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Thankyou.Thankyou,PresidentChen,ChairmenRen,VicePresidentChi, ViceMinisterWei.WearedelightedtobeheretodaywithaverylargeAme ricandelegation,includingtheFirstLadyandourdaughter,whoisastude ntatStanford,oneoftheschoolswithwhichBeijingUniversityhasarelati onship.WehavesixmembersoftheUnitedStatesCongress;theSecretar yofState;SecretaryofCommerce;theSecretaryofAgriculture;theChair manofourCouncilofEconomicAdvisors;SenatorSasser,ourAmbassado r;theNationalSecurityAdvisorandmyChiefofStaff,amongothers.Isayt hattoillustratetheimportancethattheUnitedStatesplacesonourrelati onshipwithChina.

Iwouldliketobeginbycongratulatingallofyou,thestudents,thefaculty,t headministrators,oncelebratingthecentennialyearofyouruniversity. Gongxi,Beida.(Applause.)

AsI'msureallofyouknow,thiscampuswasoncehometoYenchingUniver sitywhichwasfoundedbyAmericanmissionaries.Manyofitswonderful buildingsweredesignedbyanAmericanarchitect.ThousandsofAmerica nsstudentsandprofessorshaveeheretostudyandteach.Wefeelaspecia lkinshipwithyou.

Iam,however,gratefulthatthisdayisdifferentinoneimportantrespectfr omanotherimportantoccasion79yearsago.InJuneof1919,thefirstpres identofYenchingUniversity,JohnLeightonStuart,wassettodeliverthev eryfirstmencementaddressontheseverygrounds.Attheappointedhou r,heappeared,butnostudentsappeared.TheywerealloutleadingtheM ay4thMovementforChina'spoliticalandculturalrenewal.WhenIreadth is,IhopedthatwhenIwalkedintotheauditoriumtoday,someonewould besittinghere.AndIthankyouforbeinghere,verymuch.(Applause.)

Overthelast100years,thisuniversityhasgrowntomorethan20,000stud ents.YourgraduatesarespreadthroughoutChinaandaroundtheworld. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/6d10271077.html,styear,20perce


米歇尔北大演讲稿中英对照 Remarks of First Lady of the United States Michelle Obama Stanford Center at Peking University Beijing, China March 22nd,2014 Ni-hao. It is such a pleasant and an honor to be here with all of you at this great university…Thank you so much for having me. 你好,能够在这所伟大的大学里与你们大家在一起,真是莫大的荣幸......非常感你们的邀请。 And before I get started today, on behalf of myself and my husband, I just want to say a few very brief words above Malaysian(sic) Airline Flight 370. 在开始今天讲话之前,我想代表我自己和我丈夫就马来西亚航空公司370航班简短地说几句。 As my husband has said, the United States is offering as many resources as possible to assist in the search. 如我丈夫所说,美国正提供尽可能多的资源协助搜寻工作。 And please know that we are keeping all the families and loved ones of those on this flight in our thoughts and prayers at this very difficult time. 请相信,在这个非常艰难的时刻,我们的心和航班上人员的家属和亲人在一起,我们为他们祈祷。 And with that, I want to start by recognizing our news Ambassador to China Ambassador Baucus…President Wang…Chairman Zhu…Vice President Li. Director Cueller, Professor Oi and the Stanford center…President Sexton from New York University which has an excellent study abroad program in Shanghai…and John Thorton, Director of the Global Leadership Program at Tsinghua University…thank you all so much for joining us. 现在,我们首先来认识一下美国新任驻华大使,博卡斯大使、王校长、朱主席、副校长、 Cuelluer主任、Oi教授和斯坦福中心,纽约大学的塞克顿斯校长,该校在开设了一个优秀的海外留学项目,以及清华大学全球领袖项目主任约翰桑顿,由衷地感大家的到来。 And most of all, I want to thank all of the student for being here today…and I particulary want to thank Eric Schafer and Zhu Xuanhao for that extraordinary English and Chinese introduction.


