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8台阶 阅读拓展训练

8台阶 阅读拓展训练
8台阶 阅读拓展训练



























任务型阅读专题 江苏省海安县西片11校联考2020-2021学年度第一学期八年级期中考试英语试卷 十、阅读与回答问题(本题共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) It seems that everybody tells lies —well, not big lies, but what we call “white lies”. Telling “white lies” isn’t really that bad. Most of the time, people do it because they w ant to protect a friendship. A survey (调查) shows that each person lies about seven times a day. The only real questions are about when we lie and who we tell lies to. Here are some reasons why people tell “white lies”. ◆Lying to hide something: People often lie because they want to hide something from someone. For example, Paul doesn’t tell his parents that he is going to play basketball because he doesn’t think they will agree. He tells a lie that he’s going to the library to study. ◆Lying to make someone feel good: Often we don’t tell the truth to make someone feel good. For example, your friend cooks dinner for you, but it doesn’t taste good. Do you say so? No! You probably say, “Mmm, this is delicious!” ◆Giving false (错误) excuses: Sometimes people lie be cause they don’t want to do something. For example, someone invites you to a party. You think it well be boring, so you say you’re busy. ◆Lying to hide bad news: Sometimes we don’t want to tell someone bad news. For example, you have just had a very bad da y at work, but you don’t want to talk about it. So if someone asks you about your day, you just say everything was fine. 106. How many reasons for telling “white lies” are mentioned (被提及) in the passage? ____________________________________________________________________________ 107. Why do people tell “white lies” most of the time? ____________________________________________________________________________ 108.What will you say to make your friend feel good though the dish he makes doesn’t taste good? ____________________________________________________________________________ 109. How often does each person lie according to (根据) a survey? ____________________________________________________________________________ 110. Do you like telling “white lies”? Why or why not? (请自拟一句话作答) ____________________________________________________________________________ 十、阅读与回答问题 106. Four. 107. Because they want to protect a friendship. / To protect a friendship. 108. I will say, “Mmm, this is delicious!” / Mmm, this is delicious! 109. About seven times a day. 110. 与短文话题一致、言之有理即可。 江苏省南通第一中学2020-2021学年第一学期八年级英语期中考试试题 C 最合适的选项与左栏相搭配,并将答案的字母编号填写在题前的括号内。


中考语文复习计划及策略 中考前的几个月,意味着初中阶段的最后一个年头进入一个最紧张、最繁忙的时期,如何做好九年级语文的教学和复习工作?如何使学生在初中阶段的最后几个月学有所 得?今年的中考试卷将怎么出?会不会更难些?这些都是我们老师所关心的问题。根据自己参加过中考命题经验,与老师交流的是试卷的题目是任何老师都无法猜测,如果把 时间和精力用在猜题上,那么几年来的教学付出将会前功尽弃。应该说认真研读《考试 说明》,“吃”透近两年中考试题才是根本。 《考试说明》是中考命题的直接依据,为了不走弯路,提高复习的效率,应引导学 生认真学习其中所列“考试要求”,对“说明”中关于考试的要求、内容、规定的文学 名著阅读的篇目,以及样卷的形式和内容都要十分熟悉,尤其要比较“说明”样卷与往 年试卷的区别之处,这对我们把握复习重点,提高复习效率十分有益。 通过研读《考试说明》,认真分析近几年漳州市的中考语文试题,我们不难发现, 试题具有以下特点: 1.试题注重了学生的知识积累。 2.加大名著的考核力度,且有呈现出纵深式考查的趋势。 3.阅读题大多采集于报刊杂志的最新时文,更重视阅读材料的价值取向和人文关 怀。选文讲求文质兼美。 4.试题命制上,增加主观题的比例,尊重学生阅读过程中的独特体验,尊重学生思 维的多样性。 5.试题的地方色彩浓重。关注家乡的景观、民俗风情及家乡建设。 6试题紧扣时代脉搏,引导学生走出校园去关注社会生活,关注自我。. 7.试题坚持积极推进、稳步实施的原则。与往年相比,保持了相对的稳定性,又适 当变化,逐步推进。 考试说明及试题的特点对我们的教学实践和综合复习起了很重要的导向作用。因此在复习时要遵循的三项原则: 1.吃透考纲——准确把握命题方向; 2.立足课本——熟练掌握知识内核; 3.触类旁通——让学生学会知识的延伸运用。 现在我就我校的中考复习经验并结合本届学生的特点及自己的体会实践,对中考前的语文复习作以下构思: 一、确定备考目标:


