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Keys for Reference(1-4)

Unit 1 Man and Animals

Part I In-class Listening

I. Understanding Basic Skills

Listening Task


II. Understanding a Conversation

Listening Task

1. he was born in the year of the pig

2. ox, dragon, rooster

3. in the order of their arrival

4. the traits

5. ideal, monkeys, snakes

III. Understanding Passages

Listening Task 1

1—4 BBCD

Listening Task 2

1. endangered

2. preserving

3. promoting

4. requires

5. assessed

6. bans

7. reserves

8. The law also bans mining and resource exploration

9. that are potentially harmful to the ecology

10. and many other rare animals under state protection

Part II After-class Listening

I. Understanding Basic Skills

Listening Task

1—5 CDADB 6—10 DACDD

II. Understanding a Conversation

1—3 BCA

III. Understanding Passages

Listening Task 1

1. industry

2. strength

3. dishonesty

4. dog

5. snake

6. dove

7. two political parties in the U.S.A.

Listening Task 2


Unit 2 Geography

Part I In-class Listening

I. Understanding Basic Skills

Listening Task


II. Understanding a Conversation

1—4 BABA

III. Understanding Passages

Listening Task 1


Listening Task 2

1. oceanic

2. presence

3. worst

4. plain

5. resulted

6. completely

7. measurement

8. intensity

9. Every household should keep a survival kit 10. Familiarize yourself with the designated evacuation area in your neighborhood.

Part II After-class Listening

I. Understanding Basic Skills

Listening Task


II. Understanding a Conversation

Listening Task


III. Understanding Passages

Listening Task 1

1. The Yangtze River, the Yellow River, the Pearl River, the Heilong River, the Haihe River and the Huaihe River.

2. 6,300 kilometers.

3. It marks the original home of the Chinese nation and the cradle of Chinese civilization.

4. It is the largest salt lake in China.

5. They provide water, convenient transportation and irrigation, fish and rich aquatic products.

Listening Task 2


Unit 3 Ocean

Part I In-class Listening

I. Understanding Basic Skills

Listening Task 1

1. 对不起,我没听懂。请再说一遍。


2. 这是我的。(表示肯定)


3. 你来吗?(表示询问)


4. 你说你叫什么名字?(请对方重复)

5. 多精美的一件艺术品呀!

6. 我不能等那么久。(表示不耐烦)

7. 现在不要回去。(表示委婉的请求)

8. 我不说了。(含有既然你不听我的话)

9. 感谢你来送我。(含感激)


Listening Task 2

1—5 ABCAC 6—10 ABCDB

II. Understanding a Conversation

Listening Task


III. Understanding Passages

Listening Task 1


Listening Task 2

1. Hemisphere

2. circular

3. 14 million

4. Russia

5. Eurasia

6. Greenland

7. lowest

8. evaporation

9. outflow 10. 25% 11. undiscovered 12. abundance 13. ecosystem 14. slow 15. damage

Part II After-class Listening

I. Understanding Basic Skills

Listening Task

1. 我以为一切都会很顺利。(没有直截了当表达自己的情绪)

2. 你怎么能说这样的话?(表示责怪)

3. 早点来看我噢。(表示劝说)

4. 恐怕他对你不会有什么帮助。(也许别人会对你有帮助)

5. 诚实是最好的美德。(表示肯定)

6. 说得好不如干得好。

7. 你认识他吗?(降调表示说话人对陈述部分有充分的把握)

8. A:我们得走了。


II. Understanding a Conversation

Listening Task

1—4 CABC

III. Understanding Passages

Listening Task 1

1—5 FFTTT 6—8 FFT

Listening Task 2

1. About 7/8ths.

2. It consists of snow which is not very compact.

3. Between -15℃and -20℃.

4. Size, shape and location.

5. Radar.

6. No.

7. Y es.

Unit 4 Environmental Protection

Part I In-class Listening

I. Understanding Basic Skills

Listening Task

1—5 BAACC 6—10 CDACC

II. Understanding a Conversation

Listening Task

1. tropical rain forests

2. the heaven for plants

3. average rainfall, average temperature

4. disappear soon

5. related to climate, decrease in trees

III. Understanding Passages

Listening Task 1

1—4 CDAA

Listening Task 2

1. actress

2. Programme

3. mission

4. awareness

5. inspire

6. focus

7. threats

8. opportunity

9. I try to share this passion with my fans and the wider public 10. UNEP commends her personal commitment to a greener lifestyle and her passion to influence the public

