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Module 6 每课一练

Module 6 每课一练

Unit 1

Ⅰ. 请根据句意及首字母提示补全所缺单词。

1. They like snow so they go s________ in Switzerland every winter.

2. This story is more i_________ than that one.

3. The young men like s________ , such as football, basketball, table tennis, etc.

4. In summer swimming is very p________ . Many people like it.

5. The film is very e ____________ .

Ⅱ. 请选用方框中的单词填空,每词限用一次。

1. It is __________ to play football in the street.

2. He is a man full of __________ .

3. In China table tennis is more popular than____________ .

4. There will be the 30th __________ Games in London in 2012.

5. It is not ____________for you to swim in the river alone (独自地).

Ⅲ. 请根据汉语意思完成下列英语句子,每空一词。

1. 玛丽擅长体操。

Mary ___________ ___________ _________ gymnastics.

2. 你最喜爱哪项运动?

________ _________ do you like ____________?

3. 跑步是累人的。

Running is ____________ .

4. 体育运动现在越来越受欢迎。

Sports are __________ ___________ ___________ popular now.

5. 排球是我最喜爱的运动。

V olleyball is ________ __________ ____________ .

Ⅳ. 请根据对话情景在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意义连贯、完整。

A: Do you like English?

B: (1)_________. It’s my favourite subject.

A: (2) ___________?

B: No, it isn’t. I think it is easy to learn English. (3) __________ ?

A: My favourite subject is history. Are you good at chemistry?

B: (4) ___________ . What about you?

A: I am good at chemistry, too. (5)____________ . B: Oh, no, chemistry is interesting and English is also interesting.

Unit 2

Ⅰ. 请根据句意及括号内的汉语提示写出所缺单词。

1. He’ll ___________ (到达) in Shanghai at 8 o’clock.

2. Many ___________ (游客) come to my hometown every year.

3. I will wait for Mr Wang __________ (直到……时) eleven o’clock.

4. I will____________ (继续) my work if it doesn’t rain this afternoon.

5. The ____________ (委员会) is going to close three factories next week.

Ⅱ. 请用所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. Can you speak English___________ (well)?

2. Daming doesn’t study so___________ (hard) as Li Ying.

3. The problem is not difficult, and you can do it ___________ (easy).

4. Please speak___________ (loud), because I can’t hear you.

5. The film will begin soon. Let’s go there___________ (quick).

Ⅲ. 请根据汉语意思完成下列英语句子,每空一词(含缩写)。

1. 你不必去打篮球。

You _________ __________ _______ ________ basketball.

2. 他叔叔打算明天前往广州。

His uncle is going to __________ ____________ Guangzhou tomorrow.

3. 安娜经常带领一些游客游览颐和园。

Anna often __________ __________ _________ __________the Summer Palace. 4. 虽然他学习认真,可是做作业却马虎。

He studies ___________ ,_____________ , he does his homework___________ .

5. 在教室后面很难看清黑板上的字。

It is difficult to see the words on the blackboard clearly __________ ________

__________ _________ the classroom.

Ⅳ. 请根据短文及首字母提示补全单词,使短文意思完整、通顺。

My name is Li Ming. I am a s_________(1) of Guangming Middle School. I like English and I am g_________(2) at it. I think English is easy to l__________ (3) and it is more interesting than chemistry. H__________(4), some of my friends think chemistry is more interesting than English.

Every day I get to school e____________ (5) and sit in the front, so I can see and hear the teacher c ___________(6). I don’t like to sit at the back, b__________ (7) I can’t see or hear clearly at the back. In class I l___________ (8) to my teachers carefully. After class, I do my homework carefully at home. I always c_________ (9) my English book in my bag, so I can read it when I am f __________ (10).

Unit 3


slow, bad, quiet, clearly, dangerous

1. Jenny can’t see the words on the blackboard _________.

2. The old man often sits in the room ___________after supper alone.

3. He speaks English __________ , so people can’t understand him.

4. Swimming in the sea is more ________ than swimming in the river, I think.

5. He often asks foreign friends to speak English ____________ , because he doesn’t know much English.

Ⅱ. 下面各句中均有一处错误,请指出并在后面的横线上改正。

( )1. Skiing is much dangerous than cycling.

A B C ____________

( )2. Many students in our class like to play the table tennis.

