 18.financial position 19.balance sheet 20.direct write-off method Ⅱ、Translate The Following Sentences Into Chinese . 1. Accounting is often described as an information system. It is the system that measures business activities, processes into reports and communicates these findings to decision makers. 2. The primary users of financial information are investors and creditors. Secondary users include the public, government regulatory agencies, employees, customers, suppliers, industry groups, labor unions, other companies, and academic researchers. 3. There are two sources of assets. One is liabilities and the other is owner’s equity. Liabilities are obligations of an entity arising from past transactions or events, the settlement of which may result in the transfer or use of assets or services in the future. 资产有两个来源,一个是负债,另一个是所有者权益。负债是由过去的交易或事件产生的实体的义务,其结算可能导致未来资产或服务的转让或使用。 4. Accounting elements are basic classification of accounting practices. They are essential units to present the financial position and operating result of an entity. In China, we have six groups of accounting elements. They are assets, liabilities, 可复制、编制,期待你的好评与关注!


柴油机的基本知识 (1)柴油机的基本概念 1.( ) 柴油机是热机的一种,它是: A. 在气缸内进行一次能量转换的热机 B. 在气缸内进行二次能量转换的点火式内燃机 C. 在气缸内进行二次能量转换的往复式压缩发火的内燃机 D. 在气缸内进行二次能量转换的回转式内燃机 2.( ) 内燃机是热机的一种,它是: A. 在气缸内燃烧并利用某中间工质对外作功的动力机械 B. 在气缸内进行二次能量转换并利用某中间工质对外作功的动力机械 C. 在气缸内燃烧并利用燃烧产物对外作功的动力机械 D. 在气缸内燃烧并利用燃烧产物对外作功的往复式动力机械3.( ) 在柴油机中对外作功的工质是: A.燃油 B. 空气 C. 燃烧产物 D. 可燃混合气 4.( ) 在内燃机中柴油机的本质特征是: A. 内部燃烧 B. 压缩发火 C. 使用柴油做燃料 D. 用途不同 5. ( ) 柴油机与汽油机同属内燃机,它们在结构上的主要差异是: A. 燃烧工质不同 B. 压缩比不同 C. 燃烧室形状不同 D. 供油系统不同 6.( ) 在柴油机实际工作循环中缸内的工质是: A. 可燃混合气 B. 燃气 C. 空气 D. B+C 7.( ) 根据柴油机的基本工作原理,下列哪一种定义最准确: A. 柴油机是一种往复式内燃机 B. 柴油机是一种在气缸中进行二次能量转换的内燃机 C. 柴油机是一种压缩发火的往复式内燃机 D.柴油机是一种压缩发火的回转式内燃机 8.( ) 柴油机活塞行程的定义是指: A.气缸空间的总长度 B.活塞上止点至气缸底面的长度 C.活塞下止点至气缸底面的长度 D.活塞位移或曲柄半径R的两倍 9.( ) 柴油机压缩后的温度至少应达到: A. 110~150℃ B. 300~450℃ C. 600~700℃ D. 750~850℃ 10.( ) 影响柴油机压缩终点温度T c 和压力P c 的因素主要是: A. 进气密度 B. 压缩比 C. 进气量 D. 缸径大小11.( ) 柴油机采用压缩比这个参数是为了表示:


《汽车发动机构造与维修》期末考试试卷A及答案(30份)姓名学号分数 一、填空题(40) 1、发动机润滑系具有、、、 和。 2、发动机各种运动零件工作条件不同,采取的润滑方式也不同,主要有润滑、润滑和润滑。 3、润滑系的滤清装置包括、、和等。4、汽车发动机用机油泵一般有式和式。 5、可燃混和气有和两种表示方法。 6、化油器有五大装置分别是、 、、和。 7、标准混和气的α值为。功率混和气的α为。经济混和气的α为。 8、可燃混和气形成要经过和两个阶段。 9、理论上来讲,1千克汽油完全燃烧需要空气为千克。 10、汽油机燃料供给系由、 、和组成。 11、柴油机燃料供给系有、、 和组成。 12、柴油机可燃混合气的燃烧可划分为四个阶段、 和、。 13、柴油机的高压油路是指和之间。 二、选择题:(2×10=20) 1、活塞与气缸壁之间的润滑方式是()。 A.压力润滑 B.飞溅润滑 C.脂润滑 D.压力润滑和飞溅润滑同时进行 2、发动机润滑系中润滑油的正常油温为()。 A.40–50°C B.50–70°C C.70–90°C D.大于100°C

