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It's neat!(真棒!<比cool更进一步>)
It's incredible!(好的一塌糊涂!<最高级了>)
It's terrific!(很棒!)
It's awesome!(太好了!<很常用>)
That's really something!(真了不起!)
Kind of.(还好啦。)
This cup of tea really hit the spot!(这杯咖啡正合我意!)
It's not my cup of tea.(不感兴趣。)
It's not my day!(今天点儿真背!)
It's a steal!(太便宜啦!)
It's a rip off!(贵的离谱啊!)
I'm feeling under the weather.(我感觉很失落。)
I came close to being the champion!(我差一点就成冠军了!)
It's so weird!(真怪啊!)
You look like a million dollars!(你看上去帅呆了!)
It's just a bunch of blah-blah-blah.(全是一堆废话。
It's a pain in the neck/ass.(无奈,烦也要做啊。)
You are insane!(你疯啦!)
Good for you!(真替你高兴!)
I'm dying to see you!(我很想见你!)
It's still up in the air.(还不太确定!)
Get out of here!(出去/少来啦!)
Same here.(我也是。)
Over my dead body!(休想!)
It hurts like hell.(疼死啦!)
Get real!(别开玩笑了!)

Every dogs has his day.(风水轮流转。)
I'm off to bed right now.(我要睡觉了。)
Foot the bill.(付账。)
I wanna see you.(我想见你。)
He's out of lunch.(他出去吃午餐了。<一般不用go>)
What are you so chipper about?(你美什么呢?)
I owe you big time.(我欠你个人情。<不加a>)
Here we are!(我们到了!)
They had a big time there.(他们在那儿过的很愉快。)
That rings a bell.(听起来很耳熟。)
I'm gonna ace the text tomorrow!(我明天一定考好!)
It looks like rain.(好像要下雨了。)
It's out of my hands.(我做不了主。)
I'm swamped with work.(工作太多,我忙不过来。)
I slipped my mind.(我忘了。)
I wasn't born yesterday.(我又不是三岁小孩儿。)
It's greek to me.(我完全不懂。)
I'm off the hook now.(终于解放了。)
Let's hit the sack/bed.(睡觉吧。)
You bet!(你说的没错诶!)
There you go.(就这样吧。)
Hands off!(把手拿开!)
Knock on wood.(祈福吧。)
Catch some Zs.(小睡一会儿。)
It grows on me.(慢慢喜欢上了。)
For here or for to go?(带走还是在这儿吃?)

Are you cool with that?(你看这样做行不?)
After you.(你先请。)
Can you pass me the newspaper?(能把那块儿橡皮给我吗?)
Could you give me five minutes?(等五分钟好吗?)
Can you hold, please?(等一下,我去叫他。<电话里常用的>)
You shouldn't have!(不用麻烦啦,谢谢

Sorry, but I can't. Thank you all the same.(真对不起,我不能...但还是要谢谢你!<连词一定是but,或者不用>)