A B C _____________

( )3. David likes to read novels and he too likes to see films.

A B C ______________

( )4. These boys are good to playing football.

A B C ________________ ( )5. I think it is difficulter to learn Chinese than to learn English.

A B C ________________


Unit 1

Ⅰ. 1. skiing 2. interesting 3. sports 4. popular 5. exciting

Ⅱ. 1. dangerous 2. adventure 3. gymnastics 4. Olympic 5. safe Ⅲ. 1. is good at / does well in 2. What sport; best

3. tiring

4. more and more

5. my favourite sport

Ⅳ. 1. Yes, I do

2. Is it difficult to learn English

3. What’s your favourite subject / What about you

4. Yes, I am

5. I think chemistry is more interesting than English

Unit 2

Ⅰ. 1. arrive 2. visitors 3. until 4. continue 5. committee

Ⅱ. 1. well 2. hard 3. easily 4. loudly 5. quickly

Ⅲ. 1. don’t need to play 2. leave for

3. takes / shows some visitors around

4. carefully; however; carelessly

5. at the back of

Ⅳ. 1. student 2. good 3. learn 4. However 5. early

6. clearly

7. because

8. listen

9. carry 10. free

Unit 3

Ⅰ. 1. clearly 2. quietly 3. bad / badly 4. dangerous 5. slowly Ⅱ. 1. B。much改为more 2. C。去掉the

3. C。too改为also

4. B。to改为at

5. B。difficulter改为more difficult



Module 6 Hobbies 单元测试题 Ⅰ. 词汇(共10分,每小题1分) A) 根据句意及首字母提示补全句中所缺单词。 1. Jim made a model plane w________ paper just now. 2. He is a warm and friendly p________, and many people like him. 3. The man enjoys s________ on the sea when the weather is sunny. 4. The red bag m________ be Jenny’s. Her pen and English book are in it. 5. The little boy showed p________ when he got the new bike. B) 根据句意从方框中选出恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。 6. The old man has had great ________ in his life. 7. It’s very hot here. I need a(n) ________ to keep me cool. 8. It’s ________ half past five. You can’t leave now. 9. David put some books on these ________ in his room. 10. Her ________ in life are music, tennis and cooking. Ⅱ. 单项选择(共15分,每小题1分) 从各题后所给的四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ( ) 11. My mother gave me a camera ________ my birthday present last year. A. to B. at C. from D. as ( ) 12. These books are very ________ and I want to collect them. A. value B. valuable C. thank D. thankful ( ) 13. The old man has collected a lot of ________, like pounds and dollars. A. stamps B. pictures C. notes D. cards ( ) 14. Lisa has many friends. Some like fruit and vegetables, but ________ like junk food. A. the other B. others


一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(10分) ()1.A.who B.zoo C.whose ()2.A.fair B.hair C.heart ()3.A.there B.they C.then ()4.A.were B.me C.we ()5.A.parent B.grandma C.grandpa 三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(10分) ()1.A.My sister was young. B.My sister is young. C.My sisters are young. ()2.A.Your little brother is naughty. B.Your little brother was naughty. C.My brother was nine. ()3.A.The cat is fat. B.The cats are fat. C.This cat was fat. ()4.A.My hair is short. B.Your hair is short.

C.My hair is long. ()5.A.Who is the boy? B.Who is the girl? C.Who is the man? 四、听录音,选出正确的答语。(10分) ()1.A.She is Helen. B.It's my father's. C.She is in the classroom. ()2.A.At four. B.It's four. C.At school. ()3.A.He is eating. B.He is ten. C.He is in the kitchen. ()4.A.Yes,he was. B.No,he was. C.It was there. ()5.A.Thank you. B.Yes,I am. C.No,I can't. 六、给下列句子选择正确的译文。(10分) ()1.Li Jie is a naughty boy. A.那时李杰是一个淘气的男孩。B.李杰是一个淘气的男孩。 ()2.My grandparents weren't old then. A.那时我(外)祖父母不老。B.那时我(外)祖父母很老。 ()3.This monkey is very cute.