3、压力润滑用于负荷大,速度高的摩擦表面如() A 活塞环与缸壁 B 主轴承与主轴颈 C 连杆小头衬套与活塞销 D 凸轮与气门挺柱 4、汽车上常有的机油泵形式是() A 齿轮式 B 转子式 C 离心式 D 惯性式 5、发动机润滑系统用来() A 冷却发动机 B 清洁和密封发动机 C 润滑发动机 D 上述所有 6、汽油机过量空气系数在1.05-1.15范围内的可燃混和气叫做() A 功率混和气 B 经济混和气 C 过稀混和气 D 过浓混和气 7、主供油装置的工作状况为() A 除怠速外都工作 B 除起动和怠速外都工作 C 各个工况都工作 D 除加速外都工作 8、化油器浮子室油平面过高,将造成() A 功率混和气 B 经济混和气 C 过稀混和气 D 过浓混和气 9、机械加浓装置起作用的时刻与()有关。 A 节气门开度 B 发动机转速C节气门开度和发动机转速 10、当节气门位于怠速喷口和怠速过渡喷口之间时( )喷油。 A 怠速喷口 B 怠速过渡喷口C怠速喷口和怠速过渡喷口 11、柴油机压缩行程压缩的是. A 柴油与空气的混合气 B 纯空气 C 柴油蒸汽 D 柴油 12、喷油泵解体时,不能用清洗零件。 A 汽油 B 柴油 C 煤油 D 碱水 13、在最高和最低转速之间的转速由驾驶员用油门控制的调速器为 A全程调速器 B 两速调速器 14、喷油泵是在( )内喷油的。 A.柱塞行程 B.柱塞有效行程 C.A、B均可 D.A、B不确定 15、柴油机喷油泵中的分泵数( )发动机的气缸数。 A.大于 B.等于 C.小于 D.不一定 16、四冲程柴油机的喷油泵凸轮轴的转速与曲轴转速的关系为( )。 A.1:1 B.2:1 C.1:2 D.4:1 17、喷油泵是在( )内喷油的。 A.柱塞行程 B.柱塞有效行程 C.A、B均可 D.A、B不确定 18、喷油泵柱塞的有效行程( )柱塞行程。 A.大于 B、小于 c.大于等于 D.小于等于


江西财经大学现代经济管理学院 2011-2012第一学期期末考试试卷 Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (10%)Directions: For questions 1-7, mark Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage. Wildfires In just seconds, a spark or even the sun’s heat alone sets off an extremely large fire. The wildfire quickly spreads, consuming the thick, dried-out plants and almost everything else in its path. What was once a forest becomes a virtual powder keg of untapped fuel. In a seemingly instantaneous burst, the wildfire overtakes thousands of acres of surrounding land , threatening the homes and lives of many in the vicinity. Fire Starters . On a hot summer day , when drought conditions peak , something as small as a spark from a train car’s wheel striking the track can ignite a raging wildfire. Sometimes, fires occur naturally, ignited by heat from the sun or a lightning strike . However, the majority of wildfires are the result of human carelessness. Common causes for wildfires include: Arson(故意)放火,纵火. Campfires Discarding lit cigarettes. Improperly burning debris Playing with matches or fireworks Prescribed fires - Everything has a temperature at which it will burst into flames. This temperature is called a material’s flash point. Woods flash point is 572 degrees Fahrenheit (300 ) . When wood is heated to this temperature, it releases hydrocarbon gases that mix with oxygen in the air, combust and create fire. There are three components needed for ignition and combustion to occur. A fire requires fuel to burn, air to supply oxygen, and a heat source to bring the fuel up to ignition temperature. Heat, oxygen and fuel form the fire triangle. Firefighters often talk about the fire triangle when they are trying to put out a blaze. The idea is that if they can take away any one of the pillars of the triangle,


晓庄学院期末考试试卷 ( 07 级 环境工程 专业2010 ~2011 学年度 第 一 学期) 课程名称 环境工程专业英语 A 卷 考试形式 闭卷 考核类型 考试 本试卷共 六 大题,卷面满分100分,答题时间120分钟。 一、 请根据缩写写出单词全称:(本题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分) 1. VOC :V olatile Organic Compounds 2. APC :Air Pollution Control 3. SS :Suspended Solids 4. COD :Chemical Oxygen Demand 5. EIA : Environmental Impact Assessment (评分标准:每小题中单词全部写对,不论大小写,得2分;错一个单词得1分;错两个及以上单词,得0分。) 二、 请写出下列术语的英文表达:(本题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分) 1. 城市污水:municipal wastewater 2. 废水处理:wastewater disposal 3. 沉降池:sedimentation tank 4. 消毒:disinfection 5. 絮凝作用:flocculation

