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Pollution crisis in Taihu Lake1

Pollution crisis in Taihu Lake


Some details

?Taihu Lake is the third largest freshwater lake (with 2400 square kilometers) in China.

?It lies in Yangtze River delta,and covers 4 provinces(Jiangsu Province, Anhui Province, Zhejiang Province and shanghai). It is one of the most important water resouce of these areas, assuredly, Taihu Lake is the "heart" or "vessel".?Taihu Lake district is accounted for 0.4 percent of the territory and 3 percent of population of whole country, but for 12 percent of GDP and 17 percent of fiscal revenue

Some details

?Taihu Lake distinct, with its highly-developed industry, agriculture, and fishery, occupies the first position urbanization level in China.

?It is one of the commodity grain bases, Silkworm base and fishing base in China. This area can be a land of honey and milk

?Once upon time, Taihu Lake was a fairyland on earth, everywhere was full of blue sky, green hills, clear lake, colorful flowers and Light mist

?But niceness has gone too soon. Today's Taihu Lake is a pretty kettle of fish. On surface are shifting blue-green algaes, dead fish and rubish. The water has turned black and scene becomes not fit to be seen.

The water has become paste

Dead fish and rubish

?In the early 1980s, water quality of Taihu lake is quite good, and conform to the requirements for quality of the drinking. According to a 1981's survey, 69 percent is Ⅱkind of water , 30 percent is Ⅲkind , and only 1 percent of water belongs to Ⅳ.

?Nearly 20 years, deterioration of Taihu Lake water quality is rather obvious. Now Ⅳkind of water is account for 70 percent, and most of lake is covering Blue-green algae.

Permanganate in water grows quickly from

2003, almost 4~6 mg/L per year

?phosphorus in water grows quickly from 2003,

almost 0.1~0.2 mg/l per year

?ammonia nitrogen in water grows quickly

from 2000, almost 0.1~0.6 mg/L per year

?nitrogen in water grows quickly from

2001, almost 1.7~2.8 mg/L per year

The characteristic of the pollution

blue-green algae

Nutrition grows Fish died


The reason of pollution

?Due to the rapid development of township enterprises in Taihu Lake distinct, more and more polluted

water from factories, especially

from chemical industry, spinning

industry and Metallurgy industry, is pouring to the lake.

?fertilizer, pesticide, Poultry excrement, straw, domestic sewage ,house refuse About 70 Percent of bait and fodder poured to the lake are not been

ate and finally become nitrogen

and phosphorus which make

water Eutrofication

industrial pollution

agricultural pollution


Some measures government are taking to manage

?To agricultural pollution

?adjustment of agricultural structure

?make laws to lead

?To industrial pollution

?limit the amount of pouring

?bolish to pour some polluted water

?build waste water treatment plant

?To blue-green algae

biological With ship salvage With chemical absorbing capacity Use water to wash dilution, copper


Use technology and


Increase the fiscal


Build organization to govern


制剂生产过程中常见问题和处理方法 一、质量问题 制剂生产过程由于种种原因造成制剂的质量不合格,尤其是在片剂生产中,造成片剂质量问题的因素更多。现仅对片剂、胶囊剂及注射剂生产中可能产生质量问题的原因及解决方法作介绍。 (一)片剂生产过程中可能发生问题的分析及解决方法 1.松片 片剂压成后,硬度不够,表面有麻孔,用手指轻轻加压即碎裂,原因分析及解决方法: ①药物粉碎细度不够、纤维性或富有弹性药物或油类成分含量较多而混合不均匀。可将药物粉碎过100目筛、选用黏性较强的黏合剂、适当增加压片机的压力、增加油类药物吸收剂充分混匀等方法加以克服。 ②黏合剂或润湿剂用量不足或选择不当,使颗粒质地疏松或颗粒粗细分布不匀,粗粒与细粒分层。可选用适当黏合剂或增加用量、改进制粒工艺、多搅拌软材、混均颗粒等方法加以克服。 ③颗粒含水量太少,过分干燥的颗粒具有较大的弹性、含有结晶水的药物在颗粒干燥过程中失去较多的结晶水,使颗粒松脆,容易松裂片。故在制粒时,按不同品种应控制颗粒的含水量。如制成的颗粒太干时,可喷入适量稀乙醇(50%—60%),混匀后压片。 ④药物本身的性质。密度大压出的片剂虽有一定的硬度,但经不起碰撞和震摇。如次硝酸铋片、苏打片等往往易产生松片现象;密