分式方程第三课时教案 〔第3课时〕 教学目标:会列出分式方程解决简单的实际咨询题,并能依照实际咨询题的意义 检验所得的结果是否合理。 教学重点:如何结合实际分析咨询题,列出分式方程 教学难点:分析过程,得到等量关系 教学方法:探究法 教学过程: 教学活动 集体讨论 一、 复习巩固 1、解分式方程的一样步骤 〔1〕去分母 〔2〕去括号 〔3〕移项,合并同类项 〔4〕系数化为1 〔5〕检验 2、练习: 解方程: 〔1〕13-x =x 4;〔2〕1210-x +x 215-=2. 二、例题讲解 例4.为迎接市中学生田径运动会,打算由某校八年级 〔1〕班的3个小组制作240面彩旗,后因一个小组另有任 务,改由另外两个小组完成制作彩旗的任务。如此,这两个 小组的每个同学就要比原打算多做 4面。假如这3个小组的 人数相等,那么每个小组有多少名学生? 分析:此题中的等量关系是什么? 你会依照等量关系列出分式方程吗? 例5、甲、乙两公司各为〝见义勇为基金会〞捐款30000 元,乙公司比甲公司人均多捐款20元,且甲公司的人数比 乙公司的人数多20%。咨询甲、乙两公司各有多少人? 例6、小明买软面笔记本共用去12元,小丽买硬面笔记 本共用去21元,每本硬面笔记本比软面笔记本贵1。2元, 小明和小丽能买到相同本数的笔记本吗? 总结用分式方程解实际咨询题的一样步骤: (1) 设未知数

(2) 依照题意列方程 (3) 解方程 (4) 检验 (5) 答 学生练习:第68页1、2 三、 思维拓展 某市从今年1月1日起调整居民的用水价格,每立方米 水费上涨3 1。小丽家去年12月份的水费是15元,而今年7月份的水费那么是30元,小丽家今年7月份的用水量比去年12月份的用水量多53m ,求该市今年居民用水的价格。 四、 小结 五、 板书设计 六、 教后记

Module 6单元测试题

Module 6 单元测试 一.读一读,选一选。 1. These are monkey.They are . A. lion B. tiger C.cute 答案:C 解析:此题考查学生对单词的把握 知识点:课本同步单词 难度:较易 关键字:外研版英语一年级下册一课一练Module 6 课本同步单词 2. The lion is big.The lions is . A. short B. long C. small 答案:C 解析:此题考查学生对单词的把握 知识点:课本同步单词 难度:较易 关键字:外研版英语一年级下册一课一练Module 6 课本同步单词 3.Lilei is tall. Lucy is . A. short B. long C. small

答案:A 解析:此题考查学生对单词的把握 知识点:课本同步单词 难度:较易 关键字:外研版英语一年级下册一课一练Module 6 课本同步单词 4.We are fat. They are . A. short B. thin C. tall 答案:B 解析:此题考查学生对单词的把握 知识点:课本同步单词 难度:较易 关键字:外研版英语一年级下册一课一练Module 6 课本同步单词 4.找不同 A. snake B. giraffe C. tall 答案:C 解析:此题考查学生对单词的把握 知识点:课本同步单词 难度:较易 关键字:外研版英语一年级下册一课一练Module 6 课本同步单词 5.找不同 A. strong B. giraffe C. small 答案:B 解析:此题考查学生对单词的把握

Module6 单元过关测试题

Module6 单元过关测试题 一、找出不属于同一类的单词 1.A.school B.home C.morrning D.afternoon 2.A.have B.has C.hat D.sleep 3.A.English B.PE https://www.wendangku.net/doc/6c15269474.html, D.Chinese 4.A.class B.music C.meat D.science 5.A.Chinese B.science C.music D.today 6.A.do B.sleep C.watch D.class 7.A.PE B.art C.has https://www.wendangku.net/doc/6c15269474.html, 8. A.shopping B.swimming C.skipping D.eat. 9.A.in B.on C.at D.and 10.A.today B.Monday C.Sunday D.Saturday 二、单项选择 1.--Do you ride a bike on Monday?-- . A.Yes, I am .. B.No, I don’t C.Yes, I don’t . 2.--What do you do on Monday?-- . A.I ride a bike on Mondays . B.I sleep on Sundays. C.I watch TV on Sundays. 3.Do you watch TV the morning? A.on B.in C.at 4.---- ?---I watch TV in the afternoon. A.What do you do on Sundays? B.What do you do on Mondays? C.What do you do in the afternoon? 5.--Does Lingling like oranges?-- . A.Yes, she does . B.No, he does. C.Yes, I do. 6.What do you do at school?--- . A.Yes, I do B.No, I don’t C.I play football. 7.---What do you have at school?--- . A.I go swimming B. I have music C.I sleep. 8.---What does Lingling have at school today?-- . A.I have Enlish. B.She have Chinese. C.She has maths. 9.--- ----He has music in the morning. A.What do you do at school? B.What do you have in the morning? C.What does Xiaoyong have in th morning? 10.--- Yes, I do. A.Do you go swimming on Mondays? B.What do you do in the morning? C.Does Lingling have a pen? 11.She in the morning. A.sleep B.sleeps C.sleeping 三、连线 A. B. 1.on Monday A.在学校 2.on Sunday B.在下午 3.in the morning C.在上午 4.in the afternoon D.在星期日


