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高三复习13《磁 场1》

高三复习13《磁 场1》
高三复习13《磁 场1》


















1.磁感应强度:(1)物理意义:表示磁场______和______的物理量;(2)定义:在磁场中垂直______方向的____________的磁感线条数;(3)比值表达式:B=_________;(4)矢量:方向为该点的________方向,(5)单位:________ (T)

2.磁通量Φ:(1)定义:在磁场中穿过某一定面积S的____________条数为该面积S 的磁通量;(2)表达式:Φ=_________;(3)磁通量有正穿和反穿两个方向,但为______量;

(4)单位:________ (Wb)






的北极N(黑色的一端)指示出磁场方向正确的是( )

A.a B.b C.c D.d

例2.如图所示,在倾角为 的光滑斜面上,垂直纸面放置一根




至水平向左的过程中,关于B的大小的变化,正确的说法是( )





时,导线的运动情况是(从上往下看) ( )





例4.如图所示,在与水平方向成60o角的光滑金属导轨间连一电源,在相距1 m的平行导轨上放一重为3 N的金属棒ab,棒上通过3 A的电流,磁场方向竖直向上,这时棒恰好静止,求:(1)匀强磁场的磁感应强度.(2)ab棒对导轨的压力.(3)若要使B取值最小,其方向应如何调整?并求出最小值.

例5.如图所示,用三条细线悬挂的水平圆形线圈共有n匝,线圈由粗细均匀、单位长度的质量为2.5 g的导线绕制而成,三条细线呈对称分布,稳定时线圈平面水平,在线圈正下方放有一个圆柱形条形磁铁,磁铁的中轴线00’垂直于线圈平面且通过其圆心0,测得线圈的导线所在处磁感应强度大小为0.5 T,方向与竖直线成30o角,要使三条细线上的张力为零,线圈中通过的电流至少为多少?

训 练 13

1.下列关于磁感应强度大小的说法正确的是( )

A .通电导线受磁场力大的地方磁感应强度一定大

B .通电导线在磁感应强度大的地方受力一定大

C .放在匀强磁场中各处的通电导线,受力大小和方向处处相同

D .磁感应强度的大小和方向跟放在磁场中的通电导线受力的大小和方向无关

2.如图所示,平行于纸面水平向右一的匀强磁场,磁感应强度B 1=1 T .位于一纸面内的细直导线,长L =1 m ,通有I =1 A 的恒定电流.当导线与B 1成60o 夹角时,发现其受到的安培力为零.则该区域同时存在的另一匀强磁场的磁感应强度B 2的可能值为 ( )

A .21T

B .T

C .3 T

D .2


3.如图所示,A 、B 为2个通电圆环,B 垂直纸面固定不动,A 位于纸面上可以自由移动,两环中电流的方向如图所示,则A 环的运动情况是( )

A. 俯视顺时针转动,同时靠近B

B. 俯视顺时针转动,同时远离B

C. 俯视逆时针转动,同时靠近B

D .俯视逆时针转动,同时远离B

4.一定质量的导体棒放在光滑的倾斜导轨上,如图所示,若给导体棒通电,并在此区域加上强度一定的匀强磁场,则下列有可能使导体棒保持静止状态的有( )


同一平面,直导线和ab 平行,当长直导线内通以向上的电流时,若不计

重力,则三角形金属框架将会( )

A .水平向左运动

B .水平向上运动

C .处于静止状态

D .会发生转动



为I 时,小磁针左偏30o (如图所示),则当小磁针左偏60o 时,通过导线的电

流为(已知直导线在某点产生的磁场与通过直导线的电流成正比) ( )

A .2I

B .3I

C .3I

D .无法确定


放电时,地磁场对避雷针的作用力的方向为( )




图示方向的电流I1、I2,则线框的运动情况为( )








后,台秤读数为T2,则以下说法正确的是( )


C.T1>T2 D.T1



磁场后,a受到的磁场力大小变为F2,则此时b受到的磁场力大小变为( ) A.F2B.F l-F2



12.金属棒质量为m,导轨宽为L,通过的电流为I,处在磁感应强度为B的匀强磁场中,结果ab静止且紧压在水平导轨上,若磁场方向与导轨平面成 角,如图所示,求:




