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A movement in art and literature in the eighteenth and nineteenth

centuries in revolt against the Neoclassicism of the previous

centuries...The German poet Friedrich Schlegel, who is given credit for first using the term romantic to describe literature, defined it as "literature depicting emotional matter in an imaginative

form." This is as accurate a general definition as can be

accomplished, although Victor Hugo's phrase "liberalism in

literature" is also apt. Imagination, emotion, and freedom are

certainly the focal points of romanticism. Any list of particular characteristics of the literature of romanticism includes

subjectivity and an emphasis on individualism; spontaneity;

freedom from rules; solitary life rather than life in society; the beliefs that imagination is superior to reason and devotion to

beauty; love of and worship of nature; and fascination with the past, especially the myths and mysticism of the middle ages.

English poets: William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Lord Byron, Percy Bysshe Shelley, and John Keats

American poets: Ralph Waldo Emerson, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Edgar

Allen Poe, Henry David Thoreau, Herman Melville, Walt Whitman Neoclassicism:

The dominant literary movement in England during the late

seventeenth century and the eighteenth century, which sought to

revive the artistic ideals of classical Greece and Rome.

Neoclassicism was characterized by emotional restraint, order,

logic, technical precision, balance, elegance of diction, an

emphasis of form over content, clarity, dignity, and decorum. Its appeals were to the intellect rather than to the emotions, and it prized wit over imagination. As a result, satire and didactic

literature flourished, as did the essay, the parody, and the

burlesque. In poetry, the heroic couplet was the most popular verse form. Writers: John Dryden, Alexander Pope, Jonathan Swift, Joseph Addison, and Samuel Johnson.

Morner, Kathleen and Ralph Rausch. NTC's Dictionary of Literary Terms. Chicago: NTC Publishing Group, 1997.


The American Scholar A.O. Lovejoy once observed that the word

'romantic' has come to mean so many things that, by itself, it means nothing at all...The variety of its actual and possible meanings and connotations reflect the complexity and multiplicity of

European romanticism. In The Decline and Fall of the Romantic Ideal

(1948) F.L. Lucas counted 11,396 definitions of 'romanticism'. In

Classic, Romantic and Modern (1961) Barzun cites examples of

synonymous usage for romantic which show that it is perhaps the most remarkable example of a term which can mean many things according to personal and individual needs.

The word romantic (ism) has a complex and interesting history. In the Middle Ages 'romance' denoted the new vernacular languages

derived from Latin - in contradistinction to Latin itself, which was the language of learning. Enromancier, romancar, romanz meant to compose or translate books in the vernacular. The work produced was then called romanz, roman, romanzo and romance. A roman or

romant came to be known as an imaginative work and a 'courtly

romance'. The terms also signified a 'popular book'. There are early suggestions that it was something new, different, divergent. By the 17th c. in Britain and France, 'romance' has acquired the derogatory connotations of fanciful, bizarre, exaggerated, chimerical. In

France a distinction was made between romanesque(also derogatory) and romantique(which meant 'tender', 'gentle', 'sentimental' and 'sad'). It was used in the English form in these latter senses in the 18th c. In Germany the word romantisch was used in the 17th c.

in the French sense of romanesque, and then, increasingly from the middle of the 18th c., in the English sense of 'gentle',


Many hold to the theory that it was in Britain that the romantic movement really started. At any rate, quite early in the 18th c. one can discern a definite shift in sensibility and feeling,

particularly in relation to the natural order and Nature. This, of course, is hindsight. When we read Keats, Coleridge and Wordsworth, for instance, we gradually become aware that many of their

sentiments and responses are foreshadowed by what has been

described as a 'pre-romantic sensibility'.

Cuddon, J.A. The Penguin Dictionary of Literary Terms and Literary Theory. Third Ed. London: Penguin Books, 1991.

Heroic Couplet: A Brief Introduction

David Cody, Associate Professor of English, Hartwick College

The heroic couplet, lines in iambic pentameter rhymed in pairs, appeared early in English--it was Chaucer's favorite meter--and came into vogue in poetic drama in the seventeenth century, but in the eighteenth century,

in the hands of masters like Dryden, Pope, and Johnson, it became for many years the dominant English verse form. In the Neo-classical period the heroic couplet consisted of a couplet of end-stopped lines which formed a short stanza, and substituted for the Greek and Latin heroic hexameter.

Why should this meter, with its strongly symmetrical grammatical structure, be perceived by poets like Pope and Johnson as an ideal structure to embody and convey the emphasis on form and sense and wit which they sought so insistently in their work? And why would the rebellious Romantics, in their quest for personal and poetic freedom, (with a few important exceptions, such as Byron, and, to a lesser degree, Keats) react so strongly against these same qualities?

The Rhetorical Organization of the Neoclassical Couplet

George P. Landow, Professor of English and Art History, Brown University

1.Parallel and contrast

Know farther yet; Whoever FAIR and CHASTE

Rejects [verb1: -] Mankind, is by some Sylph Embrac'd [verb1: +]:

For Spirits, freed from mortal laws, with ease

Assume WHAT Sexes and WHAT Shapes they please.

What guards the purity of Melting Maids,

In Courtly Balls [noun-adjective1a], and Midnight Masquerades [n-adj1b], The Glance by Day [obj1c], the Whisper in the Dark [obj1d];

WHEN kind Occasion prompts their warm Desires,

WHEN Musick softens, and WHEN Dancing fires?

