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高三英语一轮复习课时作业6:Unit 1《Cultural relics》(新人教版必修2)

高三英语一轮复习课时作业6:Unit 1《Cultural relics》(新人教版必修2)
高三英语一轮复习课时作业6:Unit 1《Cultural relics》(新人教版必修2)


1.A troop of carefully selected soldiers set out in search of those who might ________ the terrible coal mine accident.

A.live B.rescue

C.exist D.survive

[解析]考查动词辨析。survive 幸存。句意:一支经过精心挑选的部队出发去寻找在可怕的煤矿事故中可能幸存下来的人。live 生活,居住;rescue 援救,营救;exist 存在,生存。


2.—Are you free after school?

—Sorry.I've planned to treat a friend of mine to dinner ________ for his help.

A.in addition B.in turn

C.in return D.in total

[解析]考查短语辨析。in return 作为(对……的)回报。treat a friend of mine to dinner in return for his help 意为“请我的一位朋友吃饭来回报他对我的帮助”。in addition 此外;in turn 轮流,又(对别人)做同样的事;in total 总共。


3.Your desk is crowded with too many unnecessary things, including used papers and books.You'd better ________ some of them.

A.remain B.resist

C.remove D.renew

[解析]考查动词辨析。remove 移动,搬开。句意:你的桌子上堆满了太多不需要的东西,包括用过的试卷和书本。你最好拿走一些。remain 保持,仍然是;resist 抵抗,对抗;renew 中止后继续,重新开始。


4.—What on earth do you want?

—I just want a common sports coat—nothing ________.

A.fancy B.amazing

C.informal D.valuable




5.J.K.Rowling is a very popular writer, but I just don't like her writing ________.

A.attitude B.style

C.quality D.mystery

[解析]考查名词辨析。句意:J.K.Rowling 是很受欢迎的作家,但我就是不喜欢她的写作“风格(style)”。


6.The little boy likes to ________his toys and see what is inside them.

A.take apart B.take off

C.take over D.take in

[解析]take apart 拆开。句意:这个小男孩喜欢拆开玩具看里面有什么。


7.(2012·河南省卫辉市月考一)—Anything to drink? What about coffee?

—Er...I think I'll have a cold drink ________ coffee.

A.other than B.more than

C.less than D.rather than

[解析]rather than 而不是。other than 除了……之外;more than 不仅仅,十分;less than 少于。句意:我想喝杯冷饮而不是咖啡。


8.His parents ________ him for the army, but he preferred the navy.

A.designed B.planned

C.imagined D.thought

[解析]句意:他父母想让他当陆军,但是他却喜欢当海军。design 意为“设计,构思”,符合句意。plan 作动词“计划”时,搭配为plan to do;imagine 想象;think 思考,认为。


9.Peter's father asked him to spend his time on something________researching into instead of playing all the time.

A.worthy B.valuable

C.worth D.precious

[解析]考查形容词辨析。worthy 值得做某事,一般使用be worthy of being done/be worthy to

be done结构;valuable有价值的;worth 值得做,后接动名词的主动形式表示被动意思,be worth doing;precious宝贵的。句意:彼得的父亲告诫他花时间做些值得研究的事,而不是整天玩。


10.It was reported that many helicopters were sent there______the missing passengers.

A.in need of B.in search of

C.in charge of D.in time of

[解析]考查介词短语辨析。in need of 需要;in search of寻找;in charge of 负责;in time of 及时。句意:据报道许多飞机被派往那里去寻找失踪的乘客。




Millions of people around the world cook their food over a smoky fire every day.It is often difficult to find wood for the fire.People who do not have wood must spend large amounts of money on cooking fuel.However, there is a much easier way to cook food using energy from the sun.

Solar cookers, or ovens, have been used for centuries.A Swiss scientist made the first solar oven in 1767.Today, people are using solar cookers in many countries around the world.People use solar ovens to cook food and to heat drinking water to kill bacteria and other harmful organisms.

There are three kinds of solar ovens.The first is a box cooker.It is designed with a special wall that shines or reflects sunlight into the box.Heat gets trapped under a piece of glass or plastic covering the top of the cooker.A box oven is effective for slow cooking of large amounts of food.

The second kind of solar oven is a panel cooker.It includes several flat walls, or panels, that directly reflect the sun's light onto the food.The food is inside a separate container of plastic or glass that traps heat energy.People can build panel cookers with very few supplies quickly.They do not cost much.In Kenya, for example, panel cookers are being manufactured for just two dollars.

The third kind of solar oven is a parabolic (抛物线的) cooker.It has rounded walls that aim

sunlight directly into the bottom of the oven.Food cooks quickly in parabolic ovens.However, these cookers are hard to make.They must be re-aimed often to follow the sun.Parabolic cookers can also cause burns and eye injuries if they are not used correctly.

You can make solar ovens from boxes or heavy paper.They will not catch fire.Paper burns at two hundred thirty-two degrees Celsius.A solar cooker never gets that hot.Solar ovens cook food at low temperatures over long periods of time.This permits people to leave food to cook while they do other things.

1.Which of the following should be the best title for this text?