高三线上自我检测 物理试题 一、单项选择题:本题共8小题,每小题3分,共24分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只 有一项是符合题目要求的。 1.关于固体、液体、气体和物态变化,下列说法中正确的是 A .晶体一定具有各向异性的特征 B .液体表面张力是液体内部分子间的相互作用 C .0℃的铁和0℃的铜,它们的分子平均速率相同 D .一定质量的某种理想气体状态改变时,内能不一定改变 2.下列说法正确的是 A .阴极射线的本质是高频电磁波 B .玻尔提出的原子模型,否定了卢瑟福的原子核式结构学说 C .贝克勒尔发现了天然放射现象,揭示了原子核内部有复杂结构 D .23994Pu 变成20782Pb ,经历了4次β衰变和6次α衰变 3.如图所示,a 、b 、c 、d 为椭圆的四个顶点,一带电量为+Q 的点电荷处在椭圆的一个焦点上,另有一带负电的点电荷仅在与+Q 之间的库仑力的作用下沿椭圆运动,则下列说法中正确的是 A .负电荷在a 、c 两点的电势能相等 B .负电荷在a 、c 两点所受的电场力相同 C .负电荷在b 点的速度小于在d 点速度 D .负电荷在b 点的电势能大于在d 点的电势能 4.如图所示,完全相同的两个光滑小球A 、B 放在一置 于水平桌面上的圆柱形容器中,两球的质量均为m ,两球心的连线与竖直方向成 30角,整个装置处于静止状态。则下列说法中正确的是 A .A 对 B 的压力为mg 332B .容器底对B 的支持力为mg C .容器壁对B 的支持力为mg 6 3D .容器壁对A 的支持力为 mg 6 3

5.如图所示,图中曲线为两段完全相同的六分之一圆弧连接而成的金属线框(金属线框处于纸 面内),每段圆弧的长度均为L ,固定于垂直纸面向外、大小为B 的匀强磁场中。若给金属线框通以由A 到C 、大小为I 的恒定电流,则金属线框所受安培力的大小和方向为 A .IL B ,垂直于A C 向左 B .2ILB ,垂直于A C 向右 C . 6ILB π,垂直于AC 向左D .3ILB π ,垂直于AC 向左6.如图所示,理想变压器原、副线圈的匝数之比为10:1,原线圈接有正弦交流电源u =2202sin314t (V),副线圈接电阻R ,同时接有理想交流电压表和理想交流电流表。则下列说法中正确的是 A .电压表读数为V B .若仅将原线圈的匝数减小到原来的一半,则电流表的读数会增加到原来的2倍 C .若仅将R 的阻值增加到原来的2倍,则变压器输入功率增加到原来的4倍 D .若R 的阻值和副线圈的匝数同时增加到原来的2倍,则变压器输入功率不变7.2024年我国或将成为全球唯一拥有空间站的国家。若我国空间站离地面的高度是同步卫 星离地面高度的n 1,同步卫星离地面的高度为地球半径的6倍。已知地球的半径为R ,地球表面的重力加速度为g ,则空间站绕地球做圆周运动的周期的表达式为 A .2 B .2 C .2 D .28.B 超检测仪可以通过探头发送和接收超声波信号,经过电子电路和计算机的处理形成图 像。下图为仪器检测到发送和接收的超声波图像,其中实线为沿x 轴正方向发送的超声波,虚线为一段时间后遇到人体组织沿x 轴负方向返回的超声波。已知超声波在人体内传播速度为1200m/s ,则下列说法中正确的是A .根据题意可知此超声波的频率为1.2×105Hz


高考英语单选易错题汇编及答案全部详解 1. Stop making so much noise ____ the neighbor will start complaining. A. or else B. but still C. and then D. so that 2. We hope to go to the beach tomorrow, but we won't go ____ it's raining. A. if B. when C. though D. because 3. ——The weather is too cold ____ March this year. ——It was still ____ when I came here years ago. A. for; colder B. in; cold C. in; hot D. for; hotter 4. ——How much vinegar did you put in the soup? ——I'm sorry to say, ____. I forget. A. no B. no one C. nothing D. none 5. He is only too ready to help others, seldom, ____, refusing them when they turn to him. A. if never B. if ever C. if not D. if any 6. ——What should I wear to attend his wedding party? ——Dress ____ you like. A. what B. however C. whatever D. how 7. ——The research on the new bird flu virus vaccine is challenging and demanding. Who do you think can do the job? ——____ my students have a try? A. Shall B. Must C. Will D. May 8. I'd like to live somewhere ____ the sun shines all year long. A. which B. that C. where D. in which 9. I ____ to go for a walk, but someone called and I couldn't get away. A. was planning B. planned C. had planned D. would plan 10. ——Your book, Tommy? ——No, Mom, it's my friend's. ——Remember to return it to ____ name is on it. A. what B. which C. whose D. whosever 11. Thank you for sending us ____ fresh vegetables of many kinds. You have done us ____ a