(-- The Rape of the Lock, Canto I, lines 67-76)

Note how Pope turns each set of two lines into a unit by closing it off with a strong rhyme. What kind of words and what parts of speech does he chose to create this closure? What kind does he avoid?

How many different kinds of parallels can you find in these lines? How does Pope create variety so the form doesn't get monotonous? Hint: line 73 pairs "treach'rous Friend" and "daring Spark." What does the second half of the couplet use for a similar parallel?

2. Rhetorical organization

An example of the way that the rhetorical organization of Pope's couplets generates his characteristic wit:

Whether the Nymph shall break Diana's Law,

Or some frail China Jar recieve a Flaw,

Or stain her Honour, or her new Brocade,

Forget her Prayer's, or miss a Masquerade,

Or lose her Heart, or Necklace, at a Ball... (Canto II, lines 103-9)

What point does Pope make by placing side by side (and in similar grammatical forms) the important and the trivial? How does this establish tone, point of view, the subject of the poem? (follow for a woman's response)

3. Puns and wordplay

Here Britain's Statesmen oft the Fall foredoom

Of Foreign Tyrants, and of Nymphs at Home;

Here Thou, Great Anna! whom three Realms obey,

Dost sometimes Counsel take and sometimes Tea. (Canto III, lines 5-9; compare lines 157-60)

How do the verbs act to create puns? Why is a pun particularly suitable for this kind of verse form? subject? Satire?

The Mock Epic as Genre

David Cody, Associate Professor of English, Hartwick College

As the name indicates, the Mock-Epic is a literary form that burlesques the Classical epic by bringing the formulas characteristic of the epic -- the invocation of a deity, a formal statement of theme, the division of the work into books and cantos, grandiose speeches, battles, supernatural machinery, and so on -- to bear upon a trivial subject. The main effect of thus employing techniques of the epic is, however, not so much to have fun with the epic as to deflate a subject or characters that by contrast appear particularly trivial. For example, Pope's Rape of the Lock uses its highly polished verses, mordantly satirical heroic couplets, wit depth, and intelligence to satirize the fuss that results when an idle young lord cuts a small lock of hair from the head of an idle young beauty.

By ludicrously overstating the importance of the whole affair (largely by parodying the epic, which readers in Pope's day knew well), he succeeds, paradoxically enough, in making the whole thing seem ridiculous and funny but also somehow tragic. As a result, Pope makes us aware of the fact that not only the participants in the drama but also the rest of humanity, including Pope himself and certainly his readers, are somehow ridiculous and funny -- and tragic -- too. Here are a few of the ways in which the

plot and structure of The Rape of the Lock burlesques elements characteristic of the epic:


David Cody, Associate Professor of English, Hartwick College and George P. Landow, Professor

of English and Art History, Brown University

The word satire derives from the Latin satira, meaning "medley." A satire, either in prose or in poetic form, holds prevailing vices or follies up to ridicule: it employs humor and wit to criticize human institutions or humanity itself, in order that they might be remodeled or improved. Satire as an English literary form derives in large part from Greek and Roman literature. Aristophanes, Juvenal, Horace, Martial, and Petronius all wrote satires of one kind or another, and the tradition maintained a tenuous existence in England down through the Middle Ages in the form of the fabliau and the Beast-epic. The eighteenth century, however, in which poetry, drama, essays, and literary criticism were all imbued with the form, was the golden age of English satire. Dryden, Swift, Pope, Addison, Steele, and Johnson were all great satirists, and self-described heirs of the Roman poets Horace and Juvenal. Horatian satire tends to be gentler and more sympathetic than the more biting and bitter Juvenalian satire, in which the author Swift is the great example frequently rails savagely against the evil inherent in man and his institutions. Byron and Thackeray, in the nineteenth century, maintained and refined the satiric tradition, as did T. S. Eliot in the twentieth.

Alex Derwent Hope, the contemporary Australian poet, agrees with Pope that satire

has a social function that places it on a level with Religion, Law, and Government. Though its tone may be light, its function is wholly serious; and as for passion, it is actuated by a fierce and strenuous moral and intellectual enthusiasm, the passion for order, justice, and beauty. . . . It keeps the public conscience alert, it exposes absurdity for what it is and makes those inclined to adopt foolish or tasteless fashions aware that they are ridiculous. It shows vice its own feature and makes it odious to others. . . . Satire is an aristocratic art. It is not afraid to tell unpopular truths, but its habit is to tell them with the assurance and detachment of ridicule, and ridicule is the weapon of contempt. (pp. 62, 66-67).

The Restoration, 1660-1702

Samuel Butler ( 1612-1680 ).

John Evelyn ( 1620-1706 ).

John Bunyan ( 1628-1688 ).

John Dryden ( 1631-1700 ).

John Locke ( 1632-1704 ).

Samuel Pepys ( 1633-1703 ).

Aphra Behn ( 1640-1689 ).

Sir Isaac Newton ( 1642-1727 ).

John Pomfret ( 1667 - 1702 ). "The Choice" ( 1700 ). Local HTML Text On Line. A composition that enjoyed phenomenal popularity during the Eighteenth Century.

William Congreve ( 1670-1729 ).

Isaac Watts ( 1674 - 1748 ).

The Eighteenth Century From the Accession of Queen Anne until the Death of Johnson, 1702-1784

Daniel Defoe ( 1659-1731 ).

