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Beltesassar's Short Animation Festival Part 1


导演: Tim Burton

编剧: Tim Burton

制片国家/地区: USA

简介:Vincent片长大概只有5分多钟,是Tim Burton在迪斯尼的早期作品。已经初见他对哥特风格的迷恋了。


导演: Christoph Lauenstein, Wolfgang Lauenstein

制片国家/地区: 原西德


(3)Father and Daughter

导演: Michael Dudok de Wit

编剧: Michael Dudok de Wit

制片国家/地区: 英国/ 比利时/ 荷兰


(4)Au bout du monde

导演: Konstantin Bronzit

制片国家/地区: 法国




导演: Zbigniew Rybczynski

制片国家/地区: 波兰



导演: Chris Stenner, Arvid Uibel, Heidi Wittlinger

主演: Rainer Basedow / Michael Habeck

制片国家/地区: 德国


(7)Special Delivery

编剧: Eunice Macaulay / John Weldon

导演: Eunice Macaulay / John Weldon

主演: Sandy Sanderson

制片国家/地区: 加拿大



导演: Christopher Hinton

制片国家/地区: Canada

(9)Ward 13

导演: Peter Cornwell

制片国家/地区: Australia



导演: Frédéric Back

制片国家/地区: 加拿大



导演: Phil Mulloy

制片国家/地区: 英国

Beltesassar's Short Animation Festival Part 2

(1)Every Child

编剧: Bernard Carez / Derek Lamb / Raymond Pollender

导演: Eugene Fedorenko

主演: Bernard Carez / Sophie Cowling / Raymond Pollender

制片国家/地区: 加拿大


(2)George and Rosemary

导演::David Fine / Alison Snowden

主演::Cec Linder / Doris Malcolm / Marty Myers / Alexander Weldon





导演: Bruno Bozzetto

制片国家/地区: 意大利


(4)Sex and Violence

导演: John Lasseter

制片国家/地区: 美国

简介:In eight minutes, animator Bill Plympton gives us 24 vignettes: seven are clearly about sex, 10 about violence, and seven others deal with human frailties, particularly the body as it ages. There are three stories of persons with confused priorities (including a guy tying his

shoe while parachuting); the world's first phone sex; and a clever, if dangerous, way to find

a lost key. Except for the titles of each sketch and a couple of jokes that turn on noise, these

are visual trips into the psyche of men, women, God, animals, and Time (the enemy of us all).

在八分钟的时间里,动画师Bill Plympton给了我们24个小插曲:7个完全关于性的,10个是关于暴力的,还有7个是讲述人类与生俱来的弱点……

(5)The Metamorphosis of Mr. Samsa

导演: Caroline Leaf

制片国家/地区: 加拿大

简介:题材都是现成的,一个是Mordecai Richler的成名作,一个是Kafka的同名小说改编。Caroline Leaf在玻璃上洒上海滩沙作画,每一个画面拍摄两个frames后进行修改,再拍摄下一个画面。这种作画方式的特点是不能够修改错误,如果犯了错误,别无选择只能够跟它继续相处。毁掉重画是不可能的。所以这种作画方式的本质很像是自由写作(free writing),作者让笔自己把意念传递到纸上,如果出了错误就顺其自然。也就是说,要有一点禅意。虽然说是作画方式的要求,但隐约在画风里也可以读到一点。

(6)La maison en petits cubes

编剧: 加藤久仁生

导演: Kunio KATO(加藤久仁生)

制片国家/地区: 日本


Beltesassar's Short Animation Festival Part 3

(1)左邻右里Flat life

导演:Jonas Geirnaert


简介:本片是一个叫Jonas Geirnaert21岁的动画系学生耗费了两年制作出来的毕业作品,竟然在Cannes Festival(坎城影展)上获得了最佳短片的评审团大奖。非常有意思的动画短片,也许作者本身还有着深意,通过各个人物对周身的影响而寓意着急速全球化的经济、文化与战略等等,不过自己倒是没看出来那么多。里面有个熊猫特别好玩。推荐一下。

