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大学英语B2备课笔记 Unit 2

大学英语B2备课笔记 Unit 2
大学英语B2备课笔记 Unit 2



Unit Two: Optimism and Positive Thinking

Section One: Warm up

1.Are you an optimist or a pessimist?

Task 1: Look at the following picture. What do you see?

Oral Discussion: Sit in groups of threes or fours and discuss the following questions.

1)How do you feel about your present life?

2)Are you in a bad mood sometimes? If so, why?

3)Do you know how to keep yourself in a good mood?

4)How do youreact to difficulties in life? Can you give an example?

5)Do you think optimism is the key to a happy and better life?

Section Two: Quotes

Study the following quotes about personality and see if you accept the ideas expressed in the quotes.

⊙Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.

─Victor Hugo

⊙What seems to us as bitter trials are often blessings in disguise (伪装).

─Oscar Wilde ⊙A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.

─Winston Churchill ⊙Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.

─Helen Keller Background: information:

About Victor Hugo:

Victor Hugo : French writer of poems, plays, and novels. Two of his most famous novels, Notre Dame de Paris (《巴黎圣母院》); in English also called The Hunchback of Notre Dame (《钟楼怪人》) and Les Misérables(《悲惨世界》), have been made into films, and Les Misérables has also been made into a famous musical (音乐剧).

About Oscar Wilde:

Oscar Wilde/5CskE(r) waIld/ (1854-1900): Irish writer of poems, stories, and especially humorous plays. He is best known for his play The Importance of Being Earnest and for his novel The Picture of Dorian Gray.

About Winston Churchill:

Winston Churchill/5wInst E n 5tF\:tFIl/ (1874-1965): British politician who was Prime Minister during most of World War II and again from 1951 to 1955. He is still remembered and admired by most British people as a great leader who made possible Britain?s v ictory in the war. About Helen Keller:

Helen Keller/5helEn 5kelE(r)/ (1880-1968): US writer known especially for the way she learned to speak and write after becoming blind and deaf as a baby. She greatly helped blind and deaf people by collecting money, making speeches, and trying to change people?s attitudes. She was the subject of a famous book and film about her life called The Miracle Worker (《奇迹创造者》).

Section Three: Read and Explore

Text A

Part I :Text A can be divided into three parts. Now write down the paragraph numbers of each part and then give the main idea of each in one or two sentences.

▆Answers for Reference:

Part Paragraph(s) Main Idea

One1-3 It is necessary to choose optimism to shape our outlook and



4-7 The author illustrates the effect ofnegativism through his

own experience.


8-10 The author suggests that we direct our attention to positive

and constructive thinking rather than to negativism.

Part II: In-depth Study

Key Words and Expressions for Text A

reverse n.

[(of)] the opposite; the other way round [常与of连用]相反

e. g.If you tell these naughty children to do something, they will often just do the exact reverse.

He did the reverse of what we expected: instead of being angry, he bought us a drink.


in reverse

in the opposite way to normal or to the previous situation; vice versa 反过来;反之亦然

e. g.The secret number is my phone number in reverse.

To stop the engine you repeat the same procedures, but in reverse.


shape vt.

influence and fix the course or form of 影响(……的形态等);决定(进程等)

e. g. She had a leading role in shaping the party?s policy.

It is said that childhood experiences can shape a person?s character.


curse vi. & vt.

express a wish that great misfortune will happen to (sb.), esp. by calling on magical powers 诅咒

e. g.People in many cultures believe witch doctorshave the power to bless or curse their lives.

She cursed him for ruining her life.


perspective n.

[(on)]the way in which a situation or problem is judged, so that (proper) consideration and importance is given to each part [常与on连用](观察问题的)视角

e. g.The novel is written from a child?s perspective.

The new evidence put an entirely different perspective on the case.


view vt.

[esp. (as, with)]consider; regard; think about [尤与as或with连用]考虑,看,认为

e. g.They try to view the situation objectively.

They viewed the future with some expectation.



view sth. as sth. 把……看作……

view sth. from sth. 从……角度来看待……

view sth. / sb. from a … perspective

think about sth. or sb. in a particular way 从……视角来看待某事或某人

e. g. Your point can be viewed from both the woman?s perspective and the m an?s.

If we view the problem from a different perspective, a solution may become more obvious.


highlight vt.

pick out (sth.) as an important part; throw attention onto 使……显著[突出],使注意力集中于e. g.These figures clearly hightlight the differences in living standards between the two areas.

The report on the accident highlights the need for considerable improvements in safety.


slip over

neglect; omit 忽视,忽略;遗漏

e. g.Don?t slip over the important issue.

I?m sorry I completely slipped over his birthday.


by choice

because one has chosen; as a result of choosing; because of wanting to 出于自己选择地,凭爱好

e. g. Everything we do, we do by choice; and every choice we make, we make for a reason.

I didn?t have to work all weekend — I did it by choice.


by nature

as a result of inherent qualities; innately 出于本性地,天生地

e. g. He is by nature a very happy individual; he seems to have been born with a smile on his lips.

It?s not in her nature to be rude; she?s polite by nature.


live through

remain alive during and in spite of (a difficult or dangerous period) 活过;经过(困难、危险)之后仍活着

e. g. We were all sad to learn that the old man is in a critical condition and may not live through the winter.

He lived through two world wars.


crisis n.

a point or moment of great danger, difficulty, or uncertainty 危机;紧要关头

e. g.We need someone who can stay calm in a crisis.

Relations between the two countries have reached crisis point.



cause/stir up a crisis 引起危机

lead to a crisis 导致危机

overcome/settle a crisis 解决危机

in a crisis 处于危机当中

when all is said and done

when everything is considered or explained; after all 结果,说到底,归根结底;毕竟,终究e. g.When all?s said and done, he?s only a kid and should be excused for his wrongdoing.