克林顿两届就职演讲稿 克林顿首任就职演讲稿(中英文): My fellow citizens : Today we celebrate the mystery of American renewal. This ceremony is held in the depth of winter. But, by the words we speak and the faces we show the world, we force the spring. A spring reborn in the worlds oldest democracy, that brings forth the vision and courage to reinvent America. When our founders boldly declared Americas independence to the world and our purposes to the Almighty, they knew that America, to endure, would have to change. Not change for changes sake, but change to preserve Americas ideals; life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness. Though we march to the music of our time, our mission is timeless. Each generation of Americans must define what it means to be an American. On behalf of our nation, I salute my predecessor, President Bush, for his half-century of service to America. And I thank the millions of men and women whose steadfastness and sacrifice triumphed over Depression, fascism and Communism. Today, a generation raised in the shadows of the


篇一:地震演讲稿 尊敬的吴老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家晚上好! 您还记得吗? 2008年5月12日下午14点28分。 您还记得吗?中国——四川——汶川县。 您还记得吗?2013年4月20日早晨8点02分您还记得嘛?——四川——雅安 看着这些熟悉的数字我的心是如此的沉重和苦涩 2013年4月20日早晨8点02分,当我们还在熟睡之际,梦想人生之时,雅安却发生了大地震,我们被这残酷的灾难所震醒,心被这残酷的灾难所震颤,在这天灾发生的一刻,我想到了那次汶川地震。它就像噩梦一样留在我们心中永远挥之不去。 那一次,四川汶川县发生了里氏八点零级地震,全国大半地区都有明显震感。它给人们和国家造成了严重的生命和财产损失。说它是大地震,是因为它比我们都知道的唐山地震还要严重,余震异常频繁,是新中国成立以来,一次史无前例的大灾难! 然而,在这如此恐怖的灾难面前,我们的中国子民没有退缩,我们一起手挽手去挑战地震----这个张牙舞爪的恶魔。 “一方有难,八方支援。众志成城,抗震救灾。”不错,当大地震发生后,全国乃至全世界都举行了捐款捐物捐衣捐水活动,各国人民也纷纷解囊相助,用爱心来为灾区人民营造幸福乐园。 两次地震给四川人民带来流离失所的悲痛,同时也体现了众多人们伟大的人格,在灾难降临的时候,四川人民没有退缩,中国人民没有退缩,他们抛弃了个人的一切,甚至写下遗书奔赴抗震救灾第一线。国家领导人不惜一切代价抢救灾情,为灾区人民送去温暖和希望。温家宝总理李克强总理在第一时间赶到了抗灾第一线,向灾区人民嘘寒问暖,表达了党中央对他们的爱护及关心。总理们在抗震前线吃的是馒头榨菜,每时每刻都往返在各个救灾帐篷之间?? 社会的各界仁人志士同样也为抗震救灾做出了很大贡献。他们有的是从全国各地赶来的志愿者,有的是没有遇难的本地人,有的则是来四川探亲的??他们也许失去了亲人,也许没有了家园,但是他们没有时间去过多悲痛,而是化悲伤为力量,为了灾区人民夜以继日地奔波着忙碌着。还有那些最可爱的官兵战士们,为了多救出一个灾民,为了早一分钟让灾民脱离危险,他们置自己的生死于不顾,和时间赛跑,和余震斗争,多么可爱的人啊,我们向他们致敬!在这块被灾难和阴霾笼罩的土地上,每一分每一秒都在回荡着一组组爱的交响乐! 用我们的爱心和行动,谱写出我们众志成城的一个好日子。阳光会灿烂,月亮会微笑,孩子的眼睛会被水灵灵的希望擦亮。我们手牵手,用一种不屈的精神一起去迎接美好的明天!我们手牵手,用一种伟岸的气魄一起去迎接美好的明天!篇二:地震演讲稿.doc 地震演讲稿-国旗下讲话:让我们唱响同一首歌 清风徐来,红日升起,雄壮激越的国歌旋律在校园的高空飘扬的时候,同学们,你有没有感受到这是多么幸福安宁的生活?你有没有为此对这份幸福充满感恩?这些日子,我是如此强烈地感受到了这些,但是我还想到了同一蓝天下却承受着巨大的痛苦的我们的四川同胞们,他们遭遇到毁灭性的人生浩劫,正经受着的家破人亡的悲伤,正面临着大片大片废墟的茫然无措。。。 真相是如此残酷,了解真相更是令人痛苦。但是,哪一个黑头发黄皮肤的的中国人不突然放下手头的工作泪眼婆娑地盯着新闻里一个又一个关于同胞们受灾的镜头,哪一个流着中国血喝着黄河水的中国人不倾耳收听抗震救灾的行动? 下面,我想就我所了解的四川地震的有关情况为大家作个具体的介绍。 北京时间5月12日14时28分,在四川汶川县(北纬31度,东经103.4度)发生7.8级地震。包括北京在内的近半个中国都有震感。此次四川地震震级高,又属浅源性地震,释放能量剧