期中考试八年级英语试卷 Ⅰ听力部分(20分) (本大题共20分,每小题1分) 第一部分听对话回答问题 本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,你还有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。在听到“嘀”的信号后,进入下一小题。 1.Which sport is the most popular in their school? A. B. C. 2.How will the woman go to Tiansheng Bridge Park? A. B. C. 3. Where did Amy visit last year? . A A. B. C. 4. What will the girl be when she grows up? A. B. C. 5.What does Jack need for the DIY job? A. B. C. 6. What does the woman want the man to do? A. She wants the man to see a film with her. B. She wants the man to visit a museum. C. She wants the man to play basketball. 7. Who has the fewest apples? A. Simon B. Millie C. Daniel

8. How will they make their school more beautiful? A. By planting some young trees inside their school. B. By planting some young trees around their school. C. By doing some cleaning. 9. How much should the woman pay for the tickets? A. 64 yuan, B. 72 yuan. C. 96 yuan. 10. What does Sandy mean? A. She likes doing DIY. B. She knows little about DIY. C. She knows a lot about DIY. 第二部分听对话和短文回答问题 你将听到两段对话和一篇短文,各听两遍。听每对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后你仍有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。 听第11段材料,回答11--12题。 11. Who did Lisa go shopping with? A. Her friend. B. Her sister. C. Her mother. 12. How often does Lisa go shopping? A. Once a week. B. Twice a week. C. Three times a week. 听第12段材料,回答13--15题。 13. How is the man going to the zoo tomorrow? A. By bus. B. By car. C. On foot. 14. When are they going to meet? A. At 9 a.m. B. At 8 a.m. C. At 10 a.m. 15. Where are they going to have lunch? A. In the zoo. B. At Mr. Wu’s home. C. At school. 听第13段材料,回答16—20题。 16. How old is Jenny? A. 14. B. 15. C. 16. 17. What is their favorite color? A. Red. B. Yellow. C. White.


2019-2019学年度山东省滕州市张汪中学周 末拓展提高练习 九年级英语(2019年11月29日) 一、完型填空 Mr. and Mrs. Green's house in America is controlled by a computer. The computer has known the couple's ______ well. Every morning the computer ______ the lights at 6:30 which is their rising time. The water in the shower keeps at a right temperature for the couple to __13____ it. If someone gets up in the night,floor lights will come on automatically(自动地)to show the way to the ______.The air conditioner(空调)keeps the house at a comfortable temperature. The fridge keeps a check on the food that is put inside it,and _____ the local supermarket an e-mail when more food is needed. A camera works when a stranger gets ____ to the house but does not work if it is a family member or friend. The microwave(微波炉)is ______ linked(连接)to the Internet. It can cook the food for the right time. The couple love their home,but they don't like one thing. They sometimes feel that the computer is their ____.“One night,we came home later ______ usual,but the computer had turned on the lights at the regular(固定的)time. We felt like bad kids,and _____ said ‘Sorry!’ to the computer,” said Mrs. Green. 1., A.problems, B.habits, C.plans, D.friends


初中英语拓展阅读(2) A Red is used in many American expressions. It can be used to show happiness, as in the expression “a red-letter day”. This is a day when something special happens. The expressi on is probably based on church customs. For almost 600 years, church calendars have been marked with red to show special holy days. Today’s calendars are still marked that way with the dates of holidays and special days printed in red. The expressio n “a red-letter day” is often heard in everyday life. “A red-letter day” is a day that people are especially happy. It may be a day that you have long waited for, a wedding day, for example. Or it may be a day with a happy surprise. You might tell a friend that yesterday was a red-letter day, because you won some money in the lottery. “Rolling out the red carpet” is another commonly heard expression. It describes an especially warm welcome of any kind. A city may “roll out the red carpet” for its baseball t eam, when the team arrives home after winning a championship. A group of supporters go to the airport to greet the team. The red-carpet welcome includes a lot of cheering by thousands of fans, a parade, music and speeches of praise by local politicians. Red is also used in some expressions that are not happy. “Red-handed” is one. To be caught “red-handed” is to be found in an act of wrong doing. The evidence is clear. You are guilty. Today we use the expression to be caught “red-handed” in situation s that are not serious. For example, a mother might say she caught her son red-handed, taking cookies out of the cookie jar. Choose the best answer for each question. ( )1. The expression “a red-letter day” perhaps first came from _______. A. English customs B. church calendars C. weekdays D. a dictionary ( )2. You can say it’s a red-letter day if _______ on that day. A. you find a good job B. you borrow some money C. you are free D. you write a letter to your friend ( )3. We usually roll out the red carpet when _______. A. a friend of ours drops by our house B. someone is going to leave C. we give someone a warm welcome D. we move into a new house ( )4. You are caught “red-handed” when your teacher _______ in class. A. sees you putting up your hand B. finds you talking C. asks you some questions D. says you are clever ( )5. Which is the best title of this passage? A. Red Is a Useful Color B. How to Use Red C. Red in Some Expressions D. What’s a Red-letter Day Help: expression n. 表达holy adj. 神圣的