外研版英语七年级下Module6单元测试题一.单项选择 (35分) ( )1. Could you please_____ me the way to the supermarket? A.show. B.to show. C.showing. D.Shown ()2.--- _____this road, then you will see the hospital. ----Thanks very much. A. Get along B. Take across C.Go along D. Go away ()3.--- _____? ---Go along this road and you will see it on the left. A. How far is the station? B. Which bus can I take? C.Is there a station near here? D. Where is the station? ( )4.---How can I get to the nearest cinema? ——____________________________. A. Sorry, I do not know. B. I can not tell you. C.you will find it. D. It is my favorite. ( )5. Can you see the building the bank? A.next B.over C.across D. opposite ( )6. In England people drive___ A. on the right B. on the left. C. turn left D. in the left ()First you should finish _____ your homework. A.do B.to do C.doing D.Does ( )8.Lucy sits____Mary and Lily. A.next B.over C.between D.opposite ()9.----Excuse me,where is the bookshop? —Go ____the street.It is next to the museum. A.across. B.cross. C.opposite. D.over ( )10. Can you tell me how to get to the underground station? --____ A. There are a lot of people in the underground station.

外研版五年级上册 Module6测试题

2018—2019学年度第一学期 外研版五年级上册Module6教学检测 (完卷时间:40分钟满分:80分) 评分:___________ 一、英译汉。(6分) 1. football team 2. 狂热仰慕者,迷________ 3. good at 4. pass the ball________ 5. run fast 6. jump high________ 二、判断每组单词画线部分的发音是否相同,相同的打“√”不同的打“×”。(5分) ( ) 1. pen apple ( ) 2. dog hand ( ) 3. team great ( ) 4. how now ( ) 5.banana bear 三、根据提示,选择正确的选项补全单词。(4分) ( ) 1. w___l 熟练地 A. al B. el C、le ( ) 2.th __k 认为 A. in B. en C、an ( ) 3.sw m 游泳 A. a B. u C. o ( ) 4.h lthy 健康的 A. ae B. ea C.ee 四、选出每组中不同类的单词。(5分) ()1、A、pass B、jump C、team ()2、A、catch B、slow C、fast ()3、A、fantastic B、catch C、pass ()4、A. rice B、juice C、milk ()5、A、his B、he C、her 五、单项选择。(10分) ()1.I want to _____ in your football team . A、be B、am C、is ()2.How well do you play basketball ? ---I ____play it at all . I'm not tall. A. can B. can't C. are ()3.You are good ___ _basketball in China . A. in B. at C. on ()4.-- Can you catch the ball ? -- _____. A.No, I can’t. B. Not very well C. Both A and B. ()5.I want to be _____ your basketball team . A. in B. on C. at ()6.I can play football very ______ . A. high B. good C. well ()7.----_____you jump high ? ----Yes, I can . A. Do B. Can C. Are ()8.You can jump ______ high A. bad B. good C. really ()9.I can't pass the ball _____ . A. well B. good C. best ()10.Sam is a _______ goalkeeper. A、fantastic B. well C、really 六、选词填空。(10分) 1. I want _________ a good goalkeeper .(be,to be) 2. I can catch the ball ________ . (good , well)