Unit 6 综合训练

Grammar. Directions :After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word ;for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank. (A) Ever since the beginning of history, people have dreamt of interplanetary travel. Now scientists want to make these dreams (1)_________(come) true. They are planning to transform Mars (2) _________ _________humans can live there. The programme would have five main stages. During Stage 1,(3)_________first expedition arrives on Mars. The members construct underground buildings, conduct experiments, look for good sites for future landings, and also check for signs of life. They have to wear spacesuits (4)_________(survive). During Stage 2, more expeditions arrive. Huge solar mirrors (5)_________(put) in orbit round Mars to heat the polar ice caps. As a result, the atmosphere becomes thicker and retains more of the Sun's heat. If the greenhouse effect can be started, the ice caps (6)_________(melt) and the temperature will rise to -40^. During Stage 3, plants are introduced from Earth. (7)_________the plants can survive, carbon dioxide can be converted into oxygen. The temperature (8)_________(go) up to - 15℃. During Stage 4, with the melting of ice, rivers and small oceans are made. More people migrate from Earth and construct towns. The temperature is Ot. During Stage 5, Mars is getting more like Earth. The inhabitants can go outside without spacesuits. The transformation is complete. (1)___________ (2)___________ (3)___________ (4)___________ (5)___________(6)___________ (7)___________ (8)___________ (B) People not only use oceans for trade, travel, tourism and recreation but also take food and resources from oceans. Their activities can have harmful effects (1)_________the oceans and the creatures that live in them. Overfishing is one of the most common problems. People take too many of the same species of fish from a small area, causing some ocean waters (2)_________ (overfish) . This affects other fish in the food chain as well as people (3)_________ eat fish. Other marine creatures have also been killed for food or sport. Coral reefs and shellfish are under threat while (4)_________(provide) people with amazing wonders and beauties. Pollution from industry is one of the (5)_________(big) threats to oceans. Chemicals and other harmful things from heavy industries finally settle on a continental shelf, (6)_________(cause) pollutants to pile up. Some regions (7)_________{pollute) so much that the marine life is poisoned and may never recover. Fortunately, people have realized the problems and laws and regulations are (8)_________(make) and enforced to prevent overfishing and pollution. (1)___________ (2)___________ (3)___________ (4)___________ (5)___________(6)___________ (7)___________ (8)___________ Part Three Reading and Writing : I . Reading Comprehension?(阅读理解) Section A Directions :For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context. These days experience, like many other things, is becoming increasingly expensive. One's got


2008年江苏名校高三物理考前模拟试卷 命题人:如皋中学物理教研组 一、单项选择题:本题共5小题,每小题3分,共15分.每小题只有一个....选项符合题意 1.如图所示,直角形支架,垂直固定放置,竖直杆AC 光滑,水平杆OB 粗糙。另有质量相等的小球PQ 固定在轻杆两端并分别套在AO 、BO 杆上。当轻杆与水平方向的夹角为θ时,处于静止状态,若θ减小些,但PQ 仍静止,则下列说法错误的是( ) A .竖直杆受到P 的压力增大 B .水平杆受到的压力增大 C .小球P 受到轻杆的支持力增大 D .小球受到的摩擦力增大 2.如图所示,粗糙的斜面体M 放在粗糙的水平面上,物块m 恰好能 在斜面体上沿斜面匀速下滑,斜面体静止不动,斜面体受地面的摩擦 力为F 1;若用平行力与斜面向下的力F 推动物块,使物块加速下滑, 斜面体仍静止不动,斜面体受地面的摩擦力为F 2;若用平行于斜面向上的力F 推动物块,使物块减速下滑,斜面体还静止不动,斜面体受地面的摩擦力为F 3。则( ) A .F 2>F 3>F 1 B .F 3>F 2>F 1 C . F 1=F 2=F 3 D . F 2>F 1>F 3 3.某人从手中竖直向上抛出的小球与水平天花板碰撞后,又落回到手中,设竖直向上的方向为正方向,小球与天花板碰撞时间极短,若不计空气阻力和碰撞过程中动能损失,则下列图像中能够正确描述小球从抛出到落回手中的整个过程运动规律的是( ) 4. 如图 所示,图1、2分别表示门电路输入端A 、B 的电势随时间变化的关系,图3是表示门电路输出端Y 的电势 随时间变化的 关系,则应选用 哪一个门电路 ( )