A.Cooking food with solar energy

B.How to make solar cookers

C.Introduce a new kind of energy

D.Different kinds of cookers

2.From this passage we know that ________.

A.there is no wood for people to use while making a fire now

B.people have been using solar cookers for more than 200 years

C.solar energy is the cleanest energy on the earth

D.more and more people cook food on smoky fires

3.Parabolic cookers may be dangerous to us because ________.

A.they may direct electricity to us humans

B.they may explode easily

C.they may cause burns and eye injuries

D.they may cause fires

4.The third, fourth and fifth paragraphs mainly ________.

A.show how to make solar cookers

B.explain which is the best cooker

C.prove that solar cookers need improving

D.tell us the different making-ups of the three kinds of solar cookers






3.C细节理解题。根据第五段的最后一句“Parabolic cookers can also cause burns and eye injuries if they are not used correctly.”我们可以确定本题答案为C。



Successful people in international business understand the cultures of other countries and learn to change their practices in different cultures.They understand the importance of avoiding business decisions based on misconceptions—mistaken ideas.

One cause of misconceptions is ethnocentrism, the belief that one's own culture's way of doing things is better than the way of other cultures.It's ethnocentrism that leads to failure in international business.To avoid ethnocentrism, it's necessary to study the different elements(组成部分) of culture: language, values and attitudes,and customs and manners.


A knowledge of the local language can help international business people in four ways.First, people can communicate directly.Second, people are usually more open in their communication with someone who speaks their language.Third, an understanding of the language allows people to infer meanings that are not said directly.Finally, knowing the language helps people to understand the culture better.

Values and Attitudes

Values are people's basic beliefs about the difference between right and wrong, good and bad.An attitude is a way of thinking or acting.Values and attitudes influence international business.For example, many people in the United States believe that chocolate from Switzerland is better than chocolate from other countries, and they buy a lot of it.

Customs and Manners

Customs are common social practices.Manners are ways of acting that the society believes are polite.For example, in the United States, it is the custom to have salad(色拉) before the main course at dinner, not after.It's not acceptable to talk with food in mouth at table.Failure to understand the customs and manners of other countries will bring difficulty selling their products.Orange juice as a breakfast drink of an American company in France doesn't sell well because the French don't usually drink juice with breakfast.

1.A knowledge of the local language allows international business people ________.

A.to be more open with their customers

B.to communicate without outside help

C.to express their thoughts indirectly

D.to have a better idea of their own culture

2.The act of many people buying chocolate of Switzerland shows the role of ________.

A.manners B.values

C.attitudes D.customs

3.What would be the best title for the text?

A.Misconceptions in Business

B.Basic Beliefs in Business

C.International Business Culture

D.Successful International Business

4.The author's purpose of writing this article is to tell people ________.

A.how to take a right attitude in business

B.how to avoid misunderstandings in business

C.how to use a local language in business

D.how to act politely and properly in business



1.B事实细节题。由第三段中的First,people can communicate directly.可知本题选B。

2.C推理判断题。由Values and Attitudes这一段An attitude is a way of thinking or acting.可知答案为C。




1.________that computer plays a very important part in our lives.(doubt)


2.The little boy has a habit of________,which makes his parents very angry.(take)


3.________when I wanted to give up English,but I hung it there.(time)


4.It was a treasure________gold and jewels,which took the country's best artists about ten years to make.(decorate)


5.________that China has more people than any other country.(prove) 中国比其它任何国家的人口都多已被证实。

6.The computer________is under repair.(belong)


7.________,China will be an advanced and powerful country.(as)


8.It is obvious that the house________a large family.(design)


9.It is said that the professor's lecture________.(worth)


10.The employee________was dismissed by the boss yesterday.(think) 你一直高度评价的那位雇员昨天被老板开除了。


1.There is no doubt

2.taking apart his toy cars

3.There was a time

4.(that/which was) decorated with

5.It can be proved

6.that/which belongs to my sister或belonging to my sister

7.As is well known to all/As we all know

8.is designed for

9.was well worth listening to

10.(that/which) you have been thinking highly of


六年级英语下册Unit 1 作业单 一、写出相应的单词 更强壮的更矮的更高的年龄更大的更年轻的 ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ 更大的更重的更长的更瘦的更小的 ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ 二、按要求写单词 tall(反义词)_____ strong(比较级)____older(反义词) _____funnier(原形)______ heavy(比较级)_____ thin(比较级)_______ bigger(原形)______ long(比较级)_____ 三、根据中文完成句子 1. 我比我的弟弟大三岁. I'm than my brother. 2. 这棵树要比那棵树高. This tree than that one. 3. 你比他矮四厘米. You are than he. 4. 谁比你重? than you. 5. 他比你更强壮. He is than you. 四、将句子补充完整 1. 我比你瘦。I am ___ ___ you . 2. 今年他两岁了。He is two_____ ____this ___. 3. 你比我高吗?____ you ____than ___? 4. 你喜欢哪只猴子呢?———monkey ___you like ? 5. 我的手比你的手大。My hands are ___than ___. 五、根据要求对句子进行变换 1. His friend is 145 cm tall.(对划线部分进行提问) __________________________________________________ 2. I am 45 kg.(对划线部分提问) __________________________________________________ 3. She is 12 years old .(对划线部分提问) __________________________________________________