北京大学复试 (个人陈述自我介绍中文+英文) 在北京大学复试面试当中,北京大学导师最爱问的问题之一就是让学生做一个中文或英文自我介绍。面试中的自我介绍,可以让导师观察你对自己的描述与概括能力,你对自己的综合评价、你的精神风貌以及你对北京大学的了解情况等。希望这篇原创范文能助同学们上北京大学一臂之力! ==北京大学复试自我介绍英文版== ==北京大学复试自我介绍中文版==

==自我介绍中文版北京大学复试== 尊敬的老师: 您好! 我叫某某某,今年××岁,是来自××省××市××学校的一名学生。我出生在一个朴素(农民/工人/干部/职工)的家庭,勤劳、诚实、质朴父母的谆谆教诲,让我养成了吃苦耐劳精神。在××学校的熏陶,让我形成了稳重踏实的作风、严谨求学的态度;同时学习生活中所遭遇的挫折与不幸,磨练了我积极乐观的人生态度。 在××学校的学习时光里,我积极参加各种学科竞赛,并获得过多次奖项。其中:××××××(列举有代表性的获奖证书)。在学校各项学科竞赛中我养成了求真务实、努力拼搏的求学精神,并在社会实践活动中加强自己的创新能力和实际操作动手能力。 在学习上,我刻苦进取、兢兢业业,无论是期末理论考试,还是动手实践操作,我的成绩都能在班级名列前茅。(这里列举有代表性的学科考试名次和成绩)在平时,我自学一些关于×××专业相关知识(表现大学某专业的兴趣),并在实践中锻炼自己。在班级工作上,我曾担任过班级班长、学生会×××、××协会等职务,从中锻炼自己的组织管理能力。 北京大学一直是我心目中向往的象牙塔。北京大学有着悠久的历史,深厚的文化底蕴,丰富的教学资源,良好的学术氛围,为社会培养出许多杰出人才,(阐述自己所认识的北京大学历史背景,以及自己向往的北京大学具体专业,发展方向)。我期望成为北京大学的一名学生,希望在北京大学深造,渴望成为一名对社会、对祖国