When all is said and done, she was a most remarkable woman with a strongcharacter.


feed on / upon

(of a feeling, etc.) become stronger because of; (esp. of an animal or baby) eat(感情等)因……变得更强烈;(尤指动物或婴孩)吃,以……为食

e. g. Our memory is limited, but our imaginationis unlimited, and it feeds on optimism and hope.

His self-confidence fed on encouragement from his father.


CF: feed, nourish, nurture & supply



* The farmer?s wife feeds cattle and sheep every morning.


* Milk, eggs, and meat nourish the bodies of growing boys and girls.


*We want to nurture the new project, not destroy it.


*Most large towns are supplied with electricity.

练习:1. Milk, eggs, and meat the bodies of growing boys and girls.

2. It is mother?s du ty to her children.

3. Most large towns are with electricity.

4. The farmer?s wife cattle and sheep every morning.

5. We want to the new project, not to destroy it.

odd a.

different from what is ordinary or expected; unusual 奇特的,古怪的,异常的

e. g. It?s odd of her to dash away without so much as saying goodbye.

It?s very odd that she didn?t reply to our letter.


CF: strange, odd, peculiar & curious



*The doctor thought her strange behavior was caused by stress.

odd通常指不同寻常或者出乎意料之外的人或事物,往往令人困惑或感到奇怪。例如:*He is rather an odd man.


*This food has got a peculiar taste.


*It is a curious fact that he never works but has plenty of money.

figure out

come to understand or discover by thinking 理解,想出

e. g.It took Wyler a couple of days to figure out what had happened.

We still haven?t figure d out how to do it.


disgusting a.

extremely unpleasant and making one feel sick 令人作呕的;令人厌恶的,讨厌的

e. g.Smoking is really a disgusting habit.

I can?t bear the disgusting food in that restaurant.


observation n.

[C; U] an action of noticing or watching 观察,注意,监视

e.g. Most information was collected by direct observation of the animals?behaviour.

He left by the back door to escape observation.



keep/place sb. under observation 监视某人;观察某人

be under observation 受到监视;被观察

accomplish vt.

succeed in doing; finish successfully 完成(任务等);做成功

e. g.What exactly do you hope to accomplish this year?

She?s accomplished a great deal in the last few weeks.


CF: accomplish, achieve, fulfill & complete



*They accomplished the difficult task assigned to them.


*It is more difficult for a woman to achieve success in modern society.


*Brown was a brilliant musician but he had never fulfilled his early promise.


*The construction work of the new steel plant has already been completed.

make a difference

have an important effect or influence 有很大影响或关系,很重要

e. g. The rain did make a difference to the game.

When you?re learning to drive, having a good teacher makes a difference.


raise vt.

collect together 筹集;召集

e. g.They hope to raise $1 million to buy land.

We made an appeal to raise money for victims of the disaster.


in terms of …; in … terms

from the point of view of 从……观点来看,从……角度来讲

e. g.The job is great in terms of salary, but it has its disadvantages.

The book has been well reviewed, but in terms of actual sales it hasn?t been very successful.


address vt.

try to solve 着手解决

e. g.We did not expect that the project should fully address issues of this kind.

He ignored the side issues and addressed himself to the main problem.


criticize vt.

[(for)] judge with disapproval; point out the faults of [常与for连用]批评;指责

e. g.Ron does nothing but criticize and complain all the time.

The report strongly criticizes the police for failing to deal with this problem.


result in

have as a result; cause 导致,造成

e. g. This move will eventually result in the loss of a lot of jobs.

The accident resulted in the death of two passengers.


benefit vt.

(esp. of an action or event) be useful, profitable, or helpful to (尤指一行动或事件)有益于,有利于,有助于

e. g.Exercise benefits our health.

It?s an expensive investment but it will benefit the company in the long run.


channel vt.

[(into)] direct towards a particular purpose [常与into连用]把……导向(某一特定目的);引导;集中;朝向

e. g. We should channel our energy into useful activities.

The famine relief money was channelled through volunteer groups.


channel sth. into sth.

direct money, feelings, ideas, etc. towards a particular thing or purpose 把……导向(某一特定目的)

e. g.Women were more likely to be channeled into the lower-paying jobs.

I decided to channel my energy into something useful.


concerned with

having an active personal interest; about 关心的,感兴趣的;与……有关系

e. g.Her job is mainly concerned with sales.

This story is concerned with a Russian family in the 19th century.


Grammar In Context

Study the following sentences that appear in this unit. Reflect on the use of “as” and do the following two tasks.

1)When the world is seen as a hopeful, positive place, people are given the power to attempt

and to achieve. (Para. 8, Text A)

2)In fact, without optimism, issues as big and ongoing as poverty have no hope of solution.

(Para. 10, Text A)



As a party member, I must be strict with myself.

He works in the school as a teacher of math.


You must do everything as I asked you to.


She sings as she walks.

He came just as I reached the door.


You must hurry up as there is little time left.


Hard as he worked, he didn?t pass this examination.

Child as he is, he knows a lot.


As we all know, the earth is round.

She has been late again, as was expected.



The dress is twice as expensive as that.

② as if /as though 似乎;好像

He behaved as if nothing had happened.

He talked as though he were a leader.

③ as well as 同(一样也);和;还

His landlady provided dinner as well as breakfast.

I cannot do the homework as well as look after the kids.

④such…as像……这样的;such as 例如

I bought a lot of fruits, such as apples, oranges, bananas and so on.

Such simple actions as eating and drinking become difficult.

⑤ as for 至于某人(某事物)

As for you, you ought to be ashamed of yourself.

As for the hotel, it was very uncomfortable.

⑥ as to 关于某事物;提到某事物

As to correcting our homework, the teacher always makes us do it ourselves.

⑦ so as to…以便, 为了

She saved the money so as to support the family.

⑧ as a matter of fact 其实;实际上

As a matter of fact, I?m very fond of housework.

⑨ as a result 结果(发生某种情况)

As a result, he had been given an excellent job.