1. Ten years had passed. I found she had _______. A. a few white hairs B. a little white hair C. some white hair D. more fifty hair 2. —Hi, this way, please. —OK.I sometimes have no sense of ______ when I arrive at the crossroad. A. position B. direction C. situation D. condition 3. —I’ve got an “A” in the examination. —That’s a good ______. You will surely win a second. A. result B. news C. start D. idea I did it by _______. 4. I didn’t have to work all weekend — A. chance B. choice C. accident D. myself 5. “Did you get _____ to the party?”“Yes, I replied to it this morning.”  A. an answer B. an invitation C. a question D. a letter 6. I paid him £50 for the painting, but its true ______ must be at least £500. A. price B. money C. value D. importance 7. His letter was so confusing that I could hardly make any ______ of it. A. explanation B. meaning C. sense D. guess 8. You’ve just missed your ______, and you will have to wait for the next round. A. chance B. turn C. time D. part 9. —Li Lin is very bright and studies hard as well. —It’s no ______ he always gets the first place in any examination. A. question B. doubt C. problem D. wonder 10. —How can I use this washing machine? —Well, just refer to the _______. A. explanations B. expressions C. introductions D. directions 11. Jim was late for two classes this morning. He said that he forgot both of the ______. A. rooms number B. room number C. room’s numbers D. room numbers 12. —Hello, I’d like to speak to Henry. —Oh, which _______? There are two ______ in our office. A. Henrys, Henrys B. Henries, Henries C. Henry, Henrys D. Henrys, Henries 13. Electricity, like other forms of ______, has greatly increased in price in recent years. A. pressure B. force C. strength D. energy 14. To most of us, friendships are considered very important, but we need to have clear in our _________ the kinds of friendships we want. A. hearts B thought C. actions D. minds 15. The result was a narrow victory for Smith in the competition. A. achievements B success C. victory D. triumph 16. As a candidate, you must make a good ______on everyone you meet if you want to win the election. A decision B situation C impression D position 17.—Jerry said something strange at the meeting.


高考英语一轮复习Unit13People能力提升题组训练(B)(含解 析)北师大版 能力提升题组训练(B) Ⅰ.阅读理解 A It is a familiar scene these days: employees taking newly laid-off (下岗的) co-workers out for a drink for comfort. But which side deserves sympathy more, the jobless or the still employed? On March 6, researchers at a conference at the University of Cambridge heard data suggesting it’s the latter. Brendan Burchell,a Cambridge sociologist,presented his analysis based on various surveys conducted across Europe. The data suggest that employed people who feel insecure in their jobs show similar levels of anxiety and depression as those who are unemployed. Although a newly jobless person’s mental health may “bottom out” after about six months, and then even begin to improve,the mental state of people who are continuously worried about losing their job “just continues to get worse and worse,” Burchell says. Evolutionary psychologists support this theory by arguing that human beings feel more stress during times of insecurity because they sense an immediate but invisible threat. Patients have been known to experience higher levels of anxiety, for example, while waiting for examination results than knowing what they are suffering from —even if the result is cancer. It’s better to get the bad news and start doing something about it rather than wait with anxiety. When the uncertainty continues, people stay in a nonstop “fight or flight” response, which leads to damaging stress. But not every employee in insecure industries has such a discouraging view, Burchell says. In general, women get on better. While reporting higher levels of anxiety than men when directly questioned, women scored lower in stress on the GHQ 12, even when they had a job they felt insecure about losing. As Burchell explains,“For women, most studies show that any job—it doesn’t matter whether it is secure or insecure—gives psychological improvement over unemployment.”Burchell supposes