(2)少女和云The Young Girl and the Clouds Jeune fille et les nuages, La

导演:Georges Schwizgebel

制片国家/地区:France / Switzerland

简介:本片是瑞士著名实验动画片导演Georges Schwizgebel(乔治?史威兹贝尔)的作品,在浓郁的油画性和饱满的音乐声中,导演为我们讲述了一个现代版的灰姑娘变身公主的故事。身在田野中,眼望蓝天白云,身边有无数白鸽环绕,是女孩心中的渴望。然而在现实中,她只是一个毫不起眼的“灰姑娘”,每日为几位和她年龄相仿但地位养尊处优的贵族小姐而忙活,后来,一双玻璃鞋令“王子”独独钟情于她,她变成人人羡慕的“公主”。


导演:Matt Abbis


No,no,I wasn’t listening.


I already to told you.

The stop killing each other.

It’s already in the book.



(4)菲尔?莫洛伊极端动画选集The Chain

导演:菲尔?莫洛伊Phil Mulloy


简介:尔莫洛伊极端动画选集Phil Mulloy - Extreme Animation


导演:Raoul Servais


简介:Monsterlike cranes reign over an inhospitable harbour as prehistorical reptiles. The only human being they accept is a lonesome fisherman. He is to witness a strange encounter between a ship's mate and a mermaid. Imagination or reality?



(6)电风扇和花The Fan and the Flower

导演:Bill Plympton


Beltesassar's Short Animation Festival Part 4


导演:Don Hertzfeldt


简介:'Genre'is another fine animated comedy short from the brilliant and twisted mind of animator Don Hertzfeldt. Here he draws a rabbit on a piece of paper and puts the poor thing through all kind of movie genres. The rabbit plays a part in a romantic film, the science fiction film, the porno film. Then the animator slowly loses his ideas and he starts combining genres and create new ones, so suddenly the rabbit stars in a disaster porno film, just to name one.After 'Ah, L'Amour', already a fine comedy, Hertzfeldt improves his animation and his comedy with 'Genre'. The short is inventive, perfectly animated, twisted and therefore probably not that great for everybody, and brilliant in how it uses such a simple idea in the most effective way possible. For the follow ups including 'Billy's Ballon' and 'Rejected' can be said the same. You should not miss any of them.

“Genre”是才华横溢的Don Hertzfeldt的另一部优秀的动画作品。在这部作品中,他画一只兔子在一张纸上,让它来表演各种类型的电影。那只兔子先后表演了浪漫片,科幻片,儿童片,甚至还有色情片。慢慢地,动画家失去了他的创意,他开始尝试结合各种流派创造出了一个新类型的电影,所以很突然地,兔子开始表演起一场灾难色情片。在“Ah,L’Amour”这部已经不错的喜剧动画之后,Hertzfeldt的才华又在这部“Genre”喜剧动画中得到进一步发展。“Genre”是部富有创造性和完美的动画,但它的表现方法显然不适合所有的人,因为它需要作者有足够的才华来将如此简单的想法展现地淋漓尽致。同样,作者的才华也体现在了“Billy's Ballon”和“Rejected”这两部作品中,实在不容错过。如果你看过第一集中“Rejected”,对这部动画的风格一定不会觉得太陌生。国内也曾有过类似的flash动画《功夫兔》,主角也是一只兔子,虽然是模仿,但制作的也挺不错的。这部动画的确很有创意,而里面那只被作者威逼利诱的兔子实在是可怜。它的表情和动作都很到位,特别是演色情片的那场,两只“男兔子”的眼神实在让我笑得不行了。推荐一下。(注里面有一些场面是少儿不宜的)

(2)Huset p? kampen

导演: Pjotr Sapegin

简介:An unusual storyline involving a man and a rat. Extremely well narrated and nicely claymated, a man and a rat get into a conflict when they both live in the same house. A fun short film with an unexpected twist. Listen to the things the narrator says - THIS is how to write great lines, honest and from the heart.这部有着非常好的叙述方式的粘土动画讲述了一个关于一名男子和一只大老鼠的不同寻常的故事。他们同住在一所房子中,很容易便起了冲突。一部有趣有着意想不到情节的动画。听听叙述者所说的,只有发自内心的真诚才能造就伟大的故事。结局是很雷人的同时也很感人,接受得了或者接受不了全看观众自己了。


