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当前位置:文档库 › 2017-2018学年高三英语第十四周周训练题





As you know, it is a totally different experience being around positive people versus negative ones. 36

“Failure is part of learning.”

___37 They u nderstand that failure is an event, and doesn’t define who they are. Negative people are emotionally disabled by failure because they allow it to define who they are. They fail to understand that it’s part of the learning and growing process.

“ 38 ”

Positive people focus on giving their best effort, regardless of the situation. They understand that there are many things they cannot control, but effort is not one of them. No matter what, the positive people strive to give their best---even if it isn’t much. Negative people want things to come easy to them. If they have to try hard, they believe they just aren’t good at it and give up.

“People can change.”

Positive people know that the only thing that doesn’t change is change. They believe that they can change, and that other people can change. Negative people believe that people are fixed; therefore, they don’t try to improve because they believe, “what’s the use?” 39 Once a negative person puts a label on something, it’s very difficult for him to see it in a different way.

“What’s the bright side?”

Positive people have an attitude of gratitude. 40 Negative people struggle to see the silver lining in difficult situations. They don’t often take the time to stop and notice the positive aspects of a situation.

A. I always give my best.

B. Teamwork makes a team work.

C. Additionally, negative people don’t allow others to change.

D. Positive people view failure as an opportunity to learn and get better.

E. They can see the good in a situation, and do n’t take things for granted.

F. If you are trying to be more positive yourself, here are 4 ways you can do so.

G. They pay close attention when others do well, and they are quick to tell them. 第三部分:英语知识运用(共两分,满分45分)




Every day after class, I had to walk through a park to get home. In winter, the walk home was 41 cold. Even though I wore warm gloves, a hat and heavy coat, the icy wind passed through them 42 they were made of paper.

When spring came, everything was 43 . The walk home was pleasant. The most 44 thing about walking home in spring was 45 Mr McGregor set up his ice cream cart in the park. Each day, I 46 sit at my desk in school, waiting in 47 of the time when I could leave. I was often 48 by the wait, and my teacher, Mrs Kirby, would have to 49 me for not sitting still.

Each morning my father gave me enough money to buy 50 an ice cream at Mr McGregor’s cart. Each afternoon I would run through the 51 and stand at his cart, looking into the freezer and trying to 52 which I would have. There were so many things to choose from—ice cream sandwiches, chocolate-covered ,vanilla and ice cream bars. 53 my favorite treats of all were the banana popsicles(棒冰). They were creamy and delicious, and I always picked them 54 everything else. Mr McGregor 55 that no matter how much I pretended I might get __56 different, I’d always take a banana popsicle. He’d 57 make sure that he had 58 one in his cart for me.

Many years have passed, but whenever I eat a banana popsicle, 59 come flooding back into my mind of the ___60 , Mr McGregor, the ice cream cart and Mrs Kirby.

41. A. far from B. bitterly C. less than D. slightly

42. A. since B. even if C. because D. as if

43. A. different B. special C. similar D. strange

44. A. practical B. helpful C. enjoyable D. useful

45. A. whether B. when C. how D. where

46. A. would B. could C. might D. must

47. A. fear B. consideration C. face D. expectation

48. A. inspired B. annoyed C. confused D. puzzled

49. A. comfort B. tease C. discipline D. frighten

50. A. others B. myself C. friends D. teachers

51. A. park B. freezer C. cart D. class

52. A. show B. decide C. ask D. explain

53. A. Or B. Thus C. But D. So

54. A. over B. through C. except D. from

55. A. thought B. insisted C. realized D. knew

56. A. everything B. nothing C. something D. anything

57. A. always B. seldom C. hardly D. nearly

58. A. not just B. at least C. more than D. at most

59. A. ideas B. sorrows C. tears D. memories

60. A. winter B. school C. spring D. home








Research has shown that pets are good for health, and for quality of life. But not just at home, 61 appears that having a pet can help college students make the grade.

A study done by Ohio State University found that college students could benefit from owning a cat or dog. Students who chose to live with at least a pet were 62 (likely) to report feeling lonely and depressed.

“It is easier sometimes to go to a pet, and get 63 little hug, and you can talk to them all you want and they wil l sit there and listen and never get bored,” says Holly Sizemore, director of No More Homeless Pets. 64 (Animal) can also be

a helpful study partner, who will not laugh if you are having trouble or give the wrong answer. “You just get so 65 (absorb) but sometimes your animal forces you to take a tiny break and think about something else, which I think 66 (be) good for the brain,” says Sizemore.

A University of Missouri study found that when fat people 67 (give) a dog, they lost an average 14 pounds a year, without changing their habits. Pet can also help 68 (low) stress and blood pressure.

However, before you run down to buy a pet, make sure that pets are allowed 69 you live. And remember to think about all the costs 70 (associate) with a pet, life food and toys.








Welcome to Yellowstone National Park. After we begin our nature walk today, I’d like to give you a briefly introduction to our National Park Service. A National Park Service began in the late 1800s. A small group of explorers found the land now called Yellowstone and after hours of discussions, they decided that it should be accessible by everyone. Two years later, the government declared it the first one national park in the world. After that, many others areas of beautiful scenery were set aside. And in 1916 the National Park Service established to manage these parks. I’m now employed by the Service but I’m on duty at all times to answer questions and help visitors with any difficulty.

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