任务型阅读专题 河北省曲阳县2019-2020学年八年级上学期期末考试英语试题 VIII.任务型阅读(共5小题,每小题2分,计10分) Goldfish are good pets. They are funny to watch. But they need the right home. They are not happy if they are living in a bowl. A tank(水槽) is bigger. It can hold more water and it has more room for goldfish to swim. So a tank is a good place for goldfish. Here are some ways for keeping goldfish in a tank. Put a tank at home. Do not put it near the window. It could get too warm from the sun. Fill the tank. Put some water in the tank.Wait a few days,check the water and make sure the water is clean. Then put some rocks and plants on the tank bottom for fish to hide behind them. Get your fish.Bring it home in a bag.The bag must be full of water.Let the bag float(漂动)in the tank.Wait half an hour.Then open the bag. Let the fish swim out. Look after goldfish. First put a cover on the tank. It can keep fish s_____. With a cover nothing can fall into the tank and fish cannot jump out. Do not feed your fish too much! A fish should eat most of its food right away. Clean the tank each week. To keep the water clean, you must take out old water and add new water. Your fish will be happy to live in a tank. 66 题完成句子;67 题根据上下文和首字母提示写出一个恰当的单词;68 题简略回答问题; 69 题找出并写下全文的主题句;70 题将文中划线句子译成汉语。 66. Put some rocks and plants in the tank for goldfish to ______ behind them. 67. s_________________. 68. Why can’t we put a tank near the window? 69. 70. Ⅸ.66 .hide 67.safe 68.It could get too warm from the sun. 69. Here are some ways for keeping goldfish in a tank.


九年级英语课外辅导计 划 集团标准化小组:[VVOPPT-JOPP28-JPPTL98-LOPPNN]

九年级英语课外辅导计划 唐维 一、学生情况分析 我们班英语底子薄,怕犯错,不敢开口,“哑巴英语”的现象比较严重。八年级是初中学习过程中的关键时期,学生基础的好坏,直接影响到将来是否能升学。学生们学习态度不够端正,缺乏明确的学习目标,要在本学期获得理想成绩,老师和学生都要付出努力,查漏补缺,充分发挥学生是学习的主体,教师是教的主体作用,注重方法,培养能力。 二、教材分析 九年级下册全书共有12个单元,并含有两个复习单元,即:Review of units 1—5,Review of units 6—10,同时还附有Additional Material,但无Culture,单词和词组的归纳同九年级上册书,全册书必掌握的单词有398个,词组87个,人名50个,并且课本后附有每个单元的听力材料。具体每个单元所含单词及词组情况:1、there be的一般将来时 2、掌握should的用法。3、直接引语,间接引语。4、过去进行时。5、现在完进行时。6、学习if 引导的条件状语从句及宾语从句。7、现在完成进行时。8、宾语从句。9、学习句型:Would you mind doing sth 10、学习have/has been to 11、学习反意疑问句。 三.九年级英语辅导内容和目标 (1)学会对未来进行预测,并表达各自的观点 (2)学会谈论在学校和家庭中遇到的种种麻烦和问题,为他人找到合理的解决办法,提出相应的建议 (3)学习讲故事 (4)学会转述他人话语及写成绩报告单,并能将自己的成绩报告给他人(5)学会谈论因果关系,做出决定是否做谋事 (6)学会谈论人们做谋事持续多长时间 (7)学会提出请求和表示歉意 (8)学会对比物品质量 (9)学会谈论过去的经历 四、辅导教学的具体措施 1、采用合作学习,通过合作学习的活动,照顾学习英语有困难的学生,促使学生互相学习。 2、在教学中关注学生的情感,努力营造宽松、民主、和谐的教学氛围,尊重每个学生,积极鼓励他们大胆尝试保护他们的自尊尽和积极性。 3、在教学过程中,注意设置情境,倡导其活动参与,并引进小组竞争机制,更好地激发学生的学习兴趣。 4、背诵和多种练习结合