高三上学期物理期末考试试卷 一、选择题 1. 在物理学的发展中,关于科学家和他们的贡献,下列说法中正确的是() A . 亚里士多德首先将实验事实和逻辑推理(包括数学推演)和谐地结合起来 B . 笛卡尔对牛顿第一定律的建立做出了贡献 C . 哥白尼通过对行星观测记录的研究,发现了行星运动的三大定律 D . 库仑首次采用电场线的方法形象直观地描述电场,电流的磁效应是法拉第首次发现 2. 在吊环比赛中,运动员有一个高难度的动作,就是先双手撑住吊环(此时两绳竖直且与肩同宽),然后身体下移,双臂缓慢张开到如图所示位置.吊环悬绳的拉力大小均为FT,运动员所受的合力大小为F,则在两手之间的距离增大过程中() A . FT减小,F增大 B . FT增大,F增大 C . FT减小,F不变 D . FT增大,F不变 3. 2016年8月16日1时40分,我国在酒泉卫星发射中心用长征二号运载火箭成功将世界首颗量子科学实验卫星“墨子号”发射升空,将在世界上首次实现卫星和地面之间的量子通信.量子科学实验卫星“墨子号”由火箭发射至高度为500km的预定圆形轨道.此前,6月在西昌卫星发射中心成功发射了第二十三颗北斗导航卫星G7.G7属地球静止轨道卫星(高度为36000km),它将使北斗系统的可靠性进一步提高.关于卫星以下说法中正确的是() A . 这两颗卫星的运行速度可能大于7.9km/s B . 量子科学实验卫星“墨子号”的向心加速度比北斗G7大 C . 量子科学实验卫星“墨子号”的周期比北斗G7大 D . 通过地面控制可以将北斗G7定点于赣州市的正上方

4. 从地面上以初速度v0竖直上抛一质量为m的小球,若运动过程中受到的空气阻力与其速率成正比,球运动的速率随时间变化的规律如图所示,t1时刻到达最高点,再落回地面,落地速率为v1,且落地前小球已经做匀速运动,则在整个运动过程中,下列说法中不正确的是() A . 小球下降过程中的平均速度大于 B . 小球的加速度在上升过程中逐渐减小,在下降过程中也逐渐减小 C . 小球抛出瞬间的加速度大小为(1+ )g D . 小球被抛出时的加速度值最大,到达最高点的加速度值最小 5. 如图所示,直线MN是某电场中的一条电场线(方向未画出).虚线是一带电的粒子只在电场力的作用下,由a运动到b的运动轨迹,轨迹为一抛物线.下列判断正确的是() A . 电场线MN的方向一定是由N指向M B . 带电粒子由a运动到b的过程中动能不一定增加 C . 带电粒子在a点的电势能一定大于在b点的电势能 D . 带电粒子在a点的加速度一定大于在b点的加速度 6. 如图甲所示,轻杆一端固定在转轴0点,另一端固定一小球,现让小球在竖直平面内做半径为R的圆周运动.小球运动到最高点时,杆与小球间弹力大小为F,小球在最高点的速度大小为v,其F﹣v2图象如乙图所示.则() A . v2=c时,杆对小球的弹力方向向上 B . 当地的重力加速度大小为


xx 年江苏省 高三物理模拟试卷(附答案) 本试卷分Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,共150分,考试用时120分钟. 第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共40分) 一、本题共10小题,每小题4分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,有的小题只有一 个选项正确,有的小题有多个选项正确,全部选对的得4分,选不全的得2分,有选错或不答的得0分) 1、下列说法中正确的有 A 、任何材料的电阻率都随温度的升高而增加 B 、尽管分子的运动十分混乱,但对大量分子的整体来说,分子的运动速率表现出“中间 多,两头少”的分布规律 C 、因为第二类永动机不遵循能的转化及守恒定律,故不能制成 D 、一定质量理想气体,若体积增大,则气体分子间作用力将增大,气体内能将增大 2、一个静止的放射性原子核处于匀强磁场之中,由于发生了衰变而在磁场中形成了如图所示的两个圆形轨迹,两圆半径之比为1:16,下列判断中正确的是 A 、该原子核发生了α衰变 B 、反冲原子核在小圆上做逆时针运动 C 、原先静止的核,其原子序数为15 D 、放射的粒子与反冲核运动周期相同 3、原子中的核外电子从离核较远的轨道跃迁到离核较近的轨道上时 A 电子的电势能变小 B 电子的动能能变大 C 原子的能量变小 D 原子吸收光子 4、在波的传播方向上有两个质点P 和Q ,并且波由P 向Q 传播.它们的平衡位置相距s=1.2m ,且小于一个波长,此波的传播速度为 v=2m/s.P 和Q 的振动图线如图所示,则波的振动周期为 A 、0.6s B 、1.2s C 、2.4s D 、4.8s 5、如图所示是健身用的“跑步机”示意图,质量为m 的运动踩在与水平面成α角的静止皮带上,运动员用力蹬皮带,皮带运动过程中受到的阻力恒为f,使皮带以速度v 匀速向右运动,在运动过程中,下列说法正确的是 A 、人脚对皮带的摩擦力方向与皮带运动方向相反 B 、人对皮带做功为 2 1mv 2 C 、人对皮带不做功 D 、人对皮带做功的功率为f ·v