⑩ as long as 只要

As long as you work hard, you will succeed sooner or later.

Grammatical Explanation:非谓语动词




一般式to do to be done

完成式to have done to have been done



一般式doing being done

完成式having done having been done



一般式doing being done

完成式having done having been done

否定形式:not +不定式,not + 动名词,not + 现在分词



“to + 动词原形”(有时可以不带to)“to”仅仅是个符号,本身无实义。



To ask him for help is necessary.

但在多数情况下,特别是在口语中,常常用 it 作形式主语,不定式后置。

It is not easy to master a foreign language

二. 作表语。如:

Our plan is to finish the work in two weeks.

To see is to believe. (注意:主语是不定式时,表语必须用不定式,不用v-ing)

All you have to do is (to) finish the job quickly. (注意:当主语部分含有动词do 时,作表语的不定式可以省略 to )


I expect to see you tomorrow.

She wanted to borrow my dictionary.

能直接跟不定式作宾语的动词很多,常见的有want, like , wish, hope, hate, prefer, manage, try, ask, offer, start, conclude,

demand, prepare, pretend, promise, learn, choose, refuse, expect, desire, agree, care 等等。



I have a lot of work to do. Here are some books for you to read.

She was the first person to think of the idea.


He is looking for a room to live in. He use a pen to write with.

She is a very nice person to work with. There is nothing to worry about.



1.用带 to 的不定式作宾语补足语,表示致使、希望、要求、请求、允许、命令等意义,常见的动词有 ask, tell, invite, force, advise, get , beg, allow, want, wish, order, expect, prefer, persuade, teach , warn, request, forbid, cause, permit, oblige(迫使),encourage, lead, 等等。如:Mother told me to come back before 10 o?clock.

I?ll get someone to repair the recorder for you.

What caused him to change his mind?

I wish you to come as soon as possible.

( 注意 hope虽有“希望”的意思,但其后不能用不定式作宾补, 不能说: hope sb. to do sth ) 2.不定式不用带 to 的动词有:感官动词(see, hear, feel, watch, notice, observe)、使役动词(have, let, make )、及动词词组 listen to , look at 后的宾语补足语。如:

I often hear them sing this song.

I saw her put her hands into the pockets.


They were made to wait for two hours.



He went home to see his parents. To get the best result, use clean water.

不定式作目的状语,还可用 in order to , so as to 引起(in order to 可放在句首,而 so as to 不能放在句首)

In order to arrive before dark, we started early.

He decided to work harder in order to (so as to ) catch up with the others.

2. 表示结果。如:

He returned to his bedroom to find everybody gone.

What have I said to make you so excited?


1)so…. as to… , such …as to …

He was so angry as to be unable to speak.

We are not such fools as to believe him.

2) … enough (for sb.) to …,too…to…

This book is easy enough for me to read.

He is too young to join the army.

3) only to…(常表示未曾料到的结果)

They lifted a rock only to drop it on their own feet.

I went to see him only to find him out.


We jumped with joy to hear the news.

She was surprised to see how angry Mary was.

I?m sorry to have to say good-bye to you. He is anxious to see her.


To hear him talk, you would think he owned the whole world.


She opened her lips as if to speak. 她张开嘴唇,仿佛要说话似的。




We are glad to see you again. (同时发生)

They invited us to go there this summer. (之后发生)



I?m sorry to have given you so much trouble.

He seemed to have bought a new dictionary.



They are said to be building in that area now.

He pretended to be listening to the teacher attentively.



He is said to have been writing the book for ten years.

不定式省略 to 的情况:

1.在某些动词(如:see, watch, hear, notice, observe, feel, listen to , look at, make, let, have )后作宾语补足语的不定式。

Let me hear you play the piano. / He made them work for a long time.

2.由why 引起的某些问句中

Why turn off the gas? Why not open the window?

3.在 had better, would rather, would rather…than, would sooner, would sooner …than,can?t b ut(只好,不得不), do nothing but等结构后面。如:

He cannot but agree. (他不得不同意)

You?d better tell him the truth.

He would rather (sooner) die than surrender. (他宁死不屈)

My mother could do nothing but wait for the doctor to arrive.

在介词 except, but 之后,如果其前有动词 do 的某种形式,不定式一般不带 to ,反之,则须带 to 。如:

There?s nothing to do except( but) wait till it stops raining.

There?s no choice but to wait till it stops raining.

4. 当两个或多个带 to 的不定式由并列连词 and 或 or连接在一起时,第二个及其后的不定式符号to 常可省略。如:

The teacher asked the students to read over the text carefully and (to) write down the important po ints or (to ) put forward questions if there is any.

如果两者有对比关系,则在每个不定式前加to, 不能省略。

They didn?t tell me whether to go on or to stop.

1.The girl is singing a song.

2.The girl singing now is my sister.

3.Singing is one of her hobbies(爱好)。

第一个句子的singing是常见的现在进行式(Present Continuous),是说眼下正在做什么;

第二个句子的singing是现在分词(Present Participle)它把sing这个动词转为形容词。


一、名词性的动名词(Nominal Gerund)

名词性的动名词可以加上定冠词或不定冠词,其他可加在动名词前的还有如:my,this,some,any,all,no 等等。举例如下:

1. The mellow(愉快地)singing of the birds announces the coming of spring.(singing 前加定冠词the及形容词mellow;coming 前加the)

2.We knew the robber was near when we heard a faint rustling(沙沙声)in the bushes.(rustling 前加不定冠词a及形容词faint)

从上面的例子可看出如何将一个动词转成名词;但它和真正的名词还是有区别的,那就是没有单数或复数之分。不过,有一些动名词是可以变成真正名词的喔,如:saying,writing,opening,painting,cutting,heading,feeling,being,saving,surrounding,crossing,misunderstanding 等等。它们都可以有复数,方法就是在它们的后面加个s,如:paintings.

二、动词性的动名词(Verbal Gerund)


Carelessly writing essays annoys the teacher.