Part II After-class Listening

I. Understanding Basic Skills

Listening Task

1—5 DBBAA 6—10 CDCAB

II. Understanding a Conversation

Listening Task

1—4 BCBD

III. Understanding Passages

Listening Task 1

1. energy

2. authorities

3. charging

4. automobile

5. Development

6. support

7. Shanghai will be able to produce 100,000 new energy vehicles every year

8. for additional

subsidies for private buyers of new energy cars

Listening Task 2

1—4 FFTT

Test One

I. Understanding Basic Skills

1. similar

2.lives on

3. beyond the sight of

4. ride on buses

5. farming in America was often a lonely way of living

6. They learned to try new methods, and to trust their own ideas instead of following older ways

II. Understanding Conversations

1—5 DACBC 6—10 DAABD

III. Understanding Passages

Passage 1

1. T-shirts used to be simple, short-sleeved undershirts for men and boys.

2. T-shirts are smart, comfortable and convenient to wear.

3. New designs are being adopted.

Passage 2

1—3 DAA



Unit 4 Looking Good Unit Goals 1. D iscuss appropriate dress 2. C omment on fashion and style 3. E valuate ways to change one’s appearance 4. D escribe what makes a person beautiful 5. W rite a description of people Lesson 1 Lead-in TV Documentary: Selling Them Short A. The report mentions some problems short men face. What are they? buying clothes, getting a date, seeing around people in elevators, seeing a movie screen, driving cars B. Use words from the box to complete the statement. You will not use all of the words. 1. mature and respected 2.

submissive, childish, weak Video Script Lynn Sherr: Imagine a world where nothing fits. Where pants are too long. Craig: The crotches are down to here, the seat’s down to here, the pants are up to there. Lynn Sherr: Where elevators are filled with giants. Rob: You kind of get cramped. And you know, it’s kind of hard to breathe sometimes. Lynn Sherr: Where driving a car means your feet don’t reach the pedals. David: You have to fumble down here, and some have bars underneath and some have these little electronic things on the side you have to figure out. Lynn Sherr: And where you can’t see the movie screen, let alone find a date to there. lst woman: I don’t care hair color, eye color,