有感于美术课堂中作业辅导 杭州市学军小学胡文秀案例背景:近年来,美术课的听课和评课中最大的呼声莫过于精讲多练!在教研活动中,甚至有老师提出把讲课时间控制在10-15分钟,剩下30-25分钟让孩子们练和师生点评。这几年我努力实践着这一观点,总体感受是:要做到精讲就必须深入备课,全面考虑教材和学情,并从中选取教者被打动的一部分或学生有兴趣的知识点(当然两者恰好同一则是再好不过),深入地备课让我的思路更清晰,课堂更整体,同学的参与度更高,总言之:教与学的效率都有所提高。 在深入备课的前提下,课堂中仍有很重要的一块是不可能备到位的,那就是30-25分钟的练习内容。这是由美术学科的特殊性决定的,这里就不展开说明。文章中主要针对的是在我的美术课堂作业辅导中出现频率较多的现象进行分析和感悟。 案例一:老师,您来看我画的是…… 美术课上小朋友刚开始画不到10分钟,一(6)班的小夏兴奋地一边拿着还没完成的画,一边使劲朝我招手,他显然嫌我三步并两步的速度太慢,只见他不停地点头压低嗓音叫着:快点,你来看…… 孩子们能把自己的创造细细讲给我听多有意思,多享受啊,除了这些,我还有阵阵感动。 从真正意义上说,儿童美术作品是儿童独特的个性和创造性的表现。因为孩子的天真率直的心灵敢于把自己的感受大胆地诉诸形象,表现出独特的作品。独

特的作品需要老师独特地去欣赏,俯下身去观察每个孩子的作业效果和心态,轻声地交流,给予恰当的个别辅导。这样的个别辅导应是美术课特有的提供给学生发现个性、发展个性、发挥创造才能的机会,也是老师了解孩子真实的美术学习状态和全面的身心状况,这些宝贵的资料将给老师的教学予重要参考。往往孩子的作品中表现出来的独特角度和天马行空的想象也给予老师很多启发。 案例二:老师,他抄我的! “老师,她抄我的机器人!”小姚半个身体趴在桌上双手奋力捂牢自己的画作,脖子斜着长长地伸出来朝我们大声喊道。并用小嘴弩起指向同桌小郑。小郑害怕又难为情地低头不敢看大家。我马上酝酿好足够的惊喜表情展开双臂朗诵道:你一定画的非常好,要不然他怎么会抄你的呢? 我来欣赏一下你画的机器人,好酷好有创意哦。 看来小郑很有眼光呀,你可以称他为小老师哦。 小姚和小郑诧异地看着我,明显地感觉到他们的心情都放松下来了,其他小朋友也停下画笔好奇地看着我,这时我趁热打铁地说:“如果现在是语文、数学等课堂,小郑看小姚的作业答案并照样写下来,那么这是抄袭,小郑是不用动脑筋就做完了作业,你们说小郑是偷懒了,而且他一定不知道为什么得出这个答案的,对吧,那你们觉得小郑有没有学到本领啊?”全班异口同声地说:“没有!”“在美术课上小郑抄了小姚的机器人,我想小郑一定是很喜欢这个机器人所以照样子画在自己的画纸上,你们说小郑是不是通过抄学会了这种机器人的画法了?全班又异口同声地说:“是的!”“这样的抄和语文数学的抄是不是不一样?”“真能干,你们和很多热爱学习的人一样,发现了美术上的抄是有收获的,你知道吗,许多大画家为了让自己本领更强大,经常去抄他们喜欢的形象,而且他们有时还会在抄来的造型上进行加工哦,从而产生了新的形象。在我国古代,学本领的方法有一种叫:临摹。它最早是在师父带徒弟的过程中产生的,比如徒弟跟师父学


课时作业14 Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.Marco Polo is said to have sailed on________Pacific Ocean on his way to Java in____________thirteenth century. 2.(2016年海淀期中)My close friend Amy was admitted to Oxford University,________came as no surprise. 3.(2016年绍兴一中期中)________I am busy with my subjects,such as maths,Chinese and physics,I often spare time to have a talk face to face with some foreign students on purpose. 4.He remained distant________the people he worked with. 5.The mother observed his son________(do)his homework and felt cheerful. 6.A healthy life is frequently thought to be________(associate)with the open countryside and the homegrown food. 7.The speed of cars and trucks is________(limit)30 kilometers per hour in large cities in China. 8.People were desperately seeking shelter________the gunfire. 9.The medical staff________having a meeting. 10.One of the main________(advantage)of the system is that it uses very large amounts of fuel. 答案与解析 1.the;the 第一空指独一无二的事物用the;第二空为固定短语,表示在多少世纪“in the+序数词+century”。句意:据说十三世纪时马可·波罗曾经横渡太平洋前往爪哇。 2.which which引导非限制性定语从句,指前面整句话的内容。 3.Although/Though 句意:尽管我忙着我的各科如数学、语文、物理等,然而我经常抽出时间有意地去和外国人面对面交谈。前后句为让步关系,故用although或though引导从句。 4.from 考查介词。句意:他对同事们始终敬而远之。distant from“远离……”。 5.doing 句意:母亲看到儿子在做作业,感到很高兴。observe sb.doing sth.“看