3月22日上午,美国第一夫人米歇尔造访北京大学,并接受北大校长赠书。之后,米歇尔在北大斯坦福中心以“读万卷书不如行万里路”为主题的演讲。在米歇尔的演讲中,“留学”成为关键词。她化用中国古语“读万卷书,不如行万里路”,并结合自身经历现身说法,希望让更多青年人拥有留学的机会。以下为米歇尔演讲的双语全文: MRS. OBAMA: (Applause.) Thank you. Well, ni-hao. (Laughter.) It is such a pleasure and an honor to be here with all of you at this great university, so thank you so much for having me. 谢谢。你好。很高兴也很荣幸来到这里,在这所伟大的大学和你们共聚一堂。非常感谢你们邀请我。 Now, before I get started today, on behalf of myself and my husband, I just want to say a few very brief words about Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. As my husband has said, the United States is offering as many resources as possible to assist in the search. And please know that we are keeping all of the families and loved ones of those on this flight in our thoughts and prayers at this very difficult time. 在我今天开始之前,代表我自己和我的丈夫,我想就马来西亚航空公司的MH370航班简短说两句。如我丈夫所说,美国正提供尽可能多的资源协助搜寻工作。请相信,在这个非常艰难的时刻,我们的心和航班上人员的家属和亲人在一起,我们为他们祈祷。 Now with that, I want to start by recognizing our new Ambassador to China, Ambassador Baucus. President Wang; Chairman Zhu; Vice President Li; Director Cueller; Professor Oi, and the Stanford Center; President Sexton from New York University, which is an excellent study abroad program in Shanghai; and John Thornton, Director of the Global Leadership Program at Tsinghua University. Thank you all for joining us. 现在,我们首先来认识一下美国新任驻华大使——博卡斯大使。王校长、朱主席、李副校长、 Cuelluer主任、Jean Oi教授和斯坦福中心,纽约大学的塞克顿斯校长(该校在上海开设了一个优秀的海外留学项目),以及清华大学全球领袖项目主任约翰·桑顿,由衷地感谢大家的到来。 But most of all, I want to thank all of the students who are here today. And I particularly want to thank Eric Schaefer and Zhu Xuanhao for that extraordinary English and Chinese introduction. That was a powerful symbol of everything that I want to talk with you about today. 最重要的是,我要感谢今天所有到场的学生们......我要特别感谢埃里克·谢弗和朱宣皓的精彩英文和中文介绍。这绝佳地诠释了我今天要和大家聊的全部话题。 See, by learning each other’s languages, and by showing such curiosity and respect for each other’s cultures, Mr. Schafer and Ms. Zhu and all of you are building bridges of understanding that will lead to so much


美国克林顿总统在北京大学的演讲稿演讲范文 PRESIDENT CLINTON: Thank you. Thank you, President Chen, Chairmen Ren, Vice President Chi, Vice Minister Wei. We are delighted to be here today with a very large American delegation, including the First Lady and our daughter, who is a student at Stanford, one of the schools with which Beijing University has a relationship. We have six members of the United States Congress; the Secretary of State; Secretary of Commerce; the Secretary of Agriculture; the Chairman of our Council of Economic Advisors; Senator Sasser, our Ambassador; the National Security Advisor and my Chief of Staff, among others. I say that to illustrate the importance that the United States places on our relationship with China. I would like to begin by congratulating all of you, the students, the faculty, the administrators, on celebrating the centennial year of your university. Gongxi, Beida. Applause. As I’m sure all of you know, this campus was once home to Yenching University which was founded by American missionaries. Many of its wonderful buildings were designed by an American architect. Thousands of Americans students and professors have come here to study and teach. We feel a special kinship with you. I am, however, grateful that this day is different in one important respect from another important occasion 79 years ago. In June of 1919, the first president of Yenching University, John Leighton Stuart, was set to deliver the very first commencement address on these very grounds. At the appointed hour, he appeared, but no students appeared. They were all out leading the May 4th Movement for China’s political and cultural renewal. When I read this, I hoped that when I walked into the auditorium today, someone would be sitting here. And I thank you for being here, very much. Applause. I come here today to talk to you, the next generation of China’s leaders, about the critical importance to your future of building a strong partnership between China and the United States.


北京大学英语2002年博士研究生入学考试试题huazi 发表于2007-1-20 11:00:00 推荐 北京大学2002年博士研究生入学考试试题 Part One: Structure and Written Expression Direction: In each question decide which of the four choices given will most suitably comp lete the sentence if inserted at the place marked. Put the letter of your choice in the AN SWER SHEET. (20%) 1 . The doctor's ___ is that she'll soon be as good as new if she takes insul in and watche s her diet. A.agnosticism B. anticipation C. diagnosis D. prognosis 2.It is understood by all concerned that the word no one who visits him ever breathe a syllable of m his hearing wi11 remain forever unspoken. A.uncommunicatively B. acceptab1y C. tacitly D. taciturnly 3. ___ springs not out of true and deep admiration, but more often out of a self-seeking wish to identify with someone important or famous. A. A compliment B. An adulatory C. Flattery D. Praise 4.Leaving for work m plenty of time to catch the train will _____ worry about being late. A.rule off B. prevent C. avoid D? obviate 5.Nicholas Chauvin, a French soldier, aired his veneration of Napoleon Bonaparte so and unceasingly that he became the laughingstock of all people in Europe. A. vociferously B. patriotically C. verbosely D. loquaciously 6.People suffering from prefer to stay shut in their homes and become panic-stricken m 1arge public buildings and open fields.