度小,流动性差,可压性差,重新制粒。 ⑤颗粒的流动性差,填入模孔的颗粒不均匀。 ⑥有较大块或颗粒、碎片堵塞刮粒器及下料口,影响填充量。 ⑦压片机械的因素。压力过小,多冲压片机冲头长短不齐,车速过快或加料斗中颗粒时多时少。可调节压力、检查冲模是否配套完整、调整车速、勤加颗粒使料斗内保持一定的存量等方法克服。 2.裂片 片剂受到震动或经放置时,有从腰间裂开的称为腰裂;从顶部裂开的称为顶裂,腰裂和顶裂总称为裂片,原因分析及解决方法: ①药物本身弹性较强、纤维性药物或因含油类成分较多。可加入糖粉以减少纤维弹性,加强黏合作用或增加油类药物的吸收剂,充分混匀后压片。 ②黏合剂或润湿剂不当或用量不够,颗粒在压片时粘着力差。 ③颗粒太干、含结晶水药物失去过多造成裂片,解决方法与松片相同。 ④有些结晶型药物,未经过充分的粉碎。可将此类药物充分粉碎后制粒。 ⑤细粉过多、润滑剂过量引起的裂片,粉末中部分空气不能及时逸出而被压在片剂内,当解除压力后,片剂内部空气膨胀造成裂片,可筛去部分细粉与适当减少润滑剂用量加以克服。 ⑥压片机压力过大,反弹力大而裂片;车速过快或冲模不符合要求,冲头有长短,中部磨损,其中部大于上下部或冲头向内卷边,


生产过程中常见问题和处理方法 一、质量问题 制剂生产过程由于种种原因造成制剂的质量不合格,尤其是在片剂生产中,造成片剂质量问题的因素更多。现仅对片剂、胶囊剂及注射剂生产中可能产生质量问题的原因及解决方法作介绍。 (一)片剂生产过程中可能发生问题的分析及解决方法 1.松片 片剂压成后,硬度不够,表面有麻孔,用手指轻轻加压即碎裂,原因分析及解决方法: ①药物粉碎细度不够、纤维性或富有弹性药物或油类成分含量较多而混合不均匀。可将药物粉碎过100目筛、选用黏性较强的黏合剂、适当增加压片机的压力、增加油类药物吸收剂充分混匀等方法加以克服。 ②黏合剂或润湿剂用量不足或选择不当,使颗粒质地疏松或颗粒粗细分布不匀,粗粒与细粒分层。可选用适当黏合剂或增加用量、改进制粒工艺、多搅拌软材、混均颗粒等方法加以克服。 ; ③颗粒含水量太少,过分干燥的颗粒具有较大的弹性、含有结晶水的药物在颗粒干燥过程中失去较多的结晶水,使颗粒松脆,容易松裂片。故在制粒时,按不同品种应控制颗粒的含水量。如制成的颗粒太干时,可喷入适量稀乙醇(50%—60%),混匀后压片。 ④药物本身的性质。密度大压出的片剂虽有一定的硬度,但经不起碰撞和震摇。如次硝酸铋片、苏打片等往往易产生松片现象;密度小,流动性差,可压性差,重新制粒。 ⑤颗粒的流动性差,填入模孔的颗粒不均匀。 ⑥有较大块或颗粒、碎片堵塞刮粒器及下料口,影响填充量。 ⑦压片机械的因素。压力过小,多冲压片机冲头长短不齐,车速过快或加料斗中颗粒时多时少。可调节压力、检查冲模是否配套完整、调整车速、勤加颗粒使料斗内保持一定的存量等方法克服。 2.裂片 片剂受到震动或经放置时,有从腰间裂开的称为腰裂;从顶部裂开的称为顶裂,腰裂和顶裂总称为裂片,原因分析及解决方法: ①药物本身弹性较强、纤维性药物或因含油类成分较多。可加入糖粉以减少纤维弹性,加强黏合作用或增加油类药物的吸收剂,充分混匀后压片。 \ ②黏合剂或润湿剂不当或用量不够,颗粒在压片时粘着力差。 ③颗粒太干、含结晶水药物失去过多造成裂片,解决方法与松片相同。 ④有些结晶型药物,未经过充分的粉碎。可将此类药物充分粉碎后制粒。 ⑤细粉过多、润滑剂过量引起的裂片,粉末中部分空气不能及时逸出而被压在片剂内,当解除压力后,片剂内部空气膨胀造成裂片,可筛去部分细粉与适当减少润滑剂用量加以克服。 ⑥压片机压力过大,反弹力大而裂片;车速过快或冲模不符合要求,冲头有长短,中部磨损,其中部大于上下部或冲头向内卷边,均可使片剂顶出时造成裂片。可调节压力与车速,改进冲模配套,及时检查调换。 ⑦压片室室温低、湿度低,易造成裂片,特别是黏性差的药物容易产生。调节空调系统可以解决。 3.粘冲与吊冲