【教案】人教版英语六年级下册Unit 1 第三课时

人教版英语六年级下册 第三课时 课时内容 B let’s learn Match and say 课时分析 本课时是人教版六年级下册第一单元第三课时。围绕How heavy are you?这一话题展开,主要通过对话学习词汇bigger, smaller, stronger, thinner, heavier及句型How heavy are you? I’m...kilograms. You’re ...than me.的表达。引导学生关注周围的人,注意合理的膳食和运 动,保持身体的健康。激发学生学习英语的热情,保持对英语学习的兴趣,树立学好英语的信心。在第一课时中学习了句型How tall are you? I’m... 在第二课时中学习了句型How tall is…? It’s...为本课时做了很好的铺垫。本课时的重点是四会单词的掌握以及能够运用四会单词描述人物的外貌特点。 本课时包括Let’s learn 和Match and say两个板块。Let’s learn呈现了Mike 和同学 们去郊游,John和Jim比较体重,Mike 和吴一凡比较脚的大小,张鹏比Sarah强壮,帮助Sarah背书包的情景,呈现了单词比较级的词性和意义。此板块呈现的对话情境是John通过问Tim体重,得出了Tim更重的结论。此情景是发生在公园里,一帮同学去郊游,很贴近学生的实际生活,更能激起学生学习的兴趣。Match and say 板块是用于操练B Let’s learn 板块中的形容词比较级。通过学生的描述并比较小朋友调到的鱼的特征,达到运用语言的目的。 本课时虽然是新授课,但是四会单词的原级已经学过,所以学生接受新知会很容易。在设计教学过程时,遵循以学生为主体的原则。采用动手操作、玩游戏、小调查等多种教学手段调动全体学生的参与,让学生在轻松、快乐的环境下,自主的学习。 课时目标 1.能够听、说、读、写单词:stronger, thinner, heavier, bigger, smaller 2.能够正确运用上述单词描述人物或事物的特点。 3.了解部分形容词变比较级,双写最后一个字母,加er或变y为I, 加-er. 4.能够听、说、运用句型How heavy are you? I’m…kilograms. 5.引导学生关心他人,注意合理的膳食,多运动,保持身体的健康。 6.培养学生学习英语的兴趣。 课时重难点 1. 重点 (1)能够听、说、读、写单词:stronger, thinner, heavier, bigger, smaller (2)能够正确运用上述单词描述人物或事物的特点。 (3)了解部分形容词变比较级,双写最后一个字母,加er或变y为I, 加-er. (4)能够听、说、运用句型How heavy are you? I’m…kilograms. 2. 难点 (1)能够正确运用上述单词描述人物或事物的特点。

全新版大学英语IV Unit1作业

Unit One Class____________ Number___________ Name_________________ Score______________ 1. The Labor Party’s electoral strategy, which was based on a tactical (战术的)_______with other smaller parties, has proved successful. 2. My brother was not badly hurt, but he injured his leg and had to _______around for a few weeks. 3. The New York fire fighters’____deeds in rescuing the September 11 victims were celebrated across the country. 4. By a _______of good luck, Carol, who had been buried in the rubble for more than 20 hours, came out alive. 5. The aircraft was subjected to a test of temperatures of ________ 65 degrees Celsius and plus 120 degrees. 6. Tax incentives will be used to attract companies to the western ______of our country away from the east coast. 7. The opening speeches sounded more like______of war than offerings of peace. 8. After a three-day ______ by the police, the terrorists who had seized the restaurant had to give in. 9. China is the largest country in the world population. 10. In spite of all the difficulties, we should with our efforts to win the negotiation. II. Multiple choice Choose the one that best completes the sentence from the four choices given. (40%) 11.In 1941, Adolf Hitler, leader of Nazi Germany, ____ an attack against the Soviet Union, as Russia then was called. A. sent B. did C. got D. launched 12. They should hire a more accountant than the one they currently have. A. effective B. sufficient C. efficient D. respective 13. “____” by the invasion, Soviet leader Joseph Stalin instructed the Russian people to “scorch the earth” in front of the German invaders. A. caught guard B. caught off C. caught up with D. caught off guard 14. The manufacturers had to raise their prices because of the increase in the cost of materials. A. raw B. original C. rough D. primitive 15. Napoleon ____ pressing on to Moscow, 448 kilometers away. A. took over B. took the gamble of C. took out D. took in 16.In the spring of 1812, Napoleon ____ an army of six hundred thousand men on the borders of Russia. A. assembled B. got C. owned D. together 17. By_____ Mr. Chen is a taxi driver. A. profession B. work C. occupation D. employment 18. It does not change the fact that she was the doctor ______ for the failure of the operation. A. guilty B. obliged C. accounting D. responsible 19. The shock of her daughter’s death ______ her unable to remain calm. A. caused B. had C. enabled D. rendered 20. The basic aim of the establishment of this institution is the _____ of H7N9. A. fight B. conquest C. treatment D. work III. Reading comprehension (20%) Road courtesy(礼貌) is not only good manners, but good sense too. It takes the most levelheaded and good tempered of drivers to resist the temptation to get their revenge when subjected to uncivilized behavior. On the other hand, a little courtesy goes a long way towards relieving the tensions and frustrations of motoring. A friendly nod or