中考复习:第一章数与式 第3课时分式 【考纲要求】 1能确定分式有意义、无意义和分式的值为零时的条件. 2?能熟练应用分式的基本性质进行分式的约分和通分. 3.能熟练进行分式的四则运算及其混合运算,并会解决与之相关的化简、求值问题. 【命题趋势】 命题反映在分式中主要涉及分式的概念、性质、运算法则及其应用,题型表现为填空题、选择题、化简求值题等形式. 科+网]【知识梳理】(使用多媒体) 一、分式 1. 分式的概念 A 形如B(A, B是整式,且B中含有字母,B M 0)的式子叫做分式. 2. 与分式有关的“三个条件” A A (1)分式?无意义的条件是B = 0; (2)分式&有意义的条件是B M0; A (3)分式B值为零的条件是A= 0且B M 0. 二、分式的基本性质 分式的分子与分母同乘(或除以)一个_______________ 的整式,分式的值不变.用式 子表示是: A A X M A A H M B二A XX M,B二B H M(其中M是不等于0的整式). 三、分式的约分与通分 1. 约分 根据分式的基本性质将分子、分母中的_______________ :勺去,叫做分式的约分. 2. 通分 根据分式的基本性质将几个异分母的分式化为____________________的分式,这种变形叫分式的通分. 四、分式的运算

2 (a + 2)( a — 2) (a — 1) a — 2 a — 再用分式乘法法则计算, 即 b + c = ----------- X --------- = 豐(b = °,C K 0, 2 °) 在分式的加减乘除混合运算中,应先算乘除,进行约分化简后,再进行加减运算, 遇到有括号的,先算括号里面的?运算结果必须是 _______________ 分式或整式?? 【考点例析】 考点一分式的有关概念 2 例1 (1)若—— 分式有意义,贝U a 的取值范围是 a +1 考点三分式的运算、化简求值 个恰当的数作为a 的值代入求值. A . a = ° B . a = 1 D . aK 提示 分式有意义,必须使分母不为零,由此可得 ⑵[2015 ?温州]若分式 丄1的值为零,贝U 2x+2 「 2 > 八 a 的取值范围. x = [解析]由分式的值为零,则 lx -1=0 2x2 = 0 考点二分式的基本性质 例2 [2016义乌]下列计算错误的是( 3 2 r x_y x B 、 F3=_ xy y 0.2a + b 2a + b A 、 = — 0.7a — b 7a — b C 、 a — b x = 一 1 x=-1, 所以x = 1 D 、打2=3 c c c 例3 [2016安顺]先化简代数式1—活 a 2 — 2a + 1 2宁 a a 2—4 ,再从一2, 2, 0三个数中选

六年级上册 Module6单元测试卷及答案-外研版(三起)英语

外研版(三起)英语六年级上册 单元测试卷(含答案) 一、选择题(题型注释) These are postcards. () A.my B.you C.we 2.Can you my friend? () A.be B.is C.are 3.She can _________.() A.dances B.dance C.dancing 4.---Can you fly kites? () --- A.No, I can. B.Yes, I can. C.Yes, I can't. 5.Daming he will write to you soon() A.say B.saying C.says 6.I can send a book. () A.I B.his C.you 7.My mother wants China next year. () A.to visit B.visited C.visits 8.Can we pen friend? () A.in B.be C.are 9.I in New York. () A.on B.in C.live 10.We also go and ride our horse. () A.swims B.swim C.swimming 二、阅读理解 F)。 Last week I went to the cinema. I had a good seat. The film was very interesting. But I didn’t enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear the film. I turned round. I looked at them angrily. But they didn’t see me. At last I could not hear it. I said to them. “I couldn’t hear a word!” “It’s none of your business(没你的事),” the young man said rudely, “this is a private conversation(私人谈话).” https://www.wendangku.net/doc/6c15269474.html,st Sunday I went to the cinema. (______) 12.A young man and a young woman were sitting in front of me. (______) 13.The film was very bad, so I didn’t enjoy it. (______) 14.Two young people weren’t watching the film. (______) 15.From this story we can see that the two young people were kind. (______) 三、翻译 16.a postcard from New York _____________ 17.live in _____________ 18.a Chinese kite _____________ 19.in the park ______________ 20.a book about America ______________ 21.write to ______________ 22.pen friend ______________ 23.a knife and fork ______________ 24.stamps from China _______________ 25.next year ______________ 四、填空题 26.write(现在分词)__________