Jonathan Swift ( 1667-1745 ).

Bernard Mandeville ( 1670 - 1733 ).

Joseph Addison ( 1672-1719 ).

Sir Richard Steele ( 1672-1729 ).

John Gay ( 1685-1732 ).

Alexander Pope ( 1688-1744 ). The premier poet of his age.

Samuel Richardson ( 1689-1761 ).

Philip Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield ( 1694-1773 ).

James Thomson ( 1700-1748 ).

John Wesley ( 1703 - 1791 ).

Henry Fielding ( 1707-1754 ).

Samuel Johnson ( 1709-1784 ). The ultimate man of letters of the 18th Century, The Great Cham of Literature.

David Hume ( 1711 - 1777 ).

Laurence Sterne ( 1713-1768 ).

Thomas Gray ( 1716-1771 ).

Horace Walpole ( 1717-1797 ).

William Collins ( 1721-1759 ).

Tobias Smollett ( 1721-1771 ). Christopher Smart ( 1722 - 1771 ). Edmund Burke ( 1729-1797 ).

Oliver Goldsmith ( 1730-1774 ). William Cowper ( 1731-1800 ). Edward Gibbon ( 1737-1794 ).

Richard Brinsley Sheridan ( 1751-1816 ). Fanny Burney ( 1752-1840 ).

William Godwin ( 1756-1836 ).

Ann Radcliffe ( 1764-1823 ).


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文学术语1、Romance: It is a narrative verse of prose singing knightly adventures or other heroic deeds. Romances are popular in the medieval period. 2Ballad: :A story told in song, usually in four line stanzas, with the 2nd and the 4th lines rhymed. 3、Renaissance--a thristing curiosity for classical literature;--a keen interest in life and human activities. 4、Humanism--individualism; the joy of the present life; reason; the affirmation of self-worth--Humanism emphasizes the dignity of human beings and the importance of the present life. Humanists voiced their beliefs that man was the center of the universe and man did not only have the right to enjoy the beauty of the present life, but had the ability to perfect himself and to perform wonders. 5、Sonnet: : It is a poem of 14 lines that follows a strict rhyme scheme and specific structure; it expresses a single idea or theme. (Thomas Wyatt first introduced it to England) 6、Shakespearean sonnet: : A Shakespearean sonnet consists of three four-line stanzas (called quatrains) and a final couplet composed in iambic pentameter with the rhyme scheme abab cdcd efef gg. 7、iambic pentameter:is a form of rhythm that appears in poetry, songs, and some prose compositions. It is most closely associated with poetry, especially English poetry, which lends itself very well to this particular form of rhythm 8、Blank verse: having a regular meter, but no rhyme. (Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey) 9、Spenserian stanza斯宾塞诗体: : Each stanza contains nine lines in total: eight lines in iambic pentameter followed by a single 'Alexandrine' line in iambic hexameter. The rhyme scheme of these lines is "ababbcbcc." 10、--Sonnet 18 by Shakespeare (“Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day”): time, mortality, immortality 11、Cavalier poets骑士诗人: --Reflected the royalist values;--Themes: beauty, love, loyalty, morality;--Style: Direct, short, frankly erotic--Motto: “Carpe Diem”“Seize the Day” 12、Metaphysical school:玄学派--the founder of the Metaphysical school: John Donne--conceit: an extended metahpor involving dramatic contrasts or far-fetched comparisons; 13、Enlightenment启蒙运动--an intellectual movement in Europe in the 18th century;--Reason as the guiding principle for thinking and action;--the belief in eternal truth, eternal justice, natural equality ;--a continuation of Renaissance; (Belief in the possibility of human perfection through education). 14、Neo-classicism:新古典主义--A revival of classical standards of order, harmony, balance, simplicity and restrained emotion in literature in the 18th century. 15、Sentimentalism--the middle and later decades of the 18th c.;--definition: passion


古代文学名词解释参考答案 1、献诗说:关于《诗经》的编辑主要有献诗说、采诗说两种。据《国语》、《左传》等先秦等古籍记载,《诗经》主要来自公卿列士的献诗,公卿列士通过献诗的方式进行讽谏或赞颂。现在一般认为,《诗经》中《大雅》《小雅》和《国风》中的许多诗可能便是通过献诗的途径搜集出来的。 2、采诗说:关于《诗经》的编辑主要有献诗说、采诗说两种。汉代学者明确提出采诗说,认为周代有采诗制度,周王朝及各诸候国的乐官到民间采集诗歌,借以了解民情。现在一般认为,《诗经》中《国风》的大部分可能是通过采诗的途径汇集起来的。 3、孔子删诗说:孔子删诗说最早出自司马迁《史记?孔子世家》,认为《诗经?原有三千余篇,“及至孔子,去其重复,取可施于礼仪”,删定为三百五篇。删诗说长生在汉代,在传统社会一直影响很大。但现代学者一般认为,孔子删诗说不够可靠。 4、四家诗:《诗经》的传授在汉代主要有四家,一是鲁诗,其创始人为鲁国人申培;二是齐诗,出自齐人辕固;三是韩诗,出自燕人韩婴,四是毛诗,出自鲁人毛亨、毛苌。鲁、齐、韩三家早出,属今文学家,故称“今文三家”。毛诗晚出,属古文学家。 5、六诗说:始自《周礼》,六诗为风、雅、颂、赋、比、兴。《周礼》六诗产生的时代主要用诗于典礼、讽谏、言语,人们还没有注意到《诗经》的表现技巧,六诗的目的也主要是传授用诗的方法。风即《国风》,主要是各地方民歌;雅包括《大雅》、《小雅》,主要是周王朝京畿地区的歌曲;颂包括《鲁颂》、《商颂》、《周颂》,主要是宗庙祭祀的舞曲。 6、六义说:源自《毛诗序》,六义说实本于《周礼》,六义为风、雅、颂、赋、比、兴。风即《国风》,主要是各地方民歌;雅包括《大雅》、《小雅》,主要是周王朝京畿地区的歌曲;颂包括《鲁颂》、《商颂》、《周颂》,主要是宗庙祭祀的舞曲。 7、四始说:始自西汉司马迁《史记》,认为《关雎》为《风》之始,《鹿鸣》为《小雅》