2018年英语高考试题单选分类 汇编(1)

2018年英语高考试题单选分类汇编 冠词与名词 1. (2018天津6月)6. The__________ that there is life on other planets in the universe has always inspired scientists to explore the outer space. A. advice B. order C. possibility D. invitation 2. (2018江苏卷)32. Try to understand what’s actually happening instead of acting on the_______ you’ve made. A. assignment B. association C. acquisition D. assumption 3. (2018天津3月)9. Can we stop the ______of the world’s deserts and save the land that man depends so much on? A. loss B. heat C. spread D. defense 代词 1. (2018天津3月)1. Professional skills are tools like a knife or a hammer. You need _____to complete the things you want to do. A. it B. that C. them D. ones 介词 1. (2018北京卷)14. —Good morning, Mr. Lee’s office. —Good morning. I’d like to make an appointment _________ next Wednesday afternoon. A. for B. on C. in D. at 2. (2018天津6月)11.Bob thought he couldn't go to the party because he had to write a report, but he went ___________. A. at first B. after all C. above all D. at random 3. (2018江苏卷)33. China’s soft power grows _______the increasing appreciation and understanding of China globally. A. in line with B. in reply to C. in return for D. In honour of 形容词与副词

开学第一课 语文的魅力

开学第一课语文的魅力 语文学科的魅力在于语音的抑扬顿挫,文字的象形意会,词语的丰富多彩,话语的妙趣横生。 --朱学坤《语文的魅力》 音趣 音趣1、从前,有个卖豆芽的人,请村上的教书先生为他写春联。这个教书先生却给他写了幅古里古怪的同一字对联:长长长长长长长长长长长长长长横批:长长长长.这幅对联一共用了十八个“长”字,它的正确读法应该是: Chang Zhang Chang Zhang Chang Chang Zhang , Zhang Chang Zhang Chang Zhang Zhang Chang . Chang Zhang Zhang Chang. 这幅对联的意思是:主人家的豆芽都要常长常长,生长不止,越长越长,越来越长。 这幅对联把汉字的通假、异读等特点巧妙地结合起来,字面上显得十分别致,又表达了主人家的美好愿望。 音趣2、前几天在办公室备课,同组的语文老师递给我一张纸,并诡异地说“读一读吧!我为你写的诗,不看会后悔的。“我连忙接过纸,内容是:“暗湿竹,暗湿绿,暗湿透春竹,暗湿达春绿。卧梅有闻花,卧枝伤痕低。”我先是莫名其妙,再认真地读一遍,总感觉很怪,当我读到”卧枝伤痕低“时,才恍然大悟,原来她在忽悠我。我又认真地琢磨了前面几段,原来她在利用谐音让我上当。整首诗翻译为:“俺是猪,俺是驴,俺是头蠢猪,俺是大蠢驴,我没有文化,我智商很低”。 音趣3、季(jì)姬(jī) 寂(jì),集(jí)鸡(jī),鸡(jī)即(jí)棘(jí)鸡(jī)。棘(jí)鸡(jī) 饥(jī)叽(jī),季姬及箕稷济鸡(jījíjījìjìjī)。鸡既济(jījìjì),跻姬笈(jījījí),季姬忌(jìjījì),急咭鸡(jíjījī),鸡急(jījí),继圾几(jìjījǐ),季姬急(jìjījí),即籍箕击鸡(jíjíjījījī),箕疾击几伎(jījíjījǐjì),伎即齑