最新-克林顿就职中文演讲稿 克林顿1993年就职演讲+(中英文) 精品

克林顿就职中文演讲稿克林顿1993年就职演讲+(中英文) 春天重新降临到这个世界上最古老的国家,它给我们带来了重新塑造美国的构想和勇气.WhenourfoundersboldlydeclaredAmerica"sindependencetotheworldandour purposestotheAlmighty,theyknewthatAmerica,toendure,wouldhavetochange. Notchangeforchange"ssake,butchangetopreserveAmerica"sideals;life,libe rty,thepursuitofhappiness.Thoughwemarchtothemusicofourtime,ourmission istimeless.EachgenerationofAmericansmustdefinewhatitmeanstobeanAmeric an.当我们的缔造者们大胆地向全世界宣布美国的独立,向上帝宣布我们的目的时,他们知道,美国要长久地存在下去,就必须改革. 我们不是为改革而改革,而是为了保持美国的理想——生活、自由和追求幸福.虽然我们伴随着时代的乐曲前进,我们的使命却是永恒的. 每一代美国人都必须明确作为一个美国人意味着什么.Onbehalfofournation,Isalutemypredecessor,PresidentBush,forhishalf-centuryofservicetoAmerica.AndIthankthemillionsofmenandwomenwhosestead fastnessandsacrificetriumphedoverDepression,fascismandmunism.我的前任布什总统为美国服务了半个世纪,在此,我代表我们的国家向他致以崇高的敬意. Today,agenerationraisedintheshadowsoftheColdWarassumesnewresponsibili tiesinaworldwarmedbythesunshineoffreedombutthreatenedstillbyancientha tredsandnewplagues.我还要向千百万人民表示感谢,他们以坚定的信念和牺牲战胜了经济萧条、法西斯主义.今天,在冷战的阴影下成长起来的一代人在世界上已肩负起新的责任. 这个世界虽然沐浴在自由的阳光下,但仍然面临着旧的仇恨和新的灾祸的威胁.Raisedinunrivaledprosperity,weinheritaneconomythatisstilltheworld" sstrongest,butisweakenedbybusinessfailures,stagnantwages,increasingin equality,anddeepdivisionsamongourpeople.我们在无与伦比的繁荣中成长,继承了一个仍然是世界上最强大经济,但是. 商业失败、工资停滞、不平等加剧,以及我们自己的人民四分五裂,削弱了这


英语演讲稿:地震 sinceweenterthe21stcentury,thespiritofcooperationhasbecomem oreandmoreimportant.win-winisapopularword.inthisway,oneplus oneisactuallybiggerthanratherthanjustequaltotwo. inthishighlydevelopedsociety,theprogressofscienceandtechnol ogyistheresultofcooperation.thehumangenomeprojectisagoodexa mple.morethan1000topscientistsfromdifferentcountrieshavepar ticipatedinthegreatproject.everyscientistmaybea’one’,buto neplusone,thefinalresultismuchgreaterthan’two’. thethemeofoursocietyisnotcompetition,butcooperation.everyst ageofpracticeshowsthatpeoplewithspiritofcooperationorteamwo rkwillwinsuccessmuchmoreeasilythanthosewithoutthespirit,and acountryorregionwilldevelopfasterandbetterifcooperatingwith theoutsideworldinsteadofself-enclosed.wecanbenefitfromeacho herifwecreatevaluetogether.wemustcorrectlyhandletherelation shipbetweencooperationandcompetition,andlearntocooperatewit hother.weneedtomakeoneandonebiggerthantwo. theterribledisastercausedmorethen40075inhabitantsdeathsandc


