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考研英语2011年阅读Part A Text2高频重点单词详解(上)

考研英语2011年阅读Part A Text2高频重点单词详解(上)


1. 13 Depart [di'pɑ:t]

vi.离开, 起程, 不按照, 逝世;adj.过去的, 逝世的


【短语精选】:depart for (London) 去(伦敦)。depart from 不合(习惯等);背离;违反【真题例句】:When Liam McGee departed as president of Bank of America in August, his explanation was surprisingly straight up. 八月份,当身为美国银行行长的Liam McGee离职时,他的理由令人吃惊地直率。(2011,text 2)

2. 2 Vague [ve?g]

adj. 含糊的, 茫然的, 不清楚的


【短语精选】:a vague answer 含糊的回答

【真题例句】:Rather than cloaking his exit in the usual vague excuses, he came right out and said he was leaving “to pursue my goal of running a company.”他没有用含糊其辞的语言来掩饰离职,而是直接说他“要自己经营公司”。(2011,text 2)

3. 22 Ambition [?m'bi??n]

n.野心, 雄心


【短语精选】:burn with an ambition 野心勃勃

【真题例句】:Broadcasting his ambition was “very much my decision,”McGee says. McGee说发布他的野心是“他自己的决定”。(2011,text 2)

4. 43 Positi on [p?'zi??n]

n.位置, 职位, 立场, 形势, 阵地;vt.安置, 决定...的位置


【短语精选】:take up the position that ... 主张…

【真题例句】:McGee says leaving without a position lined up gave him time to reflect on what kind of company he wanted to run. 没有找好工作就离职能给他时间来思考他想经营一家什么样的公司。(2011,text 2)

5. 18 Reflect [ri'flekt]

v.反射, 反映, 表现, 反省, 细想


【短语精选】:reflect how to get out of a difficulty 盘算怎样渡过难关

【真题例句】:Reporters tend to be part of a broadly defined social and cultural elite, so their work tends to reflect the conventional values of this elite. 因为记者往往被认为是广义上的社会

和文化精英,所以他们的工作也往往反映了这些精英的传统价值观。(2001,text 3)

6. 1 Aspiration [??sp?'rei??n]

n.热望, 渴望

【词根记忆】:a(加强)+spire(呼吸)+ ation(名词后缀)→看到渴望的东西就加强呼吸→渴望,热望

【短语精选】:She had aspirations to be an actress. 她想做女演员。

【真题例句】:It also sent a clear message to the outside world about his aspirations.也给外界传达了他的强烈愿望。(2011,text 2)

7. 1 Scrutinize ['skru?tna?z]

v. 详细检查; 细看


【短语精选】:scrutinize all the documents relating to the trial 仔细审阅与该案审判有关的所有文件.

【真题例句】:As boards scrutinize succession plans in response to shareholder pressure, executives who don’t get the nod also may wish to move on. 作为对股东施压的回应,董事会仔细研究了接替计划,而那些没有被选中的执行官们可能也希望离开。(2011,text 2)

8. 2 Turbulent ['t?:bjul?nt]

adj.狂暴的, 吵闹的


【短语精选】:turbulent weather conditions 恶劣多变的天气状况

【真题例句】:A turbulent business environment also has senior managers cautious of letting vague pronouncements cloud their reputations. 变化多端的商业环境使得高层管理者对于让含糊的声明对他们名誉的影响十分在意。(2011,text 2)

9. 5 Recovery [ri'k?v?ri]

n.恢复, 痊愈, 防御

【词根记忆】:recover(重新获得)+y(名词后缀)→重新获得原来的状态→恢复, 痊愈, 防御

【短语精选】:the team's recovery from defeat 这个队失败後的重新振作

【真题例句】:As the first signs of recovery begin to take hold, deputy chiefs may be more willing to make the jump without a net. 当恢复初露迹象时,名誉主席们可能更愿意在没找好工作的情况下就跳槽。(2011,text 2)

10. 12 Opportunity [??p?'tju:niti]

n.机会, 时机

【词根记忆】:op(加强)+ port(门)+un(无意义)+ity(名词后缀)→有门路→机会

【短语精选】:make the most of an opportunity 尽力利用机会

【真题例句】:As the economy picks up, opportunities will abound for aspiring leaders.当经济好转时,对于那些有抱负的领导者来说,机会很多。(2011,text 2)

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