小学美术作业规划设计 美术作业设计体现一种教育的艺术,影响着学生的个性形成和思维发展。作为我们依托新课改的教师要有一个正确的作业观,在美术作业设计前一定要认真研读文本,确定目标、选用方法,做到心中有底。设计有层次性、开放性、多样性、多元性的美术作业。培养学生在学习上主动探究、发展学生对艺术的创新能力、提高学生对艺术的兴趣。 新课改以“转变学生学习方式,让学生成为学习的主体”为主题。作业是学生进行学习最基本的活动形式。在美术教学中,作业的设计尤其重要。作业实践过程对培养学生乐于动手、勤于实践的学习习惯和发展学生探究潜能,增加艺术修养是十分有效的。良好的作业设计体现了新课改关注学生个体发展,满足不同学生学习需求,使每个学生得到充分发展的有效体现。 美术作业设计体现一种教育的艺术,影响着学生的个性形成和思维发展。作为我们依托新课改的教师要有一个正确的作业观,在美术作业设计前一定要认真研读文本,确定目标、选用方法,做到心中有底。设计有层次性、开放性、多样性、多元性的美术作业。培养学生在学习上主动探究、发展学生对艺术的创新能力、提高学生对艺术的兴趣。综上所述,笔者在平时的教学实践中,研究美术教学的方法,经过

教学实践,初步总结了一些美术作业设计的方法,紧紧围绕以下四个问题: 一、因材施教,突出层次性 世界上万事万物都存在差异和多样性一样,小学生也存在着智力类型、学习风格和个性特征等方面的差异性和丰富性,这些差异性或丰富性必然导致学习效率和学习成绩的快慢高低。作业设计要符合学生的个性差异。根据班级学生的差异,设计适合不同基础学生需要的多层次作业,供学生自主选择,使优等生吃得好,中等生吃得饱,后进生吃得消。让学生自主选择作业的难度、内容和形式。人的欲望受多种刺激而产生,一旦形成了欲望,就能产生一种积极、主动的心态和行为。因此创设能激起学生探究欲望的情境,让学生在情绪上受到感染,在情感上产生共鸣,激活学生的主体意识,这是尝试探究学习的前提。美术的特点是以美感人,以情动人,用真情来打开审美者的心灵大门,引导学生回到真正的生命状态,回到原本的心灵感觉,去体悟内心深处的灵性之光,发展自身的审美能力。笔者的任务就是要运用情感手段发掘教材中美的因素,寓美于情,以情育美。而不是干巴巴地说教,学生听课垂头丧气,这样的教学就难以激起学生探究的欲望,心里会产生厌学美术的情绪。因此,作为一名优秀的美术笔者应当充分发挥美术教学特有的魅力,引发学生探究学习美术的欲望,把这种欲望和主动意识转化为较


课时作业8 Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.What________pleasant surprise! I'll tell Richard about it________minute he comes home. 2.Close the door of fear behind you, and you________(open) the door of faith open before you. 3.Students complain that homework has taken________most of their time after class. 4.The water________(feel) cool when I jumped into the pool for morning exercise. 5.The way he did it differed________we were used to. 6.I prefer to study English at home________watch the match. 7.What did he major________at university? 8.Everyone,________three little girls, showed great interest when I mentioned you would go for a hike with us. 9.(2017年石家庄高一检测)I'm really tired________Tom. He had me________(wait) for two hours in the rain. 10.—What's the noise? It sounds as if it comes from up stairs. —I don't think__________. It must be the window cleaner working next door. 答案与解析 1.a;the 考查冠词的用法。surprise表示“惊讶”之意时为不可数名词,但表示“惊人的事,料想不到的事”时,通常在其前加不定冠词;第二空the minute“一……就”起连词作用,引导一个时间状语从句。 2.will open 考查动词的时态和惯用句型。句意:随手关上身后的恐惧之门,你就会看到面前打开的是信任之门。这是一个固定句型,“祈使句+and+一般将来时”。 3.up 句意:学生们报怨作业占据了他们课后的大部分时间。take up“占据”,符合句意。 4.felt 句意:当我跳进池子里晨练时,感到水是凉的。feel为系动词,在这里表示水(感觉)很冷。由jumped可知此处用过去时。 5.from what 句意:他做这件事的方式与过去我们习惯的方式是不同的。句中he did