Unit2 阅读能力提升单 【Learning aims】 After this lesson I will: 1) improve my reading skills. 2) know school life in other countries. 3) be able to make a survey and write a report. 4) work harder and value time. 【Reading】 You may feel curious about students in other countries: Do they also have so much homework? What do they do in their spare time? On April 8, a report came out on the lives of high school students in China, Japan, South Korea and the US. It surveyed(调查)around 6,200 students from the four countries last year. You will find the answers to many of your questions in this report. Who studies hardest(最努力)? Chinese students spend the most time studying. Nearly(将近) half of Chinese students spend more than twohours on their homework every day. That's much more than students of the US (26.4%), Japan (8.2%) and South Korea (5.2%). Who sleeps most often in class? Japanese students fall asleep in class most often. About 45% of them said they sometimes doze off(打瞌睡)in class. In South Korea, it's 32%; in the US, 21%; and 5% in China.South Korean students don't like taking notes. About 70% said they write down what the teacher says in class, many fewer than in Japan (93%), China (90%) and the US (89%). Who is the most distracted (分心的)? American students are the most active in class, but also the most distracted: 64.2% said they chat with friends in class; 46.9% said they eat snacks in class; and 38.9% said they send e-mails or read unrelated (无关的) books in class. What do they do after school? In their free time, most Chinese students study or surf the Internet. Most American students hang out with their friends. Most Japanese students do physical exercises. Most Korean students watch TV. Task 1 Scan the article and fill in the blanks in the following chart.


八年级英语分级阅读拓展课教案一 一、教材分析 (1)教学内容:本课是一堂英语阅读课a letter,文章通过书信的形式介绍了有关Britain的知识,从著名城市、自然风景、气候条件、它的历史和饮食文化等方面,介绍了英国这个国家。通过本节课的阅读教学,使学生从阅读中获取相关的关于英国的信息,让学生学会对信息的处理和加工,提高学生的综合语言运用能力。 (2)教学目标: ①知识目标:了解英国的风土人情和著名城市的特色,增加了词汇量。 ②能力目标:培养学生听、说、读和写的能力,尤其是阅读方面的技巧。通过运用多媒体,培养学生的英语口头表达能力,分析问题和解决问题的能力。锻炼学生用英语自己组织复述课文。 ③情感目标:了解西方的文化,加深对英语的理解和使用,加深对本国文化的理解与认识,培养世界认识,有利于形成跨文化交际能力。 (3)教学重点和难点; 掌握重要的单词和短语,充分利于关键词复述课文。训练学生的Fast reading、careful reading等阅读技能。 (4)教学方法:问答式、任务型阅读 三、教学手段:多媒体、图片 四、教学过程 Step 1: 读前和热身(Pre---reading and warm up) By asking students the following questions, the teacher can raise students′ interest in this topics. (1) What is Britain famous for? (2) When we talk about Britain, what do you think of? (3) Have you ever heard anything interesting about Britain? 「设计说明」 为了激起学生阅读的兴趣,用幻灯片演示出Britain的景色,给出三个问题,让他们来回答。既引出了话题,也可练习学生的英语口语和用英语发言的勇气于胆量。 Step 2:导入(Leading in) Present a map of Britain to students by Power Point.