名词解释题目录 1.1.文学研究会 1.2.创造社 1.3.语丝社 1.4.美文 1.5.语丝文体 1.6.小诗 1.7.新月诗派 1.8.象征诗派 1.9.春柳社 1.10.《终身大事》 1.11.爱美剧 1 .12.湖畔诗社 1.13.南囤社 1.14.乡土文学 2.1.左联 2.2.社会剖析派小说 2.3.东北作家群 2.4.京派作家群 2.5.新感觉派 2.6.中国诗歌会 2.7.上海艺术剧社 2.8.中国左翼戏剧家联盟 2.9.国防戏剧 3.1.七月诗派 3.2.九叶诗派 3.3.荷花淀派 4.1.“三突出”创作原则 4.2.“根本任务论” 4.3.“黑八论” 4.4.“主题先行论” 5.1.“朦胧诗” 5.2.新写实小说 5.3.“四川诗群” 5.4.“上海诗群” 名词解释题答案 1.1.文学研究会:是中国新文学运动中第一个纯文学团体,成立于1921年1月,发起人有茅盾、周作人、郑振铎、叶绍钧等人,以《小说月报》为阵地,积极倡导文学革命。其主要理论家茅盾提出文学要老老实实表现人生,尤其应描绘被压迫的人民,在创作方法上,他主要提倡现实主义,反对唯美主义和浪漫主义。文学研究会作家的成就,主要表现在小说创作上,如茅盾的《蚀》三部曲、叶绍钧的《倪焕之》,许地山的《缀网劳蛛》、冰心的《超人》等均以对现实的细致描绘、深入剖析,显示出现实主义特色而成为文学研究会这个现实主义文学流派的力作。 1.2.创造社:1921年7月成立于日本,成员主要有郭沫若、郁达夫等,是“五四”以后的一个重要的浪漫主义文学社团。创办《创造》季刊、《创造周报》、《创造日》、《洪水》等刊物,主张“为艺术而艺术”,强调文学必须忠实地表现作者自己“内心的要求”,重视文学的美感作用。创造社成员的作品大都侧重自我表现,带有浓厚的个人主观抒情色彩。 1.3.语丝社:得名于1924年11月在北京创刊的《语丝》周刊,由《语丝》主要撰稿人组成,主要代表人物有周作人、鲁迅、林语堂、钱玄同、孙伏园、俞平伯、刘半农等。它是中国现代文学史上最早以散文创作为主的刊物,主要发表杂感、短评、小品等。语丝社作家的散文创作形成了独具风格的“语丝”文体,这种文体在思想内容上任意言谈,斥旧促新,在艺术上以文艺性短论和随笔为主要形式,泼辣幽默,讽刺强烈。以鲁迅为代表的尖锐泼辣的杂文和以周作人、林语堂为代表的幽雅的小品形成了该社散文创作的两大类,对散文发展有重要影响。 1.4.美文:周作人1921年发表《美文》一文,提倡多写“记述的”、“艺术性”的美文,王统照、胡适等起而应和,冰心、朱自清、郁达夫、俞平伯等进行创作实践,美文作为一种独立的文体的地位遂得以在文学史上确立。 1.5.语丝文体:因语丝社成员创作的具有共同特征的散文而得名。《语丝》发表的主要是散文,在创作上,尽管语丝社同仁的思想和艺术主张不尽一致,但在针砭时弊方面形成了共同的风格:排旧促新,放纵而谈,古今并论,庄谐杂出,简


文学术语 Terms in English Literature 1.Allegory (寓言) A tale in verse or prose in which characters, actions, or settings represent abstract ideas or moral qualities. 寓言,讽喻:一种文学、戏剧或绘画的艺术手法,其中人物和事件代表抽象的观点、原则或支配力。 2.Alliteration (头韵) Alliteration is the repetition of the same initial consonant sound within a line or a group of words. 头韵:在一组词的开头或重读音节中对相同辅音或不同元音的重复。 3.Allusion (典故) A reference to a person, a place, an event, or a literary work that a writer expects the reader to recognize and respond to. 典故:作者对某些读者熟悉并能够做出反映的特定人物,地点,事件,文学作品的引用。 4.Analogy (类比) A comparison made between two things to show the similarities between them. 类比:为了在两个事物之间找出差别而进行的比较。 5. Antagonist (反面主角) The principal character in opposition to the protagonist or hero or heroine