导演:Aleksandr Petrov


简介:画面延续Aleksandr Petrov作品鲜明的绘画性,色彩一如油画般丰富饱满。少年和老人生活在大海边。冬天,少年从大海里将一个在水中奋力挣扎的女子(美人鱼)救上岸,他返回住处取来衣物想给女子暖身时,女子消失不见。春天,他在海边钓鱼,女子又一次出现,并将少年呼唤,两人坠入爱河,开始一段快乐的日子。老人看到这一情形,想起自己在少年这般年纪时曾将一名女子辜负,他也正是因这件事才成了基督信徒。老人预感到少年和女子的爱情会以悲剧收场,试图阻拦,但无能为力。看了之后,觉得作品的风格太熟悉了,查了一下,果然,该短片的作者就是那部油画动画《老人与海》的亚历山大?彼德洛夫。


导演:Bruno Bozzetto



(5)野人In the Rough

导演:Paul Taylor

主演:Douglas Sept / Kirsten Severson



(6)弹孔硬币Ring of Fire

导演:Andreas Hykade


简介:《弹孔硬币(Ring of Fire)》捕捉了两个在寻找性伊甸园的牛仔的生活片断,故事从他们在途中发现了一个集市开始。他们这些无知的男孩子将世界看作他们的性乐园。可是当其中一个主角狠狠地殴打并强暴了集市中一位有着水一样头发的女孩以后,他的伙伴通过抚慰那个女孩而很快发现,在肉欲之下其实有一颗他曾经那么渴求的震慑人心的灵魂。

(7)修士与鱼Le moine et le poisson

导演:Michael Dudok de Wit


简介:修士在修道院中的水塘边冥想时,一条鱼跳将出来打乱了他的思绪,修士试图将鱼捕捉,用鱼竿钓、用渔网捕等方式试过,不能。将鱼捉到手的念头盘桓在他的脑海,挥之不去。而翻书求经、请其他修士帮忙、晚上点起蜡烛皆不得后,他几近抓狂。修士与鱼又一次互搏,鱼跳过修道院、梯田、河流,修士紧紧相跟。过程中他与鱼不过一线之隔,却没将之捕捉。其后,他与鱼共舞着进入虚空世界。1994年荷兰名动画导演Michael Dudot Dewit 的作品。音乐是法国名音乐家Serge Besset以la follia这首巴洛克时代的葡萄牙古曲为配乐。音乐非常棒!

(8)摇滚巨星-佛瑞德Famous Fred

导演:Joanna Quinn



(9)Wat's Pig

导演:Peter Lord



Beltesassar's Short Animation Festival Part 5

(1)Annie & Boo

导演:Johannes Weiland




导演:Sharon Colman

主演:Rupert Degas





编剧: John Minnis

导演:John Minnis

主演:John Minnis




导演:Raoul Servais



(5)线条先生La Linea

导演:Osvaldo Cavandoli

主演:Carlo Bonomi / Osvaldo Cavandoli


简介:Osvaldo Cavandoli,1920年生于意大利的Maderno。不久举家搬到米兰。长大后,他在Alfa Romeo做了四年技术设计员。23岁时,他进入动画领域为Pagot studio工作。1950-1958期间,他作为一个独立木偶制片人和导演。在1969,他创作了使他文明全球的角色:La Linea。这个有趣的角色大量出现在广告中,并且后来成为独立影片。这些影片在超过40个国家上映,荣膺了很多奖项。1974年Cavandoli为这个角色制作了一个漫画版本。1997年La Linea 正式出现在意大利电视上。


导演:Norman McLaren

主演:Grant Munro / Jean Paul Ladouceur


简介:本短片不能算作动画片,只是运用了动画技巧的讽刺短剧。两个男人(Grant Munro、Jean Paul Ladouceur)成了邻居,起初,他们相处得很好,一起抽烟、读报、聊天。一朵美丽的小花在他们两家正中间的位置长出来,两人看这朵花都是越看越欢喜,都想占为己有。划界看归属不成,两人又为得到这朵花开始大打出手,终酿成悲剧。