片剂生产松片、裂片、粘冲与吊冲、片重差异超限的原因 及解决方案 在药品生产的一线,常常会遇到各种各样的小问题,而就是这些细节,往往能影响产品的质量水准。本文从实际经验出发,对于片剂 生产中出现的“病症”给与诊断分析,并给出了详实“处方”。希 望能给一线生产人员提供一定的帮助。 1:病症:松片,即片剂压成后,硬度不够,表面有麻孔,用手指轻 轻加压即碎裂。 处方: ①药物粉碎细度不够、纤维性或富有弹性药物或油类成分含量较多 而混合不均匀。可将药物粉碎过100目筛、选用黏性较强的黏合剂、适当增加压片机的压力、增加油类药物吸收剂充分混匀等方法加以 克服。 ②黏合剂或润湿剂用量不足或选择不当,使颗粒质地疏松或颗粒粗 细分布不匀,粗粒与细粒分层。可选用适当黏合剂或增加用量、改 进制粒工艺、多搅拌软材、混均颗粒等方法加以克服。 ③颗粒含水量太少,过分干燥的颗粒具有较大的弹性、含有结晶水 的药物在颗粒干燥过程中失去较多的结晶水,使颗粒松脆,容易松 裂片。故在制粒时,按不同品种应控制颗粒的含水量。如制成的颗 粒太干时,可喷入适量稀乙醇(50%- 60%),混匀后压片。 ④药物本身的性质。密度大压出的片剂虽有一定的硬度,但经不起 碰撞和震摇。如次硝酸铋片、苏打片等往往易产生松片现象;密度小,流动性差,可压性差,重新制粒。 ⑤颗粒的流动性差,填入模孔的颗粒不均匀。 ⑥有较大块或颗粒、碎片堵塞刮粒器及下料口,影响填充量。 ⑦压片机械的因素。压力过小,多冲压片机冲头长短不齐,车速过 快或加料斗中颗粒时多时少。可调节压力、检查冲模是否配套完整、调整车速、勤加颗粒使料斗内保持一定的存量等方法克服。 2:病症:裂片,即片剂受到震动或经放置时,从腰间裂开的称为腰裂;顶部裂开的称为顶裂,腰裂和顶裂总称为裂片。


高中英语作文:抄袭 导读:本文高中英语作文:抄袭,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 Recently, a famous case was closed. The case was about a screenwriter plagiarizing another writer’s novel. The public kept their eyes on this case, most people believed that the screenwriter indeed plagiarized someone’s work, because the story he wrote had some much similarity with another writer’s play. The screenwriter denied that he had copied other writer’s work. What he said made the writer very angry, the writer charged the screenwriter. Now the result came out, the writer won the case and the screenwriter had to apologize. Plagiarizing someone’s work is a serious crime, it is not respectful to others and steal people’s work. Such behavior should be condemned strongly. 最近,一单的案子结案了。此案是关于一位编剧抄袭另一个作家的小说。大众关着这件案子,大多数人认为编剧确实抄袭别人的作品,因为他写的故事和另一个作家的戏剧有很多相似性。编剧否认他抄袭其他作家的作品。他所说的让作家很生气,作家起诉了编剧。现在结果出来了,作家打赢了官司,编剧就此案道歉。剽窃别人的作品是一种严重的犯罪,****别人的作品是不尊重他人的表现。这种行为应该受到谴责。