英语听力教程 第三版 学生用书2 单词

Kindergarten: a school or class for young children, usually four to six years old, that prepares them for Nursery school: a school for very young children, usually 3 to 5 years of age Coo: speak gently and lovely wedding: the act or ceremony of becoming married Bride: a woman who has just been married or is about to be married relationship: Pick up: stop for and take or bring(person) along with one a romantic or sexual involvement Stability: steadiness, the state of being not likely to separate, break down or fall apart Discipline: strict control to enforce obedience; punishment / control, train, punish Lenient: merciful, not severe in disciplining, punishing, judging, ect. Spare the rod, spoil the child: a child who is not punished will become undisciplined and unruly. Harsh: unpleasant, unkind, cruel or more severe than is necessary Foldaway: that can be folded together for easy storage.Detached: not connected, separate Blind: anything that keeps out light, as a window shade or shutter. Estate: landed property; individually owned piece of land containing a residence. Sink:any of various basins, as in a kitchen or laundry, connected with a drainpipe and usually, with Appliance: a device or machine for performing a specific task, esp. one that is worked mechanically Property: a building or area of land, or both together Mortgage: an agreement that allows you to borrow money from or similar organization, Tenant: a person who pays rent for the use of land or a building Counselor: someone who is paid to listen to people’s problems and provide support and advice. Make the grade: succeed; reach the necessary standard quit: stop (doing something) and leave Goody-goody: a person who likes to appear faultless in behavior so as to please others, not because Emblazon: decorate something with a design, a symbol or words so that people will notice it easily Go to pieces: lose the ability to think or act clearly because of fear, sorrow, ect. Potter about: do things or move without hurrying, especially when you are doing something that Plough through: make slow progress through something difficult or boring especially a book Small hours: the early morning hours just after midnight.Regulate: make work at a certain speed Well-rounded: complete; well-planned for proper balance Abstruse:deep; hard to understand Compulsory: required; obligatory; that must be done Be cut out for: be fitted for; be suited for Burn one’s bridges: destroy all means of going back, so that one must go forward Segregation: separation; isolation; the policy or practice of compelling racial groups or people of Dispel: scatter or drive away; cause to disappear Cohort: a group of people who share a common feature or aspect of behavior High-flyer: a person who has the desire and the ability to be very successful in their job or their Flunk: fail to reach the required standard in (an exam, test, or course of study) Career: the general course of a person’s working life. Client: a person who buys goods or services Personnel: the department of a company or organization that deals with its employees when they need Make a fortune: earn a great amount of money, possessions, etc. Torture: severe pain or suffering caused in the mind or body Shift: a group of workers who take turns with one or more other groups Teamwork: the ability of a group of people to work together effectively Survey: a general examination or study (of conditions, opinions, etc.), especially carried out by Cross-section: a part or group that is typicalor representative of the whole Brainstorming: a way of making a group of people all think about sth at the same time, often in order


新世纪大学英语视听说教程2的listening 原文及答案 Unit One, Book 2 Listening 2 Just a few old keepsakes Boy: Hey, Grandma, what’s in this box? Grandma: Oh, nothing really… Just a few old keepsakes. B: Keepsakes? G: Young man, you know what a keepsake is! B: No, I don’t. I really don’t. G: Well, it’s something you keep. It’s something that gives you a lot of memories. B: Oh. What’s this? G: Now don’t go just digging around in there! ... Hmmm, let’s see…. that’s my first diary. B: Can I….? G: No, you can’t read it! It’s perso nal! I wrote about my first boyfriend in there. He became your grandfather! B: Oh, ok…. Well then, what’s that? It has your picture in it. G: That’s my passport. Y ou can see, I traveled to Europe by ship. B: What’s that big book? G: My yearbook. It’s my hi gh school book of memories. B: Class of 1961! Boy, that’s old! G: That’s about enough out of you, young man. I think it’s time we put this box away and… 男孩:嘿,奶奶,这个盒子里是什么? 奶奶:哦,没什么…几个旧的纪念品。 纪念品吗? 旅客:年轻人,你知道什么是纪念品! B:不,我不喜欢。我真的不喜欢。


Uint1 II. Basic Listening Practice M: I’m beside myself with joy. I’m so lucky. Guess what? I’ve won a lit of money in the lottery. W: Yeah? Well, you do know that money is the root of all evil, right? Q: What does the woman mean? W: Mary was furious. Her son wrecked up her car. M: He shouldn’t have driven a car without a driver’s license. He‘s still taking driving lesson. Q: What do we know about Mary’s son? 3.M: Susan, I hear you’re going to marry that guy. Some people think you’ll regret it. W: Is that so? Only time tell. Q: What does the woman imply? 4. M: Mary, I just want to say how sorry I was to learn of your mother’s passing. I know how close you two were? W: Thank you. It was so sudden. I’M still in a state of shock I don’t know what to do. Q: Which of following is true? 5. W: I get furious at work when my opinions aren’t considered just because I’m a woman. M: You should air your view more emphatically and demand that your vice be heard. Q: What is the woman complaining about? Keys: 1.C 2.B 3. D 4.A 5.D III.Listening in Task 1.What a clumsy man! Maria: Jack, can you help me move this heavy box? Jack: No problem, Maria. Here let me lift this end... Oops! Maria: Ouch! My foot! Come on, can't you be a little more cautious? Jack: I'm so sorry. It was an accident. No need to be furious! Maria: You're always so clumsy, Jack. I'm really losing my patience with all the stupid mistakes you make around the office. Jack: Calm down, Maria; I'll certainly be more careful next time. This was just an accident. Maria: If you aren't more careful, then next time someone could be badly hurt. Oh, look! The glass in the box is all broken now. Mr. Johnson is going to fly into a rage. Jack: Oh no! What can I do to keep him from hitting the roof? Maria: Well, you can begin by helping me clean up the mess and then honestly tell