导演:Wendy Tilby




导演:Ryan Larkin



(9)猫与月亮的故事Estória do Gato e da Lua

导演:Pedro Serrazina


简介:This short was in part four of the "Short Cinema Journal"--a film I rented from Netflix but which appears to have originally been a monthly film series for people who like mediocre modern short films AND love to have the DVD chock full of commercials. I have so far tried two of the Journal's DVDs and felt enraged at the horrible way that a viewer needs to navigate the disk in order to see the films. Talk about an over-produced and overly complicated way of doing this! While I have and will continue to see as many shorts as I can, I really doubt if I'll bother with the Journals because of these factors.Now it could be that because I disliked the disk so much that I was not favorably disposed towards this Portuguese animated short. This is definitely possible. However, even if this is the case, I feel that the other reviews were way too positive about this simple little film. Some of the artwork was indeed nice--I liked how the simple black and white drawings suddenly became 3-D environments as the camera went from a dull distant shot and dove into the city below. This was lovely and took some work. But as for the story about a cat who wants to go to the moon, it just did nothing for me.IMPORTANT UPDA TE--I saw this film again on a DVD entitled "Cartoon Noir" on 5/09. It was a pretty unappealing collection of art films. However, this time I saw THE STORY OF THE CAT AND THE MOON with an entirely different audio track and boy did it make a difference. Instead of Portuguese with subtitles, it had a French accented narrator who spoke English in a Film Noir style. While I usually hate dubbing, this time it really made the film. The narration of the Portuguese version leaves a lot to be desired if you don't know the language or understand the subtleties. Unless you speak the language, try looking for the other version (provided you understand English).

(10)The End of the World in Four Seasons

导演:Paul Driessen


(11)The exciting life of a tree

导演:Bill Plympton


简介:Being a fan, and having seen a considerable amount of Bill Plympton's delightful output, I have to say that this apparently lesser-known work is one of my favourites. The vignettes that narrate a tree's long life through centuries contain a perfect mix of delicate and naughty humour, also elaborating on each other and adding layers to the story, and reaching a magnificent ending, the only one that it could have had, really. From all the works of the Portland genius, it is this short gem that I find myself coming back to most often, and the experience is always a rewarding one. Highly recommended.

(12)The God

导演:Konstantin Bronzit



(13)The History of the World Episode 1: The Discovery of Language

导演:Phil Mulloy


(14)The Man with the Beautiful Eyes

导演:Jonathan Hodgson

编剧: Charles Bukowski


简介:This is a very effective and compelling short that looks a perception, in this case perception through the eyes of children. Using very basic and deceptively simple hand-drawn animation (incorporating some very entertaining visual tricks along the way) this tells, in effect, two stories: the story the children see and the probable reality the audience may well ascertain from the same "facts". A bit like Rashomon, but with only one recounting onscreen. Deservedly won a BAFTA, if I recall correctly. Well worth tracking down. Most recommended.


导演:michael sieber

(16)加斯帕?莫雷罗神秘探险记The Mysterious Geographic Explorations of Jasper Morello 导演:Anthony Lucas



为养活怪物而杀人,探险家为妻子性命而杀人,最终也奉上自己的性命。由于该片的人物、情节都十分完整,所以观众看起来更像是在看一部迷你电影。本片导演Anthony Lucas凭借此作品于去年法国安锡动画影展中拿下最佳动画水晶奖。

(17)酷狗宝贝:月球野餐记A Grand Day Out

导演:Nick Park

主演:Peter Sallis


简介:Wallace and Gromit have run out of cheese and this provides an execellent excuse for the animated duo to take their holiday on the moon, where, as everyone knows, there is ample cheese.Wallace和Gromit以奶酪用完了这个绝佳的借口去了月球度假,因为谁都知道,那里有着许多许多的奶酪。

(18)自闭心灵A Is for Autism

导演:Tim Webb

主演:Matthew Beguley / Sheila Beguley / Temple Grandin / Luke Hemstock / Stewart Hogg / Daniel Sellers