八年级下册unit 1 作业 一、单项选择 ( )1. What’s wrong _____ John? A. with B. to C. for D. on ( )2. What’s _____ with you? A. the wrong B. trouble C. matter D. the matter ( )3. “What’s wrong with you?”“I don’t feel _____.” A. good B. well C. illness D. sadly ( )4. He is _____ heavy because he eats _____ sugar. A. too much … too much B. too much … much too C. much too … much too D. much too … too much ( )5. If you have a _____, you should go to see a dentist. A. headache B. stomachache C. toothache D. sore throat ( )6. The old man has _____. A. only three tooths B. three only tooths C. only three teeth D. three only teeth ( )7. “ What’s the matter with you?”“ I have _____.” A. a sore throat B. sore throat C. a throat sore D. throat sore ( )8. Open your _____ and say “Ah”. A. nose B. mouth C. eye D. hand ( )9. There is something wrong with my _____. I can’t see




简答题: 1 什么是统计学?请结合自己的课题介绍统计学的内含 答:统计学是一门研究随机现象,以推断为特征的方法论科学,“由部分推及全体”的思想贯 穿于统计学的始终。具体地说,它是研究如何搜集、整理、分析反映事物总体信息的数字资料,并以此为依据,对总体特征进行推断的原理和方法;是关于收集、整理、分析和解释统计数据的科学,是一门认识方法论性质的科学,其目的是探索数据内在的数量规律性,以达到对客观事物的科学认识。 我的研究课题是用生物信息学的方法来研究微卫星方面的问题。本课题的研究最初就是用统计学的方法对不同基因组中的微卫星进行统计,分析微卫星与物种的相关性及联系。进行本课题的研究,首先,收集数据,在NCBI中下载多条基因组数据,之后,根据生物不同的特征,对数据进行分类及整理,接下来,运用统计学的相关概念比如相对密度、相对风度、回归方程等进行基因组中微卫星的分布的计算,之后,运用R语言作图,将微卫星的分布可视化,更深入地进行研究分析分布规律与生物功能及进化的联系。 2 举例说明总体,样本,参数,统计量,变量这几个概念 答:总体是包含所研究的全部个体(数据)的集合。 样本是从总体中抽取的一部分元素的集合。 参数是用来描述总体特征的概括性数字度量。 统计量是用来描述样本特征的概括性数字度量。 变量是说明现象某种特征的概念。 比如欲调查某高校的2017届研究生毕业生就业率情况,那么该高校的所有2017届研究生毕业生则构成一个总体,其中的每一个研究生毕业生都是一个个体。 若从该高校的所有2017届研究生毕业生中按某种抽样规则抽出了100位毕业生,则这100位毕业生就构成了一个样本。 在这项调查中就业情况感兴趣,那么就业率就是一个变量。 通常关心某高校的2017届研究生毕业生平均就业率,这里这个平均值就是一个参数。 只有样本的有关就业率的数据,用此样本计算的平均值就是统计量。 3 比较概率抽样和非概率抽样的特点,指出各自适用情况 答:概率抽样:抽样时按一定的概率以随机原则抽取样本。每个单位别抽中的概率已知或 可以计算,当用样本对总体目标量进行估计时,要考虑到每个单位样本被抽到的概率。技术含量和成本都比较高。如果调查目的在于掌握和研究对象总体的数量特征,得到总体参数的置信区间,就使用概率抽样。 非概率抽样:操作简单,时效快,成本低,而且对于抽样中的统计学专业技术要求不是很高。它适合探索性的研究,调查结果用于发现问题,为更深入的数量分析提供准备。它同样使用市场调查中的概念测试(不需要调查结果投影到总体的情况)。 4 简述异众比率、四分位差、方差或标准差的适用场合 答:异众比率主要是衡量众数对一组数据的代表程度主要适合测度分类数据的离散程度; 四分位差主要适合于测度顺序数据的离散程度; 方差能够较好的反映出数据的离散程度,是实际中应用最广的离散程度测量值,标准差和方差基本上同时应用。


英语七年级上册 课题:Unit8 Section A 1a—2d命题人:审核人: 班级:姓名:座号:成绩: I.词海拾贝 1.一月份 _________ 2.二月份_________ 3.四月份_________ 4.十二月份 __________ 5.九月份__________ 6.十月份 ____________ 7.生日 __________ 8.二号_________ 9.第九__________ 10.第三11.第一 12.第十一 13.第五 14.第二十 15.第三十一 II.英汉互译 1.八月十五日 2.在七月 3.在六月九日 4.几岁 5.学校郊游 6.英语测试 7.basketball game _________ 8.birthday party ___________ III.根据汉语完成句子 1.你的生日是什么时候? is your ? 2.我弟弟的生日是在11月六日。 My birthday is 6th . 3.你几岁了? are you? 4.什么时候数学考试? is the math ? 5.我的姐姐不喜欢十二月。 My sister like . IV.选择填空 ( ) 1.---My birthday is ____ A.April one B.April the one C. April 1st ( ) 2.____ birthday is July 15th . A. My brother’s B. My brothers C. My brother ( ) 3.--- ____ do you go to school ? ----______ September 1st . A. When ; On B. How; In C. When ; In ( ) 4.---When is your father’s birthday ? ---_____ birthday is January 2nd. A. She B. Her C. His ( )5.The third month is ?