初二阅读、完型练习(整套10 篇) (1) Korean culture is really exciting right now. The Korean Wave is sweeping Asian countries including China. Young people are going crazy about Korean TV dramas, Korean pop songs, taekwondo and the Korean language. The Korean Wave started a few years ago with the TV series “Winter Sonata”. This love story is still popular. People, especially girls, like the beautiful story and handsome actors like Bae Yong Jun (裴勇俊). In the music world, Korean girls are making themselves heard in China. You can often find big Korean names like Baby Vox, S. E. S and Finkle at the top of the Chinese music charts (排行榜). The Korean Wave has also made young people want to try the clothes and hairstyles of pop stars, too. Not only that. Now some girls in China are having plastic surgery (整容) to change the way they look. People say some beautiful Korean stars have had plastic surgery. These stars don’t make plastic surgery look shameful (丢面子的). Are all the faces of beautiful Korean girls not real? Find out for yourself when you next visit South Korea. 根据短文,选择最佳答案: 1.What does the Korea Wave refer to? It refers to . A.Korean TV dramas B. Korean culture C. Korean language D. Korean actors 2.When did the Korean Wave start? It started with . A.the Korean pop songs B. Taekwondo C. the TV series “Winter Sonata” D. the Korean food 3.Who is the famous actor in Korean dramas? A.Bae Yong Jun B. Baby Vox C. S. E. S D. Finkle 4.Korean stars often change their looks by . A.singing pop songs B. acting in TV dramas C. trying different food D. having plastic surgery 5.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A.Winter Sonata tells a very famous love story. B.Young people like Korean pop stars’ clothes and hairstyles. C.Chinese girls also want to try plastic surgery. D.Korean pop stars think plastic surgery is shameful. (2) 完形填空: Big Ben? It’s not the name of a person. It’s a famous 1 in London. It is part of a very big clock at the top of a tower ( 塔). The minute hands of the clock 2 more than four metres long. The clock has four 3 . You can see what 4 it is from any side. The name of the bell comes 5 Sir Benjamin Hall. The tower is about 150 years old. The bell makes a loud 6 every hour. On New Year’s Eve, millions of people listen to it on TV! 1. A. person B. bell C. place D. animal 2. A. are B. is C. have D. has 3. A. feet B. hands C. noses D. faces 4. A. time B. food C. weather D. place 5. A. for B. from C. at D. to 6. A. sound B. voice C. noise D. hearing


1.创设情 境,激发学生探究欲望(Lead- in)2.布置 任务,激励学生学会联系实际去运用被动语态 我先通过实际生 活和学生问答,引出 本课的结构、功能。 我在他们的训练 中反复强调主语在被 动句中的位置,引导 他们自己纠正错误, 认识到主动句中的主 语和谓语动词的关 系。 几轮对话之后,教师在黑板上 写出两句被动语态的句子,让学生 自由讨论他们在家可以做的事情, 然后列出清单。 针对校规的一些内容,用 “Teenagers should be allowed to do...because...”or“Teenagers should not be allowed to do...because...”句型 来阐述自己的观点。 通过小 组合作,让 学生发现问 题,纠正问 题 被动语 态落实到生 活中,更容 易接受,学 好。 让学生在 3.操练 4.拓展 5.辩论 组织 pairwork 针对实际情况进 行比较,开展讨论。 在课堂的结尾, 我设计一个辩论赛, 辩题是:“Students should be allowed to bring mobile phones to school.” 学生通过家里的实际情况互相 沟通 学生在讨论中反复运用被动语 态的句型,然后结合实际不断产 出新的很多学生在小组中就校规 的几点规定展开讨论,比如说 “Students should be allowed to wear their own clothes at school.” 有很多同学就不赞成,他们认为 “Students shouldn't be allowed to wear their own clothes.They should wear uniforms at school.”句子。 学生分成两大组,每大组再分几 个小组。先小组讨论,然后将大 家的观点综合起来,由大组中的 小组分别发言,然后就对方的观 点进行反驳。 训练中熟练掌 握基本的被动 语态和带有情 态动词的被动 语态。 学生在争论 时结合以前的一 些知识来解释原 因,各抒己见使被 动语态的句型得 到充分的练习,并 且能对现实提出 自己的见解。 通过辩论拓展 学生的思维,培 养学生的语言 运用能力。使学 生能创造性地 使用语言,让学 生在说中学,灵 活运用所掌握 的句型拓展内 容


阅读文章 Dear Ma Jun, How are you in Beijing? You asked me how I improved my English a lot. Well, in fact three years ago, 我不擅长英语。Every English lesson was like a bad dream (梦想) for me. I didn't understand what my English teacher said in English. So I couldn't answer her questions. And I was afraid to ask my teacher questions because I was afraid she would laugh at my poor English. One day I watched an English movie called Kung Fu Panda2. I didn't understand the people's words in the movie. ________ their body language helped me to get the meaning and understand the movie. Because of this English movie, I started to watch other English movies. After that I was interested in English. I spent more time reading English. Then my English was improved a lot. Now I love English. My__advice__about_ _learning__English__is__that__before__learning__English,__try__to__make__ yourself__interested__in__it. When you love it, it's easy for you to learn it. Yours, Tian Xiaofei 试着做一做 根据短文内容,完成下列任务。 1.将第一段中画线的句子翻译成英语。 ____________________________________________________

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