Unit 4 Section One Tactics for Listening Part 1 Phonetics Stress, Intonation and Accent Script Listen to some short conversations. Has the second speaker finished talking? Tick the right box. 1. A: Excuse me. Could you tell me where the secretary’s off ice is, please? B: Yes. It’s up the stairs, then turn left, …↗ 2. A: Excuse me. Can you tell me where the toilets are? B: Yes, they’re at the top of the stairs. ↘ 3. A: What did you do after work yesterday? B: Ah, well, I went for a drink in the pub opposite the carpark. ↘ 4. A: What did you do after work yesterday? B: Oh, I ran into Jane and Tom, …↗ 5. A: Excuse me, can you tell me how the machine works? B: Certainly. Erm, first of all you adjust the height of the stool, and then put four 10-pence pieces there, ... ↗ 6. A: Excuse me, can you tell me how the machine works? B: Yes. You put 30 pence in the slot and take the ticket out here. ↘Key Part 2 Listening and Note-Taking Frog Legs Script A. Listen to some sentences and fill in the blanks with the missing words. 1. Many Asian cultures have included frog legs in their diets for centuries. 2. By 1977 the French government banned commercial hunting of its own amphibians. 3. Indian scientists have describ ed as “disastrous” the rate at which frogs are disappearing from the rice fields and wetlands. 4. The United States imported more than 6.5 million pounds of frozen frog meat each year between 1981 and 1984.


Unit 3 Talking about People Section 1 Tactics for Listening Part 1 Phonetics A. Listen and repeat 1. A: Where were you at one o’clock? B: At one o’clock? At my mother’s. 2. A: Let’s ask him to let us go. B: He won’t let us go. 3. A: I saw them together. B: Where did you see them? B. Complete the following short dialogue as you listen to the tape. Pay special attention to the weak forms, link-ups and contractions. Friend: Hi, Linda. I hear you and John got married (l)last month. Linda: Yeah, we did, (smiling) Three weeks (2) ago. Friend: Well, congratulations! Linda: Thank you. Friend: Did you (3) have a big wedding? Linda: No, we got (4) married at City Hall. We didn’t want to spend very much because (5) we’re saving to buy a house. Friend: Where did you (6) have the reception? Linda: Oh- we (7) didn’t have a reception. We just (8) invited a few friends over for drinks afterwards. Friend: What (9) did you wear? Linda: Just a skirt and blouse. Friend: Oh! Linda: And John wore a (10) jacket and jeans. Friend: Where did you (11) go for your honeymoon? Linda: We (12) didn’t have a honeymoon. We went back to work the next day. Ah, here comes (13) my bus. Friend: Listen. (14) I’d love to help celebrate. Why don’t you two (15) come over for a drink next week? Linda: Sure. We’d love to. (16) I’ll talk to John and (17) call you Monday. Friend: Great. See you (18) next week. Linda: Bye. Part 2 Listening and Note-taking Bob: Look at that, Angela. True-Value is going to sell hi-fi’s for 72.64 pounds. I’m going to buy one. We can save at least 20 pounds.