英国1992年Tim Webb执导的动画纪录短片佳作,通过拙劣的笔画最真实的表达了自闭症少年的内心..在那些舞动的线条背后展现了一个奇异的世界,不断的开关灯,不断的问同样的问题,从1数到1000,没有什么能打扰他们,却又好像什么都在打扰他们。我真的很喜欢这些孩子,也希望大家多了解他们,关注他们。我相信这部分群体在中国一定存在,只是对自闭症的忽视导致了大家的冷淡并给它们造成了更大的痛苦。


导演:Shane Acker


简介:动画短片《九》(9)由导演Shane Acker历时4年制作,其灵感来自于1945年欧洲的一张照片:被炮弹瞄准的街道,到处都是战争留下的痕迹,呈现了一个战争之后无人居住的死城。影片主角的设计是由拉链、纽扣,别针和麻布头组成,给人一种颓废感。故事讲述主人公9和5被带入了一个侵略者设下的陷阱当中,美丽的城镇已经被破坏,到处是破败不堪的场景。侵略者机器兽攻击了两个粗麻布制作的娃娃。为了保全大家5点燃了自己发出了燃烧的火光,向大家发出警告,告诉大家侵略者正在靠近。侵略机器人又把苗头指向了9。在目睹了布娃娃5的惨死后,布娃娃9鼓起勇气来独自面对可恶的敌人。9把机械兽引入了一个陷阱中,巧妙的击败了对手。虽然这部短片当年没能最后夺得奥斯卡奖,但是其梦幻的视觉效果和神话般的故事情节给人留下深刻的印象。

(20)安娜与贝拉Anna & Bella

导演:B?rge Ring

主演:Tonny Huurdeman



Beltesassar's Short Animation Festival Part 6

(1)Do-It-Yourself Cartoon Kit

导演: Bob Godfrey

制片国家/地区: UK

简介:This is an amazingly clever and unique cartoon that must have been seen by Terry Gilliam (of "Monty Python" fame), as the cartoons he made for the show seemed strongly inspired by this wacky film. Not only is the art style very, very similar (with cut out pictures being animated) but the kooky style of narration and the many oddities about the film were later seen on the Python show. For example, offering an item and giving the price for it and the place to mail it (both changing each time they are shown) was used by the show on several occasions. There also is a very subversive sexuality about it and the animation for the announcer is amazingly similar for Gilliam's work as well.

(2)带路狗Guard Dog

导演: Bill Plympton

制片国家/地区: 美国


简介:Why do dogs bark at such innocent creatures as pigeons and squirrels... what are they afraid of? This film answers that eternal question.


导演: Frédéric Back

制片国家/地区: Canada


(4)the hat Le Chapeau

导演: Michèle Cournoyer

制片国家/地区: 加拿大



导演: 佐藤竜雄

编剧: 佐藤竜雄/ 湯浅政明/ ねこぢる

制片国家/地区: 日本

简介:根据日本连载漫画"Nekojiru Udon" 改编的动画电影。猫姐姐病重卧床,灵魂正被死神带走。猫弟弟拼死抢回姐姐的半条命,可是睁开眼睛的姐姐却变得痴痴傻傻。为了找回姐姐的另外半个灵魂,猫弟弟带着姐姐踏上了征程。诡异的旅途中,不乏血腥与暴力,但也少不了温馨和生趣。他们越过沙漠,穿过大海。遇到了想把他们炖成猫汤的变态,也遇到了好心为他们缝补伤口的老婆婆,还遇到了孩子脾气的上帝,随意拨弄着时间。最后他们终于找到了姐姐最喜欢的四叶花。


导演: Aurel Klimt / Derek Shea

制片国家/地区: 捷克/ 加拿大



导演: Mikhail Aldashin

制片国家/地区: 苏联


Beltesassar's Short Animation Festival Part 7

(1)晚安诺玛,晚安米尔顿Goodnight Norma... Goodnight Milton

导演: John Schnall

简介:This is one of many films in a sub-par collection of animated shorts entitled "Avoid Eye Contact: Volume One". Most of these shorts did absolutely nothing for me and that's a real shame, as I usually love these sorts of compilations--having seen all three of The Animation Show DVDs, several Spike and Mike ones, collections of Canadian Film Board cartoons and many, many others.