片剂裂片得原因及解决方法 片剂受到震动或经放置后从腰间裂开称“裂片”,从顶部脱落一层称“顶裂”、其产生原因及解决办法为: 1、压片物料细粉过多,或颗粒过粗、过细;或原料为针、片状结晶,且结晶过大,粘合剂未进入晶体内部引起裂片,可采用与松片相同得处理方法医学教育`网搜集整理。 2、颗粒中油类成分较多或药物含纤维成分较多时易引起裂片,可分别加用吸收剂或糖粉克服。 3、颗粒过干或药物失去过多结晶水引起裂片,可喷洒适量稀乙醇湿润,或与含水量较大得颗粒掺合后压片。 4、冲模不合要求,如模圈因磨擦而造成中间孔径大于口部直径,片剂顶出时易裂片、冲头摩损向内卷边,上冲与模圈不吻合,压力不均匀,使片剂部分受压过大而造成顶裂,可更换冲模解决、 5、压力过大,或车速过快,颗粒中空气未逸出造成裂片,可调节压力或减慢车速克服。 一:松片 松片就是压片时经常遇到得问题,会影响压片与包衣。松片主要与颗粒质量、压片机运行有密切得关系、颗粒质量就是压好片子得关键,因此,制粒工艺对于片剂质量尤为重要。影响颗粒质量得因素主要有以下几方面: 1. 中药材成分得影响、如有些中药材中含有大量得纤维成分。由于这些药材弹性大、黏性小,致使颗粒松散、片子硬度低、对此,在实际操作中可采用适宜得溶媒及方法,将此类药材中得有效成分提取浓缩,再进行颗粒制备,以降低颗粒弹性,提高可压性,进而提高片剂硬度;对含油脂量大得药材,压片亦易引起松片,如果这些油脂属有效成分,制粒时应加入适量吸收剂(如碳酸钙)等来吸油,如果这些油脂为无效成分,可用压榨法或其她脱脂法脱脂,减少颗粒油量,增加其内聚力,从而提高片子硬度。 2. 中药材粉碎度得影响。如果中药材细粉不够细,制成得颗粒黏结性不强,易使片剂松散。因此,药粉要具有一定细度,这就是制好颗粒、压好药片得前提。 3。黏合剂与湿润剂得影响。黏合剂与湿润剂在制粒中占有重要地位,其品种得选择与用量正确与否,都直接影响颗粒质量。选择黏合剂、湿润剂应视药粉性质而定,如就是全生药粉压片,应选择黏性强得黏合剂,如就是全浸膏压片,而浸膏粉中树脂黏液质成分较多,则必须选用80%以上浓度得乙醇作湿润剂。黏合剂用量太少,则颗粒细粉过多,会产生松片。 4、颗粒中水分得影响。颗粒中得水分对片剂有很大影响,适量得水分能增加脆碎粒子得塑性变形,减少弹性,有利于压片,而过干得颗粒弹性大、塑性小,难以被压成片。但如果含水量太高,也会使药片松软,甚至黏冲或堵塞料斗,从而影响压片。故每一种中药片剂其颗粒含水量必须控制在适宜范围。 另外,如果由于压片机运行时压力不足、压片机运行转速过快、冲头长短不齐而出现松片现象,可适当调大压力或减慢转速、更换冲头、如压力足够而仍出现松片现象,则应考虑其她原因,切勿强加压力,以免损害压片机。 二:裂片


以抄袭为话题的大学英语作文 以抄袭为话题的大学英语作文 Academic Plagiarism Nowadays, the problem of academic plagiarism becomes more and more serious. In orderto earn academic titles, some teachers plagiarize others' academic papers; in order tograduate smoothly, some college students plagiarize others' graduation papers. Everything hasits reasons; academic plagiarism is no exception. First, college authorities put too much emphasis on papers while conferring academic titlesand graduating students. Second, modern technology makes it unprecedentedly easy to getinformation and materials. Some plagiarists who are morally corrupt can't resist thetemptation and decide to take risks. Third, the system of censorship and penalty are farfrom being strict, encouraging plagiarism to some extent. Plagiarism causes many bad results. On the one hand, plagiarism infringes original writers'right and it is unfair for teachers and students who don't plagiarize. On the other hand,plagiarism may spread negative thoughts



片剂及其生产过程中常见问题和处理方法 于亮1 马飞2 (1.山东聊城建设学校,山东聊城252000;2.聊城万合工业制造有限公司,山东聊城252022) 摘要:通过对片剂及片剂生产过程中可能出现的问题和处理方法简单介绍,阐述了片剂生产过程中造成质量问题的诸多因素,为保证片剂质量提供了一些解决和预防的办法和经验。 关键词:片剂;片重超差;问题;处理方法 1 片剂 片剂可定义为用压制或模制的方法制成的含药物的固体制剂,可用稀释剂,也可不用。从19世纪后期开始片剂已经广泛使用并一直深受欢迎,到19世纪末随着压片设备的出现和不断改进,片剂的生产和应用得到了迅速的发展。近十几年来,片剂生产技术与机械设备方面也有较大的发展,如沸腾制粒、全粉末直接压片、半薄膜包衣、新辅料、新工艺等。总之,目前片剂已成为品种多、产量大、用途广,使用和贮运方便,质量稳定的剂型之一,片剂在中国以及其他许多国家的药典所收载的制剂总量中,均占1/3以上,可见应用之广。 1.1 片剂的特点 1.1.1 片剂的优点 (1)一般情况下片剂的溶出速率及生物利用度较丸剂好; (2)剂量准确,片剂内药物含量差异较小; (3)质量稳定,片剂为干燥固体,且某些易氧化变质及潮解的药物可借包衣加以保护,所以光线、空气、水分等对其影响较小; (4)携带、运输、服用较为方便; (5)可实现机械化生产,产量大,成本低,卫生标准也容易达到。 1.1.2 片剂的缺点 (1)片剂中药物的溶出速率较散剂及胶囊剂慢,其生物利用度稍差些; (2)儿童和昏迷病人不易吞服; (3)含挥发性成分的片剂贮存较久时含量下降。