新世纪大学英语视听说教程1 听力原文

Unit 1, Lesson A Track1-1-1 A. listen to three people from the pen pals website. Match the name of the speaker with his or her interest: Fiona: Hi, I'm Fiona. I'm from Sydney, Australia. I'm 19, and a student at the University of Canberra. I'm majoring in computer science. When I'm not studying, I like going to the movies. Miguel: Hi, I'm Miguel. I'm from Mexico City. I'm 28 and I'm a math teacher. In my free time, I like playing soccer with my fiends. Hiromi: Hi, I'm Hiromi, and I'm from Tokyo. I'm 24, and I'm a graphic artist. When I have some free time, I usually work on a comic book I'm creating. The main character's name is Damen. Track1-1-2 B. listen again. Answer the questions about the people. Check the correct box. Track1-1-3 B. Mariana and Danny live in the same apartment building. Are they meeting for the first time? Listen to their conversation. Mariana: Hi. My name is Mariana. I'm in apartment 201. Danny: Hi, Mariana. I'm Danny. I'm in 302. It's nice to meet you. Mariana: Nice to meet you, too. Danny: So, are you a student, Mariana? Mariana: yeah, I study music at NYU. Danny: That's interesting. Mariana: What do you do, Danny? Danny: I'm a student at Hunter College. I also work in an art gallery. Track1-1-4 your information.C. Listen again. Practice the conversation. Then practice with Track 1-1-5 C. Listen to Dan describing himself and Dayanne describing her friend. Pay attention to the expressions used for describing people. Then describe yourself to your partner. 1. My name is Dan and I'm from the United States. I'm 28 years old and work at a hospital. I speak English, and Spanish and Portuguese. I'm pretty tall. I'm about six feet. I have a muscular build and short blonde hair. I have hazel-colored eyes. 2. I have a friend who looks like Antonio Banderas. He's tall, dark hair, brown eyes, but he's thin and Antonio Banderas is a little more muscular. Track 1-1-OL-1 A.Emily is at the airport. Listen and check the correct box. Josh: Hello?


新视野大学英语视听说教程第四册 听力练习录音文本和答案 Uint1 II. Basic Listening Practice 1. Script M: I’m beside myself with joy. I’m so lucky. Guess what? I’ve won a lit of money in the lottery. W: ? Well, you do know that money is the root of all evil, right? Q: What does the woman mean? 2. Script W: Mary was furious. Her son wrecked up her car. M: He shouldn’t have driven a car without a driver’s license. He‘s still taking driving lesson. Q: What do we know about Mary’s son? 3. Script M: Susan, I hear you’re going to marry that guy. Some people think you’ll regret it. W: Is that so? Only time tell. Q: What does the woman imply? 4. Script M: Mary, I just want to say how sorry I was to learn of your mother’s passing. I know how close you two were? W: Thank you. It was so sudden. I’M still in a state of shock I don’t know what to do. Q: Which of following is true? 5. Script W: I get furious at work when my opinions aren’t considered just because I’m a woman. M: You should air your view more emphatically and demand that your vice be heard. Q: What is the woman complaining about? Keys: 1.C 2.B 3. D 4.A 5.D III. Listening In Task 1: Soft answers turn away wrath. Mary: Dam! You’re spilled red wine on me. My new dress is ruined. John: I’ m terrible sorry! What can I do to help? Here’s s ome water to wash it off. Mary: Stop splashing water on me! Oh, this is so embarrassing! I’m a mess. John: Well, you do look a little upset. Please don’t blow up. Don’t lose your cool. Mary: Hmm, you’ve got the nerve talking like that! Who shouldn’t fly of f the handle? This dress cost a fortune. John: You look really cute when you’re mad. I kid you not. Some people do look


英语听力教程第三版(张民伦主编)Unit-8-The-Sound-of-Musi c听力原文

Listen this way听力教程第三册-8 Unit 8 The Sound of Music Part I Getting ready A quiz game show is a type of radio or television programming genre in which contestants, television personalities or celebrities, sometimes as part of a team, play a game which involves answering questions or solving puzzles usually for money and/or prizes. A The following words will appear in this unit. Listen carefully and study the definitions. 1. panel:a group of specialists who give their advice or opinion about something 2. contender:a person who takes part in a competition or tries to win something 3. nomination:the act of suggesting or choosing somebody as a candidate in an election, or for a job or an award 4. cinematography:the art or process of making films 5. score:the music written for a film/movie or play