(评分标准:每小题中所用单词意思基本吻合,单词拼写正确,且单词词态正确,得2分;错一个单词得1分;错两个及以上单词,得0分。) 三、 请根据下列英文解释写出相应的英文词汇:(本题共4小题,每题2分,共10分) 1. The physical and biotic habitat which surrounds us. Environment 2. A natural gas which is formed from decaying matter and burns easily, sometimes causes explosions in mines. Methane 3. Too many people in a given area, too high a population density. Overpopulation 4. The process by which water passes through a membrane that is impermeable to dissolved ions. Osmosis 5. A kind of chemical which can speed up/down a chemical reaction rate. Catalyst (评分标准:每小题中所用单词意思基本吻合,单词拼写正确,且单词词态正确,得2分;否则得0分。) 四、阅读理解:(本题共20分,每小题2分) Passage1 A growing number of these attractions now allow customers to print e-tickets at home with large discounts off the gate price, in part to spur attendance that has declined in recent years. After boom times in the late 1990s, theme park attendance began to decrease, with an overall decline of about 4% over the past few y ears at North America’s 50 most- visited establishments, says James Zola, editor of Amusement Business. “The bloom was off the rose as we turned the corner into 2000, so there’s more discounting now,” he says.


广东海洋大学2011——20012学年第 1 学期 《船舶柴油机》课程试题 课程号: 18242248-1 ■ 考试 □ A 卷 ■ 闭卷 □ 考查 ■ B 卷 □ 开卷 (本试卷卷面总分100分,及格分为60分,考试时间为100分钟) 一.单项选择题 答题说明:本试卷试题均为单项选择题,请选择一个最合适的答案,每题0.8分,共80分。 1. 内燃机是热机的一种,它是( )。 A .在气缸内燃烧并利用某中间工质对外做功的动力机械 B .在气缸内进行二次能量转换并利用某中间工质对外做功的动力机械 C .在气缸内燃烧并利用燃烧产物对外做功的动力机械 D .在气缸内燃烧并利用燃烧产物对外做功的往复式动力 机械 答案:C 班 级: 姓 名: 学号: 试题共 7 页 加 白纸 2 张 密 封 线 GDOU-B-11-302

2. 柴油机是热机的一种,它是()。 A.在气缸内燃烧并利用某中间工质对外做功的动力机械B.在气缸内进行二次能量转换并利用某中间工质对外做功的动力机械 C.在气缸内燃烧并利用燃烧产物对外做功的回转式动力机械 D.在气缸内燃烧并利用燃烧产物对外做功的往复式动力机械 答案:D 3. 发电用柴油机多用四冲程筒形活塞式柴油机主要是因为()。 A.结构简单 B.工作可靠 C.转速满足发电机要求 D.功率大 答案:C 4. 双机双桨船舶,一般带动右侧螺旋桨的主机为()。A.右旋机 B.高速柴油机 C.左旋机 D.低速柴油机 答案:A 5. 下述关于压缩比的说法中不正确的是()。 A.缸内工质经活塞压缩后,温度与压力均增高 B.压缩比对柴油机的燃烧、效率、机动性与机械负荷等