Aviod cheating 拒绝抄袭 英语作文

中西医临床医学吴雪楠QQ962230662 Avoid cheating A piece of news in 20th March reported that students in India are used to cheating in exams even their parents help them cheat by deleting the cheat sheets through the windows to their children like the Spider-Man. The first light through my mind was that the country is so crazy! However, when I came to the end of the website, I find a piece of related news said that a school in Hubei Province moved the examination room to a forest in order to prevent students from cheating. That’s terrib le. As I know, cheating in exams is the most serious problem in my university——if you do, you lose everything. But, the phenomenon still exists no matter what actions you take. That’s the cause of a debate ——whether the cheat should be tolerated or not? A t the beginning, I don’t think it meaningful to argue because in conventional moral domain it’s an unfair deal to other people who achieve the marks on their own. And, the exams in schools are just the first step to more academic dishonesty, professional misconduct, and unethical business practice in the future. Nobody would like to live in a world filling by unreal things I guess. However, there is always some different voice. Some people think that cheating in exams is not such a terrible thing because students will get higher scores by it. To bend it is impossible to educators, and some students will have inimical emotions to teachers because this behavior destroys the basic trust between the two groups. Maybe you also think this opinion ridiculous as I do. However, “anything existing must be reasonable”. Cheating is not a good thing, but how to deal with it is harder to be good. So, to my mind, cheating shouldn’t be tolerated at any time. Meanwhile, educators should come out better solutions to prevent the behavior at the very beginning.


片剂裂片的原因及解决方法 片剂受到震动或经放置后从腰间裂开称“裂片”,从顶部脱落一层称“顶裂”。其产生原因及解决办法为: 1、压片物料细粉过多,或颗粒过粗、过细;或原料为针、片状结晶,且结晶过大,粘合剂未进入晶体内部引起裂片,可采用与松片相同的处理方法医学教育`网搜集整理。 2、颗粒中油类成分较多或药物含纤维成分较多时易引起裂片,可分别加用吸收剂或糖粉克服。 3、颗粒过干或药物失去过多结晶水引起裂片,可喷洒适量稀乙醇湿润,或与含水量较大的颗粒掺合后压片。 4、冲模不合要求,如模圈因磨擦而造成中间孔径大于口部直径,片剂顶出时易裂片。冲头摩损向内卷边,上冲与模圈不吻合,压力不均匀,使片剂部分受压过大而造成顶裂,可更换冲模解决。 5、压力过大,或车速过快,颗粒中空气未逸出造成裂片,可调节压力或减慢车速克服。 一:松片 松片是压片时经常遇到的问题,会影响压片与包衣。松片主要与颗粒质量、压片机运行有密切的关系。颗粒质量是压好片子的关键,因此,制粒工艺对于片剂质量尤为重要。影响颗粒质量的因素主要有以下几方面:

1. 中药材成分的影响。如有些中药材中含有大量的纤维成分。由于这些药材弹性大、黏性小,致使颗粒松散、片子硬度低。对此,在实际操作中可采用适宜的溶媒及方法,将此类药材中的有效成分提取浓缩,再进行颗粒制备,以降低颗粒弹性,提高可压性,进而提高片剂硬度;对含油脂量大的药材,压片亦易引起松片,如果这些油脂属有效成分,制粒时应加入适量吸收剂(如碳酸钙)等来吸油,如果这些油脂为无效成分,可用压榨法或其他脱脂法脱脂,减少颗粒油量,增加其内聚力,从而提高片子硬度。 2. 中药材粉碎度的影响。如果中药材细粉不够细,制成的颗粒黏结性不强,易使片剂松散。因此,药粉要具有一定细度,这是制好颗粒、压好药片的前提。 3. 黏合剂与湿润剂的影响。黏合剂与湿润剂在制粒中占有重要地位,其品种的选择和用量正确与否,都直接影响颗粒质量。选择黏合剂、湿润剂应视药粉性质而定,如是全生药粉压片,应选择黏性强的黏合剂,如是全浸膏压片,而浸膏粉中树脂黏液质成分较多,则必须选用80%以上浓度的乙醇作湿润剂。黏合剂用量太少,则颗粒细粉过多,会产生松片。 4. 颗粒中水分的影响。颗粒中的水分对片剂有很大影响,适量的水分能增加脆碎粒子的塑性变形,减少弹性,有利于压片,而过干的颗粒弹性大、塑性小,难以被压成片。但如果含水量太高,也会使药片松软,甚至黏冲或堵塞料斗,从而影响压片。故每一种中药片剂