三古、七段 三古之分,是中国文学史大的时代断限。在三古之内,又可以细分为七段。 上古期:先秦两汉(公元3世纪以前) 第一段:先秦第二段:秦汉 中古期:魏晋至明中叶(公元3世纪至16世纪) 第三段:魏晋至唐中叶(天宝末)第四段:唐中叶至南宋末第五段:元初至明中叶(正德末) 近古期:明中叶至“五四”运动(公元16世纪至20世纪初期) 第六段:明嘉靖初至鸦片战争(1840)第七段:鸦片战争至“五四”运动(1919) 三古七段说主要着眼于文学本身的发展变化,体现出它的阶段性,而将其他的条件如社会制度的变化、王朝的更替等视为文学发展变化的背景;将文学本身的发展变化视为断限的根据,而将其他的条件视为断限的参照。 神话 是“通过人民的幻想用一种不自觉的艺术方式加工过的自然和社会形式本身”,以故事的形式表现了远古人民对自然、社会现象的认识和愿望。神话通常以神为主人公,包括各种自然神和神化了的英雄人物,情节一般表现为变化、神力和法术,其意义通常显示为对某种自然或社会现象的解释,有的表达了先民征服自然、变革社会的愿望。只有当人类可以凭借语言来表达自己的感情,表达对自然和社会的领悟时,神话才有可能产生。神话在后世仍具有文学魅力,启发后世的文学创作。 《山海经》 是我国古代保存神话资料最多的著作,最具神话学价值。约成书于战国初到汉初之间,应是由不同时代的巫觋、方士根据当时流传的材料编选而成,实际上是一部具有民间原始宗教性质的书。全书共分山经五卷、海外经四卷、海内经五卷、大荒经四卷,内容极其驳杂,除神话传说、宗教祭仪外,还包括我国古代地理、历史、民族、生物、矿产、医药等方面的资料,其中海经、大荒经的神话色彩最浓。诸如鲧禹治水、刑天舞干戚等神话流传广远,对我国神话的传播和研究有极其重要的意义。 神话历史化 即把神话看成历史传说,通常的做法是把天神下降为人的祖神,并把神话故事当做史实看待,虚构出始祖及其发展谱系。这一文化现象在世界其他民族的文化史中或多或少都出现过。中国的神话历史化,是史学家、思想家们自觉或不自觉的行为。在正统的史家或儒家典籍中,难以纳入历史谱系中的半人半兽形的神性形象被抹杀殆尽,违背理性化原则的神话也都遭到削删。另一方面,对神话进行歪曲的解释,使其成为某种现实事件,从而成为构筑远古历史的一块基石。改造的结果是使神话大量消亡,历史向前延伸,各氏族的谱系更加严密。 《诗经》 是我国第一部诗歌总集,原名《诗》,或称“诗三百”,共有305篇,另有6篇笙诗,有目无词。全书主要收集了周初至春秋中叶五百多年间的作品,包括了公卿列士所献之诗、采集于各地的民间之诗以及周王朝乐官保存下来的宗教和宴飨中的乐歌等,产生于今陕西、山西、河南、河北、山东及湖北北部一带,约在公元前6世纪编定成书,作者包括了从贵族到平民的社会各个阶层人士,绝大部分已不可考。 风、雅、颂 风即音乐曲调,国风即各地区的乐调。国是地区、方域之意。十五国风160篇,即这些地区的地方土乐。国风中,豳风全部是西周作品,其他除少数产生于西周外,大部分是东周作品。雅即正,指朝廷正乐,西周王畿的乐调,分为大雅和小雅。大雅31篇是西周的作品,大部分作于西周初期,小部分作于西周末期。小雅共74篇,除少数篇目可能是东周作品外,其余都是西周晚期的作品。大雅的作者,主要是上层贵族;小雅的作者,既有上层贵族,也有下层贵族和地位低微者。颂是宗庙祭祀之乐,许多都是舞曲,音乐可能比较舒缓。周颂31篇,产生于西周初期,每篇只有一章。鲁颂4篇,产生于春秋中叶,都是颂美鲁僖公之作。商颂5篇,约为殷商中后期的作品。


专业英语词典网址大全 (https://www.wendangku.net/doc/619913553.html,) 综合类 1. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/619913553.html,/ (词霸在线------含多部专业词典) 2. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/619913553.html,/ 英-英 (可以下载声音文件!!!) 3. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/619913553.html,/ 词汇搜索引擎 4. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/619913553.html,/zzjdict/ 郑州大学在线英汉-汉英科技大词典 5. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/619913553.html,/default.asp 英汉-汉英翻译语料库 6. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/619913553.html,/ 英-英,含大量图片 7. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/619913553.html,/reference/ 美国最大的免费在线参考网站。 下有Columbia Encyclopedia, Roget's Thesauri, American Heritage Dictionary, Columbia History of English and American Literature等众多参考词典。更新快,内容丰富。 8. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/619913553.html,/ 最常用的提问网站,可以通过查询分类查找问题答案,也可上帖提问。 生命科学类 1. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/619913553.html,/search/dict-search.html (life science dictionary) 2. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/619913553.html,/glossary/glossary.html 包括Biochemistry, Botany, Cell Biology, Ecology, Geology, Life History, Phylogenetics, Zoology 3. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/619913553.html,/dictionary.asp 4. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/619913553.html,/facu ... /BioBookglossA.html On-Line Biology Book: GLOSSARY 5. 基因专业词汇(可以下载声音文件的!!!!!!!) https://www.wendangku.net/doc/619913553.html,/Terms/Glossary/findterm.htm 6. 细胞与分子生物学词典(第三版) https://www.wendangku.net/doc/619913553.html,/dictionary/