《汽车发动机构造》期末考试试卷 (A卷) 试卷使用专业:汽车工程系班级:答题时间:90分钟 考核方式:闭卷得分: 一、填空题(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分) 请在每小题的空格中填上正确答案。错填、不填均无分。 1、电子控制系统由传感器和ECU两部分组成。该系统的主要功用是根据发动机运转状况 和车辆运行状况确定最佳喷射量和最佳点火提前角。 2、空气流量计是测量发动机进气量的装置。主要有翼片式、卡门旋涡式和热线式、热 膜式几种。 3、氧传感器用于检测排气中氧含量的多少,以便对空然比实施反馈控制。 4、控制单元主要由输入处理回路、A/D转换器、微型计算机和输出处理回路组成。 5、怠速控制有两种方式:旁通空气道式和节气门直动式两种。 6、柴油机燃烧室分两大类:统一式燃烧室和分隔式燃烧室。 7、柱塞式喷油泵由分泵、传动机构、油量调节机构、泵体和供油提前角调节装置组成。 8、喷油器有孔式和轴针式之分,孔式喷油器通常与统一式燃烧室配用,轴针式喷油器 通常与统一式燃烧室配用。 9、常用散热器芯的结构型式有管片式和管带式两种。 10、起动机一般由直流电动机、离合机构和控制装置组成。 二、判断题(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分) 判断出每小题叙述的正误,正确画“√”错误画“Χ”填写在题 后的括号内。错填或未填均无分。 1、质量流量型空气流量计的检测信号不需要进气温度修正。( √) 2、发动机故障码存储在ROM中。 ( Χ ) 3、热膜式空气流量计传给ECU的信号为数字信号。 (Χ ) 4、发动机在启动时采用开环控制。 ( √ ) 5、统一式燃烧室的发动机应采用孔式喷油器。 (√ ) 6、喷油泵的作用是定时、定量地向输油泵输送高压柴油。 (Χ ) 7、输油泵每循环的供油量是固定的。 (Χ ) 8、为保证可靠的润滑,主油道中机油压力越高越好。 ( Χ ) 9、机油粗滤器上旁通阀的作用是限制主油道的最高压力。 (Χ ) 10、为避免发动机工作过热,冷却系的冷却强度越强越好。 (Χ ) 三、单项选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写 在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1、爆燃反馈控制中当有爆燃信号后,ECU控制点火提前角(B )。 A、变大 B、变小 C、保持不变 D、变化不确定 2、蓄电池电压低于标准值时,点火一次电路导通的时间(A ) A、变长 B、变短 C、保持不变 D、变化不确定 3、氧传感器最有利的工作温度是( C ) A、200~300 B、200~500 C、300~600 D、300~800 4、国产轻柴油的牌号是根据( D )制定的。


南通市第一初级中学2011-2012学年度第二学期期末试卷 七年级英语 (本试卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟) Ⅰ卷(90分) 一、听力部分 A、听对话选择合适的图画或答案,每段对话听两遍。(共10分) ( ) 1. What is the girl learning to play? A. B. C. ( ) 2. What’s on the wall? A. B. C. ( ) 3. What’s the girl’s mum doing? A. B. C. ( ) 4. A. B. C. ( ) 5. Where’s the boy’s computer? A. Behind the shelf. B. On the coffee table. C. On the newspapers.

( ) 6. What does Peter’s father do at the weekend? A. He goes fishing. B. He cleans the house. C. He cleans his car. ( ) 7. What will Peter do this Saturday? A. He’ll climb the hill. B. He’ll do his homework. C. He’ll do some housework. ( ) 8. When may Millie get to the party? A. After 7 o’clock. B. Before 7 o’clock. C. At 7 o’clock. ( ) 9. What does the boy mean? A. Kate dislikes going to the Great Wall. B. Kate will be happy to go with them. C. It’s better to take Kate to another place of interest. ( ) 10. What does Wendy usually do before she goes to bed? A. He watches TV. B. He reads newspapers. C. He reads story books. B、根据所听到的对话或独白,选择正确答案,每段对话听两遍。(共10分) 听下面一段对话,回答11~12小题。 ( ) 11. What is Mary going to do tomorrow? A. She is going to play basketball. B. She is going to do her homework. C. She is going to have a picnic. ( ) 12. Who bought something to eat for Mary? A. Tom. B. Jack. C. Mary’s mother. 听下面一段对话,回答13~15小题。 ( ) 13. Why can’t Tom ride his bike to his school? A. Because the traffic is busy. B. Because something is wrong with his bike. C. Because his home is near the school. ( ) 14. When does the dialogue (对话) most probably take place(发生)? A. At night B. At noon. C. In the morning. ( ) 15. Where are they now? A. At school. B. On the bus. C. At home. 听下面一段独白,回答16—20题。 ( ) 16. What time does Wei Fang go to school? A. At 6:30. B. At 7:00. C. At 7:30. ( ) 17. Which school is Wei Fang in? A. No. 6 Middle School. B. No. 5 Middle School. C. No. 4 Middle School. ( ) 18. How many students are there in her class? A. 50. B. 51. C. 52. ( ) 19. Who is Wei Fang’s English teacher? A. Mrs Wang. B. Mr Wang. C. Miss Wang ( ) 20. Where does Wei Fang’s good friend come from? A. America. B. Australia. C. England

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