《管理信息系统》第一次作业 第一章作业 1、填空 1)信息时代主要标志有信息处理技术的革命性变革,(劳动力构成的本质发生变化),(全球性通信的实现)和生产工具的信息化、信息产业的崛起。 2)管理信息系统的开发是一项大的系统工程的工作,一般的系统工程均要有三个成功要素,这就是:合理确定(系统目标)、组织系统性队伍、遵循(系统工程)的开发步骤。 2、选择 1)有人把信息化的特点归纳为“四化”。即:(A)。 A、电子化、智能化、全球化、个性化 B、智能化、电子化、全球化、综合化 C、电子化、渗透化、个性化、智能化 D、智能化、社会化、全球化、个性化 2)管理信息系统结构是指MIS的各部件的构成框架,可以分为:(C)。 A、概念结构、软件结构、逻辑结构、硬件结构 B、物理结构、功能结构、软件结构、系统结构 C、功能结构、软件结构、概念结构、硬件结构 D、概念结构、存储结构、软件结构、硬件结构 3)MIS的开发过程是连续不断的,不断发展循环的过程就称为系统开发的生命周期。生命周期可以分成五个阶段: D 。 A、系统规划、系统分析、系统设计、系统运行和系统维护 B、系统请求、系统分析、系统设计、系统实施和系统评价 C、系统规划、系统分析设计、系统编程、系统管理和系统维护 D、系统规划、系统分析、系统设计、系统实施和系统评价 3、判断 1)在信息社会里,信息成为比资本、物质资源、能量资源更为重要的战略资源。(对)2)具有集中统一规划的数据库是管理信息系统应该必须具有的特征。(对) 3)分析员视角看到的是MIS功能结构。(错) 4、简答 1)在建设管理信息系统中领导应该怎样重视其建设工作 第二章作业 1、填空 1) 一般按照问题的结构化程度的不同将决策划分为哪几种决策类型:(结构化决策)、(半结构化决策)、(非结构化决策)。 2)信息是经过加工处理并对人类社会实践和生产活动产生(决策影响)的数据表现形式。 3)从不同的角度出发,系统分类有不同的方法。按照系统的抽象程度分类,可以把系统分为三类,即(概念系统)、(逻辑系统)和实在系统。 2、选择 1) 决策支持系统(DSS)所支持的是组织管理层的(C)问题的决策。 A、结构化C、非结构化 B、半结构化D、以上三种都支持 2)下列哪些是信息的基本属性(B)。 A、等级性、可压缩性、不可分享性 B、事实性、传输性、转换性


提高课作业设计的有效性,增值美术课堂 ——美术校本研修课程方案 一、研究背景: 课堂作业是课程教材的重要组成部分,是实现课程目标的基本环节,是教学过程中最具活力的活动内容。美术课的课堂作业也是最快速反应学生学习所得,体现课堂有效性和技能掌握程度的一个依据。学生课堂作业的效果和质量是直接反映课堂教学有效性的最快而明显的途径。 回顾以往的学生作业,对比新课程下的美术作业评价标准,我们发现学生作业明显存在以下几个问题:(一)学生作业重摹仿,而缺乏创新。主要原因是教师为了达成教学目标,非常注重每个教学环节之间的衔接,为了确保在一节课完成预定的教学任务,课堂中主要以教师讲为主,提问少,给学生思考讨论的时间不多,教师常常根据时间收放学生思维,整个一节课学生的思维往往只处于小幅的波动面,致使学生作业缺乏创新,内容单一。(二)学生完成作业有应付的态度。主要原因是个体能力差异而形成完成作业需要的时间不同。基础好的学生,根据教师提出的作业要求能很快完成作业,基础一般的同学根据提出的要求完成作业往往要半小时,甚至更多的时间,这样就造成基础好的学生无事可做,他们的能力在这节课不但没有得到较好的培养,反而制约了其他能力的发展。基础差的学生往往也受基础好的学生地影响不能用心去完成作业,而去赶时间应付老师作业。 要改变现今美术课堂作业所存在的这些问题,我们必须设计出多样化的教学环节吸引学生的注意力,从作业设置上入手,从提高学生学习主动性,体现学生自主学习,从生活出发去创造性地为学生设计课堂作业,让学生能选择自己有兴趣完成并力所能及的命题积极主动地完成作业,从而提高课堂教学的实效性。本学期,我们的研修活动将抓住“增值”关键点,进行针对性的研究,聚集大家的智慧,在教学中做到作业设计自主化,作业设计趣味化,作业形式多样化,让学生各方面能力得到综合发展。 二、研究目标: 1. 在研修的过程中,改变美术课堂作业设计所存在的问题,把作业与生活紧密联系,探索高效途径,使学生在学习中提高学习兴趣,提高作业质量,出现趣味化、自主化、分层化、创新化的作业。 2. 在研修的过程中,探索如何把三维目标较好的体现在作业设计中,通过不断尝试、体验,改进,培养教师自身的积极主动的创新工作学习的状态。 3. 师生的互动交流与学习,使得教师的专业素养进一步提高,使美术课堂作业设计从单一走向多元、从划一走向分层、从“拿来”走向创新、从批改走向对话。 4. 通过研修活动的开展,使得教师的专业化技能得到充分的提高,教学实践能力 有明显的发展。在研修的过程中促进教师反思、改进能力的提高,增加教师的教学灵活性。三、研究内容: 1. 研究提高美术课堂作业有效性应体现的基本原则。 研究如何在课堂作业设计中体现“美术”的原则和“教学”的原则。在美术作业要求有一定数量的基础知识和基本技能需要学生掌握,而且需要通过评价来检验其掌握的程度。同时,在美术作业中还应该包括“创造”、“审美”的要求。 2、研究有效的美术课堂作业设计要求的基本结构。 美术课堂作业要求由“基本要求”、“具体化”和“可选部分”三部分组成。 基本要求是指:用什么方法做什么练习。 具体化是指:对基本要求的具体化、补充说明或要注意的问题可选部分是指:允许学生自由选择、发挥个性的创造空间。 3、研究有效的美术课堂作业设计要求与美术教学评价的关系。 (1)技能目标的评价。 (2)认知目标的评价。 (3)创造性目标的评价。 (4)情感目标