高考专业术语细解大全 1、开宗明义,直接点题。诗歌开头就进入正题,不拐弯抹角,直接点明题旨或表达情感。 2、曲笔入题,造成悬念。诗歌开头先来一个开端,不直接触到本题,这样使作品有跌宕起伏之感,吸引读者。如杜牧的《泊秦淮》:“烟笼寒水月笼沙,夜泊秦淮近酒家。商女不知亡国恨,隔江犹唱后庭花。”“商女不知亡国恨”就是曲笔,因为商女是侍候他人的歌女,她们唱什么是由听者的趣味而定的,可见真正“不知亡国恨”的是那座中的欣赏者——封建贵族、官僚、豪绅。 3、照应:这是篇章前后某点内容的衔接,又叫呼应。前面交代过的话,后面得有照应;后面要照应的话,前边得先有个交代。照应能使情节连贯、脉络清晰、结构紧凑。如“楚江微雨里,建业暮钟时。漠漠帆来重,冥冥鸟去迟。”(韦应物《赋得暮雨送李胄》)首联两句写黄昏时分诗人伫立在细雨蒙蒙的江边,这里点明了诗题中的“暮雨”,又照应了诗题中的“送”字。 4、伏笔:即在故事发生前对将要出现的人物或事件作出某种暗示性的铺排。好的伏笔能起到暗示、点题、沟通作品内部联系、逆转人物关系等作用,使文理通顺、合情合理。 5、卒章显志:诗人往往在诗歌的结尾表达自己的心志或情怀,点明主旨。如,李白《梦游天姥吟留别》结尾“安能摧眉折腰事权贵,使我不得开心颜”句,表达诗人要自由自在,驰骋奔放,不为五斗米折腰的心志。《行路难》尾句“长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海”,表达要实现理想的豁达。 6、画龙点睛:诗歌末尾点明主旨、亮明观点,让读者豁然开朗。 7、以景结情——诗歌在议论或抒情的过程中,戛然而止,转为写景,以景代情作结,使得诗歌“此时无情胜有情”,显得意犹未尽。 以景结情:是诗歌结句的一种技巧,它也是借景抒情的方式之一。是指诗歌在议论或抒情的过程中,戛然而止,转为写景,以景代情作结,结束诗句,使得诗歌“此时无情胜有情”,显得意犹未尽,可以使读者从景物描写中,驰骋想象,体味诗的意境,产生韵味无穷的艺术效果。 8、铺垫——在情节发生前的交代、暗示。 9、浑然天成——结构非常完整,如同自然生成的。


allegory a story which teaches a lesson because the people and places in it stand for other ideas. an example is john bunyan’s pilgrim’s progress(see page 67). alliteration repeating a sound or a letter, especially at the beginning of words, in poetry:e.g.(see page 8).“five m iles m eandering with a m az y m otion…” assonance repeating a vowel sound, often in the middle of words, in poetry:e.g. p a le/br a ve. autobiography the written account of a person’s own life (see page 136) ballad originally a song for dancers, then in mediaeval times a simple poem with short stanzas telling a story. some romantic poets of the 19th century also wrote ballads (see page 91). biography the written account of someone else’s life (see page 61). blank verse any verses, especially iambic pentameters (see metre), that do not rhyme. used by marlowe, shakespeare, milton and many other poets, this is the most characteristic english form (see page 23). caricature a way of drawing or writing which makes the special features of a person or group stronger, so that they are ridiculous. chorus in greek drama the chorus watched the action of the play and told the story. the modern meaning can be simply a group of people other than the hero or heroine. chronicle a history of events year by year classic a. work as a great work b. ancient greek and latin literature c. writing influence by ancient greek and latin comedy something that is funny couplet two lines of verse that rhyme crisis the most important part of a play diary a written record of daily life drama a. any kind of work to be performed on the stage .b. something exciting or important edition the printing of the book elision leaving out a vowel or a syllable, or running 2 vowels together ellipsis leaving out words which give the full sense epic a long narrative poem in the grand style elegy a poem of mourning for someone epigram a short, funny, sharp poem or remark epilogue an ending, or an extra part after the end of a book or a play epitaph sth. written on a tombstone essay a short prose work fantasy an imaginative work , no basis in the real life farce a comedy, with ridiculous plot fiction a work invented by the writer, with characters and events are imaginary fairy tale(story) a popular story told to children foot a unit of sound in verse, in which there is on stressed syllable, one or more unstressed syllables free verse verse in which the lines can vary in length without strict metre heroic couplet a pair of lines in iambic pentametre that rhyme heroic play a grand play in restoration period hexametre a line of verse with 6 metrical feet iambic抑扬格of metrical foot consisting of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable or a short syllable followed by a long syllable pentametre五音步诗行a line of verse consisting of five metrical feet idiom an expression of saying sth. that is typical of a language at a certain time idyll a short, descriptive, sentimental poem with a pastoral theme image a word picture imagery using images such as metaphors or similes to produce an effect in the readers’ imagination irony sth. that has a second meaning intended by the writer, often the opposite legend a story, usually one that has come down to us from ancient times


