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第36卷第10期 娃酸盐通报Vol.36 No.10 2017 年 10 月________________BULLETIN OF THE CHINESE CERAMIC SOCIETY_________________October,2017





摘要:以粉煤灰为原料,采用湿法加碱煅烧法合成了4A分子筛,研究了粉煤灰与烧碱配比、煅烧温度、煅烧时间对 合成4A分子筛的影响,结果表明粉煤灰与烧碱配比1.0:0.8,煅烧温度700 T:,煅烧时间1h有利于4A分子筛的 合成。利用合成的4A分子筛对水体中六价铬进行了吸附研究,实验确定的最佳吸附条件为:分子筛投加量为0. 3 g,溶液p H值为6?7,吸附时间为30 min,吸附温度为10?25 T。最佳吸附条件下分子筛对六价铬有较好的去除 效果。吸附以物理吸附为主,符合Freundlich等温吸附式。同时对4A分子筛的再生性进行了研究,2次循环使用 后其吸附能力仍能保持初次吸附能力的90.0%以上。


中图分类号:X703 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-1625 (2017)10-3493-05

Adsorption of Hexavalent Chromium by Zeolite Synthesized of Fly Ash

HE Long-qiang,HU Peng,FU Ke-ming

(College of Chemical Industry and Environment Engineering,Jiaozuo University,Jiaozuo 454000,China)

Abstract:Through wet method alkalinizing calcination, 4A Zeolite can be synthesized based on f l y ash as main raw material. The effe cts of f l y ash/alkali,calcination temperature and alcination time on 4A

Zeolite were investigated. The results showed that 4A zeol ite had been synthesized under f l y ash/alkali of

1.0-0. 8,calcination temperature of 700 ,calcination time of 1h. At the same time, the removal

efficiency of 4A zeol ite adsorbing hexavalent chromium in water was studied. The experiments showed that 4A zeo lite had higher removal efficiency for hexavalent chromiumion in water, when 4A ze olite dosage was 0. 3 g, solution p H value was 6-7,adsorption time was 80 min and adsorption temperature was 10-25 . The adsorption behavior of 4 A zeol ite t o sixvalent chromium accorded with Freundlich isotherm adsorption, mainly with physical absorption. Regeneration of 4A zeoli te was also studied,the results showed that, aft e r2 cycles, i t s adsorption capacity can s t i l l maintain more than 90%of the i n i t i a l adsorption capacity.

Key words:f l y ash;wet method alkalinizing calcination;4A zeolite;adsorption;hexavalent chromium


铬是重要的重金属污染物之一,含铬废水多存在于电镀、制革、冶金、印染等工业废水中,有很强的毒性,含铬废水的毒性与铬的价态相关,价态不同,毒性不同,其中六价铬的毒性最强,能够对水生生物、土壤产生 危害,由于本身的生物不可降解性,其最终通过生物累积进入人体,从而对人体健康产生危害甚至导致死