外研三年级下册Module6测试题 〔时间40分钟.满分100分〕 一、译出下列单词.〔10分〕 1. 做.干_____________ 2. 星期日___________ 3. 吃_____________ 4.在……期间_____________ 5. 睡觉____________ 6.观看_____________ 7. 电视节目____________ 8. 上〔……课〕____________ 9.一节课____________ 10.今天____________ 二、根据句子.将图片与人物匹配起来.〔8分〕 1. Amy likes English. 2. Sam likes Maths. 3. Lingling likes Chinese. 4. Daming likes Science. 三、写出下列单词的第三人称的单数形式.〔9分〕

1. swim _________ 2. like_ ___________ 3. play ___________ 4. go __________ 5. are ___________ 6. sleep __________ 7. have____________ 8. do__________9. watch__________ 四、根据句意写出单词.〔8分〕 1. What do you do _______ school? 2. I ______ art and Chinese. 3. I _____ football and table tennis. 4. What do you do _______ the weekend? 5. We ______ swimming. 6. ______ you play basketball? Yes, I do. 7. I play football ______ the afternoon. 8. They sleep __________ the morning. 五、读一读.写一写.〔20分〕 1. What do you do ______ ______ _______? 〔在周末〕 2. What do you have _______ _______? 〔在学校〕 3. I ______ _______ 〔踢足球〕now. 4. My students _______ _______〔去游泳〕in the afternoon.

5.4 第3课时 分式方程的应用

第3课时分式方程的应用 1.掌握列分式方程解应用题的方法和 步骤,提高学生分析问题和解决问题的能 力;(重点) 2.用分式方程来解决现实情境中的问 题,通过分式方程的应用教学,培养学生数 学应用意识.(难点) 一、情境导入 1.引导学生回顾列方程解应用题的一 般步骤.学生积极思考,并交流、讨论总结 出: 第一步,审清题意; 第二步,根据题意设未知数; 第三步,列式子并找出等量关系,建立 方程; 第四步,列方程,并解出答案; 第五步,检查方程的解是否符合题意; 最后作答. 2.提问:分式方程的应用题应该怎么 解呢? 二、合作探究 探究点:列分式方程解决实际问题 【类型一】工程问题 抗洪抢险时,需要在一定时间内 筑起拦洪大坝,甲队单独做正好按期完成, 而乙队由于人少,单独做则超期3个小时才 能完成.现甲、乙两队合作2个小时后,甲 队又有新任务,余下的由乙队单独做,刚好 按期完成.求甲、乙两队单独完成全部工程 各需多少小时? 解析:设甲队单独完成需要x小时,则 乙队需要(x+3)小时,根据等量关系“甲工 效×2+乙工效×甲队单独完成需要时间= 1”列方程. 解:设甲队单独完成需要x小时,则乙 队需要(x+3)小时.由题意得 2 x+ x x+3 =1.解 得x=6.经检验x=6是方程的解.∴x+3= 9. 答:甲单独完成全部工程需6小时,乙 单独完成全部工程需9小时. 方法总结:解决工程问题的思路方法: 各部分工作量之和等于1,常从工作量和工 作时间上考虑相等关系. 【类型二】行程问题 从广州到某市,可乘坐普通列车 或高铁,已知高铁的行驶路程是400千米, 普通列车的行驶路程是高铁的行驶路程的 1.3倍. (1)求普通列车的行驶路程; (2)若高铁的平均速度(千米/时)是普通 列车平均速度(千米/时)的2.5倍,且乘坐高 铁所需时间比乘坐普通列车所需时间缩短3 小时,求高铁的平均速度. 解析:(1)根据高铁的行驶路程是400 千米和普通列车的行驶路程是高铁的行驶 路程的1.3倍,两数相乘即可;(2)设普通列 车的平均速度是x千米/时,根据高铁所需时 间比乘坐普通列车所需时间缩短3小时,列 出分式方程,然后求解即可. 解:(1)根据题意得400×1.3=520(千 米). 答:普通列车的行驶路程是520千米; (2)设普通列车的平均速度是x千米/时,