名词解释 诗六义 诗经学名词,也叫“六诗”,即风、雅、颂、赋、比、兴。一般来讲,风、雅、颂是根据音乐的不同而对《诗经》进行的分类,赋、比、兴则是《诗经》所用的表现手法。风分15国风,是十五个地区的土风歌谣;雅分大雅和小雅,是周王朝直接统治地区的音乐;颂分周颂、鲁颂和商颂,是宗庙祭祀用的舞曲。赋是“敷陈其事而直言之者”,即铺叙陈述;比是“以彼物比此物也”,即引譬设喻;兴是“先言他物以引起所咏之词也”,即托物起兴。 春秋三传 指《左传》、《公羊传》和《谷梁传》。有人认为这三部书是解释《春秋》的,故合称“春秋三传”。《左传》又称《春秋左氏传》或《左氏春秋》。 楚辞 产生于战国后期的楚国,是屈原在楚地民歌的基础上吸收中原文化的精髓而创造的一种新诗体。句式以六、七言为主,多用“兮”字,具有浓厚的地方色彩。因《离骚》是楚辞的代表,故后人又把楚辞称为“骚”或“骚体”。西汉刘向将屈原、宋玉等人以及汉代东方朔、淮南小山等人的作品编为一集,名为《楚辞》。 乐府、汉乐府、汉乐府民歌 乐府原指音乐机构(乐指音乐,府指官署),始于秦,汉武帝时规模甚大。魏晋六朝时,又把乐府所唱的诗歌也叫“乐府”,于是乐府机构的名称变为带有音乐性的诗体的名称。汉乐府就是汉代的乐府诗。汉乐府包括贵族文人制作的歌辞和采集来的民间歌辞两类作品,后者具有强烈的现实主义精神和崭新的形式,是汉乐府的精华所在,因此,我们常说的汉乐府,多是指汉乐府民歌而言。(注意:宋元以后的词、曲,有时也称“乐府”,如《东坡乐府》是苏轼的词集,《东篱乐府》是马致远的散曲集。) 汉赋 汉代最具代表性的文学样式。汉赋的发展大致经历了三个阶段:汉初流行骚体赋,承楚辞余绪,多带“兮”字,抒情性较浓,代表作家是贾谊;汉武帝起盛行散体大赋,篇幅加长,多采用主客问答形式,铺陈夸张,词藻华丽,气势恢宏,“劝百而讽一”,代表作家是司马相如、扬雄等;东汉中叶以后兴起抒情小赋,篇幅短小,针砭时弊,语言整饬,感情浓郁,代表作家是张衡、赵壹等。 古诗十九首 东汉末年无名氏文人所作的一组五言诗。南朝梁代萧统把它们辑集在一起,冠以“古诗十九首”的总名,编入他编的《文选》之中。这些诗反映了汉末中下层知识分子的生活和思想感情,它的艺术成就标志着文人五言诗达到了成熟阶段。 建安风骨 指汉末建安时期作家的作品在内容和风格方面所表现出来的时代特色。以“三曹”(指曹操、曹丕和曹植)、“建安七子”(指孔融、陈琳、王粲、徐幹、阮瑀、应瑒和刘桢)为中心的邺下文人在诗歌创作中,多反映社会的动乱和人民的疾苦,抒写个人理想抱负,风格悲凉慷慨、刚健遒劲。建安文学的这种特色,被后人称为“建安风骨”。唐代陈子昂所说的“汉魏风骨”,也是指此而言。 竹林七贤 指魏正始时期的七个文人名士,即阮籍、嵇康、山涛、王戎、向秀、阮咸和刘伶。七人大都狂放不羁,藐视礼法,常集于竹林中酣饮,故世谓“竹林七贤”。他们的作品,多用隐晦曲折的方式揭露司马氏的恐怖统治,表达愤世嫉俗之情。阮籍、嵇康最为著名,诗风各具特色,有“阮旨遥深”、“嵇志清峻”之说。