最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻! 洛基英语,免费体验全部在线一对一课程:https://www.wendangku.net/doc/6912245091.html,/ielts/xd.html(报名网址) Unit 13 Part ⅡReading Comprehension (35 minutes) Directions: There are 4 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. Passage One Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage: Cyberspace (网络空间),data superhighways, multi media —for those who have seen the future, the linking of computers, television and telephones will change our lives for ever. Yet for all the talk of a forthcoming technological utopia(乌托邦) little attention has been given to the implications of these developments for the poor. As with all new high technology, while the West concerns itself with the “how,”the question of “for whom”is put aside once again. Economists are only now realizing the full extent to which the communications revolution has affected the world economy. Information technology allows the extension of trade across geographical and industrial boundaries, and transnational corporations take full advantage of it. Terms of trade, exchange and interest rates and money movements are more important than the production of goods. The electronic economy made possible by information technology allows the haves to increase their control on global markets —with destructive impact on the have-nots. For them the result is instability. Developing countries which rely on the production of a small range of goods for export are made to feel like small parts in the international economic machine. As “ futures ”(期货) are traded on computer screens, developing countries simply have less and less control of their destinies. So what are the options for regaining control? One alterative is for developing countries to buy in the latest computers and telecommunications themselves — so-called “development communications”modernization. Yet this leads to long-term dependency and perhaps permanent constraints on developing countries' economies. Communications technology is generally exported from the U.S., Europe or Japan; the patents, skills and ability to manufacture remain in the hands of a few industrialized countries. It is also expensive, and imported products and services must therefore be bought on credit—credit usually provided by the very countries whose companies stand to gain. Furthermore, when new technology is introduced there is often too low a level of expertise to exploit it for native development. This means that while local elites,


贵州省2020年高三上学期理综物理期末考试试卷C卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 一、单选题 (共5题;共10分) 1. (2分)下列说法正确的是() A . 放射性元素的半衰期与原子所处的化学状态和外部条件有关 B . β衰变所释放的电子是原子核内的中子转化成质子和电子时所产生的 C . 结合能越大,原子中核子结合的越牢固,原子核越稳定 D . 大量处于N=4激发态的氢原子向低能级跃迁时,最多可产生4种不同频率的光子 2. (2分) (2018高三上·温州月考) 2018年9月2号刚刚结束的亚运会中,中国队包揽了跳水项目的全部10 金。图示为跳水运动员在走板时,从跳板的a端缓慢地走到b端,跳板逐渐向下弯曲,在此过程中,该运动员对跳板的() A . 摩擦力不断增大 B . 作用力不断减小 C . 作用力不断增大 D . 压力不断增大 3. (2分) (2017高一上·东城期末) 用以下方法可以粗略测定木块和木板间的动摩擦因数:如右图所示,将木块放在木板上,木板放在水平地面上,将木板的左端固定,而将其右端缓慢地抬高,会发现木块先相对静止在木板上,后来开始相对于木板向下滑动,测得当木块刚好开始沿木板滑动时木板和水平地面间的夹角θ,(滑动摩

擦力近似等于最大静摩擦力),下列说法中正确的是() A . 木块开始滑动前,其所受的摩擦力先增大后减小 B . 木板从水平变成接近竖直方向过程中木块所受的摩擦力一直在增大 C . 测得的动摩擦因数μ=tanθ D . 测得的动摩擦因数μ=sinθ 4. (2分)(2017·乌鲁木齐模拟) 冰壶比赛场地如图,运动员在投掷线MN处放手让冰壶滑出,为了使冰壶滑行的更远,运动员可用毛刷擦冰壶滑行前方的冰面,使冰壶与冰面间的动摩擦因数减小到原来的一半,一次比赛中,甲队要将乙队停在营垒(半径为1.83m)中心O的冰壶A(可看作质点)击出营垒区,甲队将冰壶B(与A质量相同)以某一初速度掷出后,若不擦冰,冰壶B与A发生正碰(无机械能损失)后,A将停在距O点1m处,冰壶B 掷出后,通过下列擦冰方式不能将A击出营垒区的是() A . 在冰壶B滑行5m后,在其滑行前方擦冰1.7m B . 在冰壶B与A正碰后,立即紧贴A在其滑行前方擦冰1.7m C . 先在冰壶B前方擦冰1m,正碰后,再从距O点1m处开始在A前方擦冰0.7m D . 先在冰壶B前方擦冰0.8m.正碰后,再从距O点1m处开始在A前方擦冰0.9m 5. (2分) (2019高二下·汕头月考) 有一种调压变压器的构造如图所示.线圈AB绕在一个圆环形的铁芯上, C、D之间加上输入电压,转动滑动触头P就可以调节输出电压.图中A为交流电流表,V为交流电压表,R1、R2为定值电阻,R3为滑动变阻器,C、D两端接正弦交流电源,变压器可视为理想变压器,则下列说法正确的是()

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