篇一:米歇尔演讲稿 英文原稿: first lady michelle obama: 孩子们应该受到很好的教育,说道这个问题,barack 懂得,就像我们中很多人一样,没有助学金他就也不可能上大学。 你们相信吗?在我和他新婚之时,我们的助学贷款的压力甚至远大于房贷。当时我们那么年轻,还负债累累。 thats why barack has fought so hard to increase student aid and keep interest rates down, because he wants every young person to fulfill their promise and be able to attend college without a mountain of debt. 因此,barack 竭尽全力提高助学金额度,同时压低利息,他希望让每一个年轻人都能大展宏图,不必为了求学债台高筑 so in the end, for barack, these issues arent political – theyre personal. because barack knows what it means when a family struggles. he knows what it means to want something more for your kids and grandkids. 他懂得希望子孙过上好日子是这样一种感受。他知道什么是美国梦,因为他曾亲身经历。他希望每一个人都能有相同的机会。 barack knows the american dream because hes lived it...and he wants everyone in this country to have that same opportunity, no matter who we are, or where were from, or what we look like, or who we love. 他知道什么是美国梦,因为他曾亲身经历。他希望每一个人都能有相同的机会。无论身份,无论家乡,无论种族,无论信仰和情感。 and he believes that when youve worked hard, and done well, and walked through that doorway of opportunity...you do not slam it shut behind you...you reach back, and you give other folks the same chances that helped you succeed.他相信当每一个人努力奋斗,出人头地,在通过机遇的大门之后,不会自私地关上大门,而会转身伸出援手。给予人们共同的机会一起成功! 如果你要问我白宫这四年是否改变我的丈夫?我可以坦诚相告,不论是看他的品格,信仰,还是内心,此时此刻的他是彼时彼地我相爱的那个人! 如今的他还会像那时一样,拒绝高薪工作,而深入社区基层,去帮助濒临倒闭的钢厂的职工和家属。去重建那样的社区,帮助人们再度就业。因为对他来讲,成功的标准并不是收入,而是你对他人生的积极影响 hes the same man who, when our girls were first born, would anxiously check their cribs every few minutes to ensure they were still breathing, proudly showing them off to everyone we knew. 他还是那个当女儿刚降生时,会分分钟钟就跑到婴儿床边查看女儿是否还在呼吸的那个父亲。会抱着女儿去找所有的熟人显摆。 thats the man who sits down with me and our girls for dinner nearly every night, patiently answering their questions about issues in the news, and strategizing about middle school friendships. 他至今仍每晚和我跟女儿一起吃晚餐。耐心地回答她们关于新闻和时事的问题,为她们在学校交朋友的事儿出谋划策。 i see the concern in his eyes...and i hear the determination in his voice as he tells me, you wont believe what these folks are going through, michelle...its not right.


北大英语公开课程—大学英语 <课程介绍> 教学目标 培养学生听、说、读、写、译综合语言运用能力和人文素养。 教学内容 从1987年至今,大学英语课程实行分级、分课型教学,对不同类型的学生因材施教,使不同水平的学生有不同程度的提高。北京大学的大学英语课程分为两大部分,第一部分为基础课,其目的是帮助学生打下扎实的语言基础,提高语言的实际运用能力。基础课分为大学英语一级、二级、三级和四级,分综合、阅读和听说三种课型授课。新生入学后,参加分级考试,按成绩分别编入一级、二级、三级和四级。未达到北京大学大学英语入学要求的学生,编入预备级。大学英语一级、二级、三级和四级每学期2学分,每周2学时。第二部分为选修课,选修课每周2学时,每学期2学分。选修课分为专题课和通选课。专题课的目的是培养学生的语言应用技能。通选课的目的是提高学生的文化素养。专题课包括高级英语阅读与写作,应用性与创造性英语写作,高级英语听力技巧,美国英语语音,实用英语词汇学,英汉对译理论与技巧、英汉对比研究、社科英语文献选读、大学英语口语,英语名著与电影,英语词汇与英美文化,英语听说,职场英语,文艺复兴艺术作品与圣经故事,英语传统诗歌精华,美国短篇小说与电影等,通选课包括西方学术精华概况,中西文化比较,莎士比亚戏剧名篇赏析等。每位学生必须至少修满大学英语8学分方可毕业。