I really wanted to like this. Fortunately, GOOD NIGHT NORMA...GOODNIGHT MILTON worked and worked well. While the very simple animation wasn't great, the story and sensibilities were!

The film begins with a couple waving goodbye to their house guests. Then, as the couple slowly undresses and readies for bed, the film gets WEIRD!!! The talk and talk about how they didn't like the couple who left (despite acting very chummy when the film started) and complained that the

couple are so fake!! This hypocrisy is great, because as they whine about this couple and how they are jerks, Norma and Milton slowly begin revealing their own hypocrisy--in a very grisly way. However, it would truly spoil the film to say more, so I'll wrap it up by saying that the payoff was worth it. A nice and insightful picture.

(2)Hotel E

导演: Priit P?rn

制片国家/地区: 爱沙尼亚

(3)Inventaire fant?me, L'

导演: Franck Dion

制片国家/地区: 法国

语言: 法语


(4)星外飞仙Jojo in the Stars

导演: Marc Craste

制片国家/地区: UK


3D Festival 2004最佳3D短片



《星外飞仙》(JoJo in the Stars)是一个发生在黑白世界里的爱情故事,主角包括星河里的空中飞人JoJo及对她至死不渝的无名英雄

(5)Le Building

导演: Marco Nguyen / Pierre Perifel

制片国家/地区: 法国

简介:一栋公寓里发生的小事:老奶奶的隔壁邻居是一个壮年男子,他酷爱在洗澡的时候展现自己的歌喉,当他再一次引起邻居不满的时候,猫咪从窗口掉了下去,骑摩托车的PIZZA 快递员遭了秧……蝴蝶效应慢慢展开,厄运慢慢向肇事者逼近。

《Le Building》是部综合运用创作手法的经典法国风格动画短片,影片色彩明快,节奏紧凑,看过此片的人,相信都会赞叹导演的巧妙心思和动画师的动作及原画设定。影片运用了非常有趣的镜头切换方式,二维和三维的结合也十分巧妙。

(6)Little Nemo

导演: Winsor McCay / J. Stuart Blackton

主演: John Bunny / Winsor McCay / George McManus

制片国家/地区: 美国

简介:早期动画片代表作之一,有时长2分多、10分多两个版本。后一版本在前一的基础上,加入winsor Mccay团队创作正片的过程。

winsor Mccay和他用吐出的烟圈拼就的人物正在玩乐,王子从天而降,将两人耍玩一番,王

子和他画出的美丽公主成亲。故事情节异常简单,但不断变化的人物造型非常逗乐。此外值得一提的是,winsor Mccay是美式动画的开拓者(情节及形式设计意义上),也是第一个提出Full Animation 概念(每秒24帧的动画制作手法)的人。

(7)蒙娜丽莎步下楼梯Mona Lisa Descending a Staircase

导演: Joan C. Gratz

制片国家/地区: 美国

简介:琼?格雷兹(Joan Gratz)1992年制作完成的动画短片《蒙娜丽莎从楼梯上走下来》获得了当年奥斯卡动画片大奖。为了制作此片琼?格雷兹还开发了一项新的绘画技巧,直接在摄影机下利用颜料进行创作。在作品中可以看到30多位世界名画家的作品利用渐变的方式联系在了一起,具有独特的视觉效果。


导演: Ishu Patel

制片国家/地区: Canada

简介:1984 Oscar Winner for Best Animated Short

This is a lovely animated short. The basic plot question is poses is: which is preferable, a beautiful gilded cage, or your freedom?

The director is of Indian (as in south Asian) heritage, and it shows. Paradise looks a lot like the Taj Mahal. This short was done with a combination of computer and cell animation, and is quite pretty to look at. The vivid colors associated with India and the tropics are the predominant palettes used in this film.

This is a more attractive film to look at than, say, "Balance", which won the same Oscar in the early 90's. However, the moral from "Balance" has stayed in my head since I saw it years ago. I'm not sure that the same will be true for this film.


导演: Matthias Müller


导演: Gil Alkabetz


(11)胆小猫Scaredy Cat!

