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5、"God must also love the feeling of killing, he all the time to do so, we don't is according to god I make? 上帝肯定也喜欢杀人的感觉,他时刻都在那么做,我们不就是照着上帝本人做出来的吗?《汉尼拔》"


7、This?is?my?design. —这是我的设想。——威尔《汉尼拔》

8、Eating her is honoring her. Otherwise it's just murder. 《Hannibal》

9、宣传使一切变得无足轻重,它操纵人心,太低俗。《汉尼拔》10、The devil is in the details. 《Hannibal》11、我想让你知道我在哪里、你在哪里能找到我。——汉尼拔《汉尼拔》12、人不该以孩提时代的幻觉构建生活。《汉尼拔》13、很久之后,你还记不记得,眼前这个说话客气的人,也是曾伏你在胸口的人——Dr·Chilton 《Hannibal》14、"If everything that can happen,happens, then you can never really do the wrong thing. You're just doing you're supposed to. ——阿比盖尔《汉尼拔》"15、We construct fairy tales and we accept them. Our minds concoct all

sorts of fantasies when we don't want to believe something. 《Hannibal》16、人生很难留住什么,生命宝贵,又难以维系,一生就这么过去了。《汉尼拔》17、God only knows what I'd be without you. ——Will 《Hannibal》18、我握住天赋的刀锋,却落得一身伤痕。——威尔·格雷厄姆《汉尼拔》19、我们都心知肚明,但不会讲出来,该死的上帝不会回应任何人的祈祷。《汉尼拔》20、A Valentine written on a broken man. ——Will 《Hannibal》21、"Forgiveness is too great and difficult for one person .It requires two, the betrayer and the betrayed. 《Hannibal》"22、"God can't save any of us ,because it's inelegant. Elegance is more important than suffering. That's his design. ——Will 《汉尼拔》"23、"I want you to know exactly where I am, and where you can always find me. ——Hannibal 《Hannibal》"24、"Even if you know the state of who you are today, you can't predict who you'll be tomorrow. You're defined up to now,not beyond. ——Hannibal 《Hannibal》"25、"I forgive you ,Will. Will you forgive me? 《汉尼拔》"26、Betrayal and forgiveness are best seen as something akin to falling in love. 《Hannibal》27、Will:You're the Bride of Frankenstein. Du Muaurier:We've both been his bride. 《Hannibal》28、"I knew you intended to eat me,and I knew that you had no intention of eating me hastily. ——Dr·Du Maurier 《Hannibal》"29、Morality doesn't exist. Only morale. ——Hannibal 《Hannibal》30、Can't live with him. Can't live without him. Is that what this is? ——Dr·Du Muaurier 《Hannibal》31、See how magnificent you

are? Did he who made the lamb make thee? ——Hannibal 《Hannibal》32、All of our endings can be found in our beginnings. History repeats itself and there is no escape. ——Dr·Du Maurier 《Hannibal》33、I am particularly fond of cats. I am not particularly fond of children. 《Hannibal》34、"When life become maddening polite, think about me,think about me. Will,don't worry about me. ——Hannibal 《Hannibal》"35、It's only cannibalism if we're equals. ——Hannibal 《Hannibal》36、"He left us his ,uh,his broken heart. ——Will 《Hannibal》"37、Wood burns because it has the proper stuff in it;And a man becomes famous because he has the proper stuff in him. ——Hannibal 《Hannibal》38、——Was it nice to see him? ——It was nice among other things. 《Hannibal》39、Cannot see what you will not see . ——Dr·Bloom 《Hannibal》40、"I would argue , with these two, that's tantamount to flirtation. ——Dr·Chilton 《Hannibal》"41、——Was it nice to see him? ——It was nice . 《Hannibal》42、Is Hannibal in love with me? ——Will Graham 《Hannibal》43、Fate and circumstance have returned to us this moment when the teacup shatters. 《汉尼拔》44、"Defying God,that's his idea of a good time. ——Will 《Hannibal》"45、I'm just about worn out with you crazy sons of bitches. ——Will Graham 《Hannibal》46、"To market,to market,to buy a fat pig.Home again,home again,jigjity-jig. ——Hannibal 《Hannibal》"47、Extreme acts of cruelty require a high level of empathy. 《Hannibal》48、I'm not afraid of dying.

I'm not afraid of what it will be like to be dead. I'm more curious of any what ifs than I am of any absolutes. ——Bella 《Hannibal》49、Will's thoughts are no more bound by fear or kindness than Milton's were by physics. He is both free and damned to imagine anything. ——Hannibal 《Hannibal》50、The wrong thing being the right thing to do was too ugly a thought. ——Will 《Hannibal》51、Would be a shame not to savour you. ——Hannibal 《Hannibal》52、The ceremonies and sights and exchanges of dinner can be far more engaging that theatre. ——Hannibal 《Hannibal》53、I see my end in my beginning. ——Hannibal 《Hannibal》54、The optimist believes we live in the best of all possible worlds . The pessimist fears this is true . ——Dr·Chilton 《Hannibal》55、Could he daily feel stab of hunger for you and find nourishment at the very sight of you? Yes. But do you ache for him? ——Dr·Du Muaurier 《Hannibal》56、It's hard to predict when brittle materials will break. 《Hannibal》57、Evolve or die. 《Hannibal》58、"Will, was it good to see me? ——Hannibal 《Hannibal》"59、He who sups with the Devil needs a long spoon. ——Dr·Bloom 《Hannibal》60、How is one murderer worthy of compassion and not another? 《Hannibal》61、"——If past behavior is an indicator of future behavior, there is only on way you will forgive Will Graham. ——I have to eat him. 《Hannibal》"62、Blame has a habit of not sticking to Hannibal Lecter. ——Will 《Hannibal》