一、英汉互译: 1.打棒球________________ 2.成立一支棒球队________________________ 3. 打得彳艮好 _____________ 4.take…into __________________ 5.put …in _______________ 6.a book about America __________________ 7」ook very interesting ____________________ 8.太空旅行 _______________ 9.把……发送进太空___________________ 13.在树上 10. their favourite team ___________ 12. 棒球帽________________ 11. 一本关于美国的书 ___________________ 14.in the spaceship ______________ 15. 骑自行车_______________ 二、写出下列单词的相应形式: 1.give(过去式) _______ 2.send(过去式) _______ 3.interesr(形容 词)________ 4. travel(现在分词) ______________ 5.family(复 数) 6.watch(第三人称单数)7.ride(过去式) 8.one(同音词)9.America(形容词) 10.for( 同音词)11.say( 过去式)12.one(序数词)13.take( 过去式)14.buy(过去式) 15.ate(动词原形) _______ 16.win (过去式) _________ 17.pass (第三人称单数) ______________ 18.China( 形容词)__________ 19.am/is( 过去式) ________ 20.read (过去式) ______________ 三、选择: ( )1.Who _____ it to you ? A. gave B. give C .gi ving ()2.lt ' s ______ playing baseball. A. to B. go C. for ( )3.Daming ' s family gave it ______ me. A. to B. go C. ()4.And I bought these ______ my friends. A. to B.go C.for ( )5.A nd now we can ______ a baseball team. A. hav ing B. had C.have ()6.That one is for ______ little brother. A.Sam ' s B.Sam C. Sams ( )7.You can ' t have this one _______ you can have that one. A. and B. but C.or ( )8.Russia sen t firsr ani mal into space. A. the B.a C, x ( )9.This book ________ interesting. A. see B. look C. looks ()10.Please ________ me a bicycle. A. bought B. buy C. buys ()11.Sam, I bought you a book _______ Can ada. A. about B.to C.for ()12. They are for water. A. drink B.dri nki ng C. drank ( )13. It can take men ________ space. A. on B. into C. at ()14. He is in China _______ his family. A.at B.in C.with ()15.What ' s the book ____________ ? A. in B. for C. about ( )16. Please give the book _____ her. A. for B.to C.with ( )17. I ' ll buy a pen _______ my sister. A. . for B.to C.with


集体备课:八年级数学上册第十五章《分式》 15. 1?分式第1课时教学设计(定稿) 时间:2017年12月20日地点:赵化中学初二办公室主讲:......... 记录: ........ 成员: ......................................................... . 一.教材分析 1.《分式》15.1节的地位和作用: 分式是继整式之后对代数式的进一步研究.15. 1.《分式》内容的学习为今后进一步学习函数和方程等知识起到奠基的作用.《分式》15.1分式的内容分两课时來完成,而第一课时的内容则是分式的起始课,它是在学生学习了整式运算、分解因式的基础上进行的,学好本节课,是今后继续学习分式的性质、分式的运算及解方式方程的前提;其屮对“分式有无意义的讨论”为以后学习反比例函数作了铺垫.且后续的含分式的解答题的正确率一般都较低;分式的涵盖知识点多,技巧性强,是很能考查数学素养的,所以15.1.《分式》内容的学习地位重要. 2.教学目标: (1) .经历用分式表示现实情境中数量关系的过程,能用分式表示实际问题屮的数量关系. (2) .经历自主探索、小组合作交流的过程,归纳分式的概念,明确分式与整式的区别.进一步培养学生代数表达能力和有条理地思考问题的能力. (3) .通过与分数的类比,探究分式有无意义的条件等活动,进一步培养学生运用类比转化的思想解决问题的能力. (4) .利用实际情境,培养学生关注生活,热爱数学的情感,增进学生对数学的理解和应用数学的信心。 3.教学重难点: 教学重点:△式的意义、用分式表示现实情境中的数量关系. 教学难点:分式有无意义条件的讨论.突破重难点的方法是利用丰富多彩的现实情境,让学生充分经历自主探索、小组合作交流的过程,主动地获取知识. 二.教法分析: 根据本节课的教学目标、教材内容以及学生的认知特点,采用启发式、探究式的教学方法.意在帮助学生通过自主探索、合作交流的活动,主动地获取知识,并通过类比、归纳、概扌舌等途径来深化对知识的理解.“数学源于生活,用于生活”是整节课的一条暗线,意在让数学课堂“活”起来,以培养学生的应用意识,体会数学的价值. 三?教学过程设计及意图 (一)?创设情境,导入新课 ⑴.小刚从家到学校有2500米,如果小明骑车每小吋走加米,则小刚从家到学校要走___________ 小吋. (2) .某服装厂购进一批面料,共用了。元,已知这批面料共生产了b件上衣,那么这批上衣每件的面 料成本为 ______________ 元. (3) .三友书店库存一批图书,其屮一种图书的原价是每册加元,现降价兀元销售,当这种图书的库 存全部售出时,其销售额为6元.降价销售开始时,文林书店这种图书的库存量是_______________ 元. (二).自主探究 1 ?问题:认真观察上面的式子,它们还是整式吗?教师再补充一些例子:丄,=,[,???.它们 x-y a+b 3x 有什么共同特点?引导观察: 都有一个分数线(表示除法),分子、分母都是整式;分母中都有含有分母.(可安排小组讨论,)师生共同学习: A A 整式4除以整式B,可以表示成一的形式,如果除式B中含有分母,那么称一为分式;其中A称为分 B B 式的分子,B称为分式的分母