Unit 10 课时作业

( )1.If you _____ to the party, you’ll have a great time A. will go B. went C. go D. going ( )2.I ____ her the answer if she ____me. A. can tell, will ask B. will tell, will ask C. would tell, ask D. will tell, asks ( )3. – What are you going to do tomorrow? --We’ll go to the library tomorrow if it ___. A. isn’t rain B. rain C. won’t rain D. doesn’t rain ( )4. What will you do if you _____ to th e old folk’s home visit? A. go B. went C.going D. will go ( )5. If I eat ____ food, I’ll be very fat. A. too many B. many too C. too much D. much too ( )6. I’ll give the book to him if he ___ here next Sunday. A. will come B. comes C. is coming D. came ( )7. There ____an English film in our school tomorrow. A. is going to have B. will have C. is going to be D. has ( )8. We’ll go to the Great Wall ________ it doesn’t rain this Saturday. A. when B. if C. until D. because ( )9. Don’t ________ sportswear to the party. A. put on B. wear C. wearing D. dress ( )10. I’m going to ________ time with my parents this vacation. A. take B. have C. spend D. go ( )11. Jim asked me ________ him with his English. A. help B. helping C. helped D. to help ( )12. — What are you going to do tomorrow? — ________. A. Nothing much B. Much nothing C. Not anything D. No thing ( )13. They didn’t go to bed ________ they finished their home work. A. until B. because C. when D. if ( )14. The teacher told her students ________ so late on weekends. A. not get up B. don’t get up C. to not get up D. not to get up ( )15. —I don’t know if my mother ________ tomorrow. — If she ________, I’ll meet her at the train station. A. will come; comes B. comes; will come C. will come; will come D. comes; comes 二、根据句意及首字母写出恰当的单词: 1. If I go to the party in a t _________ , it will be too expensive . 2. My parents o _______________ a big birthday party for me last year . 3. Kate looks so u ________-. Nobody knows what happened . 4. Everyone is looking forward to holding the sports m ________ next Tuesday . 5. I don’t know what to do about my family problem .Can you give me some a ____________ ?

寒假作业 unit1

英语寒假作业(unit1) 编者:陈静审稿:曾辉 建议完成时间:30分钟总分:100分自测得分:_______ 家长签名:______ 一、请写出以下十五个短语(30分) 1.去度假_______________ 2.相当多____________ 3.为考试学习______________ 4. 尝起来味道好____________ 5. 想要做某事_______ 6.重要的事情_____________ 7. 因为_____________ 8. 到达______________ 9.写日记_______________ 10.去爬山_______________ 11.到海边去___________ 12.参观博物馆__________________ 13. 去夏令营____________ 14. 一碗米饭__________ 15. 弄清楚_________________ 二、请将以下五个句子翻译成英文。(10分) 1.我想知道过去这儿的生活是什么样的。______________________________________ 2.我和家人今天早上到达长沙。______________________________________________ 3.有许多新的建筑物在我们农村。___________________________________________ 4.我大部分时间呆在家里看书和放松。________________________________________ 5.我们等了一个多小时火车因为有很多人。___________________________________ 三、单项选择。(10分) ( )1. Mike decided__________the museum this Sunday. A.visit B.visits C. visiting D. to visit ( )2.---David, don’t forget to bring your umbrella, or you will get_________.---OK, Mom. A.cold B. dry C. wet D. warm ( )3. Zhang Wei didn’t come to school________his illness. A.because of B. because C. so D. that ( )4.---Mom, I’ve got_________important to tell you.---What’s up? A.Nothing B. anything C. something D. everything ( )5. I will call you as soon as I arrived in Kunming. A.reach to B. get to C. get D. arrive ()6.There are quite students in our school learn chemistry in English. A.some B.many C.a few D.a lot ()7.When summer comes, a lot of people feel like _____ to have fun. A.to swim B.swim C.swam D.swimming ()8.He didn't read the book______,although he had ______. A.careful enough;enough time B.carefully enough;enough time C.enough careful;enough time D.enough carefully;time enough ()9.The fantastic music made the students______relaxed.

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