教学方法及特点 我们的教学特点是,建立多媒体教学体系,充分利用多媒体、网络等现代化手段,以教师面授与学生自主学习相结合,并配设教师答疑与辅导。为保证各门课程的教学质量,大学英语教研室的教师坚持集体备课,互相切磋,共同探讨如何在传统的课堂教学模式基础上,利用现代化教学手段,丰富教学内容,提高学生的自主学习能力。为方便教学,我们自己开发建设了“北京大学大学英语网络教学平台”。教师面授采用多媒体现代化教学手段,,课堂信息量增大,趣味性、多样性增强。学生自主学习,主要依托“北京大学大学英语网络教学平台”以及出版社提供的多媒体光盘课件,大大增强了学生的学习的效率和他们的自主学习能力。在建设多媒体英语教学体系的时候,我们的出发点是将多媒体作为教学辅助手段,教师面对面授课仍在整体教学中占主导地位。我们要求学生不仅要英语语言好,而且能通过英语学习,广泛涉猎西方文化及人文思想,从而提高整体素质。我们坚持英语语言和英语思维同时培训的做法,克服了应试教学中只重视语言点,忽略英语语言的整体性的缺点,使学生能够听、说、读、写并进,从而大大提高了英语语言的应用能力。


奥巴马夫人米歇尔的演讲稿 First Lady Michelle Obama: Thank you so much, Elaine…we are so grateful for your family’s service and sacrifice…and we will always have your back. Over the past few years as First Lady, I have had the extraordinary privilege of traveling all across this country. And everywhere I’ve gone, in the people I’ve met, and the stories I’ve heard, I have seen the very best of the American spirit. I have seen it in the incredible kindness and warmth that people have shown me and my family, especially our girls. I’ve seen it in teachers in a near-bankrupt school district who vowed to keep teaching without pay. I’ve seen it in people who become heroes at a moment’s notice, diving into harm’s way to save others…flying across the country to put out a fire…driving for hours to bail out a flooded town. And I’ve seen it in our men and women in uniform and our proud military families…in wounded warriors who tell me they’re not just going to walk again, they’re going to run, and they’re going to run marathons…in the young man blinded by a bomb in Afghanistan who said, simply, “…I’d give my eyes 100 times again to have the chance to do what I have done and what I can still do.” Every day, the people I meet inspire me…every day, they make me proud…every day they remind me how blessed we are to live in the greatest nation on earth. Serving as your First Lady is an honor and a privilege…but back when we first came together four years ago, I still had some concerns about this journey we’d begun. While I believe d deeply in my husband’s vision for this country…and I was certain he would make an extraordinary President…like any mother, I was worried about what it would mean for our girls if he got that chance. How would we keep them grounded under the glare of the national spotlight? How would they feel being uprooted from their school, their friends, and the only home they’d ever known?


克林顿就职演讲稿 篇一:克林顿就职演讲稿-中英文对照 克林顿就职演讲稿-中英文对照 Inaugural Address of George W.Bush January 20 2001 President Clinton distinguished guests and my fellow citizens:The peaceful transfer of authority is rare in history mon in our country.With asimple oath we affirm old traditions and make new beginnings.As I begin I thank President Clinton for his service to our nation and I thank VicePresident Gore for a contest conducted with spirit and ended with grace.I am honored and humbled to stand here where so many of Americas leaders e before me and so many will follow.We have a place all of us in a long story.A story we continue but whose end we willnot see.It is the story of a new world that became a friend and liberator of the old a storyof a slave-holding society that became a servant of freedom the story of a power thatwent into the world to protect but not possess to defend but not to conquer.It is theAmerican story.A story of flawed and fallible people united across the generations bygrand and enduring ideals.The grandest of these ideals is an unfolding American promisethat everyone belongs that everyone deserves a chance that no insignificant person wasever born.Americans are called upon to enact this promise in our lives

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