注意:Verbal Gerund 这类动名词的前面可不能加上任何冠词(the,a,an ……)


Listening to music gives me pleasure.


1.1 用It + be + …… +v-ing 句型

1). It is fun speaking English.

2). It is of great importance fighting against pollution(污染)。

1.2用It is 后接no use. no good,fun 等的句型

1). It is no use learning theory without practice.

2). It is no fun being lost in rain.

1.3用It is 后接useless,nice,good,interesting,worthwhile 等的句型

1). It is worthwhile taking this into consideration.

1.3.4 用There + be + no + v-ing 的句型

1). There is no joking about such matters.

2). There is no getting along with him. (简直无法与他相处)



1). You should avoid quarrelling with your sister.(宾语quarrelling)

这类动词还有:dislike, admit, repent, acknowledge, enjoy, escape, deny, postpone, resent, mind, miss, risk, finish, avoid, delay, consider, fancy, excuse, include, imagine, resist, 还有短语类:keep on, don't mind, cannot help, give up, put off, leave off, burst out ……


1). I'm sorry for giving you so much trouble. (介词for,宾语giving)

2). The book is worth reading. (介词worth,宾语reading)

注意:在下列的句子结构中,介词in 被省略掉:

1). She is busy (in)correcting her exercises.

2). He spent two hours (in)reading book.

3). There is no use (in)talking with him now.

4). Is it any good (in)taking cold water baths?


1). I have the pleasure of speaking to the famous author. (pleasure of + 宾语speaking)

2). He takes a great interest in studying languages. (interest in + 宾语studying)


danger of, fear of, objection to, delight to, habit of, opportunity for /of, excuse for, experience in, love in reason for…


Her job is washing, cleaning and taking care of the children. 她的工作是洗刷、清扫和照顾孩子。比较:She is washing, cleaning and taking care of the children.


a writing desk=a desk for writing 写字台

a swimming pool=a pool swimming 游泳池


boiling point=a temperature point at which something begins to boil 沸点

a walking tractor=a tractor which a driver can operate while he or she is walking behind it 手扶拖拉机

三、句子中动名词的逻辑主语(Implied Subject)


3.1在动名词前加"物主代词(如:my,hi s……)"或"名词所有格(如:Mary's,Dog's……)"

1. His coming here helped us a lot.

2. Tom's escaping from the prison made trouble for the jailer.

3. Do you mind my smoking in the room?

注意:作为逻辑主语的名词/代词为无生命时,则用通格(of the):

1.I cannot say there is no fear of the news spreading among intimate friends.


a. 代词为all,both,each,few,several,some,this 等作为逻辑主语时:

I remember all of them saying it .

b. 数词、名词化形容词(如the three,the old……)作逻辑主语时:

In spite of the three telling the same story,I could not believe it.

c. 结构中的逻辑主语是名子或短语,或受从句或短语修饰时:

Is there any chance of the people in the back of the room talking a little louder?


4.1被动式(being + v-ed)


1. He dislikes being interrupted in his speech.

2. They couldn't stand being treated like that.

4.2完成式(having + v-ed)


1. We regret having been unable to inform you of the meeting.

2. The students' having done the work so well made us very happy.

4.3完成式的被动语态(having been + v-ed)

1.I heard of his having been chosen to be the coach of the team.

2.Some of our customers complained of having been treated rudely.

4.4在动词need,want,require,deserve 之后的动名词(作为宾语),要用主动语态来表示被动的意思。

1. The flowers in the garden want watering(需要浇水)。

2. That's one of those questions that really don't need answering(不需回答)。

分词既有动词的特征,由有形容词和副词的特征。分词有现在分词和过去分词两种。现在分词有一般式和完成式,过去分词没有这种区别。及物动词的现在分词还有主动形式和被动形式的区别。分词常用的形式如表所示(以及物动词do 和不及物动词go为例):

do go


现在分词doing being done going

过去分词/ done gone

完成式having done having been done



也是如此。分词作定语,单个的分词作定语一般前置;分词词组,个别分词如given, left等,修饰不定代词等的分词,作定语需后置。例如:

We can see the rising sun. 我们可以看到东升的旭日

He is a retired worker.他是位退休的工人

There was a girl sitting there.有个女孩坐在那里

This is the question given.这是所给的问题

There is nothing interesting.没有有趣的东西


Most of the people invited to the party were famous scientists.

= Most of the people who were invited to the party were famous scientists.

2 分词作状语


1) Not receiving any letter from him, I gave him a call.

=As I didn't receive any letter from him, I gave him a call.

2) Given more attention,the trees could have grown better.

=If more attention was given, the trees could have grown better.


1). David was lying in bed crying.

2). We walked along the banks singing merrily……


1).Having written the letter,I went out to post it.

2).Having already seen the film twice,she didn…t want to go to the cinema.


1).We went home exhausted.

2).Encouraged by my teacher,I decided to work hard.


1).Having been invited to speak,I'll start making preparations tomorrow.

3 连词+分词(短语)

有时为使分词短语与主句关系更清楚,可在分词前加连词。连词有:when,while,if though,after, before, as.但分词的主语和主句的主语必须为同一个。例如:

While waiting there, he saw two pretty girls come out of the building.