Defining and Avoiding Plagiarism: The WPA Statement on Best Practices Download a PDF version of this document. Plagiarism has always concerned teachers and administrators, who want students’ work to repre sent their own efforts and to reflect the outcomes of their learning. However, with the advent of the Internet and easy access to almost limitless written material on every conceivable topic, suspicion of student plagiarism has begun to affect teachers at all levels, at times diverting them from the work of developing students’ writing, reading, and critical thinking abilities. This statement responds to the growing educational concerns about plagiarism in four ways: by defining plagiarism; by suggesting some of the causes of plagiarism; by proposing a set of responsibilities (for students, teachers, and administrators) to address the problem of plagiarism; and by recommending a set of practices for teaching and learning that can significantly reduce the likelihood of plagiarism. The statement is intended to provide helpful suggestions and clarifications so that instructors, administrators, and students can work together more effectively in support of excellence in teaching and learning. What Is Plagiarism? In instructional settings, plagiarism is a multifaceted and ethically complex problem. However, if any definition of plagiarism is to be helpful to administrators, faculty, and students, it needs to be as simple and direct as possible within the context for which it is intended. Definition: In an instructional setting, plagiarism occurs when a writer deliberately uses someone else’s language,ideas, or other original (not common-knowledge) material without acknowledging its source. This definition applies to texts published in print or on-line, to manuscripts, and to the work of other student writers. Most current discussions of plagiarism fail to distinguish between:


制剂生产过程中常见问题和处 理方法doc20 制剂生产过程中常见问题和处理方法 一、质量问题 制剂生产过程由于种种原因造成制剂的质量不合格,尤其是在片剂生产中,造成片剂质量问题的因素更多。现仅对片剂、胶囊剂及注射剂生产中可能产生质量问题的原因及解决方法作介绍。 (一)片剂生产过程中可能发生问题的分析及解决方法 1.松片 片剂压成后,硬度不够,表面有麻孔,用手指轻轻加压即碎裂, 原因分析及解决方法: ①药物粉碎细度不够、纤维性或富有弹性药物或油类成分含量较多而混合不均匀。可将药物粉碎过100目筛、选用黏性较强的黏合剂、适当增加压片机的压力、增加油类药物吸收剂充分混匀等方法加以克服。

②黏合剂或润湿剂用量不足或选择不当,使颗粒质地疏松或颗粒粗细分布不匀,粗粒与细粒分层。可选用适当黏合剂或增加用量、改进制粒工艺、多搅拌软材、混均颗粒等方法加以克服。 ③颗粒含水量太少,过分干燥的颗粒具有较大的弹性、含有结 晶水的药物在颗粒干燥过程中失去较多的结晶水,使颗粒松脆,容易松裂片。故在制粒时,按不同品种应控制颗粒的含水量。如制成的颗粒太干时,可喷入适量稀乙醇(50汇60%,混匀后压片。 ④药物本身的性质。密度大压出的片剂虽有一定的硬度,但经 不起碰撞和震摇。如次硝酸铋片、苏打片等往往易产生松片现象;密度小,流动性差,可压性差,重新制粒。 ⑤颗粒的流动性差,填入模孔的颗粒不均匀。 ⑥有较大块或颗粒、碎片堵塞刮粒器及下料口,影响填充量。 ⑦压片机械的因素。压力过小,多冲压片机冲头长短不齐,车速过快或加料斗中颗粒时多时少。可调节压力、检查冲模是否配套完整、调整车速、勤加颗粒使料斗内保持一定的存量等方法克服。 2.裂片 片剂受到震动或经放置时,有从腰间裂开的称为腰裂;从顶部裂开的称为顶裂,腰裂和顶裂总称为裂片,原因分析及解决方法: ①药物本身弹性较强、纤维性药物或因含油类成分较多。可加入糖粉以减少纤维弹性,加强黏合作用或增加油类药物的吸收剂,充分混匀后压片。 ②黏合剂或润湿剂不当或用量不够,颗粒在压片时粘着力差。