导演: Paul Claerhout

简介:V ery funny short. I first saw it a https://www.wendangku.net/doc/6910599417.html,, but later it was deleted there. I guess, because it was a copyright infringement. I guess, since "Bambi meets Godzilla" little movies (or scenes in other movies) that spoofing or referencing Disney's masterpiece "Bambi" are still popular until today: The IMDb count more than 70 movie-references of "Bambi"! This is one of the best: A hungry mountain-lion prey on poor, young Bambi, but in this case the mountain-lion really sneak up on the wrong prey... I will not spoil it for you, but one fact is quite remarkable: In "Bambi II", the 2006 released sequel to the original movie "Bambi" is a scene, in which Thumper try to teach

Bambi to look and act scary. If you know this scene in "Bambi II" and Thumpers unsuccessful attempts, you will be realize in "Scaredy Cat!", that Thumpers lessons must finally be very, very successful after all. An this little film was made in 1989, 17 years before "Bambi II". Perhaps the makers of "Bambi II" did know this little film and so they possibly spoofed this spoof in her movie?

(12)The Grasshopper and the Ants

导演: Wilfred Jackson

制片国家/地区: 美国

简介:Just watched this Disney Silly Symphony on YouTube. In this one, a grasshopper fiddles away singing, "The World Owes Us a Living" while the worker ants prepare for the winter storage. The queen of them warns the grasshopper of what will happen if the grasshopper doesn't prepare himself but he pays her no mind. Then the blizzard comes...If the voice of the grasshopper sounds familiar, that's because it's the same one that will voice the eventually popular Goofy: Pinto Colvig. He provides ample charm here despite his character being somewhat lazy in nature. And when he does learn his lesson, he changes the words to reflect that learning. I'm sure the Depression audience that watched this in theatres came away with that attitude as well and possibly whistled that tune going out. Uncle Walt himself probably liked it as well since it became-with a few note changes-Goofy's theme as well. So on that note, I highly recommend The Grasshopper and the Ants.

(13)The Other Side Drugaya storona

导演: Mikhail Aldashin

制片国家/地区: 俄羅斯

简介:This film is a perfect example of how beautiful Russian animation was, and still is. Following two earthworms through whatever adventures earthworms may live in a Russian animated film, this is one of the most beautiful short animated films I have seen. The color palette used through the film, the animation, the humor, the graphic identity, the music by Michail Meerovich, all the elements are refined and crafted in a way a work of fine art would be. It is sad that to this day there is no DVD or VHS anthology of Russian animation, because this film would deserve to be shown to wider audiences. The graphic elements of the film reminded me of a children book I had when I was a kid called "The Little Worm Book", the expressions of the worms and their representation is similar. I would also advise whoever liked this film to try to see the oil paint animated "The Cow", 1989, Russia, 10 min, Colors, by Alexander Petrov, or "The Hedgehog in the Mist", 1975, Russia, 10 min, Colors, by Youri Norstein.

(14)三只盲鼠The Three Blind Mice

导演: George Dunning

简介:23 years before George Dunning made film history with YELLOW SUBMARINE he made this very strange, abstract animated short for the Canadian Safety Board. This short, using simple cut-out animation, and the song "Three--- Blind--- Mice----" tells of horrific factory accidents that befell three mice that work there. "They didn't check their machinary....those three blind mice...." is how some of the lyrics go. A bizarre party film.

(15)罐头人生Una vita in scatola

导演: Bruno Bozzetto

制片国家/地区: 意大利



(16)We Lived in Grass

导演: Andreas Hykade

制片国家/地区: 德国

简介:Hykade uses animation like some writers use poetry. He expresses himself using his own developed images and techniques. This results in an animation that is associative, and not always completely understandable. However, as with poetry, the goal of the creator is not always to be understood; otherwise he wouldn't have told the story the way he did. It's more likely Hykade is trying to create a world in which he guides us along, where you can observe, and maybe enjoy what you see. And then again, you may not. This animation is not intended for naive watchers, or those with a strong need for a clear storyline from start to finish. However, it is not as experimental as some animations, and in my view, Wir Lebten I'm Gras is perfectly in the middle. The animation are divers, using several styles throughout the movie, and all together it kept my attention throughout, and it is so unique an has such a style of it's own full creativity, it's worth watching.