最新北师大版 三年级数学下册 第3课时 队列表演(二) 优质教案

最新北师大版三年级数学下册第3课时队列表演(二)优质教案 第3课时 教学内容:队列表演(二) 教学目标: 1.结合“队列表演”的具体情境,探索两位数乘两位数的竖式计算方法,并能正确地进行计算。 2.能结合点子图说明乘法竖式中每一步的意思,理解算理。 教学重难点:理解两位数乘两位数的算理、并正确计算。 教学过程: 一、情景导学 (课件出示教材第34页的例1) 14×12,能用竖式计算吗? 学生独立尝试用竖式计算,边写边想:这么写的道理 二、探究新知、展示算理 1.理解竖式写法 2.(课件出示教材第34页的例2)看一看、想一想、给大家说一说竖式每一步的意思: (1)把 12 分成 10+2,用个位的 2 乘 14,就是已经学过的一位数乘两位数。十位数字 1 (也就是 1 个 10 )乘 14,所得的积是 14 个 10,因此“4”写在十位上。 (2)还可以简单写成 14 ×12 28 =14×2 140=14×10 168 =28+140 三、知识归纳、精讲点拨 1.列竖式计算两位数乘两位数时,先用第二个乘数个位上的数去乘第一个乘数的各个数位上的数,得数的末位和第二个乘数个位上的数位对齐,再用第二个乘数十位上的数去乘第一个乘数的各个数位上的数,得数是多少个“十”,个位上的0可以省略不写,所以得数的末位和第二个乘数十位对齐,然后把两次乘得的积相加。 2.完成算一算学生独立完成,集体展示,互相评价。 四、拓展应用 1.完成练一练第 1 题。 2.完成练一练第 3 题:看图,说说看懂了什么?独立完成。集体订正。 3.完成练一练第 2 题

4.完成练一练第 4、5 题。 五、总结 师:这节课,你们有什么收获? 板书设计笔算乘法(不进位) 14×12=168 14 ×12 28=14×2 140=14×10 168=28+140 教学反思:两位数乘两位数的笔算对于学生而言是较难理解的,计算时需要进行三层计算。


Module 6 Hobbies 单元测试题 Ⅰ. 词汇(共10分,每小题1分) A) 根据句意及首字母提示补全句中所缺单词。 1. Jim made a model plane w________ paper just now. 2. He is a warm and friendly p________, and many people like him. 3. The man enjoys s________ on the sea when the weather is sunny. 4. Th e red bag m________ be Jenny’s. Her pen and English book are in it. 5. The little boy showed p________ when he got the new bike. B) 根据句意从方框中选出恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。 6. The old man has had great ________ in his life. 7. It’s very hot here. I need a(n) ________ to keep me cool. 8. It’s ________ half past five. You can’t leave now. 9. David put some books on these ________ in his room. 10. Her ________ in life are music, tennis and cooking. Ⅱ. 单项选择(共15分,每小题1分) 从各题后所给的四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ( ) 11. My mother gave me a camera ________ my birthday present last year. A. to B. at C. from D. as ( ) 12. These books are very ________ and I want to collect them. A. value B. valuable C. thank D. thankful ( ) 13. The old man has collected a lot of ________, like pounds and dollars. A. stamps B. pictures C. notes D. cards ( ) 14. Lisa has many friends. Some like fruit and vegetables, but ________ like junk food. A. the other B. others

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