【篇一】关于英语作文句子摘抄 1.as an old saying goes,....正如一句古老的谚语所说 2....be nothing but... ....不过就是... 3.from where i stand.... 从我的立场来说 4.give oneself a chance to.....给某人一个机会去... 5.i feel sure that...我坚信... 6....is the best way to make sure that....确保...的办法是... 7.we must do our absolute best to....我们必须竭尽全力做... 8.there is no denying the fect that...无可否认.... 9.nothing is more+adj.+than to+v.没有比...更重要的了 10.主语+cannot emphasize the importance of....too much 再怎么强调..的重要性也不为过 11....pose a great threat to... ...对..造成了一大威胁(eg.Pollution poses a great threat to our existance.) 12.stole the spotlight from...从...获得大众的瞩目 13....touch sb. on the raw ....触到某人的痛处 14.it is not uncommon that... 这是常有的事儿。 15it is almost impossible to do.. 是很困难的 16the recent research has shown that..最近研究表明。 17...has/have no alternative but to...除...外别无选择 18....between the devil and the deep blue sea 进退维谷,左右为难 19.content in the thought that...满足于...的想法 【篇二】关于英语作文句子摘抄


片剂产生松片,裂片,粘冲与吊冲,片重差异超限的原因及解决办法 在药品生产的一线,常常会遇到各种各样的问题,而就是这些细节,往往能影响产品的质量水准。本文从实际经验出发,对于片剂生产中出现的“病症”给予诊断分析,并给出了详细“处方”。希望能给一线生产人员提供一定的帮助。 一,松片:即片挤压成后,硬度不够,表面有嘛空,用手轻压即碎裂。 1,药物粉碎细度不够,纤维性或富含弹性药物或油类成分含量较多而混合不均匀。可将药物粉碎过100目筛,选用黏性较强的粘合剂,适当增加压片机压力,增加油类药物吸收剂充分混匀等方法加以克服。 2,粘合剂或润湿剂用量不足或选择不当,使颗粒质地疏松或颗粒粗细分布不均,粗粒与细粒分层。可选用适当粘合剂或增加用量,改进制粒工艺,多搅拌软材,混匀颗粒等方法加以克服。 3,颗粒含水量太少,过分干燥的颗粒具有较大的弹性,含有结晶水的药物在克里干燥的过程中容易失去较多的结晶水,使颗粒松脆,容易裂片。故在制粒时,按不同品种应控制颗粒的含水量。如制成的颗粒太干时,可喷入适量稀乙醇(50%-60%),混匀后压片。4,药物本身性质。密度大压出的片剂虽有一定的硬度,但经不起碰撞和震摇。入次硝酸铋片,苏打片等往往易产生松片现象;密度小,流动性差,可压性差,重新制粒。 5,颗粒的流动性差,填入膜孔的颗粒不均匀。 6,有较大块或颗粒,碎片堵塞刮料器及下料口,影响填充量。 7,压片机的因素。压力过小,多冲压片机冲头长短不齐,车速过快或加料斗中颗粒时多时少。可调节压力,检查冲模是否配套完整,调整车速,勤加颗粒使料斗内保持一定的存量等方法克服。 二,裂片:即片剂受到震动或经放置时,从腰间裂开的称腰裂:顶部裂开的称顶裂 1,药物本身弹性较强,纤维性药物或因油类成分见多。可加入糖粉以减少纤维弹性,加强粘合作用或增加油类药物的吸收剂,充分混匀后压片。 2,粘合剂或润湿剂不当或用量不够,颗粒在压片时黏着力差。 3,颗粒太干,含结晶水药物失去过多造成裂片,解决办法同松片。 4,有些结晶性药物,未经过充分的粉碎。可将此类药物充分粉碎后制粒。 5,细粉过多,润滑剂过量引起裂片,粉末中部分空气不能及时逸出而被压在片剂内,当接触压力后,片剂内部空气膨胀造成裂片,可筛去部分细分或适当减少润滑剂用量加以克服。 6,压片机压力过大,反弹力大而裂片;车速过快或冲模不符合要求,冲头有长短,中部磨损,其中部大于上下部或冲头向内卷边,均可使片剂顶出时造成裂片。可调节压力与车速,改进冲模配套,及时检查调换。 7,压片室室温低,湿度低,一造成裂片,特别是粘性差的药物容易产生。调节空调系统可以解决。 三,粘冲与吊冲:即压片时片剂表面细粉被冲头或冲模粘附,只是表面不光,不平有凹痕,刻字冲头更易发生粘冲现象。吊冲边的边缘粗糙哟纹路。 1,颗粒含水量过多,含引湿性易受潮的药物,操作室温度与湿度过高易产生粘冲。应注意适当干燥,降低操作室温度,湿度避免引湿性药物受潮等。 2,润滑剂用量过少或含量不均,细粉过多。应适当增加润滑剂用量或充分混合,解决粘冲问题。 3,冲头表面不干净,有防锈油或润滑油,新冲模表面粗糙或刻字太深有菱角。可将冲头搽干净,调换不合规格的冲模或用微量液状石蜡在刻字冲头表面是字面润滑。此外,入为机械发热造成粘冲时应检查原因,检修设备。