新世纪大学英语系列教材视听说教程4(第二版)听 力答案 新世纪大学英语视听说教程4 (第二版)答案unit 1 P2 a.8 b.2 c.1 d.4 e.1,4,5 f.6,7,8,9 g.1,3,6,7 h.1,4,5 P3 A. b B. F T F T T F T P8 OP1: A. 2 B. 1,2,5,7 OP2: A. the picture on the right P9 1.very famous buildings 2.made of glass, steel and concrete 3.designed 4.style

6.452 meters high 7.both the modern and traditional side of my country P10 A: 1.world-famous museum, Paris, 500 years, six million 2.ancient capital, big enough, millions of, shooping center B: Louvre Museum 1989 an ugly, modern mistake Kyoto Japan Hiroshi Hara to cope with millions of visitors center P11 B: 3 C: 2,4,6,7 P13 A: TRUE:1,3,5 FALSE:2 halfway, not all the way 4 from far away, not close up B: thousands by car unimpressed i.6,7 brings new life into the city 百度搜索“就爱阅读”,专业资料,生活学习,尽在就爱阅读网https://www.wendangku.net/doc/6e13085165.html,,您的在线图书馆 P14


Book Three UNIT 1 Section One Part 1 Spot Dictation Houses in the Future Well, I think houses in the future will probably be (1) quite small but I should think they'll be (2) well-insulated so that you don't need so much (3) heating and (4) cooling as you do now, so perhaps very economical (5) to run. Perhaps they will use (6) solar heating, although I don't know, in this country, perhaps we (7) won't be able to do that so much. Yes, I think they'll be full of (8) electronic gadgets: things like very advanced televisions, videos, perhaps videos which take up ... the screen (9) takes up the whole wall. I should think. Yes, you'll have things like (10) garage doors which open automatically when you (11) drive up, perhaps electronic (12) sensors which will (13) recognize you when you, when you come to the front door even. Perhaps (14) architects and designers will be a bit more (15) imaginative about how houses are designed and perhaps with the (16) shortage of space people will think of putting gardens (17) on the roof and, and maybe rooms can be (18) expanded and, and (19) contracted* depending on what you use them for, so perhaps there'll be a bit more (20) flexibility about that.


第二单元听力原文 Warm up 1. [ J] I need a big desk for all my books. 2. [C] This couch is great. It's so comfortable. 3. [G] I love my bed. It's really soft. 4. [B] I love to soak in the bathtub after a long day. 5. [E] I need a new lamp in this room. It's very dark in here. 6. [F] Sit in this chair and relax. 7. [A] Here's my new stove. I love it. 8. [H] This table is too small for our family. There are six of us. 9. [D] Look at my new poster. Do you like it? 10. [I] Look out this window. It's a great view. Listening task 1. Sunol: Hey, Joe. How do you like your new apartment? Joe: Oh, it's great. It's really close to work. Kind of small, though. Sunol: Oh? Joe: Yeah, it's a really small studio apartment. There isn't enough room for a couch and a bed. Sunol: No? Joe: No, so I have to sleep on a futon . 2. Jose: Hey, Jason. Have you moved yet? Jason: Yeah, Marci and I bought a new house. Jose: Oh, great. Congratulations. What's it like? Jason: Wow, for us, it's really big. It's huge. Jose: Mm, nice. Jason: But it's kind of old, so it needs a lot of fixing up. Jose: Well, if you need any help, let me know. Jason: Thanks! 3. Gwen: Hi, Lisa. Do you like your new apartment? Lisa: Uh, yeah. Gwen: Where is it? On Spring Street? Lisa: No, on Main Street. It's on the second floor, big windows, lots of light. Gwen: Sounds nice. Lisa: It's not great. It's on a busy street, so it's kind of noisy. Gwen: Ah, well, you can't have it all! 4. Monica: Hey, Steven. You moved to a new place, right? Steven: Yes. Last weekend. Monica: So, how is it? Steven: Great place. Best place ever. On Mountain Drive. There's a great view of the ocean. Monica: Nice. Steven: Yeah, come over and see it sometime.

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