4 分词作表语


She looked tired with cooking.她由于忙着做饭,看上去有些疲倦。

He remained standing beside the table.他依然站在桌旁。

5 分词作补语


1) I found my car missing.我发现我的车不见了。

2) I?ll have my watch repaired.我想把我的手表修一下。












The test finished, we began our holiday. = When the test was finished, we began our holiday. 考试结束了,我们开始放假。

The president assassinated, the whole country was in deep sorrow. = After the president was assassinated, the whole country was in deep sorrow. 总统被谋杀了,举国上下沉浸在悲哀之中。

Weather permitting, we are going to visit you tomorrow.天气允许,我们明天去看你。

This done, we went home. 工作完成后,我们才回家。

The meeting gone over, everyone tired to go home earlier.会议结束后,每个人都想早点回家。

He came into the room, his ears red with cold. 他回到了房子里,耳朵冻得红通通的。

He came out of the library, a large book under his arm. 他夹着本厚书,走出了图书馆

The test finished, we began our holiday. = When the test was finished, we began our holiday. 考试结束了,我们开始放假。

The president assassinated, the whole country was in deep sorrow. = After the president was assassinated, the whole country was in deep sorrow. 总统被谋杀了,举国上下沉浸在悲哀之中。

Weather permitting, we are going to visit you tomorrow.天气允许,我们明天去看你。

This done, we went home. 工作完成后,我们才回家。

The meeting gone over, everyone tired to go home earlier.会议结束后,每个人都想早点回家。

He came into the room, his ears red with cold. 他回到了房子里,耳朵冻得红通通的。

He came out of the library, a large book under his arm. 他夹着本厚书,走出了图书馆


表示伴随情况时,既可用分词的独立结构,也可用with的复合结构:with +名词(代词)+现在分词/过去分词/形容词/副词/不定式/介词短语。例如:

He stood there, his hand raised. = He stood there, with his hand raised.


The murderer was brought in, with his hands ___ behind his back。

A. being tied

B. having tied

C. to be tied

D. tied

答案D. with +名词(代词)+分词+介词短语结构。当分词表示伴随状时,其主语常常用with来引导。由于本句中名词\"手\"与分词\"绑\"是被动关系,因此用过去分词,选D.


课时授课计划No. 成功英语1-1-1 200 --200 学年度第学期 系(部) 专业班 授课时间: 第周第课时 200 年月日 章节及题目: Unit One Lesson One 教学目的: students should comprehend the text in great detail and learn some words and expressions by practicing them. 重点与难点: 参考书与教具(图表\模型\演术等) 教学过程(教学步骤\内容\时间分配等) I Check √ the steps II New Words III Match the columns IV Listening V. Describe yourself

Teaching processes: I. Check √ the steps you would like to take to develop your career. Then explain your decisions to a partner. ?Take professional development courses ?Continue an M.A. (Master’s) degree at my university ?Study for an M.A. degree abroad ?Get a job related to my field ?Study for another B.A. (Bachelor’s) degree ?Study in another country ?Work in another country II. New Words drop off v to leave 离去,散去 duties n obligations, responsibilities义务,责任availability n state of being free to start work可用性 head v to go to 前进,出发 lead v to direct, to control引导,带领 pushy adj aggressive, too demanding of the attention and cooperation of others 有进取心的,热心过头的 III. Match the columns to complete the conversation. keshi: Well, now that we’ve graduated from college, ________ Paula: But we’ll __________________ Takeshi: Hey! Have you heard anything _____________________ Paula: I have. It looks like I could be ______________________ __________ Takeshi: I knew they’d accept you; you had the best grades in our class. I’ve de cided to stay here. Last week I dropped off my

大学英语第2册Unit10 笔记整理

UNIT 10 Notes on the Text Pompeii: an ancient Italian city on the Bay of Naples, which was buried by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. Author: Robert Silverberg Structure: Pt.1 Brief Account Pt.2 Detailed Description Language Highlight 1/Nothing lives inPompeii except crickets and beetles and lizards… 1)不断使用连词and以达到语气强调的效果 2) beetle: The Beetles 披头士/ The Beetle 甲壳虫汽车 2/It died suddenly, in a terrible rain of fire and ash. = fire and ash fell like rain. 这里a rain of的使用就如同a storm of 属于metaohor 3/The tragedy struck on… v. a)突击;攻击 Police fear that the killer may strike again.警方担心杀人犯可能再次下手。 b)(不用于进行时) (想法或念头)突然想到;一下子想起;猛地意识到 An awful thought has just struck me.刚才我脑子里突然闪过一个可怕的念头。 c) 给(某人以…)印象;让(某人)觉得 How does the idea strike you?你觉得这个主意怎么样? d) 擦,划(火柴);击出(火星) to strike a match on a wall在墙上擦火柴 e) 开采出;钻探到 They had struck oil!他们开采出了石油! f) 行进;加劲走 We left the road and struck off across the fields.我们下了公路,穿过旷野往前走。 g) strike fear, etc. into sb/sb's heart(formal)使某人感到恐惧等 strike gold打开成功(或财富)之门;踏上通往成功(或财富)之路 He has struck gold with his latest novel.他凭借最新的一部小说叩开了成功之门。 strike a pose/an attitude摆出某种姿态 strike a blow for/against/at sth维护(或损害)某种信念或原则等 He felt that they had struck a blow for democracy.他感觉他们维护了民主制度。 strike a bargain/deal达成(对双方都有利的)协议 h) strike out独立出去;自立谋生/(AmE,informal)失败;砸锅 I knew it was time I struck out on my own.我知道我该独立谋生了。 The movie struck out and didn't win a single Oscar.那部影片砸锅了,奥斯卡奖一项都没得着。


Business English A Reading course(整理版) 商务英语阅读的主要内容: 商务英语阅读主要包括世界经济形势、经济全球化、国际贸易与投资、金融风险与管理、商业文化、企业管理等。这些阅读材料不但传递最新的世界经济和国际商务信息,开阔学生的视野,还提供最新、最典型的商务语言和词汇,有助于学生熟悉并掌握商务英语文章的典型语言用法、语言风格及语言特点等。 1)阿迪达斯Impossible Is Nothing. 没有什么是不可能 2)香奈儿Fashion passes, style remains. 流行稍纵即逝,风格永存 3)飞利浦Let us make things better. 让我们做得更好 4)麦氏咖啡Good to the last drop. 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽 This Bill of exchange shall be accepted first and then can be honored by the acceptor. (该汇票应先承兑,然后由承兑方进行支付) Words & expressions: Transnational road warriors 从事跨国商务活动的人 Faculty and alumni Performance-review process 绩效考核过程 Make an assessment of sb 对某人作出评价 In a group setting 公共场合 Have a one-on-one session with sb 进行单独会话 Tone down 缓和语气 Career progression 事业发展 Cultural gulf 文化鸿沟 In the arena of international commerce 在国际商务的平台上 Common ground 共同点 At the institutional level 制度层面 Fall short 结果,后果 Ongoing cross-pollination 不断学习他国先进事物 Trait 特征 Be customer-centric 以客户为本 Implement 实施 Commonality 共性 The integration of the global economy 全球经济一体化 See local context ad integral 本土文化语境知识 一些跨国公司英文名称: Procter & Gamble Company 宝洁公司 Johnson & Johnson Ltd. 强生公司 Carrefour China Inc. 家乐福 Bayerische Motor en Werhe AG宝马公司