抄袭作业 的英语作文

Copying others’homework has long been around us . Of course, diverse excuse can be employed to make us feel better—too much schoolwork, too tight schedule, to sleepy ourselves and so on. We have to admit these causes as reasonable, but where will copying lead us to ? There is no doubting a copier will achieve nothing in the end. In fact, Everyone knows about the terrible subsequences (results) of being a homework-copying thief, we just do not take it seriously . So our achievements suffered greatly . Each time we have such a bad idea, think more out what we are doing , what our parents are working for, smiles and flowers available to no https://www.wendangku.net/doc/6f14683275.html,pletely saying bye to the bad habit at once may seem difficult , but not get frustrated, as long as we are determined , each time we changed a little . One day , our little steps will definitely add up to a great success.


表碎片起因及解决办法 跟表碎片有关的基础知识: 什么是水线(High Water Mark)? ---------------------------- 所有的oracle段(segments,在此,为了理解方便,建议把segment作为表的一个同义词) 都有一个在段内容纳数据的上限,我们把这个上限称为"high water mark"或HWM。这个HWM是一个标记,用来说明已经有多少没有使用的数据块分配给这个segment。HWM通常增长的幅度为一次5个数据块,原则上HWM只会增大,不会缩小,即使将表中的数据全部删除,HWM还是为原值,由于这个特点,使HWM很象一个水库的历史最高水位,这也就是HWM的原始含义,当然不能说一个水库没水了,就说该水库的历史最高水位为0。但是如果我们在表上使用了truncate命令,则该表的HWM会被重新置为0。 HWM数据库的操作有如下影响: a) 全表扫描通常要读出直到HWM标记的所有的属于该表数据库块,即使该表中没有任何数据。 b) 即使HWM以下有空闲的数据库块,键入在插入数据时使用了append关键字,则在插入时使用HWM以上的数据块,此时HWM会自动增大。 如何知道一个表的HWM? a) 首先对表进行分析: ANALYZE TABLE ESTIMATE/COMPUTE STATISTICS; b) SELECT blocks, empty_blocks, num_rows FROM user_tables WHERE table_name = ; BLOCKS 列代表该表中曾经使用过得数据库块的数目,即水线。 EMPTY_BLOCKS 代表分配给该表,但是在水线以上的数据库块,即从来没有使用的数据块。 让我们以一个有28672行的BIG_EMP1表为例进行说明: 1) SQL> SELECT segment_name,segment_type,blocks FROM dba_segments WHERE segment_name='BIG_EMP1'; SEGMENT_NAME SEGMENT_TYPE BLOCKS EXTENTS ----------------------------- ----------------- ---------- ------- BIG_EMP1 TABLE 1024 2 1 row selected. 2) SQL> ANALYZE TABLE big_emp1 ESTIMATE STATISTICS; Statement processed. 3) SQL> SELECT table_name,num_rows,blocks,empty_blocks


Many people think of plagiarism as copying another’s work, or borrowing someone else’s original ideas. But terms like “copying” and “borrowing” can disguise the seriousness of the offense: According to the Merriam-Webster OnLine Dictionary, to “plagiarize” means 1)to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own 2)to use (another's production) without crediting the source 3)to commit literary theft 4)to present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source. In other words, plagiarism is an act of fraud. It involves both stealing someone else’s work and lying about it afterward. But can words and ideas really be stolen? According to U.S. law, the answer is yes. In the United States and many other countries, the expression of original ideas is considered intellectual property, and is protected by copyright laws, just like original inventions. Almost all forms of expression fall under copyright protection as long as they are recorded in some media (such as a book or a computer file). All of the following are considered plagiarism: ?turning in someone else’s work as your own ?copying words or ideas from someone else without giving credit ?failing to put a quotation in quotation marks ?giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation ?changing words but copying the sentence structure of a source without giving credit ?copying so many words or ideas from a source that it makes up the majority of your work, whether you give credit or not (see our section on “fair use” rules) Attention! Changing the words of an original source is not sufficient to prevent plagiarism. If you have retained the essential idea of an original source, and have not cited it, then no matter how drastically you may have altered its context or presentation, you have still plagiarized Most cases of plagiarism can be avoided, however, by citing sources. Simply acknowledging that certain material has been borrowed, and providing your audience with the information necessary to find that source, is usually enough to prevent plagiarism.

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