文学观念:文学观念就是对文学的看法,是对“文学是什么”的回答。文学观念是发展变化的。 再现说:在文学四要素中强调“世界”与“作品”的对应关系,即认为作品是对世界的摹仿或再现。 客观说:在“文学四要素”中,客观说把作品抬到高于一切重于一切的地步,认为作品一旦从作家的笔下诞生之后,就获得了完全客观的性质,它既与原作家不相干,也与读者无涉,它从外界的参照物中孤立出来,本身是一个自足体,出现了所谓的“客观化走向”。 文以载道:中唐时期韩愈等古文运动家提出,经宋代理学家的解释得到完善。“文以载道”的意思是说“文”像车,“道”像车上所载之货物,通过车的运载,可以达到目的地。如果车装饰得很漂亮,却不载物,那么车再美也是无用的。可见文学也就是传播儒家之“道”的手段和工具。这样的文学观念偏于文学的教化目的。 寓教于乐:古罗马时期的思想家贺拉斯提出。认为文学的摹仿要达到“既劝谕读者,又使他喜爱,才能符合众望”。这是一种既重视摹仿又重视读者得到快感和教益的文学观念。 文学的定义:文学作为一种人类的文化形态,它是具有社会的审美意识形态性质的,凝聚着个体体验的,沟通人际的情感交流的语言艺术。 价值阅读:价值阅读表示阅读者“试图尽可能敏锐和准确地描述出他在作品中所发现的价值”。当然这里所说的价值,首先是文化价值。 审美:审美是心理处于活跃状态的主体,在特定的心境、时空中,在有历史文化渗透的条件下,对于客体的美的观照,感悟、判断。 情致:由黑格尔提出。情致是两个方面的互相渗透,一方面是个体的心情,是具体感性的,是会感动人的,另一方面是价值和理性,可以作为认识。但这两个方面完全结合在一起,不可分离。因此,对那些情致特别微妙深邃的作品,它的情致往往是无法简单地用语言传达出来的。 虚静:中国古代文论概念。“虚静” 就是使人的精神进入一种无欲无得失无功利的极端平静的状态,这样事物的一切美和丰富性就会展现在眼前。所以“虚静”可以理解为审美活动时的心理状态。 艺术真实性:简括地说,艺术真实性是指文学作品的艺术形象的合情合理的性质。 体验:所谓体验是经验中见出意义、思想和诗意的部分。 “出入”说:王国维提出。作家的体验不但要能“入”,而且要能“出”:诗人对宇宙人生,须人乎其内,又须出乎其外。人乎其内,故能写入。出乎其外,故能观之。入乎其内,故有生气。出乎其外,故有高致。”“入乎其内”就是“移情”式体验。“出乎其外”就是体验主体对体验的反刍。 文学文本:文学文本是供读者阅读的包含完整意义的实际语言形态,是文学这种语言艺术品的基本存在方式。 文学语言组织:文学语言组织是文学文本的最基本层次和直接现实,它是一种具有表现目的和表现性及个性。 语言层面:语言层面是文学语言组织的基本层面两种形态。 节奏:节奏是文学语言层面的基本形态之一,是语言在一定时间里呈现的长短,高低和轻型,高低和轻重型。 音律:音律也称声律,声韵或韵律,是文学的语言层面的基本形态之一,是由声调,语调和韵的变化和协调而形成的内部和谐状况。 文法层面:文法层面是文学语言组织的基本面之一,它是文学语言组织在语词,语句和篇章方面的构面法则。文法通常有三类:词法、句法和篇法。 词法:词法,又称字法,是文法层面的类型之一,是特定文本内语词的构成法则。


An Introduction to Old and Medieval English Literature(450—1066) Definitions of Literary Terms(名词解释与文学术语) 1. Couplet 对句( 指两行尾韵相谐的诗句) A couplet is two consecutive lines of poetry that rhyme. The couplet composed of two iambic pentameter lines (五音步抑扬格诗行)—more commonly known as the heroic couplet ( 英雄偶句诗)—--is the most favored form. 2. Elegy哀歌、挽歌 A poem of mourning, usually over the death of an individual. It may also be a lament over the passing of life and beauty or a meditation on the nature of death. An elegy is a type of lyric poem, usually formal in language and structure. 3. Epic 史诗An epic is a long narrative poem telling about the deeds of a great hero and reflecting the values of the society from which it originated. Many epics were drawn from an oral tradition and were transmitted by song and recitation before they were written down. 4. Exodus 《出埃及记》The second book of the Old Testament, containing an account of the departure of the Israelites from Egypt under the leadership of Moses. 5. Genesis A:《创世纪》The second book of the Old Testament, containing an account of the departure of the Israelites from Egypt under the leadership of Moses. 6. Homer 荷马Greek epic poet, probably of the 8th century BC, to whom are ascribed the Iliad ( 《伊利亚特》) and Odyssey (《奥德赛》). Nothing is known about his life, nor even of the genesis of the poems. 7. Iambic pentameter 五音步抑扬格:英诗的韵律主要包括两方面的内容: 1) 每个音步中轻重音节的排列形式, 即格律。抑扬格指每一音步中含有一个轻音和一个重音; 2) 这种排列形式在一个诗行中出现的次数, 也就是每行内所含有的音步数目。下面以教材中Thomas Gray 的Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard为例, 诗歌第一行如下: \ / ┃\ /┃\ / ┃\ /┃\ / The curfew tolls the knell of parting day ( \ 表示“抑”, 即轻读的音节, / 表示“扬”, 即重读的音节; ┃表示音步的分布情况) 8. Lyric抒情诗 A poem, usually a short one, that expresses a speaker’s personal thoughts or feelings. The elegy, ode, and sonnet are all forms of the lyric. As its Greek name indicates, a lyric was originally a poem sung to the accompaniment of a lyre(古代希腊的七弦竖琴), and lyrics to this day have retained a melodic quality. 9. Motif 主题、母题 A motif generally contributes in some way to the theme of a short story, novel, poem, or play. At times, motif is used to refer to some commonly used plot or character type in literature. It can also be motive, a main subject, pattern, etc. on which a work of art is based, or from which it is developed. 10. New Testament 《新约全书》The part of the Bible which contains the life and teachings of Christ recorded by his followers, together with their own experiences and teachings. It is the second of the two principal divisions of the Christian Bible. 11. Old Testament 《旧约全书》The earlier and larger part of the Bible, which contains the religious and social laws of the Hebrews, a record of their history, their important literature, and writings of their prophets. 12. Romance 骑士传奇、浪漫文学Any imaginative literature that is set in an idealized world and that deals with heroic adventures aand battles between good characters and villains or monsters. Originally, the term referred to a medieval tale dealing with the loves and adventures of kings, queens, knights, and ladies, and including unlikely or supernataural happenings. 13. Verse 韵文Form of writing arranged in lines, each containing a pattern of accented and