II. Text Analysis An essay is usually made up of three parts: a beginning where the topic is introduced; the body part where the topic is elaborated on, and a conclusion. Besides stating the topic directly, there are many other ways to introduce a theme. In this text, an anecdote or an incident is used. The author of Text A, Unit 6, Book 1 (What Animals Really Think) introduces his topic by posing a question: "Do animals all have thoughts, what we call consciousness?" Text B, Unit 3, Book 1 (How to Make Sense out of Science) begins by quoting newspaper headlines: "New Drugs Kill Cancer Devastation by El Nino -- a Warning 6:30 p.m. October 26, 2028: Could This Be the Deadline for the Apocalypse?" Text B of this unit, Children and Money, begins with an imagined argument between a child and his parent over the control of pocket money. Discover other forms of introduction as you read on. However, the more important point is that you should learn to vary your own writing by adopting various types of topic introduction. Without a conclusion, an essay lacks a sense of completeness. A conclusion may be a restatement of the main points previously mentioned, a proposed solution, a quotation from some book or person, a prediction of future developments, a suggestion for further study, etc. Text B, Unit 3, Book 1 ends by giving a simile, comparing scientific research to mountain climbing, "a process filled with disappointments and reverses, but somehow we keep moving ahead." In this text, Howard Gardner makes a suggestion in the form of a question. III. Cultural Notes 1. Education in the West: There is no common agreement in the West concerning the best method of education. A variety of views can be found among parents, teachers and students. Indeed, it might be argued that it is this very existence of contending points of view that is characteristic of Western education. This can be seen as far back as in the work of the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates,who encouraged his students to question everything, even their most fundamental beliefs. Yet even then there was no general agreement that this was the best way to teach. Socrates, after all, was condemned to death by his fellow citizens for corrupting the morals of the young by his way of teaching. Many later periods of Western history were no more tolerant of encouraging students to challenge traditional beliefs: Darwin's theory of evolution, for example, was for a time banned from schools in some American states on the grounds of religious belief. Much of the current debate over education surrounds the extent to which learning should be teacher-based or student-based.Which of the two should decide what should be learned, how it should be learned, and when it should be learned? Comparing Western and Asian methods of learning it is generally true that Western methods are more student-centered, expecting students to discover things for


Unit 2 Section A Environmental Protection Throughout the World Ⅰ.A b s t r a c t Environmental awareness takes second place to economic development in most nations of the world. As damage to our environment increases, however, some nations are developing programs to protect their natural resources. The passage describes some of these national programs Canada has closed the area to cod fishing and set strict limits on catches of other species. Brazil promises it will protect the region’s native people. Eastern European countries and other nations, including the United States, have set up special funds for environmental clean-ups and improving the region's power plants. The government of Indonesia has succeeded in increasing use of birth control from 10 percent of the population 20 years ago to 49 percent today.Ⅱ.C u l t u r e N o t e s 1. Islam is a religion and social way of life based on the teachings of Muhammad as preserved in the Koran(《可兰经》) and the Sunna (伊斯兰教规)。It is centered in Mecca(麦加),and includes the worship of gods represented by holy stones called the Kaaba(建于麦加的伊斯兰教寺院内的圣堂)。 2. Pacific Ocean is the largest of the world’s oceans, divided into the North Pacific and the South Pacific. It extends from the western America to eastern Asia and Australia. It separated America from Asia and Australia. Its length is 15,000 km. Its width from Panama to Malaya is 19,000 km. With its coasts it makes up a great volcanic area. III. Analysis of each part Part one(para.1): Introduction


从2001至今,普通高等学校选拔优秀专科毕业生进入本科阶段学习(普通专升本)考试只考两门课程,一是公共英语课程,二是专业基础课程;公共英语课程是所有非英语专业的必考课程。满分150分,可见公共英语在专升本考试中的重要性。为了帮应试学生更好地整体把握考试,给出历年真题的题型及分值统计分析表。 2003-2010专升本公共英语真题题型及分值表 从该表看出,自2006年开始,词汇语法、阅读理解、完形填空、作文都是每年必考的固定题型,并且分值不变。翻译也是每年必考的题型,从2003-2009年每年20分(英译汉10分,汉译英10分),但2010年翻译部分增加了10分的英汉对话翻译。词性转换自2005-2009年每年10分,但2010年取消该题型。每年固定不变的题型有词汇语法、阅读理解、完形填空、翻译、作文;可变化的题型有词性转换、补全对话、辨识错误和英汉对话翻译,预测这几种题型会任选一个,分值10分。 2003-2010年专升本公共英语词汇与语法测试试题分值表 从表中看出,直接考察语法和词汇知识分值有70分,占了总分值的近1/2。从2006年开始,在40分的语法词汇部分,语法占的比重大,如2006年,语法:词汇是38:2;2007年,语法:词汇是30:10;2008年,语法:词汇是22:18;2009年,语法:词汇是19:21; 2010年,语法:词汇是30:10。而阅读、翻译及写作部分,依然是考核语法词汇基本知识的,