Beltesassar's Short Animation Festival Part 8

(1)Automania 2000

导演: John Halas

制片国家/地区: UK

简介:This little film is supposed to be set in the year 2000 and is all about the car. Apparently, it impressed the folks at the Oscar committee because it was nominated for an award in the category Best Cartoon Short.

While I do understand that the early 1960s were not a very good time period for quality cartoons due to reduced frame rates and simplistic animation in order to save money, this film is lame even by the standards of the day. The biggest problem is that the film is neither funny nor interesting nor particularly well made. It's a lot like a dull lecture--a lecture I could have done without.

(2)野猪宝贝罗沙Babyroussa the Babiroussa

导演: Vincent Patar

(3)Christmas Rozhdestvo

导演: Mikhail Aldashin

制片国家/地区: 俄罗斯

(4)书柜的故事Ex Libris

导演: Garik Seko

制片国家/地区: 捷克斯洛伐克



(5)蚊子是怎么生活的How a Mosquito Operates

导演: Winsor McCay

制片国家/地区: 美国

简介:Like all of Winsor McKay's cartoons, this little mosquito fable uses his incredible artistic talent to its fullest and contains a surprising amount of wit for such a simple, short subject. Like his newspaper cartoons, McKay's animated films are distinctive in their art and humor, but the animated films are especially interesting because they lie at the very root of cartoons. Gags that are still being used today appear in this little gem. The collected works that contains Mosquito provides an amazing insight into a brand new art form that had unbounded possibilities in the early 1900s, possibilities that arguably are still unfolding today

(6)Jolly Roger

导演: Mark Baker

制片国家/地区: UK



导演: 手塚治虫

制片国家/地区: 日本



(8)Mr. Frog Went A-Courting

导演: Evelyn Lambart

制片国家/地区: 加拿大

简介:This short was shown in between children's programs when i was very young,(late eighties) i always loved it, i came upon the description of it when searching for something else completely, its so weird i totally remember what it looked like and the music "mr. frog went a courting and he did ride mm-hmmm mm-hmmm!" i always hated the part when miss.mouses' father tells her to stay away from the frog.


导演: Tyron Montgomery

制片国家/地区: Germany

简介:QUEST was the Academy Award winner for Best Animated Short Film in 1997. In some ways, it is a pretty spectacular film--with nice animation of a character who looks almost as if made of concrete and some interesting backgrounds. However, the story itself was rather secondary and seemed more like it was incidental to the basic idea. Additionally, believe it or not, the movie concrete-like man seemed very reminiscent of the German short film, DAS RAD. Now in QUEST's behalf, it was made years before DAS RAD, but I couldn't help thinking that if I wanted to watch a film about giant rock-like creatures, DAS RAD was more interesting and involving.

The bottom line is that this was a neat film--nice to look at and all. But it just didn't jump out at me or leave me with much of an impression one way or the other. Actually, while it lost to QUEST, I preferred a couple of the nominees from 1997. CANHEAD was also a lot like QUEST! While graphically QUEST was superior, CANHEAD had a more interesting and compelling story. And my favorite of the films was WATT'S PIG. Although PIG featured older style claymation, the story itself was really neat and the backgrounds were amazing for stop motion style films.

As for the final nominee for 1997, LA SALLA, I could not find this film and cannot compare it to the other films. If anyone knows where I can find it, let me know--especially since its maker, Richard Condie, has made some wonderful films for Canadian TV--such as the hilarious THE BIG SNIT.


(11)嘟嘟,嘘嘘,砰砰和咚咚Toot Whistle Plunk and Boom

导演: Charles A. Nichols / Ward Kimball

编剧: Dick Huemer

简介:This short, Disney's best in some time, won an Oscar and clearly shows an influence from the animation style of the UPA studios that were doing remarkable work in the 1950s. Disney did a number of shorts that were different stylistically and in tone than the work they had produced in the 1930s and 1940s and this is probably the best of those shorts. I's good to see that it's available, even if it's only on a DVD as additional material. Most recommended.

(12)When the Day Breaks

导演: Amanda Forbis / Wendy Tilby

制片国家/地区: English