所以学好语法词汇是考好专升本英语的关键。 考什么?学什么? 河南省教育厅学生处“专升本”考试的要求指出:“英语考试要求为大学英语考试三至四级水平”。短短的几句话,包含了英语考试的全部内容,但我们考生很多时候却并不明白:到底要考什么? Example 1:P52,03,36 Lynda and hundreds of young people like him____ the post of typist. 第A approach(方法,靠近,走近)B applied for C appealed to(吸引,恳求,上诉)D approved of (赞成) 题干研究: 1 考查词汇:Q1: like; post; typist.熟词生意。 Post no bills.禁止张贴。Post position of paid employment.职位。 2 考查语法:Q2: Lynda and hundreds of young people like him 并列平行结构。并列连词所连接的并列成分应当在结构和功能上保持一致,这就是并列平行结构,该语法知识点时常考到。 历年真题再现:直接考的有词汇结构题中的04,P98,24; 间接考的有:05,P85,阅读中4中句子A growing number of unemployed Americans waste time browsing the estimated 4,000 to 5,000 online job sites, filling them with resum es and then waiting for replies. 在这样一个句子中,并列平行结构这一语法知识对于句子的正确理解起到了绝对重要的作用。 选项研究: A approach(方法,靠近,走近) B applied for C appealed to(吸引,恳求,上诉) D approved of (赞成) 选项考查到:1 形近词;2 词义及语境,在此语境下只能选用某一选项。另外appeal t o 在同一份试卷的第49页阅读3中出现。 综合本题,其主要考查词汇的,考查形近词在特定语境下的区别。但间接的考到了上述的其他知识。如果不能正确理解上述相关知识,不可能理解本句的意义,也就不可能正确地根据句义选出正确的答案。同时,需要提醒的是,在本题中间接考到的相关知识点在另外的题目中就可能直接考到,真题已经说明了这一点。因此,教师要做到举一反三,同学也要做


采购术语大全中英文对照 2015-01-19盖世汽车社区 第一部分: custom made:需指定制造的产品 first priority:最高的优先级别 PPR( Premium price request):高于标准价格采购请求 RFQ(request for quote):报价请求,询盘 ESI(Early supplier involvement):供应商早期介入 cost modeling:成本模型 STD price:标准价格 Stock-out cost:缺货成本 awarded supplier:指定供应商 escalate to higher level:提交上级处理 cut hard order:手动下订单 customer demand pull-in:客户需求提前或增加 Distributor:分销商;Manufacturing:厂商;Broker:经纪商。(紧急情况下启用,价格较高。) EAU (Estimated annual usage):预估每年需求量 line down:停产 APQP(advanced product quality planning):指产品在量产前对如何实现产品以及如何进行质量控制看展的策划活动。 PPAP(production part approval process):生产件批准程序,是指第一次生产样件时向客户提交一系列文件记录清单,如样品检测报告,FMEA,工艺流程图,控制计划,图纸等等,要提交的资料根据客户要求进行,提交后客户将确认OK后方可进行试生产阶段。 EOQ(economic ordering quantity):经济订购数量,EOQ= (A:单位时间净需求S:每次订购费用U:商品单位成本C:储存成本) EDI(electronic data interchange):电子数据交换。 第二部分: 1. R&D (research and design) 研发 2. APS (automated purchasing system) 自动采购系统 3. CAD (computer automated design) 计算机辅助设计 4. ERP (enterprise resource planning) 企业资源计划 5. ANX (automotive network exchange) 自动网络交换 6. CPO (chief procurement officers) 采购总监 7. CPE (collaborative planning and execution) 合作计划和执行 8. TCA (total cost of acquisition) 总获取成本或TCO Ownership 9. CPFR (collaborative,planning,forecasting,replenishment) 合作,计划,预测,补充 10. SCM (supply chain management) 供应链管理 11. VMI (vendor managed inventory) 卖方管理库存 12. VMR (vendor managed replenishment) 卖方管理补货 13. SCOR (supply chain operations reference) 供应链管理指南 14. LEW (least ex works) 最小离岸价 15. MOM (markup over coat model) 成本变动 16. 3PL (third party logistics) 第三方后勤服务 17. MRP (material requirements planning) 物料需求计划


Unit 1 Section A Time-Conscious Americans Ⅰ. Abstract This passage shows the way of Americans regarding time。Americans are famous for their time-consciousness. His/her belief is that no one stands still. No moving ahead means falling behind. This results in a country that people of it devote themselves into researching, experimenting and exploring. Time is the most important thing for Americans lives. On one hand, Americans try their best to save up time by different ways. They are in hurry to get their destination, push the others in order to finish their shopping quickly. Racing through daytime meals is part of the pace of life in America. People make full use of modern ways to communicate with each other efficiently. On the other hand, people miss the relaxed way of living. They like the opening exchanges of a business call. They miss the ritual interaction that is suitable for a welcoming cup of tea or coffee. The people coming from different cultures have different ideas from those of American.Ⅱ. Culture Notes 1. The Definition of Culture Culture is a very broad term used to describe the arts, the beliefs, the values, the traditions, the customs, and the


第三套题 1. The headmaster was strict. He requested that we ______{s/1} television on week nights. [A]. not watch [B]. must not watch [C]. not be watching [D]. haven’t watched 2. [D]o you remember ______{s/1} to Professor Smith during your last visit? [A]. to be introduced [B]. being introduced [C]. having introduced [D]. to have introduced 3. He can't afford the ordinary comforts of life, ______{s/1}luxuries. [A]. not to speak of [B]. let alone [C]. to say nothing [D]. let it alone 4. The dog was nowhere ______{s/1}. [A]. to find [B]. to be found [C]. to finding [D]. found 5. He has to decide within a ______{s/1} while he is still young and can make choices. [A]. given period [B]. giving period [C]. period giving [D]. period gives 6. Having been on the ______{s/1} for the whole month, the criminal decided to turn himself in to the police. [A]. escaped [B]. caught [C]. way [D]. run 7. Seeing that the last bus was leaving, he made a ______{s/1} for it while shouting "Wait! Wait!" [A]. drive [B]. dash [C]. race [D]. relay 8. If we carry out our plan with ______{s/1}, we will surely achieve our goal sooner or later. [A]. conditions [B]. determination [C]. competition [D]. frowns 9. Jessica ______{s/1} her father on the knee and asked him not to worry about his health.


Unit 3 Enquiries and Offers I. Teaching Aims and Requirements: 1. Students learn to know the basic points of enquiry and quotation. 2. Students master some useful sentences about enquiry and quotation. 3. Students can make enquiry and quotation in fluent English. 4. Students can finish the exercises well. II. Important Points: 1. Students know the basic points of enquiry and quotation. 2. Students master some useful sentences about enquiry and quotation. 1) Your price is higher than those we got from elsewhere. 2) How long does your offer remain valid? 3) The size of our order depends greatly on your price. 4) If your price is favorable, we can book an order right away. 5) All the quotations on the list are subject to our final confirmation. III. Difficult Points: 1. Persuade your end-users to place an order with you. 2. State your products’ strong points compared with other products when making enquiry and offers. 3. Make an enquiry and offer in fluent English. IV . Word Study: 1. enquiry (inquiry )n. 询价,询盘,询购 A customer of ours has made an enquiry for hand-made leather gloves. Please tell us what you can offer in this line. 我们的一个客户询购手制真皮手套。请告知是否有供应。 enquire v. 询盘,询购 A lot of customers have approached us to enquire for mohair sweaters. 许多客户向我们询购马海毛毛衣. 2. offer 报盘 firm offer 实盘,确盘 non-firm offer 虚盘 an offer without engagement 没有约束力的报盘/虚盘 to make sb. an offer for sth.向某人报某货 Please make us a firm offer for 2,000 Minolta Cameras Model 10-F CIF Vancouver. 请报2,000台美能达相机,型号10-F CIF 温哥华实盘. to offer sb. sth. 向某人报某货 We’d like to offer you 200 “Goodbaby” Brand bicycles at $40 per set. 我们愿向你报200辆”好孩子”自行车,每台$40. U n R e g i s t e r e d


UNIT 2 I Phrases 1.sad to say令人遗憾的是/不幸的是: 令人遗憾的是,他没能抵制住金钱的诱惑,参与了非法勾当。 fail to resist the temptation / lend oneself to sth. / illegal business 2.to revolt against 反抗: 在中国文化里,犯上作乱被视为大逆不道。in the Chinese culture / be regarded as worst offence / revolt against authority 3.to trip up绊倒;(使)出错; 暴露: 就像纸里包不住火,你干的坏事终将会暴露。find no way to do sth. / wrap oneself in paper / one’s wrong doing / in time / trip oneself up 4.all the same 尽管如此: 他的一生充满坎坷,但他从未失去追求更好生活的勇气。be full of frustrations / never lose one’s courage to do sth. / seek a better life 5.to come down in the world 落魄,潦倒;失势:落魄时易丧志,腾达后会忘形。be liable to do sth. / get dejected / be apt to do sth. / get swollen-headed 6.to have the urge / a deep need to do sth. 有一种要做······的欲望: 当心情不好时,她总是有一种购物的欲望。in bad mood / go shopping 7.to find one’s way into 到达;进入: 他这样一个小人物,是怎样进入董事会的?a nobody / the board of directors 8.to lose one’s faith in sb./sth. 对······失去信心:作为一个雄心勃勃的年轻人,他从未对自己的未来失去过信心。an ambitious young person 9.to walk into the sunset with sb. 与某人共同走进夕阳之中/与某人白头偕老: 这对老夫妇即将迎来金婚纪念日,他们履行了与对方白头偕老的承诺。expect / golden anniversary / fulfill the promise 10.to find in sb. a …发现某人是一个······: 在一起共事几个月,我们发现他是一个电脑天才。work together / computer genius II Structures 1.Di ckens might have created Charlie Chaplin’s childhood. But only Charlie Chaplin could have created the great comic character of “the Tramp”, the little man in rags who gave his creator permanent fame.狄更斯或许能创作出查理·卓别林的童年故事,但只有查理·卓别林才能塑造出了不起的喜剧角色“流浪汉”,这个使其创作者声名永驻的衣衫褴褛的小人物。 Sb./Sth. else might do / have done ... But only sb./sth. can do / could have done ... 别的人/物或许会做······,但只有某人/物才会做······用于强调“某人/物的特殊性”。 谈到择偶,别人或许会给些建议,但只有你自己才能做出最终决定。 2.But if he’d been able to speak with an educated accent in those early short comedies, it’s doubtful if he would have achieved world fame.但假如他在早期那些短小的喜剧电影中能操一口受教育人的口音,那么他是否会闻名世界就难说了。 If sb. had done sth., it is doubtful if sb. would have done sth. else. 如果某人······,那么他/她是否会······就难说了。用于表述“对过去事实的假设及结果的怀疑”。 假如他当初没有听从劝告,那么他是否会拥有如此高的地位就难说了。 3.He was an immensely talented man, determined to a degree unusual even in the ranks of Hollywood stars.他是一个才能非凡的人,他的决心之大甚至在好莱坞明星中也十分少见。Sb. be …, adj./p.p. to a degree unusual eve n in the ranks/world/family of … 某人是个······人/处于······境界,其······的程度之大甚至在······中也是十分罕见的。用于表述“某人的出众之处”。 她是一个志向远大的女性,其雄心之大甚至在男人中也十分少见。 4.His huge fame gave him the freedom—and, more importantly, the money—to be his own master. 他的巨大名声为他带来了自由,更重要的是带来了财富,他因此得以成为自己的主人。Sth. give / bring sb. sth.—and, more importantly, sth. else—to do/ be …某事为某人带来了······,更重要的是带来了······,他/她因

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